Thursday, June 24, 2010

Chicago Gun Ban Will Be Shot Down Monday!

Washington, DC—There can be little doubt now that the Supreme Court’s parting shot before the summer recess will hit Mayor Richard M. Daley right in the butt. Monday will be the last day the court issues opinions until their next term.

For the first time in 30 years, law-abiding Chicagoans will have a level playing field with the criminals to defend themselves, families and their property.

George W. Bus
h appointee, Associate Justice Samuel Alito is expected to write the opinion for the majority in the McDonald case.

The issue is whether the Second Amendment is incorporated by the 14th Amendment to the States. In simpler terms, the McDonald decision will determine whether state and local governments can infringe on American’s right to keep and bear arms.

We have to see is just how narrow this opinion will be. The next big issues on the line deal with the ability of states to restrict the bearing of arms or to ban certain types of arms. I think the conventional wisdom is obvious and lower courts should begin to recognize that Americans have a right, not to just the keep firearms but also to bear them.

Another issue is whether states can ban firearms over cosmetic appearances or the number of rounds they hold. Again the lower courts may begin with a presumption that they are simply ARMS and Americans have the right to keep and bear them.

Just because the Second Amendment is the law of the land won’t prevent un-American freedom hating politicians like Daley from violating their oaths to defend the constitution.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It’s Time For Our Generals to Act!

Washington, DC—Our Hope and Change President is on an anti-American mission to destroy the free market, economy and currency of the United States. He’s replacing our form of government and constitution with a Socialist model. That’s Treason pure and simple.

When Adolph Hitler became so destructive and criminal many the generals of the German military knew they had a duty to end the suffering of Germany’s families. They did too little, much too late. They were inept and failed in their attempts to remove the despot. Eventually they gave their very lives along with many other top German officials. When the dust settled thousands of honorable military and civilian resisters of National Socialism were murdered under the color of law.

Unlike Hitler’s generals , our military's leaders first duty is to the Constitution of the United States. Hitler’s generals were required to swear an oath not to the Constitution or the people, but to the despot himself.

General Stanley McChrystal
recognized Barack Obama’s intentions and the dangers he poses to all Americans and our way of life. McChristal has a duty to expose Obama and apparently had done just that. Obama has retaliated by relieving McChristal of his command. Obama is the one that should be removed.

I only hope now the other members of our military recognize their sworn duty too. They must protect America from the Communist threat in the Whitehouse.

Gun Registration is no Crime Fighting Tool

Los Angeles, CA—As the Golden state can’t pass a budget, pay its bills or keep dangerous convicts in their prisons, lawmakers want to expand gun registration to all rifles and shotguns. The simple but important question is about any value of registration itself.

State and local registration are duplicating provisions of the 1968 Gun Control Act that required every gun dealer in the United States to record sales information for every transaction. Guns are traced on request of any police agency anyway. Buying a firearm is a complicated process and for many years the FBI has been conducting background investigations on each and every prospective gun buyer at the point of sale.

The proponents of registration claim it’s a needed investigative tool for police. In my 40 years inside the criminal justice system I can tell you that criminals simply don’t leave guns behind at crime scenes. If a gun is found at a crime scene it was seized from the suspect.

We do know that criminals never register their firearms. They are not required by law to do so. Crazy, you say? On two occasions the United States Supreme Court has held that requiring people prohibited by law from possessing firearms to fill out registration applications violates their rights against self-incrimination. They can’t be prosecuted for failure to register!

Some suggest that stolen guns are discovered and returned to the rightful owners. The only way to discover if a gun is stolen is when the owner reports the crime to police. Any person in their right mind who has failed or simply refused to register a firearm won’t report its theft for fear of being prosecuted. Registration is counterproductive to that end.

There are those that think ballistic samples taken and stored from each firearm will somehow solve crimes. That’s never worked in the few places it’s been tried. That’s truly an impossible mission with an astronomical price tag.

When a gun used at a crime is seized from a suspect sometimes it can be matched to projectiles or casings found at a crime scene. That’s the only practical way ballistics examinations help to solve crimes. Police still have to prove that the suspect fired the gun and the shooting was not somehow justifiable.

Registration has genuine value in giving a totalitarian government a list of addresses where doors of citizens can be kicked down and their ability to resist government tyranny can be defeated.

