Monday, July 05, 2010

Hero Fireman May Be Freed Because of the McDonald Gun Case

Dixon, IL—Ted Kozak is a genuine hero. He is a retired Chicago firefighter who sits locked up today in a downstate prison.

Kozak never threatened, hurt or killed anyone. He had not been involved in any criminal activity in his entire life.

Kozak was a gun collector and at one point had two valuable collector sub-machine guns in his home safe. The guns were never involved in crimes and were certainly not stolen. They came from a now deceased Chicago cop pal of Kozak.

Contrary to belief machine guns were never banned by the federal government, but only taxed during transfer or manufacture. The politicians of State of Illinois however saw fit to ban them making mere possession a serious felony. Because they are banned in the state, the bureaucrats at the BATFE refuse to allow registration under the Firearms Act of 1934.

Since Kozak was victimized by an absolute and total ban on military firearms by Illinois that deprived him of his Second Amendment rights. Kozak’s possession of those two guns was and is constitutionally protected.

Since Kozak had an absolute right to own and carry these firearms according to both the Heller and McDonald cases there has never been a crime. Very simply the State of Illinois, the City of Chicago it’s police department and various members of the Area two Gun Teem violated ted Kozak Civil Rights.

Now Kozak can file suit in Federal Court and demand an order freeing him. Kozak may also be entitled to damages and attorney’s fees. Let’s hope Kozak’s lawyers are moving quickly to right this terrible wrong.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy Independence Day

I want to tell you all there is light peeking out at the end of the tunnel. Barack Obama is losing favor fast with the media and independent voters. His poll numbers are in the toilet waiting to be flushed.

Obama’s treason is beyond obvious now as he furiously has set about to destroy America’s free enterprise, economy and currency. His obvious goal is to replace it with a failed socialist model. I have serious doubts that Obama will be permitted finish his first and last term in our Whitehouse.

Americans have educated themselves about freedom, liberty and how we obtained it. They are also learning that keeping freedom is a constant struggle that requires blood to be shed from time to time.

We have had two great victories in the Supreme Court on our sacred right to keep and bear arms.

Please don’t become complacent. We must always let our politicians know that treason is very hazardous to their health and very life. Let freedom Ring!

Saturday, July 03, 2010

How McDonald Impacts Concealed Weapons Nationwide

Chicago, IL—The major war on gun rights is over and the people won. The United States Supreme Court applied the Second Amendment to the 50 states for the very first time. That means state and local jurisdictions can no longer infringe on you rights to keep (possess) and bear (carry) arms. McDonald trumps any and all gun bans outside courthouses, commercial aircraft and correctional facilities.

Prosecutors and judges all over the country are going to stop prosecutions over weapons carrying for self-defense cold. Mayor Richard M. Daley’s new gun ban is dead before it will take effect.

Mayor Daley Says No Guns For Negroes!

Chicago, IL—Not so long ago in American history African-Americans were shut out of the voting booth through extortionate poll taxes. Blacks had no money and voting was impossible. It took a while but the courts intervened and the poll taxes were outlawed.

There was another outrageous obstacle preventing African-Americans from voting and that was literacy testing. The majority of Blacks, were just too poorly educated and could not pass the tests local governments required. If a voter could not pass the test, the voter could not vote. Again the courts finally intervened and banned the illegal practice.

A Constitutional right is just that, a right. Government can’t require anyone to either, pay for, be tested for or wait in order to enjoy a Civil Right. Mayor Richard M. Daley and the City Council have defied the law of the land and civil liberties of the people of Chicago by attempting to circumvent the United States Supreme Court’s edict in McDonald vs. City of Chicago.

The City of Chicago has done all of the above to violate the Civil Rights of Chicagoans with their brand new gun ban scheme. In order to enjoy the right to own a handgun they are requiring extortionate fees, testing, and waiting up to four months as a scheme or artifice to prevent gun ownership.

Government can require fees, testing and waiting before granting privileges such as driving an automobile. Government cannot treat Civil Rights in the same fashion as privileges.

The law-abiding African-Americans of Chicago have suffered the most because they have been at the mercy of armed criminals, an undermanned police department and early inmate release programs by corrections officials. Imagine being poor and living in the ghetto without the meaningful ability to defend yourself.

