Wednesday, December 04, 2013

More Guns Than Ever In The US as the Murder Rate Rapidly Declines!

Chicago, IL—Officials here are saying that the murder rate has suddenly declined to 1965 levels.  The same is happening all across the nation. However having anti-gun or self-defense zealot Barack Obama in the Whitehouse has brought on a huge surge of never before seen levels of civilian gun buying. 
Wow! Those that think that more guns in the hands of civilians would create massive bloodbaths or worse with the considerably relaxed laws on possessing or carrying them have been proven wrong.    
Chicago went from a total gun ban to “shall issue” carry permits for the law-abiding.  The program has not yet been implemented but prosecutors cannot enforce the bans on gun carrying by the large population of people possessing state firearm ID cards.
The George Zimmerman shooting and trial was the greatest PR event against crime ever by sending a highly publicized message to thugs everywhere.  That message is that doing the things that thugs do is now suddenly very hazardous.  Thankfully most thugs are cowards. 
With the significant proliferation in people carrying guns for self-defense we are having fewer murders and also surprisingly fewer gun accidents. 
On the issue of safety there are two contributing factors to the reduction of accidents.  One is that people carrying guns are getting professional safety training.  The other factor is that guns are not being left behind in homes where children may get their hands on them.  Instead those guns are in holsters being carried by their owners. 
There are those folks that still believe gun registration laws are needed.  They really can’t explain why simply because they’ve been brainwashed through misleading political propaganda. 
Most people don't know that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled twice, exempting felons and those prohibited by law from possessing firearms from registering them!  It’s all about self-incrimination and the Fifth Amendment.  Filing out registration forms violates their rights!
Guns are only left at crime when a criminal is killed, wounded or captured at the scene.  Under those circumstances police have all the information they need and registration accomplishes nothing!  
Gun owners that become victimized by theft of firearms reports the thefts to police and the serial numbers are entered into a national database. If someone gets caught with a hot gun or one with a defaced serial number a jail cell awaits him or her.
The fact is crimes are incredibly seldom or never committed with guns in possession of their registered owners.
Gun registration is meaningless other than to provide political despots a list of people to disarm or otherwise attack.  Newspapers have also printed the names and addresses of registered gun owners informing burglars wither homes to avoid or ones where they can steal firearms. 
Professor John Lott made the case for that premise in his book titled, “More Guns, Less Crime.”   With all the restrictions lifted since and the sales of millions more guns Lott has proven to be absolutely correct on every count! 
As Americans we have a duty to protect each other from a tiny minority of criminals that would victimize us.  We cannot ever depend on the police arriving minutes or longer after the crime to make any meaningful difference.
The evidence and facts about gun rights are a lot different that the political propagandists have been claiming for decades.
To look at the reverse of this more guns, less crime argument simply look to the UK and Australia where they more recently in the last few decades outlawed guns.  Crime and particularly murders and serious assaults have skyrocketed since the bans went into effect.
The real facts are that the gun-rights haters are driven by misguided emotions or a desire to disarm Americans for nefarious purposes.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Remote Control Drones For Business, Fun and Mischief

Phoenix, AZ—I just had to have one of these things when I learned they could carry my wildly popular high definition GoPro cameras to new heights capturing previously impossible video.
I now have the Blade 350 quadcopter that I obtained from B&H Photo.  I also now have two GoPro cameras and a large box of accessories including lots of clever camera mounts.  Two GoPro cameras are not enough for filmmakers that need to cover every angle.  I think I need three more. just announced their plan to utilize drones to deliver packages less than five pounds in 30 minutes to our homes.   There are some huge hurdles that may prevent that from ever happening.  However the free publicity for Amazon at the beginning of the Christmas season obviously motivated that announcement.
A drone was recently discovered being used to deliver drugs and cell phones to prison inmates. 
One drone owner friend said using his drone in Las Vegas enabled him to peer into various hotel windows to see who was having more fun than he was. 
In an era where TV news is losing its audience to bloggers and other Internet sources drones can cheaply and easily obtain video images that only incredibly expensive helicopters could previously cover. 
The drones can legally be flown at much lower heights than traditional helicopters. Drones for Electronic News Gathering or ENG will become routine.
Ranchers and farmers can use the little drones check on cattle and crops with ease.
Micro-budgets filmmakers can get those overhead shots from the angles of those expensive cranes and jibes.  Of course the angles and heights only helicopters could reach are easy for drones to handle.
GPS and operators using line of sight presently guide the new crop of affordable drones.  There are remote viewing devices including the GoPros alone sending back live video to tablets and smartphones at a somewhat limited range. 
The real estate industry can use these things to obtain terrific aerial images of the properties they're selling.  Building contractors can inspect their projects at every stage of development.
Mall security workers can inspect and patrol their vast parking lots by drone. 
Research and development into drone technology is right now in overdrive.  A simple small drone with a GoPro or similar camera like mine can be purchased for around $1,000.00.   There are bigger and more complex drones with much higher price tags. 
I anticipate drones will very soon be available that can livestream quality video on the Internet for extended periods for less than $10,000.00 in the near future. 
We don’t yet know what laws will be put into place regulating drones or how they will even begin try and to enforce them.  
The survivalists and anti-government crowd were complaining about Big Brother using drones to spy on them.  The tables are turning because these same tools can be now be used to spy on Big Brother.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Next Nuclear Bomb Won’t be Delivered by a by Missile.

