Saturday, June 09, 2012

Santa Monica Police Dragnet is in Progress for an Accident Involving Lindsay Lohan

Santa Monica, CA-Pacific Coast Highway is an incredibly scenic stretch of highway next to the ocean.

June 8th was a particularly nice morning for the somewhat troubled young actress Lindsay Lohan.   Lohan was either a passenger in or driving a black Porsche Northbound in the 1100 block on her way to portray the late and great Elizabeth Taylor in a biopic film.

Something unexpected happened.  There was a collision between a large dump truck driven by an African-American male and Lohan’s black Porsche.
Lohan and a male occupant of the Porsche were injured.  They were being followed by a SUV that stopped and rendered aid to the injured.  Aid was rendered and the insurance information was exchanged.  Once that happens no driver is required to remain at the scene for any reason including talking to police or proving themselves sober.
Santa Monica Police responded to a call by the truck driver.  Police checked all three occupants of both vehicles for impairment and found them all to be alert and sober.
As what routinely happens with vehicle accidents some drivers claim the responsibility was on the other driver.
Was this a simple case of an inattentive Porsche operator driving too fast and being unable to stop in time to avoid a collision with the rear of the truck?  Was it a case of the truck cut recklessly in front the Porsche causing the collision? 
Photos of the Lohan Porsche seem to support the cutting off theory since the damage is not from the kind of impact expected when making direct impact with another vehicle from behind. 
A young woman interviewed the truck driver on video and apparently sold her recording to TMZ.  In that interview the driver claimed that Lohan tried to flee the scene by entering the SUV that was following her.  He also claimed she was trying to hide a pink bag.  To the contrary the evidence clearly shows nobody attempted to flea anywhere.  
Both occupants of the Lohan Porsche were injured and required medical care.  That is more important than talking or arguing with the other driver.   The truck driver’s claim that Lohan was hiding a pink bag is beyond meaningless since if the bag existed nobody knows what may have been inside of it.  The truck driver went on to claim that Lohan’s people at the scene offered him money not to blab about the accident.  Did the truck driver attempt to extort money from Lohan and get rebuffed? I ask, who really cares about that?
The best part of this story is that Lohan and the other Porsche occupant have not been confirmed as the driver!  Police have yet to determine who actually was driving the Porsche!
So the Santa Monica Police Department have put out a press release asking for witnesses to come forward so they can determine what happened and most importantly who was driving the Lohan Porsche. 
Let’s review this for a second.  There is an accident with property damage and minor injuries.  Both vehicles are presumably insured and the injured in the Porsche don’t want to make claims.   This is only about a minor traffic accident and who may or may deserve a simple citation.  Does this deserve such a police dragnet?  Are they desperately looking for witnesses because it involved Lindsay Lohan?
Let’s say arguably that the truck driver was without blame.  He has not suggested that he was injured and the damages, if any involve the truck he was driving presumably owned by his employer.   Insurance information was exchanged for the vehicles and the insurers will deal with the property damage in a non-criminal setting.
Lohan never missed a beat, once she was patched up at the UCLA hospital facility in Santa Monica she reported to the set of her film.
As a long time cop and PI, I found that it’s rare that you cannot assign blame to the cause of an accident.  Most often the drivers can’t wait to tell their sides of the story to police. This appears to be one of the rare ones where police don't know who was driving. 
In this investigation the cops can simply suspend the blame due to a lack of evidence.  Lohan and her fellow Porsche occupants have an absolute right not to talk to police or anyone.  If before the Statute of Limitations expires they get enough evidence they can mail their summons to the driver who was determined to be at fault. 
What we all must understand here is, that police have not been able to clear the truck driver or the Porsche occupants of being responsible for the accident.  
Had this involved anyone other than Lindsay Lohan would anyone have cared? 

Friday, June 08, 2012

The Nationwide Anti-Obama Demonstration that never was

Chicago, IL—Today in 168 places across the United States, upwards of 100,000 people, mostly Christians and Jews held peaceful joint protest demonstrations against the Obama Administration.  Specifically mandates requiring tax funds to be used for birth control and abortion in Obama’s massive Health Care law.
This was about America and our longstanding institution of religious freedom that has been revoked by Barack Obama and his unelected and un-vetted Czars.
Some 2,000 people came to Chicago’s demonstration as impressive numbers were also assembled in cities from coast to coast.  You never heard from the media this was going to happen and when it did the media again refused to report that it happened.   
The reason is beyond simple the mainstream media is dominated by Leftists.  They have become a political machine, that’s committed to saving Obama from any embarrassment or exposing his loss of popularity.  The mainstream media is by far Obama’s most loyal cheerleading group.  
There were no injured cops or broken windows involved here just a bunch of angry but well-behaved people that want their freedom returned.  I guess that’s not newsworthy.  Just ignore what you’ve read here and conclude the photos have been faked.  According to our major news providers this event never happened.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Can that Canadian, Gay, Zombie, Cannibal Suspect Be Innocent?

