Thursday, February 03, 2011

Liberty is Non-Negotiable in America-Stop Homeland Security Now

Washington, DC—For the past several decades America has allowed politicians to take us down the path of selling liberty for promised security.

Today the biggest threat to liberty in American history its Homeland Security Department and its massive power. This beast must be dismantled, defunded and destroyed before it’s too late. This un-American perversion of law enforcement is nothing more than the clear sign of the Police State we fought so many wars to prevent.

Every totalitarian, Fascist, Communist or Nazi state has sold their population that freedom was somehow dangerous and that security was for necessary public safety. The despots systematically disarmed their population before enslaving them and eventually murdering them.

I talk a lot about the National Socialists and Adolph Hitler because the photos, films and massive documentary evidence they left behind is unparalleled in world history. You need not rely on people’s faulty or biased recollections to know what happened inside National Socialism.

As Hitler was given power in Germany he was a wildly popular man, looked up to as a savior and role model. Time Magazine named him, Man of the Year. Liberty soon vanished as Hitler outlawed, civilian gun ownership, censored media and even thought. Searching of people, backpacks, vehicles, businesses and homes by government security forces was sold as necessary for everyone’s safety and security.

In the end of a twelve year reign six million Jews and nine million more good German citizens perished under National Socialism. There was no liberty or security for those left in Germany lucky enough to escape with their lives. The Soviet soldiers turned what was left of the German female population into personal sex slaves.

What’s past is prologue. This was the case in every government created by man at some point. It was the Nazis that documented the reality of every government that values security over liberty and privacy.

You can't balance the needs of security with freedom. Freedom is paramount or there is no security. Without liberty there is no public safety.

Real public safety begins and ends with access to the tools and training you need to protect yourself, family and community. Security is best left to the individual citizens rather than government.

Government is always about power, corruption and absolute control. Government breeds slavery, greed and celebrity for those in control. Government must be under the control of the people rather than the other way around. That’s the rub because government feeds on itself to gain growth and power.

When government get’s too big the best way to control it is to not feed the monster. Taxation must be under control of the taxed rather than the government. Taxpayers need to control what they pay, but for now the government makes that decision.

We must learn to say no to the TSA, BATFE, DEA, IRS, EPA, and the FBI. We have local law enforcement and don’t need to pay twice for law enforcement services. That’s especially true when their efforts are not needed or wanted in our communities. We can say no by defunding these government parasites.

We must defend liberty first, last and always. We can never fight hard enough to protect freedom and liberty. This fight never ends. We must always be ready to kill all enemies of freedom before they kill us. That includes those seeking or holding office that threaten our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Sikh Daggers in American Schools is Much More than a Religious Issue!

Canton Township, MI—Let me begin by saying that Sikhs are primarily from India and are not Muslims. Sikhs have been victimized and murdered by Muslims throughout their six-century history.

The Sikh religion is very much like Christianity but without Christ. That is the Golden Rule that Christians observe is paramount to the Sikh faith. The Sikhs are not complicated or violent. They avoid drugs, alcohol and tabbaco.

For a Sikh, the carrying of the kirpan (Sikh dagger) represents a commitment to fight evil. The Sikhs believe in the duty to defend themselves, families and community. Yes, you may count on for the help and protection of total strangers by Sikhs. Sikhs have served honorably and with distinction in all militaries of the free world.

All male Sikhs are required to wear the proper turban and carry the kirpan. Unfortunately laws against weapons that violate the Second Amendment also violate the right of the Sikh-American’s First Amendment.

Knives in school were a vastly over-stated problem in American schools. It was not real violence but because of the famous play and later movie, West Side Story that politicians all across America saw with the fictional Jets and Sharks dancing across the stage with switchblade knives. That dramatic sight sent lawmakers into a panic at legislatures and city councils all over. They outlawed these knives virtually overnight.

The hysteria got worse, instead of better as school children were disciplined over toys and even pictures of knives. Violence in schools is not controlled by prohibitions of Boy Scout knives but by the presence of real cops or armed security. The unarmed security people and metal detectors used by school districts across our nation are a total waste of money.

At least in the Plymouth-Canton School District in Detroit they have regained some sense. They have decided to allow Sikh students the right to carry their daggers.

This is a good first start. It’s time to let any child carry things like Boy Scout knives. Kids were trusted with such items until the loony Liberals got absolute power in our schools decades ago.

