Sunday, September 27, 2015

YouTube, Music, Copyright, Compensation and More Importantly Fair Treatment of the Artists and their Property.

Los Angeles, CAYouTube has changed entertainment and news in a big way.   It’s brought the true democratization of mass media allowing virtually anyone to create, and broadcast whatever he or she desires.  Saying that, there are those issues related to what content gets special behind the scenes promotion by YouTube.  There is a lot of trash mixed in with some stunning content.  YouTube is also a training ground for those that want to shape and hone their skills.
Music lovers routinely steal or borrow music content created by others for their video’s soundtracks. This has created copyright pandemonium.  However it’s not really a bad thing for the artists. In fact new exposure of forgotten music of decades gone by has boosted legitimate sales!
I’m a chronic music thief!  I do it because I fail to see the harm and I don’t get punished.  More importantly I need great music for the videos I create.  There is copyright free material but it’s really lame in most cases.
I’ve become addicted to camera drones and sharing my incredible videos with friends and strangers alike.  I can either do a voiceover or add music to the soundtrack.  Drone video was made for exceptional music. I have to find and borrow music based on type and length so my videos become enjoyable.
Right now YouTube compensates artists through shared advertising revenue. However my numerous friends in Europe are blocked from my videos because of compensation issues.
I say these issues must be worked out for art’s sake!  I’d be willing to pay a reasonable fee to insure my videos are seen everywhere in the civilized world.  I don’t mind the advertising provided it’s fair to the music artists.
Below are some of the drone videos where I placed “borrowed” music.  It’s my hope that viewers will be encouraged to legitimately purchase those songs for their music various devices. 
Cilla Black Sings:
Frank Sinatra Sings:
Richie Havens and Amy Winehouse Sings:
Carice van Houten Sings:


Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Murdered UCLA Coed’s Felony Drug Arrest, Did the Cops Fail to Protect their Snitch?

O I 

Los Angeles, CA—21 year-old Andrea “Andy” DelVesco was obviously recruited into the Drug War when the UCLA police arrested her on four felony counts this June.
Police are programed by prosecutors to automatically give Get Out of Jail Free Cards to low level dealers so they can take down the upper echelon drug kingpins.  
Such was the case with this young Texas, double major coed.  She had little choice but to risk her life and become a snitch.
The complaint filed against DelVesco with the court contained an appropriate bail bond recommendation of $120,000.00 to be posted before she could be released from jail. 
What that meant is she’d have to post the entire amount in cash or wait until trial in a jail cell. These things aren’t quick and that could easily mean she’d spend a year or more behind bars before her case was tried of plea-bargained.
Most people don’t have that kind of cash lying around to they must pay a bail bond company.  The bondsmen risk their own funds but charge the accused a whopping ten percent of the total bond.  In this case DelVesco would have to pay $12,000.00 cash to the bondsman that she’d never get back.  On top of that she’d need to hire a lawyer and that would be well into the tens of thousands of dollars.
Because of her own foolishness at her young age, DelVesco suddenly had the worst nightmare of her entire life!
Simply put, police used extortion to force DelVesco into ratting out the criminals that put her in the drug dealing business. Once DelVesco agreed to snitch she was released on her own recognizance without posting a dime for bail.  Additionally she’d be spared from a felony criminal conviction record and a most certain prison term.
It’s easy to understand why the cops aren’t talking now, but the court documents reveal what happened.  The big reveal here is in the handwritten initials “OR” (own recognizance) on the documents.
The UCLA Police Department dropped the ball here by failing to protect their young and vulnerable tattler.  They should have known that the criminals they wanted DelVesco to finger would be both desperate and dangerous. 
If that lapse was not enough wait until you find out how police bungled things in the hours before DelVesco was murdered!  I’m holding out that outrageous reveal until I have additional documents in my possession.
It’s truly a miracle that this fire set to cover up Delvesco’s murder did not become a holocaust killing the numerous sleeping students in Delvesco’s building! 
In the end there is going to be a huge issue of liability for the failures of law enforcement to protect the youngster they recruited from a frightening and really gruesome death.  
DelVesco had a criminal lawyer; however since he’s most certainly going to be called as a witness he cannot now represent DelVesco’s parents ethically.  However, I just happen just know the right lawyer that wants this case!