Berlin, Germany—After a desperate and very intense worldwide manhunt, Canadian murder suspect Luka Magnotta was arrested outside of an Internet café without incident.  
This story was twisted and depraved from the beginning.  Body parts were delivered to various politicians.  Threats and a strange video purportedly of Magnotta feeding a live kitten to a snake surfaced.  Suggestions of cannibalism were being published and broadcast everywhere.
Magnotta is Gay and a porn star to boot.  We all seem to forget that porn and being Gay is legal these days anywhere in the free world.  The truth is that this lad’s lifestyle is considered disturbing and depraved to a huge segment of the world's population.  He is the classic, usual suspect.
They called him everything from a zombie killer to a master of disguise.  Sensationalism elevated this apparent murder to the front pages of all the world’s papers.  But now with additional body parts being distributed in Canada I have to wonder if there was a rush to judgment considering he's in a Berlin lockup. 
I guess there could be accomplices but perhaps there is a killer out there who left the police obvious clues to mislead them.
The police and public are not clairvoyant and work off of things like hunches, gut feelings and guesswork.  DNA evidence is wonderful but it walks.  It’s easy for criminals to gather DNA laden materials from people they’d like to see blamed for crimes they committed.  Also over-zealous police can and do occasionally frame people with fingerprint or DNA material they deliver to the crime scenes.
While Magnotta is behind bars the crime activity is continuing.  There is a lot more to this story.  This lad will still need a top-notch lawyer and defense investigator.  Even kinky, Gay, porn stars deserve a fair day in court.  
Magnotta has reportedly waived extradition back to Canada.  Let's hope the authorities can deal with real evidence and fact rather than sensationalism and media hype overload.
I'd like an assignment to investigate this mad case and put my findings into a book or screenplay.   

Go Pro Cameras and Streaming Video is a Media Game Changer

Go Pro Camera with WiFi kit

Chicago, IL—During the recent NATO protests in the Windy City, there were as many as a dozen people using IPads and IPhones to broadcast live streaming video to the Internet.
The images were only as good as the WiFi connections available and the tiny camera lenses would permit.  Some were better than others.  The real breakthrough here was that this technological marvel could be managed by nearly anyone.
I spent several hours watching what the NATO protest I-cameras were broadcasting and found it interesting along with some very candid remarks by protesters.   I had to guess the locations they were broadcasting from, by the local landmarks because the camera operators were not professional or even marginal reporters.  They simply let the cameras roll.
Perhaps or the camera makers could direct their consumers to some places where they could get some very basic reporter instruction.  Reporting on who, where and why this event is unfolding is as important as broadcasting the pictures.   Of course you never want to interrupt important sound from your newsmakers.  YouTube has several such tutorials posted right now.
The incredible power here is that with minimal cost anyone can instantly broadcast live video at a breaking news event where the whole world can see exactly what’s happening.  
Go Pro has been making inexpensive cameras for primarily capturing sporting activity from skiing, surfing to every form of racing sports.  The quality of the video and images is breathtaking.
Now they are offering Wi-Fi kits that would enable people in the thick of civil unrest, rescue efforts or any major newsworthy to wear live HD video cameras.   The images can be seen on sites such as and can be picked up by any other broadcasters such as television news.
I fully expect to see a variety of inexpensive, stand-alone WIFi kits being offered to use with today’s prosumer video cameras for even better images and audio. 
The only limitation for live broadcast is a steady broadband Internet connection.   In populated areas outside of the Third World this is less of a problem every day.  
In case you were wondering these cameras are also incredibly effective for surveillance applications.  They can be placed covertly almost anywhere subject to battery life or external power sources.
I favor Go Pro because of the price, quality of images and their commitment to engineering every possible way to mount their products.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Fox News Has Jettisoned Conservatives in Favor of Pretenders and Liberals

New York, NY—Fox News Channel came on the scene when there was no media voice that countered the constant and uninterrupted tidal wave of Liberal propaganda from every TV screen.   Fox was and is a cable channel that managed to beat every other news competitor specifically CNN and MSNBC at the ratings game.
Fox News was always weak in broadcasting breaking news video because they never invested enough into resources.  Instead they toss a few reporter generated stories around and do the bare minimum on breaking news.  If the story happens in a location where they have no assets video is painfully slow to be shown on Fox. 
What Fox News did do right was to have Conservative talking heads that offered up something different from the rest.  They had Glen Beck and Judge Andrew Napolitano to counter the onslaught of the Left Wing broadcasters.   That has all changed for the worse.
Radio survived after many stations brought in Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Michael Savage and Lew Rockwell along with many others.  Unlike the radio business, TV moguls however, have been able to control what appears on TV screens.  Conservatism has simply not managed to become integrated into any portion of our TV lineup.  
In its beginning, Fox had a difficult time getting placed into cable lineups because they refused to play in harmony with the Left Wing propagandists.  Every possible roadblock was put into place including sponsor intimidation.  Fox proved popular and financial considerations understandingly won out over political ones. 
The restraint of trade and criminal racketeering of the broadcasting industry has continued and accordingly Fox has been forced into firing anyone with a, too Conservative message.  Yes, Fox took the coward’s way out. 
Fox does have a cadre of Leftists and pretend Conservatives on the payroll now and anything deemed too Conservative is censored. Pretenders Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity are a lot of things but Conservative, is just not one of them.  Criticizing Obama does not qualify to brand anyone Conservative. 
Fox News has plenty of lifetime liberal talking heads like Sheppard Smith, Geraldo Rivera and Bob Beckel.  They have been joined by others to somewhat satisfy the Left wing media policy makers. 
Fox has steadfastly refused to cover the question of Barack Obama’s eligibility to be President even after startling new evidence surfaced that his purported birth certificate is a forgery.  The fact that Obama has spent well beyond a million dollars fighting efforts to expose birth, passport, student loan, Selective Service and Illinois Sate Bar records that would put the controversy to rest makes everything so obvious.  Obama is not a citizen and cannot serve as our President. 
Regular TV advertisers have boycotted Fox after organized efforts at sponsor harassment by Left Wing agitators.  In the process the sponsors lost revenue after cowering to the Left’s threats.
Fox has been neutered and left totally gutless.  I have since cancelled my own cable TV subscription.  I get my own news and information on the Internet or radio.
The good thing is that TV and radio broadcasting is dying a quick death.  Everything will soon be Internet provided.  Until the Left can gain control over and censor the Internet it may remain the only place where speech is truly free. 
Every day our politicians are trying to find ways for the FCC or for that matter any federal agency to control and censor Internet content.  Controlling the world’s information is truly the key to controlling the world.  


