Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Rise and Fall of New Times Founders, Michael Lacey and James Larkin

Michael Lacey and James Larkin

Phoenix, AZ— When I moved to Arizona, I came across an interesting free newspaper—an alternative publication filled  with articles by incredibly talented writers. The paper offered long-form articles that you just don’t see in the daily newspapers across the country. The New Times had no hesitation when it came to exposing government waste, fraud, and corruption. Sadly, today’s media offers very little in terms of criticism aimed at the government, perhaps because journalists fear becoming victims of political retaliation.

The New Times was founded by Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin. While I don’t know much about Larkin, Lacey was a highly regarded journalist with a significant public profile.

Together, the duo expanded their New Times brand, creating numerous publications in various cities. These papers have won countless awards for their outstanding journalism.

During this time, newspapers across the country failed to notice the growing competition from Craigslist. But they certainly noticed when their advertising revenue started shifting to the new online platform. In response, the New Times began accepting ads from massage parlors, escorts, and others selling sexually suggestive services. 

Lacey and Larkin made hundreds of millions of dollars from the ads on their Not bad for a free publication.

The federal government eventually went after Lacey and Larkin, not because of the ads themselves, but due to the illegal activities of those placing them—pimps, human traffickers, and desperate individuals, including women forced into prostitution to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.

Historically, humans have always found ways to profit from sexual services, including child trafficking. I don't believe Backpage did anything illegal, but that didn’t stop authorities from arresting Lacey and Larkin and charging them with a mountain of criminal offenses. They were forced to wear ankle monitors throughout the lengthy pre-trial period. When the case finally went to trial, the jury failed to reach a verdict, resulting in a mistrial. The government wasted no time in seeking a retrial.

As their attorneys prepared for the retrial, Jim Larkin tragically took his own life, seemingly overwhelmed by the ordeal. When the case returned to court, the new jury only reached a verdict on one count of money laundering. Successful companies often hire accountants to creatively handle their finances, particularly to minimize tax liability. Was this guilty verdict merely a compromise to satisfy the prosecutors’ efforts?

Lacey was ultimately sentenced to five years in prison and ordered to pay a $3 million fine. Meanwhile, most of the sex-related charges could potentially be retried for a third time, dragging this costly case through yet another chapter of a taxpayer-funded legal Odyssey.  

Lacey, now 76 years old, which coincidentally is the average life expectancy for American males. He’s been ordered to report to prison this month, and if the government moves forward with a third trial, he’ll be dragged out of prison to face it. At this point, another trial seems as pointless as beating a dead horse.   

American gun prohibitions were not born out of public safety fears, but abject racism.


In the United States Supreme Court , Dred Scott v. Sandford decision (60 U.S. 393, 417): Chief Justice Roger B. Taney made remarks that implicitly referenced the right to bear arms as one of the fundamental rights that would have been extended to African Americans had they been recognized as citizens. While the case is primarily known for its rulings on citizenship and slavery, Taney's opinion lists several rights that would have followed from recognizing African-Americans as citizens. One of these rights included the right to "keep and carry arms wherever they went."

Here is the relevant passage from Chief Justice Taney's opinion:

“It would give to persons of the negro race, who were recognized as citizens in any one State of the Union, the right to enter every other State whenever they pleased, ... and it would give them the full liberty of speech in public and in private upon all subjects upon which its own citizens might speak; to hold public meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms wherever they went."

This part of Taney's opinion suggested that one consequence of recognizing African Americans as citizens would be granting them the constitutional rights associated with citizenship, including the Second Amendment right to bear arms. He used this as an argument against recognizing African Americans as citizens, as it would entitle them to the full protection of the Bill of Rights.

The language here reflects the mindset of the time, where extending these fundamental rights to African Americans was seen by Taney as undesirable and inconsistent with the legal and social norms of the era.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. famously applied for a permit to carry a concealed weapon in early 1956, shortly after his house was bombed during the Montgomery Bus Boycott in Alabama. At the time, Dr. King and his family were under significant threat due to his leadership in the civil rights movement. 

