Thursday, September 16, 2010
Name Chicago’s Cool Coyote
Chicago, IL--This cunning and majestic creature deserves to be the Wind City’s new mascot. He deserves a special name and I will leave that up to my visitors.
Unlike a hapless mountain lion that showed up by Lane Technical High School a while back who was cut down by police gunfire, this critter is safe and sound and most likely on his way to re-settlement somewhere.
As for that rogue mountain lion police claim they found a gun not far from his paw. That was the cop’s story and they’re stickin’ to it! That killing was finally ruled as a Justifiable Homicide.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Citizens Recording Cops On Video
Like it or not cameras are everywhere and people are using them. Cops have the same rights to film citizens and their conduct.
The Conservative think tank, The Cato Institute produced this film with their position on cameras.
Cops can come off as tyrants or heroes on video recordings. The cameras are not going away and officers must learn how to use them for their advantage.
Watching My Fellow Bloggers Grow With Technology
Second City Cop, Shaved and this outlet has brought text, photos and canned video. I’d like to say I lead the pack with the video production, but I’m acutely aware that the other blogs are operated by working Chicago cops who must protect their identities. Shooting video and getting interviews requires exposure and that’s the rub for any anonymous blogger. Crimefile News operates freely under my name and reputation.
There are those out there that know how to use cameras and that can feed video to any blogger without spending a nickel beyond the cost of the camera and laptop computer. On the other hand minimal funding for newsgathering assistance would solve the problem.
The blog readers are often out in the trenches and should capture video for their favorite bloggers. They can simply send their captured video the bloggers on those tiny flash drives. The bloggers can in turn get that video out to the masses.
Cell phone video sucks, but the cheap and tiny Flip Video HD cameras are terrific. The above photograph shows a Flip Ultra HD with a recommended Small tripod.
Bloggers must learn to shoot and edit video or be left in the dirt by competition. A $150.00 Flip Ultra HD camera along with a MackBook computer is that’s needed to get started. Any Apple Store offers free lessons on video editing with the free I-Movie software already on that MackBook. As the experience of the blogger progresses better cameras, microphones and lighting equipment will be acquired.
The Second City Blog is unique. It offers three simple stories per day of interest to Chicago Cops and their families. The excitement comes from the anonymous people posting comments. There is a huge amount of department gossip spread here. Journalistically it’s lacking in every respect but the banter opens the door for legitimate investigation of claims made by contributors.
Information left in the comment section has become very newsworthy on several occasions. One thing Second city Cop does well is casting sunshine onto questionable departmental policies and practices that imperil cops or the public.
Every blogger must strive to be accurate, honest and above all, get the best information to the masses.
Second City Cop
Here is a Flip HD generated video.
Chicago’s Media Shields Embattled Police Superintendent And City Hall Corruption
Chicago, IL—The Daley-Burke Crime Families learned long ago that owning the media insures incumbency protection. Today that ownership has never been more obvious.
Not once in recent memory has Chicago’s media undertaken an investigation of City Hall chicanery, their insider dealing or their violations of the Shackman Decree. Instead the local media editors and news directors are only doing, “puff interviews” of these miscreants serving instead as the Daley-Burke Public relations machine.
The local media welcomed Jody "J-Fled" Weis as they canonized him to Chicago’s Sainthood. Of course Weis had no real say in day to day operations since police operations are micro-managed by the Daley-burke Syndicate that serves its own nefarious agenda.
There was no way for Weis to succeed in public safety efforts under City Hall constraints. Weis was never equipped for the job by training or experience. Weis’0nly real job was to placate the local reverends and provide the media with meaningless doublespeak about crime control efforts.
The facts are that Chicago’s tourists are the most desirable targets for Chicago’s violent thugs because they never return to testify in court and the criminal charges are always dropped. Any arrests are rendered meaningless.
Chicago’s mass transit has been abandoned by police in favor of cameras. I guess cops don’t make campaign contributions to politicians but the selected camera vendors do. Cameras positively can’t identify or arrest anyone. Even the finest quality digital video of a crime without a living eye-witness is inadmissible hearsay evidence in court!
Cops themselves have been targeted because the thugs know they can’t summon sufficient help for back-up. The organized thugs have a wide selection of heavy weapons to use against the police. Most cops on the other hand are barred from carrying more than their underpowered pistols or revolvers.
There is only one proven cure for Chicago’s law enforcement troubles and that’s enough well-armed manpower to take the criminals to task.
