Friday, September 16, 2011

It’s Time For Barack Obama, Resign or Face Certain Impeachment.

Washington, DC—Barack Obama’s Hope and Change is anything but what was envisioned especially by his most ardent supporters. He gave the crooked bankers, Wall Street moneychangers and failing automakers nearly our entire treasury and as every politically Conservative expert predicted things only got worse.

Obama and his Congressional super-majority plunged the nation into hopeless debt until the mid-term election upset slowed down the reckless and massive waste and outright government sponsored theft.

Our open style of government became one of locked doors. Behind the scenes un-vetted, unelected Czars made public policy. As former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to pass the healthcare bill to find out what’s in it.” That ridicules statement gives total insight to the disastrous terminal plight of America, as we knew it.

Never have we seen a political party trying to distance themselves so fast from their standard bearer. There’s now open discussion among the media giants that just a few moths ago were in lockstep with the Obama Whitehouse suggesting that their choice for president was the wrong one.

The Obama Administration’s very disturbing scandals are beginning to boil over and are overwhelming the media cover-up efforts that now seem to be ending. The media is beginning to recognize that Obama has sent the goals of the Democratic Party into an abyss. They now are desperately trying to promote Hillary Clinton as the Commander in Chief. Obama’s popularity is sinking faster than the Titanic and he’s doing even more damage to the Party’s image every day.

One thing for sure Obama’s dubious new Job’s Program is nothing more than a sickening continuation of massive waste and theft. What amazing arrogance for Obama to include billions more taxpayer funds for that criminal enterprise called ACORN!

The handwriting is on the wall. Obama must resign or face impeachment and even possible imprisonment. The jig is up!

Charlie Sheen and Two And A Half Men Must Reunite

Los Angeles, CA—I don’t watch television beyond some news programming. Most television is total crap especially with all the poorly contrived reality programming.

I got hooked on Two and a Half Men after seeing it on several airline flights. The show is hilarious and the original cast is wonderful. The writing is top notch and Charlie Sheen has proven himself to be a gifted actor and comedian.

No group of humans can create an entertainment masterpiece without a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Sometimes people become unreasonable and also very hurtful. We can guess what happened between the show’s creative geniuses, Lee Aronsohn, Chuck Lorre and Charlie Sheen. They had a falling-out that appeared to be beyond nasty and Sheen began a journey into an abyss.

I was hoping the hyped meltdown was just a clever Hollywood publicity stunt. That seemed unlikely when they cast Ashton Kutcher as a replacement for Charlie Sheen.

Kutcher has obvious entertainment chops and a fan base but he does not seem to fit into this dysfunctional group of characters. The show must go in with the terminally edgy Charlie Sheen or it’s over for good.

The rest of the cast and crew deserve to continue on without the premature death of Sheen’s character, Charlie Harper. That can only happen by CBS and this group of entertainers arriving at a decision to bury old garbage and give their audience what they want. If that happened the show would be more popular than ever. That would simply translate into cold hard needed cash.

As for Kutcher he was caught in the middle of this mess and there are contractual issues to deal with for sure. That’s something that can be dealt with later.

Charlie Sheen may have been a disappointment to people in a lot of different ways but as an entertainer he’d only disappoint by failing sharing his entertainment gift. Charlie Sheen needs to continue wearing those ugly shirts and doing what he does best. Charlie Sheen, CBS and Chuck Lorre need to write more television history by catering to their audiencce.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Obama’s Popularity has Tanked Within the Democratic Party

Los Angeles, CA—The latest poll in this land of, Liberal giants has Barack Obama’s approval rate below 50%. That’s quite shocking when you consider the incredible strong showing he made here just three years ago. Of course Obama’s nationwide approval ratings are much worse and reveal doom for his rapidly falling star.

Yesterday’s two special elections to fill House seats were especially humiliating for the Obama Camp considering that NY spot has not fallen to a Republican since 1923!

The facts are not good. Obama led the charge, plunging the nation into a terminal fiscal quagmire of inescapable debt. He bailed out every crooked banker, Wall Street money- changer, and failed carmaker. The hemorrhage of jobs, productivity and hope has continued unabated.

We certainly got the Change Obama promised but that Hope thing went straight to Hell. The change was anything but positive.

Obama promised transparency, withdrawal from our mid-eastern war adventures and the most ethical Whitehouse ever. What he delivered was government by a secret and un-vetted Czar Cabinet along with some outrageous scandals. Under Obama yet a third war theater was added to the mix.

Federal agents were murdered with guns purchased with stimulus tax money by criminals working with the Obama Justice Department. These government-sanctioned gunrunners supplied thousands of guns to drug gangs in Mexico and Central America. The motive was simply to fuel Obama’s anti-gun rights demonization propaganda machine. Obama wanted to justify suspending our Second Amendment through signing a United Nations civilian gun ban treaty. Obama wanted to show that it was American guns responsible for all of this third world carnage. Outraged BATFE whistle blowers exposed these secret shenanigans unexpectedly.

