Wednesday, September 04, 2024

AI: A Looming Threat to Lawyers' Livelihoods

Los Angeles, CA— In the 1980s, divorce lawyers faced a significant challenge when court clerks began assisting couples in navigating their divorces without legal representation. Though the process was somewhat rudimentary, many couples found satisfaction in bypassing attorney fees, paying only the necessary filing costs. This trend soon expanded, with do-it-yourself kits for divorce, wills, and bankruptcy becoming widely available.

Today, a much larger disruption has arrived—AI. With the advent of AI, legal complaints, answers, motions, briefs, discovery, and other essential court documents can now be expertly prepared, advocating effectively for individuals and entities alike. These documents are being generated with precision, citing the latest and most complex case law, complete with accurate footnotes.

Moreover, oral arguments can now be drafted by AI, allowing litigants to read them directly in court. This technology could even empower jailhouse lawyers to elevate their cases, eventually seeking review at the Supreme Court.

However, there are still limits to what AI can accomplish. Most legal matters are resolved not in the courtroom but through negotiations, conducted over the phone or in courthouse hallways. While AI can provide sound advice, it falls short in delivering the showmanship and oratory skills that remain crucial in the legal profession.

One consequence of AI's rise is the potential flood of nuisance litigation in courts, as clever litigants take advantage of the technology to challenge the system in unforeseen ways. 

The landmark 1963 case, Gideon v. Wainwright, which guaranteed state-provided legal representation for indigent criminal defendants, may also see revisions, with taxpayer funds potentially redirected to additionally provide AI tools. 

There’s an old saying that anyone who represents themselves in court has a fool for a client. In the near future, that might not hold true anymore.

On a related note, many lawyers today express dissatisfaction with their profession, with many transitioning to more fulfilling careers. If I were a lawyer right now, I would be considering a career change, as the future of the legal profession seems increasingly uncertain.

Wow! A new development to stop trauma related bleeding!

Los Angeles, CA— a lot of my readers know that I preach that you obtain first aid training and have a trauma kit available for serious and life-threatening injuries, including gunshot wounds, and stabbings. 

The current method is to apply a tourniquet, tightly pack gauze and a hemostatic agent into the wound.  Well, you were shoving your fingers and gauze into someone’s wound. They’re gonna be screaming in pain .  Times change and thankfully smart people come along like in this case and gave us an exciting new method. The product is self is made from algae and it comes in a syringe without a needle, and you simply apply it to the bleeding area.  This is much less traumatic for the patient and the application is incredibly simplified.  

The product is not yet for sale, but I believe it will be available over-the-counter very soon.  If you believe in self-defense and preparation for violent times you are going to need a trauma kit with adequate supplies for your loved ones.  Be sure to get your hands on this and put it in your kit.  If you go to the website, you will see a video showing you how to apply the gel.  Again, this is one of the most exciting things that has come to trauma care.  

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

European are fighting back against forced multiculturalism


Across Europe, there is a noticeable shift towards conservative nationalism, as voters express their frustrations with the ongoing challenges posed by large-scale immigration, particularly from Muslim countries. In countries like Germany, France, and England, recent elections have reflected this trend, with nationalist candidates gaining ground. 

Supporters of multiculturalism, are aligned with the far left, have been quick to label these conservatives as Right wing extremists, even comparing them to Nazis. However, many Europeans are growing increasingly vocal in their demands for stronger immigration controls, arguing that the newcomers have not integrated into the host cultures and that the resulting social tensions, including exploding crime rates, have reached a critical point.

Incidents of violence, such as rapes, stabbings, and thefts, have become alarmingly frequent, prompting governments to take measures like compensating retail businesses for losses due to rampant theft. In response, mass protests have erupted in major cities across Europe, signaling a significant public backlash.

This discontent is not limited to Europe. In the United States, there is growing anger over the financial burden of supporting illegal immigrants, who,are are hostile to American values. As the 2024 election approaches, concerns about voter fraud—particularly committed by Democrats—are intensifying, with new evidence emerging from states like Arizona and Georgia that could have stolen the 2020 election.

