Washington, DC—What’s past is
prologue. We humans never learn from
history as we allow politicians to control, plunder, pillage and eventually
murder us.
No Holocaust can ever take
place without massive ignorance ambivalence and apathy by the governed. We are at that point once again.
The most important tool for
dictators is absolute power. That’s
usually willingly handed over to despotic politicians that can convince their
population that liberty must be somehow balanced and compromised with security.
We once had a Bill of Rights
but we surrendered it piecemeal to our politicians. They somehow convinced us into believing that
they needed enhanced police power to insure our safety.
They swayed far too many of
us into believing that our thoughts of self-reliance was really just a fantasy.
Like every despotic
government many our own politicians persuaded a significant portion of the
population into becoming totally dependent on government for their every
Soon it’s alway a simple situation
of, cooperate with government or stave
and die.
For us a huge milestone was
reached on September 11, 2001 with the Islamist attack on the World Trade
Center in New York.
Our politicians claimed they
needed more police power to insure our safety.
We quickly surrendered a massive amount of liberty by accepting TSA
tyranny and groping at every airport and train station.
Adding insult to injury we
embraced the Patriot Act and allowed our politicians to steal and squander hundreds
of billions of tax dollars to fund their scam.
They never bothered to go
through the political process to repeal our Bill of Rights. Instead we simply turned a blind eye as they
worked around and trampled on our hard won freedom.
Yes, this happened under
George W. Bush and arguably well before his regrettable reign.
Americans led by the Leftist
media were disenchanted with Bush and the Patriot Act and were led to a new, relatively
unknown Messiah, Barack Obama.
Obama was and is unashamedly
a product of a Communist inspired upbringing and Chicago’s infamous political
To most voters anything
seemed better than Bush. Many
traditional Liberals seemed only too willing to convince each other that Obama
would actually undo the Patriot Act and concentrate on Social Justice. Perhaps he’d even end our death penalty.
What Obama actually delivered
was every bit of Bush’s policy, but on steroids! That and the most mind-boggling deficit and
tax increases ever in American History.
The massive Socialist, Obamacare
train wreck is not part of this, so I’m not even going there.
Some strange happenings were
going on in May of 2013 inside a Hong Kong hotel room. A journalist, Glenn Greenwald along with a small
group of German documentary filmmakers were meeting with somebody revealing the
most massive privacy invasion in the history of the world.
A young, bright government
contractor placed his duty to the American people over government thugs. Edward Snowden revealed that a group of government
criminals orchestrated the largest violation of Civil Rights in American
history. It was none other than Barack
Obama leading this massive betrayal of trust.
Lets examine some reality
here. The Patriot Act, TSA assault on
liberty or the illegal NSA spying never exposed or prevented a single known
terrorist act. Some of or politicians
will claim otherwise but can never cite an example.
Instead a select group of
politicians and bureaucrats had unlimited access to every phone call, text
message, email, financial transaction and trade secret of yours or mine.
These are no less than the
tools most needed by extortionists, insider traders and of course dictators.
Suddenly Obama and his
henchmen gained massive power over uncooperative members of the media, Congress
and the nation’s judges including the Supreme Court.
It’s been long accepted that,
he who controls the information controls the world. He is Obama and the power he seized is far
greater than even Adolf Hitler had over Germany.
If you don’t think Obama has
absolute power, simply ask yourself why Snowden is a wanted fugitive instead of
our despotic President and those co-conspiring criminals that stole our
I was amazed last night to see Hollywood
honor those brave German filmmakers that brought us the most important
documentary of our time, Citizenfour with an Oscar. Could the tide be changing now?
It remains to be seen what
happens. I know some within the media
are beginning to wakeup primarily because Obama running the most secret
government in American history.
It’s really long overdue for
our population to rise up, surround the Whitehouse and purge this criminal
junta from existence.
We are at a very dangerous
crossroad in our history. Will we fight
once again for our liberty or will ours be the next government seen yet again imprisoning
and murdering its own population?
As for Edward Snowden, he’s
an incredibly brave American patriot and must be treated as one. We must honor and protect this exceptional lad.