Saturday, May 08, 2010

Accepting Tyranny Is A Human Failing

USA—Today’s inhabitants of this large country don’t have a clue about Freedom and Liberty. Why? That’s because these people are too young and have never experienced life without absolute government control.

Imagine walking around without a government issued photo ID. Imagine walking into government buildings and boarding boats, trains and planes without being searched like a criminal. Imagine having a small business where you can hire or do business with who you please. Imagine being able to sell or rent your property only to someone you choose.

Imagine that you hard earned money not being confiscated from you and turned over to narcotic addicts, illegal aliens, welfare cheats or corrupt politicians and their hand-picked corrupt government vendors.

Imagine having police officers you could depend upon for real help rather than government extortion agents looking for ways to confiscate your hard earned money.

Imagine having the disposable cash to take care of your parents and special needs children without incompetent, meddlesome and intrusive government interference. Imagine deciding for yourself who deserves your financial assistance.

Imagine being able to keep and bear arms without infringement to defend yourself and family as the Constitution once guaranteed.

This was the country I was raised in but it has taken a sharp turn into the Socialist abyss in recent decades.

As for the searching and ID requirements, I redundantly hear that sigh and remark that we live in troubled times and it’s necessary. That’s incredibly bogus since we had numerous wars including a Civil War and did not resort to trading freedom for pretend security. We’ve become a nation of cowards.

Every day in America, Socialist politicians try to sell us on even more freedom robbing regulation and it will never end. For example they want “reasonable limits” on talk radio and bloggers claiming unnecessary incitement of Americans. The Socialists know that they only survive if the majority of the population is ignorant and free speech interferes by giving the population too much information.

A huge goal of the Socialists is to strangle the bloggers and free speech with their effort to control the Internet. Their legislative agenda carries the benign title of “Net Neutrality”. Political dissent is Socialism's greatest enemy and must be shut down if they are to get the absolute power they need.

America’s Socialist politicians currently have a majority and an agenda to convert this country into another colossal Socialist failure that will see the murder of millions. That’s the way it always happens where the Socialist flag flies.

These rogue despots have turned a deaf ear to Americans as they violate the constitution. Americans have a long and traditional absolute duty to use force and violence to preserve the Constitution. Killing enemies of freedom is a reasonable response. Being an American politician with a Socialist agenda must be seen as a very risky occupation.

Parting ways with our Constitution should be fatal to all politicians. What will Americans do to see the return of freedom now? Will Americans simply hold a few more Tea part demonstrations and then simply submit to Socialism. Americans can either significantly ratchet up their resistance or become total slaves to another Socialist failure and holocaust.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Roman Polanski Case Is Killing Lots Of Trees

Geneva, Switzerland—Last November I was privileged to be working in Geneva, and Lausanne Switzerland on a death penalty case. The Roman Polanski case was just getting started. Since then, they have killed an entire forest to make the paper to argue this case in two countries.

I learned that my Swiss friends were all angry that their country would dare meddle in the decades old foreign case. They were even angrier that Polanski was invited to Switzerland for a film award and arrested. It was somewhat like arresting a government diplomat.

The Swiss are known for their refusal to interfere with other countries legal squabbles. This whole affair has been handled very un-Swiss like by the Swiss government.

That being said I wanted in the worse way to investigate and report the state of this entire mess while I was there. That was impossible since I was up to my ears in the other matter. The other matter deserved my entire attention.

I wrote about the Polanski odyssey trying to reveal as much as I could under the circumstances. I have been blessed with contributions of information and such from readers. I’ve not seen fit to do more than let them post news articles and argument that for the most part supports Polanski as comments on the earlier stories. .

I’d love to have the funding to put together the, end all reveal of this entire debacle. I want to spend time in the Swiss and California courts covering this case exclusively until it’s finished.

Today I received the contribution of a recent filing of the Los Angeles County D.A. and will post it. I only wish I had every document from every court from every position to, publish.

I don’t hide my belief that Polanski has been punished enough and is the victim now of political grandstanding and judicial misconduct. He’s not seen the grave of his beautiful young wife who was murdered by the Manson Family in over 40 years. I say enough is enough.

Samantha Geimer, the now middle aged woman who Polanski was accused of molesting as a child has begged prosecutors to let the matter rest. She has been ignored.

Nobody but Polanski and Geimer know for sure what really happened and the case never was tested by a jury. We don't know what kind of "help" Geimer had with her statements to police. Was her statement colored by a parental effort to get a big civil court payday? We will never know.

Polanski pled guilty to a somewhat soft penalty and then the judge reneged on that plea agreement. Everyone conveniently forgets that in Europe the age of consent is a lot younger than California. In several American states there would never been a prosecution.

Polanski served time in the Chino State prison and was released only to learn he was about to get a much longer term. Polanski is a slight man and being sent to prison as a celebrity with a child molester label is horrifying to say the least. Polanski fled to France. France refused the request for extradition.

