Friday, August 09, 2024

Kamala Harris: The Clown Candidate We Didn't Know We Needed Kamala Harris: The Clown Candidate We Didn't Know We Needed

In the wild world of politics, where speeches are scripted and answers are doggedly rehearsed, one presidential candidate has found a way to stand out.  Kamala Harris, with her unique blend of forced laughter and cryptic phrases that sound like they’ve been pulled from a fortune cookie, has truly given America something to talk about.

Every time she’s asked a serious question, Harris seems to channel her inner wannabe stand-up comedian, unleashing a chuckle so out of place it could make a clown uncomfortable. It's as if she’s performing a one-woman show, where the punchlines are missing, but the laughs keep coming. Perhaps she’s trying to fill the awkward silences with her own brand of humor, or maybe she’s just as confused as the rest of us by what she’s saying. 

And then there's her VP pick. In a stroke of what some might call genius, and others might call “political suicide”, Harris chose a running mate who has "stolen valor" and enough liberal street cred to make Bernie Sanders blush. His claim to fame? Being the governor of Minnesota during the 2020 BLM/ANTIFA riots, where he apparently mistook "leadership" for being the rioter’s cheerleader.

This dynamic duo is shaping up to be a real gift to Donald Trump. Harris’s laughter might be contagious, but unfortunately for her, so is the bewilderment of voters. And as for her VP, well, let’s just say his track record isn’t doing them any favors. If their campaign strategy is to confuse, amuse, and lose, they’re doing a fantastic job.

In a political climate where candidates are often accused of taking themselves too seriously, Kamala Harris has managed to do the impossible: make the race for the White House feel like open mic night at the local comedy club. Let’s just hope that the voters get the last laugh. Kamala Harris, with her unique blend of forced laughter and cryptic phrases that sound like they’ve been pulled from a fortune cookie, has truly given America something to talk about.

Every time she’s asked a serious question, Harris seems to channel her inner wannabe stand-up comedian, unleashing a chuckle so out of place it could make a clown uncomfortable. It's as if she’s performing a one-woman show, where the punchlines are missing, but the laughs keep coming. Perhaps she’s trying to fill the awkward silences with her own brand of humor, or maybe she’s just as confused as the rest of us by what she’s saying. 

And then there's her VP pick. In a stroke of what some might call genius, and others might call “political suicide”, Harris chose a running mate who has "stolen valor" and enough liberal street cred to make Bernie Sanders blush. His claim to fame? Being the governor of Minnesota during the 2020 BLM/ANTIFA riots, where he apparently mistook "leadership" for being the rioter’s cheerleader.

This dynamic duo is shaping up to be a real gift to Donald Trump. Harris’s laughter might be contagious, but unfortunately for her, so is the bewilderment of voters. And as for her VP, well, let’s just say his track record isn’t doing them any favors. If their campaign strategy is to confuse, amuse, and lose, they’re doing a fantastic job.

In a political climate where candidates are often accused of taking themselves too seriously, Kamala Harris has managed to do the impossible: make the race for the White House feel like open mic night at the local comedy club. Let’s just hope that the voters get the last laugh.

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Television today is like a rotting corpse, decomposing before our eyes

The late Newton Minnow, former Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, nailed it when he called television a "vast wasteland" of senseless violence, mindless comedy, and ads that make you want to throw up. And that was in 1961! If he could see the state of TV now, he'd probably throw himself off of a broadcast tower just to make it stop.

Reality shows? More like asinine fantasy shows where people compete to see who can be the most ridiculous for the least amount of money. And let’s not forget those Court TV programs featuring folks who seem to think brushing their teeth is a once-in-a-lifetime event. These people parade their petty grievances on national television, seemingly unaware that they should be mortified.

As for network news, it’s like watching a soap opera written by conspiracy theorists. The radical left has hijacked the narrative, and they repeat lies so often, they become truths—at least to anyone still watching.

Newspapers? Well, with over 70% of Americans barely able to read beyond a stop sign, print media doesn't stand a chance.

If it weren’t for streaming services like Netflix and Prime Video, my TVs would’ve been tossed into a landfill years ago. Thank goodness for the internet, or I’d have nothing but static and regret in my living room.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

TV News and Transgender Reporters

 Anaheim, CA— I recently attended the Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) conference, a large professional gathering that lasted four days and was packed with educational sessions. It also served as a recruitment ground for news corporations looking to find new talent.