Sunday, June 03, 2012

Why Obama is Rapidly Losing Many of his Most Ardent Supporters

Washington, DC—Barack Obama promised Hope and Change from the Bush Administration’s eight-year disaster.  The primary complaints by the Democrats included that Bush had involved us in two incredibly expensive Mideast Wars.  Bush supported and signed the dreaded Patriot Act.  The Bush Administration was simply not transparent enough.  The economy was faltering and America needed jobs.   Frankly, I can’t argue against the fact that George W. Bush was one of our worst presidents ever.
Desperate Americans elected a nearly total stranger with a broad smile who was a lot younger than his opposition, that has-been dinosaur, Senator John McCain.   McCain a well-known Republican pretender was simply unable to excite or attract Conservative voters to the polls.  With only the Left and African-Americans going to the polls Obama won the otherwise lackluster election.
Now with his first term set to expire, nobody can argue that Obama didn’t give us everything Bush did, but in spades.   Obama has yet to end the two Bush wars and has gotten us into a third war with Libya.   As I write this, the Obama Administration is engaged in heavy-duty saber rattling with Syria and Iran.  Instead of winding down these wars Obama has only turned up the heat and cost in both dollars and our children’s lives.  
The Democrats had always considered the Patriot Act, Fascist.  Instead of wiping it from the books Obama has made it far more draconian and un-American. 
As for transparency, Obama sidestepped his vetted and Congressional approved Cabinet and appointed a group Czars that answer only to him and in secret.  The so-called Health Care Reform legislation was promulgated in secret despite Obama’s promises to publish everything on the Internet.  When this monster was drafted the public and voting members of Congress had no time to read it.   House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accurately said, We must pass the Health Care Bill to find out what’s in it.”
Faceless Czars recruited from the ranks of the Far Left Fringe have been running the Obama Administration.  It is these people that are pulling Obama’s strings and writing the words for his Teleprompters.  If Obama seems like he does not have a clue sometimes it’s because he doesn’t. 
Obama is apparently clueless and incompetent.  He has walked all over our Constitution and Liberty.   To this day he’s never publically delivered or revealed a plan for America’s future.
Imagine the screaming Democrats would have been doing if George W. Bush brought about the NDAA to hold Americans citizens without trials or access to lawyers?  Imagine the same with respect to authorizing our military to engage in law enforcement activity on Americans? 
Obama did this all in his first term.  Imagine what he will do in a second term where he’d not have to answer to the voters?
Other Democrat hot button issues like the Federal Death Penalty have seen no reforms whatsoever.
Then there is the TSA abuse of our children; seniors and the disabled that has gone unchallenged and supported fully by Obama.   The Airlines, tourism and hospitality industries have been hard hit at a time when America never needed jobs more.  Since the TSA began nearly every airline has filed bankruptcy.   As the Obama Administration claim safety concerns they began to quietly end the program that had trained and armed our pilots to protect our planes sending mixed messages.  
I cannot forget to mention the trillions of dollars in bailout, bribery and “stimulus” handouts to anyone and everyone other than hard working American taxpayers.   How many jobs did that obscene money waste create?  The only beneficiary seems to be the offshore banks where the bulk of the money is today. 
Obama’s supporters are slowly beginning to understand they bought into this stranger’s hollow promises to make things better.  Have they gotten better?  Unfortunately we all know the answer to that. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Was it a Stand Your Ground Law, or Darwin’s Law That Killed your Bully Son?