A huge question I ask is where have prosecutors been in the case of thousands of teen and pre-teen girls that have gotten pregnant? Rarely is there prosecutions in those cases. Is Polanski more important because he generates more headlines for prosecutors?

Polanski suffered grievously as a child under Nazi occupation, his native Poland was then occupied by the Communists and the lad to flee once again from the Bolsheviks to France. Despite all Polanski has become a legendary film maker who has entertained millions of people all over the world with his artistry.

In keeping with my effort to inform my readers I’m posting the entire brief filed by prosecutors. I will publish whatever I can under the circumstances. Oh what I’d give to have the funding to do this right!
Filing opposing release of Gunson testimony

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Arizona, Photo Speed Enforcement Extortion Program Ended!

Phoenix, AZ—On her way out of town that Barack Obama Kool-Aid drinking former governor, Janet Napolitano, left a big pile of Leftist excrement here. Revenue generating, photo speed enforcement was brought in to fund runaway state spending.

The current Governor Jan Brewer cancelled the contract with the private company victimizing drivers on Arizona’s highways. The cameras will vanish on July 16.

Of course the Arizona Department of Public Safety will continue to patrol and cite drivers over safety issues.

In recent years extortion has been the tool of choice for government against Americans. The trend is epidemic as politicians have learned that they stay in power through awarding government contracts for unneeded goods and services. The same politicians have bankrupted America and extortion is the only program they know to keep the cash flowing into their campaign funds.

I’m proud to have known this great lady for a very long time and must declare that Governor Jan Brewer ROCKS!

How to turn a Seven Year-Old Boy Into A Cop Killer

Columbia, MO—The local police SWAT Team gathered their resources and guns for an important drug raid. They were invading the home of Jonathan E. Whitworth, 25 on February 11, 2010. Also present were the suspect’s wife, seven year old child along with their two dogs.

In came the police heroes with their warrant as they quickly shot both pets in front of the child. You can hear the horrible cries of the animals on the video. I can’t imagine what the little boy thinks today about police officers. That trauma will haunt him for the rest of his life. I know he’d like to do to the cops involved exactly what they did to his dogs.

The raid yielded a very small amount of marijuana. Was this police action worthwhile?

It’s almost laughable that police charged Whitworth with child endangerment over the marijuana. Considering no less than seven rounds were discharged by police in this home, in the immediate vicinity of the child they claim was endangered.

This is precisely why I hate the Drug War. This kind of enforcement happens every day and is a cancer on our freedom.

The Drug War has been far worse that the drugs themselves. The Drug War has been a war of profit on both sides. It needs to end now.

The video is nasty and heartbreaking.

Violent TSA Worker Can’t Take His Own Medicine

Miami, FL—TSA worker Rolando Negrin, 44 was required to experience a walkthrough of one of the full body scanners at a training exercise.

A TSA supervisor laughed at Negrin over the tiny size of his “manhood” visible for all to see.

Negrin wasted no time as he assaulted the unnamed supervisor. That assault got him booked for a court appearance and free lodging at the Miami-Dade County Jail

Yes folks, TSA workers will be sizing you up too. Ladies with surgically enhanced breasts or men who would be called short regardless of height will get little mercy from the trash hired by the TSA. Is that tall woman a she or perhaps a he? Only the TSA will know for sure!

Despite Billions wasted on the TSA there’s not a single instance where they prevented an act of terror.

The TSA jobs program is un-American and violates the Constitution of the United States, specifically the Fourth Amendment against unreasonable search and seizure.

Here is my personal favorite TSA worker caught assaulting me as I was shooting video on the street in front of Terminal Two at LAX.

The Specialist--A Show Trial--Court TV at its Best!

Jerusalem, Israel 1961—I was just entering puberty when the former Nazi Colonel, Adolph Eichmann was kidnapped by Israeli agents from a street in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Eichmann was a wanted war criminal they were looking for since Germany surrendered in 1945.

Aside from violations of international law and those of Argentina plans went forward for a show trial and execution of their celebrity prisoner. Because of the lawless nature of the Eichmann kidnapping the Israeli court was a party to a crime and that took any appearance of legitimacy away from this trial. It was absolute revenge, pure and simple.

As far as war crimes go, the Japanese got far less attention as did the Soviets for their own vast atrocities than the Nazis. The Soviets were winners and victors of war never need fear war crimes trials. There is a definite amount of exaggeration and legend in allegations made against certain Nazis. The only real truth is the six million Jews and nine million Germans that needlessly perished directly because of National Socialism.

Fixing war crimes responsibility fairly is never a simple task. Some that should not have been hanged were and some who deserved hanging escaped punishment. The fact was that those German soldiers that did not follow orders paid with their lives. Post war, those soldiers that did follow orders in many cases were also hanged.

