Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Difficult Lessons of Gun Control

Los Angeles, CA—Gun control zealots live in a land of make believe.  They generally live in safe neighborhoods, drive reliable automobiles to their jobs in safe buildings.  Most have very little or no training regarding the defensive use of firearms.  They have been brainwashed by Hollywood films into believing that the police will respond instantly to their calls for help.  Unfortunately ignorance rules what they want to force on you and your family. 

The sad truth in a life threatening event, it can take valuable minutes before you can actually reach a 911 operator.  The 911 operator then gives a police dispatcher that second hand information who then gives that now third hand information to the cops.  The cops must safely travel to and actually find the location.  

When the cops arrive the damage has already been done and the criminals have fled.   The cops then arrange to remove the injured or their remains.  They write the required reports.  It often becomes more complicated when victims and witnesses lie to the cops about the events.  Cops are then forced to guess who is telling the truth. 

Most robberies, rapes and murders take place outside the safety of your home! The gun free zone mall parking lots and other places are serious crime prone locations.   

Cops have been defunded and castrated by politicians.  Also most people are unaware that the US Supreme Court has ruled that cops have NO duty to protect you! 

You can either call a cop to bring his gun and help you or you can have your own gun and hopefully the training to use it effectively.  With any luck you can do both.  

We have no choice but to take a lesson from the October 7th depraved attack on Israeli citizens by Hamas murderers.  Israel had very strict gun bans in place that precluded any meaningful self-help.  They were told to build “safe rooms”in lieu of using firearms.  Sadly, we now know how that worked out.  

Israel’s politician’s thinking was beyond mind boggling.  That’s especially bizarre when you know how years earlier millions of Jews had their property unlawfully confiscated and were put on railroad freight cars straight to death camps.   There was nearly zero resistance from the disarmed and later murdered Jews.  

Why do we let government steal the the natural gift of fear and the instinct for survival from us?  Why do we obey gun laws at all, giving up our only fighting chance to live? 

Why is gun control a political issue at all, beyond the politician’s desire to exercise total control over the people they rule?  They promise public safety, that they cannot possibly deliver!  Look at the incredibly miserable failures of Israel’s October 7th, Columbine High School or the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.  

Ask yourself when have the police ever arrived in time to stop a murder, Rape or robbery after a 911 call other than on a fictional TV program? 

I will end this with, don’t ever let a politician stand between you and your  Constitutional rights to protect you and your loved ones with the most effective weapons available! 

Friday, October 27, 2023

Making New Friends!

Los Angeles, CA—I went to a surprise film screening of, Sophie Scholl, The Final Days (2006) that was nominated for an Academy Award for best foreign film.  This is one of my favorite films ever.  I’m here standing next to German lawyer, politician, historian, prolific screenwriter, director and producer Fred Breinersdorfer.  

Breinersdorfer wrote the script for this compelling film.  It’s the true 1943 wartime story of the White Rose Nazi resistance group that fought tyranny, not with violence but by publishing and distributing pamphlets. Sophie was a 21 year old nursing student who was apprehended by a janitor at the University of Munich distributing White Rose material along with her brother, Hans and a collaborator, Christoph Probst.  

The trio was interrogated by Gestapo agents, tried for High Treason, condemned and executed to by guillotine all within four days.  It’s a heartbreaking story of the worst kind of Nazi cruelty. 

The screen writer, Fred Breinersdorfer researched newly released Russian held Nazi court records at the fall of Communism in Europe.  He also located and  interviewed living witnesses.  He then created  a masterpiece script.  

An amazing ensemble cast was assembled with the primary stars, Julia Jentsch as Sophie and Alexander Held as Gestapo Inspector Mohr. 

If there’s ever an English language version produced I want  to playGestapo Inspector Mohr.  This could also be done as a Broadway stage play.  

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Israel and Ukraine Wars in your Pocket.

Los Angeles, CA—The amazing video technology has brought the horrors of war to our pockets.  Both to capture and to later see the death and destruction.  

In contrast the Vietnam war brought films of battles to our TV’s at our dinner tables.  They were  gathered by seasoned war correspondents.  The graphic violence for the most part was edited out.  We were given the American casualty count.  

The memorable unedited and unforgettable Vietnam War  images were that of Buddhist monks burning themselves to death in protest, the proof of the atrocious, My Lai Massacre and the impromptu street execution of a Viet Cong spy by  Republic of Vietnam Brigadier General, Nguyen Ngoc Loan.  Last but not least was the horrifying image of a critically burned little girl running away after a napalm attack.  Those four powerful images fueled propaganda that defined the war.

Today we are bombarded with videos captured on smartphones.  Some were shot and uploaded by terrorists.  Other videos were found on dead terrorists phones and uploaded by Israeli solders and/or Hamas.  The same is true for the Russia/Ukraine conflict. The videos are often sloppy, shaky poorly composed but they all tell a story.  They are all stored in our pockets. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Biden’s Unelected Handlers Obviously Want Him Dead Now.

