Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rare Day In Chicago, 85 year old home owner kills home invasion suspect!

Chicago, IL—An unidentified East Garfield Park elderly couple were awakened by an armed yet to be unidentified home invader at 5:20 A.M..

The 85 year-old unidentified male homeowner, apparently dared possess a handgun banned in the Windy City for 30 years. That gun of his became a lifesaver as he was able to stop the crime by killing the violent offender in what appears to be a Justifiable Homicide.

The Chicago police news affairs section had nothing to say beyond that the shooting was under investigation and arrests have not been made. They plan to provide an update sometime this evening.

The timing of this shooting coincides with the United States Supreme Court’s expected decision on the controversial gun ban. Legal experts have predicted that McDonald vs. City of Chicago would strike down the gun ban before the court’s summer recess in June.

Critics like Crimefile News have long ridiculed the law as un-Constitutional and ineffective. The law only impacts the law-abiding citizens of Chicago.

Chicago police superintendent Jody “J-Fled” Weis recently said the police are powerless and cannot control crime that happens inside homes. Apparently this is just another “inside Crime” where the public is on their own.

The big question’s here are, will they arrest the old couple and hold a Show Trial so other Chicagoans that crime victims that fight back can expect punishment along with a criminal record.

Update: The Victim’s age is now confirmed now at 80. He turned 80 last April.

Breaking Sad News—Phoenix Police Officer Murdered

Phoenix, AZ—Details are scarce but A Squaw Peak Precinct officer has been gunned down near 19th Avenue and Thomas. One man is in custody at this hour.

See Video from KTVK-TV this morning.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Live in Chicago? Carrying a gun is a must.

Chicago, IL—The undermanned, outgunned and demoralized police department can barely protect themselves as they move from one bloody crime scene to another. Proactive policing is impossible in the Windy City as warm weather brings out a flood of predatory armed thugs, stalking prey.

The North side parks and beaches have seen a dramatic rise in racially motivated armed robberies, beatings, rapes and killings. The perpetrators are predominately African-American gang members prowling in wolf packs looking for vulnerable victims.

Going to Chicago’s parks especially in nice weather is simply too dangerous. If you must go and have the training bring a suitable large caliber gun and enough ammunition for multiple attackers. Going anywhere at all in Chicago without a meaningful way to protect yourself is crazy.

Chicago’s politicians spent a bundle of tax dollars on corrupt contracts to improve the park system but have not properly funded necessary policing there. The park system is reduced to nothing more than an attractive nuisance and fertile grounds for all manner of violent crime.

If you want to enjoy a fine park perhaps you should go to one of many wonderful places an hour or two’s drive from Chicago. There is the terrific Starved Rock State Park in Ottawa, Ill. You can rent inexpensive, romantic cabins there and enjoy wonderful meals at the main lodge. Nearby is a great public shooting range where you can keep up your self-defense skills.

Remember folks the clock is ticking until all of Barack Obama’s checks start bouncing and civil unrest make Chicago uninhabitable. That could only change if fed up Chicagoans, begin to use their second Amendment rights and refuse to be victims. The cowardly predators will quickly vanish rather than to face real resistance.

Remember if you shoot a scumbag no law requires you stay there or call the police. You have an absolute right and duty to yourself to remain silent.

Leave the scene collecting any and all weapons you can. If contacted by the police remember these four words, “I WANT A LAWER.”

Do not admit anything including being in fear for your life. Save that for your lawyer or a jury if they arrest you. Talking to police will almost guarantee your arrest. Silence is truly golden.

Deadly Mexican Heroin Threatens Users---So What!

Government officials are warning the nation’s heroin addicts of a deadly shipment of especially pure heroin that puts users down like bad dogs.

I despise drug laws and the Drug War because they have destroyed our once sacred Fourth Amendment and has cost taxpayers untold billions. I totally resent funding the Police State that the Drug War has created.

The only beneficiaries of the Drug War are the drug Lords and over-paid government Drug Czars.

