Monday, October 14, 2013

LAX Dry Ice Bombs Obvious Work of a TSA Baggage Screener

Los Angeles, CA—For the second night in a row dry ice bombs exploded in LAX terminals housing international flights. However tonight there were reportedly three bombs discovered, two of them were duds.
The bombs were planted in to so-called “sterile areas” of Terminal 2 and the Bradley International Terminal.  It’s obvious that the suspect is familiar with the video surveillance camera locations and is well acquainted with airport security procedures.  
I will go out on a limb and suggest that a near-do-well TSA baggage screener is trying to get elevated to hero status and a win a promotion.  He, and yes I’m sure the offender is a male has a nefarious self-aggrandizing plan. 
Frankly getting bombs and firearms past the TSA checkpoints is child’s play.  The TSA has been running an expensive fraud on travelers as they have done nothing more than create an illusion of security. Along the way they created a massive jobs program for the hard corps unemployables they put in faux law enforcement uniforms.
The TSA security theater program was nothing more than a way for tyrannical politicians to gain the cooperation of worried travelers to abandon their Constitutional rights against unreasonable searches. 
This is a solvable case that will be cracked through skilled interrogation techniques by investigators.  Stay tuned. 

Why The DC Cops Stood Down During The Face Off With Our Veterans

Obama Loyalist Cathy Lanier
Washington, DC—The Obama Administration sent out the Metropolitan DC police to forcefully remove or arrest aging military veterans from their own monuments. 
The cops were out in force armed with guns, stun guns, clubs, tear gas and riot helmets. When it came to the point of the veterans refusing orders to disperse or to discontinue their dismantling park service barricades the cops simply backed off of their mission and allowed the veterans to carry on.
First and foremost the veterans were peaceful and did not represent a public safety threat. They simply made a strong stand against the fascist Obama junta.
In a stunning display of disobedience the police actually stood down rather than engage in violence against the veterans.  There can be no doubt that Whitehouse officials are livid that the cops allowed the veterans to dump hundreds of barricades at the entrance of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Barack Obama was humiliated beyond words by the cop’s refusal to follow orders.  I fully expect supreme Obama loyalist and police chief Cathy Lanier to make heads roll within her department over the refusal by officers to advance on the veterans.
The fact remains that the all time legal precedent in such matters was established in post World War Two Nuremberg, Germany during the trials of Nazi war criminals.
The accused Nazi’s raised the defense that they were only following orders.  Had they refused to follow those orders they would have been hanged or shot for treason.  That of course was a well-know fact since the Reich was executing anyone and everyone within the military that showed any sign of disobedience to orders. The following orders defense failed. 
The DC cops were really looking at mirror images of themselves when they faced off with the old veterans. They did not have the taste or desire to bear the shame of muscling the very men that had fought for our basic liberty and freedom.
Some will argue that the cops were outnumbered or afraid.  I don’t buy that for a second.  What happened was the officers recognized that their oath of office and duty was in conflict with the orders from the Whitehouse and acted accordingly.
Now it will be incumbent upon Americans to defend and support every DC cop that refused unlawful commands to victimize our veterans under color of law.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Obama’s Dangerous Battle With America’s Military Veterans

Washington, DCBarack Obama has deeply divided this nation by class and race.  He has pitted a huge population of illegal aliens with ignorant and poor African-Americans against America’s productive taxpayers.
Obama has made war on our military veterans with a highly visible hate campaign. Obama has used the government shutdown to victimize veterans in a highly offensive and provocative manner.  This has turned out to be yet another one of Obama’s serious blunders.
Our nation's war memorials were built mostly with private funds.  They are located in the sprawling Capital Mall area.  The government does nothing with them but but clean a little refuse and cut the grass.  The grass did not stop growing nor did the winds cease to blow trash and leaves onto the area containing the monuments because of the shutdown.
In a shockingly provocative move the Whitehouse ordered barricades be brought in and ordered that police eject potential visiting veterans.  The cost for the blockades and security trolls substantially exceeds any routine maintenance expense by far. 
Our veterans along with some members of Congress went in and moved the barricades and visited the monuments honoring the bravery of our precious veterans.  Many of these heroes won’t get a second chance to visit the monuments because of their advanced age and health. 
In a second insult the Whitehouse opened the entire mall for a demonstration on behalf of the millions of Mexican trespassers demanding citizenship!  Of course unlike our respectful veterans the illegal aliens left behind loads of their trash for taxpayers to eat.
Obama knows that the majority of our veterans served this nation fighting Communists in the Korean and Viet Nam wars.  They were trained to kill Communists that were seeking to force their form of slavery on others.
The fact is that killing Communists was and still is a necessary and honorable mission.  The problem is that we have allowed Communists to occupy or Congress and Whitehouse.  We need to learn how to purge these bastards before they procreate any more.
Before Obama’s term expires everything points to his testing the waters of Martial Law by creating unnecessary conflicts. 
What Obama does not realize is that there are many more veterans than he can imagine that want to see him and his henchmen dragged out of the Whitehouse and tried for Treason than he can ever imagine. 
The veterans have the training and own the majority of firearms in America. They have already demonstrated their determination and bravery.  They have also passed those skills and values on to their sons and daughters.
The legions of ignorant welfare zombies and illegal aliens are no match for our veterans in any fight.  Today’s cops and military members will always side with their parents over any Obama loyalists. 
Government cash drives our military contractors but there are a few veterans among them that have access to some serious weapons of mass destruction.  It would not require much effort for some contractor to take out the Whitehouse and it’s occupants.
Obama better learn how to be a good lame duck and not push his luck.  Biting our veterans is biting the hand that feeds him. Obama should lay low while he can and retire peacefully.  To do otherwise will make some serious drama this nation does not want or need. 
Make no mistake millions of Americans are still more than willing to shed blood in the name of liberty and freedom.

