Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Playing Politics With Roman Polanski

Los Angeles, CA—In a bankrupt state that is trying to figure a way to release 60,000 criminals from their prisons, it’s obvious that fugitive film director Roman Polanski is serving as pure entertainment. Is this just a way for L.A. County DA Steve Cooley to get some much needed press attention?

I know that despite a broken plea agreement, the fact that Polanski actually already served prison time or there was judicial and prosecutorial misconduct, many Americans want Polanski punished even more.

Public safety is hardly an issue since Polanski has not set foot on American soil in over three decades. At age 76, Polanski is incapable of ever committing any similar crimes again.

To facilitate the extradition taxpayers will be required to spend a bundle litigating the issue in a Swiss court. After that they must arrange secure taxpayer funded transportation and housing getting Polanski to Los Angeles. That is far from cheap.

Once Polanski arrives, tax payers get punished some more while the validity of the plea agreement that was broken by a corrupt judge is hashed out. Adding to this silliness is the fact that Samantha Greiner and her family want Polanski left alone. Chances are they will set Polanski free anyway and he may then be even able to travel to America freely. what’s the point of putting up this Circus? .

Putting Polanski in a costly international perp walk is a self-serving exercise for D.A. Steve Cooley.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Restaurant Takeover Robbers Get Help from the Business owners!

Phoenix, AZ—I personally lobbied at the Arizona Legislature on gun control issues for many years. I’d like to think the concealed weapon law that exists passed with my personal influence. Most of the language including the provision to keep the records private I wrote myself. The primary sponsor of that Legislation was the late, Dave Carson who served in the House of Representatives from Prescott. It was a hard fought battle that was nothing short of a stunning success.

People with the permits were stopping crimes and those people committing gun crimes never have the permits. Law enforcement officers are comfortable on traffic stops when motorists flash the permits. The law unquestionably enhances public safety.

Finally the law was amended so you can have dinner in a restaurant that serves alcohol and carry your permitted concealed weapon. You can even be present in a tavern provided you’re not drinking alcoholic beverages.

Bills to allow that passed before but were vetoed by the former governor who now serves as the Secretary for Homeland Insecurity with the new Marxist Obama administration.

Naturally there are a bunch of corporate fools that own restaurants that are simply afraid of concealed weapons. Fear of the unknown bothers a lot of people. The new law allows for these establishments to post signs banning firearms. The people with the permits will go simply go elsewhere but armed criminals will always go where they want regardless of Gun Free Zone signs.

Now the takeover robbers can be assured all of the law abiding people in these place are really unarmed. They can have their way with the staff and patrons without any interference. How nice! Let’s get the word out so the places without the gun prohibitions can be avoided by robbers, rapists and killers.

If you don’t care about guns either way or hate guns you will be safer if the place you patronize does not advertise they are a Gun Free Zone. Why would you dare put yourself and famlily at risk in these places? Would you put a sign on your own home advertising the occupants are unarmed?

By the way, if you consume alcohol while armed in these places it’s still a crime even with a permit. Guns and alcohol don’t mix well. This law is for sober people who have a right to protect themselves and families.

Twilight Zone Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary

Los Angeles, CA-There was once a little guy of Five-feet-four with a slight build. He answered the call of duty during World War Two where he was seriously wounded and earned a Bronze Star and Purple Heart. This tenacious little man made a big impact during his time on this earth.

This man was a writer breaking ground in the new media of television entertainment. His writing covered a lot of ground but his flashback nightmares of the war gave him ideas for his most memorable and wonderful TV series, Twilight Zone. Twilight Zone first came to our television sets 50 years ago in October of 1959.

The Twilight Zone treatment and a few of its early 20 minute scripts sat idle and grew hair for 11 years until some CBS suit took a gamble on this strange show and gave it a green light.

The series ran for five years and featured some wonderful actors including my dear friend, actress Ann Jillian who at age 13 starred in an episode called, The Mute.

Steven Spielberg made his film trilogy with the same name and soon Leonardo DiCaprio will resurrect this concept once again.

