Saturday, May 22, 2010

Worst President Ever, Or Public Enemy Number One?

Washington, DC—The Liberals cheered as Barack Obama promised full government transparency, to get us out of Iraq and to not raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000.00 per year. Then there was the hope of doing away with the patriot Act and other Liberal fantasies like ending the federal death penalty. None of these things were realized and these things were in fact worsened.

Obama has weakened America’s defense and emboldened Iran and North Korea in the process. Obama has sought to curry favor with every Socialist regime as he has followed the Marx-Engels program as Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong for his policy path for America.

Obama’s non-stop spending and printing of currency backed by nothing is economic suicide planed for a Socialist solution just as Hitler utilized for the Weimar Republic.

Now with over half of the American population addicted to entitlements it’s become popular to turn to ideation of redistributing wealth. That majority population includes as many as 50 million illegal aliens. It takes more than a simple majority of qualified voters to change the Constitution and form of government. A margin of 51 percent of our population does not get to rob the other 49 percent.

The Socialist robbery and enslavement of taxpayers will bring the end of freedom, liberty and our way of life. America was the paragon of a wealthy, free and safe place to live and raise children. America has never been in more danger. Obama and his Socialist Cabal are traitors and criminals. They must be stopped anyway possible.

The Tea Party people must recognize their tepid approach has fallen on deaf ears and much stronger tactics like those used to found this country are in order. We cannot wish the Marxists away they are here to stay unless they are brought to justice for treason.

Everywhere a Socialist flag flies they murder millions of their own citizens and it won’t be any different here.

Barack Obama is an even bigger threat to the United States that what we saw on September 11, 2001. Obama has the keys to or nuclear missiles and currency printing presses. Barack Obama is not a Liberal, he’s a total Marxist. We must cut this cancer out before it consumes us.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Daley Says He Will Find Ways Around The Law To Deny Gun Rights!

Chicago, Il—For 30 years politicians in the Windy City have aided violent criminals by keeping law-abiding people disarmed through a gun ban. Local government here has enabled violent crime rather than fight it.

Mayor Richard M. Daley is emotionally, pathologically and insanely motivated to find ways to circumvent the United States Supreme Court’s expected gun rights ruling in the McDonald case.

For nearly a half hour Daley used a table laden with guns as movie props to express his hatred for them and Chicagoans right to keep and bear them.

Daley made it clear he will dictate new laws designed to frustrate those who want the means to defend themselves and families with firearms. Daley will demand liability insurance, excessive training and extortionate taxation. Liability insurance for gun misuse is not offered anywhere and if there was such a thing Daley knows it would be unaffordable.

Daley falsely claims that without the gun ban the murder rate would be 30% higher. Every study ever conducted shows gun laws have increased murder rates and that millions of American citizens use guns to stop violent crimes without even firing a single shot.

Daley is a lawless thug using color of law to violate the Constitutional rights of citizens. All lawless thugs including Daley need to be stopped cold. They are a cancer in our government that needs to be cut out.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mexican President Needs To Go Home

Washington, DC—As he condemns Arizona new law to make illegal immigration illegal, Mexican President Felipe Calderon is now demanding gun bans in America. He falsely claimed that the 45,000 guns seized in Mexico came from the USA when in fact they were from China or the former Soviet Union. We don’t sell those fully automatic imported weapons here.

The corrupt and anti-business Mexican government is the real reason for Mexico's poverty, lack of schools and medical care. The only business that succeeds in Mexico is the illegal drug trade. A high percentage of Mexican drug criminals work for that government.

As he tells Arizona their new immigration law is unreasonable, Calderon should instead ask the US to adopt the Mexican immigration laws instead. The Mexican laws make ours look very Liberal.

President Calderon, please go back under that rock in Mexico and take that Communist traitor, Barack Obama with you!

A Sign Of Obama’s Popularity among Taxpayers

I can fully understand the feelings of the people behind this angry display at Yester Years Pub and Grill near Milwaukee. This act was not about the dark color of Obama’s skin but the Red color of his Marxist treason against America. I will not condemn their action but instead call out to The Great Divider, Barack Obama to resign before we have a second Civil War.

Not Even Off Duty Cops Are Safe In Chicago-Cop Murdered, One Robber Dead And One Wounded

Chicago, IL—While Chicago police superintendent Jody “J-Fled” Weis has made excuses for inside/outside murders the wanton violence continues. This time a young cop, 30 year-old Thomas Wortham IV visiting his parents was murdered apparently by thugs trying to rob the off-duty officer of his motorcycle. Worthman was a three year veteran assigned to the Englewood district.