A trip any day to Chicago’s Cook County Morgue is a lesson in murder and racial discrimination. The overwhelming percentage of murder victims brought here are Black. This demonstrates both the enablement of violent criminals by Daley’s failed gun ban and preventable suffering by victims that were barred from defending themselves.

Chicago’s Aldermen and Mayor, on the other hand have the right their office gives them to carry concealed weapons. They are overpaid, part-time workers that live and work in relative safety as they drive safe cars and commute to safe locations to do their work and play. The Mayor and at least one Alderman have 24/7 bodyguard details of armed Chicago cops.

This is nothing less than a Civil Rights issue. The very ugly origin of Gun Control in America began in the South during Post-Civil War Reconstruction as a way to keep the newly freed slaves disarmed. The concept spread North as a way to keep immigrants disarmed.

If the pathetic politicians of City of Chicago were really concerned about gun safety they’d offer free classes in existing schools. Obviously they only demand it now to enable them to violate Civil Rights. Free classes on gun safety would certainly be good public policy.

It is not the fault of Chicago’s African-Americans who have been kept ignorant and needy by a Socialist run school system. The culture of entitlement addiction and gratuitous violence has been tolerated and indulged as a way to keep this population away from the American dream. Educated and elegant people just don’t vote the Socialist ticket.

This film is a real eye-opener.

Friday, July 02, 2010

Say Farewell To Gun Laws! The Floodgates are Open!

Madison, WI—The DA will be rejecting prosecution of state laws that infringe on gun rights in view of the McDonald decision handed down by the Supreme Court on Monday.

Jackson County District Attorney Gerald R. Fox said in a statement he will no longer prosecute Wisconsin's prohibitions on carrying concealed weapons, transporting uncased or loaded guns in vehicles, carrying guns in public buildings and taverns and carrying switchblades and butterfly knives. He said the Supreme Court's ruling renders those statutes unconstitutional.

Wisconsin has had some of the most restrictive gun laws on the books in the country. In recent years concealed weapons were legalized twice by the state legislature only to be vetoed by the governor.

Fox is correct in his assessment and won’t be a party to civil rights violations as a result. Of course other government officials will find themselves on the defendant’s side of courtrooms all over the country.

We can look for lots of judges to dismiss cases and prosecutors refusing them simply because they are following their oaths and the law of the land.

Criminals beware! The days of gun bans and Gun free Zones are happily coming to an end in America.

Here is Fox’s press release on the matter:

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Telephone Ringtone Lands Man In Jail

Hamburg, Germany—Train travel in this great country is as good as it gets. They have electricity for your laptop, gaming device or DVD players and unlike airplanes you’re free to use your cell phones. Trains are an incredibly relaxing way to travel and at least in Germany. Most importantly to me is that you’re not searched like a criminal by TSA lowlifes before you board.

One quiet trip to this Northern city was shattered by annoying sound of an especially obnoxious ringtone. One unidentified 54 year-old man’s ringtone was one of Adolph Hitler’s more memorable speeches. The Furher ringtone gave new life to the dark promise of, “the destruction of world Jewry” if Germany was “dragged” into war.

Hitler’s reign was catastrophic to Germany and its people. Nine million Germans and six million Jews perished under National Socialism. The legal reconstruction of post-war Germany has just one caveat to free speech. No Nazi artwork, symbols, or expressions of affection for National Socialism are allowed

After the offending phone rang several times it garnered police attention after someone summoned them from the train. Police detained the passenger and seized numerous pictures, stickers and swastikas glorifying National Socialism from his belongings. Now the man faces six months in a jail cell.

My thoughts are the laws against Nazi worship backfired making the outlawed activities much more attractive because it’s illegal.

Of course if that ringtone was a speech by our own Socialist, Master of The Teleprompter, I would definitely be very annoyed to say the least. Making Obama’s speeches illegal would mean he’d never shut up.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Future US Elections as the Obama Administration Obstructs Justice

Philadelphia, PA—During the last Presidential Election, three Black Panther thugs, Minister King Samir Shabazz, Malik Zulu Shabazz and Jerry Jackson station themselves in their Panther uniforms and were brandishing clubs to menace voters.