The little writer with the huge talent of course was Rod Serling. In 1975, Serling died at the young age of 50 from those nasty cigarettes, two heart attacks and failed heart surgery.

I got to meet his widow, Carol Serling several years ago at Theater Palisades when she stopped by to watch yet another run of her husband’s play, Requiem For A Heavyweight.

Serling broke ground bringing his recurrent social themes to the small screen that displayed the worst and best of human behavior.

Of course there are so many other works Serling left for us including the Night Gallery series. I think it’s safe to say there are many more Twilight Zone TV marathons and remakes in our future.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Killing African-Americans—Meet The New KKK IN Chicago

Chicago, IL—They went out and terrorized the African-Americans with savage brutality. They intimidated and murdered, being inspired by pure hate.

They said the Ku Klux Klan’s days were over. They said the Klan was run out of America but they were wrong. The new KKK is here and hateful as ever. Age and sex does not matter to these bigots as they keep the Cook County Morgue, and hospital emergency rooms overflowing with genuine hate crime victims.

The killing of Chicago’s African-Americans is so effective it can be considered genocide. The old KKK did not hold a candle to Chicago's new breed.

The new Klan kills with more effectiveness than ever. They are diligently working on the Final Solution to the African-American Problem. They are more frightening than ever. Today the new breed of hate mongers, are themselves, all African-American like their victims.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

No Games, No Extortion, No Corruption In 2016

Chicago, IL—Why give corrupt city bagman the unlimited opportunity to extort cash from every business or vender involved with the 2016 Olympics?

Why should visitors and athletes from all over the world be at the mercy of Chicago street gangs that outnumber cops by 75 to one?

Why are they hiding the truth from Chicago’s taxpayers about the fact they will be paying for this horrible mistake for the next four or five decades?

Why is the local Chicago media involved in the suppression of any reports about the resistance to the 2016 Olympics?

Chicago’s Savages, A Intimate Look

Chicago, IL—Chicago’s African-American culture of violence once again manifested itself in the brutal beating death of 17 year-old, Derrion Albert.
A video shows the orgy of violence between two groups. No word on the origin of their dispute has managed to surface. The video was shot at on the 300 block of West 111th Street.

In the meantime Mayor Daley blows money on the Olympics instead of dealing with less important matters such as human life. Every decision whether to pay contractors for things Chicago does not need or to hire more cops, ends with generous extortion payments disguised as campaign contributions from the contractors.

So far, no arrests have been made in this insurrection.

Watch the sanitized video of these wonderful people having fun below:

Breaking News! Roman Polanski May Face Extradition To Los Angeles

Zurich, Switzerland—The Associated Press has reported that Swiss authorities have arrested fugitive film director, and Holocaust survivor, Roman Polanski.

The arrest was in connection with a warrant issued after Los Angeles authorities reneged on a plea agreement they entered into with Polanski, 76 on charges related to sexual activity with a willing 13 year old girl in 1977.

Recently in Los Angeles, lawyers for Polanski have taken up this matter asking that the warrant be quashed and any orders to punish Polanski outside the original plea agreement be vacated. So far the courts have ruled that in order for Polanski’s request to even be considered he must surrender to the court. That ruling is currently under appeal but may be mute if Polanski is returned to L.A.

Polanski had traveled to Zurich for a film festival where he was to receive an award. Instead Polanski was arrested.

Polanski will be able to contest his extradition before a Swiss court. We will have to wait and see what happens there.

For more information my previous stories can be found here.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Violence In Chicago Public Schools And Of Course Race

Chicago, IL—Segregation or violence in Chicago public schools never was a serious issue until the Supreme Court struck down the one-year residency requirement as a qualification to receive free money or public assistance.

Southern politicians gave all of their freeloaders $5.00 and a free one way bus ticket sending them to the Northern big cities. You see Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin all paid three or four times in welfare what Mississippi and Alabama did. Yes, the migrants were nearly 100% African-American.

The migrants brought their poverty, ignorance and crime with them. Real estate in Chicago was manipulated through the infamous blockbusting explosion and the vertical ghetto was born. The migrants were given fee housing in sprawling new high rise buildings. The migrants were not used to running water, sanitation matters or living in a crowded urban environment.