Here is a link to an NBC 4 report with me by Patrick Healy:

Friday, September 25, 2015

Solving the UCLA Coed’s Murder and Arson Crime, What’s Next?

Los Angeles, CA—I’m convinced that UCLA coed, Andrea “Andy” DelVesco’s killer’s are reading what I offer on this blog.  If that’s the case, this is a “Golden Hour” for at least one person with involvement in the murder and or drug activities.  Yes, there is a Get Out of Jail Free card waiting for someone and serious police protection. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Latest Update on The Murder of UCLA Coed Andrea DelVesco

Los Angeles, CA— Police had released the crime scene yesterday, however late this afternoon they returned serving a search warrant on yet another apartment.  That means that the police found enough probable cause to search the other apartment for evidence.  Only KNBC-TV 4’s camera was present and got the video!
Additionally I’ve obtained a copy of a complaint in the L.A. Superior Court charging Andrea DelVesco with four counts of Possession of a Controlled Substance For Sale.
The felony complaint details her arrest by officers of the UCLA Police Department last June. 
In the meantime here is what I have on this very troubling case:

Monday, September 21, 2015

UCLA Coed Murdered, an Incredibly sad Update

Los Angeles, CA--The 19000 block of Roebling Avenue is inhabited by hundreds of young role models of society.  They are the best and brightest that are selected to attend prestigious UCLA.
The sprawling UCLA campus and surrounding area is well protected by both the UCLA Police and the LAPD.  The neighborhood for the most is a safe place for these kids.
In Westwood tonight there is one less special undergraduate senior and her name is Andréa “Andy” DelVesco.  She was a member of the pi Beta Phi Sorority and worked at the on Campus Jamba Juice franchise.
This young and attractive Austin, Texas native had been studying Spanish and psychology at this renowned university.
This morning many of her young friends were huddled together just outside the yellow police crime scene tape in tears after learning about this unspeakable crime.
I can’t imagine what horror and emotional trauma Andrea’s parents are experiencing tonight.  
L.A.’s best homicide and arson investigators are working non-stop to identify Andrea’s killer and remove him/her from our streets.
Not only did Andrea’s killer commit one murder this damn near took numerous other lives that occupied the building.  
Murderers that commit arson think that the fire will cover the crime and evidence.  That’s just not the case.  DNA and fingerprints can survive all but a fully consumed inferno.  The fireman were able to extinguish the fire within ten minutes of their arrival.
If there is good news here it’s that these type of crimes are usually solved.  I’m confidant that this one will be solved quickly too.
There’s at least one thing that these kids need to reevaluate, and that’s their personal security.  The kids are quick to let strangers into their building’s common areas out of a mistaken sense of courtesy.  These wonderful kids learned just how fragile their lives are, meaning they are not invincible.

My earlier Crimefile News Drone report:

Firemen discover a Murdered UCLA Coed in Westwood.

Los Angeles, CA--Adjacent to the UCLA Campus in the 19000 block of Roebling Ave firemen responding to a fire found that a yet to be identified coed was murdered.  At this hour homicide and arson detectives are doing a major investigation.  If you have any information please share it with the LAPD or UCLA police departments.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Vester Lee Flanagan, II or Bryce Williams was a Hateful and Racist Narcissist