Eichmann was an evacuation and transport specialist. His task was to arrange trucks and trains be filled with Jews and designated others made their way to concentration camps. The selection of Jews to be transported was the responsibility of the Jewish Councils appointed by the Third Reich especially for that task.

Eichmann’s show trial was filmed and the highlights of that trial make this film called, “The Specialist”.

From time to time during the trial you see members of the public in emotional outbursts as Eichmann tries to defend himself. The trial footage is riveting courtroom drama at its best.

As in the Nuremberg War Crimes trials, hearsay evidence was admissible. Hearsay evidence except in very limited specific criteria is forbidden in the USA by our Bill of Rights.

No small part of this trial was that infamous, Wannsee Conference outside of Berlin on January 10, 1942. That was where 15 high ranking Nazis met and the blueprint of the Holocaust was formulated as, “The Final Solution to the Jewish Problem.” Colonel Eichmann was assigned to record the minutes of this meeting. There was a redacted stenographer’s transcript later recovered by the Allies when the Nazis surrendered.

The Wannsee meeting was a dignified affair full of decorum and dinner complete with fine cognac. Running the show was the much hated and ruthless SS-Obergruppenführer, Reinhard Heydrich. Heydrich was unceremoniously assassinated in Prague just five months later.

There was no shortage of dissent by some Nazis at Wannsee to mass killings of Jews in that meeting. The iron fist of Heydrich prevailed. Continued argument by anyone present would have ended before a firing squad.

Ironically present was People’s Court President, the notorious Nazi Judge Roland Friesler who declared the Holocaust plans a perfectly lawful action under National Socialism.

In a recorded interrogation of Eichmann by Israeli officials he said that Wannsee gave him some personal peace. Since the program and its orders were solidly established by the highest authority, Eichmann felt it absolved of personal involvement with the criminal conspiracy.

Eichmann likened his Holocaust role to that of the Roman judge, Pontius Pilate who absolved himself from condemning an innocent Jesus Christ to death by publicly washing his hands. Pilate felt he had no choice but to condemn Christ or face an insurrection by the Jews demanding the maximum penalty. In hindsight this Pilate comparison must have had the effect of waiving a red Christian flag at a Jewish bull. That was a bad idea for sure!

There was one thing that the Wannsee conference established. The Nazi genocide program was a state secret that kept the German people from knowing about the atrocities of the Third Reich.

That interrogation recording was played at Eichmann’s trial. The uniformed man who operated the tape recorder for the trial court made sure his sleeve was rolled up so he could display his concentration camp ID tattoo for the camera and all to see.

They put on scores of witnesses that established horrible crimes but apparently none that could personally implicate Eichmann. They spoke about the deaths of people during the transportation to the camps but clearly Eichmann was far away in Berlin. This was establishing guilt despite a serious lack of any direct evidence.

Throughout the trial Eichmann is cooperative, respectful and composed. You can’t help but know that Eichmann has little doubt he will have a quick date with the hangman. Perhaps like most Jew’s going to Nazi gas chambers, Eichmann was overly optimistic.

Eichmann freely admitted firsthand knowledge of the mass killings of Jews but was never personally involved the torment or killing of anybody. Eichmann merely made trains and trucks available for the poor souls selected by the various Jewish councils so the victims could be transported to their slaughter by others.

At Eichmann’s show trial there was not a single shred of evidence presented that Eichmann lied about his role or killed anyone at all.

I can’t help but think hanging Eichmann was a symbol or sweet revenge rather than a triumph of justice. The Nazis were in no way fair to the Jews and 15 years later they had little intention of being fair to Eichmann. Two wrongs made a right, at least in this case those who sought retribution. .

Overlooked by the entire world for responsibility prosecution were the Jews that became willing accomplices to Nazi’s crimes. There were members of The Jewish Councils or those horrid Kapos that forcibly marshaled fellow Jews around for the Nazis making the Holocaust possible. These criminals escaped all judicial punishment as they relied on their defense, that they were, “only following orders.”

Here is the identification insignia of a high ranking Kapo.

Since the beginning of the human criminal justice system the public always loves show trials, especially the ones that end in guilty verdicts and execution. The Third Reich put on at least 5000 show trials of Germans accused of resistance and condemned them to death. Far too often trials are only a rogue government’s method to legitimize murder rather than to examine crimes and establish real guilt.

The audience of the high profile Court TV trials had little patience for the Due Process and Rules of Evidence afforded by our hard won Bill of Rights. Somehow I have never mourned the fading away of Court TV from our television programming.

As for The Specialist, I say buy it or rent it (I got the film from Netflix) and after you watch it you will agree show trials are truly an ugly exercise. I’m not condemning public access to trials, just show trials.

Despite Israel's distaste for the death penalty they quickly hired a hangman for the condemned transportation specialist.

Socialist governments wallow in their holocausts everywhere they gain power. They must be stopped or the mass killings will begin like they always do. Americans can't ignore history!