Chicago’s media get’s there direction from City Hall’s political hacks rather than the experts. The real experts are the rank and file street cops who are forbidden by the department from talking to the media.
Chicagoans demand that cops to magically appear the second they press 911 on their cell phones. By the time a police communications worker can answer that call the crime is usually over and the offender has already fled. With any luck the victim is somehow still standing.
The citizens of Chicago have been forcibly disarmed by unconstitutional laws, and are at the total mercy of violent criminals. Instead of citizens struggling with cell-phones they should be drawing suitable defense weapons as the unceremoniously end the attacks. Thugs are notorious cowards and don’t want to face armed citizens.
Dealing with Chicago’s crime takes a combination of sufficient well-equipped officers, along with trained and armed citizens.
Chicago’s City Hall owned media is a part of the problem rather than the solution.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Chicago’s Mass Transit Passengers Are Under Violent Attack
The criminals are targeting high tech gadgets, but purses and wallets are high on the list. The police can’t help and passengers are absolutely on their own. Over 95% of the CTA robbers are African-American and the remainder, are Hispanic. The victims are overwhelmingly White people.
These crimes will only increase until passengers arm themselves and refuse to be victimized. If you must take the CTA be well-armed and trained. You have the right to bear arms even in Illinois as their total ban on carrying is now unconstitutional and unenforceable.
With all the thousands of passengers there must be someone that will dispatch a thug or two. Simply blow the bastards right out of their Nike sneakers and flee for your own safety. Say nothing to police unless advised by a lawyer to do so. No lawyer will let you do that anyway. It’s very simple, shoot and scoot.
World War Two Hero “Agent Rose” Readied for a Pauper’s Grave
Nearne was exactly what screenwriters search for to make blockbuster films. However this humble and unassuming woman died in near obscurity, despite her incredible service to her country and demonstrated ability to repeatedly escape and survive.
They will now bury her with national honors.
My question is which, A List Hollywood, femme fatale will play Nearne in the movie?
Learn more about “Agent Rose” right here.
World War Two Hero “Agent Rose” Readied for a Pauper’s Grave
Torquay, UK—Her name was Eileeen Nearn and on September 2, she died without known relatives. Social workers discovered her amazing history through documents, photos and medals they found in her flat.
Nearne or "Agent Rose" as she was known was exactly what screenwriters search for to make blockbuster films. However this humble and unassuming woman died in near obscurity, despite her incredible service to her country and demonstrated ability to repeatedly escape and survive.
They will now bury her with national honors.
My question is which, A List Hollywood, femme fatale will play Nearne in the movie?
Learn more about “Agent Rose” right here.
Monday, September 13, 2010
The FOP Marches To Remove Jody “J-Fled” Weis
The march will draw media attention as demoralized, out-gunned, out-manned officers openly display their disrespect for City Hall’s anti-police, Yes Man.
It is not a question of the popularity of Weis with cops, but his loyalty or lack of it to the simple mission of the Chicago Police Department. Weis has obstructed the mission in his zeal to kiss the asses of Chicago’s most corrupt politicians. Weis should be investigating and arresting those City Hall thugs instead.
Weis needs to simply walk off the job rather than pretend. Weis has dishonored the oath of office he took that supersedes the agenda of the crooks who appointed him Superintendent. Public safety and integrity must be the first priority.
Hanging a few cops for little misdeeds in the field while turning a blind eye to organized criminal behavior demonstrates nothing except his being a willing co-conspirator.
Mr. Weis, perhaps it’s time to enjoy your pension.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Actor Kevin MCarthy Dead at 94--YOU'RE NEXT!
The TV series Twilight Zone came along and my favorite episode was called, “Long Live Walter Jameson.” McCarthy played a history professor with a special gift. He could explain history just like he’d been there. That was because he had. Along the way he outlived a number of wives most of which he left when they aged and he didn’t.
McCarthy was in so many rolls working both live theater and films that spanned nearly 70 years. His good looks and commanding baritone voice never left him.
It was about six years ago that I had a chance meeting with McCarthy in Sherman Oaks, where he lived. McCarthy was a man who enjoyed life along with his family and friends. He still enjoyed making new friends.
McCarthy lived a full and exciting life that most people can only dream about. McCarthy will live on because his passion and life’s work is preserved by our wonderful technology. He may be gone now but he won’t be soon forgotten. McCarthy's greatest line from Body Snatchers was: “Look! You fools! You’re in danger! Can’t you see? They’re after you! They’re after all of us! Our wives…our children…they’re here already! You’re next!”—Dr. Miles Bennell
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Drug Test Politicians?
