Monday, March 09, 2015

It’s a Sad Day For the Simpson’s and their FansT

Sam Simon and his family

Okay, I must confess to being a fan of The Simpsons...
Los Angeles, CA—One of the fathers of the Simpson family has left us too soon at age 59.   Award winning writer Sam Simon died here from colon cancer.
Simon was a writer and being a writer is a lonely occupation.  A writer’s only companion is his computer while he struggles to put significant words on paper. 
Sam Simon was an amazing and talented man.  He was also legendary philanthropist that enjoyed sharing his substantial wealth.
Simon was a true friend of animals, funding veterinary care for critters in need.  Simon also funded a vegetarian food bank for the needy.  He constantly donated money to a long line of very deserving causes through his Sam Simon Foundation.
After being diagnosed with cancer in 2012, Simon started buying zoos and circuses just to free their animals.
Simon went public with his cancer fight and battled it as nobly as anyone ever could.   I always wonder what additional works we lose when prolific creators like Simon leave us so early.
Simon’s clever writing brought him fortune and fame.  He’s a co-creator of The Simpsons and wrote for so many other projects on the small or large screen.   Simon left his pen scratches on shows like, Taxi, The Tracy Ullman Show, Anger Management and many others.
We must always remember that the talented actors we seem to enjoy so much exist only because of the words people like Sam Simon put on paper.
Every great film or TV show begins with a book or script written by storytellers.  For Sam Simon and his fans, sadly, there are no more stories.

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Black Lives Don’t Mater, at Least to Blacks and their White Liberal Masters!

Chicago, IL—Let me say I’m no stranger to the African-American community. As a Chicago cop, I became intimately familiar with the inner city Blacks along with their lifestyle and culture.
The new slogan, “Black Lives Matter.”  Is disingenuous at best when delivered by Blacks and White Liberals.   The few incidents of cops killing young troubled Black young men are only a microcosm of the monumental reality of Black on Black genocide. 
This is not about race or skin color but a cruel, savage and subhuman culture.  That defective culture is a millstone around America’s inner city Black's necks and that’s every bit as evil as slavery!
I learned firsthand that this violent, ignorant and narcissistic culture was and is totally bankrupt.  It’s easy to predict that this group will eventually vanish through self-inflicted genocide. 
This mutant, subhuman African-American inner city stereotype is the product of, Communists, Socialists, and assorted White Liberals.  The teacher’s unions are no small part of this epic disaster.  We can’t really blame the Black victims for this blatant and covert racism  
It’s our social engineers that programed this stereotype from Hell.  The hip-hop generation of ignorant, violent, cruel, drug infested, immoral and incredibly disrespectful creatures are themselves the victims. 
Inner city Blacks are heavily influenced by professional race baiting extortionists like Al Sharpton that pulls the Race Card at every opportunity.   Blacks are taught to channel their hatred to political conservatives and White people. They are encouraged to inflict violence upon them at every opportunity.
This stereotype was nurtured by a public educational system rife with union corruption and solid Communist leanings.  They turned schools into a genocide mills that manufactures criminals, losers, hate-mongers and unemployable people.
Our public schools encourage inner city Blacks to maintain their stereotype by shunning the learning of English.   Instead they strive to maintain the vocabulary bankrupt Ebonics language.  This in itself guarantees Blacks will never succeed in an academic environment or professional workplace.
Nobody can succeed in this world without literacy including solid written and verbal communication skills.  However there are those exceptions in sports, entertainment or operating within a criminal enterprise.  Blacks are encouraged and channeled into the “educational detour” by White Liberals.
The White Liberals have demanded that Blacks be given handouts to keep them totally dependent on government.  It’s much easier to control people with government being their single source for housing, food and medical care.  The terminally dependent have no other choice because of the intentionally engineered ignorance.
It’s incredibly ugly that thousands of blacks can be led to massive protest and violence when cops or non-Blacks kill lawless thugs like Travon Martin or Michael Brown.  The truth is that Black lives never matter as long as the slaughter is at the hands of fellow Blacks. 
Today ignorant Black mothers name their fatherless children with names based either Muslim or African sounding and often misspelled names.  That only guarantees a large amount of employment applications will never see daylight let alone fair consideration. 
There is only one cure.  The Blacks must learn how they’ve been led and bred into this death spiral by clever but incredibly racist social engineers.  They were intended to be nothing more than expendable soldiers groomed by manipulative politicians to fight their Communist revolution.
Blacks have every right to be a big part of the American Dream.  However to do so they must shed themselves of the vile inner-city stereotype. 
Blacks can only succeed through real education, discipline and productivity.  Our public schools have degenerated into nothing more than day care centers that provide free lunches. 
Inner city Blacks need to learn that manners; respect and simple kindness will always give them a much better life. 
It’s a major scandal that Blacks are so far behind in joining the ranks of doctors, lawyers, engineers and college professors.  This is not about genetic inferiority or skin color but a defective manufactured culture.   
My last statement is about hatred.  If the inner city Blacks constantly demonstrate their hatred of each other through war zone style deadly violence, how can they ever expect any other race to accept them? 
Frankly, Whites fear Blacks.  Barack Obama was complaining that in his youth he could hear automobile door locks clicking when he walked by White people.  That fear is absolutely justified.  Survival dictates that we all avoid today’s inner city Black population.
Will we see a cure in our lifetimes?  Sadly the answer is no.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Jodi Arias Has Been Spared From Death But this Case is Far From Over!

