Los Angeles, CA—I just finished watching the film, “12 Years
A Slave.” I found the acting
superb. The cast and crew behind the
film were as good as it gets. As for the
film it was little more than the historical revision of American slavery.
In the film every Black was a hero or victim and every White
(except Brad Pitt’s character) was evil.
Dramatic entertainment license trumps truth every time.
Make no mistake slavery was and will always be a terrible stain
on America’s honor and sensibilities. The film ignored the realities. Africans were kidnapped and sold to slave
traders by other Africans. Jungle
savages were bought here and sold as property.
The enslaved Africans soon embraced American Christianity
and simply became a menial and somewhat willing workforce. When the slaves were freed the vast majority
found themselves in non-union jobs on the same plantations where they were
enslaved. Did anything really
The freed slaves universally had no interest in returning to
Africa. The grandchildren and succeeding
generations of African slaves have since enjoyed opportunities and wealth that they
or their fellow Africans never envisioned.
The evolution of that workforce can be seen today is at fast
food and Wal-Mart. These workers become conditioned
and convinced that this is their place in life and simply adapt. Rather than seek education or more profitable
skills these workers become trapped in their crappy lives sometimes for multiple
When humans are given absolute power over other humans
unthinkable atrocities always occur. The
rapes, beatings and murders of slaves were reality but thankfully the exception
rather than the rule.
The truth is Southern plantations would have had to operate
as maximum security prisons if the kind of abuse that this Hollywood creation
was commonplace. Rebellion and escape
would have brought productivity and the Southern economy to a standstill if the
plantations were anywhere nearly as miserable as depicted in this film. Productive slaves by necessity were well fed
and humanely treated.
The reality is when you remove humans from their homes and
introduce them into utter dependence they adapt quite well. Those in control
can easily recruit slaves to police and control the others. American slavery and the Nazi Holocaust could
never have succeeded without near total cooperation by those victimized!
After World War Two’s end Jewish people worldwide chanted,
“Never Again!” The suggestion was that
they’d never allow anyone to dominate and abuse them again. That rings so hollow today.
After abolishing slavery we added the 14th
Amendment protecting everyone on American soil with, “Equal Protection Under
Law.” Then we spent the next 200 years watering down and creating exceptions to
the original Bill of Rights. There is little freedom left so the meaning of
Equal Protection today is dubious at best.
Freedom is no longer popular particularly among Democratic Party voters who are overwhelmingly Black and Jewish.
They redundantly elect politicians that want nothing less than to
eviscerate every protection in the Bill of Rights.
Victimized African’s and Jews accepted their fate and knew
their place in society. They meekly
accepted orders to board various implements of transportation and resettled as
they were told. They did not revolt as long as they were given rules and barely
minimal food. As long as the enslaved
were convinced they could not be beaten, staved or murdered they’d totally
cooperate with their imprisoners.
The best people control tool in this setting is community
punishment for any individual’s supposed transgression. If one person tried to escape or resist
everyone would be denied food or would suffer some form of punishment. That makes slave’s self-policing an easy fact
of life.
The Nazi’s could have never succeeded with their Final
Solution without the thousands of capos who sold out fellow Jews and policed
them for better food and conditions. The
capos were often very bit as if not more evil than the Nazis. When the allies liberated the Nazi
concentration many capos were simply beaten to death by fellow inmates. Too bad the inmates did not kill the capos as
they were given power over fellow prisoners.
If we have not learned from the past we are doomed to repeat
it. What’s past is prologue. Holocausts
have happened since the beginning of the human race and they will continue
until he humans evolve or become extinct.
Evolution seems unlikely.
Man will continue to dominate other men under the guise of
government or social democracy. A simple
clock dictates when there will be good times and bad. After each rebellion things improve until
the victors begin to visit the same tyranny on the population that caused the
last revolution. Never say, “Never
We are all conditioned to slavery. Anyone claiming they’re not merely has to
remember their meekly submitting to detention and search by TSA screeners. Of course while we are preparing tax returns
and writing checks to pay for Obama’s “Nanny Government” and his extravagant
vacations slavery does enter our minds.
When our government invents a crisis and tells us to board
the buses to various shelters history says we will all quietly line up and do
as we are told.