Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Either we Reduce Violent Crime or we will be Consumed by it!

Los Angeles, CA— Since Covid-19, the release of more than 100,000 prison inmates and the elimination of cash bail requirements there’s been a huge increase of roving bands of masked and armed criminals.  

These thugs are committing both armed and strong armed robberies, car-jackings and home invasions.  They usually arrive in more than one vehicle and they rush their unprepared victims.  They attack retail businesses, individuals and are easily evading police. 

Police have been castrated by the politicians and are strictly  prohibited from making street stops of characters that fit the sex, age and race profiles of the usual suspects. 

There is no government treatment or cure here. It’s absolutely up to all of us to be prepared to deal with these roving bands of dangerous criminals.  

We’re safest at home behind locked doors.  But reality dictates that we must leave our homes to attend our jobs and schools. We must shop for groceries, our every day needs and must sometimes visit a bank or an ATM. God help us if we must use public transportation. 

The predators are out there watching our every move.  But are we watching them?  More importantly are we trained and armed with firearms?  Last year’s Bruen case, handed down by the United States Supreme Court has made it clear, carrying a gun as a constitutional right for the law abiding.  Local, state and federal gun laws are now in intense litigation and won’t survive.  Carrying a concealed weapon is generally only a minor but unconstitutional misdemeanor.  Unless you blab the cops have no way of knowing you had it concealed, assumptions don’t count.  

There’s no reason for any of us not to carry effective semi-automatic firearms with sufficient magazine capacities to deal with these busy criminals. The Bruen case and our rights to be free from search and seizure under the fourth amendment will protect us. 

Of course conflict avoidance must always be our first priority. Why make it easier for these monsters to target us? Never go out looking for trouble.  Just because you’ve got a gun does not guarantee you will win the battle.  

Never consent to be searched by police.  If they are going to search us or our cars without our consent, obstructing or resisting them is not allowed.  The place to argue these things must be in a courtroom, never the street.  Always be polite and civil with the police.  Antagonizing cops never works. Their names and badge numbers will be on the police reports so don’t ask. 

If you employ your weapon defensively it’s absolutely imperative you say nothing to police and simply ask for a lawyer.  Admitting that your shot your weapon is a confession that will haunt you perhaps for a lifetime.  Save your story for your lawyer and the courtroom should you be charged with a crime.  

Most of all if your rushed by more than one person it’s time to use your weapon like you mean it because you won’t get a second chance. Deadly force is allowed if you are attacked by more than one person even if they are unarmed. We call that disparity of force.  Be safe by being prepared. 

We can only stop these criminals by using serious and armed resistance.  It’s better they visit the Medical Examiner than us… 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Nuclear war by ballistic missiles missiles is a bad joke


Washington,DC—All those stories, tests and nation nuclear chest beating is all bullshit.  There may be a few missle delivered atomic bombs that need to adjust to changing geographic considerations, but only a few.  

When the United States deployed two atomic bombs nearly a 80 years ago, they were by necessity delivered by conventional B-29 bombers. They were slow propeller driven airplanes. 

Since then both bomber jets and ballistic missiles exist to deliver these horrifying bombs.  Of course, the bombs are, a little more effective these days with much faster delivery systems.  

Major governments can’t be so incredibly dumb to not have already planted stationary atom bombs in every major city.  Delivery mishaps, or time delay issues are over and setting off the fireworks are a cellphone telephone call away.

With 50 years of easily penetrated American borders, bringing in and assembling nuclear bombs here is no more complicated than building them at home.  Not to do so is unforgivably poor planing. 

I have only one question, what’s hidden in that building next to you?

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Can TV News Somehow Resurrect Itself From The Depths of Hell?

Phoenix AZ—As a former Chicago cop and licensed private investigator I suddenly found myself drafted into TV news.  I had no formal journalism education and doing TV news never entered my mind.  

It was late in 1989, I met a young investigative TV producer, Jim LaMay and his sidekick reporter, William LaJeunesse.  Those two saw me in action in the Phoenix, AZ courts and begin to follow me around.  They were both visionaries that wanted to know every way to gather newsworthy information in order to beat the competition.  

I handed them an interesting story of a young black man recently railroaded into a second degree murder conviction for killing a white man who was also the son of a local judge.  