Gun registration is an expensive and yet useless way of fighting crime or keeping firearms out of the hands of criminals. Repealing of existing gun registration laws will give financially strapped government agencies and their taxpayer’s instant relief.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Obama Presidency is Disintegrating--Respect is Fading Fast

Washington, DC—The Office of President of the United States is one that American’s have been taught to respect. I have always respected our presidents even if I disagreed with them, until now.

Barack Obama is very different. He has been on an obvious mission to destroy the free market, our currency, our Constitution and freedom. He wants to recreate America as a Socialist State as he enslaves Americans in the process. I have said many times that Obama is a Communist and traitor in possession of our Whitehouse.

In November 2010 the Obama loyalists in our Congress will get the bums rush by angry taxpayers. If Obama is still President by then, he can count on the reality of investigations and Impeachment. He can also expect a full investigation into his citizenship and birth matters aided with Congressional Subpoenas.

Evidence that proves Obama was ineligible to serve because of birth will not end in Impeachment. Since he was unqualified to serve the whole election becomes undone and every official act and law signed by him becomes null and void.

You can’t impeach someone who is not lawfully in office. I’m not sure if Obama can be prosecuted for misleading people about his birth. Remember Obama has never once publicly answered questions about his origin or denied he was born in Africa as his own grandmother has insisted.

Now we have a flap over a Rolling Stone magazine article called the “Runaway General”. Obama has virtually zero support from America’s military or police and he knows that. Of course the military command staff has to generate the appearance of respect under the difficult circumstances. Even the appearance of respect seems to be failing as the Whitehouse is recalling General Stanley A. McChrystal over the flap.

I can predict that Obama will be even more secretive in the coming months as he hunkers down to protect his ability to continue with the destruction of America.

One thing for sure, America and its freedom have never been in more danger. We can only hope this Obama nightmare too, shall pass.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Chicago Politicians Are Conspiring To Violate Your Civil Rights

Chicago, IL—Chicago’s politicians know the Chicago Gun Ban violates the Constitution of the United States. They know that the Supreme Court will shoot down the ban one week from today.

The Chicago City Council is openly exploring schemes to violate Chicagoan’s rights with infringements prohibited by the Second Amendment. They intend to make as many laws as they can to unlawfully demand special training, extortionate registration fees, and any other roadblocks to the right of law abiding Chicagoans to defend themselves, families and property.

Their goal of these outlaws is not public safety but simple anti-government refusal to follow the law of the land.

The arrogance of Chicago’s politicians must be met with any and all efforts to stop their criminal insurrection.

Cops have to remember their oaths that begin with supporting, defending and protecting the Constitution of the United States.

Chicagoans can simply start with a call to the Chairman of the City Council Police and Fire Committee, Alderman Anthony Beale (312-744-4000). Tell him he will be punished to the fullest extent of the law for violating your civil rights.

Follow that call up with calls to Mayor Richard M. Daley and Alderman Edward Burke (312-744-4000) who are behind this criminal conspiracy.

The sad part here is Chicago’s taxpayers will be the ones victimized as they are forced to pay for litigation and civil payouts to people whose rights get violated

An Update: The Gun Ban is proving its value as it has facilitated lots of violent armed criminals to victimize the unarmed and helpless. So far police report eight dead among 52 shot across city over weekend. That does not include the beatings and stabbings.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Taste of Chicago Needs New Suburban Diggs—It’s Time for a Boycott

Chicago, IL—The “Taste of Chicago” has been an ongoing Chicago tradition for the Windy City’s top restaurants to join together on the lakefront and offer up the best food found anywhere. Chicago’s corrupt Daley/Burke Administration has taken all the fun out of this event.

The city’s government has extortionately taxed everyone especially vendors beyond belief. City inspectors will be out in force putting the arm on vendors for bribes as always. They have made parking impossible and the commute by bus, foot or even bicycle is now become a gauntlet of muggers, sex offenders and aggressive panhandlers for the visitors.

The Daley/Burke Administration has turned Chicago into an entitlement paradise.
It’s also place where the life has been choked out of business and productive taxpayers no longer want to live. Chicago is not a decent place to work or raise children.