While Europe faces deep divisions over these issues, there is hope that both the continent and the United States will see a movement towards restoring national sovereignty and easing the financial strain on their citizens.

The American military is facing a manpower crisis.

Chicago, IL—This story begins in my hometown, where I was drafted into the Army during the peak of the Vietnam War (1968-1970).  Growing up as a fighter, I was ready for combat even as a teenager. Though I had no desire to join the military, I knew that getting drafted was a real probability, and I had to prepare myself to face it.

During this time, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara significantly lowered the intelligence requirements for military enlistment and recruited large numbers of petty criminals.  Many of these recruits, often referred to as 'McNamara’s morons,' struggled to complete basic training, with many going AWOL or getting into other trouble. Those who couldn’t adjust left the military with less than honorable discharges, though some did manage to turn things around and become successful soldiers despite their limited intellectual capabilities.

The nickname 'McNamara’s morons' was fitting for many of these recruits, who mostly volunteered to join the military. In contrast, the draftees were generally better qualified and more disciplined. In the army, serial numbers indicated whether a soldier was drafted (with the prefix 'US') or had enlisted voluntarily (with the prefix 'RA'). Those with the 'US' prefix were often draftees or “volunteers” fulfilling their military obligations at a time of their choosing.

Regardless, nearly 70,000 young Americans lost their lives in that war, and another 300,000 were wounded. Although I consider the Vietnam War 'my war,' I was lucky and fought it out in Germany, where I was assigned as a medical corpsman. My fellow soldiers called me 'Doc,' a term of genuine respect in the military.

My fellow soldiers were baby boomers, most of whom are either deceased or collecting Social Security today. We grew up in a different era, playing with G.I. Joe figures and embracing what is now called 'toxic masculinity.' If we mouthed off to cops, we got the crap slapped out of us and nobody cared about our complaints.

Most young men of my generation understood combat from those rough-and-tumble of schoolyard fights. In high school, I joined the Junior ROTC, where we drilled with real M1 rifles and shot .22 caliber rifles at the school’s rifle range.  This actually prepared me if I was to face the challenge of combat.  

Today’s culture is vastly different. Many young men were raised as 'soy-boys' or 'femboys,' lacking the masculine traits that were once encouraged. As kids, they traded their G.I. Joe figures for Barbie dolls and now struggle with keeping their testosterone levels down. 

Many other young men who could potentially serve as soldiers have no military skills, and most haven’t even gone camping, fishing, or hunting. Even with training, they would be at a disadvantage in combat.

This brings us to the topic of women in the military. Many women are more effective and courageous than a significant percentage of men. However, there are still many women who just don’t belong in combat roles but can contribute to the military in other essential ways.

The reason I bring all this up is to emphasize that if we were to face a major conflict today, the military we could muster would be woefully inadequate.  The kind of men that fiercely fought for us in  Normandy, France, on D-Day, so long ago are a very rare commodity today.  

Passengers with concealed carry licenses are about to make a serious impact on the CTA.

Thugs sought in CTA robbery

Chicago, IL—A federal judge just obliterated a portion of Illinois law that previously barred people with concealed weapon licenses from carrying them on public transportation. Now, thugs targeting innocent men and women on the CTA might find themselves on the wrong end of a gun. The tables have turned, and criminals may soon be the ones ending up in black rubber body bags.  

Back in the day, when the CTA had its own plainclothes police force, and later when Chicago cops did undercover work on the CTA, the bodies of these thugs routinely piled up at the Cook County Morgue. It looks like history is about to repeat itself.  There were so many justifiable shootings politicians ordered the cops to only wear their uniforms so the offenders were not caught off guard.  Politicians knew that allowing that enforcement tactic to continue would ignite perilous racial tensions.  