The incident that prompted Dr. King to consider arming himself occurred on January 30, 1956, when a bomb exploded at his home in Montgomery, Alabama. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but this attack deeply alarmed Dr. King and his supporters. In response, Dr. King sought a permit to carry a firearm for self-defense. However, despite the heightened threats against him, his application for a concealed carry permit was denied by local authorities. Alabama, at the time, had a discriminatory system that made it difficult for African-Americans to legally carry firearms.

Mahatma Gandhi made a notable remark about the British policy of disarming the Indian population in his work, "An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth"(1927-1929). Here is the exact quote: “Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.” This statement reflects Gandhi's belief that disarming the Indian populace was a grave injustice. 

Make no mistake: early American gun laws were rooted in permit systems specifically designed to prevent Black people from owning or carrying firearms. These gun control measures quickly spread up the East Coast like wildfire. When they reached New York, the issuance of permits depended largely on which ethnic group held the majority at the time. Throughout U.S. history, it became common practice for local sheriffs to sell gun permits for cash, turning the process into a tradition of corruption.

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Tactics of Gun Control Zealots

I first became aware of the concerted efforts to dismantle the Second Amendment as we know it back in the 1960s. It was then that I realized just how relentless these anti-gun advocates are, and they haven't stopped since.

For years, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ignored blatant violations of the Second Amendment. They hadn’t taken a case on this issue since United States v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (1939). The Miller case was an aberration , and by the time it reached the High Court, the defendant and defense lawyer had vanished, leaving no one to argue the case. The justices, lacking proper firearm knowledge , rendered a factually mistaken opinion. They absurdly claimed that short-barreled shotguns had no military application—despite the military’s use of 12-gauge trench guns at the time. The Court did, however, acknowledge that those weapons useful to the military were indeed protected under the Second Amendment But they refused to protect them. 

The Miller ruling allowed significant restrictions on certain arms and "destructive devices," requiring registration and hefty taxes—$200 per weapon—on these military weapons. Yet, these weapons weren’t banned outright, just regulated into near-obscurity through burdensome requirements.

The 1934 gun control act clearly violated the second amendment.  The high court refused to take even one case that would until 2022 with Bruen. 

Decades passed, and a liberal-dominated Supreme Court conveniently avoided Second Amendment cases, particularly those questioning whether the Second Amendment was enforceable against the states via the 14th Amendment. That changed with District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008). In Heller, the Court struck down D.C.’s handgun ban. Then, just two years later, the Court delivered another victory for gun rights in McDonald v. City of Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2010).  McDonald applied the Second Amendment to the states via the 14th Amendment, forcing cities like Chicago to allow gun owners to obtain shall issue concealed carry permits.

Fast forward to 2022, and we saw the most significant gun rights victory yet in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, 597 U.S. 1 (2022). The Bruen ruling essentially signals the end of almost every restriction on the possession and carrying of modern firearms. If applied correctly, it could invalidate the National Firearms Act of 1934 and nearly all state and local gun control laws.

Now that we’ve covered the legal landscape, let’s dive into the deceptive and manipulative tactics employed by those who despise gun rights. My first exposure to this came from Connecticut Senator Thomas Dodd, who introduced some of the most ridiculous gun control bills every session. Fortunately, most of his ideas went nowhere.

In the 1960s, a grieving father named Peter Shields, whose son had been murdered with a handgun, and armed-robbery victim Mark Borinsky launched a crusade to abolish handguns. They founded Handgun Control, Inc. (now known as Brady: United Against Gun Violence). Named after James Brady, President Reagan’s press secretary, was shot by John Hinckley during the infamous 1981 assassination attempt. After Brady's tragic injury, his wife Sarah Brady took up the mantle of the gun control group, and Brady became a household name.

These fanatics have tried every trick in the book to manipulate public opinion about firearms. Their first campaign aimed to ban all handguns, but that failed. Next, they went after small, inexpensive pocket handguns, branding them "Saturday Night Specials." That effort also flopped. Undeterred, Sarah Brady and her team switched tactics, stoking fear among the ignorant public by labeling semi-automatic rifles—such as the AR-15 and AK-47—as "assault rifles." These firearms may look like military weapons, but their military counterparts are fully automatic and classified as machine guns. The Brady Bunch conveniently omitted that fact in their propaganda.