Then there was that little$528 million loan to Obama’s political contributors over at Solyndra's solar energy project. Obama personally put the pressure on to make that loan despite massive red flags over solvency concerns months before the loan was approved, Solyndra's bankruptcy filing along with probable cause of criminal activity brought on an FBI raid just last week.

We cannot ignore the millions of African-Americans that were promised what Obama could not deliver. Whether their expatiations were unrealistic will be the subject of debate but one thing for sure all that cash was handed out to anyone and everyone except the middle-class and the poor.

Under Obama the poor got poorer and the nation is falling into an economic abyss. That kind of liability would be fatal to the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party now knows it must excise the Obama cancer or face serious consequences. I’d look for expanded investigations supported by Democrats and the likelihood of impeachment in order to cull Obama out of the 2012 elections.

Democrats are rolling their eyes as they shake their heads when asked about Obama. They are beginning to slowly circle the wagons around Hilary Clinton as a replacement for Obama on the Democratic Presidential ticket.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Elite Leftist Politicians Love to Call the Middle Class, the “Rich”

Washington, DC.—America’s middle class work hard and are only a heartbeat away from financial devastation and bankruptcy. It is all they can do to stay a step ahead of mortgage lenders and very real needs. These are the very people being squeezed to death by Tax Tyranny.

The super rich will always be insulated by creative accountants, tax lawyers and the lobbyists that own Congress. They don’t pay taxes and never will because they are so well protected and because they fund political campaigns. Of course their political donations are tax-deductable. Despite promises politicians make of taxing the rich they provide more tax loopholes because they know not to bite the hand that feeds them.

When they say rich they mean parents that struggle to keep their kids in college and paid up health insurance. They mean the people being bled to death by an Entitlement Society. The entitlement addicted, are guaranteed Democratic voters and keeping them dependent is re-election insurance for power-mad despots. Our elections have become a sham.

Middle-class people are generous, caring and responsible. They help their neighbors and donate to charity. The middle-class has become enslaved, abused and relentlessly punished for productivity. At some point they will draw a line in the sand and revolt. A tax revolt or waging war on a corrupt government can’t be far away.

We must remember those that govern us no longer live on the economy they create. Just check out the cost of the Obama, his and hers vacations. Nancy Pelosi’s taxpayer funded expense account could float a small nation.

If the middle-class does not begin to fight back they will become extinct. They must realize the raw power that have to vote by withholding taxes and by vigilante style tactics to combat despotic politicians. They have no choice but to change their docile and sheep-like obedience to government.

Being a tax and spend politician must become a very dangerous occupation or the middle class and the American way of life will die.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Real Reasons behind the Secrecy of the TSA “NO FLY LIST”

Washington, DC—What’s the big secret about the No Fly List you ask? If you’re thinking national security your dead wrong. It’s all about government intimidation and control over airline passengers.

The TSA wants any and all resistance to their policies and procedures stopped cold. They created the list as a way to intimidate airline passengers from expressing their opinions for fear of winding up on that dreaded list.

The TSA has taken arbitrary power onto itself to deny anyone from entering commercial aircraft. You only learn of the TSA action as you begin the boarding process.

The TSA knows full well that anyone can file a court challenge once they learn they’ve been banned from flying. By keeping the list secret, no matter what they will inconvenience you and cost you money before you can get help from our courts.

The TSA punishes whoever they please without any Due Process. Provided you present no threat to the public the TSA will be ordered by the courts to remove your name from the list. There has never been a court action against the TSA defeated with respect to their list.

If the TSA No Fly List was a public record as it should be we could check our names and get any confusion cleared up before we fly. The TSA hates that idea entirely.

The real truth is that there has never been a terrorist stopped from flying inside the United States because of the existence of the bogus No Fly List.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I Love My Country but I’m So Ashamed of It…

Los Angeles, CA—I sadly watched the 9/11 memorial gatherings and watched politicians and their bureaucrats cashing in on some TV face-time. It’s downright disgusting to imagine we have become such a cowardly nation in the last few decades.

The holster you see above for those that don’t know, it is the required Federal Flight Deck Officer’s holster adopted by the TSA. If it looks useless, you’re right it is. That holster represents a symbol of the new America to me.

I somehow thought after 9/11 we were going to be strong and united in our resolve to protect the freedom that has made America the envy of the world. I expected that we’d go and simply bomb Afghanistan back into the stone-age rendering them harmless while setting an example for the entire Muslim world.

Instead we took the fools-way out by surrendering our liberty and we have created a new and even more powerful government in Afghanistan. We did this with the members of a hateful and bankrupt culture that unilaterally rejects everything Western. We are also doing this in Iraq and now Libya. They will be soon using our own weapons we’ve foolishly provided them against us.