Chicago’s subway predators are now in for some well-deserved surprises. And this time, CTA’s video cameras will be there to capture every moment of karma in action. Given Chicago’s racial crime statistics, there’s no mystery who the offenders will be. 

If a citizen has to defend themselves by pulling the trigger, they have no obligation to stick around or talk to the cops. The police will review the video footage and decide if the armed citizen was justified. They of course will want to chat with the citizen, but as the Rolling Stones said, "You can’t always get what you want!"

If you’re ever in this position, remember four simple words: "I want a lawyer." The police will seize your gun and send it to the crime lab for ballistics testing. If no charges are filed within a reasonable time, your gun will be returned. Smart citizens will already have a second gun ready, so they aren’t left defenseless during the process.

As for the mothers of the dead thugs, they shouldn’t expect any of those so-called “ghetto lottery” payouts the city hands out after police shootings. Even if the shootings are deemed egregious, but no charges are filed, no,lawsuits will will surface.  Do you need now worry that race hustling lawyer,  Ben Crump to show up unless there’s a fat payday in it for him.

Instead, these mothers should focus on guiding their troubled sons and daughters toward legitimate paths to success.  

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Our nation is hopelessly divided—what’s next?

Chicago, IL—The Windy City is bracing for chaos. Fences are up, businesses are boarded, and the National Guard is assembling. Cops are getting their final briefings. ANTIFA soldiers are reportedly flooding in by the thousands, alongside hordes of anti-Semitic Palestinians planning their actions.

Chicago police officers have been thoroughly castrated, knowing full well that any attempt to stop the violence could get them fired or even prosecuted. The National Guard will be there with empty weapons, serving as little more than scarecrows. Private security agencies will be stretched to their limits, but they won't be much help either.

The local legacy media is hyping the tension, so if you live in central Chicago, it’s a good time to either get out of town or hunker down in a bunker.

Our country has never been this divided in living memory. We’re staring down a battle between constitution-defending patriots and the Democrats/Communists. The only question is, how violent will it get?

If you’re stuck in the danger zone, make sure you have firearms, ammunition, fire extinguishers, and any other defensive gear. Stock up on enough food and medicine for at least 10 days. Restaurants and supermarkets might be shut down, and food deliveries could be nonexistent.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Current Status of Gun Control in America

Washington, DC — In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in the landmark case of New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen. 

The Bruen decision struck down most, if not all, laws that restricted the carrying of concealed weapons in New York State. Additionally, several other gun-related cases that were previously decided contrary to the Second Amendment by various federal circuit courts of appeals are now being reconsidered. These cases involve issues such as so-called assault weapons, magazine capacity limits, waiting periods, age requirements for gun ownership, non-violent felons in possession of firearms, and other related matters.

The Supreme Court granted certiorari, vacated the previous opinions of the courts of appeals, and remanded the cases back to the lower courts for decisions consistent with the 135-page Bruen ruling. This process has been ongoing for the past two years, and these cases are expected to resurface as the Supreme Court reconvenes on the first Monday of October.

In its ruling, the Court affirmed that the Second Amendment means exactly what it says. The Bruen decision effectively invalidated most gun control laws that infringe on the right to possess and carry arms. The Court also made it clear that modern-day public safety concerns cannot justify laws that infringe upon gun rights.

If two-thirds of the American people wish to repeal or amend the Second Amendment, they must go through the rigorous political process required to make that happen.

As a result of the Bruen decision, most gun-related cases will be decided in favor of Second Amendment rights. Anyone charged with a gun possession crime should consider filing motions to dismiss based on Bruen. Currently, the majority of states do not require permits or registration of firearms. In these states, firearms can be carried in public, whether concealed or openly, and there has been no significant rise in crime.

Contrary to media narratives, the Supreme Court has not expanded gun rights but has simply restored rights that were wrongfully violated by various political entities. It's worth noting that many gun control laws originated during the post-Civil War Reconstruction era as a means to disarm newly freed slaves.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Domestic Violence Laws Have Gone Too Far

Phoenix, AZ— It all began in the 1980s. I clearly remember groups of butch lesbians dressed like Hells Angels gang members demonstrating on Jefferson Street, demanding stronger domestic violence laws.

