Sunday, March 30, 2014

How’d I Miss Lena Dunham?

New York, NY—Watching Saturday Night Live tonight introduced me to Lena Dunham.  I heard the name before but was not quite sure where. I must have spent too much time in my cave.  Dunham is a tattooed and somewhat pudgy gal that most would dismiss as a potential leading lady of most films. 
I was curious so I investigated to learn why this 27 year-old girl was hosting SNL.  I watched her skits and she seemed somewhat talented.  Where and how did she get her breaks I wondered?  Hell I have socks in my dresser that are older than Dunham! 
It turns out that Dunham took a route to stardom I was taught to avoid like making short films.  I was taught to patiently wait for an agent or manager to discover your acting skills and make you a star.  That is now so “old school” and nearly always leaves the blood of hopefuls on the, Boulevard of Broken Dreams.  Most of the A list actors are not also writers and directors.  They get a lucky break, an agent and some good roles.  
Dunham took another more progressive and productive route.  Among other things apparently the 2012 successful HBO comedy series, Girls which is a creation of this talented lady. 
Dunham obviously learned important writing skills in college.  Afterwards Dunham got involved writing, producing, directing and acting in short films.  Instead of stalking agents for representation she used the power she had over her own projects to cast herself in the lead roles. 
Dunham gathered her mother, sister, friends and associates and moved forward like a speeding freight train making films.  Social media played no small part in her self-promotion.  That effort resulted in the important talent agents stalking her! 
Dunham entered her projects in various film fests.  She won Best Narrative Feature at the SXSW Festival.  She cast herself in her own little projects as she entered her films in numerous competitions.  Later she wound up with two coveted Golden Globe Awards and numerous other honors.
One film schoolteacher of mine never mentioned that Alfred Hitchcock and Rod Serling succeeded with easy to produce inexpensive short films.  Half-hour shows were really 20 minutes with room for 10 minutes of commercials.  Hour shows simply doubled everything.  You never saw expensive sets, special effects or major film props like you do in feature films.  Great scripts and actors carried everything. 
My acting coaches never expressed value in short films beyond putting clips on your acting reel.  It was more about getting cozy with casting directors and putting on showcases.  Of course that meant paying for the privilege to play. 
Today you can go to the nearest Best Buy and purchase better and substantially cheaper equipment to make and edit full color films for a few thousand dollars.
Last but not least On October 8, 2012, Dunham signed a $3.5 million deal with Random House to publish her first book, an essay collection called Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What She's Learned.
Dunham has taught me that becoming an entertainment mega-star and millionaire is possible if you just believe in yourself.  Is there still hope for an over the hill Hollywood hopeful like me?  The answer is, yes!  

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Huge Thank You to All of my Friends from Germany!

Aschaffenburg, Germany—When I was required to serve in the U.S. Army I had the good fortune of serving as a medical corpsman in this lovely town some 30 kilometers South of Frankfurt.
I landed here in December of 1968 somehow escaping a combat assignment in Viet Nam.   I arrived in Germany just 24 years after World War II ended.  Technically I was still part of an occupation army.  Thankfully the deep wounds of war here healing and a real friendship was developing between Germans and Americans. 
This was amazing since Aschaffenburg was the scene of the most aggressive and deadly resistance once the war ended.   Thankfully my predecessors were mush better behaved than the Russian military swine that raped the women and children of Berlin while looting their last few possessions. 
The German people showed me kindness as they welcomed me into their nation, homes and hearts.  Learning about the customs, food and rich culture was a real treat for me.  Learning the language seemed incredibly easy for me but my motivation for that was more about my overactive libido.  There were exceptionally beautiful young women everywhere and fluency in conversation was a big plus in that regard. 
The 18 months I spent in Germany were the best of my entire life.  I only regret returning to Chicago to live.  It would have been better I only visited the USA as an expatriate from time to time. 
I was ignorant of the wonderful educational opportunities that I would have had in Germany.  Back then getting student or worker status would have been a snap.  I did not miss the Army but I really missed Germany. 
My excellent German language proficiency deteriorated because of lack of conversation and I got on with my life as an American.  There were always the doubts that returning the right thing for my future and me.  Hindsight is always so much better and I now see I made the wrong choice.
It was not all bad and I’ve been back several times but now every time I visit I want to stay.  I may yet find a way to visit there more often perhaps working on various film projects and such. 
In more recent years I have met new friends from Germany living, visiting or working in the U.S.  Many are in the film industry.  I cherish these folks too because the have the same elegance and kindness I remember so well.  
To my many wonderful German friends both here in the USA and Germany, I say thank you.  My life is much richer because of you.