An early and quick death for those pathetic humans that have hooked themselves of drugs is the best possible cure to their problems. I have seen so many families torn apart because of addicted and their foolishness.

Untold amounts of innocent people are killed in crossfire between cops, drug dealers and rival drug dealers. I have seen lives destroyed by bogus prosecutions of innocent people as well as the destructive raids on homes based on then lies of police snitches. Yes, cops have killed many innocent homeowners after raiding the wrong houses.

Along with all the police raid and drug dispute mayhem there are of course the millions of burglaries, armed robberies and associated murders committed by heroin addicts supporting their drug appetites.

Drug addicts are monkeys on the backs of taxpayers, their families and loved ones. The Drug War is an ugly stain on America that must end through legalization. Taxing illicit drugs will only create new opportunities for criminals and must not be allowed.

A good heroin addict is a dead heroin addict.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Gays In the Military

Washington, DC—It’s one thing to be in an all volunteer military since you made a choice of your own free will knowing the situations, danger and discomfort you may experience. You’ve made your own bed when you volunteered.

It’s completely different when you are conscripted for service in the draft like I was. I was forced to accept living in close quarters with petty criminals, chain smokers, drug users and people with poor hygiene. I’m sure there were Gays in my Army but the slightest manifestation of that trait brought swift punishment. In reality the Max Klinger character from MASH Gay or not would have been sent home as soon as he put on a dress.

When you serve in the military you lose all privacy as you are forced to shower and sleep in close proximity to people you find revolting. You are required to sleep with another man in a tiny pup tent. For the most part it is almost tolerable if the tent buddy is clean and heterosexual. It’s still too close than I’d like to be to any man.

Now the Gays will be free to flaunt their lifestyle, and troll for sex partners without interference. That could work only if they create segregated Gay only living arrangements. Gays have a right to exist and defend their country. I reserve the right to not live with them in confined quarters. I don’t see how the military will be able respect the rights of all involved. This is a bad idea when Gays can find other ways to serve their country.

If we have any expansion of war or outbreak the draft will resume. Gays were excused from serving without penalty. The same was never true for the heterosexual men. Had I been able to simply opt out of the draft I would have done so.

Somehow getting drafted and getting sent to Germany as a medical corpsman was a major adventure in my life. The medics were a better educated, better behaved and generally a better class of solider to serve with than the line troops. Medics also got star treatment from all combat soldiers. Being called “Doc” was an honor for me.

Everyday We’re closer to a Second Civil War

Washington, DC—Barack Obama is slipping in the polls, his candidates are dropping like flies and they have no choice but to grab power much sooner than November. This bunch will never just quietly go away.

It’s the United States Constitution vs. Socialism. Neither form of government is compatible with the other. With over 50 percent of Americans collecting entitlements the taxpaying minority are slaves to the majority. Many entitlement addicted inhabitants of this continent want to replace our form of government with Socialism. The results would be a non-productive and desperately poor America.

Obama and his minions have been planning their Coup De’Tat in secret waiting for the right move. Ideally it would be with the support of the voters although it takes more than a majority to change the constitution. Obama is close to his simple majority goal, but not close enough.

Obama’s shadow government, loaded with Communist and Socialist Czars has not been sitting idle. These people answer to nobody but Obama.

Obama knows he will have difficulty motivating the military and law enforcement against the people. Obama knows he can count on troops from China, and other Communist nations to try and take control of Americans resisting the revolution. It would be the nastiest holocaust the world has ever known.

Adolph Hitler bought loyalty from his military leadership with vast gifts of money, land, and businesses seized in the name of National Socialism. Obama’s cabal would certainly use anything that would work.

Obama is poised to shut down the Internet, declare martial law and suspend the Constitution using the precedent set by Abraham Lincoln 150 years ago. He will say it’s necessary for public safety and the good of the country.

Anyone who thinks this is too far-fetched is a fool. Optimism kills millions that expected tyrannical governments to quickly pass.