It seems that the era of hard-hitting investigative reporting, especially at the local news level, has all but disappeared. Legacy media has strayed far from its mission, rarely exposing government misconduct or holding politicians and bureaucrats accountable for their corruption.

Most reporters today tend to lean liberal, and their idea of investigative reporting unfortunately  aligns with political advocacy, particularly in support of the "woke" agenda. When reporting on crime, courts, and corruption, there should be no place for political favoritism; the focus should be solely on the facts and the evidence.

Legacy media has also taken on the burden of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) hiring practices. While hiring should be based on talent and ability, some organizations are overly concerned with meeting politically correct quotas. Equal opportunities should be available to all, regardless of race, religion, or sexual proclivities.  Hiring decisions based on quotas is simply wrong.

Over the years, many openly gay men have entered the journalism field and achieved significant success, such as Anderson Cooper and Sheppard Smith. Recently, the focus has shifted to legitimizing transgender identities. While most men dressed as women may appear comical or freaky, others manage to convincingly present as women.

At the IRE conference, I noticed a strong code of conduct was posted aimed at protecting transgender members from ridicule and gossip. Soon I was surprised to see about ten obvious men dressed as women among the attendees, which indeed was an unexpected distraction.

Upon reflection, I realized that these individuals were there to learn about investigative reporting, giving voices to the voiceless, and holding wrongdoers accountable. Ultimately, I believe that as long as they can perform their job aggressively, fairly, and objectively, their appearance should not matter. What is important is their ability to report the unbiased truth, rather than perpetuating left-leaning propaganda.

I am curious to see a major network place a transgender woman in an anchor chair and how it would affect ratings. Initially, curiosity might drive viewership up, but the long-term impact would prove interesting. 

Friday, August 02, 2024

Fighting Crime on Public Transportation: A Police Officer's Perspective

Los Angeles, CA— Public transportation in Los Angeles has been plagued by a surge of violent crimes. The current law enforcement policies, influenced by one-party Democrat rule, lean heavily towards leniency, a result of far radical left-wing ideologies.

In recent years, suspects arrested for crimes are often released with just a citation and a promise to appear in court. The cash bail system has been largely abolished for many offenses. The COVID-19 pandemic served as a pretext to grant early release to over 100,000 convicts. The consequences of these policies are dire, and lives are at stake.

Criminals have taken advantage of public transportation systems like subways and buses, where unarmed and vulnerable citizens commute daily. Simply increasing the number of uniformed officers on public transit has proven ineffective; criminals adapt by avoiding illegal activities in the presence of law enforcement.

What has been effective is deploying undercover officers who can act as decoys to attract violent criminals. Unfortunately, in an urban area like Los Angeles, the majority of these criminals are from minority communities. This isn't about race but rather the violent and destructive behaviors within certain cultural segments.

Undercover officers often have to resort to deadly force to protect themselves and others from sudden attacks. These necessary and justified actions result in violent criminals being permanently neutralized.

Reflecting on my days as a Chicago police officer, the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) once had a plainclothes police force of 200 officers. Compared to the 14,000-strong uniformed Chicago Police Department, the CTA police were more effective in combating crime. They ended up killing many more criminals than the entire Chicago Police Department, most of whom were black. This didn't look good statistically, leading politicians to mandate that CTA officers wear uniforms. This change, supplemented by uniformed Chicago Police officers, led to a dramatic increase in crime on public transportation and a significant drop in the number of criminals neutralized. Meanwhile, the number of innocent victims rose sharply.

The reality is that putting a uniformed officer on every bus and train car is financially unfeasible. Additionally, police radios often don't work in subways, hindering officers' ability to call for backup.

Politicians know that allowing law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights could potentially reduce violence, as criminals would fear encountering armed passengers. However, this solution is vigorously rejected by these Democrats.

Rehabilitation of criminals remains a myth. The only reliable deterrent is age; young, aggressive criminals need to be incarcerated until they are no longer a threat. Politicians understand that certain communities have higher crime rates, which explains their overrepresentation in prisons. Despite this, these lame politicians prefer solutions that simply don’t work.