The results were horrible. The vertical ghettos became incredibly miserable. The inmates preyed upon each other. The culture became one of extreme violence, revenge, stealing, cheating and avoiding responsibility. Public officials patronized and exploited the migrants at every opportunity. The best way to do that was with free money handouts stolen from hardworking taxpayers.

Mandatory education should have helped the migrants with their defective culture but the idea of schooling just did not work well. They migrant kids and their teachers simply took up space for the most part.

What was worse was the ghetto violence spilled over into the schools. Chicago public schools facilitated extortion through murder. They never had nearly enough armed cops to protect the children. Children of different races cannot safely co-exist in these schools. The result is minimal and a sub-standard education.

No effort was ever made to change the culture or lack of moral values of the disadvantaged migrant kids. The social disaster is the same in every large city in America.

That famous school desegregation case, Brown v. Board of Education was an imperfect solution to a problem in an imperfect world. It is however the law of the land according to the Warren Court. The Liberal Warren Court held separate was never equal even if the segregation was unintended. After the Brown case schools only got worse.

Racial or hate violence in the schools is not necessary. Segregation is far less evil than race-based beating, raping, stabbed and shooting. I would never ever send my kids to an integrated public school in Chicago. There are some suburban districts that had some diversity and better reputations. Those schools are now being flooded with displaced Cabrini-Green and Robert Taylor ghetto babies and become unsafe.

Colleges just don’t have the problems of the K through 12 schools. Their students are there to learn and accept responsibility.

We should have learned long ago that as Rodney King once asked, “Can’t we all just get along?” is not reality.

We have to work for social justice with other means than forcing people to integrate. Most the so-called civil rights laws have taken more freedom than they have given. Forcing anyone to do something they don’t want to do is wrong and counterproductive.

We can’t force brotherly love on each other but we can set examples. I think we have a much higher duty than the law provides to treat each other the way we want to be treated. MLK who I disagree with on many areas, got it 100% right when he said that “we need to judge others not on the color of their skin by the content of the character.”

Let Rosanna Pulido Return Freedom And Dignity To Chicago Area Residents.

Chicago, IL—In The Fifth Congressional District there is a need for a strong Liberty loving voice demanding a return to the American principals our founding fathers risked everything to provide for us.

Politicians from both parties have lost their way as they fallen into a trap of big government corruption. Greed has become the prime motivator that has caused politicians to put Americans into virtual tax slavery and total dependence on government for the basic right to exist.

Rosanna Pulido has a plan to return opportunity, freedom, and self-reliance to the once proud Americans living in her district.

Chicago was put on the road to ruin by the Daley/Burke Crime Families that brought us the Marxist regime of Barack Obama. That bunch needs to be derailed for good.

Chicagoans can take back their rights and make that city and its suburbs an attractive place for businesses and families to prosper. Chicago’s businesses have fled in droves taking their jobs and prosperity with them. Chicago will never again prosper with the same old politicians who sold their souls so long ago.

Pulido is a strong supporter of our soldiers, veterans and first responders. She is also a fighter for the right Americans have to defend themselves, families and country. Pulido wants the gun rights of Chicagoans that have been stolen by the Daley/Burke Cartel returned for good.

Visit Pulido’s website here.

An NRA NEWS correspondent caught up with Pulido on a bus headed for Springfield. She traveled there to get the massage to legislators that the law-abiding people deserve the right to self-defense.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Manson Girl, Susan Atkins Dead At 61

Chowchilla, CA—She was the dean of California’s incarcerated women having been locked up longer than any other woman in the Golden State’s prison system. Yesterday Susan Atkins finally died of brain cancer.

Her 1969 crimes were an orgy of nasty killings that left at least seven dead. Susan Atkins seemed to have eventually come to her senses and embraced remorse, regret and resignation for the horror she so willingly helped unleash in Los Angeles.

