Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Feeling Like You’re being watched Lately? Yes, You Are!

Town of Paradise Valley, AZ—If you don’t like cameras pointed at you, you'd better learn to smile.  They are here to stay watching, documenting and exposing all of your public behavior to the world.
With the new consumer camera drone technology the camera shy folks are in paranoia overdrive.  These people seem to have forgotten that cameras are watching them 24/7 everywhere.
From the time you leave your front door until you return cameras are constantly watching you.  Some you can see and there are many others you can’t.
For example if you enter the Town of Paradise Valley, Arizona in a vehicle a camera concealed in a cactus grabs the license plate number. It’s placed in a searchable database that allows the town government to know each vehicle’s exact movements. 
There are live cameras capturing and saving video everywhere.  Some store video for a short time others keep video indefinitely only limited by the size of their hard drives.
From the time you enter retail stores and their parking lots until leave there is a full video record all of your visit.  
Your neighbor’s home security cameras are easily pointed at your driveway documenting your activities.  Those cameras can be both overtly visible or covert and unseen. 
The reality is that if you’re in a place outside your own home that can be seen and photographed from any angle. Your backyard swimming pool is no sacred refuge.  
Satellites, fixed wing airplanes and occasionally helicopters, are constantly photographing the outside of your home from the sky. 
When I investigate crimes I make every effort to look for and ask about surveillance cameras.  You can nearly always find cameras that have captured at least a portion of most serious crimes.  Of course I must get to the camera’s owner before the hard drive begins to record over the earlier video.
Today you can’t watch a local news broadcast on TV without seeing samples of this video.  Remember you only see the crappy video where the characters are not readily identified. 
There is hardly a murder case anymore where clear video does not become evidence that prosecutors can use either to coerce a plea deal or enter at a trial. 
If you've picked your nose in public I promise you that some camera has captured that image.
Right now there are millions of illicit cameras in hotels, motels apartment building’s bath and shower rooms.  Today the infamous character Norman Bates from the film “Psycho” would be watching his undressed guests in high definition on large monitors or on his smartphone screen. 
Speaking of smartphones, we all now have high definition video cameras in our pockets!  At the first sign of something unusual happening the cameras are out of the pockets!  There is no escape from the unblinking camera lenses! 
Sorry folks the Genie is long out of the bottle and like it or not, you’re on candid camera.
As for the little consumer drones that may occasionally fly over your home are really inconsequential when you look at the big picture.  

Sunday, June 07, 2015

A Happy Update to Report on My Missing Person’s case, Oliver “Pareece” Jones!

Oliver Jones
Mazatlan, Mexico—I’ve been able to verify through Oliver "Pareece"  Jones’ sister that he’s been located here and is safe.  I know his five children are celebrating today and are very anxious to be reunited with their father.
The personal details are sketchy right now but they seem to surround a head injury Jones received in Hollywood just before he vanished on or about April 4th.    
I wish to thank the San Bernardino, CA Sheriff’s Police of Rancho Cucamonga for their diligent and professional efforts. 
Additionally I want to thank KTLA-TV, NBC-4, ABC-7, KCBS/KCAL-TV and ABC News Network for their efforts in informing their Southern California audience of the crisis and broadcasting Pareece’s pictures everywhere!  
Special Thanks go to KTLA’s great reporters, Kareen Wynter, Sara Welch and Rick Chambers for their interest and concerns.  KTLA’s five hours of broadcast local news was incredibly valuable and comforting to the emotionally distraught Jones family.
Like me the family was prepared for the worst but this miraculous ending is indeed a joy to report.  

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Open Carry of Firearms, Things to Consider