I could find no trailer for the film but this newsreel sets the stage for the film.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

NY Terror Arrest Reveals Investigation Technology Advances And Privacy Horror

New York, NY—The failed Times Square car bombing attempt by Faisal Shahzad revealed the total lack of privacy Americans have.

Cellular telephones, even the throw away ones you can purchase without showing ID can be traced. Surveillance video will reveal nearly every purchase made by this suspect and every other American. The credit and debit card trail you leave behind is much more reliable than the bread crumbs dropped by Hansel & Gretel for that famed fairy tale.

During serious criminal investigations police routinely seize cell phones, computers, digital cameras along with your credit cards and those little key chain tags from the sores where you shop. All of these items will reveal your every movement.

As criminal defense investigator these are also wonderful tools to prove alibis of innocent suspects accused of crimes. Of course not being assigned to an investigation early enough will cause exculpatory evidence particularly surveillance video to vanish since the hard drives record over needed defense evidence.

The ominous reality is clear that since this country was founds more than 230 years ago legislative bodies have criminalized nearly everything but life itself. The laws are almost never repealed and government can always find a way to put you or family members on the wrong side of the law.

We have simply accepted every privacy intrusion imaginable without question as bar codes, magnetic strips and RFID tags, are added on things we’re now required to carry every day. Big Brother has come to us in ways that even George Orwell could never envision.

With your Internet traveling and e-mail, the likes of Yahoo and Google know what and who you like or hate. Police with subpoenas can learn which people you know can be interrogated about you and your habits.

Data warehouses have collected massive information on every aspect of our lives. Your grocery and drug store shopping cards alone can reveal volumes about your life.

Of course there are those of you that have no problem with government accessing this information you can’t lose sight that the information is in private hands available to the highest bidder.

I did not write this story to make you comfortable. This is not a good world folks and if we wanted to protect ourselves it would be a nearly impossible proposition..

How wonderful it will be when we are all forced to have a national identity card! A few keystrokes by some government worker and all this data will come together in a single file. Now that’s power!

Keep sending more money to Washington since our bureaucrats need it to exploit all the data goldmines they can.

If you are afraid of terrorists such as Faisal Shahzad, our own government will make that lad look like a choir boy. What kind of world are we leaving for our children?

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Need Money? Why Not Rob A Bank When It’s So Easy?

Los Angeles, CA-Old men, women and youngsters alike are reaping big rewards robbing banks. The banks reject armed security and strictly rely on cameras for help.

A few banks rely on dye packets and transmitting tags but today's bank robbers nearly always get away clean. For some bank robbery is a gift that keeps on giving because they do it again and again. There seems to be less risk attached to bank heists than shoplifting at your local Wal-Mart.

The metrosexuals at the new FBI should be hanging their heads in shame for failing on their primary mission. They have abdicated their responsibility here in favor of being Barack Obama’s thought police chasing dissident Conservatives like that Michigan militia group. That pathetic case is falling apart because there is much more to law enforcement than grandstanding for press conferences.

Since L.A. has gun laws that enable rather than obstruct violent crime well-trained but disarmed law-abiding citizens can only be on the receiving end of this kind of crime.

Meet a growing list of serial bank robbers in the Los Angeles area. If you take up this occupation you will for sure earn a moniker name. Go for something classy like the “Gentleman Bandit” or perhaps the “Glamour Girl Bandit”.

The biggest threat to these folks, are their ex-spouses and lovers that will rat them out. Why share you new job with someone that will have that kind of power over you?

Remember folks, crime pays these days!

Here are your new role models!

Rights for Terror Suspects On Our Soil

New York, NY—To the dismay of all those leftist Barack Obama Kool-Aid drinkers The Times Square bombing suspect was just another Muslim at war with America. They were hoping to have an anti-Obama political Conservative to blame for the act.

Now a suspect is criminally charged and has been read his Constitutional rights under Miranda vs. Arizona. That’s just the way we do things in our own free country. To condemn this way of dealing with this Muslim monster is dead wrong.

If you want to condemn something, condemn the asinine and incredibly stupid policy we have to allow people on planes headed for our soil to fly on passports from countries we are at war with or that hate us. Most of our security problems would be greatly reduced if we just keep people from hostile nations off our soil.

Once they are here we are obligated to give them American Due Process of law. We are not however, obligated to allow them air passage to our country. Let’s lock them out now.

As for the Times Square bombing attempt and the investigation summary can be read in the complaint filed by the US Attorney’s Office below.

Shahzad, Faisal Complaint[1]

Having A Gun When Needed Stopped Bloodbath In West Hollywood

West Hollywood, CA-Four people were stabbed at a Target store here by a mentally disturbed woman. One victim remains in critical condition at a local hospital.

The woman, Layla Trawick, 34, entered the store and attacked shoppers with a butcher knife and a steak knife. It is now believed the knives came from the kitchenware section of the store.

The victims included a young mother holding her baby.