The push at the time was to create tougher court restraining orders and to punish cowardly men who physically and emotionally abused women. These same groups also sought tax-supported shelters for battered women.

Those advocating for stricter laws ultimately succeeded, but things didn’t unfold as planned. As a licensed private investigator and court process server, I found myself serving these orders on lesbians who were allegedly abusing each other.

Obtaining restraining orders that eject a person from their own home and confiscate firearms requires only a single, unsupported allegation. Although there is a hearing later, the accused doesn’t get a public defender since these cases are considered civil matters, meaning due process is minimal at best.

I also discovered that the battered women’s shelters were often staffed by aggressive lesbians who preyed on the victims/residents.

However, the most significant issue arose when orders of protection and domestic violence allegations surged, not due to actual violence, but because people embroiled in divorce and custody battles were fabricating claims to gain an advantage in court.


Another significant issue with these restraining orders is that judges tend to sign them automatically. They do this because should something terrible were to happen after refusing to sign, they would face intense scrutiny from the media and the public. As a result, judges often feel they have no options but to approve every order.

The real tragedy is that people are being convicted, castigated, and punished for life simply based on the unsubstantiated claims of their domestic partners. It gets even worse when the accuser decides to drop the allegations they initially brought to court. Prosecutors still find ways to convict the accused, often bypassing hearsay rules and without the testimony of the alleged victims.

Two things routinely happen to innocent people. First, they are publicly branded as abusers in court records, which severely impacts their future employment, relationships and marriages. Second, an innocent person can be barred from possessing a firearm for life, no matter how dire their future circumstances may be.

What I’ve learned is that the stigma attached to these accusations is often worse than the jail time itself.

Domestic violence should be treated like any other assault or battery case. Misdemeanors should not be escalated into major crimes.

Let me be clear: I absolutely abhor spousal abuse and believe in both enforcement and punishment for those who terrorize their partners. However, we must recognize that the system is often abused, and perjury becomes a tool for some to resolve their legal issues. The rampant misuse of domestic violence laws calls for urgent reform. We also need to understand that this is a complex issue, and a one-size-fits-all approach is inadequate.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Understanding the bankrupt ghetto culture of our big cities.


Chicago, IL—I was born and raised here, growing up in challenging circumstances with a dysfunctional, single mother who often left me to fend for myself. Whether she abandoned me with friends or sent me off to a boys' home for three years, I was forced to navigate a childhood of extreme poverty and neglect. By age 14, I had no choice but to get a full-time job and find my own apartment, or face being placed into foster care. Survival meant lying about my age, which I did to secure a job at Jake’s Pup in the Ruff in the Uptown neighborhood. By day, I attended Senn High School, and by night, I ran the hotdog stand alone. I found a small apartment and convinced the landlord I was 18. From there, things gradually improved, and I was thrust into adulthood much earlier than most.

The reason I share this background is to highlight my understanding of the realities of poverty, hunger, and parental neglect—issues that plague Chicago’s ghettos. However, despite those hardships, I didn’t grow up surrounded by the rampant drug culture and violence that has now become synonymous with these neighborhoods. 

At 19, I lied about my age again and managed to get hired by the Cook County Sheriff’s Police. This was all fine until I received my draft notice from President Lyndon Johnson. Hoping for an occupational deferment, my captain, Packy Walsh, discovered my real age. Instead of firing me, they reassigned me as a civilian until it was time for me to report for duty in the armed forces.  I had hoped be sent to the Coast Guard, but the Vietnam War had other plans, and I was trained as an Army infantryman. Although I received orders for Vietnam in 1968, I was rerouted to Germany, where I served as a medical corpsman at a large dispensary, similar to today’s urgent care centers.

