Los Angeles-Dennis Farina is the Chicago cop turned actor who was turned into a criminal defendant by an over-zealous and unforgiving LAX Police Department. Farina just paid a fine on par with a minor traffic ticket.
Farina could have easily won this small battle but his airline tickets alone would have exceeded the monetary punishment he accepted had he asked for his day in court.
Today Farina’s lawyer, Blair Berk slipped into court, under the media's radar one day before Farina’s scheduled arraignment and settled the matter for good. Berk pled Farina to a single count for a nominal fine and some unsupervised probation. Berk was able to get the prosecutors to agree to waive Farina’s appearance before the judge.
Okay, I hate this resolution because Farina broke no law and instead simply forgot he had that gun in his briefcase. However, trying the case would have required numerous court appearances, lots more good money and a considerable interruption of Farina’s life.
I salute Blair Berk for her exceptionally fine work done in the best interest of her client. Berk turned a criminal complaint into something parallel to a parking ticket where the fine is mailed to the court. If you ever find yourself in trouble Blair Berk is on the job.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Crime Punishment And Susan Atkins
Corona, CA-Susan Atkins was exactly what nightmares were made of. The reign of terror inflicted upon innocent citizens by Atkins and the Manson Family almost stand alone in history’s most depraved killings 39 years ago.
Atkins escaped the death penalty imposed on her by the trial court. Before and after the Manson rampage thousands of men and women have been executed for lesser crimes.
Since her murder rampage Atkins slowly rejected her mentor, Charles Manson and became a well-behaved prison inmate. Atkins has done all those things we want criminals to do and is no threat today. Atkins is now incarcerated only for punishment rather than rehabilitation. Atkins will not survive more than several months.
Atkins contracted cancer. The disease has brought the amputation of one of her legs. Now she has months to live because of untreatable brain cancer and she is no longer capable of walking or even sitting up in bed.
Prison officials told L.A. Times reporters that the state has spent $1.4 million on Atkins just since last March on medical care and security costs.
I will spare the hearts and flowers crap for another day. The cost of keeping Atkins in custody is an extravagant exercise that taxpayers don’t need. This is beyond punishment for Atkins. The only people being punished are Atkins’ family and friends who are in no way involved in the events that happened so long ago.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Chicago Is In A Real Law Enforcement Crisis
Chicago—I spent nearly a week in my birthplace learning about the ticking metropolitan time bomb.
During my Chicago travel I drove around 018, 019 and 023 the most. I rarely saw any marked police vehicles in the affluent or yuppie neighborhoods.
I interviewed a dozen cops in 001,012,018, 019,023 and at O’Hare. The neighborhoods of these police districts included Downtown, Old Town, New Town, Lakeview, Wriglyville and the near West side.
In order to insure candid interviews I promised the officers that I would not identify them as sources for this article. The answers came as if I had only interviewed only one cop rather than a dozen.
The officers said they were in a mess. They fear for their jobs, pensions and families. They are all riding 99 (the radio designation for one man cars) even during peak hours for violent criminal activity.
These days the officers I talked with will no longer make stops on cars with multiple suspicious occupants. The officers are also reluctant to make any contact with large groups of gang types in rough neighborhoods for the same reason. The dangers are twofold, physical danger and the very real danger of unwarranted race based complaints.
The officers view their duties as that of report takers and crime scene clean-up crews always responding after the fact.
None of the officers I talked to believe they have the support of the administration. The officers feel they are expendable because they see so many fellow officers humiliated and striped of their stars and police powers after bogus complaints.
The department is substantially undermanned because of retirements and a large portion of officers on medical leave or light duty. The officers told me many, if not most the officers are abusing medical excuses because the morale is at an all time low. One officer said, “Why go to a job you have grown to hate when you can be paid to stay home?”
Some officers complained about being out gunned and don’t really believe they will ever see the M-4 carbines J-Fed said were being issued to the officers. Some cited the lack of in-service firearm training and 30 rounds per year ammunition allotment as a sick joke.
Others revealed that promotions within the department these days have little to do with qualifications, ability or fairness. The civil service system has been scrapped to accommodate sexual paramours, political hacks and race based shenanigans.
Many officers feel they’ve become the whipping boys for the media. They say reporters hate officers and the mission of the police. The officers feel that most of Chicago’s reporters are simply programmed products of politically, Far Left Liberal college professors.
I asked the officers each about Chicago’s gun control laws and for their opinion. The officers all told me that the city’s gun ban worked against them. Some told me that small business owners can’t fight robbery or extortion and the thugs take full advantage of the situation.
When I asked about concealed weapon permits for law abiding citizens every officer I interviewed said it would be a good idea.
During my Chicago travel I drove around 018, 019 and 023 the most. I rarely saw any marked police vehicles in the affluent or yuppie neighborhoods.
I interviewed a dozen cops in 001,012,018, 019,023 and at O’Hare. The neighborhoods of these police districts included Downtown, Old Town, New Town, Lakeview, Wriglyville and the near West side.
In order to insure candid interviews I promised the officers that I would not identify them as sources for this article. The answers came as if I had only interviewed only one cop rather than a dozen.
The officers said they were in a mess. They fear for their jobs, pensions and families. They are all riding 99 (the radio designation for one man cars) even during peak hours for violent criminal activity.
These days the officers I talked with will no longer make stops on cars with multiple suspicious occupants. The officers are also reluctant to make any contact with large groups of gang types in rough neighborhoods for the same reason. The dangers are twofold, physical danger and the very real danger of unwarranted race based complaints.
The officers view their duties as that of report takers and crime scene clean-up crews always responding after the fact.
None of the officers I talked to believe they have the support of the administration. The officers feel they are expendable because they see so many fellow officers humiliated and striped of their stars and police powers after bogus complaints.
The department is substantially undermanned because of retirements and a large portion of officers on medical leave or light duty. The officers told me many, if not most the officers are abusing medical excuses because the morale is at an all time low. One officer said, “Why go to a job you have grown to hate when you can be paid to stay home?”