Eventually the three thugs were charged in a civil complaint with violating the Voter Rights Act in November 2008 by using coercion, threats and intimidation with a deadly weapon.

Barack Obama
won the election and installed African-American, Eric Holder as the nation’s top prosecutor. All charges were soon dropped against the thugs. Many people including myself concluded that Holder dropped the pending charges over Obama’s and Holders own racial motivation and hatred

Now the former Justice Department Lawyer, J. Christian Adams has come forward and accused Holder of Obstructing Justice. Christian now in private practice actually quit his job to protest the Obama administration's handling of the so-called, New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case has accused Attorney General Eric Holder of dropping the charges for racially motivated reasons.

The actions of the Obama administration have cast a dangerous shadow over American election process by ratifying this conduct by armed racist extremists. Barack Obama is proving more every day that he is a genuine threat to America and our way of life.

Here is a video of what you can expect next time you vote as long as Obama is in the Whitehouse.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ex-Convict Wanted For Killing Two Tampa, FL Cops Today

Tampa, FL--This is Dontae Rashawn Morris, who gunned down to Tampa Florida police officers. If you see him do us all a favor, and kill him.

Update: They have this killer in custody as of early evening 2 July 2010.

Now’s the Time to send Mayor Daley and City Hall your Message on Guns

Chicago, IL—Chicagoans had a great civil rights victory in the Supreme Court yesterday. The law abiding people living in the Windy City may now possess and use handguns for self-defense. The days of providing criminals with a population of unarmed and defenseless victims are over.

Law-abiding people throughout the United States have proven to be responsible with their gun rights including the right to carry them. Those perpetrating unlawful gun violence are always the same troublesome criminals we fail to keep locked away.

Chicagoans need not accept Mayor Richard M. Daley’s violence enabling agenda of eliminating meaningful self defense. Above all Daley and their cronies are power hungry politicians that will never risk losing power by angering voters.

The end of the gun ban is the best crime fighting tool Chicago has had in decades. Concealed carry rights would end government sponsored domination criminals have over the people of Illinois.

Daley and the City council of Chicago need to hear from voters demanding that no new gun ordinances be enacted and tell him to stop fighting concealed carry in Illinois. Call Daley and your Alderman today at 312-744-4000 and tell them who you are and what you want, before they violate your civil rights. Of course you will only be able to leave a message. If you don’t call you deserve what you will get, more tyranny.

There is also a rally planned for downtown Chicago on July 9. 2010. Attend this event and bring every friend you possibly can!
Chicago July 9 2010 Gun Rights Rally

Where Is The Civilian Security Force Obama Promised Us?

Washington, DC—During his campaign for President Barack Obama promised a second civilian force equal and as well-funded as the military. The media never bothered to ask him about those peculiar plans because they knew full well what he meant. The Leftist media was in the tank for their new charismatic Messiah and did not want to scuttle his campaign over those ominous remarks.

The world had experience with these civilian security forces many times before. They are a necessary tool in every socialist political movement. Most recently Chairman Mao Zedong brought China his Red Guard. What had happened was the population was disillusioned and rejecting Socialism. There was a real possibility of the popular anti-Socialist uprising.

Mao countered the resistance to Socialism with his Cultural Revolution. With Mao’s new civilian force created out of unemployed thugs that spread the word of Socialism through beatings, arson, and terror. They successfully got the population back on the correct political track as they handed out little red books with Mao’s politically correct thoughts to everyone they encountered.

Early in Adolph Hitler’s campaign he used his civilian security force, again made up of unemployed thugs that had the ability to convince those who did not want to live under National Socialism to be quiet and lay down.

Hitler’s force was called the SA or Sturm Abteilung (Storm Unit). The SA wore snappy uniforms and clubs. They targeted newspapers, anti-Socialists, rival Communists and Jews thought to be obstacles of National Socialism.

Military and police forces are usually much too honorable and disciplined to do the dirty work, that a force of paid street thugs, are more than willing to do. These civilian security forces know how to “regulate” speech and publishing and that’s so important for Socialism to survive.