Tel Aviv, Israel—President Biden is an elderly, bumbling, stuttering fool.  Aside from his massive exposed corruption and treason he is a pathetic puppet clearly suffering from dementia.  Everyone knows Biden is unelectable now and a serious liability to Democrat/Communist Party control of our nation.

Biden’s unelected Communist handlers obviously sent their incontinent puppet to Israel in hopes he’d be killed by terrorists. This would incite a World War III, disrupt the 2024 elections and give Biden’s handlers the total control they want.  When it became obvious The Arab nations did not want to meet and negotiate with Biden, did they turn Air Force one around?  No! They knowingly sent him straight to Hell! 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Gun Control Was Very Effective for Israel.

Israel—The overrated, crackerjack Israeli police and military couldn’t save even a single family like the one above from the Hamas Horror.  Political Leftists in Israel virtually banned  possession or carrying of firearms by civilians in the name of “Public Safety”.  Hamas was well protected by Israel’s gun ban.  How’d that work out for the music concert people or those waking up to armed murdering Hamas thugs in their homes?

Can this happen here? Of course it can.  Our own police never arrive in time to actually stop murders, rapes and robberies.   But the good news is they will get you a medical examiner’s meat wagon and write lots of reports.  

It’s time to rethink gun control and reopening secure mental institutions.  Has anyone noticed that school shootings never happened here until we reimagined mental health treatment with pills the patients don’t take rather than institutionalization?  Yes, gun control works really well by keeping you and your loved ones unprotected.   

Friday, October 06, 2023

Right To privacy in America, Surely you Jest.

 Phoenix, AZ—Your cellphones give away your whereabouts however that data is easy to obtain or more difficult depending on how cavalier or careless you are with giving permissions. 

Much of our credit information, utility records are available to almost anyone.  Court, property and tax information is public record.  They only require a freedom of information request to the appropriate government agencies.  Dog, hunting, fishing licenses along with gun permits are often public records depending on the jurisdictions. Professional business licenses are always public information.  I’ve only given you a few of the records that invade your privacy and there are many more. 

Have I frightened you yet?  In the last couple of decades the technology of LPR’s has provided an interesting invasion of your private activities.  LPR stands  for, license plate readers.  Currently all over the nation there are privately owned stationary and moving cameras collecting license plate images with date time and exact location.   That information is collected and sold.  Publishing that data is actually protected by the first amendment of the United States Constitution.

I can submit a plate number with State of issue and get a list of bread crumb trail locations where its image was captured.  Law enforcement heavily employs the technology with their own cameras.  

The stark reality here is you can run but you can’t hide. 

Monday, October 02, 2023

Is insurance for concealed weapon carriers legitimate, or a scam?

Phoenix, AZ—You see the heavy internet advertising for insurance to protect you, should you be charged with a crime in a self-defense shooting.  Is this too good to be true?  You won’t like the answer!

All of these insurance contracts are carefully crafted to give these companies, in the fine print, an out, for the slightest excuse.  The decisions are not made by insurance company lawyers, but by their bean counters.  They may cover you or not.  

The lawyers employed by the insurance companies on the cheap may not be qualified to handle these types of cases.  They’re not going to immediately employ a qualified licensed investigator to locate needed video, evidence or witnesses.  If that happens at all, it will be too late to help you.  Frankly, you’d probably get better representation by the public defender.  They have poor resources and lack needed assets however they do have lots of experience.  

I’d say skip the crap insurance and make other arrangements.  After a shooting you or your family must immediately locate a licensed private investigator to get right out and search for evidence and interview witnesses.  That is before they all disappear.  Call and get a recommendation for your PI from a certified criminal defense lawyer.  That‘s even if you can’t hire that lawyer and you’re stuck with a public defender.  

watch out for the publicity-hound lawyers with the “big names” because they almost always they care about their TV face time more than their clients interests.  Their actual work is too often, ineffective. 

Bail is a huge issue.  You would be well advised to cut a written agreement in advance for bail insurance should you be arrested for any use of force matters.  Most people post bail and then are unable to hire a decent criminal lawyer. 

My best advice to you is to avoid conflicts and to only employ deadly force when there’s no other option.  Why risk your life, liberty and assets doing otherwise? 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Super narcissist, Jussie Smollett needs to serve his jail sentence.

Chicago, IL— It began only 200 feet from my old home at Marina City in the lower level.  It was in the middle of the night and it was cold as any miserable Chicago winter.  

Smollet’s grand scheme was to pretend to be a hate crime victim, that was beaten, tortured with a hangman’s noose and humiliated.  He would claim his attackers were two white MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters that just happed to be in that desolate area.  Finding  a MAGA hat for sale in that solid Democrat area would prove impossible.  

It is highly unlikely that any racist Trump supporters would have ever watched Smollet’s show, Entourage.  They’d not even know or recognize any of its cast members that were predominantly black.  Yet, the racist attackers, according to Smollet, knew who he was and that he was a homosexual.  

Smolett obviously didn’t know Chicago very well because Trump,supporters are an endangered species in this part of the world.  His story smelled terrible and lacked real evidence and more importantly lacked any credibility.  The actor had failed miserably in his carefully and newly rehearsed  victim role.  