The Sikh is a trustworthy person and a great friend to have.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Barack Obama’s Fraudulent Presidency Must End Now

Washington, DC--Governor Neil Abercrombie admits to reporter Mike Evans there are no Barack Obama birth records in Hawaii.

Barack Obama is squatting in our Whitehouse in violation of our Constitution. We need to remove this man at once and any politicians that demand he be allowed to remain in office.

Galco Holsters Unveiled at the SHOT Show

Las Vegas, NV—I’ve been using Galco holsters for about 42 years now. For me Galco is as good as it gets. Founder and company President Rick Gallagher is a perfectionist and their products go a long way to keep police, military and civilians who carry guns safe.

Mike Barham showed me what’s new at Galco.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

DSA Arms and the FNFAL Rifle

Las Vegas, NV—One of the most venerable battle rifles ever made was the FN FAL and FN LAR.

DSA has brought these sweet rifles back with a vengeance. They have fine tuned older technology with the new to make the finest such rifles ever produced. Now there is even a FAL handgun!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Expect Janet Napolitano To Bring More Grief To Traveling Americans

Moscow, Russia-Today’s airport bombing has nothing to to with passenger screening but you can bet the Obama Administration’s very own Heinrich Himmler, Janet Napolitano with have some new ways to destroy the air travel industry.

Here’s some video:

Ghetto Rat Robbery Flash Mobs Robbing Trendy Stores in Chicago

Chicago, IL—This is the new rage among Chicago’s African-American Ghetto Rats. They meet in a large group, enter designer stores on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile and strong-arm the clerks for their merchandise.

Terrorism you say? You bet, but the businesses are not without blame since most of the corporate owners don’t believe in having armed security to protect their employees and customers.

It’s a matter of time until some clerk or customer is murdered of left brain-dead by these hateful opportunists.

The stores rely on security cameras to be their salvation. The cameras are great but without eye-witness testimony the camera is nothing but inadmissible hearsay evidence in our courts. Most people don’t seem to know that. The only hope is police show dumb criminals the videos and they confess thinking the video is somehow absolute proof of their guilt.

The cure for the flash mobs is a strong equally or greater violent response. Strong-arm robbery with multiple offenders or where there is simply a disparity of force can be stopped by deadly force. Yes, you can shoot the thugs in the face.

These flash mobs offer a challenge since they capitalize on the laws we have barring exclusion of protected minorities from businesses, at least until they breach the peace. The stores are compelled to let them in but when they don’t use necessary force to apprehend or stop the thugs only invites them to return to victimize even more.

Chicago police don’t have the manpower or the support of this city’s political leadership to deal with the problem. Too many of Chicago’s Aldermen are as lawless and immoral as the flash mob thugs. They are already equating this crime as “Robin Hood wealth redistribution” taking from the rich to give to the poor.

Today’s Ghetto Rat thugs have cell-phones and great transportation to travel around and commit these kinds of crimes. The businesses can either deal harshly with the thugs or simply go out of business. The quality of life in the Windy City has remarkably fallen as Ghetto Rat tolerance and poor police service has fed on itself.

I only see an increase in this and all forms of Black on White crime in Chicago. I wish I could offer some easy solution but White flight is what follows this in American history. Today the suburbs can no longer be a refuge. Government’s social engineers have sent Chicago’s Ghetto Rats to newly acquired Section Eight housing in virtually every suburb.

The real solution is to stop running and start fighting. Courts, prosecutors and police have to redirect their efforts and resources away from the Drug War and victimless crime. The only real answer is to put thugs in jail for keeps.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ruger’s New 9 MM Wows the Shot Show

Las Vegas, NV—Ruger Firearms had a small .380 semi-automatic pistol on the market for a few years now. It is popular with cops and civilians alike because of its stealthy size. That entry was the LCP. Now the little LCP has a slightly larger big brother, the LC9.

The LC9 is a 7+1 shot 9MM! It’s even smaller that the Walther PPK pistol of James Bond fame. It packs a bigger punch and for self-defense because the 9MM has more gusto than the .380 any day.

I have not yet fired this little gem but I look forward to doing so soon.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Another Sign That The Drew Peterson Case is Self-Destructing

Joliet, IL—Retired Bolingbrook police sergeant Drew Peterson was arrested after Illinois law was changed to admit hearsay evidence normally barred from American courtrooms. He’s been locked up since June of 2009 in the Will County Jail here in lieu of $20 million bail.

The case against Peterson is based upon hate, gossip and the greed of relatives seeking a windfall through their civil action against Peterson. Any evidence that supports murder is as thin as it could possibly be.