Watch as Obama talks about his own SA or Red Guard plans. America, how’d you miss this?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Two More Arrested In the 2008 Century City Goldfinger Murder

Los Angeles, CALAPD announced they have two additional suspects in custody for the gruesome stabbing murder of Pamela Goudie Fayed in a Century City parking garage on July 28, 2008. The victim had parked her car there for a lawyer’s visit.

Police have arrested her husband James M. Fayed and an employee Luis Moya who are awaiting trial for the killing. They are charged with Murder and Conspiracy to Commit Murder.

The gold trading firm owned by the Fayeds is believed by federal prosecutors to have been involved in a lucrative ongoing Ponzi scheme.

Now Steven Vincente Simmons, 21, and Gabriel J. Marquez, 45 have been arrested on warrants for the murder. Marquez is also being held on unrelated felony charges.

Prosecutors have claimed that Fayed paid Moya $25,000.00 to kill his wife.

Sources close to this investigation tell me this case is far from being wrapped up and they’re still trying to find sufficient evidence to establish Probable Cause to bind the new suspects over for trial.

Police and prosecutors believe that the Fayed woman was murdered because she was exposing criminal conduct of her estranged husband and their business. Marquez was caught on video as he fled the parking garage in an SUV rented with a credit card belonging to James Fayed.

I am told there may yet be an additional arrest for this crime.

Why Daley Can’t Restrict Guns In Chicago Like In DC.

Chicago, IL—An angry Mayor Richard M. Daley vowed to make new laws to thwart today’s McDonald Decision by the United States Supreme Court.

It’s been two years since the gun ban in the District of Columbia has been defeated. DC officials required training, testing, fingerprints, ballistic samples to obstruct would be gun owners. That crap will never work in Chicago.

Right now the gun ban is dead and Chicagoans can buy all the handguns they want. There are huge problems for residents of DC who could not simply purchase their gun in a nearby state without violating the Gun Control Act of 1968. There is only one approved gun dealer in DC that must follow every dictate of that city. So far only 800 handguns have been delivered under this gauntlet.

Chicago is very different since Chicago residents can buy guns from any dealer or private party in the State of Illinois and bring them into Chicago if they have a valid Illinois firearm owner’s identification card.

The City of Chicago cannot prosecute you for a law they make after you bring the gun into the city or before they make their laws. They may make some reasonable requirements to allow you to register that gun but they have no control over how you obtain it.

Now is a great time to buy a handgun if you live in Chicago.

Don’t become a frightened sheep waiting for Daley to tell you whether you can protect yourself or family. You will surly bleed to death first.

Call your state representatives and demand concealed weapons permit law now. Trust me those phone calls work at the state level.

Note: In a very technical sense the law is still on the books until the 7th Court of Appeals writes the proper order as mandated by the high court. However it will be absolutely impossible to prosecute anyone since the Court made it very clear that the Chicago gun ban violates citizen’s second Amendment rights. People convicted of violating the ban can have their convictions reversed if they file proper motions with the courts.

Very few cases ever involve only a failure to register ordinance violation. There are usually other violations connected.

The McDonald case now opens the door to anyone arrested for Unlawful Use of A Weapon (UUW is carrying a concealed weapon in Illinois) to challenge the law itself. If you have a right to keep them, you also have a right to bear them.

It’s Time for America’s Concealed Carry Rights

Chicago, ILThe United States Supreme Court has spoken twice about gun bans deleting them from the books of jurisdictions that have enacted them. “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”, is now the settled law of the land.

The two primary cases, Heller and McDonald ended any dispute over the right to simply possess firearms. That was a narrow question and opinion implies a broader answer. If the people have a right to keep arms under the Second Amendment they also have the same right to bear those arms.

The few local jurisdictions in America that have banned concealed weapons for sane, sober and law-abiding Americans need to stop violating people’s rights.

Lower court judges have the correct legal tools to protect the rights of people arrested or those precluded from bearing arms.

Politicians need to learn that public opinion has dramatically shifted away from gun control as a valid or effective way to reduce violence in our society. That has be reflected in the vast number of states that have either repealed concealed weapon bans or provided permits to qualified applicants.

