The Island nation of Cuba is a failed 50 year-old Socialist disaster. Poverty, a police state and government run industry has brought misery. Now a half-million people will be jettisoned from their make work government jobs. There is no productivity in places like Cuba that punish the productive.
For most of the Castro Regime Cuba was nothing but a parasite and welfare baby for the former Soviet Union. They have truly run out of other people’s money.
The problem as always is the wealthy Communist Party elite don’t want to give up their absolute power over the Cuban people. They only way to bring about their removal is by killing them. That’s always the rub. They will never just walk away.
The cure would be for the Cuban people to adopt a Swiss style government free from Marxism. They need to release any political prisoners and respect the rights of all non-Socialists as they embrace freedom and build an economy.
Cuba needs foreign investment to re-create the tourism heyday of the early 1950’s. Cuba had great hotels, world class entertainment, gambling and legal prostitution. Cuba’s prostitutes were for the most part very attractive American women. Cuba was a playground for wealthy Americans.
The new Cuban government could really boost the investments if they refused to cooperate with any other nation on tax collection matters. Letting foreigners buy some land and develop it could make Cuba a paradise on earth.
With the new freedom, there would be renewed trade opportunities. Expatriates would love to return home bringing their American won assets.
Cuba could be a nation of productivity, wealth and exciting entertainment. Don’t look for the old guard party bosses to worry about anyone’s welfare but their own.
Cuba needs some honest politicians and bureaucrats to put a democratic country were liberty and justice is a reality. Imagine Cuba with new cars on their roads and stores with the best products for people with the money to buy them.
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Bullying, Society, Law and the Thought Police
Recently there have been two tragic suicides attributed to bulling. The most egregious one was a 13 year-old boy who hanged himself after being taunted because he was openly Gay. His tormentors committed no crime and won’t be prosecuted. I guess it's too difficult to imagine a kid so young being convinced he's gay.
The other case is the college student who was secretly caught on camera having Gay sex with his pal. The act was broadcast live on the Internet for the entertainment of his tormentors. When the student learned of the prank he became so distraught that he said his goodbye on Facebook and jumped off a bridge. Here there was a serious crime of wiretapping and privacy invasion. The offenders here face deserved felony convictions and prison.
Homosexuality has been a taboo on earth for many thousands of years in most societies. Gay bashing is not some new thing. There are strong religious views of some and that many other people simply find the conduct repugnant. We seem to forget that homosexual acts between consenting adults were serious felony crimes in many American states. Those laws were changed only in our recent history.
In the early 1970’s Chicagoans were routinely arrested if they appeared in public dressed in the clothing of the opposite sex. Today over half the women on Chicago’s streets could face arrest for that violation. Of course the arrests back then were prominently of gender confused men usually acting as prostitutes. That was despite the fact that the, Improper Dress or Exposure Law had nothing to do with sexual commerce.
I subscribe to the theory that Gay people can’t control their preference anymore than we can control the dominate hand that we sign our names with. Sex is a natural function we all need to engage on a regular basis within the parameters of our orientation.
I’m also convinced that it must be a serious inconvenience to deal with the sexual programming our creator has given too many of us. Imagine having to deal with being Gay, transgendered or even being a pedophile. These people are cursed with punishment for their activities wherever they go. There is no known cure for sexual deviation. It’s simply a birth defect.
There are those people that rationally but perhaps wrongly fear that these traits can become learned behavior rather than just something programmed into our DNA. They believe that homosexuality is contagious and fear for their children accordingly.
I believe that people that experiment with homosexuality always go in their pre-programmed direction in the long run. Of course there are those that simply don’t care what sex their bedmates are.
The lesser sexual deviations not discernable as dangerous such as homosexuality, gender identity disorder or some fetishes are more tolerable. In the past few decades, American society has buckled under demands for legitimization and acceptance of the most common forms of sexual deviance to a point.
Laws cannot and should not control even irrational hateful thoughts. We cannot and should not attempt legislate, brotherly love for those in society that are different. Even if you could pass such a law, would it ever change the actual thoughts in people’s minds?
There will be Gay basing as long as there are Gays and no law can change that. This is a fact that Gay people must take into account as they blend into society. Exposition of their orientation is usually the catalyst for the bullying of Gays.
Our sexual orientation or sex lives should be a private matter rather than a public display. Those who chose to advertise their sexuality may have to pay a price as they find themselves on the receiving end of discrimination in jobs, housing or even friends. Parents are also free to disown their Gay children and do on a regular basis.
I find that teasing or taunting of Gay people is certainly anti-social behavior similar to calling African-Americans, niggers. We all can be called something hateful and offensive over something we have no control, but that’s not a criminal offense. Hateful speech and thought is constitutionally protected activity. That does not make hateful speech socially acceptable and hate mongers often reap what they sew. Nobody likes mean people.
Emotional bullying is not nor should it be a crime, even if it is hateful. Certainly any, threat or act of violence is a crime. Hate on the other hand is mere thought and in America we must never create or allow for Thought Police.
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Why Europe Is a Soft Terrorist Target
There is widespread talk of Muslim attacks on Europe right now. Europe may soon pay dearly for their gun bans because they are not ready or capable to defend their citizens. Germany has seen the exodus of American military forces because the occupation is long over and the cold war has ended too. They have grown soft over the last decade or two.
The men and women of the German police agencies are well trained but their 9MM handguns are minimal protection from the AK-47 select-fire rifles easily obtained by terrorists from the old Soviet territory to the East.
An attack on Octoberfest celebrants in Munich would be shocking, tragic and heartbreaking to say the least.
In the European Union there is no right for civilians to keep and bear arms. Europe has a fairly well behaved population and accordingly there are not that many police to mobilize quickly to deal with any significant organized attack.
Europe may soon get a very nasty lesson in the bad politics and hazards of gun control.
If a commando style attack like the one in Mumbai, India slaughtering 175 people, happened in some major American cities heavily armed police would respond within 30 minutes and engage any attackers. A lot of killing would take place in 30 minutes for sure, but he likelihood of serious and unpredictable armed resistance would also come from armed citizens. In any event the terrorists would very quickly meet their makers.
The same is not true in places like Chicago or New York where terrorists could quickly inflict mass casualties. The police response those places would be weak and slow with no help whatsoever from armed civilians.
Europe has lots of left over contraband war relics hidden everywhere but legal possession by civilians is nearly impossible in most of Europe. Places like Germany, France and the UK are preferential, soft terrorist targets incapable of rapid response. Civilians would be helpless as their blood runs in the streets. Of course the European politicians will never blame the gun bans for enabling the carnage.
The exception is Switzerland where able bodied men and women would break out with government issued modern select-fire automatic rifles and plenty of ammunition. The Swiss would put down the attack quickly with minimal bloodshed.
It was 1966 in the city of Austin, Texas when a deranged Charles Whitman brought his rifles and ammunition up to the University of Texas tower. Whitman opened fire killing and wounding scores of people. It would have been much worse but for many civilians with rifles who fired on Whitman’s position from Austin streets.
Eventually it was young Austin cops, Ramero Martinez and Houston McCoy who was accompanied by a heroic armed civilian named Allen Crumb who put an end to the massacre.
Had it not been for Austin’s armed civilians the death toll in Austin could have been in the hundreds.
Handguns and concealment methods
I have gotten requests for information on the best ways to carry handguns for both men and women.
Let me begin by saying we come in different shapes and sizes. This is never a one size fits all solution. We have what we have and must work with it.
I want to advise women against carrying firearms in purses. You may inadvertently arm a purse snatcher and too often women put their purses too close to children. There are great handbags for guns made by Galco Gunleather. They can be also locked if needed but it defeats the purpose of having a gun ready for immediate use.
If you’re going to carry a gun in a purse I say use a Galco product with a shoulder strap. Keep the purse very close on your weak side of your body. It can work as a De facto shoulder holster if kept strictly under control.
Galco handbags are as fashionable as you can find anywhere in the world. They are also better made than those by designers known for quality.
For well-fed men and women there are lots of options. Shoulder holsters can be great for men and women wearing jackets or opaque outer shirts and sweaters. It depends on the size of the gun and your upper body configuration.
