Sunday, March 09, 2014

Cops, Bodycams and Confrontations.

Rialto, CA—Recent published news reports claim that the use of force by police here has dropped by 60% and citizen complaints against officers are down a whopping 88%.  They attribute this to the new program of having cops wear video cameras that document every interaction with the citizenry.
That was a predictable outcome since cops must constantly deal with troublemakers.   The behavior challenged miscreants are understandably camera shy when it comes to acting out when they know their antics will be displayed on the big screen in their nearest courtroom.  
There is a serious and deepening division between the police and people with that certain anti-police mindset.  This was created by the political Left Wing. 
It’s funny that the Democrats complain the most about the enforcement of the very laws their favorite politicians have passed into law! They don’t blame those despotic freedom-hating politicians but instead fault the cops! 
I’ve learned through significant experience that troublemakers are nearly all Democrats.  Well-behaved people tend to come from the entire political spectrum. 
Few political Conservatives are breaking laws or breaching the peace by comparison.
The Loony Left Wing never saw a law they did not love.  They want to regulate everything from the child’s lemonade stand to arresting bakers that don’t want to make a wedding cake for Gay couples with two grooms.
Mandatory seat belts, helmet laws, sugary drink and plastic bag bans along with every conceivable gun ban are being placed in our law books faster then they can publish them. 
Our cops are being forced more and more to enforce laws allegedly protecting us from ourselves that really only exist to generate cash for government coffers. Cops have been turned into to government extortionists. 
Cops here are now feared like they were in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and North Korea.  Cops are finding them selves hated as they enforce laws that are really anti-freedom. 
Liberals are constantly scheming to create more unworkable parking laws intended to generate huge fines and car towing charges.   They scheme with private contractors to create various photo traffic traps that generate cash rather than for public safety.
What they have actually created are millions more difficult confrontations between cops and citizens.  The cop is no longer there to help you but to rob you on behalf of an increasingly Fascist government.  More confrontations simply mean we will have more hate and violence. 
We can reverse all of this or risk creating the kind of government we’ve fought so many wars to avoid. 

Why Every Demand For More Gun Control is Backfiring on the Political Left

Los Angeles, CA—The heavy populated urban areas of this not so Golden State dictates state law.  The majority of lawmakers in California come from the extreme Left Wing.  They make law after law designed to ban guns.  They never allow the U.S. Constitution get in the way of their Fascist-Marxist agenda.
Since around 1967 the Left has been on a tireless major campaign to demonize gun owners, guns and our Constitution.   They succeeded in getting media assistance with massive misleading propaganda. 
Those on the Left fabricated damning statistics out of thin air and gotten millions of people to compromise away their rights to keep and bear arms. The media harped until congress, legislatures, and city councils enacted ban after ban.
The last big and somewhat successful push was under the Clinton Administration.   They were somehow able to redefine military fully-automatic firearms to include hundreds of common semi-automatic rifles and pistols because of simple cosmetic factors.  The new evil term was "Assault Weapons."
In 1994 they succeeded to pass an Assault Weapons ban by a single vote in the Senate and a narrow majority in the House.  It was signed into law.  Two years later the voters removed sores those that voted for the ban in moderate political areas from office.   Politicians learned the hard way that they were misled by the media that greatly exaggerated the level of gun control's  public support. 
The banned weapons were actually only involved in about 1% of homicides and the law expired after a decade and has not been renewed.  The now expired law actually had zero impact on crime while it was on the books.
Radio stations across the nation found that politically Conservative talk radio was incredibly popular and more importantly profitable.  Finally the other side of the gun control argument found a voice!
The shrill Leftist propaganda  major mainstream media machines finally found competition and mixed opinions.  The truth was exposed that guns in civilian hands saved far more innocent lives than were ever taken! 
Since 1994 every state has been impacted by repealed gun laws and nearly complete reform of Concealed weapon laws!  People are entitled not to just have a gun in their homes but in their cars and on their person for self-defense.
Each new push for a gun ban has backfired on the gun rights haters.  They still are passing various bans only in the few areas controlled by the extremists but the courts have finally stepped in overturning these bans one at a time.  The Constitution is still the law of the land. 
The Internet moved forward over the next two decades and blogging was born.   It’s slowly become a powerful form of media that could not be bought by he Marxists like the mainstream media.  Democracy came to to message.  Unlike TV, radio and print media the Internet bloggers could effectively publish text, photos and broadcast quality video.
Wonderful video equipment and editing software was suddenly affordable and Internet providers quickly are beginning to rival broadcast and cable television.   YouTube and other similar sharing sites have made posting video content to the masses a snap.
Making watchable video is an art form.  Broadcasters spent years polishing their, on-camera presence to sound smart and credible.  TelePrompTers can make anyone sound brilliant and now they are affordable too! 
Slowly the bloggers are learning the power of video  and have polished their delivery skills like popular TV news personalities.
Just how does this combat anti-gun rights propaganda you ask?  The lies of politicians and mainstream media hacks no longer remain unchallenged because of media monopolies. As the lies are told they are quickly taken apart by talk radio and Internet content providers.
Facebook has exploded in political discussion and gun control groups have recently been shot down in efforts to ban postings related to pro-Second Amendment discussion.  
Think about that for a moment.  The people wanting to ban guns don’t want anyone to publish anything on Social Media expressing a different point of view!   Not only have the attacked the Second Amendment but now the First Amendment too! 
The bully pulpit of the Mainstream media that enabled them to tell us what public opinion was and should be about gun control is now all but neutralized.  Its influence is no longer controlling thought in America.
For each demand for a new gun ban or registration scheme, voices from all over America are now heard.  That old saying that he who controls the message controls the world. 
People are becoming educated as to the failure of gun control to curb crime and the nefarious motives of those advocating surrendering our rights to defend families, nation and ourselves.
The only way that people not despots will control us is by shutting down or censoring the Internet.  Many Nations run by criminal regimes have done just that.
All American should be ready use force and violence to prevent the taxation, censoring or any effort to block free speech on the Internet. Freedom is not free you must fight for it.

