Friday, March 31, 2006

McKinney Sinks Deeper And Deeper…

Arrogance is taking its toll on Cynthia McKinney as every indication of a looming prosecution; perhaps for felony assault hangs over this Congresswoman.

McKinney found out what millions of Americans deal with every day. Those ineffective, intrusive and demeaning warrant-less searches conducted on people who must do business with their own government.

As in one celebrated case, a disenfranchised litigant was able to get his revenge at a federal judge’s home. The offensive and un-American searching only provides very limited protection for a price Americans cannot afford, the loss of their freedom, privacy and dignity.

McKinney really had her rights as an American stolen under the frisk policy. That should never have happened! McKinney claims race as an issue here. If she’s right guess who suffers the most in the name of security? Minorities of course!

If there are to be these programs of wholesale warrant-less frisking, than nobody should be able to avoid the indignity especially the politicians and judges that authorized them.

McKinney and her supporters need to attack the problem itself. End all funding for programs that search, frisk and fondle Americans under the excuse of terrorism and public safety. Freedom and Liberty was lynched in America the day we tossed the Fourth Amendment away.

Earlier story.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Government Buildings and Civil Rights Outrages

Bureaucrats and politicians have become increasingly heavy handed over the last three decades. These government officials tax more, confiscate more and tread on Americans with ever increasing efficiency.

All this government muscle flexing has caused these same officials to become panicky of the citizens whose lives they change. What’s the solution to their angst? Americans entering the buildings are searched just like criminals without a warrant or probable cause.

The officials ordering these un-Constitutional outrages are quick to exempt themselves from the indignity as they waive their government identification cards as they bypass the checkpoints. Such is the case within the Halls of Congress.

I had to chuckle when I read about Georgia's 4th Congressional District's own Representative, Cynthia McKinney’s latest scuffle with Capitol police at a search checkpoint. McKinney reportedly ignored an officer as she whizzed by as he called for her to stop. When the officer grabbed McKinney by the arm she struck the officer with her cell-phone. This time McKinney will visit with a judge as she faces an assault charge.

This was not an isolated incident. In August 1993, during her first term in office, a Capitol Hill police officer did not recognize McKinney and tried to prevent her from bypassing a metal detector. That rhubarb was so nasty that the Capitol cops plastered her picture at the searching checkpoints. It seems McKinney does not like wearing her Congressional ID pin.

A few years later she passed a checkpoint when the cops mistook a White helper as a Congresswoman as they briefly detained McKinney. The fallout from that made news again, as the politician was quick to scream racism.

I have to take sides here with McKinney. She should not be subjected to this kind of humiliation. Neither should any other American. If the politicians are so afraid of Americans perhaps it’s time to repeal a few laws and return some freedom.

Lets eliminate the search checkpoints and bring back the Bill of Rights.

McKinney's Statement about the latest event.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Fred Hampton way blocked by Daley?

Give me a break! Daley has shown he does not have the courage to speak out and do the right thing here. The final vote to rename a street after a disgraced, dead urban terrorist thankfully did not happen because of a courageous Alderman (I hope my brothers in blue at the CPD are watching out for his safety).

So the ex-convict, Chip Off The Old Block son of the still dead, felon Panther leader Fred Hampton and Bobby Rush are whining as they blame Daley. That’s just too rich for me! If Hampton and Rush’s allegations were somehow true it would win more votes for Daley.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A 40 Caliber Nightmare Is Caught On Tape.

So you’re confident that that .40 caliber S&W service round will keep you safe. Maybe you’ll have second thoughts after you see this video. One hot summer night in 1994 Tempe and Mesa Arizona police were involved in a pursuit with this suspect who ran into a stranger’s apartment to hide after being shot TWICE in the chest. He was shirtless and you can see the blood pumping out of those two wounds. What’s really frightening is just how agile this fellow is as he struts to the ambulance. If he was not handcuffed and had a knife or a gun, ask yourself if he could still hurt you, your partner or a hostage? If your jurisdiction demands that officers carry either the 9MM or the .40 Caliber S&W it’s time to show this video to your bosses and lobby to have the .45 ACP round authorized. The switch may well reduce the screaming by self-appointed community activists about how many rounds police had to use on a suspect. The really talented and courageous video journalist, Karen Kelly, shot this tape. Karen was always in trouble with the cops for getting too close to the action. Tapes like these exonerate cops from bogus allegations far more often than incriminating them for misconduct. My advice to all cops dealing with photojournalists is to let them get as close to your prisoners as possible. Chasing them away is really dumb. They can well document that the suspect is not injured. Letting the news bunnies ask questions is another gift when the suspects lie or implicate themselves. Remember Miranda vs. Arizona does NOT apply to questioning by reporters. The prosecutors always love showing tapes of wisecracking or deceitful suspects to juries during trials. A note: I edited the tape to display this suspect’s fabulous strut to the ambulance twice. Learn from the tape and please pass it around in the interest of officer safety.