Roanoke, VA—Most of my readers know that aside from being a private eye,  I’m also a freelance investigative TV news producer and have an extensive history working in this field. I’ve been blessed to work with some pretty terrific and talented people over the years.
TV news people are a special breed that thrives on creativity to show their viewers what’s going on in their world.  TV news hires a diverse selection of people where race, gender, sexual preference is controlled by strict efforts to reflect Liberal ideals. They strive to meet strict diversity quotas rather than simply finding the most qualified candidates. Thankfully in the end it all seems to work out.
Saying that I find the minorities they hire to be dedicated and gifted professionals that simply enjoy doing news.  I’ve been on the receiving end of kindness, lifetime friendships and the privilege of simply knowing like-minded people that are different.  We’re not really different because at the end of the day we are all human.
We all watched in horror the endless replays of the live, on air murders of two young members of a smaller market TV news crew doing a routine story yesterday.
Who or what shall we blame?  Political lines were quickly drawn, as Liberals refused to let the victim’s bodies get cold before they beat their Gun Control drums suggesting gun bans would somehow have prevented this.  Really?  From where do those shallow, simplistic and ignorant people come?  Gun rights haters never miss an opportunity to dance on the graves of murdered people.  This is not about guns; it’s all about narcissism, hate and that twisted sense of entitlement.
I think I understand this more than most people.  I’m a white male that never enjoyed that so-called “white privilege”.  I was raised by a variety of caregivers that included my incredibly dysfunctional single mother.  I know abject poverty, evictions, hunger and being embarrassed at school for the large holes in the soles of my shoes.  Necessity forced me to lie about my age, get a job at a local hot dog eatery and an apartment at age 14 in Chicago.   This life experience made me the politically conservative Libertarian that I am today.
If my humble origin sounds miserable and challenging it was.  However it was also an adventure that I survived.  I’ve been blessed with meeting some great friends, mentors and unexpected kindness along the way.  The most important thing I learned is we are not all equal.  Life is not fair and it will never be fair.
Some of us are physically more attractive, richer, smarter and healthier.  Some of us have incredible life challenges and can never escape poverty, hunger, rejection and misery.  
Along with other challenges comes hatred and for some the belief that even the most despicable criminal acts is their birthright to address the wrongs in their lives.  
Vester Lee Flanagan, II was raised in the San Francisco Bay neighbor of Oakland, CA.  Communists, Socialists and militant Gays politically run this area.  Oakland is the birthplace of the Black Panthers.   Avowed Socialist Jim Jones and his People’s Temple mass suicide infamy began in the East Bay too.
The most hateful and violent African-Americans anywhere can be found in Oakland.  The African-Americans here have morphed into a bankrupt, violent, narcissistic and racist culture.  Children raised here will have challenges far beyond other impoverished Americans. Hate is actually programed into their DNA. 
Raising children to avoid personal responsibility and blame anyone or everyone else for failure is the Oakland way.  Using the so-called race card has replaced achievement, competition and positive self-respect.  The males in this society see themselves as race warriors because they’re goaded on and encouraged by local Socialists and Communists.   
Vester Lee Flanagan, II somehow got enough education to seek out a TV journalism career.   Like everyone else this lad began but never progressed out of the “training ground” of small market television.  The pay here is low however the opportunity to learn and hone required story telling skills are great.  Reporters learn here and then move up to the next market.
Flanagan never made it out of the TV news minor league.  He failed redundantly because of all the crap he was fed in Oakland. Having a overblown sense of entitlement will never help a reporter or anyone to succeed.  Playing the race card after failure is professional suicide.  Flanagan made himself unemployable. 
A very telling sign of Flanagan's lack of even simple TV skills was his own video recording of the shooting.  He failed to hold his camera or cell phone horizontally to properly fill TV screens!   
Flanagan snuffed out two promising lives as well as his own.  He changed the life of the Chamber of Commerce woman by shooting her too.  What did Flanagan achieve yesterday?  He gave us more division, hatred and blight. 
 We as a nation must rise above this and demonstrate simple and sincere kindness to each other.  Is it rally that difficult to treat others they way we want to be treated?  Does race, sex, sexual preference or religion really matter?  We all simply need to toughen our skins to deflect insult and learn how to smile spread a little joy around.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Flying Drones Over Private Property and Asking Permission