Americans must be ready, well trained, armed and have a plan for resistance. Inner city thugs will be fighting for Obama but thankfully they are so undisciplined and don’t possess minimal skills for the firearms they have or will get. Most trained American military veterans would make short work of street gangs and such.

Obama’s minions have been calling peaceful resistance to their agenda racism and even anti-government Sedition.

The timetable demands that if they are going to do this they better move quickly. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Obama has been laying low from the media. Obama also knows that his citizenship and birth status can’t be kept under wraps much longer.

We Must Protect Internet Free Speech at All Cost

Washington, DC—Whoever controls the information, controls the world. Our founding fathers knew that only too well and as a result we have the First Amendment in our Bill of rights. Without free speech we will have no freedom at all.

All of the other rights we have, have been curtailed drastically without amending our Constitution in the last two centuries. The right to keep and bear arms, to be free from unreasonable searches, or to receive due process have all been shortchanged by government. Extortionate taxation has enslaved productive Americans in violation of the Thirteenth Amendment outlawing slavery.

The First Amendment has survived somewhat but is under attack everyday by politicians demanding political correctness and of course only they will decide what is correct.

Incumbent politicians particularly Leftists hate the Internet’s power. Their voting records and misdeeds are published and voters become educated. The Leftists whine and claim misleading information makes them victims of slander and libel.

The laws against defamation have not been repealed and unlike newspapers and TV anyone can immediately post whatever they want to set the record straight if something published in Cyberspace offends them. All men are truly equal in Cyberspace. Try that with NBC, ABC or CBS.

Yes, Internet free speech is under real attack through legislation with skillfully chosen and misleading titles like Net Neutrality and The Fairness Doctrine. Many politicians (virtually all on the Left) want to make some in the new media more equal than others.

After the invention of radio and nearly every home in the world having access to those broadcasts, it was a politician’s dream come true. Not just anyone could broadcast and governments had absolute control of content. Roosevelt, Stalin and Hitler mesmerized their populations with cult like control. People were addicted to this new media. The despots would broadcast their one sided rants and the listeners were hopelessly sucked in.

Soon the television came along and the leftists understood the power of media enough to do whatever it took to own and control it. The major newspapers, television and radio stations spoke with a single leftist voice. The journalism schools were also part of this power grab.

The Conservatives never were able to stay in front of the information race. They were only able to get their message out through books that few people read.

Nobody knew the media better than that National Socialist, Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels. He was the man who got Adolph Hitler on the front pages of the world’s newspapers and covers of several Time Magazine issues. Goebbels media skills convinced the world that Hitler was real Hope and Change for a deeply troubled Europe.

If people heard it on the radio or read it in the newspaper they were convinced it had to be true. In hindsight we know a great deal of seemingly credible half-truths and outright lies were broadcast or published each and every day.

With an unfiltered Internet anyone with computer access can post the written word, voice recording, photographs and video without cost. The days of bully pulpits are nearly over and free speech reigns supreme.

Any 12 year-old with a cell-phone video camera or web camera can broadcast whatever political message he pleases in numerous YouTube style sites. Facebook alone hosts constant political give and take with millions of postings.

Today the consumers of the new Cyberspace media are more sophisticated and the information posted does not go un-investigated. It’s much more difficult to control anyone at all when you can’t control the information.

The result is a better educated population and the free ride for dictators is over unless freedom is regulated out of the Internet.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bruce Beresford-Redman Has Returned to L.A. And Lawyers Up!

Los Angeles, CA—After his nightmare in Mexico TV producer Bruce Beresford-Redman in once again on U.S. soil. He’s ready to fight to regain custody of his children and get his in-laws out of his home and away from assets.

It was last April 8th that Monica Beresford-Redman’s body was found in a sewer at the Moon Palace Resort in Cancun, Mexico. Initially Bruce Beresford-Redman was detained and released pending further investigation. He reportedly was told not to leave the country by Mexican officials. The producer’s in-laws had a field day taking the couple’s children and going after the estate. Now to their chagrin Bruce Beresford-Redman is back.