Not stopping there, they turned their sights on compact firearms of .38 caliber and larger, branding them "Pocket Rockets." That campaign failed as well, but it didn’t slow down their zealotry. The leftist media played right into their hands, acting as a mouthpiece for Brady's misleading campaigns, amplifying their falsehoods to a broad audience.

Nothing was too outlandish for these anti-gun crusaders. They eagerly spread fabricated studies that portrayed gun ownership in the worst possible light. One of their more infamous lies was that Glock pistols were invisible to modern metal detectors used in airports. This scare tactic led our brain-dead Congress to outlaw undetectable firearms that don’t even exist!

Since Sarah Brady’s death, the torch has been passed to other groups like Everytown for Gun Safety, Moms Demand Action, and the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. These groups, like Brady, are pushing Congress and state legislatures to pass law after law—laws that, thanks to the Bruen decision, are destined to be struck down.

Many of these anti-gun organizations are nothing more than money-making machines operating for looting much like the master embezzler, Wayne LaPierre did absconding with millions in NRA membership dues.  They collect dues from America’s gun-hating zealots, but rather than making any real progress, they use the money to fund their leaders’ luxurious lifestyles. The hypocrisy is glaring.

The voters of Santa Monica are incredibly stupid people.


Santa Monica, CA— this was once a gorgeous seaside tourist attraction.  Had an amazing pier with good restaurants and the Third Street Promenade was loaded with thriving businesses.  Every evening talented street performers were everywhere to be found.  Over the past 20 years, the politicians have allowed the mentally ill and criminals to victimize tourists and residents alike.  As a result the area has lost its luster along with scores of businesses of course, the tax revenue they once enjoyed..

Santa monica was taken over by a bunch of fiercely committed socialists that unleashed the worst possible policies on its population.  The residents keep voting for these incredibly destructive. Democrats are responsible for the destruction of Santa monica.  Frankly, they deserve the huge increase in crime.  They can’t even go for a peaceful walk to a Starbucks.  Either their streets are too dangerous or the Starbucks is gone.  

The voters of Santa monica must be among the most stupid people on earth.  They turned a once beautiful, thriving community into a shit hole.  

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Social Media is in a Full Fledged Civil War


In the chaotic maelstrom of the Information Age, the manipulation of truth is nothing new. First, it was newspapers. The printed word became gospel, and if it was inked on paper, it was automatically deemed true. Radio followed, its trusted voice reaching living rooms across the globe. People, ever eager to believe in authority, took these mediums at face value. But as always, propaganda lurked behind the curtain. 

Then came a master manipulator who elevated this art form to a terrifying new level. Joseph Goebbels, with cold precision, orchestrated a multi-platform strategy, deploying print, radio, and film to craft a narrative that swayed the masses. The German public, like so many before and after them, trusted these platforms, believing they were consuming pure, unadulterated truth.

But Goebbels didn’t stop there. He infiltrated Germany’s schools, poisoning young minds with propaganda disguised as education. Trusted institutions became tools of manipulation. The power to control public opinion through propaganda, as Orwell rightly observed, is nothing short of horrifying.

Enter Adolf Hitler, catapulted to fame and power by the very machinery Goebbels mastered. The lessons learned from this dark chapter weren’t lost on governments around the world. In America, President Franklin Roosevelt took to the airwaves, his "fireside chats" a precursor to the Left’s future domination of media. Roosevelt’s team of propagandists set out to claim ownership of every information platform, nudging America ever further leftward.

Fast forward to the 1980s: a new medium emerged—talk radio. Not that radio itself was new, but its use as a vehicle for conservative thought was revolutionary. It wasn’t ideology that made this happen—it was economics. Conservatives, systematically blocked from newspapers and television networks, found an untapped market. It was in this space that Rush Limbaugh rose to prominence, and the Left, threatened by this disruption, sneered at it as "hate radio."