The murdered cop’s dad, a retired officer thankfully opened fire with his son on the offenders, killing one and wounding another. A third suspect is being sought at this hour.

Sights and Sounds from The 2010 NRA Annual Meeting

Charlotte, NC—The South has it charm and Charlotte is a great city to host a meeting of 60,000 folks here with National Rifle Association celebrating freedom.

I thought I’d give you a peek inside the convention center. I have lots of video and will try to add more over the next few days.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Our Capitol Cockroaches Are Finally Worried

Washington, DC—They are the cockroaches in a filthy kitchen when the lights are turned on. Their nefarious activities used to escape notice as the voters were totally ignorant of the massive corruption in our government. Not anymore!

The way Americans get their information has changed. No longer do a few large newspapers and three Television networks control what is published or broadcast.

The new media is here! Talk radio and Internet bloggers have brought a bright searchlight into the halls of federal, state and local governments. Learning how politicians waste the money they seize from hapless taxpayers is now as easy as a few mouse clicks.

Incumbent politicians are learning their misdeeds no longer escape public scrutiny. Americans are finding out about betrayed public trust, lies and unbridled arrogance by their elected officials. Elections are suddenly ending lifetime political careers because of educated voters. The incumbents know their days are numbered.

Yes, they are afraid. They are staying awake nights trying to figure ways to legislate draconian regulation of political speech. Like all cockroaches they hate the light. The misleading title of so-called Net Neutrality, the FCC power grab over the Internet and a return of the unfair, Fairness Doctrine are all on the table. Why all the fuss you ask? Why they simply want to silence criticism or exposure of government corruption.

Socialism can never survive with free speech and a free press. With the Internet freedom thriving and the cockroaches absolutely hate it. They have to shut down the information or face certain exile. The Socialists are never going to give up efforts to control speech without a massive fight. I smell gun smoke!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Americans May Revolt Against Slavery

Washington, DC—The administration of Barack Obama is actively enslaving America’s taxpayers. That’s a direct violation of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution that reads, “Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.”

What has happened is that a slim majority of entitlement addicted voters have been able to elect wealth redistributing Marxists to public office. Now those politicians are enslaving hardworking taxpayers to excessively pay for entitlement programs that have no basis in our Constitution. The Constitution has not been amended to allow the seizure of our money to fund entitlements for anyone.

Government agents seizing property have no more legitimacy than armed robbers. It’s very simple, either Americans will capitulate to the tyranny or forcefully resist. Frankly I’d prefer politicians understand they will become targets for American marksmen and not endanger themselves through treason. For those who think they are somehow above the Constitution perhaps violence may well be warranted.

At some point Americans must sue the government for violating their rights and seek injunctions against the redistribution of wealth. If the courts won’t protect Americans I suspect we can count on the smell of gun smoke in our air

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Legendary Chicago Mob Hit Man, Harry “The Hook” Harry Aleman, 69 Has Died

Galesburg, IL—Serving 100 years for a 1973 union official hit gave Harry Aleman a miserable but well deserved life. An Illinois Department of corrections spokesman announced that Aleman died of an undisclosed illness while in prison here.

Aleman’s life both in and outside of prison is a first rate Hollywood tale. Nobody but Aleman knew for sure but the hit man was blamed for well more than a dozen killings.

If the mob wanted you rubbed out they sent the ubiquitous Mr. Aleman who’d unceremoniously kill you. Several of Aleman’s victims were shot dead as they waited to be served in their favorite Chicago area lunchtime eatery.

Others were dispatched by being shot in the head with a .22 pistol equipped with a silencer at or near their homes.

Because of police and judicial corruption Aleman was free to kill again and again.

In 1972 Teamster steward, William Logan was shot-gunned to death. Part of the motivation to kill Logan may have been because of Logan’s in-laws wanted to end abuse and a child custody dispute between Logan and his wife.

Harry was arrested and indicted for the Logan killing after he was identified by less than perfect witnesses and tried for the crime. Aleman was tried by the late Cook County Judge, Frank Wilson at a bench trial. Most fixed cases in Chicago never involved juries. This case was fixed by Chicago cop turned fixer-lawyer, thrned government witness Bob Cooley for a mere cash payment of $10,000.00 to the judge.

Cooley who’d later write a book, When Corruption Was King, simply told FBI and Justice Department officials just how he was able to fix the case. That book is currently in development as a motion picture in Hollywood.

