Friday, July 20, 2012

Exploiting The Batman Mass Murders for Political Gain.

Mass Murder Suspect James Holmes. 24
Aurora, CO—The nation is saddened by this the senseless killings by a gunman taking advantage of another Gun Free Zone.
The Liberal gun rights haters won’t let the investigation unfold or the bodies of the dead get cold before they suggest all manner of blame.  The Tea Party has already been blamed and I’m waiting to hear that it’s Bush’s fault.
I too need to investigate and weigh in on this tragedy but first I need some simple facts.  Just who is 24 year-old James Holmes? How does one transition from a promising medical student to mass murderer? 
PhD students don’t usually surface in violent events so there must be a lot to learn about mental health system failures and such here.  We can all guess what motivated this guy or where his weapons came from.
The deadly explosive devices police say he placed in his apartment were not purchased at some local Walmart.  
Before I begin to assign blame I will have more than wild and unsupported accusations to make.  I’m sure this disturbed fellow placed lots of information around the web we can study.  Let’s look for it and then we will talk.
By the way I don't think this will somehow win votes for Obama. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Prisons and Jails Could Save Needed Millions with E-mail and Skype for Inmates.

Our prisons uniformly hate the idea of making any technology available to inmates.  Prisons and jails by necessity employ really low wattage folks that cannot grasp even the simplest of computer tasks.
Right now any mail to inmates must be opened, read and examined for cleverly concealed narcotics.  That costs a bundle and sometimes seriously delays the mail to the inmates.
They need not make computers available to inmates but they could create inmate e-mail accounts for purposes of simply receiving the mail.  Two things swill happen.  For one, the inmates will get more mail but the likelihood of smuggled narcotics is totally eliminated.  The second is that it will be a lot easier for staff members to save the communications for intelligence and investigative purposes.
If e-mail was instituted it could be a perk granted or withdrawn as inmate behavior dictates. 
I’m also a big fan of to replace maximum-security non-contact visitation.  Why waste resources searching and dealing with visitors when they need not even enter prison facilities?
Pass this idea on to prisons and governors everywhere.  Inmate families are usually poor and prisons are located far away from them. Why victimize families for what an inmate has done? 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Big Mistake by the Obama Birth Certificate Forger

Phoenix, AZ—Sheriff Joe Arpaio deserves criticism for the treatment of prisoners not convicted of crimes being held in his jail.   Those are arrested people that deserve the presumption of innocence that Joe’s punitive jail mocks.
Joe failed in his selection of a disloyal Chief Deputy that had been a really poor choice.  On the other hand a loyal and fine man was castigated and banished from his administration in error.  Joe is a lot of things and perfect is not one of them.  I have known Joe from before he was elected. 
I do agree with him on many issues. 
I have to respect the science of document examination and the evidence there points to the forgery pictured above.  There are also serious signs that the forger of the Obama birth certificate released by the Whitehouse did not understand codes and numbers associated with the document.  Analysis of the numbers and code revealed that the document is not genuine.  The evidence is more than compelling.
The biggest error came as a result of the age of the document forger.  He or she was obvoulsy too young to be aware of correct terms used to classify what we today call African-Americans.  The creator of the phony document listed Obama’s race as African.  That is a huge red flag because that term was not applied as a race title until well into the 1980’s.  That term and the moniker, Black would have been considered politically incorrect and racist back when Obama was born.  The proper term throughout history until the late 1970’s was Negro. The government did not change this until well into the 1980s.
Additionally the United States government standardized the acceptable terms for all identification documents.  Eventually Negro became an apparent derogatory term that sensitive politically correct Americans abandoned in the 1980’s.
This so-called birth certificate document was the product of a criminal conspiracy.  It needs to be investigated by Congress and the State of Hawaii.   The problem here is politics prevents the orderly administration of justice.  Democratic politicians have total control and are breaking the law by obstructing justice. 
Law and order has broken down in America and the government is now lawless.  All Americans have a duty to insure justice is done.   

