Malibu, CA—The tale of this
Olympic hero, Reality TV star and suddenly iconic transgender personality Caitlyn
Jenner is sensational to say the least.
Transgender or transsexual
men were and are a curiosity that is most often the butt of jokes and
ridicule. However we barely notice the millions
of women that are obviously unhappy with their gender assignments.
The sight of women dressed in
sweatshirts, jeans and sneakers sporting short hair without any makeup is very
common. Women that are unhappy with
their gender don’t seem to suffer any stigma whatsoever when they dress like men. They are usually accepted for their talents,
social skills and contributions to society.
Lesbians seem to be considered acceptable in society while homosexual or transgendered
men are usually stigmatized.
Gender confused men that are
cross dressers or transsexuals never escape notice unless they can somehow pass
unquestionably as women. Most often they
are unemployable, finding themselves victims of violence or the subject of significant
societal oppression.
When you think about this
gender confusion is downright sad.
Jenner recently said that along with some fabulous physical gifts from
God came this huge transgender challenge.
Was this a challenge or perhaps
a curse? It’s clearly a curse but Jenner
has ridden this mess with the strength and endurance of a true Olympic champion.
Jenner clearly has some really
skilled physicians that gave her at least an outward feminine appearance
that almost any 65-year-old woman would envy.
In a perfect world every
human would be satisfied with the sex assignment of our birth. If anyone hasn’t noticed we are not in a
perfect world.
When you think about men
hating their natural sex assignment really have a tough time. To feel normal they must dress and look the
part of women. Their sexual preference
is often not tied to their desire to be women.
They unquestionably must have uniquely difficult challenges and
incredibly problematic lives.
There are those religious
people that insist that Gays and transgender people are sinners. I’m personally of the opinion that our God
does not give a rat’s ass about such things but rather how we treat those
around us.
If there is a God that we
will meet on Judgment Day, I’d to think that our kindness and honesty or lack
thereof would determine what’s next for us.
Today however, it’s all about
Caitlyn Jenner who has come out in a carefully orchestrated publicist’s
dream. She’s now a worldwide curiosity
cashing in on a sensational and entertaining spectacle.
Jenner was obviously prepared
by a cadre of beauticians and put before the camera of the gifted celebrity
photographer, Annie Leibovitz for Vanity Fair magazine.
Now Jenner will be invited to
walk every red carpet anywhere dressed by the most influential women’s designers. The already rich Caitlyn Jenner will now become
definitely and defiantly richer.