Belt holsters can stick out through clothing like a red flag. There are low profile holsters that keep the guns close.
I’d avoid gimmicky holsters like the ones hiding behind phony pagers and such.
There are belly band style holsters. I like those that are made from elastic and nylon material to wear under shirts or other tops. They should be worn over a t-shirt (or camisole for women) to keep the gun away from your skin and body salt. There is also the issue of comfort.
Ankle holsters for the most part are uncomfortable and should be avoided by anyone who does a lot of walking and running. They are fine for someone working in a retail establishment in confined areas. You are limited by size to what you can conceal on an ankle. Boots and guns don’t mix well unless you’re into pain. You must remember tha is very difficult to run and draw a gun from an ankle holster.
Mexican carry is a real option. That means no holster. This works for larger guns provided you wear a strong and tight belt so you gun does not slide down your pants. This is also over a t-shirt at the minimum. Don’t try this with guns such as the Glock with its sensitive trigger because it’s downright dangerous.
There are only a few holster companies that make decent and safe products. They should design holsters your safety in mind. Sometimes you will find a very usable holster for your gun somewhere but be careful because some holsters can be more like booby traps when their safety snaps inadvertently move the safety levers of semi-auto pistols to the fire position.
The flagship holsters are made by Galco Gunleather. I’ve been using Galco products for forty years and they are the best found anywhere. They insist upon perfection and their research and development with their products is exceptional.
Let concealment work for you by keeping surprise on your side. Don’t tell business associates and friends that you carry a gun because in an emergency they may “out” you and put you at a disadvantage. You can avoid explanations about why you chose to carry a gun. You will also spare those irrational people you know from going into hyper-ventilation over your choice to stay protected.
Always carry as large a caliber gun as you possibly can. If you need it even a .45 ACP gun seems inadequate especially if you have more than one assailant to deal with.
The Galco Gunleather website is here.
Munich is the place to be right now for Octoberfest
Munich, Germany—The prettiest girls and the best beer found anywhere in the world are in this great city during Octoberfest. Sadly it’s rapidly coming to a close as the official dates are from Sept 18 until October 4th.
This is also the 200 year celebration for Octoberfest. I think that makes the beer and girls taste even better. Next year I hope to post some great video with a report for my visitors.
Friday, October 01, 2010
Californians Can Rejoice Marijuana is all but legal!
Los Angeles, CA—I don’t care what they do with drug legalization it will never cause me to become a user. Hell it’s all my physician can do just to get me to take the crap she insists that I take.
Now those happy cannabis consumers can lite up as long as they don’t get caught possessing more than an ounce, with little fear. The most that can happen now is a citation will be issued to appear in court. No arrests, no fingerprints, no mug shot and no perp walk! Of course you will have to pay your dealer for more weed since the cops will still confiscate the evidence.
They do want $100.00 from you as a fine you can pay by mail. Of course you have a right to make them prove their case in court. Let’s take a look at that cost. I have deliberately estimated this as conservatively as I can. The real cost to taxpayers could be double.
For the police stop, report, and property impound: $175.00
For a lab report end expert testimony in court: $500.00
Overtime pay for cop to appear in court: $200.00
For holding court on the matter: $300.00
Total cost to the city and county: $1,175.00
If they find you guilty their take is nearly a negative $1,100.00 (Oops! Bad idea)
If you do the math here it’s a lot better for the taxpayers if the cops just don’t get make these arrests.
This will not be so nice if you’re caught driving your car under the influence of the stinkweed you will wish you stayed home instead. Get ready for your perp walk and some very expensive high times.
This new law will not help the profits of the numerous Medical Marijuana providers since you get to cut out the cost of the doctor visit. Now there no more need for those expensive trips to Amsterdam unless you go there just to visit the pretty little dutch girls in the windows along the canal.
Now those happy cannabis consumers can lite up as long as they don’t get caught possessing more than an ounce, with little fear. The most that can happen now is a citation will be issued to appear in court. No arrests, no fingerprints, no mug shot and no perp walk! Of course you will have to pay your dealer for more weed since the cops will still confiscate the evidence.
They do want $100.00 from you as a fine you can pay by mail. Of course you have a right to make them prove their case in court. Let’s take a look at that cost. I have deliberately estimated this as conservatively as I can. The real cost to taxpayers could be double.
For the police stop, report, and property impound: $175.00
For a lab report end expert testimony in court: $500.00
Overtime pay for cop to appear in court: $200.00
For holding court on the matter: $300.00
Total cost to the city and county: $1,175.00
If they find you guilty their take is nearly a negative $1,100.00 (Oops! Bad idea)
If you do the math here it’s a lot better for the taxpayers if the cops just don’t get make these arrests.
This will not be so nice if you’re caught driving your car under the influence of the stinkweed you will wish you stayed home instead. Get ready for your perp walk and some very expensive high times.
This new law will not help the profits of the numerous Medical Marijuana providers since you get to cut out the cost of the doctor visit. Now there no more need for those expensive trips to Amsterdam unless you go there just to visit the pretty little dutch girls in the windows along the canal.
Stephen Peterson, Punished for being the Son of a Murder Suspect
Bolingbrook, IL—Drew Peterson was under suspicion for the death of his third wife. Peterson was also being investigated over the disappearance of his fourth wife who told friends she was leaving her husband by sneaking away. There is no tangible evidence that the missing wife has been injured or killed by Peterson.
Drew Peterson decided to deliver some of his gun collection to his Oak Brook, IL police officer son, Stephen Peterson. There is not a single shred of evidence or even a theory that Peterson’s guns were used in a crime. There is no hint of an evidence tampering case with this transfer.
It’s very common for cops going on vacation to deliver their guns to fellow cops so they won’t be taken in a burglary of their vacant home. With the actions of the State police and Will County State’s attorney’s office Drew Peterson presumably felt his arrest was imminent so leaving them in his home was a potential risk.
Drew Peterson took some guns including his infamous SWAT team rifle over to the younger Peterson for safekeeping. I think it’s also fair to say it never entered the young officer’s mind to begin measuring the barrels of his father’s guns. The only real issue was safe storage for public safety. The guns were not used in crimes before and the idea was to keep it that way.
The younger Peterson turned over his father’s guns to police officials when asked to do so rather than try to conceal them. Subsequently they arrested the elder Peterson for Unlawful Use of a Weapon (by mere possession) before they bothered to read the law, specifically the Law Enforcement Officer’s safety Act enacted by Congress.
The LEOSA enables police to own certain weapons even if their own department prohibited them for duty use. The Petersons did not make the law, nor did they somehow break it.
To put additional pressure on the elder Peterson officials have sought to punish the children of Drew Peterson. Coincidentally it’s no secret that Stephen Peterson is the default caregiver for his tender-aged siblings. The now, motherless children’s quality of life hangs in the balance of the continuing blunders of public officials.
The court decision in the Will County Circuit Court should either end the suspension of the younger Peterson from his police position or put it on hold pending further Appellate Court action.
Of course if they just want to torture the elder Peterson by punishing his innocent children they will move forward to fire the young cop. Perhaps the police and fire commissioners in Oak Brook can be fair now that they know no laws were broken by their officer. If they can’t be fair they do not deserve the public’s trust to hold office.
There is nothing different about the Peterson case that would merit the wholesale of violation of the Civil Rights of anyone. Police should continue to investigate and move forward on any and all suspects including Drew Peterson if there is credible evidence to do so.
The Will Country State’s Attorney wants Drew Peterson in prison. He above all people must respect every suspect’s rights, and the concept of Due Process of law. Right now Illinois State Police and the State’s Attorney are emulating the infamous German Justice, circa 1943 under National Socialism.
Drew Peterson decided to deliver some of his gun collection to his Oak Brook, IL police officer son, Stephen Peterson. There is not a single shred of evidence or even a theory that Peterson’s guns were used in a crime. There is no hint of an evidence tampering case with this transfer.
It’s very common for cops going on vacation to deliver their guns to fellow cops so they won’t be taken in a burglary of their vacant home. With the actions of the State police and Will County State’s attorney’s office Drew Peterson presumably felt his arrest was imminent so leaving them in his home was a potential risk.