Washington, DC—We claim we’re fighting an all important War On Drugs. As a result, in order to qualify for most jobs, a urine and blood test is required to screen out criminal drug abusers. Somehow our elected officials and Czars they’ve appointed somehow escaped that scrutiny.
I’m convinced that a surprising and shocking percentage of the current occupants of the Whitehouse and Congress are themselves drug dependent criminals. Wouldn’t it be great if they were all tested? Their radio-active, drug laced pee could be a newly discovered source of energy.
We know today that Adolph Hitler was under the influence of a daily morphine IV cocktail. His judgment and conduct was shaped by his drug use and so many millions died as a result. .
If it is important enough for a mailman, fireman or bus driver to submit to drug testing why are elected officials entrusted with our precious tax money exempt from such testing?
An Anniversary of Infamy
The result of the 9/11 attack instigated two separate Mideast wars that have cost us even more. Instead of burning Iraq and Afghanistan of the face off our earth we chose to do the impossible, separating the bad Muslims from the good. That will never work except to destroy the lives of American children we send to fight.
Hate is the byproduct of this entire conflict. Whether fueled by a twisted religion or cultural differences hate is our biggest enemy.
Unfortunately hate is bigger than all of us and the carnage will simply continue until every last human is dead.
We have no choice but to protect ourselves, our freedom and our families. We have allowed our own politicians to trade our own precious liberty and freedom for the vague promise of security. Today, we have neither freedom nor security. That is just as evil as any act committed by fanatical Muslims. The thieves of our freedom inside and outside of our country must be stopped cold.
Friday, September 10, 2010
It’s Time to Thank My Blog Visitors
Talking on the telephone was nearly impossible for that period. Frankly I did the blog to fight any depression and feelings of helplessness the deafness brought. The blog really made that period bearable for me. Being able to avoid those mood chemicals was a huge benefit.
The doctors told me I had a blockage in my Eustachian tubes that would be temporary. They underestimated the time I’d be deaf considerably. My hearing has returned but with less volume and on some days it’s better than others. I’m very grateful for the hearing I’ve retained. I’m also grateful that I have missed an insult or two thrown my way.
As my readers know I have a strong Libertarian/Conservative background. I was intermittently raised by dysfunctional single mother destroyed by entitlement addiction in Chicago. My mother did the best she could but was shattered by the Nanny State. I was on my own since age 14.
In addition to the therapy and pleasure of creating this site along with debating, this blog has improved my writing chops considerably. Additionally, I am the editor and proof-reader.
I don’t expect everyone to agree with my positions but I sincerely hope we provoke serious thought as we test our various philosophies.
I thank God for our hard won Freedom that allows me to express some pretty strong feelings.
In the future I want to report from as many places as I can. I want to bring forward more stories complete with quality video and images.
I serve you the visitor. I want to bring a broad variety of useful information to you. Please feel free to bring story requests to my attention as often as you like. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous visits.
Beating A Robot Camera Traffic Ticket in Court—A New Court Ruling!
Judges around the country have let the Extortion Camera Photo Enforcement Mafia get away with, Hearsay Murder. Not anymore, at least in California.
Since Arizona judge’s retirement is actually attached to traffic fine collections they have a significant conflict of interest every time they hear a traffic case. I will never understand how that kind of crap can stand in America.
That California Camera Hearsay Ruling should get the attention of every lawyer and judge in all 50 states since we are dealing with the same Constitution.
The problem with the camera enforcement evidence is that denies the accused the Constitutional rights to face and cross-examine his accuser. It is insufficient for some clerical person or cop to claim the evidence presented is accurate. The contract providers of the extortion cameras are simply not set up to deal with American Due Process of law.
There are significant additional helpful roadblocks that exist but of course they need to be argued by an experienced lawyer. Top notch Los Angeles, personal injury lawyer and my friend Lowell Steiger put all the sordid details on his law blog.
Drop that Weapon!
Many people ask me how to deal with an in-progress violent crime. That is a crime were the offender is armed or the threatened force is overwhelming as in multiple assailants. This is not some movie or TV show but real life.
Let me begin with words you can live by, “Conflict avoidance is always the best policy.”