Aleman who was actually acquitted was tried again for the murder and this time convicted. The courts would later rule that there was no double jeopardy since fixing the first trial guaranteed the outcome.

The irony here was had that murder case gone to a jury the weak evidence most likely would have caused a jury to acquit anyway without a fix.

In 1990 outside his Peoria, Arizona vacation home Judge Wilson shot himself dead in an apparent suicide over Bob Cooley’s revelations. The hapless judge was facing ruination and a certain term in a federal prison for fixing the case.

Cooley was the basis for numerous federal prosecutions under Operation Gambit that dealt a heavy blow to a significant portion of the Daley/Burke Crime Family Cabal in Chicago.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Obama’s Birthplace Is A Needless Controversy

Washington, DC—The questions about Barack Obama’s place of birth will never cease until the mystery is solved.

If Obama was born in Hawaii as some records reflect, the unsealing of actual birth records and forensic examination of them would put the matter to rest forever.

There are passport, visa and student loan discrepancies that also cast a shadow over the man who promised America transparency.

Not only does Obama refuse to allow the release on this information he has quietly spent well over a million dollars avoiding litigation seeking the release of the information. There can be no question that Obama has something damning to hide from America.

There are three groups with divided views on the subject.
1. The diehard Obama supporters that want him in the Whitehouse no matter where he was born or what the Constitution says.
2. There are the people that want the matter openly resolved so the chips fall where they may.
3. There are those that just want Obama out of the Whitehouse no matter where he was born and capitalize on the so-called, “birther” issue.

The majority of Americans fall in the second two categories.

Obama’s own Grandmother and others In Kenya, Africa was very proud that Obama was born there and have made numerous public statements about that. That’s difficult evidence to argue against.

There are many people that know the truth. There are real documents that would put an end to the litigation, nagging doubts and the obvious and expensive efforts by Obama to hide the simple truth.

Obama’s redundant campaign promise was that he would run a transparent administration. The opposite is what we have received from day one.

This is really a simple issue to remedy. Americans should simply stop any and all cooperation with government in any form until all the records are open. Americans are entitled to know the truth.

Americans have the power to force the issue and should. A peaceful effort may well prevent a Civil War as more and more Americans doubt the legitimacy of Barack Obama as our President.

Perhaps there is some kind of student loan or admissions fraud involved. The fact is there has to be a nefarious reason for the secrecy.

It appears that Obama may well be an illegal alien and should be removed from office at once.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Israel Has Been Bluffing About Nukes For decades

Tel Aviv, Israel—The biggest clue to me of the nuke PR scam was the Jonathan Pollard Spy Case. If they had the bomb along with the ability to use it why’d they need Pollard?

It’s no secret that Israel is in the gunsights of every Arab neighbor. Today’s Whitehouse will never back Israel. If Israel had the bomb they’d have used it to neutralize the very real threat of Iran by now.

Israel’s days are numbered because the Barack Obama Administration has been sending mixed messages that seem to invite unlimited aggression against Israel and no retaliation for Arab threats.

For all of my Jewish friends that voted for Obama you’re probably going to see your worst nightmare come true, because with Obama in control the Arabs have all but been invited to attack Israel by the Whitehouse. The Arabs will lose Obama’s protection the second he’s out of office. This may be their only chance to own Israel.

The Jews living in America don’t get it but those in Israel know it all too well.

Let The Rod Blagojevich Lynching Begin!

Chicago, IL—I’m no fan of Former Governor Rod Blagojevich because he’s part and parcel of the criminal enterprise that runs Chicago and now the Whitehouse. Blago is set to spin the Wheel Of Misfortune at Chicago's Fderal District Court on June 3rd.

Still Blago is entitled to a fair trial with proper discovery and the right to subpoena witnesses for his defense. Blago will get anything but a fair trial and can count on being in prison at least until the U.A. Supreme Court has an opportunity to look at the 7th Circuit court of Appeals judges legal sabotage of Blago’s rights.

I’m absolutely convinced that Barack Obama is part and parcel to any attempts to sell his former senate seat. Blago has the goods on Obama and I don’t think he’s willing to fall on his sword without bringing down Obama and his presidency. I’d be absolutely shocked if Obama is not part of every criminal conspiracy that gave him an opportunity to do what Chicago Democrats all do.

Blago should have gotten immunity to bring down all the Chicago rats. Instead they have tried to craft a trial where release of facts of other’s criminal activity is forbidden.