After my service, I returned to work for Captain Walsh as if I had never left, this time in the Fugitive Warrants, Transportation Division. I spent my days dealing with the most dangerous criminals in Chicago, transporting them from jail to the various courthouses in the county, and even to County Hospital for medical treatment or the Cook County Morgue for Coroner’s Inquests. This job exposed me to a tragic and broken culture. Later, as a member of the Chicago Police Department, I truly saw the horrors of ghetto life—needless violence, child neglect, abuse, and the worst kinds of cruelty.

President Lyndon Johnson’s "war on poverty" was a socialist disaster. He and other Democrat politicians threw billions of taxpayer dollars at the problem, but instead of helping, they destroyed the black family structure. Overnight, the black community was transformed into a single-mother nightmare, with young women ill-equipped to raise their children properly, left to shoulder impossible responsibilities. With discipline gone from schools controlled by teachers' unions and massive political corruption at the hands of white liberals, black Americans were programmed into a cycle of dependency. They were led to believe that they could only survive by voting for the very people who kept them in misery.

Today, black Americans are trapped in a modern-day plantation, not much different from the days of slavery. They fill our prisons, jails, and death rows, kept ignorant, dependent, and in poverty by white liberals, Communists, and Democrats. The damage is so severe that it will take generations to undo. 

Black Americans deserve better—they should be competing for excellence and striving to achieve the American Dream. It all begins with education and training. Affirmative action, DEI hiring, and participation trophies strip people of their dignity. What truly matters is hard work, competitiveness, and the desire to succeed.

We need to provide remedial education so that black Americans can read, balance a checkbook, and manage a budget. We need to train them for real jobs or help them start their own businesses. 

Voting for Democrats has done nothing for them but serious harm. It’s time for black Americans to escape the plantation and start competing for their share of the American Dream.

Friday, August 09, 2024

The Risks of Open Carry for Handguns: Why Concealment is Wiser.

Phoenix, AZ— For many decades, Arizona only permitted the open carry of firearms, reserving concealed carry solely for sworn peace officers. However, open carry of handguns, in particular, is fraught with risks and is more likely to lead to a breach of peace than firearms carried discreetly.

When you openly carry a handgun, you are more likely to encounter unstable individuals who might confront, complain, or even attempt to disarm you. But there’s an even more alarming scenario: imagine someone sees you with a gun, feels threatened, and falsely reports to the police that you pointed the weapon at them. The police respond to find you openly carrying a firearm, and there’s a so-called “victim” willing to lie under oath. In Arizona, aggravated assault laws, especially those involving gun-pointing, are severe, carrying a mandatory five-year prison sentence without parole.

Even if you know you did nothing wrong, the trial may not go in your favor. The accuser could perjure themselves, and the prosecutor might paint you as a danger to society. With no evidence other than your word, the risk of conviction looms large. Facing such a scenario, many people, fearing the harsh sentence, may opt to plead guilty in exchange for probation or a shorter jail term—yet this still results in a felony conviction and a lifetime ban on owning firearms.

In states that only permit open carry, it might actually be safer to risk violating a misdemeanor law that forbids concealed carry. In a self-defense situation, how you carried the gun won’t be easily proven unless you self-incriminate. Arizona, after 14 years of my lobbying efforts eventually allowed for concealed weapons permits and later removed the requirement altogether. Therefore, there’s no practical reason to openly carry a handgun, as doing so diminishes any tactical advantage you might have in a self-defense scenario. It’s best to keep your firearm out of sight and out of mind.

As one of the first firearms safety instructors in the state, I’m proud to say my students have always acted responsibly. When it comes to long guns, however, situations of unrest may necessitate openly carrying rifles or shotguns. Recent history has shown us examples, such as Korean shopkeepers during the Rodney King riots in LA and that Kenosha riot that showed Kyle Rittenhouse defending himself against three thugs trying to kill him. 

While we must defend open carry laws for such situations, it is generally wiser to conceal handguns to avoid unnecessary and potentially life-altering conflicts. Never forget when you’re carrying a weapon conflict avoidance is rule number one.