Drew Peterson took some guns including his infamous SWAT team rifle over to the younger Peterson for safekeeping. I think it’s also fair to say it never entered the young officer’s mind to begin measuring the barrels of his father’s guns. The only real issue was safe storage for public safety. The guns were not used in crimes before and the idea was to keep it that way.
The younger Peterson turned over his father’s guns to police officials when asked to do so rather than try to conceal them. Subsequently they arrested the elder Peterson for Unlawful Use of a Weapon (by mere possession) before they bothered to read the law, specifically the Law Enforcement Officer’s safety Act enacted by Congress.
The LEOSA enables police to own certain weapons even if their own department prohibited them for duty use. The Petersons did not make the law, nor did they somehow break it.
To put additional pressure on the elder Peterson officials have sought to punish the children of Drew Peterson. Coincidentally it’s no secret that Stephen Peterson is the default caregiver for his tender-aged siblings. The now, motherless children’s quality of life hangs in the balance of the continuing blunders of public officials.
The court decision in the Will County Circuit Court should either end the suspension of the younger Peterson from his police position or put it on hold pending further Appellate Court action.
Of course if they just want to torture the elder Peterson by punishing his innocent children they will move forward to fire the young cop. Perhaps the police and fire commissioners in Oak Brook can be fair now that they know no laws were broken by their officer. If they can’t be fair they do not deserve the public’s trust to hold office.
There is nothing different about the Peterson case that would merit the wholesale of violation of the Civil Rights of anyone. Police should continue to investigate and move forward on any and all suspects including Drew Peterson if there is credible evidence to do so.
The Will Country State’s Attorney wants Drew Peterson in prison. He above all people must respect every suspect’s rights, and the concept of Due Process of law. Right now Illinois State Police and the State’s Attorney are emulating the infamous German Justice, circa 1943 under National Socialism.
Breaking News! Drew Peterson's Gun Charge Dismissed!
Joliet, IL—Today in the Will County Circuit Court, the felony charge of possession of a short barreled rifle by retired Bolingbrook police sergeant Drew Peterson was dismissed.
Peterson’s attorneys successfully argued that the Law Enforcement Officer’s Safety Act gave Peterson sufficient authority to possess the weapon. Peterson was an authorized member of the police SWAT Team and trained with that rife in the course of his duties.
The gun charge appeared to be suspect from the beginning as merely a pressure tactic by prosecutors to demoralize and bankrupt Peterson.
Peterson is facing charges in the suspicious death of his third wife. The evidence in that case is paper-thin and hinges on inadmissible hearsay evidence.
I doubt that this will have any effect of Peterson’s unusually high bail of $20 million dollars. Peterson will have to wait for the outcome on the prosecution's appeal of an order that blocked substantial amounts of hearsay evidence.
All the effort to convict Drew Peterson is slowly self-destructing. Barring new evidence implicating him in murder, it seems doubtful Peterson will be under the cloud much longer.
Peterson’s lead lawyer, Joel Brodsky told me that this judicial decision should help Drew Peterson’s son who is facing possible dismissal from his position as an Oakbrook, IL police officer. The younger Peterson is in hot water because he held the rifle briefly for safekeeping at his father’s request.
Here is the Order from the Court:
LEOSA Dismissal Order[1]
Peterson’s attorneys successfully argued that the Law Enforcement Officer’s Safety Act gave Peterson sufficient authority to possess the weapon. Peterson was an authorized member of the police SWAT Team and trained with that rife in the course of his duties.
The gun charge appeared to be suspect from the beginning as merely a pressure tactic by prosecutors to demoralize and bankrupt Peterson.
Peterson is facing charges in the suspicious death of his third wife. The evidence in that case is paper-thin and hinges on inadmissible hearsay evidence.
I doubt that this will have any effect of Peterson’s unusually high bail of $20 million dollars. Peterson will have to wait for the outcome on the prosecution's appeal of an order that blocked substantial amounts of hearsay evidence.
All the effort to convict Drew Peterson is slowly self-destructing. Barring new evidence implicating him in murder, it seems doubtful Peterson will be under the cloud much longer.
Peterson’s lead lawyer, Joel Brodsky told me that this judicial decision should help Drew Peterson’s son who is facing possible dismissal from his position as an Oakbrook, IL police officer. The younger Peterson is in hot water because he held the rifle briefly for safekeeping at his father’s request.
Here is the Order from the Court:
LEOSA Dismissal Order[1]
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
When Curbside Justice Trumps Due Process
Venice, CA—It was a nice morning on September 19, 2010 when a woman here was walking from her car to her place of employment. Soon a large Hispanic, cowardly thug exited a van and began savagely beating a woman in an attempted Robbery. The monster is caught on surveillance video viciously punching the helpless woman after he knocked her down on the ground.
It’s really just too bad there was not someone armed and determined with a gun that could have put two shots in this creep's chest and one to his head.
This sub-human ran away from the crime and you can be sure this dangerous predator will injure or kill innocent people whenever it’s convenient.
Due process is how we fairly sort out guilt or innocence after arrest and investigation. It’s unfortunate a 1911 .45 ACP was not in the right hands to dispatch this mad dog on the spot. That would be the proper and just application of Curbside Justice. Lives would be saved in the process.
The LAPD would like to hear from none who might help them find this asswipe.
It’s really just too bad there was not someone armed and determined with a gun that could have put two shots in this creep's chest and one to his head.
This sub-human ran away from the crime and you can be sure this dangerous predator will injure or kill innocent people whenever it’s convenient.
Due process is how we fairly sort out guilt or innocence after arrest and investigation. It’s unfortunate a 1911 .45 ACP was not in the right hands to dispatch this mad dog on the spot. That would be the proper and just application of Curbside Justice. Lives would be saved in the process.
The LAPD would like to hear from none who might help them find this asswipe.
Meg Whitman’s Campaign torpedoed By Bottom Feeder Gloria Allred
Los Angeles, CA—Meg Whitman is a billionaire who has so far spent around $120 million to buy the office of Governor. Whitman had not voted in nearly three decades before her new political career. Whitman’s gubernatorial run is fueled on pure narcissism.
Whitman knows well the power of persuading simple minds though massive advertising. Whitman has placed her name and face everywhere so no voter could escape from it. Of course there are Whitman’s typical sky-high and impossible political promises relentlessly hammering the airwaves.
Whitman is a big-government loving, gun rights hating Liberal running as a Republican. Whitman is just another typical RINO pretender in a state where Marxism reigns supreme.
Whitman’s non-stop campaign commercials and ads have done wonders for the revenue coffers of every form of media in California.
Her political opponent, former Governor Jerry Brown is a known quantity. Yep Brown is a radical Liberal but has a saving grace in that he has never been an enemy of gun rights. Unlike Whitman, you don’t have to guess where Brown stands.
Whoever wins the Governor’s race, it won’t be the taxpayers.
In an 11th hour surprise Whitman got cross-ways with her $23.00 an hour house keeper and nanny. Whitman canned the woman because she was a certain liability to her campaign being an illegal alien.
Whitman should have sent to woman back to Mexico with a few million dollars in a trust to insure silence. Whitman was just not thinking. We can now watch Whitman get publicly humiliated as she loses the biggest gamble I’ve seen anyone make in a long time.
Whitman broke the law by hiring an illegal alien. It’s always cheaper to hire illegal aliens than lawful residents or American citizens, that’s until you get caught. Whitman has now been caught.
The Supreme Sleazy California Bottom Feeder, Gloria Allred signed on Whitman’s criminal alien housekeeper of nine years as a client. The primary claim is that Whitman knowingly employed the trespasser.
Today at Allred’s news conference, she sensationally alleged that the housekeeper was "exploited, disrespected, humiliated and emotionally and financially abused" by Whitman. These claims are pure hogwash, since this Allred’s client should have simply gone back to Mexico and avoided the alleged abuse rather than staying on the Whitman payroll for nine years.
The housekeeper should be jailed immediately and deported but of course our government officials can be counted upon to simply Obstruct Justice and do noting instead. Additionally, Whitman should be charged with a crime.
Why can’t Mexico reclaim California? The other 49 states should simply agree to that provided we put up a huge border fence up first.