Atkins not only participated in the destruction of the victim’s lives but she destroyed her own along the way. She and her co-killers beat a well deserved death sentence but living the rest of their lives as a caged wild animals may have been much worse than a quick death in San Quentin’s gas chamber.

Atkins death has not ended the suffering or sense of loss of the Manson family victim’s loved ones. Closure by punishment is not the victim’s Nirvana that prosecutors claim. There may be a tiny measure of satisfaction at the idea of justice being done but nothing really can make the wrongs somehow right.

I don’t know what anyone gained by not letting Atkins die in some private hospice rather than a prison medical facility. That was indeed a hollow exercise.

It’s is too bad that Atkins never got an opportunity to make a contribution to the society that had disposed and condemned her.

There are still several other Manson followers waiting their turn to die in prison for things they did as drugged up, confused kids in another lifetime. It’s too bad that these fools could not somehow go back and reverse the horror they unleashed so long ago.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ACORN And Their Criminal Staff Members Sue Those Vigilante Journalists

Baltimore, MD—It’s really all about evil words that rolled off of the tongues of ACORN community consultants, Tonja Thompson and Shera Williams. These two ladies eagerly entered into a criminal conspiracy to facilitate theft, bank fraud, tax fraud, prostitution, money laundering, immigration crimes and of course child prostitution.

The civil complaint was filed today by ACORN’s lawyers in the Circuit Court for Baltimore City. If the case survives the summary judgment phase it conceivably will be sent to a jury where a simple majority vote would prevail.

Thompson and Williams are part of a tax supported criminal organization that has perpetrated a decades old crime wave. ACORN has been protected by government officials in an organized crime operation that would even have made Al Capone envious.

The disgusting display of Thompson and Williams was never intended by them to be heard by anyone not involved in the criminal conspiracy. It’s now clear that ACORN and their agents feel public exposure of their use of taxpayer money is some kind of private affair. They are seeking at least two-million dollars in damages from citizen journalists, James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles along with that hosted and promoted the shocking videos.

The ACORN claim is that Maryland law requiring all parties to conversations to give consent to voice recording in advance was violated. They further allege that the recordings caused the very two employees ACORN publically fired to suffer "extreme emotional distress."

Okay, I can’t seem to figure out just who caused the distress here. Was it ACORN, the two ACORN agents or the journalists that brought on the emotional distress? The journalists simply recorded the ACORN criminals doing what they do best.

As for the Maryland taping law, Illinois had an identical law that came up for review in the appellate courts there after someone was convicted for violation of that law. The courts there found that the recording of a conversation by a party to the conversation is not a violation of the statute even if another party to the conversation is unaware of the recording. People v. Jansen, 561 N.E.2d 312, 314 (Ill. App. Ct. 1990).

The Illinois court said that real issue involved the memory or note taking ability of a conversation participant. Recording the conversation was nothing more than enhanced note taking. In the ACORN case we don’t have to worry about whether O’Keefe and Giles exaggerated or got the ACORN side of the conspiracy wrong.

Currently the only requirement for secret one party consent recording in Illinois is that the person/s recording must be private citizens and not government or government agents.

One thing for sure this story is far from over and we can only hope that evil is suppressed and good prevails. Frankly the taxpayers deserve a break here.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Talent Can Be Ageless And This Is Cute!

I was poking around YouTube videos and found this by accident.

I’m a fan of the Andrew Lloyd Webber Play Evita and love the scene where Juan Perone’s little mistress gets evicted from the palace by his new and opportunistic squeeze.

The song, Another Suitcase In Another Hall is sung by the sad former and now jilted lover. I never thought of that song being sung by a man but apparently that can work.

Through the magic of home video production, a little work and talent a simple song can become a creative and clever diversion.

By splitting a screen, one actor can play two parts and do a little magic with the audio. Watch the fun result below.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Los Angeles, CA--Water Conservation Led To Millions In Property Damage

Venice, CA—Like its Italian namesake, this city has a large canal where Lincoln Avenue used to be. This is happening all over the Los Angeles area since they have gone on a water conservation kick complete with legal penalties for violations.