Video--Hundreds of African-Americans Attack and Rob Wal-Mart

Jacksonville, FL—A mob of more than 300 violent African-Americans were caught on video storming, looting and doing major damage to a local Wal-Mart here last night.  Make no mistake this is terrorism and it's happening here.  Where is Homeland Security and Janet Napolitano
Is this the first major shot fired in an American race war?  There are sure to be more attacks before our summer is over.  The major media is doing all they can to play down the disturbing racial aspects of this vicious attack. The video has been removed by YouTube I guess it was too explosive. The truth is explosive and lots of people can't handle the truth.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Chicago Cops And Duty Disability Pension Issues

Chicago, IL—A local newspaper did a front-page story on cops who were deemed injured on duty and unable to do police work.  The story seems to suggest abuse and malingering by those injured while protecting others.
They cited a few officers that went on to new careers and have left the city never to return.  I can’t really see how this is newsworthy.  Millions of people receive similar benefits, though most are from private insurance plans.  Some of the insurance plans are far better than others.  The City of Chicago is self-insured.
Cops must say fit as they face injuries constantly.  People assault cops on a regular basis and a busy cop gets slammed into walls or worse routinely.   The rough stuff for cops begins in training where recruits are injured in defensive tactics and physical agility classes.  The human body can only take so much abuse.
The City of Chicago used to have a light duty program for injured cops.  I remember a cop confined to a wheelchair that was assigned as a police dispatcher despite his double leg amputation.  He proudly wore his police star and gun every day.   He lived to work in his chosen profession.
For some reason the city became committed to disarming injured cops whenever they could.  The Illinois courts however ruled that a disabled cop on pension was still a peace officer and could carry a gun whenever they wanted to do so.
Cops like anyone else have the right to convalesce anywhere they choose including Europe.
It was the city that made some peculiar rules  that prevented officers from working limited duty assignments.  Frankly many of them would rather remain somewhat active in a limited capacity than to vegetate at home doing nothing. 
If an officer can’t work at the position he was hired for he should not be penalized for attempting to take up another career.  Perhaps some think these cops should just curl up and die rather than try and function.
Officer Jim McMullan was nearly killed and remains a quadriplegic after being shot on duty.  He began a second career as a TV reporter at WBBM-TV.  Needless to say that was an overly ambitious effort that could not be sustained because of the excessive cost to transport the crippled officer around town to work.  He has since began marketing applesauce from a family recipe.  Is it fair for the city to try and destroy this officer’s attempt and staying useful?  This hero is only alive because he has had the will to not let his devastating injury destroy him.  
I guess we can extend this discussion to Social Security that gives disability benefits to criminals and drug addicts because they are unemployable.  Members of Congress and politicians everywhere get wonderful benefits.
We generally consider public safety workers worthy of the promise that if they are injured taking risks on our behalf that they will be treated well.   We cannot lose sight of what we ask these men and women to do for us.  We must continue to protect them and their future. 