Arizona/Mexico Border—Our nuclear-armed enemies have had five solid years of deliberate and well publicized, near non-protection of our borders.  Instead of protecting our borders the Obama Administration instead beefed up the senseless fondling, groping and outright molesting of old American grandmothers and their little grandchildren by TSA goons at our airports.
The first and so far only use of the Atomic Bomb was by us against Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan in August of 1945. Soon thereafter Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and others stole the manufacturing secret passing that technology to the Soviet Union. The couple was executed in the eclectic chair for their dastardly acts.  From there the stolen secret has armed numerous nations some of which are rogue.  
In the almost 70 years since we’d be really naïve to think building such a device is beyond that of any reasonably financed nation.  We really don’t know who has them or not. 
We all somehow expect that a missile would deliver the next Atomic Bomb.  The rub there is that making such missile is expensive and difficult.  However the A-Bomb can be more easily and unnoticeably delivered by conventional aircraft or even by small trucks.
In case you were wondering the bombs we dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan were rather small in size but somewhat heavy.  The bombs were each nicknamed.  Fat Man weighed in at 10,300 pounds and Little Boy was 9,700 pounds.  Each bomb destroyed their targets and at least 200,000 people lost their lives.  That of course brought Japan to its knees and ended the war. 
We flew the bombs to Japan because we were in a hurry and had not been able to invade by land.   We were also in a hurry but at the time this was newly enabled technology. 
When they talk about Nuclear Arms the always mention missiles for some reason.  A missile could quickly deliver the deadly goods but planting them in simply mini-storage units would do the job better.  They could simply be detonated by a text message. 
The next nuclear device set off in the world will have been planted moths or even years earlier.  There will be no air raid sirens, military intervention or warnings, just a city or cities blown to Kingdom Come.  With any luck the first will go off in the District of Columbia taking out all the traitors and fools that have allowed such a thing to happen.
The saddest part of all is that it’s the population of any nation that gets victimized by the bombs.  It’s a price they must pay for the provocations made by their leaders.    

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Ginny Simone tells us yet another bed time story with a happy ending!

Entering a Hospital? Wash Your Hands or You May Become a Serial Killer!

Los Angeles, CA—The best part of my life was being a medical corpsman for the U.S. Army serving in Germany.  This resulted from being drafted during the Viet Nam War. There, I learned a lot about hand washing and sanitization.  It all made perfect sense.  
Let me begin by reminding you that the life expectancy for human males in America in 1900 was 47 years old?  Wow, what a short life. 
Our most important discovery was Penicillin to combat infections that were killing us all.  There is a catch to that wonder drug and that’s over and or too much repetitive treatment. 
We have now have created so-called super bugs that are immune to our antibiotics arsenal. Soon we will have to find new ways to treat infections.  The best way is not to either get or transmit deadly infections to begin with.
People in nursing homes, hospitals and care facilities are becoming infected with the superbugs at a much faster rate than in even the recent past. 
Generally the medical staff s are bound by strict rules to wash their hands. They don’t do this so much because of the rules but because of training and education.
The patients and their visitors are not even encouraged to wash their hands before entering these places?  Think about how we use our hands to grasp dirty bannisters on stairwells, push elevator buttons or even handle the steering wheel in our own car.  They may look clean but they are not!
Women’s purses and our cell-phones are hotbed breeding grounds for infectious bacteria.  We must take extra steps to sanitize those things.   
I have an idea that’s overdue.  At the entrance of every care facility there should be sinks with running hot water, soap and towels.  Before patients, visitors or for that matter anyone enters these places they should be required to vigorously wash and dry their hands. 
I’m convinced that this would actually save lives.  Children and the elderly would get the most protection from this plan.
It would be expensive for care facilities to retrofit their buildings but the architects and building planners should in the future build these places with the sinks at the entrances. 
In case you’re one of those that believe in hand-sanitizer products they are no alternative for traditional hand washing.   Those things are more of a gimmick. You also need to know that we remove the most bacteria when we rub off the water with clean towels.  Those blow dryers are worthless in any effort to clean your hands.
I hope I have motivated a few of you to rethink simple hand washing.  When cleaning remember the things we touch most often like refrigerator door handles also need the most attention when we clean.
Watch the video below. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Kennedy Assassination, Where were you? My Reflections of a Dark Day…