The vendors can and must reassemble their event out in the suburban areas where they can acquaint people to really great food. Unless there are some major changes Chicago’ finest dinning places will have to abandon the city anyway.

On my last trip into Chicago a lunch of pizza for two with lemonade at Pizzeria Uno was $50.00 not including the shocking cost to park a car. It was also the first time I saw that place with over half of their tables empty. Civilization is not long for survival under those conditions.

The horrible news is that the politicians have moved thousands of entitlement addicted Blacks and Hispanics into affluent suburban areas. They’ve brought lots of drugs, blight and violence with them.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The YouTube Thug Generation Is Here!

Los Angeles, CA-The L.A. Lakers racked up another Basketball Championship and as expected it became an excuse for local Latino misfits to go on an orgy of destruction.

Targeted, were those people in their automobiles leaving the game on their way home. Despite a heavy police presence Hispanic thugs broke windows, set fires and victimized innocent people and their property.

Times and technology has changed enabling thugs to memorialize their great contribution to society. As you can see in the video below a significant portion of the mob had cameras and were creating their own reality TV shows.

Of course police may be able to identify some of these self-made YouTube stars who’s deeds may get them arrested and hopefully deported once the finish their prison time.

These are the crimes we enable and tolerate. Incredibly dumb laws and political climate prevent Americans from protecting and defending their property or even their lives. In a different time in this country there'd have have been a bounty awarded for the cadavers of such criminals. Perhaps it was a better time.

Quality Blogging Requires Capitalization

As I gather material for this blog I’m challenged by obstacles. The ability to devote enough time, travel and acquisition of the necessary hardware is somewhat problematic. Fortunately I do a fair amount of traveling that puts me close to news makers especially in the firearms and gun rights area.

However when I do travel I have other responsibilities that prevent my full attention to this blog. It would be a dream come true to be able to turn this blog into a full time job.

I’m never without video and still cameras in the event I run across something I think will interest my visitors. I never tire in my effort to find official court records and documents that will enlighten my visitors.

Of course I’d love to be able to travel anywhere and bring you to certain political events high profile crimes and trials, but I must rely on others to share videos and photos. I’m always looking for quality video to use that is captured by contributors. If you have a service or product to advertise, please consider crimefile News.

Be advised that I’m always available to anyone wishing to sponsor me to cover a news event that has any reasonable relevance to this blog.

Sponsorship would allow Crimefile news to bring you a lot more of what you came here to see. I’m open for ideas from my visitors…

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Obama Disaster Must End.

Washington, DC—A young political stranger with insufficient experience, a nebulas political platform and a broad smile ran for president at the exact right moment. Barack Obama won the election.

Eight years of a horrible Republican President along with wars in two theaters had taken its toll on American voters.

The Republicans went on to make a terrible choice of a very Liberal and Progressive John McCain to be their candidate. McCain was still eating humble pie after floating his failed, illegal alien amnesty program.

Disillusioned Conservative voters had but two choices that came from the US Senate and their voting records were strikingly similar. Conservatives avoided the polls and the result was a win for Barack Obama.

America had apparently voted for that incredibly vague Hope and Change platform. Obama said he wanted some strange things like a civilian government force with the same power and funding as the military. Nobody ever bothered to ask him to explain what that was all about.

Obama had some serious baggage that was ignored from the criminal racketeering Organization that runs the City of Chicago. Obama’s associating with, wheeling and dealing with felons was just put aside like old news.

The media overlooked Obama’s membership in the W.E.B. Dubois Club. This is a Marxist organization popular with Chicago’s African-American community. The epicenter for this outfit is in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago that Obama calls home.

Obama’s close association with avowed dangerous radicals and Communists along with his hateful 20 year, racist religious advisor somehow became a big, “SO What?”.

Obama’s place of birth is not an issue for voters to decide, but a constitutional mandate that must be followed. There is serious evidence that Obama was born in Kenya, Africa and not naturalized properly by his mother. Obama may well be an illegal alien as he as fought every effort to open records that would revealed the simple truth. There can only be one reason for Obama to hide his birth records, he was not born here.

Obama is here with his duplicative but decidedly Socialist and un-vetted Czar Cabinet. Obama has placed the nation into inevitable bankruptcy as he is destroying every bit of our economy he can. Obama has done all he can to nationalize banks, auto makers and health care to the peril of the free market and competition this country was founded upon.