The Sun Times, Joseph Hosey crusade against Peterson has ended with the sticky departure of the reporter who made the story personal long ago so many half-truths he published. Hosey had his own profit making plan for the Drew Peterson Story.

Now comes Tommy Peterson, the son of Drew Peterson and the late Kathleen Savio who has just turned 18 years old. The younger Peterson's maternal grandfather brought suit against the elder Peterson on behalf of Tommy who was a minor at the time. The lawsuit was about taking control of Drew Peterson’s estate with an anticipated judgment. That case has taken a giant step backward as Tommy Peterson now has the authority to withdraw from that case.
Thomas "Tommy" Peterson

Attached is a letter from the younger Peterson. I know this lad misses his mother and would not support his father if he thought for a moment that his dad killed her. It’s now obvious that the case against Peterson is going to make its sunset unless or until some real evidence surfaces to the contrary. If Peterson is tried and acquitted, that case can never be brought against him again.

Here is the letter:

Tommy Peterson Letter 1-14-2011[1]

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Folly of Carrying Exposed Weapons

Los Angeles, CA—I hear many questions about carrying exposed weapons. The inquiries are always from the few states that ban carry generally. Some think exposed carry is a way to self defense. Exposed carry is nearly always a bad idea.

Before protective vests and better holsters over 50% of cops killed, were murdered with their own guns! Lesser trained civilians won’t have it any better.

Carrying exposed firearms makes people targets. You may become target of strong armed robbers looking to arm themselves with your gun.. You will become an object of ridicule and scorn from drunks and others that see you armed. Frankly today, the sight of a civilian carrying a gun provokes some unreasonable folks into a breach of the peace. Last but not least is exposed carry generates phony reports to the police of aggravated assault.

If someone sees your gun and accuses you of pointing it at them police will respond and investigate. When they have a witness/victim and you have the gun, your chances of being wrongfully arrested and even convicted of a felony are huge without independent witnesses or video.

Carrying an exposed gun places you in physical danger and may destroy your reputation as a law-abiding citizen. With that comes, incarceration, job loss, home foreclosure, divorce and disgrace. It’s far less risky to discreetly carry a concealed gun even if it violates some politician’s gun ban.

If you feel the need to carry a firearm in defense of yourself and family don’t let unconstitutional laws stop you. Carry your gun concealed but as always avoid conflict when possible. Why demand exposed carry when you can simply demand the right to conceal your weapon and thereby avoid breaches of the peace?

Berlin, A Tale of Two Cities

Berlin, Germany—This is for all those social engineers out there that think Socialism has a better way. Some thinkers that believe that Socialism is more generous to the less fortunate and the old American capitalist system is somehow less humane.

Berlin became a grand test tube for the experiment in 1961 when the Berlin Wall went up. The wall stayed up until Communism fell in 1989. There were two societies with the exact same genetic DNA living side by side separated only by bricks, mortar, barbed wire mines and guns.

In those years West Berlin inhabitants prospered, their people had a great life. The welfare rolls were slim only containing the dependant children, disabled and elderly. The West German model made few Welfare Zombies.

East Berlin on the other hand had a handout society for the idle, lazy and uninspired. Poverty and a mundane life of sacrifice and denial came with the handout. Some here had cars. Not the flashy and reliable Mercedes and BMWs of the West, but stinky little cars that could not sustain a 150 mile trip without a breakdown. The America Chevrolet Vegas or Ford Pintos were superior to these dangerous crap East German machines.What happened was obvious the folks in the West got better educations, and a dream life. The folks in the East merely reproduced and existed. In 1989 the wall came down. The people in the East now had the freedom but no clue how to deal with it. They had become Welfare Zombies. The people of the West now must support generations of their pathetic cousins from the East.

The jails of the West quickly filled up with the former Communists as graffiti and litter suddenly became a problem in the West that never existed before. Today most folks in the West wish that the East Germans stayed in the East rather than pollute the population of the West.

In the long run the Socialist welfare society destroyed millions of what could have been productive lives.

Socialism is the same everywhere. It breeds poverty, crime, as it kills productivity and pride.

Our founding fathers had a better idea but the Socialists will never give up their goal for a one world Socialist government. Americans must fight to protect and defend the Constitution and our way of life.

We are under attack from many Communists in our Congress and Whitehouse. We must act accordingly with the tools our founders gave us or we deserve what we have and what we will get later. Frankly we’d all be better off dead than Red.

