Wednesday, December 03, 2014

My Drone Documentary, A Sneak Preview, Meet Abby Lyle.

Abbe Lyle, photographer, conventional aircraft and drone pilot.
Los Angeles, CA—As we speak I’m producing a documentary about multi-rotor camera drones and their pilots.
There is so much ignorance, fear and loathing out there clouding the truth.  Every day various conventional aircraft pilots are reporting drone sightings.  Are these things somehow a public threat?
This trend is very reminiscent of the late 1950’s and early 1960’s when Hollywood films about flying saucers and little green men were very popular.  Suddenly there were imaginative but somewhat credible sounding UFO and alien sightings by various airline pilots reported in the news almost nightly.
Now it's the multi-rotor drones some of which have been reported being seen by some pilots at 30,000 feet and traveling at Mach 1.  If you own or operate these little devices you know the claims are quite ridicules.
As a licensed private investigator and drone pilot I can say they are ineffective for spying on people.  I’m better off with a standard camera with a large and heavy telephoto lens that these drones are incapable of carrying. 
The drones make noise and have necessary navigation lights that are more than obvious. 
The safety record for the multi-rotors are free from and deaths or serious injuries.  Helicopters world wide number around 7000 and its interesting to learn there are well more than a million of these drones already in questionably trained and unlicensed civilian hands. We all know only too well about catastrophic helicopter crashes in all of our major cities. 
The reality is that for filmmakers, photographers, mapmakers, surveyors, insurance adjusters, real estate marketing, farmers, ranchers and such the multi-rotor drones are an important new tool.  They are very necessary for maintaining our food supply. 
Camera drones are by far the safest and least expensive way for news organization to gather news images and video for broadcast and publishing.
New uses for the drones are being discovered everyday including police crime scene and accident investigations.  That, along with delivering defibrillators, life savers to endangered victims faster than our best paramedics and lifeguards.
Drone bans are under study nearly everywhere and to bring sunshine onto these technological gifts we need to educate people especially the politicians.  That’s why I’ve undertaken this documentary.
In my quest to tell the multi-rotor drone story I found the beautiful and elegant Abbe Lyle.  She’s a professional photographer, mother, conventional aircraft pilot and she is a camera drone disciple of the first order.
Some well known celebrity drone owner/pilots include Jeff Dunham, Bruce Jenner, Rupert Murdock and Martha Stewart.  That list is growing every day. 
Abbe Lyle is a refined lady that as you will see operates her drone like a true professional.  Watching her movements is like what you see at the ballet.
You will see and hear much more from Abbe and others when I release the full documentary.

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

One Bad Act of “Journalism” Deserves Another!

NYT Reporter Julie Bosman lives at 5620 N. Wayne Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60660!  
Ferguson, MO—With outright lies and massive race baiting from the Whitehouse down to the sewers of Ferguson this was an obvious effort to ignite a Race War.  The media could not stop exploiting the shooting death of robbery suspect and thug, Michael Brown. 
Leave it to yet another dying publication; The New York Times to publish Officer Darren Wilson’s private residence information.  The enterprising reporter behind this was a Chicago based reporter, Julie Bosman
Bosman’s intent was obvious; she wanted serious harm to come to Wilson and his new wife.  Her editor facilitated this stupidity.   There was never public benefit to the story.  Perhaps the goal was to later report on the arson and murders of the young Wilson couple.
Needless to say the Wilson’s had to abandon their home for their very lives. 
In a turn of events Bosman’s own home address was published by Internet web-masters sympathetic with the Wilson’s. 
The result of the new tit for tat response was some very understandable panic.  Ms. Bosman has made numerous calls to the Chicago Police Department demanding protection.
Ms. Bosman is very lucky that cops are not dangerous to people like her.  I can’t however say the same for some of the folks that support Officer Wilson that never took an oath to uphold the law.  Yes, this miserable Bosman bitch, better keep looking over her shoulder!  
One thing more!  Her residence:

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Exodus: Gods and Kings, A Film Review

Los Angeles, CA—Getting to see a film at the Darrell Zanuck Theater on the Fox lot has always been a treat. 
Tonight it was Exodus:  Gods and Kings starring Christen Bale and Joel Edgerton.  Ridley Scott directed this film.  It happened to be in 3D but this was not our father’s 3-D.  It was amazing to say the least.
The other production surprise was a generous use of camera drones.  They smoothly hovered and passed over the actors at low altitudes.  
The story was an old one.  It’s an updated Ten Commandments with Christen Bale as Moses and Joel Edgerton as Pharaoh Ramses. These are journeyman actors that gave great performances.  
The special effects were epic and very believable.
Fox security workers were out in force and armed with night vision equipment diligently looking for anyone trying to capture video or audio with any devices. 