The American Economy and Way of Life is as dead as Dillinger

Washington, DC—We are over-populated with the ignorant, the needy and criminals.  Government at every level is over-bloated and cannot be sustained.  Pensions everywhere are bankrupt or will be very soon. 
We have taxed the productive people to the point of forcing them to flee a very real form of slavery.  We have become  a police state.  American citizenship has been greatly devalued.
There is little incentive to manufacture products here.  The nation is at a point of despair.   With our massive economic downturn government at every level has grown and become even more oppressive.
Soon you can expect critics of government corruption and mismanagement to be silenced and their words banned as Hate Speech. 
Every business we drive away from our shores brings unemployment.  That takes significant numbers of productive people and places them on the dole.  In turn creates more helpless dependents that become too discouraged to ever be productive again.
We’ve allowed or public school system to become a program for day care, complete with free breakfast and lunch.  American teachers have been programed into being uninspiring, pathetic and totally mediocre.   Teachers have been reduced to only being concerned with their unions, tenure and seniority. Our children graduate from high schools as barely functional illiterates. 
We have let our politicians turn the Drug War and threat of terrorism into a massive freedom stealing, government jobs program.
We have forced Americans and legal aliens to compete with millions of illegal aliens for work, housing, medical care and government entitlements.  The illegal aliens manage to unlawfully find their way into the voting booths supporting politicians that give them our precious tax money.
We are getting much closer to the society envisioned by the prophetic, film Soylent Green.  Euthanasia, forced abortions along with more enslavement and misery is in our future. 
Passports and the ability to leave America will be reserved for the politically connected.   A new, Berlin Wall is in the making.  It’s only a matter of time before our citizens  begin to risk their lives to immigrate to non-Communist nations.  Will we be imprisoned or perhaps shot if we are discovered trying to flee?
The upcoming Presidential election simply is a race between two known Socialists.  No matter who wins, Americans lose.  The two-party political system in America is dead.
Perhaps the only salvation will be for freedom loving Americans to take to arms as our founding fathers knew we would have to some day.  What that means is we will suffer some serious population reduction in the form of yet another horrible human  holocaust.
We can either choose to live as slaves to a Fascist police state or we can re-earn our freedom through massive human sacrifice.  The entrenched Socialists in the Congress and Whitehouse have no intention of simply restoring our Bill of Rights. 
Governments are never the solution and always the problem.  Our founding fathers understood this only too well. 
If I sound pessimistic it’s because of the fact that what’s past is always prologue.  It is the inherent failing of the human race.   A second and much bloodier Civil War is inevitable in America.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

It’s time for a Chicago Parking Meter Revolt

Chicago, IL—I got a rude surprise the other day when I went to lunch with a delightful Belgium actress. We went to an old hangout, R.J. Grunts near Clark Street and Dickens Ave. I did not know about the new pay stations and there were none in sight.

I parked and we had a nice lunch. When I returned I discovered that some civilian issued my borrowed Hummer two computer-generated citations. I also failed to notice that the vehicle I was driving was missing a front license plate. I was sandbagged and became an extortion victim to the tune of $110.00.

Because of this crappy experience I have purchased my last meal in Chicago, ever. I will only dine in the suburbs from now on. I won’t shop or buy gasoline in that city. Chicago won’t get a dime from me ever again.

If I had any free time at all I would have destroyed as many parking pay stations as I could for sweet revenge. I know my cop friends have no interest in catching anyone destroying these devices that are strangling everyone with excessive fees and draconian enforcement.

The machines are there for one reason, corruption.   In days gone by getting seats in popular restaurants at noon was a challenge. Not anymore because, like me the former customers have little interest in supporting crooked politicians and their friends.

 I’m so glad I don’t live in Chicago anymore.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Surviving Crime at Chicago’s Marina City