Obama has operated in secret when he redundantly promised transparency. He has proven himself to be a disappointment to the centrist population and even a surprising segment of the Democratic Party.

Americans are tired of the seemingly ineffective and endless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and somehow took Obama’s mixed signals that he’d end those operations. The coffins of America’s fighting men and women still arrive in Delaware at the same pace as when George Bush was around.

The Liberals have given Obama a pass and full pardon for the same exact crap they condemned George Bush over.

Obama’s approval ratings stand at disappointing 41%. If there was an election today Obama would be gone.

Every additional day Obama is president America sinks further into a quagmire of failed Socialist ideas. Every day Obama is President will obstruct any hope of an economic recovery for America. Everyday Obama is President our defense is being dismantled making us a softer target for attack.

Obama hates the principals under which this country was founded and is obviously committed to its destruction. That makes him a traitor. Obama must be forced out of office while we still have a country.

Always Smile For Your Police Booking Photo

You’ve seen them many times, police mug shots. They are always the same. Those photos of the arrested reveal hostile, sad, drunk or crazy people charged with crimes.

Police show those photos to crime witnesses to establish legal identifications of suspects enabling arrests and indictments. Eye witnesses are absolutely unreliable and will almost never identify a picture of someone with a broad smile in a photo lineup. They always go for a face with the nasty scowl

In cases with media interest editors and news directors always love to redundantly publish those really rude looking and sensational booking photos. A pleasant smile can take a booking photo and turn it into something taken from a Facebook page. The media does not want bore their readers and viewers with routine pleasant faces.

Getting arrested and charged with a crime is an unpleasant experience especially if you’re actually innocent. Trying to muster a smile at a difficult time like that is nearly impossible. If you can manage to smile it may help you immensely.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Utah Execution is a Barbaric and Cowardly Act

Draper, UT—I visited the prison here several years ago on an adoption matter. It’s a clean appearing seemingly well run institution for men that have done vile and horrible things. Many are dangerous career criminals housed there that should never be set free until they’re too old to hurt anyone.

After midnight tonight Ronnie Lee Gardner, 49 is going to be escorted to and strapped into a chair and five men will fire .30 Caliber Winchester rifles at a small target on his chest.

Gardner’s crime was a despicable act. He was convicted of capital murder 25 years ago for the 1985 fatal courthouse shooting of attorney Michael Burdell during an escape attempt. He was desperate and 24 years-old back then.

It’s disturbing to me that an entire quarter of a century has passed. That much time would change anyone. There is no evidence since that mad act that indicates he’d re-offend or not find a peaceful way to somehow serve society even if it was behind bars. Killing Gardner now is almost like killing Peter for Paul’s crime.

Gardner made quite an exhaustive appeal to the pardon board. It served no purpose and was a total waste of breath.

Gardner can’t be blamed for the 25 year appeal process since he did not create it. I can’t help but to believe that the freakish delay and half of Gardner’s life was spent dreading his own killing at the hands of the government. At some point this should qualify as cruel and unusual punishment.

Gardner sat on Death Row for so long he watched young prison guards grow old and retire while he was waiting to die or get a commutation. That certainly qualifies as “hard time”.

I guess this execution is raw vengeance in its purest form. Taking a captive human to a death chamber is in itself a disgusting act. Being part of this kind of barbarism carries the mark of Cain. There are no heroes here.

I oppose the death penalty not because people don’t deserve that fate but because no government should have the power to kill their own citizens. Every government on earth will abuse that power sooner or later. I have no qualms about killing in legitimate self defense or defense of another.

As for Gardner he’s about to cease to exist or cross over to the “other side” if you believe there is one. One thing for sure his earthly tormentors can punish him no more.

Chicago Handgun Ban Should Have Protected These Armed Robbers!

Chicago, IL—Within the next two weeks legal experts expect that the United States Supreme Court will rule that the 14th Amendment incorporates the Second Amendment applying it to the states.

Simply put for the first time all 50 states can, no longer infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. The failure of the court to do this until now has allowed some states to heavily restrict or ban firearms as their gun control schemes have spun out-of-control.