Many people look at this subject as repugnant because it involves violence and perhaps even killing. Too often people refuse see the opposite side of the picture where guns save many more innocent lives every day. I’m writing to protect human life from the most dangerous predators on earth, their fellow human beings.
There are those who carry firearms for self-defense. Most thankfully live where the law allows that with or without special carry permits. There are also those who live in New York, California or Illinois that criminalize the carrying of self-defense weapons. The rules for the use of deadly force, are the same everywhere in the United States, and its possessions.
Today the Heller and McDonald Supreme Court cases allow you to keep and bear arms in every state. State laws in conflict with Heller and McDonald are no longer enforceable but until they are overturned one at a time renegade jurisdictions will try and prosecute you.
You’re confronted by an armed assailant/s or you confront one. The seemingly fair thing to do is warn him to drop is weapon or cease his attack. That unnecessary sense of fair play is foolhardy and will get you killed.
Should you walk into a supermarket or restaurant stick-up and have a clear shot at an offender, take it! You may never have another chance. Just because you hit your target does not mean you’ve stopped him. You must remember over 60 percent of those shot survive and that means he will be shooting at you or cutting you with his knife. Of course you keep shooting until the offender is stopped.
In all 50 states there is no requirement to warn anyone to drop anything or to stop before using deadly force in self-defense or defense of a third person. Frankly shouting warnings and especially firing warning shots is terribly risky business.
Warnings do little but increase the flow of adrenalin in your adversary’s bloodstream. You are already in grave danger, why give a dangerous criminal a chance to show off his superior reflexes and killing skills?
I say always avoid the conflict whenever possible. Just because you’ve got a gun you’re certainly not invincible. But when you’re in a situation with no graceful exit strategy, the best plan is always to be able walk away rather than be carried away.
Once the shooting seems to have stopped collect the weapons for yours and the public’s safety and get away from the scene before additional criminal accomplices begin arriving. As always, don’t ever talk to police or answer questions without a lawyer by your side.
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Chicago’s Lakefront Needs The return Meigs Field
Chicago, IL—With Richard M. Daley’s wise self-imposed exile, undoubtedly fueled by his approval ratings sinking to nearly 30 percent some of his foolish destruction may become undone.
Meigs Field was a great little airport for general aviation and a historic landmark. It was the first airport I saw as a child so long ago.
Businessmen need a place to commute by air that’s convenient to Chicago's Loop. Meigs Field was important to business. Richard M. Daley spent his time destroying business in Chicago and Meigs Field’s removal was high on his list.
It was during the pre-dawn hours of March 30, 2003, without required approval from the FAA, Daley ordered the runways destroyed and stranded scores of airplanes tied down there. Chicago’s taxpayers have suffered ever since.
Whoever replaces Daley as Mayor should have the brains to restore Meigs Field to the taxpayers who supported the facility.
Provocation? Burning The Koran should be a Non-Event
Muslims already are prosecuting a despicable holy war against America and I fail to see how this book-burning can possibly make things worse. The same violent and ignorant Muslim zealots will continue to use every murderous tool they have against Americans at every opportunity.
This is a classic case of that child’s saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.” The pastor need not have a real copy of the Koran, just a paste-up look-alike for news cameras in order to inflame crazy Muslims.
I guess nobody is smart enough to defuse this public relations bomb. The media could simply choose not cover the burning or the threats to do so. I guess that was far too simple.
Burning a book is not violence nor is it criminal. Anyone committing violence against any American exercising his absolute Constitutional right is a criminal.
Any American public official especially Barack Obama that would even respond to that pastor’s announcement to burn the Koran is deliberately throwing gasoline on to the fire. Obama has raised the importance of a small-time Christian preacher to limitless new heights and wealth.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
The Official Crimefile Review of Call Northside 777
1932 was a tough year for Chicago that recorded 364 murders. Eight of the victims were Chicago cops. The police stars they wore hang in the lobby of Chicago Police Headquarters today.
Some 18 years later in 1948 a classic movie was made of this compelling tale starring Jimmy Stewart, Richard Conte and Lee J. Cobb. This film is available at Netflix.
The locations used in Call Northside 777 are all very real including the old Cook County Jail, Criminal Court Building, a Chicago police district station, Stateville Prison and Tribune Tower. The Chicago police uniforms with the authentic stars and shields of that day were used by the filmmaker and director Henry Hathaway.