The unarmed security guards at Target could do little other than dialing 911 to summon police. I never understood the value of unarmed security guards. I guess the value of employee or customer’s lives, are of little concern of Target stores corporate bosses.

Also shopping in the store was off duty, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Clay Grant Jr. Grant was armed and interrupted the deadly assault. After two commands by Grant the woman dropped the knives and was taken into custody without further incident.

The reality is that without an armed response the woman would have been enabled to inflict more horror. It was indeed a rare event to see a cop when one was needed. Trained and armed citizens stop crimes like this somewhere every day in the states that allow for concealed weapon permits. Most often shots are never even fired by the gun carrying civilians. Thankfully the threat of deadly force is all that’s needed to stop most criminals.

We can’t predict where things like this quadruple stabbing will happen. A few state and local governments like Los Angeles enables this kind of violence because they criminalize self-defense through gun bans. Only the law-abiding bother to obey those gun laws.

Deputy Clay Grant, Jr. is a real hero today because he was armed and able to end this attack. Of course it would have been better if the attack was stopped before anyone was hurt.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Political Exploitation Of Victimization Never Ends With Poster Child Laws

A horrible crime happens usually with an unthinkable child murder. Some criminal is arrested and politicians scramble out from under their rocks for TV face time and votes.

The scenario is always the same. The criminal was well known and previously convicted of some other disgusting and despicable crime or crimes. He could have been locked away forever but some prosecutor, judge or both allowed the creep to return to society. The maniac goes out and does what was fully expected, committing a similar crime.

Laws are adequate but rapists, home invaders and child molesters manage to get short prison stays.

The politicians including prosecutors and members of the legislature suggest yet another law named after some poor dead child that will never be fully enforced.

The politicians dress up the parents of the victim and put on a revolting dog and pony show for the press. They make a poster child out of the victim and faux heroes of the grieving parents. Yes, the same parents that did a poor job of protecting their child in the first place. Please excuse me while I go vomit.

Far too often the new poster child law disables Constitutional protections created by our founding fathers to protect the innocent. The poster child laws simply strengthen the police state and make things easy for dishonest or lazy prosecutors to convict anyone they please.

The victimized parents that are exploited are led to believe that some other children are suddenly safer but the end result is only free publicity for incumbent or rising politicians. The collective intelligence of Americans is somewhere in the toilet because they fall for it every time. American mothers wring their hands and cry watching the courageous politicians making us all safe. Wake up ladies! You’ve been had!

The biggest disappointment is the allegedly educated people in the media that never miss a chance to help sensationalize the proposed poster child law as the fix of all times. Are they so stupid they can’t see the scam?

Don’t Confuse Being Anti-Obama With Anti-Government

Washington, DC—The Socialists that are currently in power want to brand anyone who disagrees with their Marxist agenda as anti-government.

What these people are doing to our government destroying its very foundation so they can replace it with another Socialist model that’s doomed to redundant holocausts and failure.

Our government and its foundation have been hijacked and the Constitution ignored. Barack Obama has lost any hope of gaining respect, and recognition as a valid Commander in Chief. Obama is an enemy of the United States government and its taxpayers.

Obama is a despot office holder until he’s removed.

American patriots love their country and government. Americans have an absolute duty to forcibly resist Socialism in every form in order to preserve their government.

Freedom, free enterprise and the American way of life is worth our fighting and dying to protect. These are non-negotiable matters. If the Socialists want to dominate us, that’s nothing less than an act of war against the American people.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Immigration Enforcement, Racism And Humanity

Phoenix, AZ—My long time friend Arizona State Senator Russ Pearce’s bill to make Illegal immigrants illegal was not some extremist or racist act. That bill is law now and the Leftists are fighting mad.

The pure and simple fact is a vast majority of American voters want the border closed and the trespassers removed from our soil. It’s about economics and the threat to liberty, not racism. Mexico exports crime, poverty and drugs to our country. They are not sending us their doctors, teachers or engineers.

Most Conservatives I know are incredibly sympathetic to the plight of immigrants who take risks to pursue the American dream. Nearly all the immigrants are trying to flee from failed leftist nations.

It’s not the Latinos that are hated by Americans but the governments they flee from. Those Socialist banana republics are anything but bastions of freedom or free enterprise. They are corrupt Leftist nations that maintain power through keeping their people ignorant and poor. Most immigrants are in fact legitimate refugees.

These poor folks want work but they know that their lack of skills and education will bar them from affording medical care or babysitting/education for their children in America. They are also well aware of the relative ease of entitlement theft through immigration fraud. The lure to break our immigration laws is incredibly strong.

Instead of opening our doors to a never ending stream of ignorant and poor we should be assisting these people in the overthrow of their own governments.

These refugees must realize their own power to create their own Mexican Dream in a land of the free. The same problems exist in nearly all of Central and South America. These horrible governments are allowed and encouraged stifle productivity, and freedom.