Phoenix, AZ—The penalty phase of the Jodi Arias ended when jurors could not arrive at a unanimous verdict and any and all hope of putting Arias to death is over. 
The Alexander family members present were observed both angry and weeping which does not speak well for their character or humanity.   They only sought revenge, pure and simple. Even the execution of an accused never brings satisfaction or closure for those close to the decedent. 
Had Arias received a death penalty it would be decades before it,  if ever was carried out. 
This case at best was an obvious manslaughter case at best and Arias already served the maximum incarceration time prescribed by Arizona law.
The emotion and rage involved in the altercation was best displayed in the remains of Travis Alexander. The amount of wounds most of them superficial indicated there was an epic fight between Alexander and his killer.
The issue of the actual trial that was by far the worst example of a media circus I’ve seen in my four decade career in crime,courts and justice.  
The actions of the Mesa police homicide detective and prosecutor were lawless, vicious and contrary to a civilized society.  Now the higher courts will now be trying their actions and  this murder conviction is and should be in serious jeopardy.
Evidence tampering, perjury, witness tampering will be examined and I suspect there is more than sufficient reason to reverse the conviction and send Arias home. 
This is a tragic case for the Alexander family and that of Arias.  No court proceeding or penalty can bring Travis Alexander back to life.  I think everyone involved can agree that this homicide should have never happened.  It did, and Jodi Arias who had no previous history of crime of violence deserved the full benefit of the doubt.
Arias lied to police but is that somehow unusual for a human being under the stress of investigation for a capital crime?  Most people can’t tell the truth on why they were late for work in the morning.
As for the blood thirsty thugs that wanted to and still want to lynch Arias, I have nothing but contempt.  Those people are in serious need of mental health treatment.  That goes double for those that have never met Travis Alexander.

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

The Final Gun Rights Battles--Campus Cary and Gun Free Zones

Washington, DC—The United States Supreme Court reaffirmed and settled the primary Second Amendment rights issues of all Americans in two somewhat recent cases, Heller and McDonald.
Despite this some arrogant politicians feel they and some of their supporters are above the law.  They still seek to use the full force of government and violence against anyone exercising their gun rights.
It looks like it may take several more years of lower court battles before these determined and lawless political thugs are reigned in.  These cases move ever so slowly through the courts.  
The Second Amendment simply says we can possess and carry firearms.  Impairment of these rights by government is nothing more than a pure Civil Rights Violation.
On their face laws barring Campus Carry or those that allow for Gun Free Zones clearly violate the law of the land.
Campus Carry:
These prohibitions like every law only affect the law-abiding.  The late convicted serial killer Theodore “Ted” Bundy was a very real beneficiary of the bans on Campus Carry. 
Theodore Robert "Ted" Bundy was an American serial killer, kidnapper, rapist, and necrophilia addict who assaulted and murdered numerous young, primarily college women during the 1970s and possibly earlier.  
On at least two occasions this incredibly clever killer broke out of jail only to continue his raping, slashing and murdering of America’s beautiful daughters. 
College campuses were Bundy’s choice to prey on young, vulnerable and unarmed women.  Bundy, a one-time law student positively knew he’d never find armed resistance on any college campus. 
Just before his execution, after more than a decade of denials, he finally confessed to at least 30 homicides committed in seven states between 1974 and 1978.  Bundy actually beheaded at least 12 of these young women.  The true victim count remains unknown, and could be substantially higher.
I have to ask why some of our politicians insist upon being accessories and enablers to the all of the Ted Bundy’s of America?
Gun Free Zones:
What people and lawmakers seem to forget is that our cops can’t just simply search people for weapons even if they look shady or suspicious.  That is unless or until they actually commit a crime! 
The Fourth Amendment protects foreign terrorists, killers, criminals and the law-abiding equally.  The difference is that the law-abiding respect the various gun bans, even those that violate their rights.
Gun Free Zones are found at libraries, Parks, malls, government buildings and schools.  Accordingly, these are guaranteed soft targets and popular choices for mass shootings.  
This comes after decades of our politicians handing over massive amounts of military weapons and cash to Islamic people that hate our culture and us. 
We’ve meddled in these Muslim nation’s affairs trying to police them.   Accordingly they continually look for ways to murder innocent Americans where we live, work and play.
Aside from dealing with our own existing robbers, rapists and killers we have to deal with military trained and well-armed Islamic assassins.
The public policy of the Gun Free Zone is the product of incredible bliss and ignorance.  This concept deeply flawed and actually increases any potential danger.
Disarming the law-abiding in no way protects them.  On the contrary the Gun Free Zones are in fact nothing more than government created Killing Zones!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