We began a Homeland Security program to rival the Gestapo and Stasi complete with an identical snitch policy. Instead of targeting the proven terrorist demographics, Homeland Security has shifted its focus to Conservative White, middle-aged males that don’t support the current Whitehouse Administration.

My fellow Americans dutifully line up for the human underclass hired by the TSA, just like frightened sheep. Half are unreasonably afraid of terrorists and the other half are too intimidated by the TSA to complain. Some Americans really believe we can’t be safe without first being made miserable and being excessively groped by the TSA swine. This is such a sad state of affairs.

We gave our politicians a blank check to our bank accounts to fight terrorism. Instead we got the absolute corruption that plunged a once healthy nation into bankruptcy.

We have embraced political correctness beyond the point of silliness. We have turned this nation into a pretty lousy place to live and raise children.

Yes, I will hang my head in shame until the brave, working men and woman seize America from the criminals, cowards, Communists and other evil agents that have taken control of our government.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Politics of This 9/11 Anniversary Have a Real Foul Odor

New York, NY—Every politician that can, does. They’re all mugging for the cameras and offering self-serving sound-bites to enhance their images. The ceremonies have little to do with the 3000 victims and their families. They have been lost in the sea of shameless politicians and their media flacks elbowing them aside for valuable TV face time and maximum political exposure.

I suspect that there maybe some ragtag Muslims around that want to throw a bomb or two. On the other hand legions of our creepy politicians love spreading the hype and reassuring us they’re doing all they can to keep us safe. Anyone who believes the politician driven terror related media hype is beyond help or hope.

This has been a week of pure political pandering on the grief along with real or imagined fears of Americans. This is all part of a larger propaganda effort to convince frighten Americans to forgo their liberty and freedom for the illusion of security.

Charles Darwin Suggests Choosing Life Over Your Company’s Anti-Gun Policy

Benton Harbor, MI—A Walgreen’s pharmacist is unemployed but alive today because he had the good sense to place the value of his own life above company policy. The pharmacist used his gun to protect him, and other store employees by successful thwarting a nasty stick up. The man was fired because he exercised his rights to live and carry and handgun for self-defense. Walgreen’s policy forbids carrying guns or resisting armed criminals.

The sad aspect of the human race is, contrary to those feel good philosophical statements made by some of our more famous leaders; we are certainly not created equal. Some humans have defective DNA and lack basic humanity and respect for life. Others simply lack ordinary intelligence and cannot appreciate the consequences of their behavior.

The reality is that murder in the workplace will exist because the savage predators in our society have uncontrollable urges to victimize others. What should be a simple, get the money and run stick-up often turns into horrible kidnappings, sexual assaults and senseless murders. We cannot predict what will happen but we know intelligent resistance will give you a fighting chance to survive these frightening encounters.

Then there are those employers like 7-11’s Southland Corporation and Walgreen’s that enable and actually invite dangerous criminals with well publicized policies that forbid resistance to the demands of robbers.

Rather than to hire armed security personnel most corporations rely on passive measures like security cameras to discourage the robberies and mayhem. We all know those cameras don’t discourage violent crime because we’ve all seen so many amazing videos that dramatically show brazen armed savages killing innocent victims. The cameras don’t arrest anyone and they don’t provide police with the names and addresses of those caught on tape committing crimes.

In the end, this all boils down to survival of the fittest. If you place irrational, un-constitutional gun laws and or company policy above your own instinct for survival you’re simply not fit to live!

Our creator gave us the gifts of fear, and the ability to make or otherwise obtain tools for survival. We were also given the instinct to survive. Whoever writes laws and or company policies are in no way superior to our creator.

I’m proud to say that I was a gun-rights advocate since my early high school years. I’m also alive today because some 24 years ago because I had the sense to ignore such an anti-survival and lawless government policy.

As a licensed PI, I also serve court process. Serving process in Arizona requires registration by the court and they had a prohibition against carrying guns for self-defense. The policy was neither enabled by law or a court order, but rather drafted at the insistence of the former Maricopa County Superior Court Presiding Judge, Robert C. Broomfield.

I sued the court for violation of my civil rights through the egregious policy and within a month a drunken, white-collar criminal tried to kill me as I was returning to my car after serving eviction papers.

My assailant pistol-whipped me in the darkness with a .45 Colt Gold Cup pistol cutting my scalp open wide. I drew my little five-shot S&W Body guard revolver (pictured above) and pumped five rounds into him after he refused to drop his weapon and pointed it at me. Thankfully I survived that unthinkable horrible nightmare.

Soon the gun prohibition matter found its way to the Arizona Supreme Court and now registered process servers can carry all the guns they wish.

Only you can evaluate your risks on the job. In the end it will be your personal choice whether to ignore company policy by discreetly packing a suitable defense weapon. No job, especially a somewhat risky one is worth more than your life. It’s far better you collect unemployment than to put you loved ones into mourning because you chose company policy over them.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

An Airliner Hijacking With a Different Ending.