The requirements of some jurisdictions to demonstrate to public officials a need to bear arms has always invited government corruption or arbitrary and baseless denials. Of course that is an unconstitutional infringement of the right to bear arms and must end.

Now is the time to begin a new push in every state using both the courts and the state legislatures to not infringe on the rights of law-abiding the right to protect themselves and families outside of their home. It is outside of the safety and comfort of one’s own home here the dangers of rape, robbery and murder are greatest.

I hope that the more reasonable politicians in my home state of Illinois will take umbrage of the Supreme Court cases and the shifting political direction of gun control and allow for meaningful self-defense.

Should anyone be arrested for carrying a gun on the street or in their cars their defense lawyers can use the McDonald case as a defense in the criminal court while they seek an injunction in federal court barring prosecution and sue for the violation of your civil rights.

Supreme Court Opinion’s Most Telling paragraph

Washington, DC—When it comes to legal matters emotions creep into the mix. People have beliefs that are based upon myths or facts. Arguments are made incorporating these factors. The gun rights hating forces want to blame gun violence on that freedom itself.

All the laws and the police state we live in can’t keep deadly weapons out of the hands of criminals. The gun rights haters have either not figured that fact out yet or have some other agenda.

In the mix of today’s opinion that I posted earlier was this telling paragraph:

Chicago enacted its handgun ban to protect its residents “from the loss of property and injury or death from firearms.” See Chicago, Ill., Journal of Proceedings of the City Council, p. 10049 (Mar. 19, 1982). The Chicago petitioners and their amici, however, argue that the handgun ban has left them vulnerable to criminals. Chicago Police Department statistics, we are told, reveal that the City’s handgun murder rate has actually increased since the ban was enacted1 and that Chicago residents now face one of the highest murder rates in the country and rates of other violent crimes that exceed the average in comparable cities.2

The Court has spoken! The politicians in state and local governments cannot infringe on your right to keep and bear arms.

U.S. Supreme Court Shoots Down Chicago’s 28 Year-Old Gun Ban!

Chicago, Il—The long awaited opinion on Chicago’s facilitation and enablement of violent crime has been handed down this morning. Chicago’s infamous and un-American gun ban is no more!

Some 28 years ago, Chicago’s politicians outlawed the possession of handguns within the city by all but police, private investigators and City Council members. The result was predictable, law-abiding citizens were at the mercy of violent criminals that were relentlessly victimizing them unchallenged. Meaningful self-defense was absolutely outlawed by these politicians.

Chicago politicians long believed that the Second Amendment was some meaningless and obsolete antique and ignored it accordingly. For decades they’ve simply been violating Chicagoan’s Civil Rights.

Even before the anticipated decision was delivered these thug politicians are planning new violations of the law of our land with additional ingenious obstructionist ordinances that violates rights. In the end it will be taxpayers footing the legal bills and jury awards against the bankrupt City of Chicago.

The National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment Foundation came to the aid of several Chicagoans including Otis McDonald that wanted the illegitimate and un-American law shot down. Chicago’s politicians wasted millions of taxpayer’s dollars in a miserable economy fighting to continue their, Thug Protection Program.

Associate Justice Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr
. authored the opinion for the court

What the court’s action does is to remand the fate of the Chicago gun ordinance in the hands of the 7th Circuit court for further action consistent with today's opinion. They must write the formal order.

The entire opinion is below:

McDonald vs City of Chicago

How One Hero Dealt With Socialists

Berlin, Germany—July 20, 1944 was a sad day for Germany, An effort to end Adolph Hitler’s idea of Hope and Change failed when a bombing attempt was unsuccessful. Hundreds of German Nazi resistance patriots were rounded up tortured, tried and executed for their various roles in the movement.

Germany had a military with a proud tradition that was made up of honorable and brave men. The regular military was not suitable to carry out Hitler’s most cowardly and despicable acts. Hitler created his own parallel quasi-military group of Nazis under the SS label for that purpose. The SS were responsible for carrying out the foulest Nazi deeds instead of the regular military.

The majority of the resistance leaders were members of Germany’s regular military who learned of Hitler’s horror show and understood their duty to stop it. Hitler’s ongoing atrocities were a state secret and few Germans knew the truth. Thousands did know the truth and tried to stop National Socialism. Those heroes are memorialized today at the Bendlerblock German Resistance Museum in Berlin.