It turned out the Public Defender was over confident that the case would be won simply with a legitimate self-defense claim.  Virtually no investigation or efforts to expose the horrific criminal history of the dead man, including his senseless, racial violence against blacks was done by the defense.  

After the conviction a local newspaper reporter,  the late, JW (Joan) Brown asked me to look into the case and help the lad who was facing a minimum 20-year prison term with no chance of parole.  I looked at the incredibly thin court file and was shocked to see an absence of any meaningful defense motions. However that Guilty verdict stood out to me like a flashing neon sign. 

I examined the backgrounds of both the winner and loser of this violent conflict.  The black kid lacked a criminal record but the judge’s son was a documented steroid using dangerous thug, Robbie Lockwood was out on three separate felony probation terms.  The dead miscreant avoided any prison terms simply because of his father’s influential interference.  

What had happened was that Lockwood and three others were out driving around at midnight while Barlow was riding his bicycle home from his job.  They ran him off the road in the darkness then three of the four surrounded Barlow threatening him. Barlow produced a lawfully carried gun ordering them to back off.  Lockwood had a wine bottle in his hand swinging it at Barlow’s head shouting, “Whacha gonna do, shoot me nigger?” Those were Lockwood’s last words. 

After visiting this fellow in jail, I formally took on the case of Ronnie Lewis Barlow.  I did my job and took the facts of this case to a gun rights group that actually picketed the courthouse for a new trial at high noon during 110 degree heat.  As a result of the publicity the lad wound up with a really big gun, private, pro-bono lawyer Booker Evans.  It took a while, but sweet success prevailed on our part.  Barlow got his life back. 

The two newsmen wanted me in their CBS affiliated newsroom, that today is, FOX 10.  They brought me in to meet the news director, Dave Howell.  They offered me a very well paying job however I could not shut down my detective agency. That would have made three promising law students unemployed.  I agreed instead to work on a per story basis.  That led to quite a career move.  I learned journalism from the best reporters and producers and as a team nobody could touch us in the ratings.  For years the Emmys flowed like water!

They later wanted me to be a reporter but doing the necessary digging for information made it impossible to both produce and report, nobody could dig better than yours truly. 

Later, I went on to work with all the major network news shows on the biggest stories, such as, The Waco Branch Dividians, Oklahoma Bombing and the UNABOMB, Ted Kaczynski case.  

By default I was the expert on crime, courts and corruption. 

Later TV news began a serious decline in quality, competitiveness and funding.  They slowly went from actually doing news reporting, to political election influencing.  That and internet competition ended the glory days of enterprising reporting. 

TV news can survive but only if they relearn that old motto, “If it bleeds, it leads.” People want crime, courts and corruption stories, not that political crap that is pushed on them everyday.  The term, Fake News would die if they began doing real news once again.  Ratings could return if news outlets would simply reduce the divisive political garbage.  

Monday, September 11, 2023

New Mexico’s Gun “Emergency” orchestrated by the Whitehouse!

New Mexico—The emergency “Health Order” gun ban  idea issued by Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham came straight from the Whitehouse.  It’s an obvious test balloon to circumvent the Second Amendment.  

Whatever court challenge results will surely be heard by a Whitehouse friendly judge.  Biden’s handlers are laying low in case this fails in order to to maintain, denial plausibility.  If it somehow sticks, Biden will try the same stunt at the federal level.  

Make no mistake this would be a suspension of the Constitution not done since Lincoln’s administration.  The Whitehouse wants to know just how serious American’s are to protect their gun rights.  

Local law enforcement has already balked at enforcement of this but Biden as we know would dare to send ATF and even the military to enforce this tyranny.  This would make the Waco fiasco look like a picnic.  

If this experiment fails  the Whitehouse will continue to deny participation and move to Plan B.  If New Mexico’s people simply surrender, say goodby to the Bill of Rights.  

Democrats learned a lot about control techniques from the first Covid scare.  They are somewhat confident they can pull this off.  Confiscation would surely begin.  Any and all government agents enforcing this treason deserve to be bathing in their own blood.  

 UPDATE!  9/13/23I Federal judge has issued a temporary restraining order, blocking the governors ban on carrying firearms. Because this was a temporary, one month plan the likelihood of an appeal is less than zero.  

Let’s hope this trial balloon has been put to bed forever. 