Grieving parents of thugs everywhere seem to relentlessly whine and carp when someone seriously hurts or kills their thuggish son.   Yes, it’s nearly always a son because daughters are rarely involved in these things.   Many parents want their sons to appear tough and fearsome and don’t discourage their violent manifestations.  
It’s really not too much to ask young men to keep their hands and weapons to themselves.  Those that can behave, never wind up dead or in the hospital because a victim hurt them that they were assaulting.  
Some 21 states adopted the so-called Stand Your Ground or similar Castle Doctrine laws.   In these states thugs that terrorize others can simply be shot or stabbed dead by their intended victims.  These laws protect the weak, elderly and women from being over-powered and severely injured or worse.  What’s wrong with that? 
Too many young males are involved in risky behavior much of it fueled by alcohol or illegal drugs.   Why should anyone have to submit to a severe beating by a bully?  However there are those that want the law to take the risk out of intimidation, assault and battery.  But I ask, what about the risk to the thug’s innocent victims? 
As a cop or now a defense investigator I have seen many cases of so-called road rage and similar events that begin with a minor transgression.  When the man (and it’s usually a man) over-reacts to the transgression a middle finger salute is too often displayed.  From there things escalate to injury or death.  In many jurisdictions the losers go to the hospital or morgue and the winners to prison.  I’ve learned that the middle finger can be a killer.
Why should we protect those that let their tempers slide into assaulting others?   If someone makes a decision to unlawfully attack another, they always deserve what they get.  
If you examine this issue in its simplest form, its nature’s law not man’s law that’s involved here.  We all have been given the gift of fear and the instinct for survival.  We will nearly always engage in flight or fight so that we can live another day.  This is really so much more about bullies being victims of Darwin’s Law, not those Stand Your Ground laws.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chicago’s African-Americans are Murdering Each Other at an Alarming Rate

Chicago, IL—In just over 12 hours 25 people have been shot including a six year-old girl.   Cold-blooded murder appears to be the favorite hobby of Chicago’s Black population.  Is this racist?  Perhaps they are hate crimes?  It is genocide but on a much greater scale than the Ku Klux Klan ever pulled off.
This is happening because of our polite society’s fear of being labeled racist, intolerant or bigoted.  We simply tolerate this carnage and refuse to identify and condemn the cultural phenomenon behind this urban terror.  Toleration of a bankrupt and vile culture is the root of the problem.  Until we face this fact we can never begin to bring any positive change.
Until we stand up and make war on ghetto thugs we can expect this horror every day.     
The politicians have blamed American gun rights for Chicago’s killing fields.   That assessment is absolutely correct!  But these ignorant politicians just have it all backwards.
It’s the unconstitutional gun laws that have disarmed all but society’s most dangerous criminals.   The two-legged sewer rats are protected from law-abiding folks and any meaningful ability to defend themselves and families.  The thugs of course are prohibited by federal, state and local laws from possessing firearms because of felony convictions, probation, parole or their drug habits.  The thugs are always well armed. 
Despite Supreme Court rulings to the contrary, Chicago still has a virtual gun ban and Illinois has a broken state Firearm Owner’s Identification Card system that can’t (or won’t) seem to provide the permits.   The law abiding are forced by local and state government to sit helplessly and wait their turn to be murdered.  
The social engineering of Chicago has been a massive, frightening and deadly failure.  Instead of correcting anything the politicians here give everyone more of the same but in spades.

UPDATE!  The bloody Memorial Day weekend brought over 40 reported shootings and ten murders.  That does not count the cases where shot were fired and nobody was hit.  Thankfully the ghetto rats don't learn marksmanship any better than they do reading, writing or arithmetic. 


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Why We Must Not Tolerate Drones Being Employed On Our Own Soil

Washington, DC—At the end of the Civil War Congress passed the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibited our military forces from law enforcement activities on our own soil.  There was enough horror inflicted by soldiers burning down homes all over the American South.  Wanton acts of cruelty by military forces on American civilians were beyond shocking.
Our Congress has steadfastly refused to turn this kind of absolute power to the government until Barack Obama wanted it.  That along with the power to imprison Americans without lawyers, trials or Due Process has placed us all in the crosshairs of an absolute tyrant.  These are just some of the very powers that Josef Stalin and Adolph Hitler had to massacre millions of their own citizens. 
Additionally the despots of World War Two never had the kind of comprehensive data collected and stored on computer of every man, woman and child like our government collects today. 
A tyrant today in our Whitehouse could murder us far more efficiently than ever before in the history of the world.  We are handing over additional raw power to our government to destroy and plunder us every second.  I guess we refused to learn that absolute power corrupts absolutely. 
The political Left bitterly and rightly decried the Patriot Act but under Obama it has been expanded significantly.  Now the Left is silent about that and some many other attacks on American’s liberty, privacy and peace.
The government has been sending unmanned drone aircraft to spy on Americans and these flying machines can also destroy our homes and businesses.  Needless to say anyone caught inside will be incinerated.
Soldiers take an oath to defend the Constitution and most may have some sense of right and wrong to prevent them from committing atrocities against fellow Americans. 
The problem with the drones is that they can be operated by or mercenaries or even criminals.  Unlike conventional military aircraft pilots we will never know who is behind the curtain at the controls of killer drones.   They will only place people behind the controls of the drones that will blindly take orders from superiors.
Frankly I can understand why Americans want to shoot the drones down on sight if they appear over our property uninvited.
At what point to we say enough?  At what point do Americans began to retaliate against politicians and their bureaucrats with gasoline, bombs and firearms?  Frankly, four more years of Barack Obama’s ambitious destruction of liberty, free enterprise and privacy will invite a second and far more deadly Civil War.