Whatever Happened To Innocent Until Proven Guilty?

I guess our Bill of Rights is in dire need of CPR. United States Representative Tom Delay who has been the victim of a Democratic vendetta prosecution has had his concealed weapon permit suspended even though he’s been convicted of nothing.

The Law and Order zeal of too many of our politicians have written punishment into our laws regarding people accused but not convicted of any crime. I guess we now punish first and try them later these days.

Delay’s lawyers are readying their appeal of Justice of the Peace Jim Richards’ order suspending Delay’s permit. Let’s hope the Bill of rights and fundamental due process wins this one!

Malibu Ferrari crash figure house of cards is falling apart.

It seems that Swedish ex-con Stefan Eriksson's wife Nicole Persson, 33, was driving around in Beverly Hills sans a driver’s license and valid registration for her hot little, 2005 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren.

The car was impounded by police for investigation of theft. Perhaps now the various law enforcement agencies will now have probable cause to obtain search warrants to snoop through Eriksson’s home, offices, storage facilities and garages to find out more about his life of fraud, fast cars and intrigue.

Here’s what the L.A. Times has reported.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

A Novel Approach To End Most State And Local Firearm Bans.

THE HOBBS ACT -- 18 U.S.C. § 1951 is an anti-racketeering statue that bars any interference with interstate commerce. This statue was successfully used by the Justice department to convict several Chicago police officers they claimed interfered with alcoholic beverages destined to be delivered to barroom drinkers.

Firearms are almost always shipped in interstate commerce and some cities and states have enacted various gun bans that clearly interfere with delivery to qualified consumers.

My question is can people victimized by gun bans seek relief from the federal courts under the Hobbs Act? Let’s call in the GANGBUSTERS!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Protesting Immigration Laws And Proposed Laws

The millions of alien criminals, yes I said criminals are now protesting any laws that involve immigration law enforcement. Some of the protesters proudly carry Mexican flags. What’s that about? They voted with their feet to leave their own corrupt Socialist homeland yet they waive the Mexican flag on our soil? I’m sorry I just don’t get it.

The American Liberals cant seem to decide if they want strong unions or the labor free-for-all with the alien invasion. They can’t have it both ways.

Instead of these disenfranchised Mexicans invading America, they need to take back their own country and demand a free market system. They need to send their Mexican politicians at gunpoint into exile instead of fleeing here. The Mexican government’s only effort has been to export their crime, poverty and ignorance North of the border and that must stop.

The United States needs to send a message to Mexico telling them they have all of the natural resources we have and they need to change or lose all American aid and tourism .

The Bolsheviks, Communists, Socialists and Liberals will never admit their ideal government cannot work. It’s failed everywhere it has been tried.

Bush’s anti-labor, “Guest Worker Program” is only a prescription for more blight and a weak national defense. Enough is enough!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

You saw that Knife Vs. Gun Video Now See the Graphic results!

You saw that Knife Vs. Gun Video. Now See the all too graphic results! The good news is that he was only slashed and not stabbed!

These three links are not for the squeamish!




The Mugger Protection Act Was Repealed In Kansas Today!

As of July 1, 2006 the law-abiding citizens will be able to carry a concealed weapon for defensive purposes. At the same time the job related hazards that come with rape, robbery and murder increased for criminals.

The Kansas Legislature steam-rolled over that Bolshevik Governor who vetoed the bill that was passed earlier. Hopefully that governor will also be sent by voters to permanent retirement from public office.

Now it's time for the ever decreasing handful of Bolshevik states to follow the leaders back to the Constitution.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Welcome to The United Police States of America!

I don’t think our founding fathers would be too pleased about what’s going on in Kansas. It seems we’ve paid so much in taxes that our politicians and the bureaucrats they’ve appointed can waste our money on the newest Big Brother technology to keep us citizens under tight control.

They have made everything including freedom illegal and now comes the big hammer. Whenever the police make a traffic violation or other street stop they’re going to take our fingerprints and electronically submit them to that giant fingerprint database in the sky.

I guess as technology improves we can all have RFID tags so we will never be lost again! Why bother just keeping tabs on sex offenders or people out on bail awaiting trial when everyone can join that club!

Of course there are those people that feel the Bill of Rights is only something to protect criminals rather than a way to keep government out of our personal affairs. They will think this is wonderful.

Ted Kaczynski is sitting in a tiny super-maximum prison cell because he saw this abuse of technology coming. He wanted to stop this the only way he could with deadly bombs and that long, nearly impossible to read Manifesto.

