Los Angeles, CA--Those with
less than honorable motives have distorted real public opinion on the
immigration issue for decades.
Now comes Donald Trump. He has vowed to remove all the immigration trespassers.
This will bring him a landslide of votes from both parties. For sure he will get the Conservatives that
have not had a candidate worthy of voting for, for decades!
When you examine the issues like
I have you will see why Trump can’t lose!
The single largest offender
has been the major media that took the route of faux political correctness
aiding the political Left.
Communism and Socialism can
only survive with an unproductive, ignorant and needy majority lower class.
Needless to say without out those votes those two evil political cancers would
The obscene profits of large
businesses are somewhat protected by a massive force of cheap labor. Job competition always depresses wages. Big
business supports the political campaigns of every pro-Amnesty Republican. Money talks and nearly all of our whore
politicians are listening.
Why does Immigration Amnesty
seem to be the only solution anyone can think or talk about to deal with this
That answer is simple,
Congress knows only too well that the voters don’t support a change to federal
immigration laws!
Illegal immigration has
brought us massive, ignorance, poverty, illegal drugs, violent crime and
diseases that we had eliminated on our soil long ago. There is just no getting away from those
Our jails and prisons are
loaded with immigration trespassers that have committed really despicable
crimes. We really can’t afford this.
Health care:
Our entire healthcare system
has been undermined and destroyed by many millions of border trespassers. Their diseases, massive childbirth explosion,
violent criminal activities have inundated emergency rooms everywhere.
Those $20 aspirins and
Band-Aids is nothing more than the insured and paying patients subsidizing
freeloading illegals.
Primary Education:
The invasion of non-English speaking
illegals has likewise devastated our public schools. The
quality of American education has been sadly diminished every year. This is intolerable.
Nobody wants to see anyone
homeless and hungry. Yes, our social agencies feed and house illegals. Entitlement funding for our own poor was
never intended feed the entire world.
Who suffers the most from the
invasion of illegal aliens? Poor White,
African-Americans and legal immigrants must fight for jobs and any entitlement
scraps with the illegals. This is
usually a pro-Democratic voting block. However they understand their plight and who is
responsible for it.
Angry taxpayers, especially
conservatives have really had enough of this immigration mess. Republicans leaders have lied to them as the media
has constantly fed them pure pro-illegal immigration propaganda.
This is not about racism but
law, structure and simply ending the massive hemorrhage of taxpayer’s money to
trespassing freeloaders.
Our immigration policy has
been nothing less than criminal obstruction of justice by
public officials that have enabled this immigration disaster.
There is a solution to the immigration mess. Mexico is a corrupt and tyrannical government that has made an
otherwise great country unlivable. That government must be overturned. The Mexican people that want an American
style economy and government must fight for it.
We should support a Mexican
revolution and then Mexico could succeed in building a great nation. So great that they’d need a wall to keep us
Gringos out!
One thing that would really
help, would be by ending the Drug War.
Take the Drug profits away and that would destroy the current corrupt Mexican
government in a day!
Many of the tresspassers will resist or hide but
most will self-deport.
I am in favor of allowing
better legal immigration provided those allowed in have no diseases, criminal
records and can read and write English. No
special preference should be given to Mexicans over those from other nations.