Some officers complained about being out gunned and don’t really believe they will ever see the M-4 carbines J-Fed said were being issued to the officers. Some cited the lack of in-service firearm training and 30 rounds per year ammunition allotment as a sick joke.
Others revealed that promotions within the department these days have little to do with qualifications, ability or fairness. The civil service system has been scrapped to accommodate sexual paramours, political hacks and race based shenanigans.
Many officers feel they’ve become the whipping boys for the media. They say reporters hate officers and the mission of the police. The officers feel that most of Chicago’s reporters are simply programmed products of politically, Far Left Liberal college professors.
I asked the officers each about Chicago’s gun control laws and for their opinion. The officers all told me that the city’s gun ban worked against them. Some told me that small business owners can’t fight robbery or extortion and the thugs take full advantage of the situation.
When I asked about concealed weapon permits for law abiding citizens every officer I interviewed said it would be a good idea.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Chicago’s First Ever Rally Demanding Concealed Weapons Legislation
In light of last month’s Heller Decision from the United States Supreme Court Hundreds of Chicagoans rallied at the James Thompson Center within sight and sound of both City Hall and the state offices during a business day.
The main guest speaker, Dr. Suzanna Gratia-Hupp is seen here with me in a festive mood. In the other picture is my pal Raj Singh with his two lovely daughters, Kirin and Jaslene who were there to send a loud message to some rogue politicians that the State of Illinois must obey the law of the land.
There was a full press cadre but few media outlets published or broadcast the images and sound they captured. I guess they were there hoping for some kind of misconduct like in so many other demonstrations Chicago has hosted. Most media pretended this never happened.
More information with pictures and video can be found here.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
How Humiliating!
Chicago—I just got off the plane at O’Hare and the very first thing I see is J-Fed’s sour puss with this headline!
Okay, now I must defend poor J-Fed. We have to remember J-Fed’s never been a street cop and just does not know the job. That’s not J-Fed’s fault, but the clowns that hired him to be the city’s top cop.
Next J-Fed inherited both a horrible public policy and a mandate that he support the Mayor’s unlawful and un-American gun control policy straight to Hell.
The law-abiding are forcibly disarmed and at the mercy of murderous thugs while an incredibly undermanned and outgunned police department just can’t cope.
Every day the problem gets worse. The only answer is to respect the law-abiding people’s gun rights. Create workable, concealed weapon training and permit program.
J-Fed should simply collect his $300 K per year and pretend the mayor is right.
Okay, now I must defend poor J-Fed. We have to remember J-Fed’s never been a street cop and just does not know the job. That’s not J-Fed’s fault, but the clowns that hired him to be the city’s top cop.
Next J-Fed inherited both a horrible public policy and a mandate that he support the Mayor’s unlawful and un-American gun control policy straight to Hell.
The law-abiding are forcibly disarmed and at the mercy of murderous thugs while an incredibly undermanned and outgunned police department just can’t cope.
Every day the problem gets worse. The only answer is to respect the law-abiding people’s gun rights. Create workable, concealed weapon training and permit program.
J-Fed should simply collect his $300 K per year and pretend the mayor is right.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Your Chance to Meet Crimefile in Chicago!
I’m going to be at Friday’s downtown Chicago Gun Rights Rally. I hope some of my old friends, new friends and blog visitors will stop by and say hello. This is our chance to let Mayor Daley know he is out-of-step with the law of the land.
This is also a kick off for obtaining conceald weapon legislation in Illinois. Read more about that here.
This is also a kick off for obtaining conceald weapon legislation in Illinois. Read more about that here.
Read this document on Scribd: correctedchirally
Sunday, July 06, 2008
CBS2 Is the Breaking News Today
Chicago—Did the CBS2 News department’s expose’ of an NBC5 reporter’s presence at the home of a news maker place a prominent, Emmy Award winning reporter in a false light? Was CBS2 reckless or even malicious in airing a story that aside from not being newsworthy would defame and destroy the career of a reporter for a competing station?
The biggest question I have about this entire mess is: What would motivate any reporter to demolish an ongoing news investigation of another correspondent’s work?
I can only find one word to describe this CBS2 effort, ugly. What was the justification for this really dubious story they turned into something with a sordid and salacious slant?
It looks like a Cook County Circuit Court Jury will be deciding what CBS2 and the other named individuals did wrong and how much they should be punished. A lawsuit was filed late today seeking unspecified damages on behalf of eleven-year veteran WMAQ-TV reporter, Amy Jacobson by her lawyer, Kathleen T. Zellner.
Aside from CBS, named in Jacobson’s Complaint are, Joe Ahern President and General Manager of WBBM-TV Chicago, CBS 2 Vice President and News Director Carol Fowler, anchor Rob Johnson, reporter Mike Puccinelli, Northwestern University Journalism Professor Michele Weldon and Tracy Reardon.
It was nearly a year ago when Jacobson was working on the story of Lisa Stebic, the still missing Plainfield, IL mother of two children. Lisa Stebic’s marriage had gone sour and her husband, Craig Stebic; a private investigator is a "Person of Interest" (God, how I hate that term!) in an act of presumed foul play.
Police and the missing woman’s relatives say Craig Stebic had the motive, means and opportunity to kill his wife and dispose of her body. As a private investigator Stebic should have sufficient skills to murder and cover the crime avoiding detection. Of course no adequate evidence has surfaced to qualify as Probable Cause to allow anyone’s arrest and trial for any crime.
Craig Stebic obtained a lawyer and invoked his absolute right not to answer police questions. Neither cops, nor their agents can ask Stebic anything at all or risk being sued. Anything Stebic says to them will never see the inside of a courtroom unless Stebic initiates the contact, is re-advised of his rights and waives them first.
Jacobson was not restricted by any law from getting Stebic to talk. Jacobson was on a mission to get to the heart of this story she was assigned to tell. Jacobson undertook a personal safety risk to do her job.
These kinds of cases are solved only if investigators or anyone can keep the suspects talking. Apparently Stebic was still talking, at least to Jacobson until the moment CBS2 aired their story.
Had Craig Stebic gotten caught in a lie or made any confession the threshold of probable cause may have been crossed and an arrest of a murder suspect facilitated.
