The gun rights haters make lame remarks that carrying a gun at the shopping mall or to church is somehow silly and even somehow a danger to public safety. The fact is most robberies, carjackings, rapes and murders happen close to home in these so-called, safe places or around nearby parking areas.
Suggesting you only need a gun only in your home is ludicrous. Your home with solid locks, your family members and maybe even a dog is a much safer place than any American street.
Police might be able to respond to your call for help eventually but any physician will tell you that you can actually bleed to death within 30 seconds. Even the most efficient police department can’t arrive in time to save your life from a serious violent attack.
If you think its important to wear a seat belt the very same logic applies to carrying a gun for self-defense purposes. It was of course the powerful and generous insurance industry lobby that swayed lawmakers into passing seatbelt laws everywhere. The insurers don’t have to pay nearly as much in claims if everyone is protected with seatbelts.
With financially strapped state and local governments dangerous career criminals are getting let out of jails and prisons at an alarming rate. Some of these same jurisdictions still have plenty of taxpayer money to waste prosecuting otherwise law-abiding carrying guns for self-defense. The truth is your personal safety trumps all of those unconstitutional laws that ban the bearing of arms.
Gun carrying is certainly no more complicated than driving a car. There is definitely a need for training to make this choice of self-defense safe and effective.
Let me advise every sane, sober and otherwise law-abiding person in our land to carry a deadly weapon for self-defense even if there is some law preventing that.
That gun or in some cases a knife does not make you taller, smarter or braver. It only gives you a fighting chance to escape a violent attack with your life. Common sense to avoid risky behavior and conflicts whether armed or not still applies.
If you choose to carry a weapon get whatever permits or training required. If they refuse to grant you a permit or there is some outright ban on carrying you should use your own judgment, not that of some ignorant lawmaker.
Don’t ever give consent to a physical search of you, your vehicle or belongings by law enforcement. If a law enforcement officer discovers you with a weapon be polite, non-threatening and silent. Don’t ever try and hold court on the street or enter into legal debates with the police.
You and your lawyer will be able to challenge any non-consensual search and the arrest in the proper forum, a courtroom. This is where you may argue that bearing a weapon for self-defense purposes is constitutionally protected activity according to the U.S. Supreme Court opinions issued in the cases of Dick Heller and Otis McDonald.
If the police or government violated you civil rights to keep and bear arms you will be free to sue them accordingly. Making threats to police on the streets to do that is ill advised and counter-productive. There’s no reason to make some cop that arrested you to also hate you. You may ultimately need his or her truthful testimony in order to avoid a wrongful conviction.
Often cops like to see bad laws challenged and struck down in court. Most cops actually support the concept of concealed carry for the law-abiding despite what most big city police chiefs say.
Soon the gun carry bans will either be lifted or struck down by the courts. In the mean time wear your seatbelt while driving and carry a weapon for self-defense. Your family and employer need you alive and well.