Here is a video from my visit to Berlin during the 20 year celebration of the fall of the dreaded wall. My dear friend Andrea gave me the deluxe tour!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Homeland Security Needs You!—To Snitch.

Right: The official Gestapo Badge of the Thrird Reich.

Washington, DC—For those that don’t understand how the Gestapo worked inside the Third Reich you can simply watch the Homeland Security propaganda campaign that’s underway in America.

When the Nazis were in power in Germany, Heinrich Himmler ran the SS and the Gestapo or secret police. There were never enough Gestapo agents to investigate German resistance but that was never a problem.

The Nazis made all the little busybodies of the land feel important by making them defacto Gestapo agents. People that had no life of their own were recruited to spy on their neighbors and send reports of their suspicious or subversive activities into the local Gestapo offices. Clerks would then take the reports and file them into dossiers on each citizen.

Serious allegations like spreading rumors against the Reich, making criticism of Nazi officials were immediately turned over to Gestapo agents who rounded up the accused.

Once in the Peoples Court a death sentence could be handed down on the basis of written reports by snitches rather than sworn testimony. Sometimes people were held without trial for years or simply sent to concentration camps.

Children were instructed at their schools to report their parents. Imagine you ground you child for simple juvenile misbehavior and your angry kid makes up a lie for revenge? The Gestapo knocks at your door, arrests you and makes you child a ward of the state. The allegation may be read in a court and the Nazi judge could send you to the guillotine or hangman’s scaffold. The lucky ones went to the concentration camps.

Homeland security today is blanketing retailers everywhere with video messages and soon our schools will be assisting Homeland Security in deputizing your children to spy on you. They are collecting information about guns, ammunition and people showing distrust for the government.

This is a great way to shut up critics. The government officials will be able stand back and say how popular they are since nobody is complaining.

Janet Napolitano is the Heinrich Himmler of our time. What’s past is prologue.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Illinois, a Suicide by Taxation

Springfield, IL—When most people become dependent on government as a way of life they become professional welfare zombies. In Illinois the welfare zombies outnumber those self-reliant, productive and taxpaying people. Among these tax money addicted parasites are the specialized criminals that glamorize their lifestyles through political corruption. They are all choking the Land of Lincoln to death.

The personal income tax here shot up 67% overnight with the signature on a bill by Governor Pat Quinn. People forget that Illinois was a state with no income tax until 1969. The greedy government officials became addicted to lavish spending on crap the taxpayers never needed or even wanted.

Illinois has become a sanctuary for illegal aliens that have bankrupted the schools and medical providers. Their underground economy benefits their relatives in Mexico not the taxpayers of Illinois.

The answer here is that business and taxpayers can avoid abject slavery by relocating. The damage will be the total destruction of already depressed the residential and commercial real estate market. Illinois will see a substantial number of taxpayers revolt by simply not declaring income. Somebody tell me what a tax lien is worth on a home or commercial building with an already troubled mortgage and no prospects for resale?

The revenue of Illinois can be counted upon to go way down instead of up. Of course there is the foolhardy notion that that other states can be forced to bail out Illinois. That’s asking for Civil War.

Illinois will simply, shut the state parks, release prisoners, lay of police and fire workers as they default on the pensions of state workers. Later the anarchy begins when the Link cards don’t get recharged. The effect of the tax nightmare will gravely impact local governments with a loss of their taxpayers through mass exodus from a cesspool of crime and hardship.

Illinois will have a problem as the slaves run away in droves. The crooked politicians and welfare zombies will have to wallow in their mess together.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Favorite Colt Revolver

Chicago, IL—When I became interested in guns my hands were too little to hold them. As I grew I became obsessed with the Colt Python because back then it was the biggest revolver in the Colt product line. The ventilated sight rib looked so impressive.

I was about 17 years-old when I handled my first Python and owned a 4” blue version when I was 19. The cost back then was about $135.00

I love the nickel finish but it cost extra. Today in a world of ugly black semi autos this wheel gun is a real beauty.

The SHOT SHOW Returns To Las Vegas

Las Vegas, NV—With the latest tragedy in Tucson, the Leftists have joyfully found a crisis to exploit in their zeal to destroy our Second Amendment. They are shamefully campaigning on the shattered backs of a Republican Federal Judge and a moderate Democtic Congresswoman that had both gotten high marks from the NRA as freedom defenders.

Of course slowly we are learning that the Sheriff’s Office of Pima County failed to get the shooter help he so desperately needed that could have prevented the massacre. That Sheriff has assigned blame to Conservative radio talk show hosts despite the fact that the shooter had no interest in them.