The Tragedy of Why Obama’s Birthplace Does Not Matter to Most Americans

Chicago, IL—Barack Obama has used different names, Social Security numbers and there is more than enough evidence to prove he’s not a Natural Born Citizen.  It’s also apparent now that he’s got a British passport and perhaps others.
Obama and his wife were on the rolls of qualified lawyers in Illinois.  They have been removed from the rolls in a matter other than simple retirement.  The State Bar has refused to indicate why they were removed.  The Illinois State Bar has a website you can check yourself.   Were they disbarred for making false applications after investigation into documents they provided?
The findings of well-qualified experts have made a compelling case that the offered Hawaiian birth certificate for Obama is an obvious forgery.
Why then, has the media and the majority of members of Congress simply put the Birth issue aside?  The same is true for the faux Conservative,  Fox News.  Far too many people simply don’t seem to care.
Here are the reasons behind the massive apathy and downright contempt of the Obama birth issue.  Many are Obama supporters that will follow him straight to Hell.
Many truly assume and believe that the “authorities” always investigate would never let such a thing happen.  Many think that this is just a political conspiracy to discredit Obama.
The truth is that many Americans believe that the Constitution is an outdated document created by slave owners that were also bigots.  In their view, the provision for Presidential qualifications is designed to be discriminatory and going after Obama is an act of racial intolerance.  Rather than to campaign to change the Constitution they will simply violate it.
Whatever the reasons too many people will forgive the fraud and deceit until the elite propagandists declare Obama unfit.  
The sad truth is that millions of Americans have shed blood so that we could maintain or Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Today there are millions of fools that don’t think they need freedom, liberty or the Bill of Rights.  They have been raised not by parents but a nanny government that brainwashed them into thinking they deserve money from others that they don’t earn.
We are no longer the land of the free or the home of the brave.  Until the Whitehouse is purged and the Communist stench removed I will no longer stand for the Star Spangled Banner nor pledge my allegiance to a flag that has been hijacked.  My American citizenship is losing value at a record pace.   
Without our freedom we are nothing more than a banana republic run by criminals.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Audio and Video Recording Prohibitions exist to Protect Government Extortionists

Chicago, IL—Secretly recording a conversation you have engaged with anyone carries severe penalties reserved only for our most violent crimes.  I’m not talking about wiretapping or capturing conversations of others but your very own! 
These recording prohibitions only exist in the jurisdictions with the grandest histories of political corruption.  The reason for these laws is not for the protection of privacy but to protect politicians and bureaucrats from having these recording used against them in criminal or civil prosecutions.
The building inspector suggests that your code violations can go away with the right inducement to him.  A politician or his campaign aid promises support for your contract to perform work for the county provided you support his political war chest.  This kind of corruption is commonplace in nearly every large city in America.
I remember when Arizona lobbyist friends telling me how relieved they were when limits were placed on campaign contributions there.  They seemed to believe the extortion would somehow slow down.  Just months later AZSCAM broke and a number of members of the legislature went to prison.  The damning evidence used to convict was both video and audio recordings.  Arizona only required, “one party recording consent.” 
Today the focus of these laws has shifted to peace officers being recorded by the media and public.  Cops have been arresting people that record them.  The fun part is that once the recording devices are shut down the stories about what was said vary widely.   We’d all rather hear what was said on tape than listen to the players recounting their own words.
Frankly if people know they can be recorded and that those recordings can be used as evidence their behavior improves dramatically.     
Cops should recognize that the troublemakers with recording devices run the risk of having their digital media used against them if they break the law.   Nothing prevents a cop from seizing recording media that captures a crime in progress as evidence for a future court date.   Recordings far more often protect cops from the constant lies told by jerks to internal investigators.
Audio and video recordings speak for themselves. They are objective and don’t lie.  Editing is possible but that leaves unmistakable digital footprints that can be easily exposed.  Recordings rather than what people testify about are far more reliable.
Any politicians supporting recording prohibitions are merely looking for ways to conceal criminal conduct.  This is not about our privacy but rather protecting the very people that would victimize all of us. 
In Illinois the recording prohibition was struck down for the second time.  Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez has done all she could and is still working to reinstate this travesty.  The crooks in the Illinois Legislature already have put a new law up to work around and obstruct the court's decision. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chicago Riot Control Has Always Been Ineffective and Costly.

Take the fight out of Chicago's rioters with some plain water
Chicago, IL—Today I watched some interesting video that I suspect has or will lead to excessive Injury On Duty Injury reports for Windy City’s finest.  I also expect a rush to medical providers and civil lawyers by those who made the mistake of assaulting Chicago cops.
When I was living in Germany 1968-1970, I watched the, Frankfurt Stadt Polizei deal with their hippies and troublemakers.  The cops in Frankfurt always made short work of crowd control with minimal injuries to all.   Was it magic?  Brutality? No!  It was just plain water.
All over Europe they use vehicle mounted, water cannons to quell disturbances.  They soak the troublemakers, who soon get very uncomfortable and very cold.  Police can identify the problem people because they are all wet and shivering.   They only want to go home after a good soaking.  For many of them this is the only time they bathe.
The water cannon can be a little overpowering but those who do not follow lawful orders to disperse can simply be hosed down on the gentle cycle.  Who wants to fight when they are all wet?  A side benefit is that the water will short out electronic detonators and wreck ignition sources for Molotov cocktails for the really evil ones.  Perhaps a few ruined cell phones will make communication more difficult for those riot organizers.
I noticed that Chicago's troublemakers were carrying cameras of all kinds.  The water cannons would really make such photography a meaningful challenge.
The water cannon will also spare cops from unwarranted discipline hearings and indictments bases on bogus allegations.  The Medical rolls will have fewer personnel to deal with and the city’s liability would be greatly reduced.
I hope this post inspires Chicago’s politicians and bureaucrats to find a more effective and humane way for cops to protect themselves than wooden batons and stun guns alone.  Imagine how a water soaked troublemaker would dance after being hit with a Tazer Stun gun?


Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Magical Music of Bob Lind is On Tour

Bob Lind today...
Los Angeles, CA—Back in 1966 there was a hit single, Elusive Butterfly by then 23 year-old, Bob Lind that was re-recorded by scores of popular singers including Petula Clark, Johnny Mathis and even the Four Tops.  Lind has since written many hits made famous by other artists along the way.  Today he's got quite a few wonderful songs you really need to enjoy.  
Bob Lind  is currently on a Western United States tour right now.  He is playing in intimate settings that are incredibly enjoyable.  He’s appearing in WY, CO, AZ and CA in various venues. 
This time Bob is being accompanied on the tour by talented singer Danny O’Keefe.  If you’ve never caught Bob’s show it’s a great time to do so.  I won’t miss this and neither should you!
Here are two dates in the Los Angeles Area:
May 25, 2012 Friday, 8pm
Bob Lind & Danny O'Keefe
McCabe's Guitar Shop
3101 Pico Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90405
May 24, 2012 Thursday, 8 pm
Bob Lind & Danny O'Keefe
The Coffee Gallery Backstage
2029 N. Lake
Altadena, CA
Check all of Bob and Danny’s touring dates and places right here:

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Is it Finally the Beginning of the End of the Obama Nightmare?

Los Angeles, CA—Was this the real revelation Andrew Breitbart was planning to make that he knew would bring down Barack Obama?   Was Breitbart murdered to bring about his silence?

There are still so many questions that need answers.   Things are just not making sense and usually when I find myself confused during an investigation, major things will be discovered.   Frankly the incredible timing of Breitbart’s death and the huge financial stake of Obama’s political campaign places murder right at the top of my list.
Have the people around Breitbart been terrorized into silence?  We’ve heard nothing from his grieving family and precious little from his business associates. 
Obama has spent well over a $1 million in legal fees to avoid producing simple documents like a certified copy of a birth certificate, passport and student loan records.  People only do this kind of concealment to protect dark secrets from surfacing.
So far the courts have gone out of their way to protect Obama’s records from any public scrutiny.  The mainstream media including Fox News has given Obama a pass on this question. 
Despite clear and convincing evidence gathered by investigators and expert’s the allegations of document forgery have been awash with scorn from mainstream media political hacks.
Obama must be a Natural Born American Citizen to hold the nation’s highest office.  If he was not qualified every act, every piece of presidential activity is invalid.  He placed the nation in a constitutional crisis.  This may well have been a crime too.  Forgery and fraud has certainly occurred. 
There is far too mush evidence and efforts to conceal the facts to allow this charade to continue another minute.   It’s time for subpoenas, depositions and the production of records in the matter of Barack Obama’s qualification to be President.
All those responsible for the fraud should be arrested and prosecuted.  This is no small scandal. 
Read the about vetting material used for Obama’s first book in 

My First and Only Encounter with the Late Disco Legend Donna Summer

Munich, Germany—In 1969, I was a young Army medical corpsman assigned in Aschaffenburg, near Frankfurt.  I was in an American Express office and saw a simple poster, it read, “Tanz Zug Nach Munchen fur HAAR.”   I had been rapidly learning German and knew the translation.  It was an ad for the dance train trip to see the German version of the new hit musical Hair in Munich.   The cost, I seem to recall was only 90 DM per person or about $23.00.
I took my wonderful girlfriend of the moment, Gertraud who was a hot little blond from a town called Bad Neustadt and we partied all the way from Frankfurt to Munich.  We arrived for the evening performance and it was terrific.  Just as in the Broadway play they had a few Black actors.  I was unfamiliar with any of the cast members but enjoyed a world-class performance.
One young actress, singer and dancer really surprised me.  She spoke and sang in German.  Her voice and personal style was amazing.  More than a year later I learned that this was Donna Summer performing under her real name LaDonna Gaines.
Summer was the daughter of an American Air Force member and had a wonderful command of the German language as a result of a prolonged childhood stay in this great country.
I learned the sad news today that Donna Summer has died in Florida at the age of 63 from lung cancer that may be related to the 9/11 attack on America.  I will never forget seeing her when we both were entering adulthood and celebrating our youth.  My regret was never meeting her later in life. 
Here is a cut from the original cast album where can you hear this lady's unmistakeable voice.  You will hear this late great songbird celebrate life.  Listening to this today brings me sadness that that great time in my life is gone. Rest in peace, dear Donna…

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Why did we Allow Government to Nationalize Charity?