Bruce Beresford-Redman's in-laws criticized Mexican investigators earlier this month for not arresting him. They complained that the producer would flee. They have an obvious agenda beyond justice and it called simple greed.

Mexico will have to put up or shut up now since Bruce Beresford-Redman is back on U.S. soil. They will have to produce some credible evidence to allow for extradition. As an American citizen Bruce Beresford-Redman has due process rights.

Bruce Beresford-Redman is represented by top notch, Santa Monica criminal lawyer, Richard Hirsch. He’s looking for a family law specialist now to fight for custody of Beresford-Redman’s children.

Husband of murdered woman now missing in Mexico

Cancun, Mexico—Successful TV producer Bruce Beresford-Redman’s wife Monica Beresfor-Redman was found murdered here. It’s an unsolved case but suspicion fueled by greed has swept the family of the murdered woman. Just like piranhas the family of, Monica Beresford-Redman are going after marital assets and possession of the couple’s children.

I think most reasonable people would want the killer/s caught and punished. So far the evidence only consists of guesswork and a trouble marriage. That’s hardly enough to ruin a man’s life over.

The Mexican authorities briefly held the hapless husband as a murder suspect but lacked minimal evidence and released him with instructions not to leave Mexico. Now, Rodolfo Garcia, deputy attorney general for Quintana Roo state, reports that he has unsuccessfully tried to bring in Beresford-Redman for some more grilling and can’t find him. Grilling? Fat chance, they want to arrest him especially because he’s well known throughout the world.

Who in their right mind would make themselves available for the terminally corrupt Mexican government? Who would risk rotting in a filthy Mexican jail where hefty bribes rather than innocence will set you free? It’s anyone’s guess how long Beresford-Redman would remain in jail waiting for a day in a Mexican Kangaroo Court.

There is no Bill of Rights in Mexico and residents by the tens of millions vote with their feet to get out of that huge corrupt cesspool. I will never understand the lure of a Mexican vacation. Mexico is a dangerous place to visit and you will be sorry if you don’t bring cash for government official bribery. It's a pretty countryn but it may become your worst nightmare.

The media along with the true-crime junkies have pre-judged Beresford-Redman Guilty without a shred of evidence.

Beresford-Redman has no life anymore so why surface now? He’s far better off to somehow find a new life in a central or South American paradise. Returning to the USA will just end in extradition and a destroyed life.

An Intimate Look into Ghetto Think

Chicago, IL—Young Chicago police Officer Thomas Wortham, IV had just returned from duty in Iraq. The lad had bought a new motorcycle and was visiting his parents. Four dangerous Ghetto Rats with guns tried to rob the young cop.

God given fear and the instinct to survive caused Wortham and his retired policemen father to fight for their lives during the armed ambush. In the process one rat, Brian Floyd, 20 was killed and another rodent was wounded. Thomas Wortham, IV was savagely murdered during this senseless crime.

In the Ghetto, life is cheap and the thought process of the inhabitants is incredibly defective. The African-American concept of right and wrong is bizarre to say the least. Is there something flawed within their genes? Did God somehow shortchange an entire race denying them compassion, humanity or simple decency?

Floyd died during the commission of the robbery and murder of Wortham. The woman who spawned the now dead predatory murderer spoke out. Floyd’s mother Lucille Floyd is obviously a fan of Richard M. Daley’s gun control that only disarms law-abiding people.

She really thinks it was somehow unfair or wrong for her son to have been killed during the savage and vicious crime he was committing. She thinks that these deaths have little importance and everyone should simply move on. Her complaint is that the armed victims fighting back were too accurate with their guns.

It’s alarming that people like Lucille are having children. It’s frightening that we allow these dangerous creatures to roam our streets. Taxpayers pay for the food, shelter and medical care for these ghetto rats. Where in our Constitution does the duty to do this fall on taxpayers? Our welfare system has turned unwed motherhood into a thriving industry. The more babies they make the more taxpayer funds they receive.