Unfortunately the camera ban prevented me getting selfie shots with the actors Christen Bale and Joel Edgerton.
The film is definitely good for the family.  It opens in theaters on December 12th. 
The trailer:

Ferguson, a Lesson In Sensational Race Baiting and Hatred

Ferguson, MO—Michael Brown lived and died as a bully and thug.  However even bully’s and thugs deserve due process and a measured response to their unacceptable conduct.
Many cops have criticized me for my intolerance for police misconduct in various cases.  Generally I vigorously support police but, they are human and fail miserably sometimes.  As always cover-ups are more troubling then the conduct. 
When Brown was shot dead by Officer Darren Wilson, local troublemakers, all African-American offered up phony stories claiming Brown had his hands raised and was shot in the back.  Others claimed that Wilson stood over a prone Michael Brown firing shots into his lifeless body.
The physical evidence quickly exposed the false versions of these so-called eyewitnesses.  
Police and prosecutors went out of their way to hide the evidence and Officer Wilson’s version of events.  This was both necessary and wise.  That allowed the phony eyewitnesses to spread their lies far and wide.  That insured that their deceptive stories were locked in tightly.
The irrefutable forensic evidence horribly impeached the fake eyewitnesses.  Wilson’s version matched the evidence. 
With only the fabricated side of this story being widely told, broadcast and published and as always it quickly became the "truth".
That brought on massive nationwide handwringing, hate and race baiting.  Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and former Trayvon Martin family lawyer Benjamin Crump came into town spreading their unsubstantiated lies and hate.  They wasted no time exploiting the media for their moneymaking opportunity.
The media, as always reported the sensational but invented truth to the masses.  Everyone formed an opinion established by the extraordinary claims of cold-blooded and race based murder by a cop.
In an unprecedented move following the secret Grand Jury presentation prosecutors quickly released photos, reports and the actual testimony by Officer Wilson.  This amazing transparency shows that the case was presented in an impartial way. 
The killing of Michael Brown was clearly a justifiable homicide and not a crime.
The chain of events following this tragic story showcases a much larger problem.  The hate and distrust between African-Americans and the rest of America’s population. That along with the larger problem of massive media and political exploitation.
I asked all of my liberal friends to wait for the real evidence to surface rather than believe the hate fueled gossip.  That was an impossible mission.  Minds were already made up and set in concrete.  Of course they quickly labeled me as a racist.
The media along with the political and professional race baiters should be ashamed of themselves.  They are the ones that exploited this event falsely turning the fatal error in judgment and death of Michael Brown into a hate crime.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thoughts on Ferguson, Charles Darwin Actually Took Michael Brown’s Life

Ferguson, MO—Michael Brown was an accomplished thug.  He was a large and cruel monster that a just moment before he died was captured on tape terrorizing a shop owner while committing a vicious strong-armed robbery.
Contrary to fanciful thoughts we are not all equal.  Some are smarter, taller and stronger.  Charles Darwin said it best we were not all meant to live and that only the strongest survive.
Michael Brown was born with a birth defect that made him vulnerable despite his superior strength and size.  He was incredibly stupid and at the same time extraordinarily mean. 
Young Brown somehow though that he could engage in a physical confrontation with a police officer and somehow win.    That was an extraordinarily foolish act and it cost him his life.  Frankly the world is a better and safer place without this savage creep. 
Now there are plenty of ignorant supporters of Michael Brown and his evil ways.  They are amassing in Ferguson and are egger for enough misinformation and hatred to spark violence.  The plan is to loot, shoot, bomb, rape and murder their fellow citizens using their inflated claims of racial injustice as an excuse.
Yes, this is all about racism but just who are the racists here?  This is about some African-American’s hatred of White people and their desire to dominate and conquer them.   They have pipe dreams of capturing and taking home the spoils of war along the way.
The problem for these troublemakers is they, like Brown are too intellectually disadvantaged to live.   They somehow think that they can succeed in street warfare simply because they are cruel enough.
What they are not taking into account is that aside from the cops and National Guard they have to overcome thousands of able military veterans in the local population that are well trained and well-armed and only too willing to protect themselves and families. 
If these African-American agitators attempt a dangerous insurrection, their oversight will get their remains placed into lots of body bags.  These are simply the inferior human specimens that Darwin warned us about. 
Often humans work to protect the unfortunate and disadvantaged to survive despite obvious handicaps.  Here they are warning the ignorant, thoughtless and very stupid people to abandon their pipe dreams and to stay home.  Let’s hope that they come to their senses.
If these troublemakers won’t follow that sound advice Darwin just like he did with Michael Brown will quickly take them home.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Equality, Race and Culture Always Collide Despite the Social Engineers.