The target of this action is the 30 year-old Chicago handgun ban. The law was passed with the twisted and tortured logic that robbers, rapists and killers would somehow obey the ban on handguns. The only thing that happened was the wholesale disarming of law-abiding Chicagoans. Or what I called The Mugger Protection Act. It’s only the criminals, not the law-abiding that use guns for violent crime.

The law enabled cowardly criminals to do whatever they wanted by eliminating any and all meaningful self defense capability of their victims.

Some smart Chicagoans have recently begun to ignore the ban with the awareness that it was unconstitutional. They have acquired guns and on three occasions in the last three weeks fired their guns into the bodies of dangerous and armed felons.

What are the poor rapists, robbers and killers to do now? Is there no compassion for them anymore? I know that Mayor Daley and his City Council feels that this is just not fair to them!

Adding insult to injury an accomplice of the armed robber killed in last week’s North West side failed Fullerton Pawners stickup, Preracio Williams, 23 pictured above has been arrested.

Now Williams faces a First degree Murder charge for the killing of his pal, Michael McMillan, 24 by the shop’s owner. That is of course in addition to the Armed Robbery charge. Now the poor lad’s life is ruined for sure since he won’t see freedom for many decades.

As for the late Michael McMillan, he got a sweet prison boot camp for another stickup. Now, he’s out of the gene pool.

Had the pawn shop owner respected Daley’s gun ban the two downtrodden African-American lads would have had a much better fate. I guess Daley figures that the victims are less important and expendable.

On June 3, a 27-year-old South Austin man shot and wounded a man who jumped through the window of his home as he was running away from police officers during a drug bust.

That was followed by another shooting on May 26. An 80-year-old Korean War veteran shot and killed a masked home invasion/robber in East Garfield Park. The veteran was also robbed at gunpoint last year.

Because of the Hale Demar Law, neither resident was charged with violating the handgun ban. In both instances, the slain robbers were convicted felons. It’s now expected that the pawn shop owner won’t face charges either.

Times change and now thing may turn against the unfortunate felons of Chicago.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Warren Buffett and Bill Gates want to spread their wealth and I can help!

Chicago, IL-- These two money making giants say they want to give away half of their money. Okay I want to get into this line! I need several million dollars to make my film, Come Friday about heroic Chicago policewoman Ann Leybourne. It was New Year’s morning when serial rapist and career criminal Robert Ellis stalked and kidnapped the 25 year old recruit policewoman.

Ellis kidnapped and raped nearly 50 attractive young women on Chicago’s gold Coast. On a legal technicality he was set free and his crimes continued. Some really great cops made Ellis their personal target but were never able to bag the cunning rapist. Ellis wore a surgical mask and was always armed with a gun or knife. He always struck on Friday Night. Chicago’s media dubbed him The Friday Night Rapist.

I want to employ a director, actors, extras, editors as I pump some needed cash into Chicago’s struggling economy. There will be lots of work for off duty Chicago cops.

This struggling film producer and screenwriter must have the cash in order to open some Hollywood doors to tell the exciting story of a real American role model. Yes, Ann Leybourne absolutely deserves the honor.

You generous billionaires could do something really fine. As for any profits from the film, perhaps could be turned into a scholarship program for the children of Chicago’s finest.

Flight Attendants Are good For?

Chicago, IL—For 32 years Patti DeLuna, 61 has been in the skies serving passengers for three different airlines. The past 14 of those years have been with American Airlines.

Patti had a little secret; she knew how to do more than serve peanuts and drinks. She learned how to fly airplanes long ago.

Being a commercial airline pilot was impossible in DeLuna’s younger days because you could not get the job without being a military pilot first regardless of experience or training. DeLuna went ahead and got a commercial pilot's rating anyway in 1970 and several years later became a flight attendant.

Monday was hardly a different day for DeLuna as a mid-air medical emergency developed in the cockpit. The First Officer was stricken and unable to assist the Captain with the landing of that little Boeing 767 airship.

After an announcement for pilots on board the plane got no results DeLuna sprang into action and took over the First Officer’s duties like the pro she is. Although she had not piloted a plane for 20 years she did her part bring the plane in for a routine and safe landing.