The conservation effort worked, at least kind of, as a lot of additional pressure was put on the pipes. The result is too much water with nowhere to go except until the water mains actually explode.

L.A.’s water pipes are too old to handle the stress and as a result much more water is wasted and homes and businesses got flooded.

I guess they need to rethink their water conservation plans. They must be learning how the road to Hell is paved too often with good intentions.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Obama Needs A Crisis Excuse To Declare Martial Law And Gain Absolute Power

Washington, DC—The Obama Administration knows they have lost their majority and are facing serious resistance to their agenda. The Obama agenda is grinding to a halt as Americans and some elected officials are discovering the reality that we are in the middle of a creeping Marxist revolution.

Obama will never accept defeat of his agenda and can be expected to do what all Communists do, rule with an iron fist.

Anyone who is not fully aware by now that Obama is a textbook Marxist is either a moron or a total fool.

Obama’s vast entourage is looking to use a force of felons, illegal aliens and even foreign troops to topple Conservative resistance. They are hoping to get a portion of America’s law enforcement and the military to back Obama rather than the American ideal and our Constitution.

Radio, Internet and Television will be subject to total emergency censorship government control.

Obama will promise instant cash, citizenship, and pardons to their new recruits with nothing to lose and everything to gain. The Obama recruited forces will also be rewarded with the spoils of any violent adventures. Real and instant wealth redistribution will motivate the worst possible conduct of criminals and the illegal aliens.

The other day House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi tearfully suggested violence was on the way. Pelosi has inside information of thousands of angry ACORN workers about to lose billions in free money. Pelosi’s tears are real despite the fact she is a big part of the problem. We are in the beginnings of a full-fledged Civil War. This may be the bloodiest war America has yet to experience.

It is time to collect non-perishable food, water and medical supplies for those who have already stocked up on millions of rounds of ammunition.

Is the impending H1N1Flu Pandemic going to provide Obama with the tools he needs to finish the job he started? God help us all

Friday, September 18, 2009

A Visit With Hi-Caliber Investigations

Hollywood, CA—I’m not the only licensed PI in L.A. I’m not the only PI that came from the ranks law enforcement to become and PI and operate an active Internet blog. In Cyberspace the stars collided as Hi-Caliber Investigations and Crimefile News finally met for the first time in person. Just like me Hi-Caliber Investigations CEO Bill Rhetts loves guns, cameras and gadgets.

The scene of this event was at a book signing for long time Arizona journalist turned true crime writer, Camille Kimball. Kimball was selling her book that exposes two serial snipers that paralyzed Phoenix, Arizona in 2006. Before that reign of terror ended there were 37 victims including eight dead. You will see a review of Kimball’s Book called, A Sudden Shot as soon as I read it.

As for Rhetts, his office is located inside the Inland Empire near one of the busiest criminal courts in the nation. Rhetts cut his teeth as a copper for the LAPD and now enjoys the life of a private eye that brings with it the ability to turn down those assignments so many cops hate.

Today we decided to introduce each other to our respective readers. We also enjoy many of the same people visiting our blogs.

Bill Rhetts’ blog.

Meet Bill Rhetts:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Super Dad With Super Class

Steve Monforto caught a trophy foul ball at the Phillies game. With a big smile he handed over the prize to his cute little girl who promptly threw it back into the field. Steve never stopped smiling and gave his little sweetie a big hug.

Later during the game a Phillies representative brought Monforto his coveted ball.

There is little doubt that Monforto’s daughter will grow up with a wonderful role model.

Avoiding The ACORN Child Whoring Story Kills Media Credibility

At a time when the big Liberal television and print media are on life support over the loss of audience and revenue their total arrogance remains alive.

Two young independent journalists went across the country on a shoestring budget and used some enterprising journalism for the good of their country. They exposed the systemic corruption and evil mindset of the massively tax supported ACORN organization.

Was this especially newsworthy? Yes, the two journalists, risked arrest and prosecution for using surreptitious audio recording for the greater good of accurately exposing tax supported conscious-shocking behavior.