Perhaps Lisa Stebic’s remains may have been found and grieving family members got some closure or at least the satisfaction that Lisa Stebic’s children are not being raised by her killer. Such a discovery by Jacobson would have served both WMAQ’s viewers and justice well.
Jacobson’s investigation was suddenly exposed by competing WBBM-TV’s news reports. Those reports seemed to leave an impression with many viewers that there was some sort of an affair or romance between the married reporter and Craig Stebic. That impression was never supported by any facts.
Despite the fact that Jacobson violated no rules, laws (civil or criminal) CBS2 apparently destroyed Jacobson’s successful career.
I’ve wondered how this mess would have played out if Jacobson been a man under the same circumstances? I’m doubt CBS2 would have gotten themselves into this legal quagmire.
The early part of any lawsuit is always a major investigation. Records, emails, Internet service provider data and telephone bills are subpoenaed for an exhausting examination. People are interviewed and after everything possible is done the discovery process ends with the depositions of all involved being taken.
Lawyers for Jacobson will have the most fun taking the depositions of this group of defendants. Some of those folks may know their way around a newsroom but submitting to the depositions will be every bit as much fun as being waterboarded by their inquisitors.
Most reporters and news directors for some unknown reason don’t do well at depositions. Perhaps it’s because they are used to be asking the questions and not accustomed to answering them.
CBS2 was contacted and so far they have declined comment.
Here’s an unedited and unfiltered copy of the complaint filed in court today:
The biggest question I have about this entire mess is: What would motivate any reporter to demolish an ongoing news investigation of another correspondent’s work?
I can only find one word to describe this CBS2 effort, ugly. What was the justification for this really dubious story they turned into something with a sordid and salacious slant?
It looks like a Cook County Circuit Court Jury will be deciding what CBS2 and the other named individuals did wrong and how much they should be punished. A lawsuit was filed late today seeking unspecified damages on behalf of eleven-year veteran WMAQ-TV reporter, Amy Jacobson by her lawyer, Kathleen T. Zellner.
Aside from CBS, named in Jacobson’s Complaint are, Joe Ahern President and General Manager of WBBM-TV Chicago, CBS 2 Vice President and News Director Carol Fowler, anchor Rob Johnson, reporter Mike Puccinelli, Northwestern University Journalism Professor Michele Weldon and Tracy Reardon.
It was nearly a year ago when Jacobson was working on the story of Lisa Stebic, the still missing Plainfield, IL mother of two children. Lisa Stebic’s marriage had gone sour and her husband, Craig Stebic; a private investigator is a "Person of Interest" (God, how I hate that term!) in an act of presumed foul play.
Police and the missing woman’s relatives say Craig Stebic had the motive, means and opportunity to kill his wife and dispose of her body. As a private investigator Stebic should have sufficient skills to murder and cover the crime avoiding detection. Of course no adequate evidence has surfaced to qualify as Probable Cause to allow anyone’s arrest and trial for any crime.
Craig Stebic obtained a lawyer and invoked his absolute right not to answer police questions. Neither cops, nor their agents can ask Stebic anything at all or risk being sued. Anything Stebic says to them will never see the inside of a courtroom unless Stebic initiates the contact, is re-advised of his rights and waives them first.
Jacobson was not restricted by any law from getting Stebic to talk. Jacobson was on a mission to get to the heart of this story she was assigned to tell. Jacobson undertook a personal safety risk to do her job.
These kinds of cases are solved only if investigators or anyone can keep the suspects talking. Apparently Stebic was still talking, at least to Jacobson until the moment CBS2 aired their story.
Had Craig Stebic gotten caught in a lie or made any confession the threshold of probable cause may have been crossed and an arrest of a murder suspect facilitated.
Perhaps Lisa Stebic’s remains may have been found and grieving family members got some closure or at least the satisfaction that Lisa Stebic’s children are not being raised by her killer. Such a discovery by Jacobson would have served both WMAQ’s viewers and justice well.
Jacobson’s investigation was suddenly exposed by competing WBBM-TV’s news reports. Those reports seemed to leave an impression with many viewers that there was some sort of an affair or romance between the married reporter and Craig Stebic. That impression was never supported by any facts.
Despite the fact that Jacobson violated no rules, laws (civil or criminal) CBS2 apparently destroyed Jacobson’s successful career.
I’ve wondered how this mess would have played out if Jacobson been a man under the same circumstances? I’m doubt CBS2 would have gotten themselves into this legal quagmire.
The early part of any lawsuit is always a major investigation. Records, emails, Internet service provider data and telephone bills are subpoenaed for an exhausting examination. People are interviewed and after everything possible is done the discovery process ends with the depositions of all involved being taken.
Lawyers for Jacobson will have the most fun taking the depositions of this group of defendants. Some of those folks may know their way around a newsroom but submitting to the depositions will be every bit as much fun as being waterboarded by their inquisitors.
Most reporters and news directors for some unknown reason don’t do well at depositions. Perhaps it’s because they are used to be asking the questions and not accustomed to answering them.
CBS2 was contacted and so far they have declined comment.
Here’s an unedited and unfiltered copy of the complaint filed in court today:
Read this document on Scribd: SCAN1125 000[1]
Saturday, July 05, 2008
2016 Olympics In Chicago? Surely You Jest!
Chicago—These days Chicago can’t hold any public event without having Black on Black murders and shootings imported into these events from the ghetto.
Chicago’s gun laws only work to keep the law-abiding disarmed. The morale of Chicago’s undermanned and inadequate police department has never been lower. They would never be able to keep up with the tremendous crowds or the vast network of criminals preying on them.
Proper policing can only work as a partnership between citizens and police. Today there is no such partnership in Chicago. The law-abiding are unarmed and hiding in their bathtubs from the bullets because Liberal gun control never works.
Chicago’s corrupt politicians and bureaucrats can be counted on to play the extortion game against every business trying to get a piece of the huge financial windfall that comes with this event.
Holding the 2016 Olympics in Chicago will bring a violent crime bloodbath along with a huge public corruption crime wave that will begin right on the Fifth Floor of City Hall.