The military and civilian conspirators against National Socialism were put on trial before The Peoples Court President, Judge Roland Freisler. These were propaganda show trials that were filmed to set an example to other German citizens.

One of the plotters was a recently retired general, Erwin von Witzleben, 62 (pictured above) who understood his duty to the men, women and children of Germany. After being convicted, berated and castigated by Judge Freisler stood his ground telling the Nazi jurist, "You may hand us over to the executioner but in three months time, the disgusted and harried people will bring you to book and drag you alive through the dirt in the streets!"

Frisler escaped that well-deserved fate but was killed in an Allied bombing raid on Febuary 3, 1945 at the age of 51.

Generalfeldmarschall Erwin von Witzleben was a hero and role model to Germany and civilization.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Why Are So May Americans Ignorant About Their Government?

This melting pot, America is filled with a vast majority of incredibly ignorant people. When it comes to government even the educated Americans don’t really have a clue about it or their rights. Being ignorant never prevents Americans from having strong political opinions.

Poverty flourishes in the large cities that have become Entitlement Utopias. These cities are run by Socialist politicians that make every effort to keep their poor well fed, thoroughly dependent and as ignorant as possible. Big city politicians use ignorance and poverty for incumbency protection.

When I find myself in a political discussion with fellow members of our population there are glaring examples of pathetic ignorance. People support or oppose legislation not because they’ve read it but because of the misleading but descriptive titles like Campaign Finance Reform or Net Neutrality. The clever titles are thought up to automatically garner support by people that would absolutely hate the legislation if they bothered to read or understand the bills themselves.

You can’t encounter many Americans anywhere that are able to give you more that 40 seconds of conversation about what the Bill of Rights does for Americans. Most talk vaguely about freedom of speech, religion and press. After that they begin to stammer and ramble because they never learned or have forgotten what they did learn. In a way that’s a good sign that they’ve had a good life and have not needed to study what their rights were to survive. The dark side is people don’t bother to protect rights that they can’t feel being violated.

The treasonous, Barack Obama has been very good for Americans. Obama’s Socialist agenda is certainly not good, but because of the threat he poses to our constitution and freedom, Americans are beginning to notice. Obama has sparked renewed interest in Americans about our government system along with its historical roots.

Socialism can only succeed if the population is too ignorant to stop it. Once in place, Socialism stays in nations for many generations and of course there’s always the obligatory and massive holocaust where all who dare disagree are purged.

For Americans the Internet is the place where we exchange our information. He who has the on and off switch controls that information. Giving politicians the right to control that switch or the content of the Internet also gives them absolute power. We must force our government stay out of regulation, taxing or molesting our Internet in any way.

Socialism and Freedom of Speech can never exist together. Socialism, poverty and deprivation are always constant companions, except of course for those enlightened and elite party members. Please remember to stay out of the way of their limousines.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

National Defense Begins With Border Security

Phoenix, AZ—I don’t care where you stand on the issue of criminal immigration. It’s understandable why people want to live in America. The reason people want to come here is because of all the things Barack Obama and his Socialist Gang wants to change like the free market, liberty and freedom.

Those One World Socialists want the entire globe under their rule. One World is another way of saying, there is no escape. Socialist countries have border security, not to keep people out but to prevent people from fleeing their oppression. With a one World Socialist government borders would become totally irrelevant.

American taxpayers can’t continue to provide free schooling and medical care for all of South and Central America like we’ve been doing. That failed policy has bankrupted us and damaged our way of life. Those countries and their corrupt governments have exported only poverty, drugs and violence to our heartland.

Terrorists know the American political climate has destroyed our border defense and that they can move all manner of weapons of mass destruction along with agents to place and detonate them. Dirty bombs, chemicals to poison our food or water supplies along with their delivery systems are easily transported across our border.