A Sad Tale About Chicago’s Assisting the Mentally Ill…

Chicago, IL—In Chicago like most cops I had a part-time security gig.  I handled security for the now long gone Continental Trailways Bus Company located at 20 East Randolph.  
I had to deal with pimps looking for runaway girls needed for their stables.  Pick pockets, purse-snatchers, baggage thieves, drug addicts and sex-perverts all loved bus and train stations.   Dealing with this culture took a lot of tough love.  Yes, I had some epic and unforgettable battles that sent lots business to the local emergency rooms and the old 001 police lockup at 1121 South State street.    
There were times I’d encounter people in real need and helping them was often a challenge.  I sent many people to area shelters and places where they could score a free meal.  I’d find vulnerable and desperate runaway girls in need of social services.  I gave the Salvation Army hundreds of customers over the years. 
One day in about 1971, I came into the depot and saw that officers were dealing with a man found removing a brown paper bag containing his life savings,  $70,000.00 from a rental storage locker.  
The man was on a layover from New York to Los Angeles, CA to take a new job as an aircraft machinist.  
A concerned woman saw his cash bag and called the police.  They arrived and the man was very livid and demanded to be left alone. He said he put the bag in a locker because he wanted to walk around and see some local sights.
A sergeant decided that the man should be sent to the Reed Zone Center to get his clock rewound.  In simple English that simply meant taking him to a mental facility for emergency care and observation.  
The fun began!  These mental health referrals always bring lawyers appointed as guardians, court dates and of course mental health evaluations.  The man’s cash was inventoried and placed into the police evidence and recovered property section. 
The court determined that the man was not indigent so his treatment costs, temporary legal guardian should not burden the taxpayers.  What should have been a three-day event lasted three weeks.  A judge ordered that the man’s money be released to the guardian for proper distribution and safekeeping. 
Finally the man was found to be sane and perfectly able to care for himself and was released.   The poor man came back to Trailways in tears and I had a chat with him.  
The hapless man told me he now needed a ticket to return to New York because the new job he’d found in California had been filled by someone else.  He showed me a check made out to him by his guardian for $2,800.00.  He said that they used nearly all of his money for the “services” that they provided him over his three weeks in Hell. 
The poor fellow needed help because no bank would cash the check from the legal guardian.  He now had no cash to buy a bus ticket.  I sent him off to the Salvation Army for help.  I never saw him again.
This was just one more example of just how helpful a Progressive Nanny Government can be.
Like the old 1950’s TV Show, Naked City’s narrator would say, “There are Eight million stories in the Naked City and this has been one of them”. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

It’s Time for German Hero Sophie Scholl’s Story to be Told on Film for an English Speaking Audience

Munich, Germany—One of the more compelling true stories of wartime Germany is that of young Sophie Scholl and the organization known as the White Rose
The White Rose was a small university based peaceful Nazi resistance organization committed to revealing the evil state secrets of the Third Reich.  They exposed the cruel murders of mentally ill children, Jews and prisoners of war.  They did so by writing, printing distributing leaflets exposing the shameful Nazi crimes. 
In 1943 Sophie, her brother Hans Scholl and a friend, Christoph Probst were caught in the act of distributing hundreds of leaflets at the University in Munich.  They were arrested, tried convicted and executed for treason.  Eventually four other members were executed too and others imprisoned. 
What makes Sophie special was that she fought tyranny and demanded that she not be treated better than her brother and friend Christoph.  The young trio were allbeheaded on a guillotine.  
I want this film remade in English.  I’d cast Sebastian Koch as Gestapo Inspector Robert Mohr and Christian Berkel as Judge Roland Frisler. Additionally I'd cast Carice van Houten as Else Gebel, Sophie's cellmate at Stadlehiem.  A casting dragnet should be cast to find a wonderful 21-year-old actress to play Sophie. 
The actors should speak in English with authentic German accents and it should be filmed where it happened.  Needless to say I'd love to personally be involved in this production.
This story is compelling, heartbreaking and a monument to the courage of these youngsters.  