The relatively new pseudo science of lie detection through the polygraph machine was used in this film. Playing the role of the examiner was none other than real polygraph pioneer, Leonarde Keeler. Keeler played himself before he died only a year later at age 49 from too much booze, cigarettes and hard living.
They changed the names of the real characters including changing Lundy’s name to Bundy.
A real surprise for me to learn was that most of the cops in the film were not Hollywood actors but Chicago cops! The director found some pretty decent actors in the station houses.
One scene in the film shows an actor climbing some stairs with the narrator saying he was he was turning himself into a police station. That grand staircase is really just inside the former main entrance of the old Cook County jail. It is still there but sits behind a fence now.
You won’t find this style of film made today and that’s a crying shame. This was what Film Noir was all about. This is riveting stuff and a must for Chicago cops, prosecutors, defense attorneys and crime reporters to watch.
I keep asking myself why, they don’t make movies like this masterpiece anymore. This film still rocks today.
Other than to say the acting, direction, and story-telling was first rate. They did get a little melodramatic with the ending but it added to the excitement. I don’t want to spoil your experience by giving away the story line. This trailer will give away too much as it is.
After you watch the film get all of the real details on this case from Northwestern University's Center Against Wrongful Convictions.
Who Will be the New Mayor of Chicago?
Chicago, IL—With today’s wonderful announcement by Richard M. Daley that he won’t seek re-election comes speculation on Chicago’s future.
The majority of Chicago’s voters are the most ignorant found anywhere. The schools here have been reduced to kindergarten style daycare centers. Too many of the high school graduates can’t even read the words on their diplomas. There are productive people here of every race but they’re the minority and can’t carry the weight of the thieves and slackers.
African-Americans in Chicago for the most part are addicted to entitlements, drugs or both. They will sell their votes for impossible and empty promises of more handouts. They could care less about new jobs as they demand larger balances on their government provided Link cards.
African-Americans need to learn the sad truth, that the Leftists are worse than the Southern slave traders of long ago.
What Chicago really needs is a new pro-business attitude that will lure business and taxpayers to return. This will be an impossible uphill climb since Chicago’s expatriates will be skeptical about sincerity.
Daley’s Mad Dog hatred of gun rights has transformed the city into a mugger’s paradise. Self-defense rights need to be returned to Chiagoans both inside and outside their homes.
The police department needs to be turned around, eliminating hiring and promotion based on dubious political sponsors rather than qualifications. They must have additional manpower and heavier weapons. The cops and law-abiding citizens need to work together in order to take the streets away from the Hood Rats.
I feel that Chicago is a sinking ship destined to dissolve its charter and file Bankruptcy. The politicians here are world class tax revenue thieves and whores.
There can be no real hope for this city without a massive change in the local culture. Socialism has been a massive failure here
Yet Another bedtime Story with A Happy Ending!
Chandler, AZ--Two thugs were shot dead by a gun packing man protecting his wife. You can read all about this happy tale right here: People in Arizona carry guns," said Detective David Ramer, a Chandler police spokesman. "You better be careful about who you are picking on."
Monday, September 06, 2010
One Way Politicians Dangerously Divide our Cops from Citizens
Chicago, IL—At the worst possible time in our economy the traffic fines here have nearly doubled. This is not about safety, but revenue for out-of-control spending by local government.
Police here are forced to strong-arm motorists for petty and harmless violations. Even those robot cameras out there have the face of the local cop who will eventually become involved in those prosecutions.
It’s only the street cop, not the politicians that are seen as the villain taking the food out of suffering family’s mouths. Not only does the government commit extortion but the automobile insurance companies jump on the bandwagon to boost their profits. Of course it’s that cop who is deemed responsible for the infliction of the misery.
Traffic enforcement for revenue rather than safety is a vile practice that will guarantee to sabotage any trust or respect citizens have for police. When citizens lose respect for police they also lose respect for the law and the result is a society where criminal activity is acceptable. The, us or them mentality between cops and citizens creates dangerous conditions that only foster the breakdown of law and order.
Politicians cannot be allowed to paint a target on every policeman’s butt. The cops themselves must resist being involved in the extortion.
In a city such as Chicago there is already a nasty divide between citizens and police. What is government doing to heal this rift?
Go ahead and argue it’s the traffic violator that created his problems. There are many millions of decent people that are forced to drive endlessly on our streets just to make a living. Those are generally low paid jobs where efficiency and speed determine whether the rent is paid. Let’s just take these folks out of the productive workforce and put them on welfare through the traffic extortion concept.