The most telling portion of this woman’s remarks was that Brian Floyd and his fellow crime rats are fatherless.

Wortham’s father was at his side still protecting him in every way he could. Is that why Worthham, also an African-American became a contributing member of society?

Sit back and watch Lucille Floyd reveal Ghetto Think:

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Worst President Ever, Or Public Enemy Number One?

Washington, DC—The Liberals cheered as Barack Obama promised full government transparency, to get us out of Iraq and to not raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000.00 per year. Then there was the hope of doing away with the patriot Act and other Liberal fantasies like ending the federal death penalty. None of these things were realized and these things were in fact worsened.

Obama has weakened America’s defense and emboldened Iran and North Korea in the process. Obama has sought to curry favor with every Socialist regime as he has followed the Marx-Engels program as Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong for his policy path for America.

Obama’s non-stop spending and printing of currency backed by nothing is economic suicide planed for a Socialist solution just as Hitler utilized for the Weimar Republic.

Now with over half of the American population addicted to entitlements it’s become popular to turn to ideation of redistributing wealth. That majority population includes as many as 50 million illegal aliens. It takes more than a simple majority of qualified voters to change the Constitution and form of government. A margin of 51 percent of our population does not get to rob the other 49 percent.

The Socialist robbery and enslavement of taxpayers will bring the end of freedom, liberty and our way of life. America was the paragon of a wealthy, free and safe place to live and raise children. America has never been in more danger. Obama and his Socialist Cabal are traitors and criminals. They must be stopped anyway possible.

The Tea Party people must recognize their tepid approach has fallen on deaf ears and much stronger tactics like those used to found this country are in order. We cannot wish the Marxists away they are here to stay unless they are brought to justice for treason.

Everywhere a Socialist flag flies they murder millions of their own citizens and it won’t be any different here.

Barack Obama is an even bigger threat to the United States that what we saw on September 11, 2001. Obama has the keys to or nuclear missiles and currency printing presses. Barack Obama is not a Liberal, he’s a total Marxist. We must cut this cancer out before it consumes us.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Daley Says He Will Find Ways Around The Law To Deny Gun Rights!

Chicago, Il—For 30 years politicians in the Windy City have aided violent criminals by keeping law-abiding people disarmed through a gun ban. Local government here has enabled violent crime rather than fight it.

Mayor Richard M. Daley is emotionally, pathologically and insanely motivated to find ways to circumvent the United States Supreme Court’s expected gun rights ruling in the McDonald case.

For nearly a half hour Daley used a table laden with guns as movie props to express his hatred for them and Chicagoans right to keep and bear them.

Daley made it clear he will dictate new laws designed to frustrate those who want the means to defend themselves and families with firearms. Daley will demand liability insurance, excessive training and extortionate taxation. Liability insurance for gun misuse is not offered anywhere and if there was such a thing Daley knows it would be unaffordable.

Daley falsely claims that without the gun ban the murder rate would be 30% higher. Every study ever conducted shows gun laws have increased murder rates and that millions of American citizens use guns to stop violent crimes without even firing a single shot.

Daley is a lawless thug using color of law to violate the Constitutional rights of citizens. All lawless thugs including Daley need to be stopped cold. They are a cancer in our government that needs to be cut out.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mexican President Needs To Go Home

Washington, DC—As he condemns Arizona new law to make illegal immigration illegal, Mexican President Felipe Calderon is now demanding gun bans in America. He falsely claimed that the 45,000 guns seized in Mexico came from the USA when in fact they were from China or the former Soviet Union. We don’t sell those fully automatic imported weapons here.

The corrupt and anti-business Mexican government is the real reason for Mexico's poverty, lack of schools and medical care. The only business that succeeds in Mexico is the illegal drug trade. A high percentage of Mexican drug criminals work for that government.