Florida Officials Seek Court Record Expungement of People Acquitted in Self-Defense Cases

My S&W five-shot Bodyguard with Sambar Stagg Grips from Eagle Grips  
Tallahassee, FL—There is a legislative effort here in removing the taint of criminal accusations from people who were arrested but not convicted in self-defense cases.  
We all know some cops and prosecutors are quick to force people to trial that have lawfully and justifiably used deadly force.  The all time Poster Boy for such cases is George Zimmerman
There are cases far less toxic than Zimmerman where people used deadly force in the greatest extreme in self-defense.  These people are arrested, photographed, fingerprinted and they are later cleared by Grand Juries that refuse to indict or trial juries.  
The records of these cases are public and currently accessible by potential employers, financial institutions, the public or the media.  The damage can result in lost opportunities, home or business loans and sometime derogatory news stories. 
The only fair answer is to remove, erase or expunge the records.  Why would we want to make a public pariah of someone that has committed no crime? 
Twenty-five years ago, a drunken white collar criminal, James Robert "Bob" Lyne, Jr.  pistol-whipped me with a .45 semi-automatic handgun after I served an eviction summons.   He lacerated my head in two places and I lost my balance dropping to one knee while bleeding profusely.  Lyne circled around me in the darkness pointing the gun at me. 
I pulled my own five-shot .38 special quickly emptying it into my assailant and ran for my life.  Lyne was critically injured but he in fact survived.
Lyne’s son James Robert "Rob" Lyne, III came out of the house with a shotgun and one neighbor Joseph Hynes came out with a .38 revolver.  Thankfully I was gone before they could kill me. 
A police detective, Brian Douglass McFarland arrested me, falsified evidence, destroyed physical evidence and perjured himself before a Grand Jury and during my trial.  Lyne and his family redundantly lied attempting to cover up their crimes. 
After a six-week trial a jury took only four-minutes to acquit me.  The jury also took the unusual step of demanding my attacker James Robert Lyne, Jr. and his then 19 year-old daughter, Kathleen Lyne, now known as Kathleen Lyne Franklin be charged with Perjury, Evidence Tampering and Witness Tampering.
Afterwards the jury members approached me in court.  Every woman gave me a hug and each man shook my hand.  They all wanted my business card in case they ever found themselves in trouble. 
Soon the Lynes were arrested, indicted and charged with those felony crimes.  They later pled guilty in court. 
There was a conspiracy that involved the later disbarred prosecutor,  Kenneth J. PeasleyJudge Rebecca Albrecht, the cop and the Lynes.  Prosecutors targeted me because of my high-profile advocacy of gun rights in the Arizona Legislature and media.
Initially I asked to have the record expunged but the judge denied my request!  Later because of the passage of time and my being free from any kind of criminal conduct I could have succeeded in obtaining the expungment.  However, ecause I specialize in criminal defense investigation I’ve used my arrest and acquittal like a sword rather than a liability. Frankly it was good for business!
As for the currently proposed Florida legislation the media and gun-rights haters are crying foul.  They want to victimize those that chose not to be victims of deadly assaults. 
Punishing innocent people with criminal records they don’t deserve is both wrong and un-American.   I salute the members of the Florida Legislature for their efforts here.  

Sunday, March 23, 2014

We Must End Zero Tolerance Airport Gun Arrests!