The end result of the Gun Grab Talk Fest is yet another dramatic spike in firearms sales!

As always more than 200 millions of Americans safely and lawfully enjoy and use firearms for self-defense. This will continue despite some shrill and ignorant voices of the emotionally unbalanced people that obsess over firearms and the rights of Americans to keep and bear them.

The largest firearms trade show in the world is the Shooting Hunting Outdoor Tradeshow. It generally hosts some 60,000 people from around the world as gun makers fill thousands of booths with the latest and greatest firearms and accessories.

The show is only open to those in the trade like dealers, manufacturers, distributors and the outdoor media. Guns can be ordered here and shipped to dealers anywhere in the world. Many accessories can be purchased from various manufacturers at the show.

There is a terrific law enforcement section with the latest and greatest public safety equipment. There are lots of experts on hand to explain the products and their application.

There are always celebrities around mingling with the attendees.

Here is the SHOT SHOW Website.

California Highway Patrolwoman Arrested For Murder

Los Angeles, CA—In was nearly two years ago when CHP officer Tomiekia Johnson, 31 did the unthinkable. She shot and killed her husband, Marcus Lavar Lemons.

The killing occurred in their car as the dead man fought with the off-duty CHP officer. Even if the dead suspect was unarmed the issue of disparity of force would allow this young woman to use a firearm to ward off an attack.

This was originally treated as a justifiable killing but apparently something led to this arrest nearly two full years later. My guess is the LSAD investigators obtained some a statement or statements that provided evidence that the killing was a crime.

Johnson has been a CHP officer for four years now and has been placed on administrative leave.

Right now, the Sheriff’s department is not talking.

Johnson is currently being held in the Woman’s Detention Center in Lynnwood on a $2 million bail requirement after her arrest at noon yesterday by the LSAD LASD-Surveillance Apprehension Team

This is the type of case I specialize in. Prosecutors in Liberal jurisdictions love to find any excuse to arrest people including cops in self-defense cases.

I have no word yet on any lawyer hired to defend Johnson.

This is from the District Attorney's Press release:
LOS ANGELES – A CHP officer who allegedly fatally shot her husband nearly two years ago was arrested today and charged with murder, the District Attorney’s office announced.

Tomiekia Johnson, 31 (dob 4-19-79), was arrested about noon by Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department homicide detectives, said Deputy District Attorney Natalie Adomian with the Justice System Integrity Division. Johnson was arrested shortly after Adomian filed a felony complaint for arrest warrant – BA379826 -- charging Johnson with the murder of her husband, Marcus Lemons.

The complaint alleges Johnson personally and intentionally discharged a handgun. She is being held on $2 million bail. Arraignment information will be announced later.
The off-duty CHP officer allegedly shot her husband near a 91 Freeway off-ramp about 11 p.m. on Feb. 21, 2009. She then allegedly drove the car to her parents home in Compton. When Sheriff’s deputies responded, they discovered his body in the front passenger seat with a gunshot wound to the head.

Click here to see all Crimefile stories on this killing.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

An Exotic and Unusual Antique Gentleman’s Weapon

London, UK—The father of 007 spy James Bond undoubtedly had one of these fine products he could use to deal with those pesky foreign agents that go bump in the night. This walking stick was made in Germany.

This darling little toy would put America’s gun hating politicians into a major seizure if they saw it.

The Politics of Political Assassination are at a Fever Pitch in America

Washington, DC—The most divisive Presidential Administration since the Civil War is in full swing. Barack Obama with his un-vetted, un-elected and un-American group of radicals did everything possible to dismantle our form of government over the past two years. Their goal is to reform America into a Socialist system of government.

The Obama Administration has a serious problem. They were all but neutered by the midterm election that took the steam and momentum away from their destructive efforts. They are now desperate to create a crisis that would somehow restore their lost power.

Freedoms America has lived and prospered under for 230 years have been tampered with by Barack Obama and a group of radicals that infiltrated the halls of Congress. Suspended are our rights under the Fourth, Fifth, and Thirteenth Amendments. Under the radical axe right now are our rights under the First, Second and Fifth Amendments.

Tampering with American liberty is Treason. Treason is a capital offense. Americans are angry and have been pushed to the breaking point by cowardly politicians that have amassed taxpayer funded personal security assets in true despot style.