The Olympic Committee and the taxpayers of Chicago should say no thanks to having the games in Chicago.
I borrowed the clever homicide chalk graphic with the Olympic Torch from my friends at secondcitycop.com.
Chicago’s gun laws only work to keep the law-abiding disarmed. The morale of Chicago’s undermanned and inadequate police department has never been lower. They would never be able to keep up with the tremendous crowds or the vast network of criminals preying on them.
Proper policing can only work as a partnership between citizens and police. Today there is no such partnership in Chicago. The law-abiding are unarmed and hiding in their bathtubs from the bullets because Liberal gun control never works.
Chicago’s corrupt politicians and bureaucrats can be counted on to play the extortion game against every business trying to get a piece of the huge financial windfall that comes with this event.
Holding the 2016 Olympics in Chicago will bring a violent crime bloodbath along with a huge public corruption crime wave that will begin right on the Fifth Floor of City Hall.
The Olympic Committee and the taxpayers of Chicago should say no thanks to having the games in Chicago.
I borrowed the clever homicide chalk graphic with the Olympic Torch from my friends at secondcitycop.com.
Friday, July 04, 2008
55 MPH Sucks As a National Speed Limit
Leave it to a pretend Republican to be an auto insurance company shill and try to shove that hated 55 MPH speed limit down our throats. The real issue was that local governments hated losing the massive revenue generated by traffic citations not really involving traffic safety.
With the new unmanned photo technology just think of the billions in salary hikes, improved benefits and better than ever getaways for conferences our politicians and bureaucrats can enjoy. That while we enter another great depression over oil speculators and the government assisted mortgage lenders that have created an incredible mess.
Our insurance companies never once reduced rates in the 21 years of the since repealed 55 speed limit despite their assertions that accidents and deaths were reduced. These companies are in the business of taking us for all they can after government ties us down for them to rob us with mandatory insurance laws. Trust me, before mandatory insurance laws the best bargain was uninsured coverage you must buy today anyway. They rape us worse than ever.
This was never about saving fuel but about the prostitution in the sacred halls of Congress. More money to steal and more cash for re-election campaigns.
This is where Americans need to storm the capitol and call for the hanging of scum like Senator John Warner.
If they are from the government they are here to rob you. Thank God for the Heller Decision maybe we can stop them someday.
Celebrating the Fourth of July
The cause of Liberty was improved somewhat by the reaffirmation of Americans gun-rights by the Supreme Court.
Other than that things are dismal. We have more people in our prisons than any other nation on earth. Far too many are there for victimless crimes and offenses like Martha Stewart’s misleading some FBI agent. Gun collectors are still facing prison for some really non-dangerous highly technical violations of obscure gun laws.
I have a serious sense of doom as the forces of the Far Left have hijacked both political parties and given us two really pathetic and unqualified candidates to lead our nation. This as we are dealing with what may be the largest bank failure disaster since the Great Depression and as soaring oil prices along with the falling dollar can only bring civil unrest in our cities.
Instead of having social unrest over worthy issues the turmoi will be over demands for an unlimited nanny. In the past Americans would fight over out-of-control taxation, random searching of Americans at government checkpoints and government’s unwanted involvement in every aspect of our lives. Those days of fighting for liberty and freedom are apparently over.
It may be a good idea to see if some of us can get dual citizenship and a second passport from the few non-Socialist countries left of our parents or grandparents. America may never be the, land of the free and home of the brave again in our lifetime.
Why do Americans bother to celebrate a holiday wrapped around the freedom they have rejected long ago?
Other than that things are dismal. We have more people in our prisons than any other nation on earth. Far too many are there for victimless crimes and offenses like Martha Stewart’s misleading some FBI agent. Gun collectors are still facing prison for some really non-dangerous highly technical violations of obscure gun laws.
I have a serious sense of doom as the forces of the Far Left have hijacked both political parties and given us two really pathetic and unqualified candidates to lead our nation. This as we are dealing with what may be the largest bank failure disaster since the Great Depression and as soaring oil prices along with the falling dollar can only bring civil unrest in our cities.
Instead of having social unrest over worthy issues the turmoi will be over demands for an unlimited nanny. In the past Americans would fight over out-of-control taxation, random searching of Americans at government checkpoints and government’s unwanted involvement in every aspect of our lives. Those days of fighting for liberty and freedom are apparently over.
It may be a good idea to see if some of us can get dual citizenship and a second passport from the few non-Socialist countries left of our parents or grandparents. America may never be the, land of the free and home of the brave again in our lifetime.
Why do Americans bother to celebrate a holiday wrapped around the freedom they have rejected long ago?
Thursday, July 03, 2008
The Supreme Court Says Criminals Need Not Register Their Guns In America.
That has been the law of the land since 1968. I’ve had the gun rights haters tell me I was crazy when I’ve asserted America’s felons and ex-convicts are exempt from any form of firearm registration schemes. Registration laws are only government harassment tools to victimize law-abiding gun owners and invade their privacy.
Gun registration is both an expensive and meaningless exercise especially since gun sellers at every level are required to keep records under existing federal law. Why in the world do state and local government need to duplicate what already exists under federal law?
There are in fact two Supreme Court cases that have held requiring felons to register their guns violates their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. The strongest most often cited case is Haynes v. United States, 390 U.S. 85 (1968)
U.S. Supreme Court Haynes v. United States, 390 U.S. 85 (1968)
No. 236 Argued October 11, 1967 Decided January 29, 1968
Petitioner was charged by information with violating 26 U.S.C. § 5851 (part of the National Firearms Act, an interrelated statutory system for the taxation of certain classes of firearms used principally by persons engaged in unlawful activities) by knowingly possessing a defined firearm which had not been registered as required by 26 U.S.C. § 5841. Section 5841 obligates the possessor of a defined firearm to register the weapon, unless he made it or acquired it by transfer or importation, and the Act's requirements as to transfers, makings and importations "were complied with." Section 5851 declares unlawful the possession of such firearm which has "at any time" been transferred or made in violation of the Act, or which "has not been registered as required by section 5841." Additionally, § 5851 provides that "possession shall be deemed sufficient evidence to authorize conviction, unless the defendant explains such possession to the satisfaction of the jury." Petitioner moved before trial to dismiss the charge, sufficiently asserting that § 5851 violated his privilege against self-incrimination guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment. The motion was denied, petitioner pleaded guilty, and his conviction was affirmed by the Court of Appeals.
