Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Sunday, July 17, 2016
A Wonderful Self-Defense Handgun!
This SIG P245 has been around at least 20 years. Releasable, accurate and simple to operate!
Friday, July 08, 2016
We are Witnessing the Evolution of Citizen Video Journalism
Dallas, TX--Watching television news coverage of the BLACK LIVES MATTER inspired slaughter of cops gives us clear insight into the evolution of news delivery to the masses.
Participants, observers and the curious are recording breaking news with their smartphones. Missing are the video creator's coherent voiceovers or explanations of the motivations or reasonings behind the recorded events.
News is becoming nothing more that the aggregation of videos shot by amateurs with their smartphones. Now if only they could learn to hold their phones horizontally and steady! They also must get as close to the action as possible. What's next in the learning curve for the citizen photojournalist is editing software, post production voiceovers and those audio issues.
The electronic news gathering capabilities of today's smart phones is nothing less than astonishing. For the most part the unblinking eye of a cell phone camera is more trustworthy than this spin put on the news by "professional" journalists.
When you add in the use of a camera drone anybody can do news as competently as any news organization in the world. Of course there is the necessity of literacy, storytelling capability and absolute objectivity.
We are at the dawn of citizen journalism as the era of A few really wealthy media companies controlling the entire message they spoon-feed to the public is ending. News is being rapidly democratized as everyone can now manufacture their own political propaganda just as well as CNN.
Those who are serious about video journalism (or VJ) should take an online course offered by The compensation for VJ work is finally becoming standardized and reliable. Those people with the most compelling video will be rewarded. Now's the time to learn how to do it right. Yes, you too can become video literate!
Friday, July 01, 2016
Friday, June 24, 2016
The European Union is a Victim of its Own Success!
London, UK—The European Union seemed like a good idea however It became too big for its britches and was ruling Europe with an iron fist. The EU became absolutely tyrannical.
This Socialist ruled EU monster was destroying Europe with its recent mandate to allow millions of Islamic, so-called refugees to invade member nations. Refugees or invaders became the question and its impact was and is purely negative.
The new “guests” absolutely abhor Western culture, food and the way of life of Europeans. They come with zero job skills, ability to speak, read or write the languages of the Euro Nations. The result has been violent crime, terrorism, social conflict and a huge financial burden on the taxpayers.
The purpose of inviting the Islamic guests was to pollute the vote and guarantee Socialist control of the Euro nations for generations to come. Socialism only endures with a majority of totally dependent people, void of all self-reliance.
Now the UK voters have spoken and have broken the yoke of EU slavery! Now other EU member nations are looking to get out too!
The obvious parallel for America is reigning in our out-of-control over-bloated Federal Government extorting taxes, dictating to and over-regulating every aspect of our lives. The EU member nations have lost control and their sovereignty like we have ours!
Americans need to re-evaluate the control of the Socialist controlled Federal Government’s iron grip on our lives and our states. We need not submit like sheep to build and strengthen a Socialist nation our founders would have soundly rejected.
The American Congress is not controlled by Republicans or Democrats despite the labels they wear. They, for the most part are corrupt Communists and Socialists disloyal to America and especially its Constitution.
As for the UK, I congratulate them as they move forward governing themselves. Self-reliance, independence and self government has returned to the UK. Margaret Thatcher would be proud!
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Monday, June 20, 2016
Martial Law, you, Cops and the Military.
Washington, DC—Only Farmers, the well armed and the prepared have a chance should things get out-of-hand.
This divided nation has huge challenges ahead. The political Left wants total domination over this nation and will stop at nothing to achieve a totalitarian Marxist state.
The summer promises to have intense racial conflicts not to mention the hostile pre-election political climate.
Should Barack Obama declare Martial Law our cops and military will initially balk. The real muscle will surface when food shipments to major urban areas is interrupted.
The moment they cut cell phones, power and water to our homes citizens will begin to gladly board buses to be delivered to FEMA camps. They will direct us at least until the power to our cellphones fails.
As for the cops and military we need only look at history. The despotic leaders like Hitler and Stalin simply allow these public servants to keep confiscated property including homes and businesses. Total corruption will rule. Yes, much of our military and cops will fall to do the devil’s work.
There is only one way for Americans to end such a conflict. The homes and families of every Leftist politician must be quickly located and attacked. They are the only ones that could possibly want a truce. War is an ugly business.
The horror of such a historical event is just a matter of when not if. History is the teacher. What plans do you have to protect yourself and families? Will you trust your government should Martial Law be declared?
Every bad government always promises good things to the people they seek to control. There will be good food and water for all if you cooperate. They will promise to return citizens to their homes. People will always believe what their told as denial because their new way of life.