Los Angeles, CA--As we relive the horror of 9/11 and deal with the tenth anniversary of the murder of some 3,000 Americans we have to think about handing these threats in the future. I will tell you a long forgotten story that had a much different ending.

The only hijacker ever shot on an U.S. airliner, was on September 15, 1970 on board a TWA, Boeing 707 jet. The flight left Chicago for San Francisco, but gunman Don Irwin, 27, seized the plane just after an L.A. stopover. Irwin threatened flight attendants in the aft galley with his gun demanding the plane head to North Korea.

This particular plane was in no way equipped or even able to make such a journey. This hijacker was not quite as clever as he thought.

The pilot J.K. Gilman was informed of the hijacking and was aware that Robert Denisco, a Brinks guard was sitting in First Class wearing plain clothes. Capt. Gilman quickly used the telephone to ask a First Class fight attendant to tell Denisco what was going on and to, “tell him I said to go back and shoot that Bastard!”

I tracked down and interviewed Denisco, a Viet Nam combat veteran who was now living in Chicago just after the 9/11 attacks for ABC World News Tonight. Denisco’s saga was absolutely amazing to hear.

Denisco like everyone was horrified by the events and had a lot to say about the inability they had to deal with the attack. My interview with Denisco lasted well over an hour.

Denisco took the captain’s request seriously springing into action. He kept changing his seat slowly moving in the direction of the aft Galley. Stopping whenever he found an empty seat he look back and move a few more rows until he was right at the Galley. The gunman never noticed the Brink’s guard.

Denisco was thinking quickly and felt that he needed maximum cooperation from the passengers and flight attendants. So rather than to just jump up with his service revolver he did so yelling at the gunman, “Police Officer, drop your weapon!” Of course he was not a cop but under the dire circumstances who’d care.

The gunman suddenly spun pointing his gun in the direction of Denisco and the guard fired a single shot striking Irwin in the abdomen. Denisco quickly seized Irwin’s gun and the plane was able to make a safe landing. Through modern emergency medicine the hijacker survived the shooting despite being critically wounded..

The follow up to this story should have inspired a motion picture but that never happened.

The FAA immediately began construction of the first Air Marshall program. When they sought a person to lead this new agency they offered the job to the shy Brinks guard. Things were suddenly really going well for Denisco and Brinks did not want to lose their hero. Day’s earlier they brought him to O’Hare airport to a meeting or perhaps more of a gathering of various officials.

They brought Denisco to the podium where they had a speakerphone and took a call for him. It was President Richard Nixon calling and he wanted to talk to the hero!

Brinks loaned Denisco to the FAA for several years where he related his experience to trainee air marshals.

Things took a curious turn at the FAA. They decided that people like Denisco could no longer be trusted with firearms on airliners! They promulgated regulations that disarmed even sworn and trained cops! Pilots were disarmed and as expected only the hijackers and federal officers would carry firearms in the future.

Later the anti-gun zealots during the Clinton Administration were looking for any new ways possible to take American’s gun rights away. They started with anyone ever convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence. Then they extended the lifetime gun ban for anyone convicted of childhood delinquent acts that constituted a felony.

This time they seized the gun possession rights of none other than the retired heroic Brinks guard because of a joyriding episode he was involved with a lifetime earlier. That deed put him in front of a strict Juvenile Court Judge.

Today our government has not made us even a littler safer. They have only had great success in waging a war of degradation, humiliation and tyranny on American travelers.

The TSA has not stopped a single terrorist event despite spending hundreds of billions. There were some attempts made by a shoe bomber and more recently the panty bomber. Those terrorist efforts were halted by ordinary citizens, not TSA or law enforcement officials.

What have we learned since 9/11, you ask? Not much.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Jobs and Tax Tyranny Don’t Mix--We Must Choose Our Sides and Fight.

Washington, DC—I don’t know for sure what Barack Obama was thinking when he and his Socialist pals in Congress, bailed out very crooked bank, Wall Street firm and failed auto maker they could. Who knows who these clowns thought would pay for their new reckless runaway spending orgy?

After their destructive tactics we have no economic growth, no jobs, and a bankrupt nation with no hope.

So many American businesses saw the handwriting on the wall and fled Tax Tyranny that was getting more extortionate by the second.

Some so-called Americans want to find ways to force Americans to keep their businesses and jobs here. Historically tyranny creates refugees that are compelled to flee. This is exactly what’s happening.

America has become hostile and now threatens business instead of protecting its very life blood. The change to Socialism has always created refugees why should it be different here?

The American experiment of 1776 has run its course with the likes of illegal aliens, career Entitlement Zombies and the others that have invested nothing at all in this nation. When the freeloaders can out-vote the producers the producers can either flee or become slaves.