Whitman knows well the power of persuading simple minds though massive advertising. Whitman has placed her name and face everywhere so no voter could escape from it. Of course there are Whitman’s typical sky-high and impossible political promises relentlessly hammering the airwaves.
Whitman is a big-government loving, gun rights hating Liberal running as a Republican. Whitman is just another typical RINO pretender in a state where Marxism reigns supreme.
Whitman’s non-stop campaign commercials and ads have done wonders for the revenue coffers of every form of media in California.
Her political opponent, former Governor Jerry Brown is a known quantity. Yep Brown is a radical Liberal but has a saving grace in that he has never been an enemy of gun rights. Unlike Whitman, you don’t have to guess where Brown stands.
Whoever wins the Governor’s race, it won’t be the taxpayers.
In an 11th hour surprise Whitman got cross-ways with her $23.00 an hour house keeper and nanny. Whitman canned the woman because she was a certain liability to her campaign being an illegal alien.
Whitman should have sent to woman back to Mexico with a few million dollars in a trust to insure silence. Whitman was just not thinking. We can now watch Whitman get publicly humiliated as she loses the biggest gamble I’ve seen anyone make in a long time.
Whitman broke the law by hiring an illegal alien. It’s always cheaper to hire illegal aliens than lawful residents or American citizens, that’s until you get caught. Whitman has now been caught.
The Supreme Sleazy California Bottom Feeder, Gloria Allred signed on Whitman’s criminal alien housekeeper of nine years as a client. The primary claim is that Whitman knowingly employed the trespasser.
Today at Allred’s news conference, she sensationally alleged that the housekeeper was "exploited, disrespected, humiliated and emotionally and financially abused" by Whitman. These claims are pure hogwash, since this Allred’s client should have simply gone back to Mexico and avoided the alleged abuse rather than staying on the Whitman payroll for nine years.
The housekeeper should be jailed immediately and deported but of course our government officials can be counted upon to simply Obstruct Justice and do noting instead. Additionally, Whitman should be charged with a crime.
Why can’t Mexico reclaim California? The other 49 states should simply agree to that provided we put up a huge border fence up first.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
My Favorite Blogs
Perhaps it’s time that I let my visitors know about the blogs I visit every day and why. Blogs are the new, news media and they are here to stay.
Blogs are a terrific way to learn what’s going on in our world. Blogs are as different as they are similar. Some create their own content and others simply link you to their idea of the news you can use.
I have targeted my readers from the ranks of the politically conservative. I cater to lawyers, news reporters, cops, gun rights advocates, gun collectors and those Libertarians. Crimes, courts, criminal justice and government is my playground.
Most always, I create my own content or voice my opinion on burning newsworthy issues of the day. I try to use text, images and video with as much artistry as I can muster without adequate funding.
I don’t limit my stories to any one subject matter like a one trick pony. I scour the earth looking for content that I think will interest my visitors. I’m limited by geography and budget. Thankfully I travel quite a bit and that’s allowed me to do stories from major American cities, Europe and even India.
The sites below are by no means the only places I go but the most important ones. I go to cop run sites, entertainment news sites and numerous local news sites across the country every day. I cannot attack the Liberals unless I know what propaganda they are spreading.
1. Drudge Report
The Drudge Report is the grandfather of all bloggers. Matt Drudge and his staff find the most important stories in the world every day and simply link them. Drudge never creates his own content and can be counted upon to find stories politically Conservative readers need to know about. Smart liberals bloggers need to read Drudge too so they can spot those important stories and try to discredit them or spin them in another direction. This site is simplicity at it best avoiding graphic art but for a few pictures.
2. Huffington Post
The Huffington Post is the Liberal’s answer to the Drudge report. I must read it to keep my eye on the Leftist enemies of freedom who can all be found here. Technically it’s a great site that integrates text, images and video the way it should be done. Bloggers everywhere should learn from this site. The site is pleasing to the eye perhaps because of a woman’s artistic touch.
3. Second City Cop
This site is the product of an anonymous person who claims to be a Chicago cop. My best guess is that he or she is the real deal. SCC has obvious inside knowledge of the inner workings of the department and police work that takes years to acquire.
SCC creates most of their own content but often links to local media sites that have published department related news. Sadly SCC is challenged on photos and video. SCC’s real draw is that thousands of Chicago cops are chatting in the comment section. They expose newsworthy information that keeps cops alert. SCC will never miss a chance to expose or embarrass deserving bosses and politicians for their misdeeds.
There are plenty of trolls and pretenders that try to misinform in the SCC comments section. So verify the information independently before you believe anything. SCC is a wealth of information for those who need to know what’s going inside the CPD.
4. Detective Shaved Longcock
This site is the product of yet another anonymous alleged Chicago cop. Shaved lifts and links his content rather than creating his own. He does chime in with opinion and sometimes mildly offensive humor.
Bar none, Shaved is the most racially insensitive and sexist blogger found anywhere in police circles. Pointing out the over abundant Black on White violent crime in Chicago and other misdeeds is his specialty. With no pun being intended Shaved always calls a spade a spade.
I don’t think Shaved is racist per se, but he’s very unforgiving to the African-American culture of, entitlement consumption, corruption and senseless violence in Chicago.
Shaved attacks deserving police bosses and politicians whenever he can, with over the top ridicule and wicked humor. Shaved is a marked man. When they find him they will kill him.
Shaved is stumbling through as he learns the use of Adobe Photo Shop to give his visitor the best possible graphics. On this effort he improves his artwork through doing it.
Shaved is learning through experience as we all are. Shaved is steadily winning visitors by putting in all the content he can.
5. John Lott’s Website
John Lott is a master statistician who discovered through hard and cold research that the more guns in possession of citizens actually reduces crime. That concept is the opposite of the flawed but conventional wisdom we have believed for decades.
Lott is an author, speaker and expert who has offered a lot of statics backed opinions on the insane economics position of our current majority of Socialist politicians.
6. Of Arms and the Law
This site is run by Tucson gun rights lawyer and advocate Dave Hardy. Hardy monitors gun legislation and court opinions from across the country. Hardy also produced a compelling gun rights documentary film. Hardy’s site contains lots of linked articles by he also writes well and generates a lot of his own content.
Other sites.
Every day new bloggers appear on the net and others abruptly vanish. One thing for sure they are getting better every day. Blogging is the ultimate exercise of American, First Amendment Freedom.
On my right hand side bar there are a lot of additional sites I visit. Click on any of them and take a quality ride in cyberspace.
Blogs are a terrific way to learn what’s going on in our world. Blogs are as different as they are similar. Some create their own content and others simply link you to their idea of the news you can use.
I have targeted my readers from the ranks of the politically conservative. I cater to lawyers, news reporters, cops, gun rights advocates, gun collectors and those Libertarians. Crimes, courts, criminal justice and government is my playground.
Most always, I create my own content or voice my opinion on burning newsworthy issues of the day. I try to use text, images and video with as much artistry as I can muster without adequate funding.
I don’t limit my stories to any one subject matter like a one trick pony. I scour the earth looking for content that I think will interest my visitors. I’m limited by geography and budget. Thankfully I travel quite a bit and that’s allowed me to do stories from major American cities, Europe and even India.
The sites below are by no means the only places I go but the most important ones. I go to cop run sites, entertainment news sites and numerous local news sites across the country every day. I cannot attack the Liberals unless I know what propaganda they are spreading.
1. Drudge Report
The Drudge Report is the grandfather of all bloggers. Matt Drudge and his staff find the most important stories in the world every day and simply link them. Drudge never creates his own content and can be counted upon to find stories politically Conservative readers need to know about. Smart liberals bloggers need to read Drudge too so they can spot those important stories and try to discredit them or spin them in another direction. This site is simplicity at it best avoiding graphic art but for a few pictures.
2. Huffington Post
The Huffington Post is the Liberal’s answer to the Drudge report. I must read it to keep my eye on the Leftist enemies of freedom who can all be found here. Technically it’s a great site that integrates text, images and video the way it should be done. Bloggers everywhere should learn from this site. The site is pleasing to the eye perhaps because of a woman’s artistic touch.