Chicago, IL—I lived at Marina City for about eight years during the 1970’s.  It was a safe place, well at least people thought so, but I soon learned ignorance was bliss.
In this nice building containing 900 apartments there was a grocery store, drug store, dry cleaners, a three screen movie theater, ice skating rink, bowling alley and health club.  Of course don’t let me forget the marina below that could at one time store 900 boats. 
I was one of several cops that lived in the building. As cop we had perks such as the ability to park and retrieve our own cars.  The parking garage needed all the help they could get keeping local thugs from stealing cars or vehicle contents.  Of course our encounters with criminals were, for the most part  kept under wraps as not to disturb the residents. 
I liked to walk to Pizzeria Uno or the Billy Goat to bring back some of what I consider the more important food groups.  Occasionally I’d encounter prolific African-American criminals  out on the prowl looking for victims at night.  I had tombstone courage back then and usually a large gun or even two to deal with anything dangerous. 
I also handled security at an off-duty gig at the old Continental Trailways Bus Terminal at 20 E. Randolph.  Sometimes it was a chore to be able to avoid trouble while walking to this job because of the local thugs.  Yes, I made numerous arrests near Marina City over the years.
Crime in the building was somehow considered rare to Marina City residents.  I guess two known murders, a dozen home invasions in a decade qualifies as rare. 
Of course there was that one-man crime wave during this period by one of the brave knights hired by the building to keep it safe.  Al Washington was an armed and uniformed guard licensed and working for The Andy Frain Security Company. 
Somehow Washington got ahold of the master keys to the apartments.  This was during the transition period when the building was being converted to condominiums.  Washington simply entered apartments and took whatever he could carry.  Cash, guns jewelry, cameras simply vanished.  We could only imagine what the highly identifiable and recognizable Washington would have done to anyone who discovered him in the act.
During that period there were more than a few people that were thought to have committed suicide after they fell, jumped or were pushed off their balconies.  It was always the same, their bodies created a monumental mess and police would find their apartment doors locked.
It was manager Morris Swibel, not the cops that cracked this case by grilling the nervous and sweating Washington in his office.  Swibel suggested that the security guard wipe the sweat off his face.  Washington pulled out a handkerchief  from his pocket and the master keys popped right out on Swibel’s desk!  I can’t prove Washington murdered anyone but I can’t help but think about that suicide scenario.  Of course Washington had the keys, motive, means and opportunity. 
If you wonder why I write about this now, it is to educate the residents of Marina City and similar yuppie apartment dwellers of the very real dangers that they often don’t appreciate.  These are the same people that wear seat belts while driving cars and helmets when on bicycles.  But they’re never prepared for the very real possibility rape, robbery, or murder.
My neighbors in the 1970’s were no different than today’s residents.  They thought that the cops and building security workers were quick and efficient.    The truth is that that’s a myth for sure.  There’s never a cop when you need one.   Jim Reardon was both a cop and armed when he was murdered in the walkway by the old  Marina City coffee shop.
Folks, despite what you have been brainwashed to believe.  It is you, not the police or security workers responsible for the safety of you and your families.  Most city dwellers are simply brain dead when it comes to planning how to survive. 
A whistle, cell-phone or a can a pepper spray is truly worthless in the face of a determined attacker.  You are going to take a trip to the hospital or morgue if you are not prepared to take meaningful steps to protect yourself.   You need training and a handgun as much or more than seatbelts and helmets.
Don’t worry about Chicago’s unconstitutional gun laws.  They are no longer enforceable anyway.  Training is important as well is a sufficient size gun.  Use the gun if you must then flee for your own safety after you use it because your attacker/s may have more accomplices nearby. 
Do not call police or answer questions if they contact you after a shooting.  Ask for a lawyer.   You have no duty to report your use of deadly force or answer questions.  Any lawyer will tell you that cooperating with police after a shooting s a terrible idea. 
Go home, settle down and be glad you survived.
It’s time that you reevaluate your own worth as a person.  You are important to your families, employers and friends.  You have an absolute duty, not just a right to protect yourself.  Don’t let Chicago’s pathetic politicians deprive you of your right to exist. 
If you wound or kill an attacker,  it was him not you that sealed his fate.  You also will be doing others a favor by incapacitating a dangerous felon perhaps forever. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Creatively Dealing With Mob Violence without Firearms

Chicago, IL—I had lunch yesterday with a lovely retired lady cop in the Windy City.   She has enjoyed retirement as she plots her exit from Illinois tax slavery and this corrupt and bankrupt metropolis.
After lunch I walked this gal to her car and we talked about how the law abiding citizens and how they are forced to become bait for mobs of thugs by unconstitutional gun laws forced upon them by moronic politicians.  To my surprise she had a very creative and effective solution!