America Is A Nation Of Cowards

 New York, NY—22 years after a bunch of suicidal Muslim fanatics murdered 3000 people and injuring thousands more there’s no question this attack could have been EASILY stopped within a few minutes.  

On two of the four flights were off duty, trained, certified cops.  Stupid FAA bureaucrats ordered all but on duty cops from traveling armed.  Two planes would have saved by these cops but for being disarmed by useful government idiots. 

As for all the planes, none of the hijackers were taller or weighed more than the average American woman.  I know this because personally I’ve seen everyone of their driver’s licenses.  

Yes, the hijackers were armed with fake bombs and box cutters. They were Muslim terrorists and history shows that every similar incident ends in total death and destruction.  The passengers had absolutely nothing to lose and their very lives to save by fighting back.  Really brain dead passengers called 911 on the planes phones.  The rest sat like lemmings in their seats faithfully obeying the Muslim monsters.  

Had the passengers instantly stood up confronting these religious thugs Sept 11 would have been just another day.  Some passengers may have gotten hurt but survival for all was all but guaranteed.  

As for Flight 93 with Todd  Beemer and the, “Let’s Roll!” battle cry, it was was way too little and painfully too late.  The “heroes” were busy debating and voting on their course of action instead of fighting back.  There, nice try failed.  Had they not intervened, our Muslims would have had given many Congress members much needed instant term limits.  

Americans have proven themselves to have zero courage,  no ability to think for themselves and they’ve abandoned their God given instinct to survive to anyone seeking to control them.  We’ve become a nation of sniveling cowards.  

Our bowing to politician’s demands during the manufactured Covid crisis reinforced how easy it is to manipulate Americans.   We allowed an election get stolen with millions of fake, forged and unprecedented MAIL IN election ballots. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023


Los Angeles, CA--Let me begin by saying I’m a member in good standing with SAG-AFTRA.  I began with SAG and later a merger with its weak sister, AFTRA happened.  SAG is for theatrical performers, film actors, voiceover and commercial actors.  


AFTRA is for TV or radio news reporters, anchors and some television actors. Only a tiny percentage of them have and financially successful careers. 


AFTRA representation is crappy.  For example, there are TV news reporters that qualify for food stamps in LA.  I can’t remember when AFTRA didn’t simply cave into the desires of the production companies.  


That SAG-AFTRA merger destroyed the SAG health insurance leaving many working and retired actors in a sudden financial hotspot.  


What most people don't know is that only a tiny percentage of the sag actors are multi-millionaires.  There are working actors that although are not well known get work almost every day.  The other members are virtually unemployed because they lack talent or don't have effective theatrical agents.  They scrounge for crumbs occasionally getting work. Most actors are really gamblers hoping that they can somehow beat the house and get rich.


The biggest roadblock is that the union does not seriously crack down on scab work.  Desperate and hungry actors really have no choice but to do commercials for snake oil drug products and those annoying infomercials. Of course, they are paid near to nothing and get no residuals as these commercials are played repetitively and endlessly.  Imagine trying to be a screen idol as your face is continually broadcast on the television airwaves for months touting a drug for bladder control or erectile dysfunction.


SAG-AFTRA understandably does not want to hurt their members by enforcing rule #1.  However, no enforcement is much worse because the production companies then gleefully rip-off hungry actors waiting in cattle call lines for any work. It is a lose, lose situation except for the producers.  


Smart performers have day or better yet night jobs.  


The A&B list actors don't want or need to go out on strike because they are living comfortably in the rarefied air of Beverly Hills or Calabasas.


The other actors that don't get enough work need to be paid much better so that they can keep roofs over their heads.  Imagine for a second watching a movie where the only actors are the top stars. It just would never work without the other actors filling in the scenes.


As you can see there is truly a Boulevard of Broken Dreams in Hollywood.  It’s also loaded with too many producers and casting directors, both Gay and straight with their pants down selling film roles for flesh.  


With progress in technology every job faces amazing changes. Now we have artificial intelligence that will write the film scripts and give us theatrical performers as real as any you have ever seen.  That gives us to wonder what the industry will be like in another 20 years.


I will be on the picket line in the current extreme heat to support my brothers and sisters.

Monday, July 03, 2023

Democrats are rebuilding the Ku Klux Klan in America

Your City, USA—During Post slavery and Civil War Reconstruction, law enforcement was primitive and significantly challenged. Crime was out-of-control and there were insufficient police resources to deal with it.  The only immediate answer was to draft a vigilante militia force to protect the public. 