Washington, DC—When we formed our government there were no provisions for social safety nets.  It was just not deemed a function for government.  Americans are charitable by nature and we all hate to see helpless people deprived by circumstances.  We always contributed generously to churches and such to aid the disabled and needy.
We have terrific and efficient charities such as the Salvation Army, Catholic Charities and the American Red Cross.  They were undermined and in effect made obsolete by our politicians.
Government should have been limited to national defense and infrastructure.  Nowhere did we ever create a right to handouts or free medical care.   We created a system where productivity creates wealth for virtually everyone.  
Our politicians have damaged the American dream with wealth redistribution schemes that have punished the productive and instead rewarded criminals and parasites.  The really needy and deserving people are more deprived than ever as a result.
Frankly government politicians and their bureaucrats have turned what should charity into a scam well beyond epic proportions.   Criminals took charge of tax funds in order to administer the social train wreck that has made many millions of pathetic derelicts. 
Our social welfare system has robbed these Americans of self-reliance and the desire to become productive.  We’ve created an entire entitlement zombie population.  As a result our government has destroyed their lives.
Rapidly and uncontrollably we included millions of the impoverished of Mexico and Central America into our social safety net despite their criminal trespassing on our soil. 
We measure poverty by the amount of homeless we see on the street.  Before the War on Poverty and Great Society programs we had only a fraction of the homeless we see wandering the streets today.   Most Americans are not old enough to remember that far back. 
If we are to survive as a nation we must turn back the trespassers and turn over charity to the faith based organizations and such. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

California’s Massive Financial Crisis, Suicide by Spending

Gov. Jerry Brown D-CA
Los Angeles, CA—Governor Jerry Brown passed the bad news along that the spendaholics in the General Assembly couldn’t break their old addictions.  They have quickly doubled the state debt to $16 Billion.  California can’t pay its bills.
They think they can force a tax increase but the clowns can’t seem to understand that slows productivity and causes more taxpayers to flee the state. Tax increases will make the problem much worse.
California’s Liberals have gone out of their way to provide free medical care and education to all of Mexico and Central America trolling for a dependent population to keep their Socialist dream alive.  That alone can easily account for their deficit.
Now the pretend cuts are being made and the liberal judges have been ordering the state to fund programs unique to the once Golden State.  I guess California will have to counterfeit currency like the FED does or file bankruptcy.
California overregulates everything that it can.  They could lose half of the occupational licensing agencies and not miss a beat.   They could end their unlawful gun prohibition activities and save millions there too.
Imagine if California simply ended their participation in the Drug War how much could be saved there along with lives related to drug violence.
The death penalty in California has been quietly costing billions too.  The taxpayers must pick up the tab for both the prosecution and defense of cases that are mired in litigation for nearly four decades each!  It’s far cheaper to weld cell doors shut.
California’s cops don’t have time or manpower to chase criminals but they can shut children’s lemonade stands and arrest those teenaged Steven Spielbergs trying to learn how to make movies for film permit violations.
California will simply continue to spend hoping that the frugal states will be required to fund California’s foolishness. 
California’s politicians need to take an unpaid six-month furlough every year.  That would reduce spending for sure.  They all love to brag about how hard they work.  The harder they work the larger the deficit. 


Want to Commit a Burglary, Rob a Bank or Kill Someone in Chicago?

Chicago, ILNATO week will tie up cops and keep nearly all of them near McCormick Place.  Normally quiet neighborhoods on the Northwest and Southwest will be far more under-policed than normal. 
I can’t imagine that the most dangerous criminals in the Midwest are not thinking the same thing right now.   NATO is creating the Perfect Storm for crime in the Windy City.
Will we see daytime Flash Mobs at Chicago’s shopping malls looting the Apple Stores and such? 
Perhaps it would be a great time to play hooky from work and stay home with a gun handy. 
Who will be watching the cop’s homes while they are forced to deal with the anti-NATO and Occupy swine?  Who will be responding to burglary and hold up alarms? 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Surviving an American Insurrection