The television landscape wasn’t much better. Rupert Murdoch, a Left-leaning mogul, saw a business opportunity in launching Fox News, catering to a conservative audience starved for representation. But as the channel's personalities gained popularity, they were abruptly axed, leaving Fox News as a pseudo-conservative echo chamber. The illusion of opposition served Murdoch’s interests well.

Then came the Internet, promising a digital utopia of free speech. Yet, as it evolved, the major platforms—Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook—fell into the hands of leftists bent on censorship. Their mission was clear: stifle conservative voices. And they did. Shadowbanning, manipulated algorithms, and convoluted terms of service were deployed to muzzle any dissenting opinion. Conveniently, it was always the conservatives who were silenced.

Amidst this, foreign powers like Russia and China entered the fray, adding another layer to the propaganda war. And let’s not forget the rise of clickbait—an obnoxious tactic designed to lure people in with sensational headlines, only to deliver empty content. The entire Internet, once seen as a beacon of free expression, had become a battleground where truth was a casualty.

In political campaigns, the Internet breeds chaos. Campaign finance laws mean little when digital advertising and viral memes can shift elections overnight. I’ve long avoided contributing to campaigns directly, opting instead to wield my voice on social media. But even that space is under siege, with so-called "fact-checkers" and censors working tirelessly to suppress anything that doesn’t fit the Left’s narrative.

And now, artificial intelligence looms on the horizon, an unpredictable force that will undoubtedly be used to further control the masses. Orwell warned us about this—the endless desire of those in power to manipulate, to dominate, to control minds. Today, in the age of digital information, that warning has never been more prescient.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Nationwide Concealed Weapon Permit Reciprocity


Los Angeles, CA — California's Penal Code is packed with unconstitutional, redundant, and pointless gun regulations. In the landmark Supreme Court decision, New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen, 597 U.S. 1 (2022), it was made clear that nearly all firearm prohibitions or regulations regarding possession, transportation, or carrying firearms are unconstitutional.

No other constitutional right stops at state borders, and the notion that the Second Amendment only applies in certain geographical locations is simply absurd.

Since the Bruen decision, gun laws across the country have been steadily overturned. These restrictions and regulations are being successfully challenged in courts everywhere. 

In addition to Bruen, in 2022, the Supreme Court granted review to several appellate challenges to gun laws, vacated lower court rulings, and remanded cases back to lower courts with instructions to revise their decisions in line with Bruen.

There are serious constitutional issues with laws that impose restrictions based on residency, firearm type, magazine capacity, gun-free zones, waiting periods, age restrictions, nonviolent felonies, delays in issuing permits, and charging fees for simply exercising a constitutional right.

The earlier Heller and MacDonald decisions made it clear that the second amendment was an individual right and reinforced its application to the states through the 14th Amendment.  That made it abundantly clear that every state must respect our gun rights.

California has recently lifted its ban on non-residents applying for concealed weapon permits. However, this does not address the long delays in processing permits, the excessive fees, or the other hurdles put in place. It seems like an attempt to avoid civil rights challenges while still making it difficult for non-residents to exercise their rights.

When the Second Amendment refers to the militia, it means ordinary citizens. The military, National Guard, police, and other Executive branch organizations already have unrestricted access to any weapons they need, with no limitations.

The right to bear arms does not limit citizens to ineffective or inferior weapons. There is no restriction on owning technologically advanced firearms, and in fact, there have been no major advances in firearms technology in over 100 years. Cosmetic changes in firearms are often exaggerated.

The popular AR-15, for example, fires a small 5.56mm bullet, originally utilized to wound rather than kill enemy soldiers. The idea was that an injured soldier would require two others to evacuate them, tying up enemy forces. The military also favored lighter ammunition so soldiers could carry more of it.

Today, 27 states allow concealed carry without a permit or registration. States that do require permits generally issue them without unnecessary delays. Unfortunately, a few radical states remain hostile to American civil rights and continue to violate them.    

Should Negligent School Administrators Be Charged With Crimes After Shootings? Absolutely.

The shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, on September 4, which claimed four lives and injured many others, was devastating. However, the way society responds to such incidents is disgraceful.