As he tells Arizona their new immigration law is unreasonable, Calderon should instead ask the US to adopt the Mexican immigration laws instead. The Mexican laws make ours look very Liberal.

President Calderon, please go back under that rock in Mexico and take that Communist traitor, Barack Obama with you!

A Sign Of Obama’s Popularity among Taxpayers

I can fully understand the feelings of the people behind this angry display at Yester Years Pub and Grill near Milwaukee. This act was not about the dark color of Obama’s skin but the Red color of his Marxist treason against America. I will not condemn their action but instead call out to The Great Divider, Barack Obama to resign before we have a second Civil War.

Not Even Off Duty Cops Are Safe In Chicago-Cop Murdered, One Robber Dead And One Wounded

Chicago, IL—While Chicago police superintendent Jody “J-Fled” Weis has made excuses for inside/outside murders the wanton violence continues. This time a young cop, 30 year-old Thomas Wortham IV visiting his parents was murdered apparently by thugs trying to rob the off-duty officer of his motorcycle. Worthman was a three year veteran assigned to the Englewood district.

The murdered cop’s dad, a retired officer thankfully opened fire with his son on the offenders, killing one and wounding another. A third suspect is being sought at this hour.

Sights and Sounds from The 2010 NRA Annual Meeting

Charlotte, NC—The South has it charm and Charlotte is a great city to host a meeting of 60,000 folks here with National Rifle Association celebrating freedom.

I thought I’d give you a peek inside the convention center. I have lots of video and will try to add more over the next few days.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Our Capitol Cockroaches Are Finally Worried

Washington, DC—They are the cockroaches in a filthy kitchen when the lights are turned on. Their nefarious activities used to escape notice as the voters were totally ignorant of the massive corruption in our government. Not anymore!

The way Americans get their information has changed. No longer do a few large newspapers and three Television networks control what is published or broadcast.

The new media is here! Talk radio and Internet bloggers have brought a bright searchlight into the halls of federal, state and local governments. Learning how politicians waste the money they seize from hapless taxpayers is now as easy as a few mouse clicks.

Incumbent politicians are learning their misdeeds no longer escape public scrutiny. Americans are finding out about betrayed public trust, lies and unbridled arrogance by their elected officials. Elections are suddenly ending lifetime political careers because of educated voters. The incumbents know their days are numbered.

Yes, they are afraid. They are staying awake nights trying to figure ways to legislate draconian regulation of political speech. Like all cockroaches they hate the light. The misleading title of so-called Net Neutrality, the FCC power grab over the Internet and a return of the unfair, Fairness Doctrine are all on the table. Why all the fuss you ask? Why they simply want to silence criticism or exposure of government corruption.

Socialism can never survive with free speech and a free press. With the Internet freedom thriving and the cockroaches absolutely hate it. They have to shut down the information or face certain exile. The Socialists are never going to give up efforts to control speech without a massive fight. I smell gun smoke!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Americans May Revolt Against Slavery

Washington, DC—The administration of Barack Obama is actively enslaving America’s taxpayers. That’s a direct violation of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution that reads, “Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.”

What has happened is that a slim majority of entitlement addicted voters have been able to elect wealth redistributing Marxists to public office. Now those politicians are enslaving hardworking taxpayers to excessively pay for entitlement programs that have no basis in our Constitution. The Constitution has not been amended to allow the seizure of our money to fund entitlements for anyone.

Government agents seizing property have no more legitimacy than armed robbers. It’s very simple, either Americans will capitulate to the tyranny or forcefully resist. Frankly I’d prefer politicians understand they will become targets for American marksmen and not endanger themselves through treason. For those who think they are somehow above the Constitution perhaps violence may well be warranted.

At some point Americans must sue the government for violating their rights and seek injunctions against the redistribution of wealth. If the courts won’t protect Americans I suspect we can count on the smell of gun smoke in our air

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Legendary Chicago Mob Hit Man, Harry “The Hook” Harry Aleman, 69 Has Died

Galesburg, IL—Serving 100 years for a 1973 union official hit gave Harry Aleman a miserable but well deserved life. An Illinois Department of corrections spokesman announced that Aleman died of an undisclosed illness while in prison here.