3. Second City Cop
This site is the product of an anonymous person who claims to be a Chicago cop. My best guess is that he or she is the real deal. SCC has obvious inside knowledge of the inner workings of the department and police work that takes years to acquire.
SCC creates most of their own content but often links to local media sites that have published department related news. Sadly SCC is challenged on photos and video. SCC’s real draw is that thousands of Chicago cops are chatting in the comment section. They expose newsworthy information that keeps cops alert. SCC will never miss a chance to expose or embarrass deserving bosses and politicians for their misdeeds.
There are plenty of trolls and pretenders that try to misinform in the SCC comments section. So verify the information independently before you believe anything. SCC is a wealth of information for those who need to know what’s going inside the CPD.
4. Detective Shaved Longcock
This site is the product of yet another anonymous alleged Chicago cop. Shaved lifts and links his content rather than creating his own. He does chime in with opinion and sometimes mildly offensive humor.
Bar none, Shaved is the most racially insensitive and sexist blogger found anywhere in police circles. Pointing out the over abundant Black on White violent crime in Chicago and other misdeeds is his specialty. With no pun being intended Shaved always calls a spade a spade.
I don’t think Shaved is racist per se, but he’s very unforgiving to the African-American culture of, entitlement consumption, corruption and senseless violence in Chicago.
Shaved attacks deserving police bosses and politicians whenever he can, with over the top ridicule and wicked humor. Shaved is a marked man. When they find him they will kill him.
Shaved is stumbling through as he learns the use of Adobe Photo Shop to give his visitor the best possible graphics. On this effort he improves his artwork through doing it.
Shaved is learning through experience as we all are. Shaved is steadily winning visitors by putting in all the content he can.
5. John Lott’s Website
John Lott is a master statistician who discovered through hard and cold research that the more guns in possession of citizens actually reduces crime. That concept is the opposite of the flawed but conventional wisdom we have believed for decades.
Lott is an author, speaker and expert who has offered a lot of statics backed opinions on the insane economics position of our current majority of Socialist politicians.
6. Of Arms and the Law
This site is run by Tucson gun rights lawyer and advocate Dave Hardy. Hardy monitors gun legislation and court opinions from across the country. Hardy also produced a compelling gun rights documentary film. Hardy’s site contains lots of linked articles by he also writes well and generates a lot of his own content.
Other sites.
Every day new bloggers appear on the net and others abruptly vanish. One thing for sure they are getting better every day. Blogging is the ultimate exercise of American, First Amendment Freedom.
On my right hand side bar there are a lot of additional sites I visit. Click on any of them and take a quality ride in cyberspace.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Only Birthers Care where Obama was born!
Washington, DC—Our founding fathers cared about the nation’s highest office since they were fresh out the Benedict Arnold Scandal. They required our Presidents to be Natural Born Citizens and there has never been an attempt to get the 2/3 majority of America required to amend that provision. We are, after all, a nation of laws to which even Barack Obama must submit.
Obama has steadfastly refused to produce his birth certificate or any pertinent records that would put this question to bed. Instead he’s spent well over $1.5 million litigating this issue in various lawsuits for some two years. It’s obvious that his birth documents don’t reflect his campaign’s claim of Hawaiian origin or he'd simply produce them. Obama has yet to say officially where he was born. The closest he came was when he told NBC's Brian Williams he can’t keep the birth certificate plastered to his forehead.
Once his foreign birth is exposed Obama can be counted upon to make a somewhat plausible claim that was never sure where he was born because he was a baby when that happened. That will not save his Presidency or legacy.
If Obama is not qualified by birth he’s simply gone for good. This is not a case for Impeachment. Along with the nullification of his Presidency, every official act or appointment he has made will be invalidated. For starters there will be two brand new openings on the Supreme Court for Joe Biden to fill.
The Birth Question Candle is now burning at both ends. The pending litigation is slowly grinding forward to force disclosure and now the real threat of Congressional subpoenas once the Republicans gain control of a single house of Congress.
With the exodus of so many key Whitehouse staffers exposure of the birth issue is very likely the catalyst for their sudden departures. Who wants to be associated with a fraudulent administration? This will be very humiliating to say the least. Bailing out before half of Obama's term was completed is a sure sign of something big and nasty happening.
I suspect that Obama’s political zombies somehow felt that their Socialist hero would be so popular by the time the birth certificate saw daylight that nobody would care. They now realize that Obama’s popularity is dropping at critical mass speed. There will be one sad reality and that’s because big city, African-American, entitlement addicted folks will absolutely boil-over with anger when their Messiah is removed.
The hard corps Socialist revolutionaries will only see their idea of an American dream through force and violence. I for one would have no difficulty helping in the extermination Socialist revolutionary parasites on our streets. Perhaps these folks need to emigrate to North Korea or China where they would be happier.
Obama has steadfastly refused to produce his birth certificate or any pertinent records that would put this question to bed. Instead he’s spent well over $1.5 million litigating this issue in various lawsuits for some two years. It’s obvious that his birth documents don’t reflect his campaign’s claim of Hawaiian origin or he'd simply produce them. Obama has yet to say officially where he was born. The closest he came was when he told NBC's Brian Williams he can’t keep the birth certificate plastered to his forehead.
Once his foreign birth is exposed Obama can be counted upon to make a somewhat plausible claim that was never sure where he was born because he was a baby when that happened. That will not save his Presidency or legacy.
If Obama is not qualified by birth he’s simply gone for good. This is not a case for Impeachment. Along with the nullification of his Presidency, every official act or appointment he has made will be invalidated. For starters there will be two brand new openings on the Supreme Court for Joe Biden to fill.
The Birth Question Candle is now burning at both ends. The pending litigation is slowly grinding forward to force disclosure and now the real threat of Congressional subpoenas once the Republicans gain control of a single house of Congress.
With the exodus of so many key Whitehouse staffers exposure of the birth issue is very likely the catalyst for their sudden departures. Who wants to be associated with a fraudulent administration? This will be very humiliating to say the least. Bailing out before half of Obama's term was completed is a sure sign of something big and nasty happening.
I suspect that Obama’s political zombies somehow felt that their Socialist hero would be so popular by the time the birth certificate saw daylight that nobody would care. They now realize that Obama’s popularity is dropping at critical mass speed. There will be one sad reality and that’s because big city, African-American, entitlement addicted folks will absolutely boil-over with anger when their Messiah is removed.
The hard corps Socialist revolutionaries will only see their idea of an American dream through force and violence. I for one would have no difficulty helping in the extermination Socialist revolutionary parasites on our streets. Perhaps these folks need to emigrate to North Korea or China where they would be happier.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Obama’s Staffers Bailing out of the Whitehouse over Expected Revelations?
Washington, DC—With the crucial departures coming less than halfway through Barack Obama's four-year term I have to ask, what’s going on?
With Obama’s Chief of Staff, Propaganda Minister and Tarp Czar running for the exits something big must be brewing. They all know there will be a blizzard of Congressional subpoenas in January when these Bolsheviks lose control of the House. Whatever it is, the threat must be much closer than January. These guys can’t get far enough away or out of there fast enough.
Has internal Whitehouse strife motivated staffers to defect and blow the whistle? I expect an October GOP-Tea Party surprise of revelations that will write the last chapter of the Obama Administration.
Obama’s visible mood over the last 30-45 days has been melancholy at best. Even Michelle Obama shows little interest in spending time in the Whitehouse lately. Whatever it is we are about to find out.
Standby folks some interesting history is about to be made.
With Obama’s Chief of Staff, Propaganda Minister and Tarp Czar running for the exits something big must be brewing. They all know there will be a blizzard of Congressional subpoenas in January when these Bolsheviks lose control of the House. Whatever it is, the threat must be much closer than January. These guys can’t get far enough away or out of there fast enough.
Has internal Whitehouse strife motivated staffers to defect and blow the whistle? I expect an October GOP-Tea Party surprise of revelations that will write the last chapter of the Obama Administration.
Obama’s visible mood over the last 30-45 days has been melancholy at best. Even Michelle Obama shows little interest in spending time in the Whitehouse lately. Whatever it is we are about to find out.
Standby folks some interesting history is about to be made.