I don’t see a solution that ends without Civil War for America. History has already written this chapter so many horrible times before.

Some of the luckiest survivors in the world fled their nations before these things began to unfold.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Charging for Prison Visits Should be a Crime

Phoenix, AZ—There is a movement in the Legislature here to begin charging visitors $25.00 every time they visit an inmate. I call that cruel and unusual punishment and its downright stupid.

There is probably not a psychiatrist on the planet that would endorse this terrible idea. Cutting off inmates from the outside world and their families would make them even more dangerous than they are already.

Visitation is not a right but a privilege and is in and of itself a behavior management tool. Inmates that want to receive visits have no choice but to behave. Taking this management tool away will cost lives in the long run. Immediately this bureaucratic brain-fart will create more fiscal problems than it will solve.

Prison officials complain that they must conduct expensive background investigations on visitors for security reasons. They claim they are looking for a way to reduce costs. I can help them in this area a lot by suggesting they take advantage of new technology that would eliminate and reduce their costs significantly. is a free telecommunication site that allows even international video calls to be made for free. Sometimes just the distance that the prisons are from civilization is a real hardship on prisoner's loved ones. would actually increase visits without requiring all of that labor-intensive screening, frisking and visitor crowd control.

Either the inmate is brought to a simple Ipad or the Ipad is brought to the inmate. The video call is made and they can visit as long as the prison will allow. Of course the prisons will want to take steps to insure the Ipads are not used for nefarious purposes. That’s easy to monitor. Additionally the audio from the visits can be collected and stored for prison investigative purposes.

I know of at least one inmate whose mother has to spend a significant amount of money to visit her inmate/child because she lives in Germany. Now that’s a hardship. calls are free.

Let’s say for the sake of argument that it still costs money for the prisons to maintain the equipment. Charging the prison visitor a small fee under $7.00 would prove to be much cheaper for prisoner’s families than paying current transportation cots with the high price of fuel these days.

The idea of punitive punishment for prison inmates will always be popular no matter how poorly these things are thought out.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Malaise and Depression is Hitting Obama Like a Brick in the Head

Washington, DC—He promised Hope and Change. Things have changed, but for the worse and his amateur Marxist methods have made things virtually hopeless.

Under Barack Obama we have more, not less war, a secret rather than transparent government and a full-scale Whitehouse war on our wallets and Liberty.

The hated Patriot Act has been expanded not reduced and the Obama Administration TSA thugs have been allowed to run wild. His Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano has not so quietly adopted many of the frightening methods used by the Stazi and Gestapo.

What began as a covert operation to supply a massive amount of guns to known Mexican and Central American criminals was exposed by whistle-blowing BATFE agents. Those agents became horrified when two American federal agents were murdered with those same guns. The body count related to Operation Gunwalker and Fast and Furious is still being tallied.

The motivation for the shocking criminality by the Whitehouse was to create a crisis of violence that would demonize American gun rights through a propaganda campaign. Obama has long favored amending our Bill of Rights, by signing a UN Civilian Gun Ban Treaty.

Obama actually told his friends at the Brady Violence Center he was working behind the scenes to facilitate gun bans. The Brady people were so giddy with excitement they spilled the beans about Obama’s stealth approach to gun control.

When anyone knowingly supplies a deadly weapon to a criminal and it’s used in a crime the person furnishing the weapon is always prosecuted for that crime whether it’s armed robbery or murder. Any day a special prosecutor will have to deal with that investigation and prosecution.

Local prosecutors in Arizona are certainly not precluded from presenting the facts to a Grand Jury and obtaining Indictments.

Obama’s worst political nightmare was well chronicled by Dr. Charles Krauthammer who said, “Obama Is President Zero - Zero Economic Expansion, Zero Jobs and Zero Ideas.”

I seriously doubt that Obama will be allowed to even finish his first term. Obama has proven to be a ruthless great divider. Obama’s lawlessness is about to finish his tortured presidency.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Approaching the Tenth Anniversary of 9/11 and All We’ve Accomplished was the Surrendering of Our Liberty…

We were already a Nation of Cowards and too frightened to allow passage into our government buildings, airports without suspending our Constitutional rights. Instead we search each other like criminals. We didn’t trust the pilots that we count upon to safely transport us with firearms to combat airplane hijackings.

Had we allowed the pilots their right as citizens to carry a gun or for that matter those disarmed sworn police officers that were passengers on two of the four planes 9/11 would have been just another day.

The TSA program and other “safeguards” will never work to prevent mass murder and mayhem committed by terrorists. The government’s “fix” has been intrusive, humiliating, and un-American. Despite massive and lavish efforts they have yet to stop a single terrorist event.

The massive amount of cash we must hand over to support these liberty stealing security programs has gone straight down the toilet along with our privacy and freedom.

None the less most Americans feel so good after an exhaustive groping by some unemployable slug working for the TSA. Anyone that thinks the TSA program can have any effect at all on terrorism is nothing less than a complete fool.