The old criminal defense war horses, Sam Adam, Sr. and Ed Genson have been hogtied by the court in every way possible. Defending the hapless Blago under those conditions will be challenging to say the least.

I look for Genson and Adam to stir the Whitehouse excrement in a big way. If they don’t, their client is sure to do that during his show trial at the Dirkson building.

The problem is the unlimited ability the Whitehouse and Chicago democratic party has to extort from and bribe anyone and everyone. Witnesses, judges, prosecutors, jurors and defense lawyers will all have the payday of their wildest dreams if they cooperate. There will be hell to pay if they don’t.

If I appear cynical please forgive me. I was born and raised in Chicago and am intimately familiar with the inside of the Democratic machine. I have testified as a cop witness several times against and at least one time for people represented by Genson and Adam in Court. I know to expect the unexpected here.

Genson and Adam can be rich legends if they take Obama down or rich whores if they sell out their client. There is a lot more at stake here that a criminally charged client’s retainer. History will be made and it’s the winners that write the books.

Greek EU Bailout Is A Terrible Idea!

Berlin, Germany—I can’t help but feel that sensible Germans feel betrayed by their, chancellor, Angela Merkel.

An EU coalition with Merkel’s leadership and our Socialist President, Barack Obama’s influence has agreed to loan Greece $650 Billion for a bailout. There is zero chance the money will ever be repaid and German families will suffer greatly because of the Greek politicians that spent Greece into bankruptcy.

I can’t imagine what Merkel was thinking. Merkel certainly sounded a death knell for her own political future. Merkel is following Barack Obama straight to Hell!

Instead of bailing Greece out they should have kicked that country out of the EU. Other European countries kept their own currency and Germany would have been better off to return to Deutsche Marks and ditching the Euro.

Greece has become a country for entitlement addicted losers. That government and the fools that elected it should be the ones to suffer not German families.

This is a sad day for Germany and a sad day for Europe. Instead of one country in dire straits, all of Europe will face economic disaster.

I’m sorry that Greeks are now fighting in the streets and doing without. It’s only a matter of time and that will be the state of reality in America. Printing money with nothing to back it is society suicide.

This bailout plan is nothing more than a huge step in the direction of world Socialism. Socialists have always brought nothing but death and misery to every country they have dominated. Germany above all countries should be fighting Socialism not supporting it.

Germany has dramatically changed since the fall of the Berlin Wall. They now have three generations of pathetic people that only know how to survive with government handouts.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Chicago Cop Busted In Connection With Police Board Payoff Scheme

Chicago, IL—Chicago police officers disciplined for “sustained” complaints of wrongdoing are entitled to hearings before the nine-member Chicago Police Board. The board operates pretty much in secret and there have long been assertions with mysterious cases that show that, some officers are far more equal than others.

Clout seems to rule at the police board rather than simple justice. The secrecy seems to prevail and then video recordings made at the police board hearings never see daylight. The board is comprised of members that do little but sign off on hearing officer’s recommendations. They don’t attend the hearing but claim they read the transcripts. Board members are simply fortunate people that need not show up for work.

Today the U.S. Attorney announced the unsealing of a criminal complaint against 12 year police veteran, Victor Brown for lying to the FBI.

The FBI claims they have an officer/informant that paid $4,500 between 2008 and 2009 to Brown to fix his police board case. They claim to have recordings that show that when Brown was questioned by FBI agents he denied accepting cash or promising to fix cases.

The big question is obviously, is just how dirty are the board members? Since the current police superintendent Jody “J-Fled” Weis, was personally involved in the investigation it’s stained with the taint of insider medaling. The police board members are sacred cows that will be protected at all cost.

The US Attorney claims that this investigation is ongoing but somehow I don’t think that political holdover will be rocking the police board’s boat anytime soon.

I’m not going to judge officer Brown because I’ve learned long ago that things are not always as they seem in the city run by the Daley/Burke Crime families.

Today Brown was released on $50,000.00 bail. Brown is going to need a top criminal lawyer and investigator to avoid prison. If they sent Martha Stewart away for this, imagine what they’ll do to a Chicago cop.

Below is a copy of the complaint:
Brown Complaint

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Obama Knows The Information Age And Its Gadgets Undermine His Marxist Plans

Hampton, VA-- Hampton University was the site of a Commencement address by Barack Obama.

Obama went on the attack of modern devices such as the IPad and XBox that deliver non-stop information. Obama claimed they were a diversion that places new strains on democracy. He went on to suggest his own critic's messages somehow are void of truth. Obama’s own truth can be measured in his 100% rate of failure to live up to campaign promises he made starting with transparency.