Los Angeles, CA—Many people consider the airspace  above the property that they own or lease is theirs.   Some have actually used firearms to shoot at drones somehow thinking that was somehow justified.
Federal and state laws universally ban shooting at aircraft.  There are heavy penalties for shooting at drones or any aircraft, even UFOs.  
Many drone operators operate on ignorance and have bought into the idea that there is or may be private ownership rights to airspace above private property.
The law is simple, our airspace is shared public property.  Exclusively, the FAA regulates aircraft including drones operating in our airspace. 
State and local governments cannot make or enforce laws regulating aircraft in our airspace.  Many local jurisdictions have tried out of the simple ignorance of their lawmakers.  Those laws they have already placed on the books are unenforceable due to the FAA preemption.
Have the helicopter and fixed wing pilots ever asked permission to fly over land occupied by people?  We all know the answer to that.
Are those little camera drones somehow different?  Other than they fly at lower altitudes there is no difference.  Okay, the helicopters and fixed wing aircraft carry much heaver and more sophisticated cameras than the little drones. 
It would be both wrong and even criminal to use a drone to harass or stalk anyone.  Use of a drone does not insulate anyone from those criminal and civil penalties.  
However. flying over property to shoot video or obtain still photographs is constitutionally protected and genuinely established First Amendment activity.
When should you obtain permission?  Flying at or near airports requires permission for obvious reasons.  The same applies to any FAA “No Fly Zone”.
How about your neighborhood?  If you’re standing on property posted with No Trespassing signs or you’ve been asked to leave there could be an arrest and criminal conviction in your future.  Here you need permission. 
It will be a lot easier to get if you offered the property owner a copy of or a YouTube link to your work.  Most people would really want to see how their property looks like from your drone.  
If your launching your drone from public streets and sidewalks asking permission invites a meaningless refusal and coveys your rights away unnecessarily.  That also sets a bad example and precedent. 
Be kind and friendly to those that express concerns about your flying your drone. 
I’ve learned that it’s best to fly over residential property during the week when people are at work and commercial property on the weekends when they are closed.
Privacy laws are simple.  We all have a right to a reasonable expectation of privacy provided we are inside our homes and businesses.  Should we decide to skinny-dip in our own outdoor swimming pools there is no longer such an expectation.  Using someone’s image for commercial purposes is another matter.  
People have become accustomed to satellite, news choppers, fixed wing aircraft taking images.  Today they think nothing of surveillance video cameras everywhere in populated areas. 
The drones are a new phenomenon and a state of Drone Hysteria have taken over some people.  They need to calm down and enjoy the stunning images. 

There are drone operators that have appointed themselves as Drone Police and have tried to impose their own ideals on other rather then allowing the law of the land to sort it out.  Unfortunately most of those vigilantes never bothered to learn about existing law and our Bill of Rights.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Why Donald Trump Will Be The Next President

Los Angeles, CA--Those with less than honorable motives have distorted real public opinion on the immigration issue for decades.
Now comes Donald Trump.  He has vowed to remove all the immigration trespassers. This will bring him a landslide of votes from both parties.  For sure he will get the Conservatives that have not had a candidate worthy of voting for, for decades!
When you examine the issues like I have you will see why Trump can’t lose! 
The single largest offender has been the major media that took the route of faux political correctness aiding the political Left. 
Communism and Socialism can only survive with an unproductive, ignorant and needy majority lower class. Needless to say without out those votes those two evil political cancers would die.
The obscene profits of large businesses are somewhat protected by a massive force of cheap labor.  Job competition always depresses wages. Big business supports the political campaigns of every pro-Amnesty Republican.  Money talks and nearly all of our whore politicians are listening.
Why does Immigration Amnesty seem to be the only solution anyone can think or talk about to deal with this problem? 
That answer is simple, Congress knows only too well that the voters don’t support a change to federal immigration laws! 
Illegal immigration has brought us massive, ignorance, poverty, illegal drugs, violent crime and diseases that we had eliminated on our soil long ago.  There is just no getting away from those facts.
Our jails and prisons are loaded with immigration trespassers that have committed really despicable crimes. We really can’t afford this.
Health care: 
Our entire healthcare system has been undermined and destroyed by many millions of border trespassers.  Their diseases, massive childbirth explosion, violent criminal activities have inundated emergency rooms everywhere. 