Terrorists by their nature seek heavily populated, soft targets. They simply sneak in killing and destroying during surprise attacks. Even if you could protect one or more venues terrorists will always find another one to inflict their horror.

Somehow Americans seem to think that terrorists need sophisticated or exotic weapons that are difficult to obtain. Gasoline and explosive fertilizer are cheap, virtually impossible to regulate and incredibly deadly.

Attacking a crowded shopping mall, convention center or tourist magnet is hardly a difficult challenge. No amount or searching, snitch programs or government efforts could stop a motivated terrorist.

On the other hand armed Americans with minimal training could better deal with terrorists as they commence an attack. Calling 911 and waiting for the “authorities” to act will bring help too little and too late.

The best example of government response to a terror attack was when two twisted teens attacked Columbine High School. Responding to numerous and desperate 911 calls the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department sent their officers to parade around the school with the jackboots and bucket helmets until every last victim bled to death. The cops finally entered the school only after the two whackjobs took their own lives.

Had there been even one minimally trained and armed teacher, janitor or cafeteria worker in the school, lives could have been saved.

We have learned nothing about combating terrorism and have let politicians steal massive amounts our cash, along with our precious and hard won liberty.

I can’t help but despise people who willingly line up like helpless sheep and submit to anything the government tells them. I can’t help but think of how it took only a handful of Nazi guards to coral a thousand concentration camp inmates into the gas chambers.

Even more disgusting was the reality that other camp inmates would knowingly assist the Nazis commit mass murder rather than to fight for their own lives.

It’s really very simple once you study history enough to know that the greatest mass murderers on earth are always governments. Sooner or later every government in history turns on their own people.

The only way to insure survival is to ferociously resist any government attempt to take any liberty for any reason. The moment right to keep and bear arms, is suspended or eliminated you soon can expect to be on the receiving end of government terror.

Friday, September 02, 2011

There’s A New Kind of Television News. RIGHT THIS MINUTE Begins September 12

Phoenix, AZ—Television news has not changed much since it was pioneered by Edward R. Murrow in the 1950’s. It’s done now in color and with more video but little else has evolved. Today we are well into the information age however, things are finally changing as evidenced by at least one new show called, RIGHT THIS MINUTE.

The best brains I know in TV news have quietly put together their team that will explode RTM on the screens in more than 40 Cox, Scripps and Raycom stations from coast to coast.

This will be an exciting mix of social media, citizen journalists with only a dash of traditional reporting. They will bring you the latest news with stunning video from around the world in a daily one hour show.

News, entertainment happenings and those important events that change our lives will not escape RTM’s coverage. This show will change the way news is delivered.

I have had the pleasure to work with some of the incredibly talented people that are behind the curtain creating this groundbreaking project and I’m personally very excited for them. Magic Dust Television of Phoenix is out in front on this one.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Official Crimefile review of, THE DEBT

Los Angeles, CA—I refuse to write reviews about films that stink. I've seen far too many stinkers over the last several years. Today, I have a winner for you.

I don’t recall a bad film with Helen Miren or Tom Wilkenson. They are great actors that somehow cast in better films. The Debt is right there on top!

This is a terrific script brought to life by a superb ensemble cast. It’s a period piece that begins in 1966. This is ripped from the story or the infamous physician from Hell, Dr. Josef Mengele known as the Angel of Death (German: Todesengel). Mengele was a German SS officer and a physician inflicting horror at the Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau.

In reality the fugitive Nazi was nearly captured a few times but always slipped away. Mengele died on February 7, 1979, in Bertioga, Brazil, where he accidentally drowned or possibly suffered a stroke while swimming in the Atlantic.

This film is loosely based on a fantasy Israeli Mossad Aldolph Eichman style kidnapping operation that takes place in East Berlin in 1966. It fast forwards to 1997 as we watch the young virile agents find themselves middle-aged.

The story is thrilling and deeply explores those thoughts we all have about going back in time and undoing past mistakes. Of course you can’t go back but can you sometimes repair things later in life? The thought process of the writers is amazing as they bounced back and forth through time. The film sports a dual cast playing the young and now aged characters.

The Nazi fugitive is masterfully played by Jesper Christensen. Oh what I’d give to have his acting chops!

There are five phenomenal writers attached to this film, Matthew Vaughn, Jane Goldman, Peter Straughan, Assaf Bernstein and Ido Rosenblum.

I say spend the bucks and enjoy yourself!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Chicago Police Operating Budget Gets Slashed by $190 Million?

Chicago, IL-- Police Supt. Garry McCarthy has been ordered to make catastrophic cuts into the police budget. I feel obligated to help him with suggestions.