The second Amendment along with quick and decisive resistance is our only chance to thwart this kind of thing. The sad truth is that most Americans would march to the ovens rather than to resist. That’s why Holocausts happen throughout history.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Posters Cause Liberals to Panic In West Hollywood
West Hollywood, CA--This Morning inhabits of this predominately Gay city woke up this morning seeing these Shoot Back posters everywhere. The send a strong and solid message of resistance to the horror show we now call, The Pulse Nightclub Massacre.
Reaction of panicked local politicians was quick as they ordered city workers to immediately remove them. The politicians told the media that the posters were way out of character for their residents and sent the “wrong” message. Wow! I must ask if they are they really that candyassed?
I know a lot of Gays, and yes they tend to be Liberal, but on the issue of self-defense they are divided. There is a large pro-gunfights organization, The Pink Pistols that supports, protects and defends the simple words of the Second Amendment. They have not lost their sense of self-preservation.
What I’m horrified about is these same gunrights hating Gays demand that first responders place their lives on the line protecting them from harm! I ask, why bother when these fools are so unwilling to protect themselves or each other!
How brainwashed are these people that they have lost all instinct for simple survival. Gays have been the target of countless hate crimes and murders. They are vulnerable and deserve protection but everyone has a responsibility to resist criminals, bullies and terrorists!
My Gay friends are just that, my friends. I want then safe and free from harm. That has to begin with their own sense of survival and desire to live.
The police don’t have the manpower to begin to protect Americans from attacks by terrorists. They will respond in time to clean up the mess. I implore my Gay friends to get firearms and the necessary training because their lives may depend upon that.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Another Terrorist Attack, But Will We ever Learn?
Orlando, FL--In light of another mass casualty shooting this time in a crowded Gay Bar we have little choice but to plan ahead for more of the same.
Our ignorant politicians nearly always respond to this kind of threat with every type of failed gun prohibition, TSA style checkpoints and of course those Gun Free Zones.
We've learned on thing we can’t deny. Nearly everyone of the active shooter events are stopped either by gunfire by a good guy or suicide of the gunmen. The are only stopped by the type of force they inflict on others.
As for the TSA style checkpoints at venues, they are a total farce. Putting unarmed, untrained, un-vetted marginal people in pseudo police uniforms to stop terrorism is laughable. Additionally this type of faux security makes a mockery of our Fourth Amendment rights to be free of unreasonable searches.
Any determined armed terrorist/criminal need only display their weapons to totally defeat these search gauntlets. The crowds of people waiting patiently to have their privacy violated are certainly ripe targets for mayhem.
Shopping malls, sports arenas, theaters, schools or any venue must have a workable and realistic plan. The failed Monkey See Monkey Do response is simply no option.
The Right Approach
Our cops can’t do this alone. They're not enough of them, nor can we afford sufficient numbers of them to make a difference.
We have already in place a huge force of vetted Concealed weapon License holders. They are our veterans, ex-cops, well-trained and trustworthy civilians.
We need to open our arms to these folks inviting them to bring their weapons and courage to our venues. Somehow we've not learned that gun prohibitions only impact the law abiding folks and never the criminals.
The right to keep and bear arms is here and is not going away any time soon. Frankly the idea of that right was to allow for better public safety.
No matter where we stand on guns and gun rights we all claim the same desire to end murder and mayhem. We have failed with the old ideas and new it’s time to try something that works.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Concealed Weapons and Yesterday’s Ninth Circuit Court’s Intellectually Bankrupt Decision
San Francisco, CA—The Ninth Circuit Court’s three judge panel originally ruled that California’s Concealed weapon law was void in light of both the recent Heller and McDonald cases in the US Supreme Court.
California counties and cities issue carry permits except that the jurisdictions controlled by Democrats simply deny them except for a select few politically connected favorites.
Yesterday the full court, at the urging of State Attorney General Kamala Harris revisited the case, en bank. The full court reversed and allowed for the continued blanket denial of permits.
The case Peruta v. County of San Diego is now been positioned in direct conflict with the Supreme Court and other Circuit court opinions to the contrary. Here the Ninth Circuit Court simply repealed the right to bear arms through an outrageously biased and defective judicial action.
The next fight will be in the US Supreme Court and we must now guess who will be confirmed to fill the absence of the late Conservative Judge Scalia.
However hope is not lost depending on the November elections. Donald Trump has vowed to make sure every law abiding American has a right to a concealed weapon for self-protection through national legislation. With Obama and his minions this was all but impossible.
Out Constitution and gun rights cannot be left in the hands of Democrats, Socialists or Communists. We need to remove all of them and those Republican pretenders from every political office in the land.
Monday, June 06, 2016
Thursday, June 02, 2016
UCLA Shooting and an Incredibly Shameful Police Response.
Westwood, Los Angeles, CA—A deadly dispute between two engineering Ph.D eggheads at the UCLA campus yesterday was turned into an unnecessary and obscene military commando exercise by authorities.