Radical politicians have been destroying the Constitution they’ve taken an oath to defend and protect. These radical were elected in their districts by exploited illiterates that are, ignorant unskilled people dependent on government handouts to survive.

Slavery is wrong and has been outlawed but the Obama Administration and too many in Congress have brought it back with a vengeance. Forcing Americans to incur massive debt for Socialist programs and outright corruption, is slavery by every definition.

Americans have the Second Amendment solution for out-of-control government and this country is at a crossroads. The radical politicians can sign their own death warrants or they can live by their oaths of office. Freedom and Liberty is not up for negotiation in America.

The last election was a clear message to the radicals that their Socialist idea of Hope and Change is not wanted.

These radical politicians have shamelessly exploited and politicized the acts of a lunatic in Tucson who victimized a moderate Congresswoman. They are using it to garner support to muzzle free speech and threaten gun rights. Now these same politicians are expressing fear of violence from the voters. The cure is really simple. If they don’t threaten American’s freedom they won’t find themselves threatened.

It’s truly unfortunate that Jared Lochner picked such an undeserving target for his attack. There are many politicians that were far more worthy of that kind of fate.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Duty of A Defense Investigator assigned to Jared Loughner’s Case

Tucson, AZ—The job of defending 22-year-old Jared Loughner will most certainly center around the issue of his competency or lack thereof. Is he competent to stand trial and assist in his defense? There are many serious red flags that say he may not be standing trial anytime soon.

There seems to be little doubt that Loughner is the shooter and planned his activities. The defense has no viable direction to go other than seeking refuge under the insanity defense. That defense is more complicated and difficult than ever because lawmakers have done everything possible to foreclose this possibility.

Tucson Lawyer Bob Hirsh did a masterful job of gaining freedom for a man who murdered his wife nearly 30 years ago. In 1982 Restaurateur Steven Steinberg murdered his wife in their Scottsdale home. The defense was that Steinberg’s Jewish wife was a shrew and incessantly nagged him, driving him insane until he stabbed her to death. Steinberg was acquitted and that sent angry shock-waves across the nation. Laws were changed to preclude another such acquittal.

The attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan by John Hinckley was another case that led to tightening of the insanity defense under federal law. The public seems to reject any excuse for heinous criminal acts.

None the less, the defense exists and the job of a defense investigator would be to find every scintilla of evidence of abhorrent conduct. Head injuries, medical examinations, witnesses, relatives, friends, enemies, teachers, cops and anyone at all that knows anything must be examined or intensively interviewed.

The investigator needs to make sure that the mental health experts have the whole picture of Jared Lougner. The competency hearing for this kind of case will take longer than most trials. If Loughner is tried then the issue of competency will be hashed out for a second time.

This case seems destined for a plea agreement but only after two or three years of legal wrangling. If no plea agreement can be reached this case will undoubtedly be the subject of a Supreme Court review.

Trial watchers will be learning about the famous McNaughton Rule that is the legal standard for insanity in the United States.

You can fully expect the defense to show every failure of government to take steps to deal with this guy’s mental illness. Before this is over you can expect major embarrassment by numerous agencies that dropped the ball. There will be no questions left behind on his instability. This tortured soul has a legitimate insanity defense that will undoubtedly preclude a death sentence. Loughner may even be confined to a mental institution rather than a prison.

Gun Rights and The Giffords Shooting

Tucson, AZ—The gun rights haters are quickly moving in high gear to demonize American’s right to self-defense. They blame a certain Glock 9MM semi-automatic pistol and not the deranged Hitler and Marx aficionado, Jared Lochner who used it to inflict the carnage.

Lochner was in obvious dire need of mental health treatment when he lied on the federal gun purchase form slightly more than a month earlier. Where was the concern about Lochner’s bizarre behavior over the last several years?

Lochner was taken to the murder scene by a taxi cab, but had he been behind the wheel of a 3,000 car he could have inflicted as much death and destruction by driving into the crowd. Lochner could also have employed a single gallon of gasoline like what was used by another maniac that destroyed the Happyland Social Club in New York killing 100 people in the process.

Gun rights haters are overly obsessed with firearms to the point of phobic mental Illinois. They are irrational perhaps because they are fearful that they cannot control their own murderous or suicidal impulses.

Hundreds of millions of Americans are armed with firearms every day and using them to murder never enters their minds. Nearly every American has total and constant control over planes, trucks, cars, toxic substances, knives, hammers, golf clubs and baseball bats without a thought of assault or murder.

Criminals are the problem not inanimate objects that can be used for mayhem.