The first significant response was the creation of the Ku Klux Klan.  They took a pretty much a terrorist approach wearing their hoods to conceal their identities.   


The Klan slowed down crime all right.  It was in part because the sight of alleged offenders hanging from various trees that made quite an impression.  


There was only a couple of problems in that there was a lack of due process, trials and accordingly no appeals.  Punishments were influenced by anger, prejudice and the amount of alcohol that Klan members were consuming. 


The Klan was quite popular and many of our respected Democrat Congressmen were members.  They were invited to parade as heroes in our Capitol. Make no mistake Democrats created and continued with the Klan until recent times.


The Klan proved to be a violent blight in America with their seemingly total immunity to laws.  The cure was to begin arresting and prosecuting them over lynchings and terrorism.  However, when their cases went to trial, jurors were not inclined to convict their, “First responding” heroes.  


Things began to change when local police multiplied and took over the reins of policing communities. The newly formed FBI waged a successful war on the Klan. Finally in the 60’s. 70’s and 80’s the Klan was driven out of business. Today they are no longer the heroes, but only a detested memory of a very dark past. 


Today, our Democrat politicians have let thousands upon thousands of violent criminals out of jails and prisons. Likewise, the dangerous mentally ill are allowed to roam the streets without medication or supervision. Finally, our police have been castrated and forbidden to be more than just scarecrows.  As a result strong armed, mass violent shoplifting attacks against retail establishments with zero consequences now plagues every major city.


Under these circumstances, with no government intervention the only tool for our survival is a return to local vigilante militias to take over the protection and public safety duties. Why you ask?  There’s no other solution.  Apparently, we’ve not learned from history. 


This cannot end well. 


Sunday, June 25, 2023

Supreme Court Rulings Are Arrogantly Ignored by Some of Our Politicians!

Washington, DC—I have two major examples where politicians obeyed the High Court rulings without question. Miranda V. Arizona 1963 and Roe V. Wade 1973.  

When the Miranda case was ruled upon, police everywhere were immediately required to read the constitutional rights against self-incrimination to any suspect that they were about to question.  There was absolutely no legal push back or resistance to Miranda.

A decade later,  then Roe V. Wade ruling landed and without a whimper, thousands of cash up front abortion mills sprung up all over the nation without any legal interference.  

It was a decade earlier than Miranda, when the case of Brown V. Board of Education desegregation case ruling came down.  The legal pushback by Democrats was nothing short of epic and it took an excessively long time for our schools to become desegregated.

This month we have celebrated the first anniversary of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association V. Bruen ruling. That was the Supreme Courts 135 page declaration that as many as 20,000 local state and federal gun laws are unconstitutional and unenforceable.  Since then, government agencies at every level have been ordered by their Democrat political leaders to disobey the high court’s ruling.  

As the Democrat politicians aggressively and unlawfully resist Bruen, they continue trying to legislatively pass even more unlawful Gun bans.  

In a hotly divided nation, unlawful gun ban enforcement may well spark deadly gun battles as various government agents that  refuse to obey the law of the land.  

Taking guns from citizens by armed police for mere possession is nothing short of armed robbery, even with a warrant.  Most every state allows for deadly force to be used to stop such crimes. Wearing a police badge does not give anyone a special authority or immunity to break the law of the land and they may be killed in the process.  After the Bruen case why are these  politicians unnecessarily risking the lives of our cops?  

The next Randy Weaver or Waco style raid may bring on, Armageddon…


Saturday, June 24, 2023

Firearm Technology Advances Make Them More Dangerous!

Los Angeles—This lie is is accepted without question.  The truth is there are only two major firearm advancements accomplished in well over a century ago! In 1808 the first fully self-contained cartridge was invented by Jean Samuel Pauly. It had a copper base with primer powder.  The first semi-automatic pistol was created by Joseph Laumann in 1892. But the Borchardt pistol of 1893 was the first automatic with a separate magazine in the grip, and this remains the defining feature of the breed.  That’s it, not a single additional’ development has changed the power or function of firearms in well over 130 years! All firearm improvements since were limited to ergonomics, cosmetics and sighting devices.  