Chicago, IL—It happens again and again, a forgetful or preoccupied traveler is found to have a firearm in a carryon bag at Midway or O’Hare Airports.  Zero tolerance kicks in and the hapless traveler is hauled off to jail.  They are forced to miss their flight along with the weddings, funerals and business meetings they planned on attending.
That happened to the late retired Chicago cop and actor Dennis Farina seen in the above photo being handcuffed by police at LAX in 2008.  
Everyday thousands of  travelers are similarly found with lotions, potions, perfume, liquor or various objects that just appear harmful.  Thousands of other forgetful or preoccupied people with the prohibited liquids don’t face arrest, just the confiscation of their sometimes-expensive property. 
The point is that no person with criminal intent would ever knowingly place a bag on a conveyor belt for TSA inspection that contains a gun!  We all know our bags are sniffed, searched and x-rayed! 
Passengers are permitted to transport their firearms unloaded in a hard-sided locking case provided they inform the airline ticketing and checked baggage agents.  There is inspection and tagging the firearm involved.
You’d be surprised to learn that not all airports are the same.  It depends more on local laws, attitudes and their concerns about fundamental fairness. 
If an intended passenger is found with a gun in Phoenix, Denver or Jacksonville chances are they will be told to remove the gun and make proper arrangements for its disposition.  They are allowed to hand over their gun to friends, relatives or place it in their automobile trunks without being arrested or prosecuted. 
The same conduct at most airports brings jail, bail bondsmen, defense lawyers, prosecutors, judges, disgrace and sometimes-horrible publicity.   Even if a passenger were to win in court the over-all financial damage can be staggering to some people. 
Sometimes criminals are forgetful too.  I’m talking about those people that prohibited by law from possessing firearms and those with stolen guns or ones with defaced serial numbers.  When that happens arrests are appropriate and reasonable.
Why would we want to clog our jails and courts with people that are in no way a threat to anyone?  Why would we want to stamp the Mark of Cain (criminal record) on some traveler destroying their current or future business and professional licenses?  Why would we want to criminalize forgetfulness?
This problem of unreasonable arrests can be addressed by either state or federal legislation. 
The federal government currently has the ability to assess a civil penalty of up to $10,000 for violations and that issue also deserves revisiting and review. 
Zero tolerance is more suited for Communist, Nazi or similar Fascist governments, not that of a free nation.  Above all, we have a right to keep and carry firearms that’s spelled out in our Constitution.  

All Americans deserve fairness and the benefit of the doubt when it comes to matters or crime, courts and justice.   Arresting some otherwise law-abiding person simply for pure forgetfulness is nothing short of government tyranny.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Crimefile News Review of, The Grand Budapest Hotel

Los Angeles, CA—Most of my visitors know that I’m an actor, writer, and video producer in addition to being a private investigator.  Along the way I have found some wonderful friends involved in German filmmaking and funding.  I’ve got two film projects of my own in development.  With a lot of luck maybe something will yet see production. 
Let me begin by letting you know a little about Germany’s partnering with American film producers.  Germany is no small player in making top quality English speaking films. 
For well over a year I’ve been hearing buzz about this film produced by the prolific American producer Scott Rudin and Berlin’s Studio Babelsberg.  Germany is dead serious about making terrific and in recent years given generous film grants to producers to make the magic happen.
Some recent past productions funded by the German government are some of my favorites such as Black Book, Valkyrie, Inglorious Bastards and The Book Thief are a few wonderful examples. 
California has chased away filmmakers with excessive taxation right into the loving arms of Canada and Germany.   American filmmakers are finding Germany has so much to offer them in every possible way. 
The German film locations are amazing and different.  Reunified, Eastern Germany has loads of untouched real estate spared from modern development because of long time Communist control.  The more modern metropolis locations are in the Western Cities of Germany.
Now it’s time to talk about this awesome film!
This Wes Anderson film is a real adventure and a wonderful farce.  It has an all-star cast however recognizing these actors will be a challenge because of superb makeup and costumes. 
The cleaver writing was only surpassed by the great delivery of the lines by the cast.  The film is non-stop entertainment revolving around the adventures of a hotel concierge and a lobby boy.   You will find out our concierge goes the extra distance to make sure his elderly, female and rich guests are comfortable.
The stars pop up one at a time and they will keep you guessing and laughing even after you’ve gone home. 
I’ve told you enough and don’t want to spoil the film for you.   Go see it!  I will buy the Blu-Ray DVD when it released for my collection. 
The cast includes:  Ralph Fiennes, F. Murray Abraham, Mathieu Amalric , Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum, Harvey Keitel, Jude Law, Bill Murray, Edward Norton, Tilda Swinton and Tom Wilkinson. 
I must warn you that the trailer below does not do the film justice!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Why the No Guns Signs in Restaurants and Shopping Malls are Unenforceable