UCLA Police officers immediately responded to a shooting scene and found two dead males. They appeared to have suffered fatal gunshot wounds from a low powered handgun and a recently fired 9MM pistol lay nearby. Additionally there was a suicide note that made this somewhat clear to be an isolated Murder/Suicide event. What followed was nothing less than what we’d expect from an out-of-control fascist government.
The authorities turned this into a massive training exercise that disrupted and disturbed the entire region. SWAT teams were summoned from every department surrounding the area. FBI, Homeland Security and the BATFE joined in the raiding party.
A chance to test their inter-agency radio communications crossing every jurisdictional line under a single command structure was fully exploited.
UCLA’s Bruin Alert system told the students to shelter in place setting off panic. The students attempted bizarre efforts to lock classroom doors that had no locks.
I saw perhaps 40 police vehicles speeding with emergency lights and sirens headed for UCLA from the San Fernando Valley along the crowed 405 Freeway. It’s easy to assume that the every major street leading to Westwood saw similar activity.
Students were removed from buildings at gunpoint, forced to raise their hands, submit to unnecessary humiliation as the were frisked like criminals in front of news cameras. Then the hapless students were then forced to kneel on the ground. This while the police were assigned to search for “Active Shooters” throughout the campus. Needless to say none were found.
Hours later police officials declared the exercise over saying it was indeed an isolated Murder/Suicide. Then the media wasted no time heaping on the praise of how wonderfully the police responded protecting the students and faculty at the University.
Adding insult to injury politicians began demanding more gun control. California’s gun laws are the most restrictive anywhere and UCLA is a GUN FREE ZONE! They somehow want to believe that gun laws are obeyed by criminals. Gun laws only impact the law-abiding obstructing their ability to defend themselves. Liberals always embrace full government dependence, rejecting any form of self-reliance.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Friday, May 06, 2016
I'm Warming Up To Donald Trump!
Washington, DC--Donald Trump has given us some strong lip service to his support of traditional Conservative causes. Immigration Enforcement, Gun Rights, are two of the biggest issues where the GOP has faltered. Wether the traditionally Liberal Trump has really turned around still remains to be seen. The words coming from his mouth are the ones I want to hear.
I'm an Army veteran. I was drafted and trained to kill Communists. Today Communists are running our government. The sad truth is that the Communists have taken over our government decades ago and our Constitution is on the ropes.
With Trump's amazing success in the Primary elections the leadership faction of the GOP is in a major panic. The GOP leadership has been nearly 100% RINO pretenders. Since Ronald Reagan left office they have put up increasingly Liberal losers that have long ago abandoned Conservative voters like me. I have not voted in a Presidential election since Reagan! I refuse to vote for the Left leaning pretenders offered by the party. I feel that the lesser of two evils is still evil!
Now I'm watching the GOP whiners fighting for their political control and lives. They don't give a rat's ass about what the voters want. This is really about controlling massive power by an institutionally corrupt GOP Mafia. The Lindsey Grahams, John McCains, Mit Romneys or anyone with the last name of Bush should consider retirement or even suicide.
I have serious suspicion about Trump keeping his political promises. However, we know only too well what the GOP leadership is all about.
When the political Left and GOP RINOs have become so united in their quest to destroy Trump I'm convinced he is the last hope for America's Conservative voters.
I'm taking a chance to support Trump for President. If Trump will just accomplish half of what he says he wants for our nation we will be safe, prosperous and self-reliance will return to the population. If not, all but government officials and contractors will be slaves to the false promise of Socialism.
I'm an Army veteran. I was drafted and trained to kill Communists. Today Communists are running our government. The sad truth is that the Communists have taken over our government decades ago and our Constitution is on the ropes.
With Trump's amazing success in the Primary elections the leadership faction of the GOP is in a major panic. The GOP leadership has been nearly 100% RINO pretenders. Since Ronald Reagan left office they have put up increasingly Liberal losers that have long ago abandoned Conservative voters like me. I have not voted in a Presidential election since Reagan! I refuse to vote for the Left leaning pretenders offered by the party. I feel that the lesser of two evils is still evil!
Now I'm watching the GOP whiners fighting for their political control and lives. They don't give a rat's ass about what the voters want. This is really about controlling massive power by an institutionally corrupt GOP Mafia. The Lindsey Grahams, John McCains, Mit Romneys or anyone with the last name of Bush should consider retirement or even suicide.
I have serious suspicion about Trump keeping his political promises. However, we know only too well what the GOP leadership is all about.
When the political Left and GOP RINOs have become so united in their quest to destroy Trump I'm convinced he is the last hope for America's Conservative voters.
I'm taking a chance to support Trump for President. If Trump will just accomplish half of what he says he wants for our nation we will be safe, prosperous and self-reliance will return to the population. If not, all but government officials and contractors will be slaves to the false promise of Socialism.