During the early 1960’s wood stocks of military rifles were replaced by modern plastic products that were both cheaper and lighter.  The preferred color was black giving a somehow more menacing appearance.  Of course the same changes were made for civilian semi-automatic rifles.  Wood is still available but at a premium price.  Rifles with wood stocks like the Ruger Mini-14 stayed off the gun haters radar simply because it was pretty. 

The perception of modern firearms by the uneducated are massively exaggerated by Hollywood’s movies.  A weapon’s power is assumed by the mere appearance of a firearm by the ignorant. Hollywood’s gross depiction of damage caused by bullets often defies every rule of physics with their film artistry and special effects.  Films and TV  shows are no small influence on lawmakers.  There are no magic bullets.  -

Gun rights haters call any firearm a, “weapon of war”.  Some banned or heavily regulated fully automaton firearms are used in war.   Certainly not the semiautomatic firearms available for civilian ownership even if they look like the military grade weapons. 

We know that with today’s emergency medicine improvements over 85% of the people who are shot actually survive the experience.  Ask any emergency room physician and they will tell you that surviving a knife wound is more less likely than a gun shot wound.  

Our mentally challenged President recently made this crazy claim, that a plastic wrist brace added to a pistol would give it a higher caliber! 

Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Truth Behind Hunter Bidens Gun Law Crime Plea Agreement

Delaware—Let’s begin with the gun violation.  This Federal law was born within the Gun Control Act of 1968 after the assassinations of the Kennedy’s and Martin Luther King.  Of course, guns were blamed for these murders by the hand wringing, gun right haters, much more so, than the killers.  


A portion of that 1968 Johnson Administration, federal law dealt with making a requirement that anyone purchasing a gun from a licensed gun dealer had to truthfully fill out what is commonly known as a 4473 form


The 4473 form asks a lot of questions including if you’re under indictment or been convicted of a crime that carries a prison penalty of more than a year. Additional questions involved mental health status and citizenship.  Later, questions involving Red Flag, domestic abuse and restraining orders we're added to this form.  


More Recently the FBI got involved in doing background investigations that became an expensive nightmare because of name similarities, refusal of mental health agencies to provide access to records and massive clerical screwups.


The key 4473 question Hunter Biden falsified was, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, common narcotic drug or any other controlled substance?”  This was considered a very serious felony crime carrying a punitive ten-year prison sentence.  


Now the rub.  The younger Biden will be allowed to enter a diversion program and this specific crime will be completely wiped off his record provided he successfully completes the program.  He may have to do some public service like working for a food bank. For Hunter Biden there is no probation, jail term nor is there a criminal record under this agreement.


Was this portion of the plea agreement a sweetheart deal?  Or was it an absolutely necessity considering the United States Supreme Court Bruen decision of a year ago and The Big Guy?


President Biden has been screaming for gun bans most of his lifetime political career.  He got a serious Bruen ass kicking with the invalidating  some 20,000 local, state, and federal gun laws. 


There can be no doubt that the younger Biden would have to use Bruen to beat the gun form deception crime.  The reality is that criminal cases get through the appellate system much faster than civil cases especially when people are sitting in jail.  The Whitehouse certainly doesn’t want to see the Biden name attached to some case invalidating any portion of the now castrated 1968-gun Control Act. 


The resulting massive amount of new gun law court challenges has taken the wrecking ball to gun regulations all over the nation. 


Bruen also destroyed requirements outlawing Interstate gun sales and these 4473 forms.  Gun Registration and Serial number requirements are also rapidly on their way to the unconstitutional trash heap.  


The Bruen decision held that the founding fathers did not create loopholes allowing gun rights impairments in 1791. 


Modern public safety concerns can’t be used as an excuse to impair the Second Amendment.  The only factors that can be involved in making a gun law according to Bruen must be rooted in text, history, and tradition when the Second Amendment was promulgated in 1791.



As for the two charges connected to Hunter Biden’s tax fraud, I think the Biden run DOJ had to get Hunter Biden’s lawyers to agree to sidestep fighting the gun violation.   So to sweeten the pot, he gets to avoid a free ride to prison on that too.  


George Orwell said it best in his book, Animal Farm. “All pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others.”


Take that, Wesley Snipes!  I guess Democrats have a two-tiered punishment system that seems to have a racial overtone.  The Biden name is clearly, by far the best kind of White privilege ever!