In conclusion, to ensure your safety, it might be best to avoid public transportation in large urban areas governed by radical policies.  If you must commute on public transportation only do it with a gun and proper training.  Black Criminals' Lives Matter more than yours.

Is America Headed Towards a Civil War?

Chicago, IL—It seems likely. I predict that the Democrats will once again steal the 2024 election, as they did in 2020.

Over 70% of current American residents are functionally illiterate and are ignorant about our government and constitution. They rely on nonprofits and NGOs for disinformation, as these organizations provide them with cash and benefits under the control of the Communist White House. This control forces them to vote Democrat essentially through extortion.

Democrats have been manipulating the election process for decades introducing fraud through various means. The so-called "motor voter" scam allowed anyone, regardless of citizenship, to obtain a driver's license and register to vote simultaneously.

During COVID, Democrats exploited the situation to introduce mail-in voting, making it easier for fraud to occur. Ballots are printed or stolen and filled out multiple times. Our election system is less secure than those in third world countries. Ballot harvesting is our new way of life. 

The Democrat party has been taken over by hardcore Communists, no longer resembling its past self. The influx of Illegal, immigrant, low-wage, scab workers due to mass invasion has harmed American workers the most.  

Conservative Americans understand the situation and the liberties earned through the blood of countless heroes. As the government continues its Coup d’etat there will come a time when Americans take deadly action against tyrannical politicians and their bureaucrats.

Fortunately, many American police officers lean conservative and will defend the constitution. While the upper echelons of the military (generals) may be controlled by Communists, the rank and file troops understand the importance of upholding the Constitution.

If another election is stolen, the American experiment as we know it will be doomed unless a revolution dedicated to renewing American principles takes place.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Do the female Secret Service agents who protected Donald Trump during the attempted assassination deserve respect and admiration?

Butler, PA— There's little doubt in my mind that dark forces within federal law enforcement and the White House were behind the attempt to assassinate Donald Trump. They had motive, means, and opportunity, and the circumstantial evidence is mounting daily. These same dark forces have been targeting Trump since he began his presidential campaign seven years ago.

Participation in the dark conspiracy did not apply to the inner circle of agents protecting Trump.  There were three female agents up close and personal with Trump. One appeared somewhat clumsy while re-holstering her service weapon. The other two were petite women with ponytails.

Given Trump's stature, it makes sense that he should be surrounded by men large enough to shield him from snipers and other threats. The female agents didn’t assign themselves but were placed there by their supervisors, likely as part of DEI hiring practices.

However, when danger struck, these three women did not cower. They sprang into action during a very perilous situation and did everything possible to protect Trump. Every agent protecting Trump deserves praise and a medal for their courage and willingness to put themselves in harm's way.

The women shouldn’t be criticized for not being men. Notably, the one female agent did not turn her back on the threat but faced it with her gun in hand, ready to protect Trump. Despite a clumsy moment while re-holstering her weapon—made more difficult by the chaotic situation and close quarters—her quick reaction to draw her weapon was paramount.

Personally, I would have preferred to see larger men in that position. However, these women displayed remarkable courage, comparable to the bravest and strongest men, during the incident. Please treat these ladies with respect. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

YouTube has now taken on the role of a self-appointed arbiter of political correctness, gun control, and thought regulation.

Los Angeles, CA—The platform recently announced new terms of service concerning videos related to firearms education. These new censorship measures are driven by ignorance and emotion.

The controversy and politics surrounding guns are often misunderstood, even by the well-educated. Meanwhile, other significant societal issues like drug abuse, DUI, and various tools of violence receive far less attention. Guns have been increasingly glamorized by violent movies and video games.

Neal Mohan, a 50-year-old Indiana native of Indian descent with an MBA, is currently at the helm of YouTube. He is navigating the platform amidst loud public outcry, leading to what many see as a sociological disaster.

YouTube enjoys legal immunity, allowing it to selectively publish content unless Congress or the courts intervene.

Content creators are increasingly frustrated with YouTube's algorithms, which direct viewers to and away from specific videos. Erratic monetization decisions can devastate creators who depend on YouTube revenue to make a living.

Creating compelling videos is hard work, requiring skills in research, writing, photography, video editing, and sound engineering. Despite advanced technology and successful influencers like Casey Neistat, the current path to YouTube success involves avoiding any potentially controversial topics. Many creators now resort to AI to produce their content.