Dallas, TX—It was 50 years ago today when a somewhat trusting U.S. president rode his last motorcade in an open top limousine.  We all think we know what happened.  However it seems the only thing we agree on is that a young president and war hero John F.  Kennedy was shot to death. 
Had that happened today with our present technology there would have been thousands of revealing and stunning camera images and videos.  Abraham Zupruder had his new Bell & Howell 8 MM film camera with color film and captured the somewhat grainy movie film.  Had he a modern consumer HD digital video camera the images would have been more revealing and much more difficult to watch.  That also would have answered many more questions for investigators. 
Those of us that were alive remember exactly where we were that day and how we learned about that “crime of the century.”
For me that day was ordinary.  I removed my cased Springfield .22 rifle from under my bed, put a box of 50 .22 long rifle rounds in my pocket and grabbed my books.  I traveled to Senn High School on two Chicago Transit Authority busses. 
I was proud to be on the rifle team of Junior ROTC and people around as usual were totally unconcerned that I obviously was carrying a rifle.  I walked from the bus stop to and through the front door of the school. 
The assistant principal greeted me as I entered.  I then went directly to the ROTC room where I handed the rifle to either Sergeant Ketzner or Mautner who placed it in the vault.  That vault contained about 50 M-1 Grand rifles, A BAR automatic rifle, a M-1 .30 caliber carbine and a dozen or so Springfield .22 rifles exactly like my own. 
We had a small-bore rifle range constructed within the ROTC classroom area.  This day was a regular rifle team meet day. 
I entered the ROTC after lunch and was told to sit down by a somber Sgt. Mautner.  He told us that President Kennedy was shot in Dallas but he did not know his condition.  Everyone in the room was shocked.  A radio or TV was connected to the intercom and we listened intently to the live news reports from Dallas.  Finally the report was broadcast that our president was dead.
There was no more class instruction.  There was a lot of conversation about this catastrophic event at the height of the Cold War and at the beginning of our involvement in the Viet Nam War.  We all speculated that Castro must have been involved because of the recent Cuban Missal Crisis.  After an hour or to we were all dismissed from classes.  There would be no rifle team shooting.  I retrieved my rifle from Sgt. Ketzner and took the CTA buses home.
I watched as the female students and teachers crying everywhere.  The same was true for female bus passengers.  Public emotion of sadness and anger was rampant everywhere.
Writers began shamelessly killing entire forests of trees as they filled millions of pages of conspiracy theories.  Some of the books seemed reasonable and others were extreme nonsense.  
I still believe in a single shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald.  Oswald was a committed Communist looking for recognition from Fidel Castro and I believe he wanted to become a hero in Cuba.  At least one earlier TV news interview showed Oswald passing out literature for a group know as, The Fair Play for Cuba Committee.
As an investigator I’ve kept my mind open to the idea of a conspiracy.  There are lots interesting motives and no shortage of suspects including the Vice President of the United States!
Secret Service agents violently snatched Kennedy’s body from Dallas authorities breaking Texas laws that required an autopsy by the Coroner’s office.  The post mortem examination was not conducted by experienced forensic pathologists but by politically connected Washing DC physicians.  Their failure to properly document the examination is still an embarrassment today.
Oswald had a young wife and two daughters.  He had very limited assets and was living at the poverty level.  He purchased a really second rate Italian military 6.5 MM surplus rifle under an assumed name from Klein’s Sporting Goods in Chicago.  The rifle had an inexpensive telescopic sight attached.   I believed had their been a conspiracy he’s have had a much better rifle like the M-1 Garand.  That superior rifle was offered in the same advertisement.  Instead of $20.00 the M-1 cost over $90.00. 
I personally have stood at that infamous sixth floor window at the Texas Book Depository window.   The sniper’s vantage point was excellent and facilitated an easy field of fire for anyone with minimal skill. Remember the target was moving away rather than from left to right eliminating the normal challenge of hitting a moving target.
This was a sad chapter of American history.   Kennedy did not deserve his fate.  History proves tyrants are always much better protected.