Washington, DC—Since
Barack Obama and his merry band of Bolsheviks want to destroy the economy with a trillion dollar giveaway to special interests as they raise taxes two things will happen. Any improvement in the economy will be halted and reversed as our currency becomes worthless through hyperinflation.
The only sure way to stabilize our economy and protect our way of life is to suspend all tax collection from Americans and the companies that employ them. That will never happen under this bunch of traitors.
These elected Marxists want nothing less than total Armageddon for our economy and way of life. Their direction and efforts can only be a deliberate effort. They know exactly what they are trying to accomplish. The proof of their ambitions is in their actions to date.
Obama’s minions are creating the
Perfect Storm that will enable them to suspend our Constitution, impose martial law and bring on their
Communist revolution. I wish I was wrong but history is the model here.
Preparation and tactics for resistance:To control Americans these Communists can be counted on to:
1. Shut down or control access to the Internet, commercial radio and television airwaves.
2. Make an effort to seize arms and ammunition from civilians.
3. Tightly control who receives food, medicine, water and fuel through identification and data.
4. Create a paid snitch network to expose members of the resistance.
5. Kill thousands if not millions of civilians like every other Marxist regime before them on this earth.
To resist Americans must:1. Learn who you can trust in your own neighborhood.
2. Create neighborhood organizations with a command structure. Using the words of our founders, “A well regulated Militia.”
3. Create your own currency with gold, diamonds, fuel, food and ammunition.
4. Stockpile non-perishable food and look for alternative sources of food like hunting and fishing.
5. Know where your drinking water will come from.
6. Obtain cheap and easy family service radios. Find and befriend your local ham radio operators.
7. Expect in extreme weather conditions to be without fuel or power for heating and cooling.
8. Stockpile batteries, medicine and first aid supplies.
9. Be ready to engage in fierce combat with those supporting the Communists and other criminals.
10. Never ever fire any shots from the vicinity of your own home unless you want to see it blown up by the Communists forces.
11. Obtain some survival reading materials.
12. Learn how to make and deploy effective improvised explosive devices from fuel, fertilizer and household items.
A side note. When
Fidel Castro seized power in Cuba, our liberal media was speculating and suggesting Castro would be a great friend to America. We all know just what a great friend to democracy and freedom Castro was. The same is true now while we wait for this despot Barack Obama to show his true red color.
Suggested reading:
The Anarchist’s cookbook.Go to this site and download needed reading material from the real experts.