The Latino refugees need to focus their efforts and energy on dealing with the problems in their own countries instead of invading ours. If they accomplished what they should, the immigration problems would end or even reverse. Imagine if Mexico had the kind of limited government our founding fathers gave us? They'd need fences to keep the Gringos out!

We have a government foundation the Leftists hate and continually destroy. As they criticize the few freedoms we have left, America is still a huge draw for millions of people from all over the world yearning to be free. The Leftists want to make America just like the countries the refugees are fleeing from.

We have more than enough day laborers, bus boys and other unskilled workers. The illegal immigrants are competing with Americans and legal immigrants for the few jobs available. Illegal immigration threatens our way of life and must be stopped cold.

The poor immigrants need real help and that is aid, education and enablement to go back and fight for their own freedom. Mexico has every great natural resource we do and there is no excuse for failure at self-government. FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE, IT IS ONLY EARNED BY THE BLOODSHED OF PATRIOTS.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Official Crimefile Pistol Review Of The HK 45 in .45 ACP

Click on picture to enlarge!

Chicago, IL—Where else should I review a pistol but where they’re outlawed in the Windy City. When you’re in Chi-Town you’ve got to remember the cops are demoralized, outgunned and undermanned. Chicago’s draconian gun laws have established that local thugs have guns and are in control. That’s the sad situation while the law-abiding folks are sitting ducks, waiting for victimization.

In Chicago you need a gun that means business so why settle for anything less than a full size .45? If you’re going to pack a .45 it should be user friendly, and engineered to neutralize the recoil.

Most self-defense shootings happen in low light so night sights are important. Another consideration is that you may have multiple assailants and magazine capacity becomes critical. The HK 45 in .45 ACP has what you need.

Next, the heft, weight and feel of your pistol are important. Personally I have a fondness for the 1911, and the Sig P220 pistols. I’m not enamored with the Glock 21because of the trigger engineering. The full size HK 45 model weighs in at just under, 31 ounces.

Price is my least concern when it comes to survival I know I’m worth whatever I must pay to have the best. Of course spending money on fine guns is no substitute for adequate training and regular practice. To survive an armed confrontation you need, skill, a reliable firearm and luck.

I was never a real fan of the HK USP models that were lesser evolved products than the HK 45. This gun was to compete for a replacement military sidearm because decades later the Beretta 92F, 9MM pistols are far too lame for combat duty. The government canceled the project but HK had their entry ready to go.

The HK 45 is a superior product in every detail. The one I tested is the full sized model but there is a compact model too. The pistol can be modified by the owner to double action only that has been required by so many law enforcement agencies. This also comes with an accessory rail for tactical lights and Lazar sights.

The owner has the ability to configure the grip with a second choice of grip panel. All hands were not made equal so HK provided some help in this area.

If you live in one of the many, liberty loving states that allow silencers you can purchase an additional barrel threaded for the suppressor. Also available is a set of high profile sights that will rise above the larger diameter of your silencer. Why contribute to noise pollution and disturb your neighbors?

The standard magazine holds 10 rounds but seems to invite yet an additional round. Over stuffing the magazine with an additional round is asking for trouble since it will affect the gun’s reliability.

Shooting this gem is a pleasure. The trigger is so smooth and the let-off is really crisp. The recoil is incredibly manageable compared to other similar pistols. My overall rating for this product is absolutely magnificent.

Violent Resistance To Obama’s Socialist Revolution Is Pure Patriotism

Ann Arbor, MI—Barack Obama slammed his critics here during a speech today suggesting that their tough talk incites violence and closes the door to compromise. Obama must live in Fantasyland, because when it comes to hard won liberty and freedom there is no compromise.

Obama is a total Marxist that follows, emulates and force feeds America his anti-Constitution and anti-American agenda. Everything Obama has done comes from Karl Marx and the Socialist agenda for a one world Socialist government.

Americans have every right in using whatever means necessary including deadly violence to protect and defend liberty. If Obama and his minions don’t like that reality and challenges Americans through a Socialist revolution he and his followers do so at their peril.

Yes, Americans have the right to end the reign of a despot outside of the election process if that becomes necessary. Adolph Hitler had the support of a majority of Germany, was it then somehow morally wrong for people to try and kill him?

There were 5000 German resisters arrested, tried in sham courts and murdered by the Third Reich. Today the National Socialist resistance members are recognized as genuine patriots for plotting violence against a popular dictator.

Obama does not come close to enjoying the popularity Hitler had. Hitler had the new media of radio as did Josef Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt. That was an unstoppable one sided propaganda tool that brainwashed the people in those respective countries.

No politician will ever be able to control the information again in our world.

Obama has crossed the edge several times since taking office. Perhaps if he does not like the rhetoric out there he needs to be more respectful of the oath he took or face unthinkable consequences. There are patriots willing to do what’s necessary to protect the Constitution and the American way of life. Some of them are Secret Service agents.

Friday, April 30, 2010

It’s Too Rich, Obama Doin’ the Tiger Thing!