The How and Why of Criminal Defense Investigations
When crimes occur, the police move in quickly when they become aware of the event. They investigate, search once probable cause is established and make the arrest/s.
Far too often there are the suspects, who with their friends and family lie to the police as a form of “insurance” that they don’t get charged. This is usually the beginning of a criminal justice system disaster. The lies are nearly always exposed by police and the value of any future testimony is zero.
Of course total silence is the cure for this from the accused and his witnesses. Police cannot make anyone talk. A witness however can be compelled to testify before a Grand Jury or a court but that never happens anytime soon. Why would anyone ever talk to the cops?
The sad truth is innocent people lie to police every day as a way to avoid trouble. Instead it brings much more trouble and too often leads to a wrongful conviction. The lesson here is to save your stories for your defense team.
The best police investigation is far from an exact science and errors, omissions and corruption of every kind stand in the way of a just resolution. No police investigation is perfect and the majority of them rely at some point on wrong conclusions. Thankfully most investigations don’t snag innocent people but it’s all too common for the properly accused to be overcharged by prosecutors.
Thankfully we still live in a somewhat free country with a Bill of Rights that protects all charged with crimes. The right to counsel also includes the right to investigate and test the evidence. That’s where I come in.
To maximize my effectiveness it’s best that I be brought in as soon as the event occurs, or at least immediately when the police are involved. There are the “golden hours” to locate and interview witnesses along with examining the presumed crime scene. Police too frequently blow off witnesses and physical evidence that does not support their theory of the case.
If I’m able to find exculpatory evidence before there is a formal Indictment or finding of Probable cause through a Preliminary Hearing the case may end. The accused may be saved as much as a million dollars in future legal fees as well as being held in jail without bail for a year or more. Once there is an Indictment prosecutors never let go no matter what. It’s not fair but that’s the way it is.
As the case proceeds the prosecutors must turn over all witness statements, documentary and physical evidence for examination and/or testing by the defense. Unfortunately this has become a game, of hide and seeks as cops and prosecutors routinely obstruct the discovery process. A qualified investigator should know what to look for, like missing property documentation or laboratory reports. If things are missing there is nearly always a nefarious reason for that.
Witnesses routinely lie to police and investigators. Repetitive interviews and interrogations can cut through the deception because most people can’t keep their lies straight. Comprehensive background investigations of the witnesses must be made by the defense to uncover credibility concerns and any motivation to mislead.
There is all that new technology that will provide iron clad alibis for the innocent. Much will be lost without timely collection. I’m talking about those, time and date encoded surveillance video cameras that are everywhere. There are those debit cards and preferred customer tabs we have on our key rings even when we pay cash. Getting the data and video from the businesses is not complicated by anything but time. Video can routinely be erased within a week or less.
Those cell-phones all leave a data trail that documents where we’ve been along with those text, picture and video messages and calls.
Cops love to rely on the technology to implicate suspects but are too often reluctant clear them especially after they’ve made the big arrest and flooded the media with those self-serving press releases.
The greatest lawyer in the world can do little without a decent defense investigation. The lawyers can’t do their own investigation since they cannot be a witness in the case they are defending. Defense investigators are routinely called as witnesses during trials.
You can hire me early and save a fortune in cash and time behind bars. The same is true for hiring a lawyer so they can head off a wasteful trial.
You are entitled to a public defender if you don’t have the funds but the rub is horrible. They only get involved after you’re arrested and make your second court appearance. There is no defense investigator to dispatch for those golden hours. Be prepared to sit in jail for a year or longer, lose your job, car, home and frequently your spouse along with the kids. Once your acquitted they will return your soiled clothes and the cash you were arrested with and simply let you out.
I have a saying I live by, “If justice happens it’s usually by accident and for all the wrong reasons.” This is the reality, not that crap you see on television or the movies.
Here is a video that explains my world:
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Government Forced Drug Treatment is a Scam
With the ill-conceived and ill-advised Failed Drug War came the Nanny Jobs Program for the drug rehabilitation industry. Drug abuse treatment is big business and politicians made lots of campaign contributors, millionaires by creating the system of forced drug rehabilitation centers.
The treatment industry’s payroll is huge and their success is limited to making obscene profits. It’s a huge scam that’s been ripping off taxpayers for nearly 40 years.
Substance abusers can be helped but that help is limited to the addicted that seek treatment on their own. From time to time windows open and the addicted voluntarily desire to kick the habit. These windows are precisely the only moment that rehabilitation programs do anything at all.
Forced treatment is strictly a tool that addicts employ to lessen jail or prison time. The addicted prisoners must pretend to be helped or lose their liberty for longer periods. Everyone plays along with the scam.
The politicians behind the Nanny State Concept want everyone in some kind of taxpayer funded treatment. This is all about ignorance or simple fraud.
I have no objection to taxpayer funded treatment but it must be limited to voluntary application. Drug addicts are in far more danger posed by the Drug War than suffering an overdose. The claim that the government is somehow saving lives is pure BS.
The Drug War should end along with the forced drug treatment scam.
Over the last 40 years every time an addict sought help from me, I worked the phones for them. I tried to find treatment covered by health insurance policies or paid for by government. The answer was always the same. The patient must be arrested and sent there by the courts unless he is very rich. Please, someone explain to me how that’s good government policy.
The drug treatment industry likes things exactly the way they are. Politicians take their advice because they are the “experts”. I guess nobody ever considered the obvious and glaring conflict of interest.
The treatment industry’s payroll is huge and their success is limited to making obscene profits. It’s a huge scam that’s been ripping off taxpayers for nearly 40 years.
Substance abusers can be helped but that help is limited to the addicted that seek treatment on their own. From time to time windows open and the addicted voluntarily desire to kick the habit. These windows are precisely the only moment that rehabilitation programs do anything at all.
Forced treatment is strictly a tool that addicts employ to lessen jail or prison time. The addicted prisoners must pretend to be helped or lose their liberty for longer periods. Everyone plays along with the scam.
The politicians behind the Nanny State Concept want everyone in some kind of taxpayer funded treatment. This is all about ignorance or simple fraud.
I have no objection to taxpayer funded treatment but it must be limited to voluntary application. Drug addicts are in far more danger posed by the Drug War than suffering an overdose. The claim that the government is somehow saving lives is pure BS.
The Drug War should end along with the forced drug treatment scam.
Over the last 40 years every time an addict sought help from me, I worked the phones for them. I tried to find treatment covered by health insurance policies or paid for by government. The answer was always the same. The patient must be arrested and sent there by the courts unless he is very rich. Please, someone explain to me how that’s good government policy.
The drug treatment industry likes things exactly the way they are. Politicians take their advice because they are the “experts”. I guess nobody ever considered the obvious and glaring conflict of interest.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Did I Waste My Life? A Confession
In 1968, I somehow found myself in the most exciting and meaningful job ever quite by accident. I was drafted into the Army, trained in Light Weapons Infantry and by a fluke wound up as a medical corpsman. Instead of being sent to Viet Nam, I had the incredible good fortune of going to Germany to fight Socialism in the Cold War.
Taking a crash midnight course with the Army Corpsman Manual helped me get assigned to handle a busy treatment and surgery room. There was a shortage of school trained medics in Germany, so I was accepted for on the job training on the basis of good testing scores.
During this stint I delivered babies, sutured hundreds of wounds and performed miracles on seriously injured or people suffering from critical medical conditions. The military skirts the licensing requirements. Of course I did most of my work under direct supervision of talented physicians but there were lots of those times when no doctors were available.
Thankfully I was taken under the wing of a career military nurse coming to the end her 30 years of service. Her name was Major Hoppe whose advanced age by my standards made her irrelevant to me until I discovered what a gold mine of training and information she was. I was in serious competition for my treatment room position and had to be the best or get reassigned to a lesser spot like an ambulance driver. Major Hoppe began training me with protocol, sterile procedure and absolute cleanliness of my work area.
I learned how to take simple X-Rays mostly skull series because GI’s had a bad habit of whacking each other in the head with beer bottles. Additionally I also had to learn how to fill prescriptions and label them properly for patients. I became proficient at the application of plaster casts to immobilize fractures. I was the local champ of using the marvelous Ace elastic wrap bandage.