Crimefile News Editorial The Obamacare Disaster

Los Angeles Emergency Medical Care Waiting Room.  

Obamacare was a overly ambitious Socialist project that could never possibly be realized. It is a bureaucratic nightmare that was spawned in Hell. We must stop this abomination now!
America allowed for a massive healthcare crisis because of the huge invasion of all of Mexico's and Central America's poor illegal immigrants. No emergency room could refuse to provide free services at taxpayers expense for these trespassers.
Obamacare must be trashed and a new effort must made. to allow insurance companies to insure equitably.
We need immigration reform but not what the bolsheviks have suggested. We need to deport the illegals and prevent any more from coming.
Workers are needed and immigrants do deserve green cards if they properly follow the law of the land.
Sneaking past our border guards does not qualify anyone for free medical care, welfare benefits or the right to shape our political policy.

Friday, October 11, 2013

News gathering Video Technology and Guerilla Journalism!

Los Angeles, CA—Wherever you go in the City of Angeles doing news the paranoid public relations people and their security agents demand absolute control over anyone shooting video.   The equipment to shoot quality video was cumbersome and difficult to move around without attracting loads attention.  That’s changing faster than the speed of light.  They can’t seem to repress the journalist with the notepad but ejecting cameras from most real estate has proven all too easy.
Today you can shoot very watchable video with quality iPhone cameras and a host of small camera choices.  The somewhat new GoPro cameras are nothing short of incredible.   I have two of them now; the Hero 3 and a Hero 3+ are in my video gathering arsenal.
Any day now and I will take delivery of a Blade 350 Quadcopter that will zip right past security guards, police and fire lines.  It will instantly defeat even the tallest walls and fences to obtain exceptional HD GoPro camera video.
On the ground I’m looking for ways to conceal the little GoPro cameras so I can do interviews and get B-Roll without attracting any unwanted attention.  I am learning to do low profile scene stand-ups guerrilla style.  My goal is to get in and out of the scene before anyone knows I’ve gathered my needed video. 
Quality audio is important so as you see I will rely on a Zoom H4N recorder with lavalier or shotgun microphones.  As you can see below the onboard microphone does not cut the mustard!  As a freelancer there are really no equipment limits as long as I can bag the story.

The tiny GoPro needs some stabilization when handheld and there are solutions in the way of small Steadcam type devices that can be obtained and employed.  
Most mainstream news directors and editors are presently fumbling around with the lawyers, journalism ethics professors hoping to learn if they can embrace the technology for their own reporters and photographers.  In the meantime I will go out and get the story! 

The Blade 350 can be purchased from B&H Photo 1-800-221-5743

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Police Booking Photos, Punishment Without Due Process?