Washington, DC—Say it ain’t so! Barack Obama caught with his pants down? Enquiring minds want to know!

Yep the National Enquirer is already up for a Pulitzer Prize for catching former VP candidate John Edwards with his fly open. Now it looks like catching Comrade Obama in flagrante delicto will win them another one for sure.

The bait for this hot badger game is allegedly a dedicated Obama campaign fund raiser, 35 year-old Vera Baker. The crime scene is the Hotel George.
The tabloid claims million dollar money offers are being made everywhere to buy silence. The big problem is a pesky security video. Apparently it was a limo driver that spilled the beans.

I hope the secret Service boys are on their toes because Michelle Obama may be swinging blunt instruments and throwing knives at the Chockalott Jesus. I’d hate to see a state funeral because they were asleep at the wheel!

Read all about it here!

Why Concealed Carry Is Right For Europe

Europe—Europe has a fascinating law-abiding substantial majority today. Europeans have amazing respect for all laws big and small. The timing is everything as crime rates now change for the worse.

Criminals here are particularly ruthless. Many criminals are coming from countries where respect for law is miniscule like the former Soviet Union. The Socialist run nations criminalized everything they could as a revenue tool. That destroyed respect for law in general.

Violence in Europe is on the increase and cannot be controlled by police especially in free societies. Committed and competent help needs to come from ordinary citizens.

The only meaningful way to stop in-progress crimes is with the threat of force or actual force. Superior manpower or firearms are the only resources that work to prevent imminent death or destruction. Just the threat of force nearly always works without injury. Except in rare circumstances, the cowardly criminals stop in their tracks or try to escape. Rarely is a single shot ever fired once an intended victim produces a gun. Peace is restored without injury or death.

Self-defense is nonexistent for those that cannot have the advantage of a weapon and several hours of training. Violent and early mortality can be avoided. Carrying a gun provides the same kind of advantage as wearing a seat belt while driving.

I carry a gun every day of my life. I wear a seat belt every time I drive. For me these things are automatic. I can say I’m alive today because I carried a gun. I have never been in a serious enough auto accident to claim a seat belt saved me from death or serious injury. I will still wear the seat belt as I pack my .45 automatic anyway.

The UK police make a big deal out of arming their officers. The government officials give their officers with weapons training initials to sign after their name just like they earned a PhD! Yes, that’s ridicules. The officers with that designation strut around like very important peacocks. The royally privileged and armed police then zealously set about to insure that only they be armed. How sickeningly repugnant is that?

The fact is, the members of society that need the firearm protection goes without and are at the mercy or lack of it displayed by the rapists, robbers and killers. The government holds down the law-abiding citizen until the thugs finish their acts. The government becomes parties and accomplices to the crimes.

Police always arrive after the fact, unable to arrest but simply to deal with the mops, buckets and report process. If the cops get lucky they will catch the most incompetent criminals that don’t know how to cover their tracks. Serial murderers are rarely captured by police. Their intended victims or armed people close to the victims actually have a much better capability to stop these killers.

As the crime rates increase in Europe the criminals will become bolder and unstoppable. This road to ruin can be stopped with trained armed citizens with the right to use reasonable force to stop victimization. Yes, the law-abiding can be trusted with firearms. We also know that convicted criminals cannot.

Gun training is important but the graduates need no initials after their names, just the right to be free from violent attack.

Europe simply needs to look at the statistics from the states in the USA that have concealed carry. Those who get the training and special permits are almost never found on the wrong side of the law. The very few who do break the law violence and firearms are never involved.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Justice Department Conspired, Not The Hutaree Militia

Detroit, MI—As the Barack Obama Administration controls the Justice Department this kind of despot law enforcement was anticipated.

The Whitehouse wants to intimidate and bully those who’d dare resist the Obama Socialist Revolution. How better to do so, than to label dissidents as terrorists and destroy their lives with raids, arrests and prosecutions.

What’s left of the discredited and doomed mainstream media better known as the, Obama Propaganda Ministry was quick to rewrite and publish the Justice Department press releases on the recent militia raids and arrests. This propaganda was to help with the Obama intimidation program aimed at dissidents.

Now comes the hard part, producing real evidence. Let’s start with the so-called illegal weapons. Weeks later the FBI claims they’re still testing the firearms and don’t know if they’re illegal. That’s beyond lame and an admission that the firearms were in fact legal.

It turns out they have some verbal exchanges among the members of the so-called Hutaree militia exchanging half-hearted, big talk about what they think the politicians and bureaucrats deserve for their treason.

There were no specific threats or plans to actually do anything at all but talk. Considering that paid informants infiltrated the group any of the braggadocio was undoubtedly inspired by the snitches sent to entrap them.

The FBI wants to keep the arrested dissidents behind bars in Detroit. The Whitehouse, Justice Department and FBI knows that any Detroit trial will have a super-majority African-American jury enamored Barack Obama. They will deliberate with hate against anyone that dislikes their Messiah and evidence won’t matter.