Police bodyguards of Chicago’s current and former officials must end altogether. Sworn and trained city cops are not needed for this duty anyway. Those who believe they need that kind of protection, for a lot less can hire civilian security guards at their own expense. City officials are not royalty. Perhaps if they are afraid they should resign and drive cabs or work in convenience stores instead.

Police have been protecting Barack Obama’s empty Hyde Park home for nearly three years around the clock. If that must be done let the Secret Service handle it. It would be far cheaper for the city to purchase his home and find him a new one if and when he returns.

There is really no other solution here but to end this perk for good. Even the Mayor, Aldermen and Superintendent of Police should be capable enough to commute to work like everyone else.

The aldermen have the coveted city enforced Second Amendment right to arm themselves for self-defense. Perhaps they should arrange to get some training at one of the newly authorized firing ranges.

End all resources dedicated to vice enforcement except those in place that are designed to protect children from exploitation.

Misdemeanor cannabis possession should never result in booking. Complaints and release should be the standard enforcement. That alone will all but end cannabis enforcement because cops won’t bother to write those citations.

Any misdemeanor offense where the officer feels the peace is not endangered should be resolved with a complaint and release rather than booking.

That will result in far fewer arrests and the massive amount of court time they consume.

Reinvent the status of light duty to utilize the skills of officers that can perform limited functions like manning the communications center, call back and desk duties.

I can remember a uniformed, sworn officer with both of his legs amputated working in the communications center in the 1960s. He was thrilled to continue on in a place where he felt useful and needed. Today he’d be forced to stay home and collect money. I also think he’d have gone to an early grave as a result.

It’s time to end the practice of spying on officers suspected of living outside the city.

The city should stop the redundant and unnecessary function of gun registration. It never solves crimes and the Supreme Court has ruled twice that felons are exempt from filling out registration forms because it violates their rights against self-incrimination. I suspect that the city will be forced to return all the fees they unlawfully collected from people engaging in constitutionally protected activity of keeping or bearing arms.

The city should also end their unwinnable efforts to defend city gun ordinances in court.

Video teleconferencing should be used whenever possible to reduce wasted time in commuting and unnecessary fuel usage.

John Wilkes Booth Came to the Aid of his Country

Washington, DC—He was labeled as the devil but was he really just an American patriot? One thing for sure John Wilkes Booth (May 10, 1838 – April 26, 1865) was the victim of so much revisionist history by writers with an agenda to wrongfully canonize that despot, Abraham Lincoln as a saint.

We all know this 27 year-old prominent stage actor ambushed Lincoln at Ford’s Theater. Unlike the others that either assassinated or made attempts on the lives of our presidents Booth was no deranged loser. He was bright, popular and talented. Booth was driven by the massive suffering of a struggling of his nation that was trying to break free from a brutal Union.

The revisionists all want to sell us that bill of goods that the Civil War was all about slavery. Slavery was on its way out for a multitude of reasons especially with the invention of the cotton gin. Cotton growers needed more people to pick cotton but slavery was actually much more trouble than is was worth. Hiring freed slaves as cheap labor was certainly a better alternative. They had to feed and house the slaves anyway. History shows us that after the slaves were freed many thousands opted to continue on as employess of their former masters. Soon more advances in technology stole most of the cotton worker's jobs.

The war was really about iron fisted Union rule and later the sudden suspension of the Constitution by a lawless Abraham Lincoln. The real issue was one of state’s rights for local control. The Lincoln Administration was un-American and monstrous as they shut down newspapers and simply jailed their critics without trial.

Back then slavery not withstanding Americans enjoyed freedom like never before. Union corruption and political greed became a serious threat to liberty as an ever increasing federal government stepped up their tyrannical rule. The southern states resisted the tyranny and the result was a total bloodbath when the North began to punitively deal with the resistance.

I’m one of those that believe that the war was completely avoidable by the Union simply respecting the rights of the states. American people could vote with their feet and every state would have to compete for and attract the most productive citizens.

Waging war on secessionist states brought unparalleled carnage and finally the cruel and sadistic burning of the south by Union troops. This savagery scarred the very soul of sympathizers like Booth.

The plot to kidnap Lincoln went wrong and killing him was much easier than taking him prisoner. Booth is only guilty of doing too little too late. Killing Lincoln was more of an act of revenge because the war seemed to be over and Union dominance would continue.

Was it really booth that was shot in that northern Virginia barn? Did they foolishly trust the identification of Booth by his surviving family members? Identification of another man’s corpse would certainly insure the escape and survival of this proud southern family’s now infamous son.

The troops had strict orders to take booth alive. Had they obeyed orders, I wonder what grotesque torture they would have used on Booth in order to pry the names of his co-conspirators out of him?

The Union needed closure and heralding the death of booth along with that sham military tribunal to cinch the killing of every arrested conspiracy suspect gave them what they wanted.

In the end Booth acted for what he knew to be for the good of his country.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Cops’ dealing with curbside photographers is just another learning experience.