1. Congress, subject to constitutional limitations, has authority to regulate the manufacture, transfer, and possession of firearms, and may tax unlawful activities. Pp. 390 U. S. 90, 390 U. S. 98.
2. Petitioner's conviction under § 5851 for possession of an unregistered firearm is not properly distinguishable from a conviction under § 5841 for failure to register possession of a firearm, and both offenses must be deemed subject to any constitutional deficiencies arising under the Fifth Amendment from the obligation to register. Pp. 390 U. S. 90-95.
3. A proper claim of the privilege against self-incrimination provides a full defense to prosecutions either for failure to register under § 5841 or for possession of an unregistered firearm under § 5851. Pp. 390 U. S. 95-100.
4. Restrictions upon the use by federal and state authorities of information obtained as a consequence of the registration requirement,
suggested by the Government, is not appropriate. Marchetti v. United States, ante, p. 390 U. S. 39, and Grosso v. United States, ante, p. 390 U. S. 62. Pp. 390 U. S. 99-100.
5. Since any proceeding in the District Court upon a remand must inevitably result in the reversal of petitioner's conviction, it would be neither just nor appropriate to require such needless action, and accordingly the judgment is reversed. Pp. 390 U. S. 100-101. 372 F.2d 651, reversed.
Gun registration is both an expensive and meaningless exercise especially since gun sellers at every level are required to keep records under existing federal law. Why in the world do state and local government need to duplicate what already exists under federal law?
There are in fact two Supreme Court cases that have held requiring felons to register their guns violates their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. The strongest most often cited case is Haynes v. United States, 390 U.S. 85 (1968)
U.S. Supreme Court Haynes v. United States, 390 U.S. 85 (1968)
No. 236 Argued October 11, 1967 Decided January 29, 1968
Petitioner was charged by information with violating 26 U.S.C. § 5851 (part of the National Firearms Act, an interrelated statutory system for the taxation of certain classes of firearms used principally by persons engaged in unlawful activities) by knowingly possessing a defined firearm which had not been registered as required by 26 U.S.C. § 5841. Section 5841 obligates the possessor of a defined firearm to register the weapon, unless he made it or acquired it by transfer or importation, and the Act's requirements as to transfers, makings and importations "were complied with." Section 5851 declares unlawful the possession of such firearm which has "at any time" been transferred or made in violation of the Act, or which "has not been registered as required by section 5841." Additionally, § 5851 provides that "possession shall be deemed sufficient evidence to authorize conviction, unless the defendant explains such possession to the satisfaction of the jury." Petitioner moved before trial to dismiss the charge, sufficiently asserting that § 5851 violated his privilege against self-incrimination guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment. The motion was denied, petitioner pleaded guilty, and his conviction was affirmed by the Court of Appeals.
1. Congress, subject to constitutional limitations, has authority to regulate the manufacture, transfer, and possession of firearms, and may tax unlawful activities. Pp. 390 U. S. 90, 390 U. S. 98.
2. Petitioner's conviction under § 5851 for possession of an unregistered firearm is not properly distinguishable from a conviction under § 5841 for failure to register possession of a firearm, and both offenses must be deemed subject to any constitutional deficiencies arising under the Fifth Amendment from the obligation to register. Pp. 390 U. S. 90-95.
3. A proper claim of the privilege against self-incrimination provides a full defense to prosecutions either for failure to register under § 5841 or for possession of an unregistered firearm under § 5851. Pp. 390 U. S. 95-100.
4. Restrictions upon the use by federal and state authorities of information obtained as a consequence of the registration requirement,
suggested by the Government, is not appropriate. Marchetti v. United States, ante, p. 390 U. S. 39, and Grosso v. United States, ante, p. 390 U. S. 62. Pp. 390 U. S. 99-100.
5. Since any proceeding in the District Court upon a remand must inevitably result in the reversal of petitioner's conviction, it would be neither just nor appropriate to require such needless action, and accordingly the judgment is reversed. Pp. 390 U. S. 100-101. 372 F.2d 651, reversed.
What’s in the future for Paul Huebl And His Blog?
Please, tell me just what you’d like to see more of at Crime, Guns and Videotape.
This blog began during a dark period for me. I was suffering from a temporary, seven month loss of nearly all my hearing. Doing my normal routine was impossible. The blog became the only outlet I had but frankly it has been fun. Thankfully my hearing returned and my blog stayed.
I was a late comer to this somewhat new way of sharing news and opinion. It’s nothing less than a technology miracle that with modest costs I can mix words with pictures, audio and video.
I believe content is King and I want so much to find time to bring my visitors much more. I want to be able to give you more of what you want from me. I have to guess just what that may be. I also am without funding from this site to gather more content. Creativity for me is a must or I’d have few readers at all. I’ve seen many a decent blog with tiny readership and meaningless crap blogs with amazing readership.
Blog promotion seems to be an art I’ve not yet mastered. I’d love nothing more than to just be generating exactly what my visitors want and make a living at the same time. Only a small percentage of bloggers have made the big time.
TV news and newspapers are dying a slow death of a thousand cuts. The viewers and readers are vanishing. Gone from the usual media customers are the audience of the 18 through 35 demographics. Their former viewers and readers are here in cyberspace.
If I had my way, I’d be reporting to you wherever news happens. I’d go to Iraq, Afghanistan or anyplace where news is unfolding and history is being made. I want to show you those things that seem to get too much filtering by mainstream or old media.
I want to bring you more original video so my visitors can see just what I see. I want to be able to bring you more behind the scenes information from major crimes, government’s missteps and those ordinary people in extraordinary events.
I want to expose more heroes and villains but am limited too often by geography and funding.