There is a conspiracy alright and that’s to violate the rights of any and all dissidents they can.

Now the problematic nature of the case is surfacing as U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts’ questions about real evidence are going unanswered. The judge must decide if the nine defendants should be allowed to remain free pending the prosecution that may take as long as two years.

I can’t predict the ultimate outcome of this case since reverse race hatred, political competition and other factors are so heavily involved. The Justice department would have never pulled this stunt in an Area where jury panels would be not be stuffed with entitlement addicted Obama supporters.

I expect the Whitehouse and their goons to go after bloggers, radio show hosts and individual gun collectors that don’t share Obama’s hatred for the U.S. Constitution.

Some Americans will rightfully perceive government’s lawless and forceful political action an act of war and act accordingly.

Let me say this, Americans will never stand for another Waco assault on liberty. Government agents sent to victimize Americans will find themselves covered in their own blood. Millions of Americans are angry and willing to shed blood in order to preserve Liberty and the United States Constitution.

Update: On 3 May Judge Roberts ordered the defendats free peding further proceedings. The judge further indicated that the FBI's evidence was lacking.

Hollywood Is In A Creative Depression

Los Angeles, CA—Where are they? Where are the films that you really want to see? The compelling stories brought to the silver screen that have any relevance to our lives aren’t being made anymore.

Animations, robots, and comedies that barely make us chuckle are wasting space at the cinema’s. Gone are compelling stories of real heroes, courtroom dramas or historical events.

Personally, I want more actor driven films without the ridicules special effects that are just silly and not believable.

When I was visiting the Bendlerblock military compound in Berlin last November, I found 5000 stories there waiting to be told. That is where Col. Clause Von Stauffenberg and others planned the bombing attempt on Adolph Hitler’s life. Today a portion of that facility houses the German Resistance Museum. The stories here of of the heroes that were arrested tried and executed for resisting Adolph Hitler and the devastation he brought down on the German people. The stories documented there are all incredibly compelling and full of adrenalin fueled intrigue.

Nearly every courthouse in the entire world has those stories of justice served or gone wrong that would inspire, thrill and entertain moviegoers. Many of the best stories are long forgotten but none the less powerful and relevant to our lives.

Great films are out there that are not vehicles of the obvious product placement spam, action figures and the rest of the crap we did not spend our money to see.

My own film about recruit Chicago policewoman Ann Leybourne’s ending a career serial rapist’s reign of terror over the city’s North Side would put viewers on the edge of their seats. One beautiful young ingénue selected for brutal victimization by a cunning criminal was able to accomplish what Paul Kersey or Dirty Harry Callahan could only do in fictional thrillers. This film, COME FRIDAY is not so expensive to produce but will captivate and inspire the audience.

Every week I look for new movies and released DVD’s but can’t seem to find anything worthy of two hours and the price of a ticket. The Hollywood investors have never had a better opportunity to make quality films with so much expensive garbage out there. They just have look beyond the talent agencies that have lost their magic.

Film investors need to find a great story, land a decent director and avoid input from the large talent agencies their bad ideas that have not been working. Making films that’s actor driven is what movie goers really want.

Here is a great film waiting to be made that moviegoers are waiting to see. .

Monday, April 26, 2010

African-American Murder Culture Plagues Chicago

Chicago, IL—I’ve heard every excuse for crime by Chicago’s African-Americans for more than four decades. That, as their despicable deeds causes them to overflow from the jails and prisons of Illinois.

The unimaginable, constant and senseless murders by African-Americans are are rarely seen in the White communities. These murders are incredibly cruel and depraved for the most part. Most of Chicago’s violent crime is Black on Black followed by Black on White. The rarest crime in Chicago is White on Black.

Thoughtless, violent depravity has become a way of life for young Black males. You may argue that poverty causes the hungry to steal but these savages are not hungry. Their only hunger is simply to inflict massive indiscriminate suffering on others. Far too many African-Americans just don’t respect the value of human life.

Our polite society has chosen to cover-up this horrible cultural behavior and instead assigns this unilaterally to all Chicagoans. To talk about the racial aspects of crime is somehow considered racist if spoken about by a White person.

The murders of African-Americans by African-Americans in Chicago, is genocide. Exposing and condemning this behavior is not any form of racism but a reasonable response to the unleashed horror.

We cannot begin to treat or cure the horror if we choose to politely pretend this is not an African-American cultural behavior. Somehow this mutant form of life must be reprogrammed back into the human race. Enablement through tolerance and excuses for this behavior will never repair anything. The greatest form of racism is acceptance and tolerance of this culture of violence.

Fearing and avoiding African-Americans by Whites is not racism in Chicago but a normal instinct for survival. This behavior is a public relations nightmare for those well-behaved African-Americans. Okay folks, how do we fix this mess?