I have a friend who is an American Airlines pilot and Captain. The good captain laments that the flight attendants for the most part have no interest in learning anything at all about flying the plane. You’d think they use their position and proximity to learn if for no other reason to assist in an emergency. My friend is absolutely correct.

It’s too bad that the glut of military pilots was not exhausted earlier when DeLuna was entering the work force. Had that been the case she’d have been a career pilot, been forced to retire because of age and would be enjoying a big fat pension check right now.

Somehow I don’t think retirement would ever suit DeLuna. She has proven that she has the right stuff.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Infuriating New Airline Baggage fees Are Only Part of the Problem

Charlotte, NC—Along with all the grief associated with today’s air travel, the airlines are not helping themselves into profitability. They are adding more reasons to avoid flying altogether.

I arrived at the airport only to learn from Delta Airlines that I must fork over an additional $25.00 fee for my 25” roll-away bag each way. It was not the money that angered me but the nickel-dime low brow treatment.

I forked over the additional payment only to see panicked passengers who have avoided the charges overfilling the overhead storage bins. Smart travelers were trying to find clever ways to beat the extra charges. Needless to say the overhead bins get stuffed full before nearly half of the passengers are let on to the plane.

Loading the plane took a significant longer time and the flight attendants began confiscating small bags of passenger’s valuables that because of a lack of space in the overloaded bins. The confiscated bags included laptops and cameras that were now in for a rough ride and also being offered up as theft targets. This clearly is needless additional trauma for passengers.

I’d much prefer the airlines simply left the baggage matters to the status quo and raised the prices accordingly. Most people try to avoid waiting for checked baggage anyway.

In the long run this new baggage scheme should and will cost the airlines even more paying customers. What a dumb idea.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Another Pro-Obama Thug, This Time It’s A Congressman!

Washington, DC—Watch Congressman Bob Etheridge, Democrat from North Carolina, as he violently manhandles a passive student asking simple questions on a public sidewalk.

This is nothing more than a criminal assault and battery that deserves prosecution in both a criminal and civil court.

This is the new thuggish attitude of the Socialists of the Barack Obama Administration. Yes, it reminiscent of the Brownshirts of National Socialism’s SA that brought Adolph Hitler to absolute power.

If Etheridge escapes prosecution that’s a sure sign of the Obama Administration actually is gaining that dreaded absolute power.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Brady Campaign Is On The Ropes

They’ve changed their name many times but their mission is the same. They want what they’ve called sensible gun control. They’ve wanted to ban every gun in civilian homes in America. They’ve pushed their agenda with a loud voice for a couple of decades but now thankfully, they’re running out of gas.

The U.S. Supreme Court dealt them a fatal blow when they re-affirmed the Second Amendment in the Heller case. Now the Brady Bunch is bracing for another defeat with the McDonald case due any Monday this month.

More importantly the truth has emerged through the new media about the failure of gun control to do anything but empower and enable violent criminals. Before the Internet, with only the major TV networks and Leftist newspapers, spreading their misleading and poisonous propaganda was smooth sailing. Those days are over now

In the last two decades, the Right to Carry, has swept the nation as law-abiding citizens regained the right to protect themselves on main Street. That massive movement has shot big holes in every Brady argument they’ve ever made.

The Brady Bunch is now trying to sell their mailing list. The list would have value among Liberal and Left Wing causes. Frankly they need the money to keep their doors open and meet their staff’s payroll. Nobody wants to donate to a lost cause.

Even with a career gun rights hater like Barack Obama in the Whitehouse there is little chance of gaining ground against the latest edicts of the nation’s highest court. The future of gun control is bleak indeed.

The Liberals and leftists are throwing all their money to protect their incumbent Congressional candidates from being ousted. There’s nothing left for the Brady Bunch.

It’s Time To Let Large Cities Fail—Bailouts Must End Now!

Washington, DC—Barack Obama is at it again, enslaving taxpayers this time for yet another $50 billion to bailout cities that refused to exercise minimal fiscal discipline.

Now these Democratic Party controlled cities say they have to lay off teachers, fire and police. Of course the unbridled corruption and waste matters not as the same city officials will get another blood money bailout.

The Leftists running these metropolitan cesspools have done silly things like declare themselves as Sanctuary Cities for illegal aliens. They’ve forcing taxpayers to provide services for the trespassers.