What Obama really meant is the great strains are on him and his Marxist agenda for a one world Socialist government from which there’d be no escape. Information and education had long been a foe of every Socialist. In order for Socialism to take hold a country needs a majority of people desperately needy and ignorant. Then the Socialists keep them that way.

Obama and his minions would shut down and silence his critics like Crimefile News if they could get away with that un-Constitutional move. In any Socialist country criticizing the leaders or the form of government carries the most draconian penalties. There are many of millions who dared to speak out that were murdered by Socialists. The truth, free speech and Marxism can’t co-exist.

The day that America stops zealously protecting free speech is the day we will all be Marxist slaves. Right now free speech is not very popular with the Whitehouse. A war by Obama against free speech should result in a war against Obama.

Barack Obama is the real threat to democracy and our Constitution. Barack Obama is just another despot Marxist that needs to be arrested, tried for treason, convicted and hanged.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Celebrating The Fall Of Tyranny And Socialism In Germany

Berlin, Germany—It was last November that I was fortunately involved with a documentary film that brought me to this wonderful city.

When I was drafted into the Army I somehow was sent to Germany instead of Viet Nam. For me it was pillow fights with delightful frauleins instead of firefights with Charlie Cong. I must say I fought very bravely.

I was lucky enough to be there for the celebration of the end of tyranny and that dreaded wall.

My dear friend Andrea, better known by me as, The Strudel was my beautiful tour guide.

Accepting Tyranny Is A Human Failing

USA—Today’s inhabitants of this large country don’t have a clue about Freedom and Liberty. Why? That’s because these people are too young and have never experienced life without absolute government control.

Imagine walking around without a government issued photo ID. Imagine walking into government buildings and boarding boats, trains and planes without being searched like a criminal. Imagine having a small business where you can hire or do business with who you please. Imagine being able to sell or rent your property only to someone you choose.

Imagine that you hard earned money not being confiscated from you and turned over to narcotic addicts, illegal aliens, welfare cheats or corrupt politicians and their hand-picked corrupt government vendors.

Imagine having police officers you could depend upon for real help rather than government extortion agents looking for ways to confiscate your hard earned money.

Imagine having the disposable cash to take care of your parents and special needs children without incompetent, meddlesome and intrusive government interference. Imagine deciding for yourself who deserves your financial assistance.

Imagine being able to keep and bear arms without infringement to defend yourself and family as the Constitution once guaranteed.

This was the country I was raised in but it has taken a sharp turn into the Socialist abyss in recent decades.

As for the searching and ID requirements, I redundantly hear that sigh and remark that we live in troubled times and it’s necessary. That’s incredibly bogus since we had numerous wars including a Civil War and did not resort to trading freedom for pretend security. We’ve become a nation of cowards.

Every day in America, Socialist politicians try to sell us on even more freedom robbing regulation and it will never end. For example they want “reasonable limits” on talk radio and bloggers claiming unnecessary incitement of Americans. The Socialists know that they only survive if the majority of the population is ignorant and free speech interferes by giving the population too much information.

A huge goal of the Socialists is to strangle the bloggers and free speech with their effort to control the Internet. Their legislative agenda carries the benign title of “Net Neutrality”. Political dissent is Socialism's greatest enemy and must be shut down if they are to get the absolute power they need.

America’s Socialist politicians currently have a majority and an agenda to convert this country into another colossal Socialist failure that will see the murder of millions. That’s the way it always happens where the Socialist flag flies.

These rogue despots have turned a deaf ear to Americans as they violate the constitution. Americans have a long and traditional absolute duty to use force and violence to preserve the Constitution. Killing enemies of freedom is a reasonable response. Being an American politician with a Socialist agenda must be seen as a very risky occupation.

Parting ways with our Constitution should be fatal to all politicians. What will Americans do to see the return of freedom now? Will Americans simply hold a few more Tea part demonstrations and then simply submit to Socialism. Americans can either significantly ratchet up their resistance or become total slaves to another Socialist failure and holocaust.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Roman Polanski Case Is Killing Lots Of Trees

Geneva, Switzerland—Last November I was privileged to be working in Geneva, and Lausanne Switzerland on a death penalty case. The Roman Polanski case was just getting started. Since then, they have killed an entire forest to make the paper to argue this case in two countries.

I learned that my Swiss friends were all angry that their country would dare meddle in the decades old foreign case. They were even angrier that Polanski was invited to Switzerland for a film award and arrested. It was somewhat like arresting a government diplomat.