Los Angeles, CA—Most veteran cops never got training on handling this situation in the academy. There are from time to time informal station discussions and most of those involve creative methods of confiscating cameras and arresting the photographers. Generally it’s best to ignore the photographers other than to make sure you have the best evidence that will support your reasonable conduct.

We all hate the idea of wise guys with cell phone cameras that want to show cops in the worst possible light. They seem to be everywhere.

The First Amendment allows anyone to gather visual, audio material, make notes and broadcast or otherwise publish what they wish. There are legitimate private property issues and of course issues arise when the events occur in places where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.

On the street where you are enforcing codes, making arrests or aiding people in distress capturing video and audio is absolutely constitutionally protected activity. That is as long as you’re not being somehow hindered from your duty.

Because the cameras are everywhere today you’d be a fool to make a bogus arrest or use excessive force. Police sometimes must use physical force as they are trained. Of course some officers manage to get compliance with polite requests and others are prone to more masculine and dramatic ways to assert their authority.

The cameras can either be your best friend or worst enemy. I know cops that have prayed for some video to somehow surface that would prove their reasonable conduct. The sad truth is the lies of citizens have cost many a cop his career and pension. I have seen that happen with my own eyes.

I want you to know that I’m never without a video camera and will use it whenever possible to record professional cops for this blog. I have no interest in capturing video that shows cops in a poor light. I’m learning how to deal with cops so they don’t fear or become annoyed with my efforts. I have to count on their patience and professionalism as they must with mine. So far there have been no problems, just a few questions.

I would be thrilled if my video could save a career or at least get some outstanding officer special recognition for a job well done. The last thing I want is to embarrass some cop doing his job. So when you see me out there please cut me some slack.

You must learn from the mistakes of others that have made creative but bogus arrests for crimes like eavesdropping. You are aware of the camera and you also have the ability to simply not donate your voice for recording. Reliance on that kind of basis for an arrest may cost you dearly before it’s over.

Many people with cameras are fulltime news employees or contractors. I gather video for television news routinely but rarely jump out of those news vans and live trucks. My news video cannot generally be posted here on the blog for legal reasons.

In short get used to the cameras because they are here to stay as long as we maintain a free nation.

Here is an ACLU video that shows two scenes. The first is wonderful. Three officers make an arrest of someone violently resisting. They use minimum force and nobody is injured. Things however went wrong as they arrested the cell phone camera man.

The second video shows one officer giving jabs and punches to a prone subject also resisting. I really can’t judge from the video whether the force was excessive but once the fact of the arrest unfold it may all come clear. The cell phone cameraman was arrested in the second event. Will that cameraman’s arrest lead to allegations of evidence tampering or covering up excessive force? We all know the answer to that one.

In both cases arresting the cell phone cameramen was anything but productive. The reality may bring disgrace, unemployment and a nasty civil judgment against some working cop.

Read this link and then see the video below:

Here is the Opinion:
Court Opinion of Recording Police in Public

Drunken Dad Throws his Seven Year-Old Son Off of a Cruise ship

Newport beach, CA- Orange County Sheriff’s spokesman. Jim Amormino told a shocking story of 35-year-old Sloane Briles hitting and then throwing one of his children into the ocean off of a cruise ship. Witnesses said that Briles was arguing with a female companion and that argument ended with the assault on the little boy.

Briles soon jumped into the water himself in an attempt to rescue the boy but several passing boaters had already had intervened and one of them pulled the boy to safety. The child was reportedly uninjured but shaken-up by the attack.

Responding Sheriff’s officers had to subdue the combative Briles who was said to be intoxicated. Briles was booked on various charges and later released on bail pending his appearance in court.

Why are TSA Screeners Showing up at Police Funerals?

Chicago, IL—These days when a cop dies in the line of duty, the TSA pays their passenger and baggage screeners to attend the funeral as “members of the law-enforcement Family.”

They show up with black bands on their badges as they wear police style uniforms. TSA workers are not law-enforcement, nor do they have similar duties or any of the training. They are non-sworn civilians, who are marginally qualified to inspect the soiled underwear of air passengers.

Adding to this waste of our tax dollars is the sad truth that TSA workers have stolen guns from cops that entrusted their service weapons to them during routine travel.

If some TSA workers are so moved to attend a police hero’s funeral they should do this on their own time and without their uniforms.

If TSA workers want to become police officers they are free to do that but the vast majority can’t qualify because of inability to pass intelligence tests, background investigations and psychological screening. TSA workers have nothing what-so-ever in common with cops.

The sad truth is that the TSA workers are nothing more than part of a federal “jobs” program for the unemployable. They are so reminiscent of a horrible time in German history where undesirables were given brown shirt uniforms and encouraged to assist local police by a new federal, Nazi government. Even back then the professional German police all despised the brown shirted pretenders.

Understandably most cops have a very low opinion of TSA screeners and don’t want them at their funerals.