Houston, TX—Like many people I believe in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. There is no question in my mind that Americans have the absolute right to keep and carry arms everywhere.  Politicians and some courts differ with this as they attempt to violate Americans rights under color of law.
Saying that, mentioning the foolishness of civilians openly carrying firearms must be discussed and debated.  The debate about the law here is long over for me.  Open carry or any carry is the law of the land.  The debate about the wisdom of open carrying in an urban setting must continue.
Just because you can carry openly should you? 
I say that open carry is incredibly problematic and will put you in prison or worse!  Let’s begin with the worse.  If you’re carrying a gun for personal and family security doing that openly, deprives you of the element surprise needed to survive a violent event.   Even worse, experienced violent criminals can be counted upon to attempt to strong-arm you for your weapon. The tactical disadvantages of open carry are huge.
Other challenges are laid out like mines in a minefield.  I’ve seen the fallout of open carry first hand. Here are just some scenarios:
A gun rights hater sees you with your gun and calls 911.  The story this jerk tells is exaggerated in many different ways because the caller wants to see the police confront you and your gun.  The 911 caller will say, “the guy appears drugged up or drunk” or “The guy looks mean and angry and has his hand on the gun!” or “The guy is paying quick draw in the street!” The police can be counted on to treat the call like it is valid and the potential for disaster here is enormous.
Then there is the town troublemaker who will see your weapon and will try to aggravate you and instigate to the point where something stupid happens.
Last but not least is the malicious person that you may or may not know.  He or she wants to see you in jail and calls 911 saying, “there’s a guy with a gun and he pointed at me and threatened to shoot me!”  The police arrive and see you carrying the gun as described.  With a complainant that continues with this lie the police have absolute probable cause to arrest you for a felony crime of Aggravated Assault. 
They will arrest you, seize your gun and you will spend the next year of your life fighting the lie in court.  Between the huge cost for bail and lawyers, even if you win in court you lose.  Yes, I’ve seen innocent people sent to prison for as much as seven years this way.
If you are arrested for Aggravated Assault there is an 80% chance you will be convicted. Innocence is really irrelevant in today’s American courtrooms.
If you are discreet and keep your weapon concealed you can avoid so many real booby traps that can kill you or ruin your life.  Why would you take the unnecessary risks of open carry?
Saying all of that there are places where open carry is not a problem Events like those put on by SASS (Single Action Shooting Society) or for filmmaking.
I simply ask you to think before you place yourself in harm’s way by openly carrying. 

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner, The Fallout and Opinions are Mixed

Malibu, CAI weighed in yesterday on this story and I'm somewhat disappointed in many people including some of my own friends.   Many of the comments I received are not fit to print.
Bruce Jenner was an unquestioned world-class athlete and sports hero.  Jenner for the most part enjoyed a charmed life of wealth while he was always in the close company of beautiful women.  Now with a medically facilitated sex change Bruce is now Caitlyn
This non-political story has the political Right and Left taking sides.  That makes no sense to me.  
There was an apparent downside to this charmed life in the form of a life long desire for Jenner to be a woman.  Experts differ on the cause or pathology this peculiar sex confusion phenomenon.   Jenner is not alone since there are apparently millions of similar examples of transgendered people in our world.
The so-called experts have no concrete answers, cure or even an effective treatment for this malady. There are those that call Jenner insane, sick, perverted or worse.  We seem to judge insanity on the failure of people to reasonably function in their daily lives. I don't think anyone could label Jenner that way.  Perhaps those people concerned or worried need to get a life.
Transgendered people are historically non-violent and there is little evidence that they have any negative impact at all on society.  Why are some people concerned enough about Jenner to condemn, complain or hate what Jenner does with the remaining years of his/her life? 
Jenner deserves some slack from everyone.  This thing will play out in a high profile and public manner at least until the novelty wears off.  Jenner will make a mountain of cash that will soon find its way to his/her children and grand children.
Should this transgender situation wipe out an otherwise amazing and productive life?  Is there some reason to believe that suddenly Jenner will suddenly become unkind, evil or even homicidal?  Jenner has an absolute right to present and or promote the new persona “Caitlyn”.   Life is far too short for anyone possibly offended to concern himself or herself with Jenner’s new life. 
Now if anyone can tell me how this Jenner transgender thing will damage society feel free to let me know.

Monday, June 01, 2015

Goodbye Bruce, Hello Caitlyn! Turning a Curse into a Money Tree.

Malibu, CA—The tale of this Olympic hero, Reality TV star and suddenly iconic transgender personality Caitlyn Jenner is sensational to say the least.
Transgender or transsexual men were and are a curiosity that is most often the butt of jokes and ridicule.  However we barely notice the millions of women that are obviously unhappy with their gender assignments.  
The sight of women dressed in sweatshirts, jeans and sneakers sporting short hair without any makeup is very common.  Women that are unhappy with their gender don’t seem to suffer any stigma whatsoever when they dress like men.  They are usually accepted for their talents, social skills and contributions to society.  Lesbians seem to be considered acceptable in society while  homosexual or transgendered men are usually stigmatized.
Gender confused men that are cross dressers or transsexuals never escape notice unless they can somehow pass unquestionably as women.  Most often they are unemployable, finding themselves victims of violence or the subject of significant societal oppression. 
When you think about this gender confusion is downright sad.   Jenner recently said that along with some fabulous physical gifts from God came this huge transgender challenge. 
Was this a challenge or perhaps a curse?  It’s clearly a curse but Jenner has ridden this mess with the strength and endurance of a true Olympic champion.
Jenner clearly has some really skilled physicians that gave her at least an outward feminine appearance that almost any 65-year-old woman would envy. 
In a perfect world every human would be satisfied with the sex assignment of our birth.  If anyone hasn’t noticed we are not in a perfect world.
When you think about men hating their natural sex assignment really have a tough time.   To feel normal they must dress and look the part of women.  Their sexual preference is often not tied to their desire to be women.  They unquestionably must have uniquely difficult challenges and incredibly problematic lives. 
There are those religious people that insist that Gays and transgender people are sinners.  I’m personally of the opinion that our God does not give a rat’s ass about such things but rather how we treat those around us. 
If there is a God that we will meet on Judgment Day, I’d to think that our kindness and honesty or lack thereof would determine what’s next for us. 
Today however,  it’s all about Caitlyn Jenner who has come out in a carefully orchestrated publicist’s dream.  She’s now a worldwide curiosity cashing in on a sensational and entertaining spectacle. 
Jenner was obviously prepared by a cadre of beauticians and put before the camera of the gifted celebrity photographer, Annie Leibovitz for Vanity Fair magazine. 
Now Jenner will be invited to walk every red carpet anywhere dressed by the most influential women’s designers.  The already rich Caitlyn Jenner will now become definitely and defiantly richer.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