Friday, March 07, 2014

YouTube, a Showcase for Stephanie Carrie’s Talent!

Stephanie Carrie will make you laugh for sure!
Los Angeles, CA—Most of my visitors know that among other things I’m an actor too. 
I met Stephanie Carrie when I attended Tom Todoroff’s Acting Studio here and made some other life long friends along the way.  Nearly every one of Tom’s students has some kind of TV or film credits but making the coveted A list is really tough.  
We've all learned that even the best talent does not translate to fortune and fame.  It’s more about having a very effective agent.  It also boils down to the agent selecting the you as their talent and not then other way around. 
Carrie is an actress, singer, writer and comedian.  Like everyone she struggled and paid her dues.  She also recently started a web series.  
Carrie has a YouTube channel and put something up yesterday that caught my eye. 
It’s a satirical parody of the crisis in the Ukraine and that thin-skinned Russian fellow, Vladimir Putin.  Carrie has obviously payed attention and also just happens to fluently speak Russian.  I just hope that she does not wind up in the Gulag like some members of Pussy Riot over this offering.
I hope Lorne Michaels of SNL spots Carrie and put her in his lineup where she belongs! 
Sit back and enjoy, Let It Go, Putin!

The TSA is Still Not Serious About Halting Terrorism but They Sure Love Wasting Money

New York, NY—With the capping off of the symbolic tower that replaced the World Trade Center I thought I’d show you the latest TSA folly.  It’s in the picture above.
No matter how you analyze the September 11, 2001 terror attack on America it was the result of FAA’s fear of armed pilots and off duty cops.   Then there was the cultural weakness of Americans in general.
First I blame the new American Nanny Culture that seemed to dictate that American plane passengers must sit and wait for authorities to deal with crime instead of resorting to self-help for survival.  Many passengers actually thought they were really doing something helpful by calling 911 from their doomed aircraft.
Politicians honored the “heroic” actions of the brave young men on Flight 93.  Actually they too were brainwashed by the Nanny Culture because their actions only came after the cockpit was breached. They did nothing until after they took votes among themselves on whether to resist the hijackers.
When I gathered the driver’s license information on the 9/11 terrorists for the news media I found something unsettling.   They were all little men!  They’re average height and weight was 5’5” and 140 pounds!  They were no bigger than most American women! 
History should have made it clear to the passengers that no Muslim terrorist event ever ended peacefully.  For those doomed passengers it was either they fight for their life or die.   Sadly we know what their choice was. 
Aside from forfeiting their own lives by cowering in their seats they also sacrificed the lives of the people inside the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
The politicians and media simply never once uttered a word about the pre-programed mental conditioning or cowardice of those dead passengers. 
Since 9/11 we’ve spent hundreds of billions on Security Theater and the TSA.  As of today the only efforts at terrorism were not stopped by the TSA but by ordinary passengers.
Fast-forward to today and all that’s happened is the airlines have had to fight monumental battles avoiding bankruptcy, pilot shortages and TSA nonsense.
Our government created the Federal Flight Deck Officer’s program to arm a few pilots that specifically volunteered for the program.  That plan consisted of re-vetting the backgrounds and mental health of pilots deemed worthy of trust to handle a firearm. 
I guess a gun in the mind of brain-dead bureaucrats is somehow more dangerous than a passenger and fuel loaded commercial jet.
They trained the FFDO’s like every other armed federal officer.  However unlike cops or federal officers they FFDOs are not trusted or permitted to carry firearms outside of the locked cockpit of their airplane! 
Initially the clowns over at the TSA designed a holster with a padlock that rested directly and dangerously on the trigger of the FFDO’s gun.  At least one accidental discharge in a cockpit aboard a US Airways jet resulted from that faulty design.
Next that holster was retired and FFDO’s were forced to carry the gun in a heavy locked vault style box that was cumbersome and punishing.  Needless to say many FFDO’s quit the program.
The current joke is the container pictured at the top of this story.  It has a padlock but this time it is away from the trigger.  It makes the gun inaccessible and useless to the FFDO until he’s locked in the cockpit. 
However the new case is an improvement from the boxes but the FFDO's must purchase them with their own funds if they wish to discard the heavy boxes. 
The FFDO’s should be carrying firearms like cops and other federal officers.  Their intensive training should benefit passengers from the moment they enter airports until they leave them.
Every commercial pilot should be trained and armed or be forced to retire if they refuse that duty.
I want to add the sad truth that there were two off-duty trained and sworn cops on two of the four planes involved in the 9/11 attack.  They too perished.  No pilot was allowed to carry a firearm back then.
Our politicians have created a Constitutional mess by creating the lawless albatross called the TSA.  It serves little purpose but to allow otherwise unemployable people rob, molest and annoy passengers giving some of them a false sense of security.
I will leave you with two simple questions.  Had those 9/11 pilots and off duty cops been armed would 3,000 people still have perished?  Would we have suffered billions in property damage and business interruption?  I think the answer is obvious.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