With the plague of criminal Flash Mobs violently assaulting tourists and yuppies in Chicago's Loop and Near North Gold Coast areas people need protection. 
Of course because of HR 218 (The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act) she can carry a loaded firearm nearly anywhere she wants.  But her first line of defense is not the gun!  She’s got a big can of Raid Insect killer!
As scientists have raced to find non-lethal and non-toxic sprays like tear gas and pepper spray that will only temporarily disable an attacker there are other ways.
The pepper sprays are not so reliable.  Drunks  and insane attackers don’t respond well to the gentle applications of the non-lethal stuff.
The answer is in the deadly chemicals the Insect killer provides.  Permanent blindness and death can result with the application.  Of course you need to get the spray to your attackers before they get to you.  The Wasp and Hornet spray is perfect because it’s designed to spray 20 feet to kill entire nests of these aggressive insects.
No cop can arrest anyone for mere possession of a spray can even though many jurisdictions have gone out of their way to ban even non-lethal defense weapons!
Of course deploying insect spray on an attacker must be because your attackers have reasonably placed you in fear of being beaten, robbed, raped, seriously injured or killed.  Anytime you have more than one attacker deadly force through the use of deadly weapons are justified.
It’s really very simply spray your assailants directly in the eyes and faces.  Let the thugs suck in the fumes of today’s version of Zyclon B!  Then make your escape.
As always if the police are able to locate you later you should immediately say nothing beyond requesting to have a lawyer.  Don’t deny or admit anything!  Of course telling them you had to use the spray to defend yourself may well get you arrested.


Saturday, July 07, 2012

Paul Huebl Livin’ Large With Geoff Pinkus Sunday, Tune In!

Chicago, IL—I will be chatting up a storm on WIND Radio 560 AM Chicago Sunday Night from 7:00 until 9:00 PM (Chicago Time).

The show is carried live on the WIND website and we will take your calls from anywhere in the world!

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

The Fourth of July Meaning is lost on the American IPhone Generation

Most young Americans don’t really understand the significance of the Fourth of July beyond fireworks and a holiday.  They don’t seem to understand or care that this was the day a brave and emerging nation said no to extortionate taxation, big government and tyranny.
As long as this generation have their IPhones, IPads and filled Starbucks cup life is beautiful.  They are far more concerned with manufactured, no talent celebrities of today’s mindless reality television shows than the heroes that made their comforts possible.
They more than willingly line up at every airport like frightened sheep for the government goons hired by TSA.  The IPhone generation, just don’t see the staggering loss of Liberty anymore than Germany’s population did in1933.  They certainly don’t understand what drove the brave American heroes of 1776 to stand up against tyranny instead of simply cooperating with their government.
The Drug War and the War on Liberty have destroyed our hard won freedom over the last five decades.  We are being taxed at a rate that would be absolutely unimaginable to the signers of the Declaration of Independence. 
In the last 236 years, ambitious lawmakers have manufactured every possible kind of exception to our precious Bill of Rights.  Today they are viewed as counter-productive to public safety and security or some relic of history that’s no longer needed. 
Politicians have brainwashed the IPhone Generation into believing that government can make all of their most important personal decisions for them. 
Frankly the signers of the Declaration of Independence knew that a complacent population would someday allow liberty and freedom slip away.  They gave us the right to keep and bear arms and free speech.  Our politicians have curbed these rights as dangerous.  Today speech against government is considered Hate Speech.
The second Amendment was intended to be especially dangerous to despotic politicians.   Our founding fathers absolutely intended for the population to replace ballots with bullets whenever liberty was threatened.  
Our founding fathers made sure that every public official would be required take an oath to support, defend and protect the Constitution before they could hold office.   The IPhone Generation simply turns their eyes away when our politicians tamper with liberty.
The IPhone Generation must not care much about their children. 

Sunday, July 01, 2012

IPhone and IPad Video Journalism is for You Too!