UPDATED!!! Is The First Amendment Dead In The Town of Paradise Valley Arizona?

UPDATE!!! I'm pleased to report that the town council tabled the drone ban ordinance acknowledging it needed to be studied.  They put off consideration until October at the earliest.  

A half-dozen or so people spoke against the ordinance and nobody supported it.  

I'm glad the council had second thoughts since this was created out of fear and misunderstanding. Frankly I'm proud of their taking the high road.  

As for those of you operating drones in Paradise Valley or for that matter anywhere, please fly safe and be considerate  of others.  

Town of Paradise Valley, AZ—In arguably the most expensive real estate in the State of Arizona they are proposing the most draconian camera drone ban ever!
The town’s council will be voting on this draft ordinance during their May 28, 2015 meeting. 
They want to outlaw any use of a drone without a single use permit and fee.  It further outlaws the publishing of all aerial images in somewhat ambiguous and vague language. 
Make no mistake; this would criminalize drone use if it were passed.  “Paradise” here is apparently an oxymoron! 
The biggest rub here is that the FAA has exclusive jurisdiction of the skies.  Further those including any government agency or private business like Google would be in violation by capturing or publishing aerial images of the town’s land and structures.
I guess some of the town’s father’s think they can require citizens to purchase permits before they should be able to enjoy the our long established rights in Paradise Valley. 
Perhaps this hastily and poorly thought out draft law needs a little more thought and its author needs some remedial education with respect to our Bill of Rights.
Maybe those interested need to contact these officials:
The Town of Paradise Valley, AZ and it’s Council:
Mayor Michael Collins
Vice Mayor Paul Dembow
Council Members::
Jerry Bien-Willner
Mary Hamway
David Sherf
Mark Stanton
Maria Syms
Town Manager: Kevin Burke
Town Attorney:Andrew Miller
Their e-mail addresses are below:
Below is the town’s draft ordinance along with my video directed to these officials:


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Public Relations for Drone Pilots has Challenges

Los Angeles, CA—The explosion of civilian multi-rotor camera drones is just beginning.  People are reacting to seeing them for the first time. 
My experiences with the public seeing my drones in action has been mixed.  Thankfully the vast majority of people are amazed and they enjoy seeing them fly.
A minority of “drone detractors” react with exhibitions of hostility, hatred and ignorance.  In the last two years I’ve had just a scant few unsettling encounters while flying my drone.
For reasons I don’t understand I’ve been only been confronted by women.  They advise me I’m breaking the law, and then they call or threaten to call the cops.  They obviously don’t know the law. 
I usually ignore them, shoot my video and leave the area when my flight is over.  If the cops respond to their call I don’t know because I’ve always moved on prior to their arrival. 
Three women on separate occasions were downright nasty and even emotionally disturbed.
I’ve never been negatively confronted by police and have sent my drone into the air in front of them.  The cops seem to be curious and enjoy learning about them.
I have no clue what drove these women’s nastiness and anger.  Taking a friendly approach never helps and responding with similar hostility is pointless and counter-productive.
Moving to another location in one case was little help as one woman jumped in her car and actually followed me! 
It’s obvious these women are clueless of why we send our drones up or that they are safe and not invading their privacy.   I’m really proud of the videos I uploaded to YouTube and simply want the world to see just how much fun I have while capturing the stunning images.
The civilian camera drones are here to stay.  Our First Amendment right to use them to capture images, trumps those hastily passed laws along with attempted future legislation outlawing them.  
The safety record of the civilian multi-rotor drones is unblemished despite the two million already in the hands of civilians.  
I have a habit of sending my drone up in the early morning hours avoiding potential busybodies that might take exception to my drone.  I also position my controller and drone behind my car to shield my activities from strangers. 
We must remain polite, friendly and civil even when people become nasty.  I’d rather make friends than enemies out of anyone.  I will continue to take the high road with anyone hostile to my drones

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Venice, CA Like You’ve Never Seen It!