Emergency medicine is akin to being a plumber. You must stop the leaks of blood and air on people rather than objects. Of course it was more complicated than that and mistakes were out of the question. I remember well the very first injection I ever gave was a .05 cc of Epinephrine, inter-muscular application to the thigh of a five-year old girl suffering from a critical asthma attack. Moments later the sight of this little girl breathing normally gave me a real thrill.
I soon had a marvelous offer from a military physician and wonderful mentor I was lucky to have worked with by the name of George A. McCarty, MD. Dr. McCarty and his physician father were going to partner up at their OB/GYN practice in Royal Oak, Michigan when he got out of the Army. They were willing to put me through whatever college I needed to finish and on to medical school. The deal was that I would work with them.
Stupidly, I wanted to be a cop instead. I also had a serious aversion to advanced mathematics and was deathly afraid of failure in that area. There were no calculators back then, but there was an instrument of the devil called a slide rule. It damn near took an engineering education just to learn how to operate that blasted thing.
Without the advanced math knowledge, chemistry and biochemistry was impossible. I feared the slide rule more than armed criminals on Chicago’s streets. I took the coward’s way out instead.
Being a mathematics coward and having the immature desire for adventure as a cop derailed my entire adult life. I can’t do it over and the older I get the more I regret making that terrible mistake.
Instead of being brought up by two responsible parents, I had a dysfunctional, single mother who let me raise myself. I was on my own since I was 14 years-old. I can’t really blame it all on her but I ask myself if things might have been better with real parents.
Being a cop and later a private detective and investigative TV news producer gave me some satisfaction and quite a bit of adventure. Now it all seems so hollow and frivolous in hind sight.
I must admit now that my military service that included 18 months as a corpsman in Germany was the most excellent adventure of my entire life. I even found time to learn how to speak German.
Lindsay Lohan, Show Pony for a Police State
Beverly Hills, CA—Like most Americans I hate recreational drugs and the damage they do to productive lives. However, I hate the ill-advised and failed Drug War much more.
Lindsay Lohan fell under a DUI conviction and was placed on probation for three years. They’ve doggedly perused Lohan as she stumbled and fumbled her way through the Hollywood VIP club scene and publicity machine. Lohan fell under the spell of the Happy Dust with the enthusiastic enablement of trusted friends and advisors from Hell.
Lohan’s problems need treatment, not non-stop Police State sponsored humiliation and exploitation.
The judge in this case, Elden S. Fox violated Lohan’s right to reasonable bail and due process. The judge also knows getting a hearing before the Court of Appeals will take longer than the month Lohan will be rotting in jail pending the next courtroom, television extravaganza. There’s no point in appealing Judge Fox’s rulings if she can’t be sprung from the Lynwood Gulag.
I challenge anyone to find a single physician who is not on a government payroll that will support our out-of-control and insane Drug War.
This is not about crime and punishment but raw government power. Lohan is getting the “star” treatment that will not do anything but satisfy the ego of government thugs.
I, for one, wish Lohan a speedy recovery from her drug demons and the government sponsored torture she is receiving. I want Lohan to succeed and be all that she can be. I hope she can somehow still pull off a victory.\
An Update!
Like I said Lohan was entitled to bail. Judge Patricia Schnegg, Assistant Supervising Judge for the L.A. County Criminal Courts has reversed Judge Fox's ruling and set bail for Lohan in the amount of $300.000.00. That bail will require Lohan to pay a bondsman $30,000.00 in cash in order to be released. Lohan will never see that 30 G again but she will be free until further action by the court.
Lindsay Lohan fell under a DUI conviction and was placed on probation for three years. They’ve doggedly perused Lohan as she stumbled and fumbled her way through the Hollywood VIP club scene and publicity machine. Lohan fell under the spell of the Happy Dust with the enthusiastic enablement of trusted friends and advisors from Hell.
Lohan’s problems need treatment, not non-stop Police State sponsored humiliation and exploitation.
The judge in this case, Elden S. Fox violated Lohan’s right to reasonable bail and due process. The judge also knows getting a hearing before the Court of Appeals will take longer than the month Lohan will be rotting in jail pending the next courtroom, television extravaganza. There’s no point in appealing Judge Fox’s rulings if she can’t be sprung from the Lynwood Gulag.
I challenge anyone to find a single physician who is not on a government payroll that will support our out-of-control and insane Drug War.
This is not about crime and punishment but raw government power. Lohan is getting the “star” treatment that will not do anything but satisfy the ego of government thugs.
I, for one, wish Lohan a speedy recovery from her drug demons and the government sponsored torture she is receiving. I want Lohan to succeed and be all that she can be. I hope she can somehow still pull off a victory.\
An Update!
Like I said Lohan was entitled to bail. Judge Patricia Schnegg, Assistant Supervising Judge for the L.A. County Criminal Courts has reversed Judge Fox's ruling and set bail for Lohan in the amount of $300.000.00. That bail will require Lohan to pay a bondsman $30,000.00 in cash in order to be released. Lohan will never see that 30 G again but she will be free until further action by the court.
Watching the Death of a Treasonous Presidency
Washington, DC—Less than two years into his term, Barack Obama has staffers jumping ship at an alarming rate. The latest leaving is none other Obama’s campaign architect and Propaganda Minister, David Axlerod.
Insiders like Axlerod know just how toxic the Obamas really are. They know too many of the secrets that will ultimately disgrace and destroy this administration and they want to be far away when it happens.
This is the period of quiet, before the storm of the midterm elections. They also know that after January the Congressional investigations will be in full swing. It will be raining subpoenas like never before in this country’s history. I don’t expect Obama can survive the purge even long enough to complete this four-year term.
Conduct like halting the Black Panther Voter Intimidation Probe may lead to a Special Prosecutor and Obstruction of Justice charges against various officials.
That nasty Birther Issue will finally be at the forefront and the truth will be exposed. I suspect that along the way issues of massive payoffs will also be exposed. The result here would be the termination of Obama as President and reversal of everything he illegally authorized.
Obama and his cronies took over this government like every victorious Socialist, after a successful revolution. They endlessly plundered. The ever present Socialist goal to reinvent the election process to a tightly controlled retention vote will not materialize. To keep power they must either have popular control over the media or nationalize it. That may well be impossible.
Obama thankfully has many more obstacles than Adolph Hitler ever had. For one, technology has changed and controlling the information with our Internet is nearly impossible. Obama knows there is a well-armed, Conservative civilian power-base that despises Socialism along with the majority of patriots in our military.
Obama can only wage a war on America with United Nations' or troops from Socialist nations. That would be the greatest bloodbath this nation has ever known.
Hitler had huge advantages. The German military was dramatically reduced in size and neutered by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. Hitler created his own shadow military of lightly armed civilian thugs in brown shirts known as the SA. As the SA gained too much power Hitler created a competing group operating under the Death’s Head symbol in snappy black uniforms called the SS. Both of these paramilitary groups were despised by the professional soldiers in the German military. Thankfully, Obama’s promised civilian force never materialized.
Hitler had actual control over the new mass media of radio. Timing is everything and this new technology was in nearly every household. It was Adolph Hitler’s radio, non-stop for every broadcast hour. Hitler endeared and seduced the German people into the cult of National Socialism. Adolph Hitler became a wildly admired celebrity throughout the land because of radio with only one voice.
Hitler was Germany’s new Messiah that promised to deliver them from starvation, unemployment and give Germans Hope and Change. Unlike Obama, Hitler was able to deliver his promises, especially with newly conferred absolute power.
The National Socialists blamed Germany’s problems on the Jews that predominately controlled financial infrastructure of the industrialized world during Great Depression. In Germany the Jews still had visible wealth despite everything that had gone wrong. They were easy targets for the wrath that followed. Of course the German people were only aware of Jewish “re-settlement”, not the mass extermination program by the SS. That was a guarded state secret.
It was the vast Jewish wealth that Hitler and his Third Reich redistributed to the German population keeping them employed and fed. There was lots of new and very lucrative employment within Hitler’s SA and SS who became the muscle of the Holocaust.