I don’t care where you live on this planet history is constantly being made.  You can either, observe and trust your memory or capture events forever on a quality camera. Trust me making videos pays!
I’m a believer in using the raw power of capturing moments that will otherwise be lost forever, especially when there is no discernible cost involved.  When in doubt I shoot video with the best camera I have available.
When it comes to video the rules are simple, hold the camera as still as possible, get as close as possible to your subject and let  every shot roll for at least 15 seconds.  Keep the camera rolling gathering more video not less!  Only use the zoom when you can’t come in for the close-up.  Tight zooming without a steady tripod increases camera shake dramatically and shaky video is trash.
Always shoot the video horizontal and never vertical.  Your video needs to conform with our wide screen TV sets.  
The other thing you need to do is ask questions to the subjects you're shooting on video.  Here is an example, you are shooting video of person being placed in the back seat of a police car.  You can quietly shoot the video or ask the suspect, why is he being arrested?  He may try to convince you his actions were justified or confess to a crime.  Whatever he says to you is always pure gold!  Keep them talking!  Smart cops won’t interfere with your questions because they know that the more a suspect talks the more they will incriminate themselves. 
Getting up close is the only way you can get good audio when using a camera’s on board microphone.  Trust me, you need good audio.  Professionals use wireless hand-held or Lavaliere clip on microphones kept close to the sound source.  You will be okay with you your on board microphone as long as you stay close as possible.
The latest versions of the IPhone and IPad come with amazing cameras for both still and video photography.  You can easily and professionally edit what you shoot in the $5.00 IMovie app.  IMovie even provides titling, music and sound effects you can add! It can be done on the IPhone but editing is much easier on the IPad or a laptop computer.
Always carrying a camera is like buying a 24/7 lottery ticket,  it can pay big bucks at any second!  Being in the right place at the right time and capturing video pays!  Media giants are waiting to write you a generous check for anything newsworthy. 
Over the last several years I have been paid handsomely for video I never expected would even seem interesting.   Video shots of historic moments like the Rodney King beating,  Kennedy assassination, Kent State Shooting, or celebrity missteps can sometimes bring you a six-figure check.  
You have the need to always carry a cell phone so when making that purchase why not make sure it has a topnotch little HD camera built in?
Practice deploying that camera quickly.  You don’t want to be fumbling when you could be capturing history and earning the price of that badly needed new car. 
Everyone should learn how to do a simple reporter’s package.   That is the typical TV news story that should not be longer than two minutes in length.  You shoot, edit and later add narration of an event.  Practice on a simple project like the building of a tree house or your kid’s first lemonade stand.  Don’t forget to interview your kids on camera!
Never give your video away for free just so you can see it on TV.  Don’t load it up on YouTube either unless you have exhausted efforts to sell what you have captured.   The media buyers will tell you what to do with the video and you will be precluded from revealing to others what you were paid. 
Below is the first test video I captured and edited on my new IPad.   I finished the job and up loaded it on YouTube in less than 15 minutes!  This exercise was done by me simply so I could become familiar with the IPad and IMovie app.   The sound is both natural and the added effects built in to the IMovie application. 

Here is a second IPad created video that shows what I had for lunch one day near Chicago.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Could Barack Obama Face murder Charges in the Death of Brian Terry?

Washington, DC—Today there are millions of government employees and government contractors engaged in various roles serving taxpayers. Some of them have inside information that is about to change the course of American history. Today our government is more than ever, unaccountable and out-of-control.

Many agencies operate like third world dictatorships where corruption of every kind is a way of life. Frustrated workers want to blow the whistle and turn to the news media. That happens all the time. Unfortunately too often the mainstream media won’t do their job because they are politically in bed with government wrongdoers.

Such was the case when BATFE agents shocked by the Obama Administrations intentional delivery of thousands of firearms to Mexican drug cartels tried to expose the program. That deadly operation was called Fast and Furious, and Gun Walker.

These whistle-blowing agents were ordered to hand over government stimulus tax money to known criminals who would buy firearms from various gun dealers. The Obama Justice Department deliberately short-circuited the FBI unit created to do background checks of every gun purchaser in the United States. The FBI knowingly cleared their selected felons and misfits who were barred by law to buy these guns.

The whistle-blowing law enforcement agents have risked their careers and lives to expose a deadly and frightening scandal reaching straight to the highest levels of our government.

At least two two of the involved guns have been linked to the murders of two of our Border Patrol Agents. The same hold true for many other guns since linked to the murders hundreds of Mexican Nationals.

There was only one purpose for this operation. It was to simply manufacture a crisis through engineering of statistics that would show that American’s gun rights were somehow responsible for Mexico’s unprecedented wave of drug violence.

This simply was a Obama Administration propaganda operation to garner support for reauthorization of the so-called 1994 Assault-Weapons Ban that had expired.