As for the question I posed in the headline of this story, I don’t have a clue what the future holds. I’m flying by the seat of my pants.
This blog began during a dark period for me. I was suffering from a temporary, seven month loss of nearly all my hearing. Doing my normal routine was impossible. The blog became the only outlet I had but frankly it has been fun. Thankfully my hearing returned and my blog stayed.
I was a late comer to this somewhat new way of sharing news and opinion. It’s nothing less than a technology miracle that with modest costs I can mix words with pictures, audio and video.
I believe content is King and I want so much to find time to bring my visitors much more. I want to be able to give you more of what you want from me. I have to guess just what that may be. I also am without funding from this site to gather more content. Creativity for me is a must or I’d have few readers at all. I’ve seen many a decent blog with tiny readership and meaningless crap blogs with amazing readership.
Blog promotion seems to be an art I’ve not yet mastered. I’d love nothing more than to just be generating exactly what my visitors want and make a living at the same time. Only a small percentage of bloggers have made the big time.
TV news and newspapers are dying a slow death of a thousand cuts. The viewers and readers are vanishing. Gone from the usual media customers are the audience of the 18 through 35 demographics. Their former viewers and readers are here in cyberspace.
If I had my way, I’d be reporting to you wherever news happens. I’d go to Iraq, Afghanistan or anyplace where news is unfolding and history is being made. I want to show you those things that seem to get too much filtering by mainstream or old media.
I want to bring you more original video so my visitors can see just what I see. I want to be able to bring you more behind the scenes information from major crimes, government’s missteps and those ordinary people in extraordinary events.
I want to expose more heroes and villains but am limited too often by geography and funding.
As for the question I posed in the headline of this story, I don’t have a clue what the future holds. I’m flying by the seat of my pants.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
A Dog’s Life Just Got Better Thanks to Leona Helmsley
New York—Some will say the old broad was loose as a goose. Others will say that the so-called Queen of Mean was a greedy tax cheat. One thing for sure she loved man’s best friend.
Aside from leaving $12 million bucks to her own mutt, Trouble, she has left somewhere between $5 or 8 Billion dollars for the benefit of dogs. Some are outraged she did not take care of the Red Cross, the poor in America or something far more worthy. I say, “Good for Helmsley”!
Dogs improve the lives of humans in so many ways. I believe that our loyal four legged friends prevent thousands of suicides of otherwise lonely seniors. Dogs also prevent untold violent and property crimes every day and they save human lives as rescue animals. What would the blind and disabled do without help dogs?
If our dogs get subsidized veterinary care so they have a better life and the dog pounds of America become doggie hotels like the human ones Helmsley ran that’s okay by me.
Aside from leaving $12 million bucks to her own mutt, Trouble, she has left somewhere between $5 or 8 Billion dollars for the benefit of dogs. Some are outraged she did not take care of the Red Cross, the poor in America or something far more worthy. I say, “Good for Helmsley”!
Dogs improve the lives of humans in so many ways. I believe that our loyal four legged friends prevent thousands of suicides of otherwise lonely seniors. Dogs also prevent untold violent and property crimes every day and they save human lives as rescue animals. What would the blind and disabled do without help dogs?
If our dogs get subsidized veterinary care so they have a better life and the dog pounds of America become doggie hotels like the human ones Helmsley ran that’s okay by me.
Chicago Policemen At Disturbance Call Murdered By Woman
019 District—Officer Richard Francis, 60 Belmont Avenue officer with 27 years on the job was apparently shot dead by a woman who snatched the officer’s own service pistol. The woman was also shot by another officer. Both the officer who later died and the female suspect were taken to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center. The woman was in critical condition.
Crimefile grieves with the family of police hero Richard Francis who gave his life in the service of the citizens of Chicago
Officers please be careful and always follow your training.
Read more about that here.
WLS-TV report here.
More here.
More here.
Crimefile grieves with the family of police hero Richard Francis who gave his life in the service of the citizens of Chicago
Officers please be careful and always follow your training.
Read more about that here.
WLS-TV report here.
More here.
More here.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Why Are The Border Jumper's Rights People Angry?
Houston, TX.-- Shot-gunner of The Year, Joe Horn, 62 was cleared of any criminal conduct by a Harris County Grand Jury. Mr. Horn saw his neighbor’s home being burglarized by two burglars who were also illegal aliens. Horn called 911 and did not let some poorly trained civilian call taker miles away give him what may have been bad advice. I say that because only two rats were killed and no innocent people.
I’m, not sure just why the border jumper's rights folks got involved in this unless that think illegal aliens have the right to victimize Americans after they sneak across our borders. I guess in the end that’s just how they feel.
Horn violated an important law of survival, that of conflict avoidance. There are only so many rats you can confront even with a shotgun before they kill you first. It took guts to do what Horn did. I see no crime even if anyone has shotgun wounds in their back. This involved multiple offenders and the lone Joe Horn had no way of knowing just how many burglars there were of how great the threat.
When a substantial portion of the American population supports home invading burglars over a senior citizen trying to stop them it’s easy to see why this country has so much serious crime.
Some have called Horn’s actions a Hate Crime. There was hatred all right, hatred of criminals invading homes.
Today the calls are for a FBI investigation into the violation of civil rights of the dead rats. Horn was no public official acting under color of law. Horn was just a desperate man demanding his right to be safe from criminals.
Had this happened in Chicago the politicians would be demanding the death penalty for Joe Horn. I bet horn’s Pasadena, TX neighborhood is safer these days then even Mayor Daley’s. Perhaps it’s time to turn the tables more often on predatory rats like the late Diego Ortiz, 30, and Hernando Riascos Torres, 38.
I hope the word gets out that burglary is very dangerous and a really poor choice of an occupation.
I’m, not sure just why the border jumper's rights folks got involved in this unless that think illegal aliens have the right to victimize Americans after they sneak across our borders. I guess in the end that’s just how they feel.