Chicago, IL—As thousands of concealed weapons permits are being issued here some people running local businesses apparently fear anyone law-abiding that is also armed.   They are putting up signs prohibiting guns.
Illinois politicians opposed to gun rights have offered up a feel good solution allowing businesses to ban guns on their property that’s otherwise open to the public.   Some of the businesses are following corporate mandates others are ignorant and perhaps frightened by the idea of guns. 
Of course all armed and dangerous criminals can be counted upon to ignore the signs.  Adding to the madness the business owners utilizing the signs are telling criminals that they can rob, kill or rape without encountering armed resistance! 
These days in most safe appearing neighborhoods finding armed security guards not involved in money transportation is nearly impossible.   No local business would dare begin TSA style frisking.  If they tried doing that, it would guarantee a trip to the Bankruptcy Court.  
Putting up the signs sends a political message that will bring more than enough customer loss and economic damage.   Frankly you have a choice and can avoid doing business where such signs are displayed.   It’s simply one more good reason to use, skipping the brick and mortar Gun-Free Zones altogether.
First and foremost concealed weapon arrests are made almost exclusively during vehicular traffic stops.  Occasionally some arrests are made incident to unrelated arrests for shoplifting, street disturbances or trespassing cases.  Shoplifters that carry guns find out the hard way that packing heat may raise a misdemeanor offense to a much higher-level felony crime in many jurisdictions.
Thankfully none of us have ever seen police enter businesses and restaurants and begin searching patrons.  There is still a shell of the Fourth Amendment protection from unreasonable search and seizure preventing that kind of police nightmare.  The fact is entering a sign posted business with a No Gun sign carries almost no risk of discovery.  That may and should change with a breach of the peace.
If a permit holder were discovered armed, they’d have to prove that the sign was not obstructed from view.  Often I’ve seen the signs posted on glass doors that were actually propped open and not facing where people could reasonably be expected to see them.  Did the patron enter behind a large person blocking view of the sign?
One thing we can all count on thugs, robbers, rapists and killers will never obey these or any signs or laws.   Why put yourself at risk simply to obey a stupid sign?   
If there was the rare situation where a violent crime occurs like a robbery and a patron was armed and actually displayed or otherwise used the firearm judiciously I think an arrest would be highly unlikely especially of a violent crime was halted.
The signs have no real impact but to divide businesses from customers.  A concealed weapon permit guarantees that the holder is a sane and law-abiding citizen.  Felons, the insane and otherwise troublesome people cannot be barred from businesses without fear of bringing the wrath of the ACLU and government regulators. 
If you have a concealed weapon permit and you are armed you need not fear arrest provided that you are not intoxicated or disorderly.  If something happens and you either display or otherwise deploy your weapon do not answer questions but instead ask for a lawyer.   
My advice is to not patronize any business with these ridicules signs.  If for convenience, you feel the need to give them business they don’t deserve you should simply ignore the signs.  Never let some politician or law deter you from protecting yourself or someone you love.  Be safe, not sorry! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Without Proof of Citizenship and Photo Identification Elections are Unreliable

Chicago, IL—Chicago is the home of massive election fraud.   They register the dogs, cats and dead to vote.   In the African-American ghettos there are no Republicans.  The Democratic Precinct Captains own and control the polling places.  The “Republican” election judges are always Democrats masquerading to satisfy legal requirements.    
Poll watchers are routinely intimidated, their cars vandalized and the votes are always tabulated in high these crime areas late at night. The reality is the Precinct captains simply vote for every no show voter.  Chicago’s ghetto returns are always the last ones turned into the Recorder’s office.   The Precinct Captain has a lot of work to do because the election judges unpaid helpers making the Captain happy.
The most serious problem today is the 11 million illegal aliens that have as many reasons to stuff our ballot boxes.  They want entitlements and amnesty.   They know that the Democrats are the ones promising them everything they desire despite their trespassing on our soil.  The Democrats also reassure the illegals that they will face no penalties for registering to vote or voting.  
The Democrats demand that people be allowed to register and vote without any proof of citizenship or identification.  The motivation for these demands can only to facilitate massive voter fraud. 
Democrats know that massive fraud has thrown elections for years.  Democrats have perfected vote fraud. 
Frankly the identification requirements to purchase a gun should be equal when it comes to voting in elections.   American elections have been a total farce in every large American city.  No other nation allows people to vote without strict id requirements and proof of citizenship.