Despite the expiration of the ban and nationwide loosening of gun carry laws, violent crime has dramatically gone down in the US along with gun accidents.

The political Left’s gun control philosophical cornerstone had been debunked as ineffective, incredibly expensive and counter-productive.

Now the Obama Administration was caught red-handed, creating a crisis to make gun control politically popular. Additionally the Obama Administration wanted to circumvent the Second Amendment by signing on to a United Nations Treaty that would end civilian gun rights in America. In theory, it was a much easier way to amend our hated Constitution. Yes, that’s the same Constitution every public official including Obama and his minions are sworn to uphold, defend and protect.

The mainstream media did everything they could to ignore this deadly scandal. It was America’s bloggers that took this outrage and made it public. Bloggers relentlessly posted and published in every possible form of our new Social Media to wake up America. Finally, members of Congress had to act and begin asking questions about the program.

The Obama Administration simply began spreading lies, stone-walling as they began a massive and on-going cover-up.   Now Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder has been caught in a web of corruption and perjury. He’s been declared to be In Contempt of Congress for continued withholding of subpoenaed documents.

 Barack Obama has invoked Executive Privilege in an effort to somehow legalize the stonewalling. Yes, that’s exactly what Richard Nixon did to cover-up a non-violent Watergate Hotel burglary where government sponsored spies were seeking damaging political information and intended campaign tactics. The difference between the Nixon Watergate scandal and Obama’s Fast and Furious shame is that two American law enforcement officers have been murdered. That along with hundreds of Mexican nationals.

Unfortunately for Obama, government insiders are still blowing their whistles to bloggers and now congressional staffers. Secret wiretap transcripts exposing the roles of senior government officials in this vast conspiracy have been delivered to bloggers and some congressional offices. Now bloggers and patriotic members of Congress have been able set a massive perjury trap for these rogue officials. 

Obama has placed himself above the law repeatedly and redundantly. He has become a criminal and a despot. He must be purged from office and held accountable.

Now let’s cut to the chase and talk about what’s really involved here. In America when anyone gives a weapon to somebody they reasonably expect will use in a crime they are guilty of that same crime as an accessory.  Every government official involved in the Fast and Furious conspiracy could and should be facing murder charges.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Stolen Valor Designated by the Supreme Court as Free Speech

David Grove, Fake War Hero
Washington, DC—Most true heroes I’ve met are somewhat slow to talk about their exploits to strangers. Okay, I will make an exception for decorated politicians. There are cemeteries filled real heroes. There are lots real heroes that have never been recognized for their selfless acts. 

We give medals, admiration and our thanks to those who risked life and limb to save others. Then there is the valor thief who brags about dangerous missions and exploits that never happened. These are total jerks that con their way through life. They do this to get employment, trust and attention from potential sex partners. There is usually some kind of ill-gotten gain involved. 

Thankfully today there are military databases that list those who have won distinguished awards that can be used to expose some of the fraudsters. 

I served my country as an Army Medical corpsman in Cold War Germany somehow escaping combat in Viet Nam. Frankly the only danger I saw came from fellow soldiers that like to get drunk and fight. I don’t know how to explain this, but I’m as proud of my service as I would if I’d have won the Congressional Medal of Honor

I have to admit that I do sometimes think sadly about those brave young souls, my peers, who died perhaps in my place. The Viet Nam War was my war. I was drafted because of it and believed in the concept that our precious and rapidly evaporating freedom was earned at a heavy price. Lady Luck or the Good Lord was looking out for me. 

The Broadway hit musical, Miss Saigon that recreates the fall of South Vietnam tears at my heartstrings whenever I see it or listen to the soundtrack. The Leftist cowards in our Congress double-crossed the people of South Viet Nam and facilitated the holocaust at Pol Pot’s killing fields. I can’t help but imagine the abject terror of those trying to escape on overloaded helicopters sent to evacuate them from the roof of the US Embassy. 