Those $20 aspirins and Band-Aids is nothing more than the insured and paying patients subsidizing freeloading illegals.
Primary Education:
The invasion of non-English speaking illegals has likewise devastated our public schools.   The quality of American education has been sadly diminished every year.  This is intolerable.
Nobody wants to see anyone homeless and hungry. Yes, our social agencies feed and house illegals.  Entitlement funding for our own poor was never intended feed the entire world. 
Who suffers the most from the invasion of illegal aliens?  Poor White, African-Americans and legal immigrants must fight for jobs and any entitlement scraps with the illegals.   This is usually a pro-Democratic voting block.  However they understand their plight and who is responsible for it.
Angry taxpayers, especially conservatives have really had enough of this immigration mess.  Republicans leaders have lied to them as the media has constantly fed them pure pro-illegal immigration propaganda. 
This is not about racism but law, structure and simply ending the massive hemorrhage of taxpayer’s money to trespassing freeloaders.
Our immigration policy has been nothing  less  than criminal obstruction of justice by public officials that have enabled this immigration disaster.
There is a solution to the immigration mess. Mexico is a corrupt and tyrannical government that has made an otherwise great country unlivable. That government must be overturned.  The Mexican people that want an American style economy and government must fight for it. 
We should support a Mexican revolution and then Mexico could succeed in building a great nation.  So great that they’d need a wall to keep us Gringos out!
One thing that would really help, would be by ending the Drug War.  Take the Drug profits away and that would destroy the current corrupt Mexican government in a day!
Many of the tresspassers will resist or hide but most will self-deport.   
I am in favor of allowing better legal immigration provided those allowed in have no diseases, criminal records and can read and write English.  No special preference should be given to Mexicans over those from other nations.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Local TV News Has all but killed Itself!

Los Angeles, CA—Television news has been a 60-year exercise in monkey see, monkey do plagiarism.
Today’s TV executives are playing to the lowest common denominator.  The unproductive and ignorant seem to be the current TV news target audience.   Does this serve the sponsors that thrive on financially sound viewer’s buying power?
Is this more about guiding the lame, dependent and ignorant to vote for the Liberal political ticket?  I have no doubt that’s too often the reality. 
It’s not the number of viewers but rather their spending power that counts in the end.  How can anyone sell new cars to brain-dead and impoverished underachievers?
TV news would have died long ago but for lucrative political ads during elections. 
My recommendations?
I will begin with the abuse of the Breaking News label.  Last night’s news is not breaking in the morning.  Are viewers so dumb they can be convinced yesterday’s news is breaking?
The overuse and abuse of silly live shots sending crews to scenes just to be there when nothing is happening is so lame.  Viewers would be better served by more comprehensive and pre-recorded video packages. 
Why are they always broadcasting those gossipy-nosy neighbor reaction interviews for crime stories?  Revealing the results of verified public record checks makes much more sense.  This also leads to finding great people to interview. 
Helicopters and drones are a must to gather images since all news is appearing on screens rather than traditional television.  Drones are much cheaper and in many applications superior and certainly always safer.
Television news must begin to simulcast news on the Internet and when they do their advertisers should be joining them.   Between broadcasts a menu of stories to watch makes sense.  Looking at viewing stats tells us just what stories viewers want to see. 
The overuse and abuse of redundant TV news identification graphics.   They far too often interfere with viewing the video.  A small watermark is more than enough.  
One of my favorite news directors ever developed a slogan her station wisely used, “Less Chit-Chat and More News.” 
I loathe today’s TV news organizations doing crime stories the most.  The reporters are sent out for live shots with police PIO’s that will only release self-serving and often misleading information.
Tracking down and interviewing the witnesses, the accused and their lawyers will tell the whole story.  Only getting that sound bite from the PIO’s makes using reporters unnecessary.  Only a photographer is needed to get the “official” filtered government version.  
Covering news conferences by law enforcement officials live on a big story is always a terrible idea.  The local politicians and the police bosses use the first 15 minutes congratulating themselves and each other while mugging for the cameras.  Too often these things degenerate into a campaign photo-op for politicians.
The most obvious red flag is seeing politicians in attendance at those news conferences.  Would the news audience be deprived if they didn’t hear some mayor droning on about his great leadership being responsible for the solving of a crime?  Let the politicians purchase airtime rather than simply give it away!
TV news unwisely jettisoned their field producers long ago.  It’s almost impossible for a TV reporter doing live shots to flesh out a news story alone.
Does every story deserve a live shot at the expense of content? The answer is greatly limiting the live shots opting instead for significant content.  Talking heads are no comparison to quality video with competent voiceover and meaningful witness interviews.  
TV executives must learn that their audience has already moved on to iPhones and iPads.  Only the elderly, handicapped and least affluent viewers sit in front of TV sets at home anymore.
It’s time for TV news to adapt and regain the viewers that fled traditional TV for the Internet.