Horn violated an important law of survival, that of conflict avoidance. There are only so many rats you can confront even with a shotgun before they kill you first. It took guts to do what Horn did. I see no crime even if anyone has shotgun wounds in their back. This involved multiple offenders and the lone Joe Horn had no way of knowing just how many burglars there were of how great the threat.
When a substantial portion of the American population supports home invading burglars over a senior citizen trying to stop them it’s easy to see why this country has so much serious crime.
Some have called Horn’s actions a Hate Crime. There was hatred all right, hatred of criminals invading homes.
Today the calls are for a FBI investigation into the violation of civil rights of the dead rats. Horn was no public official acting under color of law. Horn was just a desperate man demanding his right to be safe from criminals.
Had this happened in Chicago the politicians would be demanding the death penalty for Joe Horn. I bet horn’s Pasadena, TX neighborhood is safer these days then even Mayor Daley’s. Perhaps it’s time to turn the tables more often on predatory rats like the late Diego Ortiz, 30, and Hernando Riascos Torres, 38.
I hope the word gets out that burglary is very dangerous and a really poor choice of an occupation.
Obama Is Clear And Present Danger To Gun Owners And All Americans
Fairfax, VA—The NRA plans to participate in our upcoming Presidential election in a big way. With unlimited funds from billionaire George Soros funding every Leftwing, crackpot politician the NRA will help level the playing field with a $40 million-dollar war chest.
We had a significant victory with last week’s Heller decision but there is much more to be done. One or two changes on the Supreme Court may lead to the end of the Second Amendment.
The greatest threat to American’s right to protect their families is Barack Hussein Obama. He voted for every draconian gun ban he could and is on the record as supporting a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns. Today however he claims to have a more moderate opinion. Only a total fool would accept Obama’s new position.
Obama’s loyalty is to the corrupt Chicago Democratic Mob, terrorists, bombers and crooks that helped make him the candidate he is today. Americans must see through Obama’s public relations smokescreen and reject this exceptionally unqualified and dangerous candidate.
We had a significant victory with last week’s Heller decision but there is much more to be done. One or two changes on the Supreme Court may lead to the end of the Second Amendment.
The greatest threat to American’s right to protect their families is Barack Hussein Obama. He voted for every draconian gun ban he could and is on the record as supporting a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns. Today however he claims to have a more moderate opinion. Only a total fool would accept Obama’s new position.
Obama’s loyalty is to the corrupt Chicago Democratic Mob, terrorists, bombers and crooks that helped make him the candidate he is today. Americans must see through Obama’s public relations smokescreen and reject this exceptionally unqualified and dangerous candidate.
Monday, June 30, 2008
The Maxwell Street Of L.A.
For my Chicago readers there was the old neighborhood called Maxwell Street. You could buy anything there but you had to keep a sharp eye out for rip offs and scams. That Rolex watch at an incredible low price will turn your wrist green and stop dead in a few days.
The four gallons of high quality deck enamel you bought may turn out to be tap water once you get home, open the cans and start your project. In fairness the market could save you a lot of money and it was fun. The air had that familar smell of Vienna hot dogs everwhere. Urban renewal brought the death of Maxwell Street as I knew it. Gone today are the street vendors that gave the place character.
Maxwell Street has a nickname, Jew Town or JT for short.. That’s because the property owners and vendors were predominately Jewish. The employees were mostly African-American. An interesting culture of sorts was born as a result. Many Africa-Americans named their children after their bosses. Names like Seymour, Morris, and Jacob were common monikers for many of these dark skinned kids.
In L.A. it’s called the Fashion District near the downtown area. The property and shops are owned by Asians and the workers are Mexicans. Nobody checks things like Green Cards and on payday they save paper by not writing checks. I guess cash is sufficient!
The same consumer issues exist in the Fashion District about poor quality or worse. The proliferation in pirated designer labeled clothing and DVDs of the latest Hollywood films are everywhere. Then there are many quality items you can round up as you save a bundle over mall prices.
This Sunday I met a great gal, Officer Traci Allen of LAPD’s Central District. Traci was the only law today in anyone’s sight. Allen knows her beat well along with all the usual suspects. She was both delightful to talk to and no shrinking violet as a lawman. Yes, I said lawman because I will never recognize this job as gender neutral. It’s a man’s job some exceptional women can do.
Officer Allen has our 12th District boys and girls beat. She’s never had to do traffic control for snow removal. Allen seems to fight crime in a sort of cat and mouse way. The sellers of pirated films display their wares on the sidewalk keeping an eye out for the heat. When Allen is close enough to see much of anything, the pirates scoot away leaving their abandoned booty behind. Allen bags the goods for later reports and evidence inventory procedures. There are lots of uniformed security guards around that look out for Officer Allen.
My friemd Raj Singh and I did a little shopping amd I captured the sights for a YouTube moment.
Here’s a short video that contains a special message from officer Allen for the fine Chicago officers of 012.
The four gallons of high quality deck enamel you bought may turn out to be tap water once you get home, open the cans and start your project. In fairness the market could save you a lot of money and it was fun. The air had that familar smell of Vienna hot dogs everwhere. Urban renewal brought the death of Maxwell Street as I knew it. Gone today are the street vendors that gave the place character.
Maxwell Street has a nickname, Jew Town or JT for short.. That’s because the property owners and vendors were predominately Jewish. The employees were mostly African-American. An interesting culture of sorts was born as a result. Many Africa-Americans named their children after their bosses. Names like Seymour, Morris, and Jacob were common monikers for many of these dark skinned kids.
In L.A. it’s called the Fashion District near the downtown area. The property and shops are owned by Asians and the workers are Mexicans. Nobody checks things like Green Cards and on payday they save paper by not writing checks. I guess cash is sufficient!
The same consumer issues exist in the Fashion District about poor quality or worse. The proliferation in pirated designer labeled clothing and DVDs of the latest Hollywood films are everywhere. Then there are many quality items you can round up as you save a bundle over mall prices.
This Sunday I met a great gal, Officer Traci Allen of LAPD’s Central District. Traci was the only law today in anyone’s sight. Allen knows her beat well along with all the usual suspects. She was both delightful to talk to and no shrinking violet as a lawman. Yes, I said lawman because I will never recognize this job as gender neutral. It’s a man’s job some exceptional women can do.