I can’t imagine having such an empty worthless life that making crap up could ever be considered an option. I guess some jerks feel little or no shame being exposed as a valor thieves. The use of stolen valor or for that matter any lie for financial gain should always be a serious crime. 

I also think of an old friend, Joe Foss. Foss was a WWII flying ace that redundantly risked his life in the Pacific in mortal air combat with suicidal Japanese fighter pilots. President Franklin Roosevelt placed the Congressional Medal of Honor, around his neck. Foss went on to become the AFL commissioner, Governor of South Dakota and President of the National Rifle Association

Before Foss died a several years ago he was publically humiliated by one of the incredibly ignorant douchebags employed by the TSA. The TSA screener deemed the pin on the back of Foss’s medal to be a deadly weapon and confiscated it! Foss, who was then in his 80’s, had to summon local police to intervene and retrieve his award. 

Foss was bringing that hard earned medal to a speaking engagement. Joe Foss was more than a hero. He was a patriot, a leader and someone I’m very proud to have known. Speech is protected in this nation, as it should be. However, I admit I’d be the first to look away if a valor thief was getting the beating of his life.

 Learn more about the late and great hero, Joe Foss

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

America’s Healthcare Crisis was a Created Disaster

Washington, DC—Despite claims of open government and transparency the Obama Administration put a bunch of unelected Left Wing lunatics in charge of reinventing healthcare and insurance.  They had a lot of things in mind bout none of them were about the rights of all Americans under our Constitution.
The Obamacare project or that Socialist conspiracy was passed into law by a congress that had admittedly not even read the massive legislative package.  The bill was passed on pure partisanship and 'faith'.  That alone should invalidate the whole mess.
Our Supreme Court will weigh in on this monster Thursday and it already looks as though it’s in for a well-deserved, massive rewrite. 
Now back to the real healthcare crisis at hand.  I said we have a created crisis.  We must examine just what we did that deprived Americans of affordable insurance and healthcare.  
The cost of healthcare has skyrocketed primarily during the last four decades when we through non-enforcement invited millions of criminals, poverty refugees and assorted trespassers to ignore our immigration laws. 
In America no hospital emergency room can turn the sick or injured away because they can’t pay or if they are illegal aliens.  That includes pregnant women about to give birth.  All of Central America knows this and have enjoyed free medical care for decades at the expense of all Americans.
Every medical bill sent to patients or insurance companies must be and is drastically inflated to cover those loses and to insure enough profit to keep hospital doors open. 
The other problem is that we insist upon treating the sick and injured that refuse to cease their sometimes incredibly risky behavior and health habits.  We just won’t say no to anyone.  It’s not fair to force insurance companies to cover drug addicts and violent criminals.  Of course we have a percentage of the population that is horrified of any thought of requiring personal responsibility.  
We must begin by returning Central America’s trespassing medical freeloaders back where they came from. 
I’m not anti-immigrant nor am I a racist.  Hundreds of thousands of aliens have earned their citizenship through military service.  I would not be opposed to a program that would allow the illegals to return to their countries of origin and apply for legal visas and eventually citizenship.  The ability to read and write English on a sixth grade level would be a reasonable entry requirement.  It’s legal immigrants that have made this country great.  
Our telephone systems also need to change.  Press one for English, or Two to get deported.
We should give serious preference to immigrants that can demonstrate skills and abilities that would keep them off the welfare rolls.
As for the so-called Dream Act concept of legitimizing those smuggled into America by their parents I am inclined to consider letting them stay based on school performance and excellent behavior.   Their parents on the other hand should be located and deported.  A Green Card and the path to citizenship must also come with a price such as honorable military service or some similar public service.
The open border Leftist propagandists have, deceptively redefined Immigration Reform.  We need reform all right, which is to reform our enforcement efforts, as Congress originally intended them.
As for American healthcare policy, we cannot begin to deal with this until after we reverse the damage done by millions of impoverished and ignorant trespassers.
Socialism can only exist with a massive percentage of the population being kept ignorant, dependent and poor.  It’s the Socialists that have infiltrated our government that are constantly engineering the failure of our free market and Capitalism.