Obama’s hope for a true American Socialist revolution can only be enabled by the total destruction of our economy. To accomplish this nearly every American must be forced to depend on the Socialist state for food and simple survival.
Directing the Cult of Marxism as a new and charismatic leader with God like political power is the wet dream of every Socialist politician.
Timing is everything. The Internet blogs, talk radio and Cable television has kept our population alert as we have predicted every step Obama and his minions have made. The American military is way too large and loyal for Obama to turn against the U.S. Constitution and the people.
It’s beginning to look like the tools left for us by our founding fathers are protecting us from a despot dictator. LET FREEDOM RING!
Insiders like Axlerod know just how toxic the Obamas really are. They know too many of the secrets that will ultimately disgrace and destroy this administration and they want to be far away when it happens.
This is the period of quiet, before the storm of the midterm elections. They also know that after January the Congressional investigations will be in full swing. It will be raining subpoenas like never before in this country’s history. I don’t expect Obama can survive the purge even long enough to complete this four-year term.
Conduct like halting the Black Panther Voter Intimidation Probe may lead to a Special Prosecutor and Obstruction of Justice charges against various officials.
That nasty Birther Issue will finally be at the forefront and the truth will be exposed. I suspect that along the way issues of massive payoffs will also be exposed. The result here would be the termination of Obama as President and reversal of everything he illegally authorized.
Obama and his cronies took over this government like every victorious Socialist, after a successful revolution. They endlessly plundered. The ever present Socialist goal to reinvent the election process to a tightly controlled retention vote will not materialize. To keep power they must either have popular control over the media or nationalize it. That may well be impossible.
Obama thankfully has many more obstacles than Adolph Hitler ever had. For one, technology has changed and controlling the information with our Internet is nearly impossible. Obama knows there is a well-armed, Conservative civilian power-base that despises Socialism along with the majority of patriots in our military.
Obama can only wage a war on America with United Nations' or troops from Socialist nations. That would be the greatest bloodbath this nation has ever known.
Hitler had huge advantages. The German military was dramatically reduced in size and neutered by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. Hitler created his own shadow military of lightly armed civilian thugs in brown shirts known as the SA. As the SA gained too much power Hitler created a competing group operating under the Death’s Head symbol in snappy black uniforms called the SS. Both of these paramilitary groups were despised by the professional soldiers in the German military. Thankfully, Obama’s promised civilian force never materialized.
Hitler had actual control over the new mass media of radio. Timing is everything and this new technology was in nearly every household. It was Adolph Hitler’s radio, non-stop for every broadcast hour. Hitler endeared and seduced the German people into the cult of National Socialism. Adolph Hitler became a wildly admired celebrity throughout the land because of radio with only one voice.
Hitler was Germany’s new Messiah that promised to deliver them from starvation, unemployment and give Germans Hope and Change. Unlike Obama, Hitler was able to deliver his promises, especially with newly conferred absolute power.
The National Socialists blamed Germany’s problems on the Jews that predominately controlled financial infrastructure of the industrialized world during Great Depression. In Germany the Jews still had visible wealth despite everything that had gone wrong. They were easy targets for the wrath that followed. Of course the German people were only aware of Jewish “re-settlement”, not the mass extermination program by the SS. That was a guarded state secret.
It was the vast Jewish wealth that Hitler and his Third Reich redistributed to the German population keeping them employed and fed. There was lots of new and very lucrative employment within Hitler’s SA and SS who became the muscle of the Holocaust.
Obama’s hope for a true American Socialist revolution can only be enabled by the total destruction of our economy. To accomplish this nearly every American must be forced to depend on the Socialist state for food and simple survival.
Directing the Cult of Marxism as a new and charismatic leader with God like political power is the wet dream of every Socialist politician.
Timing is everything. The Internet blogs, talk radio and Cable television has kept our population alert as we have predicted every step Obama and his minions have made. The American military is way too large and loyal for Obama to turn against the U.S. Constitution and the people.
It’s beginning to look like the tools left for us by our founding fathers are protecting us from a despot dictator. LET FREEDOM RING!
Thursday, September 23, 2010 for Prisons and Jails
Los Angeles, CA--Managing prisoners is no easy task for any warden. Phone privileges are used as management tools. Also telephone providers make a financial killing on providing recordings of inmate phone calls.
If you’re familiar with you know that it’s free and will give you video of both sides of the conversations. Software to record is also cheap and available for the prisons and jails.
Prisons are located in geographically challenging places for families to visit inmates. Skype can close the miles anywhere in the world.
Inmates with family ties and outside mentors can do better that those with none. Utilization of Skype for well-behave inmates can make a difference. Often it is a real hardship for loved ones to travel sometimes hundreds of miles to visit inmates.
Perhaps 20 minutes per week on Skype per inmate could reduce violence and other misbehavior. It won’t cost much to find out.
Prosecutions with Reluctant Victims and the Police State
Los Angeles, CA—Nearly every day cops working busy beats are sent to disputes that have gotten physical. They involve fights between strangers, friends, lovers and spouses. Most of these cases without visible injury are resolved without arrest if peace has been restored.
There are those cases with injuries to one or both combatants. Sometimes the injuries are quite serious. In the days before America became a Police State, victims to assaults told police they did not want to prosecute and the case was cleared and closed.
Today police, prosecutors and judges force victims into court through coercion.
A horrible by product of this kind of prosecution is that the person arrested may be totally innocent and the reason the so-called “victim” does not want to prosecute is that the original accusation was a lie. Fearing arrest for making a false report a person in this position is pushed into a wrongful prosecution.
There are those that argue that serial wife beaters have escaped justice and forced prosecutions are the only way to protect their victims. I say, “Hogwash!” This concept is un-American. Reluctant victims have all kinds of reasons tom not cooperate. Some are legitimately afraid and government’s responsibility should end when these victims refuse intervention and protection.
Government should provide temporary emergency shelter for any spouse to afraid to return to a residence where they claim they are in danger.
Being a cop and later a private investigator I had hundreds or perhaps thousands of cases and found that the classified victim was the cause of the problem.
Sometime there are people that just don’t want to subject themselves to police questioning and multiple court appearances. Their rights need to be protected, not to prosecute.
Orders of Protection.
Many of these orders are obtained in good faith but they are a waste of time when a domestic partner is in real danger. The only way to protect someone is to get them far away from their abuser. These orders don’t accomplish anything in that regard.
These things are far too often a nightmare for the innocent. Frequently they are only sought to give one spouse the ability to loot a home of possessions, and give a spouse an advantage in divorce and child custody settlements. These fraudulently obtained orders are public record and cause people to lose jobs or business relationships especially when they involve celebrities.
One case that stands out was when I got an emergency call from a lawyer late in the day to meet him and his “client” at court after hours at nearly 7:00 PM. I arrived to find a very concerned lawyer that just obtained an Order of Protection on behalf of a young attractive married woman. The Order was granted to evict the husband from the home. The lawyer told me he was fearful his client would get a beating if I did not get the husband served right away.
I went out to a very plush Scottsdale home where I contacted and served the husband. Normally I leave once I hand over the order but this fellow insisted on telling me his side of the story. Under the circumstances I felt I should listen for two reasons. One was to determine his mental state and dangerousness and the other is to let him blow off a little steam.
The story was indeed intriguing. The man’s wife was getting her car serviced so he drove her to work at a law office. They man had a scheduling problem that would affect his picking his wife up at 5:00 PM telling her he’s not arrive until around 6:00 PM. Things changed and he was unexpectedly able to be there at 5:00 PM.
The husband arrived to find the front door of the law firm locked. So he went around to the back door. He passed a large picture window to the conference room where the mini-blinds were ajar on one side. He saw movement and it was his wife having hot sex on the conference room table with the lawyer who instigated the Order of Protection!
To get the Order the woman had to say she had been either assaulted or threatened by the husband and that never happened. Not one but two divorces followed. Yep, the lawyer’s own wife learned of the affair.
Designated victims should always have the right to refuse prosecution and that should be the end. Prosecutors complain that victims are bought off by the offenders. Can it be so wrong that a person resolve his prosecution by paying his victim rather than the government? The victims would be far better off if they could be compensated for injuries and damages without government or taxpayer involvement.
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