QUESTION: Can Drones Flown at Airports Save Lives? The Answer may be YES!

Los Angeles, CA—I had a brainstorm while watching a news story of those dangerous and sometimes deadly bird strikes that plague airports.
I wasted no time in calling my American Airlines pilot pal to ask him his thoughts on my idea.  He loved the idea and is convinced it’s inexpensive, workable and lifesaving.  Wow! This is the very same buddy that got me hooked on drones!  
For some reason birds love airports and thrive in the critical runway areas where planes take off and land.  They are often seen as high as 5,000 feet and collisions between aircraft and birds have been catastrophic.
When you try to deal with the airport bird problem battle lines are drawn between the airports and the bird lovers.  Poisoning or shooting the birds is not on the table as a viable solution.
My idea is a simple one.  Airport workers could use small drones to stalk and chase the birds away.  Today airports must use workers in various ground vehicles to chase the birds.  Fences and brush too often keep the workers from getting close enough to the birds to frighten them away.  
I’ve had birds actually attack my drones in the air.  Thankfully I’ve evaded them so far.  I know birds have a sense of hearing and survival and my drone like airplanes can’t seem to intimidate. However there are other ways! 
I’m convinced that a drone equipped with a small electronic loudspeaker emitting a siren, horn or some frequency could solve the problem.  This would frighten or annoy the birds into finding peace elsewhere.  The drones of course would harm no birds or planes. 
The most vulnerable portion of airplane flights is during takeoff and landing.  Flocks of birds have shut down jet engines on multiple occasions.   
Pilots are required to report bird sightings and that consumes a significant amount of time and paperwork.  Fewer birds mean more efficient flight operations in addition to improved safety.
This morning I spoke briefly with one of the bird experts at Cornell University.   His first thought was that this idea might well be an effective solution.  That expert promised to bring this up with his peers for discussion.
This idea merits immediate research and testing by the slow moving FAA. 
Since this idea is potentially life saving to please feel free to send this around to other people interested in the safety of our skies.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Our Malls Only Encourage and Enable a Future Epic Islamic Slaughter of Their Customers!

Los Angeles, CA—The recent video threat to the Minnesota Mall of America and similar targets has some people on edge.   They certainly should be!
The threat in Minnesota is not foolproof because that state allows for concealed weapon permits and frankly those prohibition signs are being ignored more often by permitted gun owners than the mall operators realize.
Should things get difficult, armed citizens will always follow their training and do whatever it takes to survive. A quick thinking armed citizen could really put a cramp in some terrorist's plans. 
However right now pending the resolution of Peruta vs. San Diego, the draconian gun ban is in place.  All of the densely populated cities of California are Gun Free Zones.  Meaning only those willing to break the law will be armed.
No gun law will ever prevent or deter any dedicated terrorist or criminal from using bombs, gasoline or firearms to murder innocent people.
Terrorists would be far more successful at a Mall such as the Los Angeles Beverly Center shown above.   They have no armed security and the likelihood of facing an armed citizen is nearly zero.  Plenty of people could be murdered before the cops would arrive. 
Eventually the cops will win and the terrorists could claim their 50 virgins in the hereafter.  The mess would be huge international publicity.
Mall security in America has been under the control of gun hating property management companies.  They have long considered armed security an insurance liability nightmare. 
Mall security duties have been reduced to marshaling lost children and the elderly that can’t remember where they parked their cars.   Should they see a disturbance or a crime, they are simply supposed to call the police.
I don’t care what background or training members of mall security departments may have, if they’re discovered with a personal defense weapon beyond lady’s ineffective pepper spray they would be fired on the spot.    
Calls to the police these days would actually be made by shoppers that are all carrying cell phones. The security guards are nothing more that more potential hostages and victims.
The pathetic mall security procedures are all set in stone.  Local law enforcement cannot provide security for private businesses.   They can of course respond to service calls but the cops have no sufficient presence in any mall to immediately engage armed terrorists.
What every mall needs is a well-trained and armed security force to deal with active shooter incidents.  That will never happen without a massive change in our culture.
The only viable solution is to allow the law-abiding people to protect themselves under the already granted right to keep and carry arms.
Before that happens malls will begin TSA style screening of shoppers.  That will end the shopping mall as we know it and simply they will simply surrender their business to

It’s time For Another Holocaust, This Time in America.