The police and media investigation was painstaking and the two clowns Smolett hired were located and ultimately confessed.  Solid video evidence of them purchasing the props used in the ill-fated episode was embarrassingly exposed. 

The immediate denials and support from Smollett and his band of race baiting fools that included Cook County State’s Attorney, Kimberley Foxx rang like a fire bell. The star-struck Foxx, herself engaged in obstruction of Justice until she was removed from the case. 

Soon the arrest and  initial courtroom drama unfolded into the streets.  This time there was an actual entourage of vehicles including helicopters leaving the courthouse that traveled to of all places, the Entourage production studios.  Once there, Smollett and his clowns managed to disrupt efforts of keeping the show alive after this disastrous scandal.  

We can only guess how well Smolett’s co-stars, producers and crew members thought of that idea.  Ultimately, the show failed and all of the involved actors and crew were unceremoniously unemployed.  Had Smolett not pulled his insane stunt the promising show may have survived several additional seasons.  

Smolett served a few days in jail only to be released pending appeal.  His appeal was just heard in a very liberal court and now we wait for their decision to grant a new trial or not.  

Frankly, Smolett should have gotten several years in prison for his despicable crime.  Instead he will only serve 150 days less time off for good behavior if his conviction sticks.   No matter what, it looks like Smolett’s  acting career has suffered the death penalty.  

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Either we Reduce Violent Crime or we will be Consumed by it!

Los Angeles, CA— Since Covid-19, the release of more than 100,000 prison inmates and the elimination of cash bail requirements there’s been a huge increase of roving bands of masked and armed criminals.  

These thugs are committing both armed and strong armed robberies, car-jackings and home invasions.  They usually arrive in more than one vehicle and they rush their unprepared victims.  They attack retail businesses, individuals and are easily evading police. 

Police have been castrated by the politicians and are strictly  prohibited from making street stops of characters that fit the sex, age and race profiles of the usual suspects. 

There is no government treatment or cure here. It’s absolutely up to all of us to be prepared to deal with these roving bands of dangerous criminals.  

We’re safest at home behind locked doors.  But reality dictates that we must leave our homes to attend our jobs and schools. We must shop for groceries, our every day needs and must sometimes visit a bank or an ATM. God help us if we must use public transportation. 

The predators are out there watching our every move.  But are we watching them?  More importantly are we trained and armed with firearms?  Last year’s Bruen case, handed down by the United States Supreme Court has made it clear, carrying a gun as a constitutional right for the law abiding.  Local, state and federal gun laws are now in intense litigation and won’t survive.  Carrying a concealed weapon is generally only a minor but unconstitutional misdemeanor.  Unless you blab the cops have no way of knowing you had it concealed, assumptions don’t count.  

There’s no reason for any of us not to carry effective semi-automatic firearms with sufficient magazine capacities to deal with these busy criminals. The Bruen case and our rights to be free from search and seizure under the fourth amendment will protect us. 

Of course conflict avoidance must always be our first priority. Why make it easier for these monsters to target us? Never go out looking for trouble.  Just because you’ve got a gun does not guarantee you will win the battle.  

Never consent to be searched by police.  If they are going to search us or our cars without our consent, obstructing or resisting them is not allowed.  The place to argue these things must be in a courtroom, never the street.  Always be polite and civil with the police.  Antagonizing cops never works. Their names and badge numbers will be on the police reports so don’t ask. 

If you employ your weapon defensively it’s absolutely imperative you say nothing to police and simply ask for a lawyer.  Admitting that your shot your weapon is a confession that will haunt you perhaps for a lifetime.  Save your story for your lawyer and the courtroom should you be charged with a crime.  

Most of all if your rushed by more than one person it’s time to use your weapon like you mean it because you won’t get a second chance. Deadly force is allowed if you are attacked by more than one person even if they are unarmed. We call that disparity of force.  Be safe by being prepared. 

We can only stop these criminals by using serious and armed resistance.  It’s better they visit the Medical Examiner than us… 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Nuclear war by ballistic missiles missiles is a bad joke


Washington,DC—All those stories, tests and nation nuclear chest beating is all bullshit.  There may be a few missle delivered atomic bombs that need to adjust to changing geographic considerations, but only a few.  

When the United States deployed two atomic bombs nearly a 80 years ago, they were by necessity delivered by conventional B-29 bombers. They were slow propeller driven airplanes. 

Since then both bomber jets and ballistic missiles exist to deliver these horrifying bombs.  Of course, the bombs are, a little more effective these days with much faster delivery systems.  

Major governments can’t be so incredibly dumb to not have already planted stationary atom bombs in every major city.  Delivery mishaps, or time delay issues are over and setting off the fireworks are a cellphone telephone call away.

With 50 years of easily penetrated American borders, bringing in and assembling nuclear bombs here is no more complicated than building them at home.  Not to do so is unforgivably poor planing. 

I have only one question, what’s hidden in that building next to you?