Chicago for example misspent many tens of millions trying to win the Olympic Games. They were merely looking for more contract extortion opportunities for their own officials.

Is there no limit to bailout foolishness? These rogue cities need to be forced to tighten their belts. They need to be weaned from reckless spending. Giving money to the same horrible local politicians that created this mess is the same as rewarding John Dillinger for robbing banks.

Cities must be allowed to fail. The residents of these cities would then vote out the crooks that created the problem in the first place.

Congress needs to get the message whether it be accomplished with ballots or bullets, NO MORE BAILOUTS!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tolerating Obama Inspired Violence

Greensboro, NC—A Barack Obama supporting thug named Governor Spencer waded into a group of peaceful Tea Party demonstrators to confront them. Spencer pushed one woman and threw a left hook striking, Nathan Tabor in the face.

The vicious an unprovoked assault was captured on video tape. The thug left without being arrested.

I have one simple question. Why didn’t the other men in the demonstration step in and beat the living snot out of the Obama thug? This is nothing more than backing down from a schoolhouse bully. Failure to fight back only empowers the bullies and brings much more of the same.

Today’s Americans don’t really deserve rights they won’t fight to preserve and protect. Standing around with signs to an administration that ignores both voters and the Constitution is a waste of time.

We cannot fight tyranny with peaceful protests. That never works. We are under the most dangerous Socialist threat this country has ever faced and must do our duty as Americans to protect and defend the Constitution. Extortionate taxation and enslavement of Americans is an act of war that can only be addressed in kind!

If we can’t fight the little fights how can we liberate ourselves from a Socialist takeover? If we don’t immediately begin to do our duty and violently defend, our freedom will perish.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Will Hate or Reason Dictate Outcome of Murder Trial?

Los Angeles, CA—The trial of Bay Area Rapid Transit cop, Johannes Mehserle has been removed from Oakland to be tried here.

Mehserle is the young cop who shot and killed Oscar Grant on a transit platform on New Year’s Day in 2009. Grant was being subdued and handcuffed by several officers when Mehserle removed his service weapon from its holster and shot Grant in the back. It sounds so simple but it’s not.

The shooting of Oscar Grant was a YouTube Sensation because several people in the hostile crowd pulled out cell-phone video cameras and captured the incident. They quickly posted the videos on YouTube with their own misleading and incendiary commentary.

In the past 40 years police agencies all over have experimented and deployed all manner of non-lethal gizmos and sprays as an alternative to force that will seriously injure or kill. Quite popular are the Tazer stun guns with police administrators and local politicians. I have taken exception to this device for a lot of reasons.

There is only so much room on a patrol officer’s belt for equipment. There is the service weapon, extra ammunition, handcuff case, baton ring, portable radio and a key ring. The more crap you add the more complicated things get. When you are required to carry a new device like the stun gun your developed, reflexes and muscle memory goes to Hell. Survival dictates that you watch your suspect and possible accomplices and not the equipment on your belt.

When it comes to police equipment it’s administrators and politicians that decide what will be carried not the officers required to carry the crap.

Apparently the reason that Grant is dead is not because of a wanton desire to kill him but the cop grabbed the wrong pistol grip. Instead of grabbing the Taser gun he grabbed the Sig .40 caliber duty pistol instead. That was an ugly mistake but a mistake none the less.

Next we have to talk about Oakland, California. Oakland is the Hate Epicenter of the United States for African-American extremists. The Black Panther Party was spawned here and cops, especially White cops are targets of hate and deadly race based assault.

Oakland’s African-American community wants the blood of this young cop. The threats against this lad are such that anyone killing him in a on the street, jail or prison would be considered a Black Hero.

There is no basis to rationally believe this was more than an accident where the victim was willingly engaged in risky behavior. You also have to believe that the young cop’s attention was fixed on his own and fellow cop’s safety when this accident occurred. Any well trained officer would be observing a 360 degree area for additional threats especially in the cop hating capital of the world.

This case was only charged because prosecutors could not deal with Oakland’s hateful African-Americans.

Can a Los Angeles jury be fair? This case does not belong in a criminal court but a civil venue where a jury should be dealing solely with the issue of civil negligence.

Watch my long time friend Christi Paul of Headline News report on violence that gave prosecutors no options but to prosecute.