Aleman’s life both in and outside of prison is a first rate Hollywood tale. Nobody but Aleman knew for sure but the hit man was blamed for well more than a dozen killings.

If the mob wanted you rubbed out they sent the ubiquitous Mr. Aleman who’d unceremoniously kill you. Several of Aleman’s victims were shot dead as they waited to be served in their favorite Chicago area lunchtime eatery.

Others were dispatched by being shot in the head with a .22 pistol equipped with a silencer at or near their homes.

Because of police and judicial corruption Aleman was free to kill again and again.

In 1972 Teamster steward, William Logan was shot-gunned to death. Part of the motivation to kill Logan may have been because of Logan’s in-laws wanted to end abuse and a child custody dispute between Logan and his wife.

Harry was arrested and indicted for the Logan killing after he was identified by less than perfect witnesses and tried for the crime. Aleman was tried by the late Cook County Judge, Frank Wilson at a bench trial. Most fixed cases in Chicago never involved juries. This case was fixed by Chicago cop turned fixer-lawyer, thrned government witness Bob Cooley for a mere cash payment of $10,000.00 to the judge.

Cooley who’d later write a book, When Corruption Was King, simply told FBI and Justice Department officials just how he was able to fix the case. That book is currently in development as a motion picture in Hollywood.

Aleman who was actually acquitted was tried again for the murder and this time convicted. The courts would later rule that there was no double jeopardy since fixing the first trial guaranteed the outcome.

The irony here was had that murder case gone to a jury the weak evidence most likely would have caused a jury to acquit anyway without a fix.

In 1990 outside his Peoria, Arizona vacation home Judge Wilson shot himself dead in an apparent suicide over Bob Cooley’s revelations. The hapless judge was facing ruination and a certain term in a federal prison for fixing the case.

Cooley was the basis for numerous federal prosecutions under Operation Gambit that dealt a heavy blow to a significant portion of the Daley/Burke Crime Family Cabal in Chicago.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Obama’s Birthplace Is A Needless Controversy

Washington, DC—The questions about Barack Obama’s place of birth will never cease until the mystery is solved.

If Obama was born in Hawaii as some records reflect, the unsealing of actual birth records and forensic examination of them would put the matter to rest forever.

There are passport, visa and student loan discrepancies that also cast a shadow over the man who promised America transparency.

Not only does Obama refuse to allow the release on this information he has quietly spent well over a million dollars avoiding litigation seeking the release of the information. There can be no question that Obama has something damning to hide from America.

There are three groups with divided views on the subject.
1. The diehard Obama supporters that want him in the Whitehouse no matter where he was born or what the Constitution says.
2. There are the people that want the matter openly resolved so the chips fall where they may.
3. There are those that just want Obama out of the Whitehouse no matter where he was born and capitalize on the so-called, “birther” issue.

The majority of Americans fall in the second two categories.

Obama’s own Grandmother and others In Kenya, Africa was very proud that Obama was born there and have made numerous public statements about that. That’s difficult evidence to argue against.

There are many people that know the truth. There are real documents that would put an end to the litigation, nagging doubts and the obvious and expensive efforts by Obama to hide the simple truth.

Obama’s redundant campaign promise was that he would run a transparent administration. The opposite is what we have received from day one.

This is really a simple issue to remedy. Americans should simply stop any and all cooperation with government in any form until all the records are open. Americans are entitled to know the truth.

Americans have the power to force the issue and should. A peaceful effort may well prevent a Civil War as more and more Americans doubt the legitimacy of Barack Obama as our President.

Perhaps there is some kind of student loan or admissions fraud involved. The fact is there has to be a nefarious reason for the secrecy.

It appears that Obama may well be an illegal alien and should be removed from office at once.