Los Angeles, CA—In an location with more representation of clashing races and cultures than any other I’m searching for answers.   When looking for race relation solutions political correctness is an obvious problem, not a solution.
First I must debunk the biggest lie ever told.   All men are not created equal! What should be said is that basic kindness demands that we treat each other as equals.
To suggest we are all created equal actually is a very brutal reminder to those with less than the best genetic gifts. We all know only too well what traits or physical improvements we’d rather have.  Plastic surgeons along with companies making skin lightening and hair straightening products have never done better. 

Cultures can be respectful, peaceful and productive.  They can also be intolerant, destructive and barbaric.  I’m sorry but I insist the latter cultures are a sub-human species. 
The peaceful and productive humans must employ extreme measures rooted in our survival instinct to annihilate the cruel and destructive sub-species.  
California’s prisons are filled with the sub-species humans placed there because of despicable, cruel and unthinkable acts.  Blacks and Hispanics far outnumber whites or Asians when it comes to senseless and cruel violence.
Poverty can never provide an excuse for inflicting rape, murder or any form of violence on innocent victims.
Does inferior genes or culture cause horrible behavior?  This is the question that scientists have tried and failed to answer.  Some answers have come in the form of the theory of Eugenics and somewhat proven through bioengineering. 
Traits and characteristics can be programmed in plants animals.  When the same is suggested for humans is where delusional denial parts with reality.  Some people still refuse to accept the truth. 
If we were all truly equal there would not be taller, smarter, stronger or more attractive people.  Then there are those that have an uncanny ability to create wealth. 
Are Gay, Bisexual or Transgendered humans another sub-species?  The scientists have never unequivocally determined if this is a choice or genetic error.  These traits have no relation to productivity, intelligence or cruelty.  Frankly I’m dumbfounded why anyone would bother to worry about these traits. 
Simple kindness dictates that we must simply make an effort to tolerate, appreciate and embrace all but the cruel and barbaric.   Of course we should make every effort to set a good example and help the kindness challenged people around us that there is a better way.
I care not what anyone thinks, I won’t let anyone dictate to me that I must accept, employ or associate with violent, cruel people of any race, creed or religion.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Immigration Announcement, Obama Double Speak at it’s Best

Washington, DC—Beginning with perennial and always empty promises of future border enforcement and deporting criminals, Barack Obama offered Amnesty and Green Cards to millions of border jumping trespassers.
Obama’s bogus claim that enforcement tears families apart is laughable since these families can simply stay together in the countries of their origin.  
Today Obama acted unlawfully and should be tried for Treason, jailed and impeached.
Immigration is not broken; enforcement is what’s broken.  It’s broken by the willful and criminal obstruction of justice and the refusal of officials to obey their oaths of office.
Our Congress shares blame here with its more than a hundred hard corps Socialists and Communists masked with Democrat and Republican Party labels.  Then you have corrupt Republicans thinking they’re helping big business campaign contributors with cheap labor.
Obama has opened the our doors wide for unbridled welfare, food stamps, free medical care and of course Obamaphones rewarding millions of law breakers.   
Educated and productive would be immigrants from Europe, Canada, India and other developed nations are pushed far behind the Mexican and Central American illegal immigrants seeking to work and live here.  That clearly violates and rights of equal protection.
There are still those trespassers that are already whining that  Obama’s dictate does not go far enough.
America’s politicians have allowed the illegals to gut our medical care, educational system to the detriment of America’s poor.
The biggest losers here are impoverished African-Americans that will be forced compete with the trespassers for jobs and entitlements.
We were once a nation of laws, however that has changed with our lawless president.  Immigration law and policy is the responsibility of Congress.  Today Obama has made himself a dictator.  Obama must be purged from our government.