The major media players know this was and is a public relations disaster for the Whitehouse and the Liberals in Congress that staunchly supported ACORN. These shrinking media giants again displayed their allegiance to a Leftist political ideology rather than give their audience news they did not want Americans to know about

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

President Obama Please Stop Lying To Us

Washington, DC—Barack Obama got himself elected on a platform straight from Fantasy Land. He promised taxes would not increase a single dime for all Americans making less than $250,000.00 per year. He claimed he supported the Second Amendment and chose a somewhat moderate tone. He also promised transparency and that will never happen under his administration.

Obama took the wrecking ball to the American free market and began seizing businesses and banks. He is now bitterly engaged in the hostile government takeover of the healthcare and insurance industries.

Obama has lied about the cost, the sources of payment, even about coverage for criminal aliens and government funding for abortion. Obama has also claimed that health care won’t be rationed under his Socialist plan. There seems to be no lie that Obama will not knowingly tell.

The problem is millions of Americans want to believe the lies and Obama knows that so his total disregard of the truth continues unabated.

Obama’s dishonesty is tyranny and he has proven to be a total traitor. He must be stopped and punished severely for those crimes.

Monday, September 14, 2009

We Need to Protect The Heroes Of The ACORN Child Sex Stings

Cub journalist Hannah Giles and her young documentry film making friend, James O’Keefe could have come direct from Central Casting as the perfect sleazy pimp and hooker. They posed as child sex traffickers and tax cheats. They found themselves welcomed with open arms and big smiles at various ACORN offices. ACORN is also known as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

At these offices the ACORN officials there were only too eager to help the actors to get tax money for their despicable criminal organization. The ACORN creeps also gave them advice on tax cheating and avoiding detection by law enforcement authorities. Their conspiracy was soon exposed by a hidden camera and broadcast internationally.

As a result of the successful sting, Giles and O’Keefe have apparently saved taxpayers millions of dollars. Not only has the US Census Bureau severed ties with ACORN today the Senate overwhelmingly voted to cut off funding to that criminal organization. The 83-7 vote will deny housing and community grant funding to ACORN

The amount of money involved is staggering and any crime syndicate would kill anyone in order to change things or extract revenge. ACORN is just that a crime syndicate. They have been using taxpayers like a giant ATM machine for over three decades.

There may be some controversy about little known laws designed to protect crooked politicians and officials being taped without their knowledge. Any officials that try to prosecute Giles and O’Keefe for their important public service should be taken on by thousands of furious taxpayers.

Giles and O’Keefe now need round the clock protection and government is not trustworthy to provide what’s needed. Private funding for armed bodyguards should be provided along with safe housing and living arrangements.

I hope that happens quickly as I don’t want these fine kids martyred for their patriotism and heroics. These kids are true heroes and deserve to be treated as such. I hope to see many American corporations and civic organizations give them awards, scholarships and serious cash for their honorable and courageous service.

These Flu Protection Precautions Will Work

Some of my readers have expressed fear of those specialized flu shots for the so-called Swine Flu that has been since renamed the H1N1 Influenza. I won’t be one of the first people in line for the needles but if others tolerate the immunizations I will line up and get whatever my physician recommends.

Until this deadly strain passes we all need to take simple precautions. The ten lifesaving tips below may protect and your families during your entire lifetimes.

1. Open doors without using your hands. Use elbows, feet or objects. Avoid handles and handrails everywhere.

2. Avoid public transportation and those hand railings. If you must, use disposable gloves. There is an art to taking the gloves off without contaminating your clean hands.

3. Stay away from travelers.

4. Wash your produce very carefully.

5. If you drive rental cars use antibacterial wipes to decontaminate the steering wheel, all those handles.

6. Wash your hands carefully and use clean paper or cloth towels skipping those hot air dryers.

7. Patrol your own homes and offices with spray disinfectants such as Lysol concentrating on door and faucet handles, telephones and computer keyboards everywhere.

8. Keep your hands away from your mouth, nose and eyes.

9. Women should do their own manicures at home.

10. Most importantly avoid gatherings of Liberals and Democrats.