Only a fool would believe that terrorists did not change their method of attack from commercial air travel attacks to other means. Our own Whitehouse has been occupied by our enemies for more than a year. We are under the most serious attack this nation has ever faced. The enemy is in absolute controls our borders.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer asked Barack Obama for border security and instead got a flag of surrender. Signs posted by our federal government acknowledging the acceptance of the invasion warning Americans to stay away.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Drew Peterson Trial Is Theater of The Absurd

Joliet, IL—Surreptitious autopsy video recording by Fox News, prosecutors and police spreading rumors of the located corpse seem no more than a device to taint the jury pool. I guess when you don’t have evidence; smoke mirrors and trickery must be employed. All this in an effort to convict retired Bolingbrook police sergeant Drew Peterson at any cost.

The trial also promises to be a Hearsay Orgy! It will be reduced to something like this, “Stacy told me that Kathleen told her that Drew Peterson killed her.” Who does Peterson get to confront in court on that one? Should there be a conviction the appellate process will explode before sense can be made out of The Illinois Drew Peterson Law.

At the eleventh hour, prosecutors have still been shoveling discovery material on Peterson’s lawyers they should have turned over nearly a year ago. Judge Steven White has done everything in his power to give Peterson a dream appeal record.

There is however bad news for the folks that don’t have a life that pine to see Peterson suffering in the defendant's hot seat. They will have to attend the trial in order to see or hear any portion of it. Illinois courts in my lifetime have never allowed radio, TV or even still cameras into courtrooms. This will also prevent witnesses from hearing other witnesses’ testimony. Excluding witnesses from hearing others testify is a wonderful way to expose perjury. That’s a good thing.

I don’t see how this mess can begin by July 6th as Judge White has dictated. They are in such a hurry that this will be a massive mess rather than a trial. Will County will be the laughing stock of the American criminal Justice system before it’s over.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Prosecution Misconduct clouds the Drew Peterson Case

Joliet, IL—I can’t understand how our courts continue to allow prosecutors, medical examiners and cops to hide autopsy evidence. They don’t want defense expert witnesses, judges and juries to see the post Mortem examinations.

Prosecutors do however, love to waive gory autopsy still photos intended to inflame jurors rather than to prove some point. This can only be a nefarious effort to cover-up evidence, professional bungling and bogus findings by medical examiners.

All the necessary high definition video equipment that would eliminate guesswork by the courts and juries is cheap, easy to operate and above all objective. More importantly it’s necessary for the fair administration of justice. To not preserve a full digital video record of autopsies deprives people on trial for their very lives the kind of fairness expected in an American court.

Perhaps it will take additional legislation to demand some reasonable evidence integrity into our criminal courts.

One thing for sure all reports, photos, moving pictures, test results, notes and names of people present at autopsies must be turned over to the defense under, Brady vs. Maryland. It’s called the discovery process. The law of the land is that evidence not disclosed to the defense can’t be introduced at trial.

What facilitated an Indictment and trial of Drew Peterson was the second exhumation of and third autopsy of Drew Peterson’s third wife Kathleen Savio.

The third and final examination or at least parts of it were video recorded by Fox News who paid famed pathologist, Dr. Michael Badden for the third and so far final autopsy. Dr. Badden's second opinion was that homicide rather than an accident resulted in the death. That Fox News tape has never been turned over as required and Peterson’s experts have not been able to consider that important evidence.

Repetitive autopsies are an incredible mess to begin with. All of the internal organs that have been dissected, sectioned and discarded are placed in a large plastic bag that later gets shoved into the abdominal cavity. Any pathologists conducting the second or third autopsies must search through the bag to locate, identify and reexamine everything.

Organs damaged during the first or second autopsy can be incorrectly attributed to being an injury that caused the death. Depending on the decomposition involved the pathologist would be motivated to take every possible shortcut of these especially nasty procedures.

In the Peterson case there are three competing autopsies with opposite findings and no digital video recording of them has surfaced.

A lot of people may hate drew Peterson, but if we can’t demand a fair trial for him who will insist on one for you or someone you love under similar circumstances?

The revelation of this grievous discovery violation should end this prosecution altogether. The integrity of the entire investigation has been redundantly compromised in the effort to convict Drew Peterson at all cost. The Will County State’s Attorney is has displayed the ethics of disbarred and disgraced Duke University, rape prosecutor, Mike Nifong. Enough is enough.