Do you really trust this man?
Phoenix, AZ—The Doomsday people are saying that we are about to have a Constitutional crisis and a showdown with the Obama Administration and the turncoats within Homeland Security.  Are they really just paranoid and over-reacting? 
There are those that proclaim this can never happen.  They are in the ranks of supporters of Barack Obama.   At one time the National Socialist Party also had wide support and admiration of most of the civilized world.  That Party’s leader was made our own Time Magazine’s, Man of the Year.   Some twelve years and 50 million lives later his supporters figured out he was a colossal mistake.
What does our future hold?  Will like some have said there will be foreign troops from a Communist nation helping a rogue despot get Americans under control?   I don’t think any of us are really clairvoyant and can say for sure.  Civil war is a reality at one time or another in every nation on earth and what’s past is prologue.
The frightening signs are there.  We have a President that has nullified the Bill of Rights and now has all the powers of Stalin or Hitler should he care to use them.  This nation has never been more divided in any of our lifetimes.  When was there ever a leader that did not abuse absolute power?
Our President has encouraged a class war with the Occupy movement.  That movement lacks a cohesive direction or any discipline and may not impress anyone with their nebulous presence.   With any luck we can simply turn out more criminals from our Congress and the Whitehouse with ballots.
In the meantime Homeland security has ordered some 450,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition for use here at home.  Just what do they have in mind?
But what if things went bad, and we face home invasions by government, with evacuation, concentration camp detentions or worse?  Then we’d have little choice if we wanted to live in freedom but to resist.
The government has obviously made plans for an insurrection but have you made any plans to restore peace, liberty and the Constitution?  We make plans for fire, hurricanes and earthquakes.  I think to not do so for an insurrection is downright foolhardy.
The plan:
Stockpiling non-perishable food, water, batteries, family service radios, medicines, first aid supplies, ammunition and firearms must be part of any plan.   Also locating significant defensive armaments in unexpected locations to safeguard from home invasion searches.
Every home needs a pistol, rifle and shotgun.  The rifle is the first line of defense and should be either a 3.06 or 3.08 that is needed to penetrate most light amour and vehicles.  The shotgun should be .12 gauge with slugs and heavy shot.  The handgun should be a .45 ACP or as large a caliber as possible.  Lots of ammunition is a must.
Never fire shots from your house unless you want to see it burned to the ground.   Shoot from down the street or across the field.  Have plenty of bags you can fill with sand or rocks for protection.  Visit the Army surplus store and find helmets for your family. 
We have plenty of military and police veterans around.  Make friends with them and with any luck you can work together to live.  What Americans seem to have forgotten is that freedom is not free, but earned with the blood of despots and patriots.
You will ether follow instructions from the “authorities” or not.  Six million Jews once followed instructions given to them by the National Socialists and perished simply because they did not resist.  You’d better make your choice now, either to resist and perhaps live or to cooperate and die.

Why the TSA Cannot Protect Air Passengers from Terrorism

You've been selected for special screening, bend over!
Washington, DC—It began with a rash of incidents by deranged people that wanted to be flown to Cuba or that celebrated case of D.B. Cooper in 1971 where an extortionist escaped by parachute with some $200.000.00 to a presumed death from exposure. 

The response from the FAA was never to interfere with hijackers no matter how easily they could be over-powered. This was the same way bank robbers are dealt with at banks. The give them what they want and hope for the best is nothing a recipe to encourage more of the same.

The results of the FAA security program were indeed predictable and lots of planes were diverted to Cuba. Soon the FAA took extreme steps to secure planes from passengers carrying firearms eventually even banning pilots and sworn off duty cops from carrying guns.

The FAA suspended the American right against unreasonable search and seizure by allowing poorly educated and trained unarmed security workers to rummage through passenger’s carryon belongings. Many of these security workers had criminal records or were illegal aliens!

That did nothing to stop terrorism simply because that’s an impossible mission. That was proven with the 9/11 hijackings and murders of 3,000 Americans and billions of dollars in property damage.

The TSA was originally set up by government knowing full well that this would not and could not end or even reduce the threat of terrorism. It was an effort to create the illusion of safety and security because politicians felt Americans needed to be reassured they could be safe on airplanes.

The TSA was formed with the unemployable people living on the margins of society. Frankly, who would want such a job? They were given the mission of inconveniencing, aggravating and harassing passengers into believing this somehow was a legitimate effort for their own protection.

Getting law abiding Americans in line has never been a problem and that’s all the TSA could hope to accomplish. Dealing with and controlling determined terrorists beyond anyone’s ability.

1. Bombs can be concealed in nearly anything such as candy, pillows, toys and electronic devices. Explosives are made from common chemicals that can’t be discovered without extensive scientific examination.

2. Planes can be attacked with short-range missals or even conventional firearms during takeoffs and landings.

3. The massive crowds lining up to enter security screening are never protected. Someone could get in the line with a powerful device hidden in a large suitcase and destroy a terminal and kill hundreds.

4. Air cargo cannot be properly examined before it’s placed on an airplane.

5. The TSA has many criminal types employed. They steal routinely and aid drug dealers in the movement of large amounts of narcotics. They will take money to help terrorists if they don’t already have a sleeper cell in their own ranks.

6. Small general aviation planes can easily be turned into guided missals flown by fanatical pilots to down commercial jets.

Okay, it’s now obvious that we are really not safe. What can we do to improve our odds and return sanity to air travel? The TSA is nothing more than a pathetic and extravagant joke on America, our troubled airlines and tourist industry.

We should defund and disband the entire TSA immediately in favor of a much more effective program.

The only meaningful security comes from trained and armed law enforcement officers that can react immediately to a real or suspected threat. The second, line of defense are able bodied and alert passengers that are willing to accept responsibility to deal with a terror emergency.

All Pilots should be trained and armed. All trained and certified law enforcement officers should be armed even while off duty while flying. Additionally certain selected private licensed and trained security professionals should be armed while traveling.

We need to keep all people with passports from nations hostile to America off out planes. Law enforcement needs to profile passengers based on behavior and past experience for follow up interviews.

The TSA has victimized the public long enough. This un-American response to terrorism must end if for no other reason it’s ineffective. That have not stopped a single terror related incident but ordinary members of the public have.

How much more abuse are we willing to take?