Every year our government sells us some new way to control absolutely every aspect of our lives. We just don’t know how to say no.

I can’t help but believe that the “Mad UNABOM Bomber”, Ted Kaczynski was not really all that mad.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Are They For Cops Or Cop Killers?

We’ve got a serious question for Mayor Richard M. Daley and his appointed Superintendent of Police, Phil Cline. We are waiting for these two leaders show a little spine and decide what side of this street naming insult they have taken.

They are free to agree with naming a street after a convicted felon who was awaiting trial for kidnapping and torturing someone while advocating the murders of cops at the time of his well deserved death.

They can also do the right thing and not be a party to creating a new icon for Chicago’s children under some “martyred hero”, twisted image. That would not be fair to the children or the families of cops murdered and maimed during the Black Panther reign of terror during the 1960s.

Daley, Cline where do you stand?

Friday, March 17, 2006

Proper gun grips will help keep you alive.

Long ago I was a young police recruit with a fondness for firearms. Gun shows were always an enjoyable experience for me. On day I met a gentleman who stood out from the “redneck” crowd exhibiting at the show. He was a Sikh from India complete with the trademark beard and turban that produced some exotic handgun grips. By trade and education this immigrant was an engineer working for the State of Illinois. This was an additional way for him to make a little extra money to support his wife and three young children.

The grips he had on display were unusual, beautiful and functional. For starters they were rosewood and ebony wood. I bought a pair from him for my S&W model 60 .38 five shot revolver. Later I’d see the man at other gun shows and we became good friends.

One day that man, Harbans Singh quit his full time job jumping into the grip business with both feet. Singh called his company, Eagle Grips. I soon found myself meddling in research, product development and design for this new business experiment. I’d suggest countless design ideas some of which actually worked quite well. A fringe benefit was that I’d get the “brother-in-law” price on any grips I wanted!

Soon I found myself adopted into this family that tolerated me even after they learned I couldn’t deal with Indian food! I’ve been their guest twice in India (thank God for TGI Fridays, Ruby Tuesdays and McDonalds of India!). Harbans’ children have all grown, gotten married and have children of their own. Today, the eldest son, Raj Singh, once the Grip Prince is now the official Grip Maharaja!

The grips I’m most excited about are the Secret Service compact model for revolvers I designed myself. I was fortunate enough to have a pair on my S&W .38 Bodyguard when I was forced to respond to an attack by a drunk with a Colt. Gold Cup .45 semi-auto. I escaped with my life having the confidence during the shooting since my revolver was equipped with a rare pair of Secret Service grips in Sambar Stagg. Despite near total darkness all my shots found their target and I survived.

Check them out here!

Retired De Paul Basketball Hero Coach Ray Meyer Has Died At Age 92.

It’s with a heavy heart I write this story. It’s my tribute to a personal hero.

The last time I spoke with Ray Meyer was in 1955. I was a first grader and was attending his wonderful basketball summer camp in Wisconsin.

The reason I was at his live-in summer camp was so my mother could hide me from my father who she hated and divorced. My mother paid a small deposit and never paid the tuition for the camp. Yes my mother stiffed Ray for the balance due.

Ray Meyer still treated me like a young visiting prince. When a construction crew working at the camp left a tar vat unattended. A couple of us boys soon got into a tar fight. This kind and understanding father figure cleaned us off carefully with gasoline, and then he hosed us down. He laughed and had one of his daughters take our pictures during the clean up.

Canoe trips, horseback riding, overnight camping, watching old black and white serial films, great food and of course basketball made this something I never forgot. More than that, I will never forget, Ray Meyer, his family and their kindness that made a huge impression on me.

It was always easy for me to understand why Ray Meyer was one of the best coaches ever in sports.

Ray, I have no doubt that you’re in heaven tonight. Thank you Ray!

Ray Meyers Boys Camp is closed today but it was located at 1019 Reed Rd Three Lakes, WI 54562

See the WBBM-TV report here.

Anatomy Of The Defense Side Of A L.A. Rape Case And The Methods Of Hollywood PI Anthony Pellicano

The L. A. Times did something rare today. They actually fleshed out a good story from court records and exhibits. The story provides a rare inside view on the methods of disgraced former Hollywood PI, Anthony Pellicano.

This information and audio recordings were obtained from the publicly available items that involve the accused "limousine rapist" John Gordon and his 1998 trial. That defendant was acquitted. Too many reporters just don’t know how to cover a court related story. This story is a good learning vehicle for journalists.

Most or all of the things Pellicano did here were lawful and proper. There is a hint that Pellicano crossed the line by obtaining criminal background information on the alleged victims. The fact is, the most important thing any private investigator can do is learn about the people who make serious allegations against an accused client. For a PI not to carefully examine the backgrounds, habits and prior allegations involving a victim is unforgivable malpractice.