The Swiss are known for their refusal to interfere with other countries legal squabbles. This whole affair has been handled very un-Swiss like by the Swiss government.

That being said I wanted in the worse way to investigate and report the state of this entire mess while I was there. That was impossible since I was up to my ears in the other matter. The other matter deserved my entire attention.

I wrote about the Polanski odyssey trying to reveal as much as I could under the circumstances. I have been blessed with contributions of information and such from readers. I’ve not seen fit to do more than let them post news articles and argument that for the most part supports Polanski as comments on the earlier stories. .

I’d love to have the funding to put together the, end all reveal of this entire debacle. I want to spend time in the Swiss and California courts covering this case exclusively until it’s finished.

Today I received the contribution of a recent filing of the Los Angeles County D.A. and will post it. I only wish I had every document from every court from every position to, publish.

I don’t hide my belief that Polanski has been punished enough and is the victim now of political grandstanding and judicial misconduct. He’s not seen the grave of his beautiful young wife who was murdered by the Manson Family in over 40 years. I say enough is enough.

Samantha Geimer, the now middle aged woman who Polanski was accused of molesting as a child has begged prosecutors to let the matter rest. She has been ignored.

Nobody but Polanski and Geimer know for sure what really happened and the case never was tested by a jury. We don't know what kind of "help" Geimer had with her statements to police. Was her statement colored by a parental effort to get a big civil court payday? We will never know.

Polanski pled guilty to a somewhat soft penalty and then the judge reneged on that plea agreement. Everyone conveniently forgets that in Europe the age of consent is a lot younger than California. In several American states there would never been a prosecution.

Polanski served time in the Chino State prison and was released only to learn he was about to get a much longer term. Polanski is a slight man and being sent to prison as a celebrity with a child molester label is horrifying to say the least. Polanski fled to France. France refused the request for extradition.

A huge question I ask is where have prosecutors been in the case of thousands of teen and pre-teen girls that have gotten pregnant? Rarely is there prosecutions in those cases. Is Polanski more important because he generates more headlines for prosecutors?

Polanski suffered grievously as a child under Nazi occupation, his native Poland was then occupied by the Communists and the lad to flee once again from the Bolsheviks to France. Despite all Polanski has become a legendary film maker who has entertained millions of people all over the world with his artistry.

In keeping with my effort to inform my readers I’m posting the entire brief filed by prosecutors. I will publish whatever I can under the circumstances. Oh what I’d give to have the funding to do this right!
Filing opposing release of Gunson testimony

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Arizona, Photo Speed Enforcement Extortion Program Ended!

Phoenix, AZ—On her way out of town that Barack Obama Kool-Aid drinking former governor, Janet Napolitano, left a big pile of Leftist excrement here. Revenue generating, photo speed enforcement was brought in to fund runaway state spending.

The current Governor Jan Brewer cancelled the contract with the private company victimizing drivers on Arizona’s highways. The cameras will vanish on July 16.

Of course the Arizona Department of Public Safety will continue to patrol and cite drivers over safety issues.

In recent years extortion has been the tool of choice for government against Americans. The trend is epidemic as politicians have learned that they stay in power through awarding government contracts for unneeded goods and services. The same politicians have bankrupted America and extortion is the only program they know to keep the cash flowing into their campaign funds.

I’m proud to have known this great lady for a very long time and must declare that Governor Jan Brewer ROCKS!

How to turn a Seven Year-Old Boy Into A Cop Killer

Columbia, MO—The local police SWAT Team gathered their resources and guns for an important drug raid. They were invading the home of Jonathan E. Whitworth, 25 on February 11, 2010. Also present were the suspect’s wife, seven year old child along with their two dogs.

In came the police heroes with their warrant as they quickly shot both pets in front of the child. You can hear the horrible cries of the animals on the video. I can’t imagine what the little boy thinks today about police officers. That trauma will haunt him for the rest of his life. I know he’d like to do to the cops involved exactly what they did to his dogs.

The raid yielded a very small amount of marijuana. Was this police action worthwhile?

It’s almost laughable that police charged Whitworth with child endangerment over the marijuana. Considering no less than seven rounds were discharged by police in this home, in the immediate vicinity of the child they claim was endangered.

This is precisely why I hate the Drug War. This kind of enforcement happens every day and is a cancer on our freedom.

The Drug War has been far worse that the drugs themselves. The Drug War has been a war of profit on both sides. It needs to end now.

The video is nasty and heartbreaking.