Crown Point, IN—Arrest information and police booking photos are public record nearly everywhere.  If you’re accused of a misdemeanor or felony, you’ll get fingerprinted, photographed and often humiliated.  If it’s a high profile crime or you have a even a small bit of celebrity you can count on being put up at a garish public display at a Photo-op Perpwalk too. 
Cops and prosecutors love to brag about high profile cases and are allowed to release lurid details that are sure to become the topic of gossip everywhere.  This also interferes with the right of the accused to a fair trial.   Arrests are often newsworthy but the same is rarely true for vindication or an acquittal. 
The presumption of innocence goes out the window once the media finds an arrest to be newsworthy.  The rules regarding release of documents and information especially in the Information Age need serious revision.  High profile criminal trials have replaced gladiators and feeding people to lions as a form of entertainment.
Today the arrests that are not newsworthy, infamous or otherwise remarkable are just a click away on any search engine.  Routine traffic arrests for excessive speed, driving on a suspended license or DUI are now posted on the Internet for the personal gain of website owners.
Should you be accused of any crime usually there are very unflattering booking photos, fingerprints and probable cause information justifying the arrest are public record. 
Some website owners are demanding and getting the material and gratuitously posting it in the Internet long before there is a conviction related to the arrest.  If there is an acquittal the damaging material is left out there to keep you from getting, jobs, loans or a chance at a relationship with a cautious but desirable potential lover.
Whether you’re convicted or not the website owners offer to remove the damaging material for cash.  In some cases they operated three and for different websites sharing the same information.  Sanitizing the Internet of you booking information and photos could take a lot of money.  Frankly this scam borders on extortion. 
For those convicted of crimes I’m not really concerned that the guilty carry the Mark of Cain.  For the innocents I believe that there should be an effective legal remedy.  Thousands of people are arrested every year because they share similar names or physical characteristics with criminals. They are usually released after the mix-up is resolved through additional police investigation. 
The fix here is simple, to bar the release of the photos or information to the public unless or until there has been Due Process and a conviction.  This could be accomplished by a single federal law or at the state level. 
Web site operators should simply face criminal charges and their sites seized by authorities for displaying material of anyone not convicted of the crime for which they were charged. 
The booking photo above was a prank.  This was taken at the old Lake County, Indiana Jail Museum.  The slate was re-created for the Michael Mann film Public Enemies.  Check the date and it reflects the arrest of John Dillinger well before I was born.   Johnny Depp wore that infamous slate for the film.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Why Aren’t These Trespassers Marching in Mexico City?

Phoenix, AZ—I had to visit a client in the Maricopa County Jail who is charged with two unrelated murders of women.  When I got to the jail it was in a full state of lockdown because of a demonstration by as many as 4,000 illegal aliens and their families.  I had to wait for this foolishness to pass before the jail would reopen.
There was strong labor union sponsorship of this group’s presence on the downtown streets of this city.  The group was peaceful as the passed by with their signs and chants.  There were some glaring observations that I made of this group that threaten the economic status of America.
Our entire healthcare system has all but shut down because some 11 uninsured million illegal aliens can and do walk into any emergency room and demand full medical care.  We cannot afford to provide medical, educational, service for our own citizens but our politicians have forced us to pay a massive debt of Mexico and Central American trespassers.
If you look closely at the women of child-bearing age and you will see that nearly all of them are pregnant and have two or three children in tow.  They are not paying their own medical care costs.  These 4,000 demonstrators are sucking up millions of our tax dollars and now our some of our politicians want to give them every kind of welfare entitlement.  That will simply insure that the USA becomes a Third World Nation.
Communism can only survive with a massive population of ignorant, poor and miserably needy people.  That’s how they keep power to enslave the productive citizens.
Mexico has every natural resource of the USA.  They have two beautiful coasts and should thrive as well or better than we have done.  That’s impossible because they have a corrupt government that generates crime, poverty and ignorance.  Of course they export as much as they can to our nation as their upper educated a nd privileged society contributes nothing to their own poor.
If we really cared about these Mexican economic refugees we’d keep them out but support them in efforts to overthrow their own despotic government. If they did that right they could recreate Mexico with a Constitution like our own.  Within a few decades they could achieve greatness as a nation.  Soon they’d have to put up walls to keep us Gringo’s out of Mexico.  
Our illegal Mexican aliens have a problem.  Not only can’t they properly read and write English they are also illiterate in Spanish!  The Mexican government evades all responsibility for that human tragedy.  
By the way the Maricopa County Jail has a huge population of illegal aliens for very frightening violent crimes. Murder, rape, robbery and narcotics trafficking is what the misguided generosity of our politicians has imported.  That is both wrong and un-American.
Watch the hordes pass by.  This was about one third of the group. 

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Obama’s Targeting of our World War Two Heroes with Arrest for Resistance Backfires!

Washington, DC.—Today the men are well into their 80s and 90s.  A charity group called, Honor Flights, brought them to The World War Two Veteran’s Memorial.  Once they were proud, strong and brave young men.  Today their physical strength and youth has left them but not their courage or determination. 
We’ve enjoyed over six decades of not being dominated by the Nazi’s and Japanese because of these heroes.  The only threat to our freedom and Constitution now are the Communists and Socialists within the Obama Administration.  They have nothing but utter hatred and contempt for our military veterans. 
With the government shutdown they ordered metal barricades put in place blocking access to the memorial. These men don’t need or want government employees helping them, just simple access to the real estate! 
In effect Obama was holding the monument hostage for political gain in order to protect their Obamacare Socialized Medicine train wreck.  The Obama Administration has always shown its total commitment and zeal to victimize anyone that resists its political dictates. 
The message from cops and DC bureaucrats was threats of arrests for any of these men that dare walk on their own monument property.  The old soldiers broke through the barricade defying the Obama loyalists just as they did the Nazis and Japs long ago. This time the old heroes were in wheelchairs, toting oxygen bottles walkers and canes.
In the end the cops could not stomach their orders to make arrests and the heroes achieved yet another victory over fascism.  That left Whitehouse officials seething with anger.  That also gave one last victory to these fellows who are responsible for whatever freedom we still possess. 
Every day Americans learn more about Obama and his minions.  Obama and his henchmen are dangerous to America and they eventually will be punished for their treason and other serious crimes.  It’s only a matter of time and they will be cowering on the scaffold awaiting their just fate.


Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Was Kenya’s Westgate Mall Attack Just a Rehearsal for an American Mall Massacre!

Los Angeles, CA—I’ve said it was only a matter of time before Muslim extremists would exploit our grand shopping malls.  Ours are as soft of a target that any terrorist would beg for. 
American mall operators shunned armed or trained security personnel and frankly they think a visible police presence is bad for business.  They also go out of their way to post silly “Gun Free Zone” signs everywhere.
Our mall operators have really only placed a target on the butt of every man woman and child that can be found inside any large mall.
Kenya was better prepared to respond to mall attacks there.  They are used to urban terrorism unlike our nations police forces. 
Imagine L.A.’s magnificent Beverly Center Mall.  On any given day thousands of shoppers are strolling through without a care in the world.  Among them behind sunglasses and hats are A list celebrities.  Of course there are children, toddlers, and even infants everywhere. 
In the Westgate attack the thugs took hostages.  The victims were savagely raped, tortured and soon beheaded.  The orgy of violence was unimaginably horrific.   Imagine what they’d do to any of our more popular movie stars?
The death toll could easily exceed 2000 before a siege by just ten terrorists may end.  Terrorists could quietly enter as workmen pushing weapons, fuel and bombs on carts from their cars.   The mall floor plans are available to everyone including terrorists. 
Perhaps as hundreds of happy little Christian children are waiting to see Santa Claus some perverted Muslims may unleash the unthinkable.  
The LAPD would be minutes away and reluctant to enter the mall at all until they can amass with a large police presence and that may take an hour or more.   
I’m simply asking how would this style of attack be ended?  I remain convinced such an attack would face minimal resistance and melt Los Angeles to its core.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Jodi Arias and The Public Opinion True Crime Train-wreck and Reinvestigation

Phoenix, AZ--The Name Jodi Arias provokes a lot of emotion from TV court watchers and alike. Unfortunately the TV only covers the trial and not the evidentiary issues of evidence and its admissibility that was hashed out away from the cameras at pre-trial hearings. Often the rulings judges make are destined to become the basis for new trials in that the jury should have heard relevant evidence excluded by the judge.

I have found that many women in particular hate Arias and want to actually kill her themselves. More men seem to be sympathetic but I'm sorry but it's difficult for me to gauge innocence or guilt based on what's shown on TV or even to a trial jury.

On it's face the killing of Travis Alexander seems to be at best justifiable and at worse a lesser degree of murder or even manslaughter. I cannot see this as a death penalty case.  By conventional standards the fatal injuries themselves seem to show incredible anger and passion. None of us were there and we can't know for sure. I also refuse to rule out justifiable homicide until I can investigate this mess.  The redundant stabbing seems to me to be an act of wild passion or a really fierce fight.

The trial was a shameful,media driven farce.  TV pundits were presiding over the case rather than Judge Sherry Stephens. The Prosecutor, Juan Martinez was a wannabe celebrity basking in the footlights of the courtroom that was transformed into a theater.  Ive seen this before and it was a disgraceful example of American justice.

The interest in this sad case was off the charts and people without apparent lives took up sides and verbally battled like gladiators.  The high emotion and bizarre behavior by court watchers cheering for a death penalty sentence was particularly sickening at least to me.

Many of my blog visitors want me to reinvestigate this.  I do believe that a new defense investigation may well be worthwhile.  What I find shocking and sad is the hateful court watchers that can't stand that idea.  I ask, what if new evidence is found that discredits the conviction?  Is that somehow a bad thing?

I don't know if funds will be raised by Arias' supporters.  I have to ask is it anybody's business if the case get's reinvestigated and new evidence is found but the court's?

Reinvestigation of the Arias case will take exhaustive work and I'd expect to have to deal with many hostile and angry people.  I have no emotional reaction to this mess.  If I investigate the chips will fall where they may.  Either evidence will be found or not. Is looking for evidence to get to the truth somehow a bad thing?

If funds are not raised believe me I won't feel deprived because I'd expect this case to be more challenging and difficult than most. I have agreed to take it on only if retained to do so and that would obligate me to do what I do best, criminal defense investigation.