The reality under our system of justice is that people designated as victims and witnesses on any side of any criminal case can fully expect that their past will be found and exposed in a public forum. That’s always what happens unless the defendant avoids everything with an early guilty plea.

Unlike the trial of Saddam Hussein, in America the victims or witnesses are not, nor should be concealed from the view of the public or defendant and have their names kept secret.

Read the story here and listen to the attached audio files.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

More Bad News About The TSA Bombs And Airplanes

I have complained from the first day the FAA began searching passengers like criminals. It’s ineffective, intrusive and violates the Fourth Amendment that outlaws unreasonable searches absent a judge’s warrant.

Americans are such cowards they seem to support whatever they’re told might keep them safe. The problem is that this safety is only an apparition in their minds.

The civilians at the FAA and TSA who no nothing about crime or police work have rejected the only methods that can really work. The methods that can work are to begin with a strong police presence at the airport. That’s followed by behavior profiling of passengers and small talk interviews by the officers. Add to that armed pilots, off duty, armed police officers and the Federal Air Marshals.

Encouraging police officers that have met exacting training standards to fly standby for free or half-price is so simple that it screams for implementation. We’ve had cops flying our airplanes while armed since the first passenger planes without any problem.

I’m not going to provide anyone with a primer here on bomb making, but the new electronic sniffers, x-ray machines or physical searches won’t detect explosives that will bring a plane down. The people that know chemistry and explosives will also know how to defeat these expensive placebos the TSA has forced us to buy.

The TSA and FAA refuse to concentrate on real security and would rather rely on smoke and mirrors. I guess they think the public believes their propaganda.

Here’s the latest NBC sensational report about explosives detection and TSA failures.

Happy Saint Paddy’s Day To You All!

Cornelius O’Mooney and Crimefile wish all our readers a great day anyway!

There was no place like Chicago to celebrate this wonderful holiday! Well at one time it was a “take it anyway” holiday in that everything would shut down early in the day. I mean everything! The parade would begin at my old residence, Marina City and cross the river Southbound on State Street. The green beer was everywhere. The wonderful corned Beef and cabbage was worth waiting all year to enjoy. The best part for me was that ALL the women let their hair down along with their unmentionables and a good time was had by all!

Then came those “other” mayors. State Street was shut down for a huge ridiculously expensive failed mall project built by those contractors who know how to fund Democratic political campaigns. A decade later the mall was again turned back into a ridiculously expensive street by, you guessed it, those contractors who know how to fund Democratic political campaigns.

The parade was moved to some Saturday by the pagans who hate our Saint Patrick and Chicago will never been the same.

A question… Why did they call police prisoner wagons, Paddy Wagons?

Here's a video for you!

Okay, Crimefile Was Absolutely Right!

Just like this clock, Crimefile is right twice every day. In January cops everywhere were worried about the spread of the ACLU, Catch A Cop On Camera program. If you’ve not read that story, read it now!

In Richmond, VA they were livin’ large and doin’ it hard all on tape! Are we clairvoyant or what? Are these videotapes going to Sundance I wonder? I want distribution rights please…

This is the way to make stand-up!

This is the way to make stand-up!

For my friends who don’t work in TV news a stand-up is that portion of a news reporter’s story where he or she gets some face time. You really want to make your stand-up memorable when ever you can within the bounds of decency and decorum.

This lad was reporting in Afganistan. He wins the Prize for being a reporter/photographer with more balls than brains. Okay, this report was spectacular, informative and gut wrenching.

I’m glad he survived; he’s earned a place in broadcast television and Internet vloging.

View the video HERE!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Macho Talk May Return To Haunt You Officer!

Most cops have been with a small group friends, perhaps had a beer or two and suggested clever ways to help with population control. You may have made some silly remarks about dispatching criminals like mad dogs and such to a girlfriend. Of course most copper’s relationships with women were not made in heaven and far too many of us have left a few scorned women along the way. (For some reason this only seems to happen with male LEO’s)

Then one day you are in a life-threatening situation, shots are fired and the facts become a swearing contest in some courtroom. That after some prosecutor yields to relentless demands that you be charged with a crime. You find yourself fighting for your life again, this time in a defendant's chair. You may find yourself outnumbered in court because the jerk you shot has a dozen family members or “BOYZ FROM THE HOOD” that will lie under oath and say they saw you murder that suspect.

Your lawyer will soon hand you witness lists filed by the prosecutor with names you’d expect to see. Just maybe you’ll see some names on that list you’ll wish never heard those macho comments you made in jest. Should you hear those words repeated to a jury their verdict may not be a good one.