YouTube's policies affect all creators, not just those related to firearms. For instance, even those teaching camera use and videography have been impacted. The terms of service are often confusing, vague, and inconsistently applied, reflecting a subjective and increasingly restrictive political correctness.

The platform has grown so large and convoluted that its management appears out of control. While legal immunity offers some protection, YouTube still faces potential litigation.

YouTube should cease its algorithmic manipulation, but it likely won't, as it seeks to control the thinking of its millions of viewers and influence public policy. It has become a self-appointed, left-leaning thought police.

Most other social media platforms are similar, though X may soon overtake YouTube as a video-sharing space. Content creators need a platform driven by advertising sponsors, free from algorithms and censorship.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ben Crump is Playing the Ghetto Lottery in the Land of Lincoln

Springfield, Illinois—The latest case of anti-police sentiment began with a 911 call from Sonya Massey. She reported hearing suspicious noises on her property to the Sangamon County Sheriff's Department. Deputies arrived, conducted a search, and found nothing suspicious. During their final conversation with Massey, she suddenly moved to throw a pot of boiling water at the deputies.

Body cam footage shows officers excitedly commanding Massey to drop the pot of water. When she didn't comply, Sangamon County Deputy Sean Grayson, 30, shot her in the head with his 9mm service weapon. Massey raised her hands, but it was too late; the bullet killed her instantly.

The incident raises several questions: Whose reflexes were faster, Massey's or Grayson's? Was the shooting a reasonable and justifiable act? Is a pot of boiling water considered a deadly weapon?

Benjamin Crump, a self-proclaimed civil rights attorney, quickly got involved, alleging that Massey was killed by a white officer because of her race. Critics argue that Crump profits from what they call "ghetto lottery" cases by taking on high-profile racially charged civil suits.

This case has been compared to the killing of career criminal and fentanyl addict, George Floyd, a situation that led to significant controversy and the destruction of several police officers' careers. 

As the Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels famously said, "If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth." Crump is seen by some as adept at spreading such narratives, and local officials too often feel pressured to settle these cases with taxpayer money.

In a related anecdote from the early 70s, an off-duty Chicago police officer died after his wife threw a pot of boiling water on him during a domestic dispute. The officer quickly succumbed to his injuries, and I was tasked with transporting his body to the Cook County Morgue.  The wife was arrested by homicide detectives, but she was later cleared by a jury.

Circuit Judge Ryan M. Cadagin has ordered Grayson to be held in the Sangamon County Jail without bond. The deputy has pled not guilty to the charges. The outcome of this racially charged circus remains to be seen.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Video literacy must be taught in our schools before it’s too late.

Phoenix, AZ— Most high school students in the United States now have modern smartphones. Our children, by default, will be the future storytellers, gathering and documenting history.

Every school in America should teach students how to produce, write, report, edit, and post simple stories on the internet. The cameras and software they need are already on their smartphones.

Currently, we see many people holding their phones vertically and not effectively capturing important events.

If schools offered video literacy courses, I believe most students would enjoy being empowered by learning how to document newsworthy events professionally.

The challenge is that many teachers themselves lack these skills and would need to be trained to pass this important knowledge on to our children.

I think parents should be bringing this up at their school board meetings . Remember, it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease.  

We must stop the Trump assassination conspiracy coverup in its tracks!

Washington, DC—Breaking news: Kimberly A. Cheatle has announced her resignation as the Director of the Secret Service.  

I am convinced that Thomas Matthew Crooks was not acting alone. It cannot be a coincidence that Crooks’ deadly movements were facilitated and enabled by the Biden/Harris-led Secret Service.

This assassination attempt must be investigated by anyone other than the FBI due to their massive conflict of interest. The FBI has been relentlessly pursuing politicized and baseless charges against former President Trump for at least seven years. The FBI is part of the problem and may even be complicit in this attempted assassination.

As a seasoned criminal investigator, I call for funding to assemble a team to examine this effort to murder Donald Trump. There are witnesses and others who know exactly what happened. They should be speaking to Donald Trump’s lawyers and investigators instead of the FBI or Secret Service.

If you know something, speak up to anyone but the Biden/Harris-controlled FBI, Secret Service, or their fake news propaganda outlets.