Venice, CA—In this community there are stark contrasts in people and lifestyles.  Let me take you on a magic carpet ride to the better side of town along their famous canals!

Thursday, May 07, 2015

The Courts Rather Than The FAA May Soon Settle the Issue of News Media Use of Camera Drones.

Washington, DC—Suddenly, the FAA has allowed CNN and a Las Vegas agency ArrowData to begin using and testing drones for electronic newsgathering over populated areas under a section 333-waiver application provision.  
Until now the FAA has banned so-called, commercial use of drones while completely ignoring important First Amendment issues. 
As of now many media companies have opted to refuse applying for section-333 waivers because the lack of FAA regulation in effect already allows drone newsgathering.
The FAA just issued a curious memo saying the media can’t use the drones, but they can accept and publish drone video from third party hobbyists.  That begs the question, are the rights of hobbyists somehow greater than news publishers?
Soon the FAA and media content creators may be clashing in a courtroom.
The real issue and mission of the FAA is about safety in our skies. However, to date the nearly two million multi-rotor camera drones have not been involved in a single death, significant injury or property damage anywhere. The 7000 registered helicopters on the other hand have suffered numerous deaths along with epic destruction of property.  
The drones used by hobbyists have been proven to be safe.  There really is no evidence whatsoever that use of drones by the media would be any different.
There are two ways for courts to become involved to settle the potential conflict.  One is for the FAA to cite someone because they used a drone for newsgathering.  The other way would be if a media company or individual simply sued the FAA seeking a Declaratory Judgment that would actually enjoin the FAA from obstructing newsgathering efforts. 
With respect to electronic newsgathering he FAA has to date been placing itself above our Constitution’s First Amendment.  A judge may yet slap the FAA.   The FAA cannot simply trump the Constitution of the United States.
Here is the latest and somewhat ambiguous FAA memo on the drone newsgathering subject:

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Police, Deadly Force, Body Cameras and The Public’s Right To Know

Los Angeles, CA—We’ve become the video nation.  Whether we like it or not our images are captured hundreds of times per day.  Privacy died long ago any apparently we’ve grown accustomed to the camera invasion.  The city of Los Angeles has recently taken steps to place body cameras on every patrol officer. 
Cops have become a natural target for cell phone and camera-armed citizens.  Cops are always prone to getting into confrontations primarily with dysfunctional people who are just being themselves.  That kind of interaction always makes for interesting video.
The best and earliest examples of captured video of a infamous police interaction was the Rodney King case in Los Angeles two decades ago.  The video was ugly to say the least.  Cops were using batons to restrain King after a vehicle chase.  King was injured and sent to the hospital. 
That unblinking and legendary video recording shot by witness George Holliday was soon delivered to the KTLA-TV newsroom.   That video proved to be the prime evidence in the case. 
The video was broadcast relentlessly worldwide and evoked strong emotions from both the police haters and their supporters.  Was the action justifiable?  The cops were tried twice.  Once in state court where a jury deadlocked favoring acquittal.  They were tried again in federal court where two officers were convicted.
The video became a flashpoint that only ended after 53 lives were lost in the destructive riot following the first jury’s failure to convict the accused cops.
Videos of cops doing their jobs bring out voyeurism in the human species.  The popularity of the TV reality show, Cops seems endless.
Because of technology the media has showcased news stories with videos involving cops. Without video these stories would never see the light of day in news broadcasting or publishing effort. 
The idea of cops wearing bodycams is ostensibly to promote accountability and to preserve the best evidence. 
I know that most cops behave well and will almost always be exonerated by video.  Only a total fool would misbehave under the watchful eye of the camera.  The result here has to be an unqualified success because most people will behave accordingly.
The bodycams should deescalate police confrontations and conflicts and will result in fewer arrests and instances of violence.
People that are in physical conflict with police have no more right to privacy than cops performing their duties.  Raising privacy issues when violence erupts is pure baloney.
For the bodycam recordings to have any meaning whatsoever as evidence, any instance of force or violence should become an absolute public record.  Hiding the videos while claiming privacy issues is beyond problematic.
Congress and the various Sate Legislatures should make it absolutely clear that every instance of force or violence captured by any law enforcement operated camera is a public record. 
We can count on the media to blur images of overly graphic violence electing to describe rather than display it.  However credibility and accountability dictates the public’s right to know about violent events involving official police actions.
The public should never have to guess what happened when there is taxpayer provided video equipment documenting any violent act.
There will always be those public officials that will want to control what's released to the public or not. They must be over-ruled.