San Diego Sheriff Announced he Won’t Appeal from 9th Circuit Appellate Decision Striking Concealed Weapon Ban!

San Diego, CA—Yesterday Sheriff Bill Gore announced that he wouldn’t appeal the decision in Peruta vs. County of San Diego.
That of course was the ruling that struck down California’s ability to obstruct the issuance of concealed weapon permits to law-abiding people requesting them. 
The permits were nearly impossible to obtain in the state's most populous jurisdictions.  Officials had the power to arbitrarily and capriciously deny permits.  Only the politically powerful, very wealthy or connected applicants got the permits.
Some California Sheriffs would routinely and nefariously sell the permits to their campaign contributors. 
Under the now invalidated law CCW permit applicants had to prove "moral fitness" and a compelling need for the added protection.  Those nebulas factors were so incredibly vague that they were void.  Despotic California sheriffs and police chiefs got away with violating the Second Amendment rights of citizens for decades.  

Several plaintiffs sued and when the case finally reached the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals California’s long-standing but unconstitutional concealed weapon permit law was shot down and invalidated. 
The obvious reason for not appealing the case to the U.S. Supreme Court is that the high court’s recent rulings in the Heller and McDonald cases solidly reaffirmed the right to not just keep but to carry arms outside the home.
By not appealing it the gun banners are seeking to avoid total destruction of their ability to regulate the permits and violate the privacy of applicants.
Politicians in a few other Leftists run states don’t want SCOTUS making yet another ruling that would have an immediate impact on their own various gun bans.  There’s no doubt that these other jurisdictions have been in communication with California gun ban proponents.
Just what hat does this all mean right now for California’s millions of gun owners? 
It means that prosecution of cases involving the carrying of concealed weapons by otherwise law-abiding people is impossible.  The law was invalidated pure and simple.
California must now rewrite their law to cure the defect.  They can’t just simply create new obstacles to replace the old ones. 
Until then Constitutional carry will be the law of the land.  I’m sure a few cops will make some bogus arrests that will fail in court later. 
Anyone currently charged with a CCW offense would be crazy to enter into a plea agreement.  Litigating the matter citing Peruta vs. County of San Diego along with the Heller and McDonald cases would bring certain vindication.
There are still serious issues with non-California residents and thousands of security guards with so-called Exposed Weapon Permits that need to be addressed. 
It would save California taxpayers millions if the simply took the exposed weapon permits and relabeled them additionally for concealment.  The holders of these permits have already completed background investigation and training requirements.  No need to do anything with these permits but to simply rename them carry permits that allows both exposed and concealed carry.  
There is no reason to redundantly relicense thousands of security guards and private investigators to deal with parallel requirements and costs.  California's  Bureau of Investigative and Security Services has already satisfied any and all present or future needs.  
The BISS weapon permit program that’s already in place has more than adequately addressed all of the public safety needs and Constitutional questions.