The Media:

They consistently shroud every story in political correctness, only highlighting racism if it involves a white majority targeting minorities. Recently, numerous mass murders have been committed by gender-confused criminals, yet the media deliberately avoids discussing the gender fueled mental health crises of these killers. Society cannot adequately address these issues when the press conceals essential facts.

School Administrators:

They must ensure that armed police officers are present to protect students, just as we protect politicians and money—with guns. Schools also need to enact strong anti-bullying policies. Instead of doing so, they often suspend both the victim and the bully after altercations. This is neither fair nor just. Schools should also be required to provide counseling for both the victim and perpetrator when bullying is suspected.

The Police:

Unfortunately, law enforcement has little influence on school security measures or personnel assignments. These decisions are made by politicians and the bureaucrats they appoint.

The Parents:

Parents bear ultimate responsibility for their children's behavior. However, many are ill-prepared for this role due to their own lack of maturity, education, or financial challenges.

The School Boards:

School boards nearly always keep parents in the dark by underreporting violence. Their solutions are always welcome as long as they don’t work. Board members are typically more interested in steering lucrative contracts to friends and family than in running the schools properly. They seek parental support only to gain approval for their disingenuous activities.

Now, let’s examine the recent Apalachee High School shooting. We have a gender-confused 14-year-old boy—his long, obviously dyed blonde, girly styled hair makes that clear. Yet the media ignores this. Many recent high-profile shootings have involved similarly troubled individuals with gender identity issues.

Charging a 14-year-old with capital crimes is shocking and harsh, given his age. This recalls the infamous case of George Junius Stinney Jr., who was executed at 14 in South Carolina, seated on phone books to fit into the adult-size electric chair. His case was later considered a wrongful conviction. The U.S. Supreme Court has since prohibited juveniles from receiving death sentences or life without parole.

Here, the young shooter and his father face the most severe charges under Georgia law. Colin Gray, the father, is accused of unlawfully providing the rifle used in the killings.  He is also charged as a participant and accessory to the crimes.

As for the boy, his current mental state, previous threats to shoot up the school (which officials ignored), and likely being bullied will be significant factors for leniency at sentencing. He’s likely facing at least 25 years behind bars, while his father could receive an even harsher sentence.

Police failures have also played a part in past school shootings,  like at Columbine and Uvalde. In both cases, officers failed to act while the massacres continued, significantly contributing to the death toll.

Society must learn to assign responsibility and force the media to tell the full story, not just the parts they choose. Public officials who act negligently or recklessly must be held fully accountable for their failures.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Testifying in court as a defendant.

You're facing criminal charges and want to declare your innocence to the jury. Your lawyer advises against it, but you have the right to insist. So, what do you do?

There are serious reasons why you might want to avoid testifying. For one, this could be your first time speaking publicly, and you might come off nervous or unprepared—like a deer in headlights. Prosecutors are skilled at asking trick questions designed to make you look guilty, foolish, or both, no matter how you answer.

Once you take the stand, prosecutors can dig into your past, even if your previous run-ins with the law are decades old. If you’ve got a criminal record, it will be brought up and used against you, no doubt about it.

In self-defense cases, though, it’s almost impossible to avoid testifying. If you have a competent lawyer, they’ll spend significant time preparing you, going over the kinds of questions the prosecutor is likely to ask. You should expect this preparation to take at least half a day, as it’s crucial you know exactly what to expect before you speak.

You also need to fully understand the charges against you and what the prosecution must prove. This is key to delivering an effective testimony.

When you do testify, look at the lawyer asking the questions, but direct your answers to the jury. The jury is who you need to convince, and they need to clearly hear everything you say. Remember, they are the ultimate decision-makers, so your testimony is for their benefit.

Stick to answering yes-or-no questions directly. If more explanation is needed, your lawyer will handle that during redirect. Never argue or show hostility toward the prosecutor. People who are argumentative often appear violent, and if you’re on trial for a violent crime, any display of aggression could severely damage your case.

Ultimately, when deciding whether or not to testify, trust your lawyer’s advice. They’ve heard your story and can assess whether or not your testimony will help or hurt your case. Let them guide you.