Officer Allen has our 12th District boys and girls beat. She’s never had to do traffic control for snow removal. Allen seems to fight crime in a sort of cat and mouse way. The sellers of pirated films display their wares on the sidewalk keeping an eye out for the heat. When Allen is close enough to see much of anything, the pirates scoot away leaving their abandoned booty behind. Allen bags the goods for later reports and evidence inventory procedures. There are lots of uniformed security guards around that look out for Officer Allen.
My friemd Raj Singh and I did a little shopping amd I captured the sights for a YouTube moment.
Here’s a short video that contains a special message from officer Allen for the fine Chicago officers of 012.
Moe The Chimp Is On The Lam!
DEVORE, CA—Orphaned when poachers killed his mother Moe was adopted by humans as a child. Moe was raised by his proud parents, St. James and LaDonna Davis of West Covina. Little Moe had a great life until government got involved. Moe was ordered by a court to serve hard time at the critter sanctuary.
This became an even more dreadful tale because what happened when Moe's mom and dad went to visit Moe in 2005. Some other jealous and angry chimps in the facility escaped their enclosure and horrifically Mauled St. James Davis’ face and genitals.
Yesterday Moe planned and executed a daring jailbreak and is now the subject of an, "All Points Bulletin." Animal control officers and police aided with helicopters are looking for this wrongly incarcerated and heartbroken fugitive critter. Poor little Moe missed the only parents he ever knew. Moe’ future is bleak because he never learned normal survival skills otherwise I’d cheer and yell, “Run Moe run!”
This became an even more dreadful tale because what happened when Moe's mom and dad went to visit Moe in 2005. Some other jealous and angry chimps in the facility escaped their enclosure and horrifically Mauled St. James Davis’ face and genitals.
Yesterday Moe planned and executed a daring jailbreak and is now the subject of an, "All Points Bulletin." Animal control officers and police aided with helicopters are looking for this wrongly incarcerated and heartbroken fugitive critter. Poor little Moe missed the only parents he ever knew. Moe’ future is bleak because he never learned normal survival skills otherwise I’d cheer and yell, “Run Moe run!”
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Reducing Gun Violence Through Gun Rights In Chicago
Chicago-Mayor Richard M.Daley is in an emotional crisis because of the Heller case reaffirmation of the right to keep and bear arms. Daley is wrong and of course he thinks I’m wrong. I have a new idea for my own hometown.
Like it or not gun rights are here to stay, even in Chicago. We have a unique opportunity to get in on the ground floor with those law-abiding people who need the protection the most and want guns. Nobody hates gun crime and violence more than law-abiding gun owners.
I have said the genocide in Chicago’s ghettos is no different than those bands of cowardly, armed thugs victimizing the unarmed and helpless in Darfur, Africa. A trip through the Cook County Medical Examiner's Morgue tells a sad tale about the truth that the vast majority of violent deaths are African-Americans.
The City of Chicago needs another approach to the entire problem. That needs to begin on Chicago's toughest, segregated African-American neighborhoods. With minimal funding using existing public buildings and churches, I can return to Chicago, start an outreach program to aid with some serious peace keeping.
We can organize these forgotten people into a militia. We begin with recruiting and training those with a valid FOID card right in their own neighborhood. We need to provide free training in safety, marksmanship and the justifiable use of deadly force. Most importantly we need to work out an understanding between Chicago police and the gun owners on a course of conduct during incidents where there is a police presence.
The militia members will learn that just like the police they can defuse a lot of violence without ever firing a shot. The militia will in turn pass on to others what they’ve learned about gun safety and responsibility. The program will rely heavily on the concept of personal responsibility.
We’ve learned that gun permits holders are an exceptionally well behaved segment of society.
Upon completion of training Chicago’s new Chicago Peace Militia will take what they learned and begin a new chapter of cooperation with police. This program offers the only real hope to end the strangle hold that violent street gangs have in these neighborhoods. Later this program can be expanded to every neighborhood.
The goal here is a simple one, we all can agree upon, to reduce violence and protect the children. Someday guns can return to being desired for only hunting and sports shooting. Chicago has nothing to lose and everything to gain working with the only viable choice they have. Government only works when there is a partnership between citizens and government.
Like it or not gun rights are here to stay, even in Chicago. We have a unique opportunity to get in on the ground floor with those law-abiding people who need the protection the most and want guns. Nobody hates gun crime and violence more than law-abiding gun owners.
I have said the genocide in Chicago’s ghettos is no different than those bands of cowardly, armed thugs victimizing the unarmed and helpless in Darfur, Africa. A trip through the Cook County Medical Examiner's Morgue tells a sad tale about the truth that the vast majority of violent deaths are African-Americans.
The City of Chicago needs another approach to the entire problem. That needs to begin on Chicago's toughest, segregated African-American neighborhoods. With minimal funding using existing public buildings and churches, I can return to Chicago, start an outreach program to aid with some serious peace keeping.
We can organize these forgotten people into a militia. We begin with recruiting and training those with a valid FOID card right in their own neighborhood. We need to provide free training in safety, marksmanship and the justifiable use of deadly force. Most importantly we need to work out an understanding between Chicago police and the gun owners on a course of conduct during incidents where there is a police presence.
The militia members will learn that just like the police they can defuse a lot of violence without ever firing a shot. The militia will in turn pass on to others what they’ve learned about gun safety and responsibility. The program will rely heavily on the concept of personal responsibility.
We’ve learned that gun permits holders are an exceptionally well behaved segment of society.
Upon completion of training Chicago’s new Chicago Peace Militia will take what they learned and begin a new chapter of cooperation with police. This program offers the only real hope to end the strangle hold that violent street gangs have in these neighborhoods. Later this program can be expanded to every neighborhood.
The goal here is a simple one, we all can agree upon, to reduce violence and protect the children. Someday guns can return to being desired for only hunting and sports shooting. Chicago has nothing to lose and everything to gain working with the only viable choice they have. Government only works when there is a partnership between citizens and government.
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