Friday, April 22, 2016
It's time to end the fraudulent and dangerous $39.95 background investigation scam by data brokers.
Los Angeles, CA--We can begin with the popular ride sharing outfit, Uber that relied on the data brokers assurances they were somehow getting comprehensive nationwide criminal histories of their driver applicants.
What Uber got for their money were numerous criminals convicted of disgusting, despicable and violent crimes. Uber officials expressed surprise as they are now forced to shell out millions to victims and government agencies for their deadly failures.
Data brokers are not licensed to do investigations. They are not capable of doing them. They are merely providing data they've collected. That data is key punched by minimum wage earners and in some cases foreign workers. Additionally numerous data contributors are actually people serving time in American prisons! There are just too many holes in the data provided. Massive mistakes of omissions and incorrect information is the rule, not an exception.
Let's begin with reality. The FBI can't by law share their information for public consumption even to licensed private investigators. The information comes from various courts that are willing to contribute their data. A huge number of courts simply refuse to cooperate with the data brokers because they want to sell their data directly and cut out the data brokers.
A not so small obstacle is name variation and misidentification. Our names can change just like our underwear. People are booked for crimes by police simply under the names they provide. Identification is based on a unique fingerprint classification generated number! That number never changes rather than ever changing criminal's names is the identification.
We private investigators examine the data broker information because it's available but dare not use it as an end report! This is only an investigative tool used to sort out the real story.
A diligent background investigation requires at a minimum checking each jurisdictional court anywhere near where the target/applicant ever lived. That includes city, county, Justice of the peace and local Federal courts! Additionally we search newspaper Archives all with a sharp eye out for alias names and misspellings.
You need to just imagine how difficult doing a records search on a common name like Robert Smith or Bill Jones! Tell me please, how the data brokers can begin to sort this all out?
For nearly two decades the data brokers have engaged in widespread fraud making millions of dollars doing little or nothing. The should be prosecuted and the public needs to be informed.
Banks, landlords and employers have been victimized just as Uber but the regulators like the FTC and police have been asleep at the wheel!
In addition to a professional investigator's skill all licensed private investigators have what the data brokers don't. That is lawful access to the state motor vehicle records. It's a much better tool needed to sort out identification issues! We even have access to the photo database.
A meaningful investigation will easily cost a full day's time of an investigator. The average cost is about $550.00 and that's a far cry from the $39.95 taken by the Internet data brokers!
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Why I’m convinced Oswald Acted Alone When He Assassinated JFK.
Oswald's crappy 6.5 Italian Carcano rifle |
Dallas, TX—Lee Harvey Oswald was a
former Marine. He was trained on the
eight round semi-automatic M-1 Garand rifle.
In 1963 he military was dumping those fine rifles on the surplus market
when they switched to the 20 round M-14 rifle.
Klien’s Sporting Goods in Chicago was selling both
the far superior M-1 Garand and the crappy 6.5 Carcano rifle that Oswald bought
and used on Kennedy. Of course Kline’s
sold many other rifles by mail order back then.
Oswald selected the really cheap Carcano rifle. He also bought a cheap 4X scope.
Had there been any kind of
conspiracy Oswald would have purchased a far superior rifle like the M-1 Garand
he was trained to use. Certainly had
others been involved a better rifle would have been chosen.
The distance between Kennedy
and the sixth floor window was just 81 meters.
Kennedy’s limo was traveling in a straight line away from Oswald’s
position at less than 12 miles per hour.
This was what most
experienced shooters would call a “cheap shot”.
No particular skill was needed to hit Kennedy even using the bolt-action
rifle. However the use of a
semi-automatic rifle would maximize the success of that mad act.
Conspiracy theories would
exist no matter who killed Kennedy.
Conspiracies sell books and films. We know that the Kennedy
assassination theories sold massive amounts of books, movie tickets and supermarket
heckout line tabloids. .
The truth is that Oswald’s
rifle with shipping cost him less than $22.00.
The really great M-1 Garand cost less that $100.00 at the time.
Every time I hear the words, Kennedy and Conspiracy, I cringe. It’s all
baseless, even though there were plenty of people that really wanted Kennedy
out of the Whitehouse.
We all know Oswald, an avowed Communist that wanted to
become important to Fidel Castro.
Kennedy tried to overthrow and kill the Cuban dictator. Oswald had dreams of being a hero in the new
Communist Utopia in Cuba.
One man murdered both Kennedy
and Dallas cop J.D. Tippett. That man
was Lee Harvey Oswald.
As for Jack Ruby he was just
another narcissist jackass who thought he’d be hailed as a hero for killing the
most hated man in America.
I hope I’ve helped those
people that still ask themselves nagging questions about that 22nd day in
November 1963.
As for me, I was in the ROTC Class
at Chicago’s Senn High School when we got word the Kennedy was shot. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
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