Washington, DC—What’s past is prologue.  We humans never learn from history as we allow politicians to control, plunder, pillage and eventually murder us. 
No Holocaust can ever take place without massive ignorance ambivalence and apathy by the governed.  We are at that point once again.
The most important tool for dictators is absolute power.  That’s usually willingly handed over to despotic politicians that can convince their population that liberty must be somehow balanced and compromised with security.
We once had a Bill of Rights but we surrendered it piecemeal to our politicians.  They somehow convinced us into believing that they needed enhanced police power to insure our safety.
They swayed far too many of us into believing that our thoughts of self-reliance was really just a fantasy. 
Like every despotic government many our own politicians persuaded a significant portion of the population into becoming totally dependent on government for their every need. 
Soon it’s alway a simple situation of,  cooperate with government or stave and die.
For us a huge milestone was reached on September 11, 2001 with the Islamist attack on the World Trade Center in New York.
Our politicians claimed they needed more police power to insure our safety.  We quickly surrendered a massive amount of liberty by accepting TSA tyranny and groping at every airport and train station. 
Adding insult to injury we embraced the Patriot Act and allowed our politicians to steal and squander hundreds of billions of tax dollars to fund their scam.
They never bothered to go through the political process to repeal our Bill of Rights.  Instead we simply turned a blind eye as they worked around and trampled on our hard won freedom.
Yes, this happened under George W. Bush and arguably well before his regrettable reign.
Americans led by the Leftist media were disenchanted with Bush and the Patriot Act and were led to a new, relatively unknown Messiah, Barack Obama. 
Obama was and is unashamedly a product of a Communist inspired upbringing and Chicago’s infamous political machine.  
To most voters anything seemed better than Bush.  Many traditional Liberals seemed only too willing to convince each other that Obama would actually undo the Patriot Act and concentrate on Social Justice.  Perhaps he’d even end our death penalty.
What Obama actually delivered was every bit of Bush’s policy, but on steroids!  That and the most mind-boggling deficit and tax increases ever in American History. 
The massive Socialist, Obamacare train wreck is not part of this, so I’m not even going there.
Some strange happenings were going on in May of 2013 inside a Hong Kong hotel room.  A journalist, Glenn Greenwald along with a small group of German documentary filmmakers were meeting with somebody revealing the most massive privacy invasion in the history of the world. 
A young, bright government contractor placed his duty to the American people over government thugs.  Edward Snowden revealed that a group of government criminals orchestrated the largest violation of Civil Rights in American history.  It was none other than Barack Obama leading this massive betrayal of trust.
Lets examine some reality here.  The Patriot Act, TSA assault on liberty or the illegal NSA spying never exposed or prevented a single known terrorist act.  Some of or politicians will claim otherwise but can never cite an example.
Instead a select group of politicians and bureaucrats had unlimited access to every phone call, text message, email, financial transaction and trade secret of yours or mine. 
These are no less than the tools most needed by extortionists, insider traders and of course dictators. 
Suddenly Obama and his henchmen gained massive power over uncooperative members of the media, Congress and the nation’s judges including the Supreme Court.
It’s been long accepted that, he who controls the information controls the world.  He is Obama and the power he seized is far greater than even Adolf Hitler had over Germany.
If you don’t think Obama has absolute power, simply ask yourself why Snowden is a wanted fugitive instead of our despotic President and those co-conspiring criminals that stole our privacy?
I was amazed last night to see Hollywood honor those brave German filmmakers that brought us the most important documentary of our time, Citizenfour with an Oscar.  Could the tide be changing now?
It remains to be seen what happens.  I know some within the media are beginning to wakeup primarily because Obama running the most secret government in American history. 
It’s really long overdue for our population to rise up, surround the Whitehouse and purge this criminal junta from existence.
We are at a very dangerous crossroad in our history.   Will we fight once again for our liberty or will ours be the next government seen yet again imprisoning and murdering its own population?
As for Edward Snowden, he’s an incredibly brave American patriot and must be treated as one.  We must honor and protect this exceptional lad.