Thursday, March 25, 2010

We Can No Longer Afford Drug Enforcement in America

Everyday people are murdered because of our Drug War. People who are, or believed to be snitches, dealers, pharmacists, are killed because of the Drug War. Then there are ordinary people killed during the commission of robberies and burglaries by desperate drug addicts funding their habits.

The reasons for the drug related murders are varied and numerous. Cops needlessly risk their lives over the impossible task of eliminating drug abuse. They only effect law enforcement has, involves the correlation between drug prices and the level of enforcement.

The more enforcement we authorize, the bigger the illicit profits are for criminals. Drug enforcement is nearly as big a business as drug dealing. The entire industry needs to be shut down. Legalization and taxation is no solution because there is still a huge opportunity for criminal tax evasion corruption. We need to refrain from regulation of any drugs not involved with medical treatment.

The immediate impact would be a huge reduction in illegal immigration by drug criminals. Property crimes would be drastically reduced since the cost of illicit drugs is no more than sugar, coffee or tea.

Police and corrections people can devote their time to dealing with whatever crime is left. There will also be billions saved in the cost of prosecution and defense of drug crimes. Public defenders represent the bulk of drug offenders. The DEA budget alone is staggering. These agents could be all be redirected at foreign terrorists.

Some of the savings can also be redirected to providing medical interdiction and help to those who actually want it.

Would we have more addicts? Humans are always attracted to behavior that is deemed illegal. I just don’t see people putting that poison in their bodies just because it’s legal. Laws against impaired driving and such can still be enforced. Zoning laws can restrict where drugs can be sold.

Throwing hundreds of billions of our tax dollars away to fund an industry that makes even more money because of well intentioned drug laws is insane.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

To The Visitors Of This Blog

I want to take the time to thank my visitors for reading and watching Crime, Guns. And Videotape.

I don’t expect everyone to agree with the stuff I publish here. I love the ability to have you all explore my ideas and offer your own.

I thank you all as we approach what may be the darkest days of our lives. Together we will endure and keep liberty and freedom alive.

Congressional Member Death Threats Reported!

Washington, DC--Some members of our Congress have reported death threats and broken windows at their district offices. It seems too many Americans won’t accept redistribution of wealth and Socialism without a fight.

There is another side of this issue and that is an out-of-control Congress with a slight majority of members violating their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution. Have they brought this on themselves?

When it comes to the hard won rights of Americans there is no room for compromise. Our veterans cemeteries make that abundantly clear. However some in Congress and the Whitehouse just don’t get it. They also need to remember we outlawed slavery!

When our politicians stray from the Constitution it sometimes takes years and even decades for the courts to reaffirm freedoms. Our politicians must error on the side of freedom and liberty or they may face removal through legal or even extra-legal means.

Tampering with freedom is considered risky business in any society. Tyrants have been able to shroud themselves with security since the beginning of government. History has often demonstrated that sometimes politicians and dictators are killed and that comes with the territory.

I won’t condemn every attack against political leaders. Hitler, Stalin, Castro, and other despots certainly showed an uncanny ability to cheat the assassin. Sometimes tyrants get what they deserve.

The hostile, Socialist takeover of the American Health Care and Insurance Industry is un-American and those responsible should expect punishment both legal and extra-legal.

Arizona Gun Control Evolution

Phoenix, AZ—Arizona always had open carry rights for people excluding felons, mental defectives and those addicted to alcohol or drugs. Concealed weapons were outlawed for all but police in the 1960’s.

Arizona had a population explosion of people from New York and Chicago for the relaxed Arizona lifestyle. Some of those people went into total shock when they saw others peacefully carrying guns. The early 1980’s brought suggestions of simply allowing permits for concealed weapons, That concept sent fear and condemnation throughout the State Legislature.

The late Prescott, representative Dave Carson introduced various bills forward to allow for concealed weapons. The Eastern transplants that joined the legislature went into absolute panic. Arizona’s police chiefs dutifully testified how this change would bring shootouts to every traffic accident. That, despite existing laws, that allowed motorists to carry loaded guns in glove compartments. Carson’s bills went nowhere.

Carson was undaunted and introduced these bills every year for the next 14 years. Finally Carson’s efforts paid off and the new law brought credibility to none of the violent predictions of Arizona’s naysayers. The concealed weapon permit holders in every state are a law-abiding bunch of folks.

With the liberalization of these laws in America we learned one thing. Gun control works, only on the law abiding. All the gun laws and harsh penalties have zero impact on criminals. Gun laws have only worked to disarm decent people and allow for their victimization.

Now the Arizona Legislature voted to join Vermont and Alaska in allowing for concealed weapons without a permit. Those choosing to carry weapons must not be prohibited to possess weapons by any state or federal law. The governor can be counted upon to sign this measure into law.

Illinois and Wisconsin have total bans on concealed weapons. New York, New Jersey and California radically restrict how guns may be carried with permits that are difficult or impossible to obtain. Many of these jurisdictions have confusing laws that overlap and do little more than give the bewildered and law abiding, criminal records for the rest of their lives.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Green Beret Physician’s Appeal Of Murder Convictions, Set For A Hearing

Richmond, VA—After four decades, a three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond will hear arguments in 66-year-old Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald's case on Tuesday.

McDonald was convicted after a horribly botched military police investigation of the murders of his wife Collette, 26 and his daughters Kimberly, six and Kirstin, two.

The key physical evidence that convicted McDonald was a hair found in Kimberly McDonald’s fingernail that experts claimed belonged to her father Jeffery at the trial.

New DNA evidence indicates the hair was excluded as comming from any member of the McDonald family.

The Army CID was rife with incompetence back then and they did not have today’s modern investigative tools. The high profile case spun out of control and the investigation taken over by McDonald’s now deceased father-in-law and various politicians. Getting McDonald convicted became a cause celeb that generated publicity, a book, movie and lots of revenue.

The murders of McDonald’s wife and children were unimaginable and compared to the gruesome Manson Family slaughters in Los Angeles. There was evidence of a band of hippies being involved, a confession from a member of that group and allegations by a Deputy United States Marshall of witness tampering by prosecutors during the trial.

McDaonald was a handsome fellow with a roving eye for the ladies and fell to temptation as so many others have done. Prosecutors turned that into a motive for murder. Infidelity plagues American marriages but murder, thankfully is rarely involved in such relationships.

McDonald has been serving three life terms in federal prison and finally defense evidence may yet see the light of day. Witness that could of and should have given testimony for the defense have since died and admitting their hearsay but sworn statement into evidence will be difficult if not impossible now.

In addition to defense arguments there is the issue of some very real DNA evidence connected to that single hair that prosecutors have kept buried for many years.

McDonald Brief July 20 2009

Monday, March 22, 2010

I Smell War In America

Washington, DC—As the Obama administration and a runaway Congress marches against the freedom and liberty of Americans they show their ignorance of history.

The anger over the Socialist styled healthcare seizure by government is boiling over right now. That, as the Left is emboldened to continue with their Marxist agenda non-stop.

They have enslaved the productive and taxpaying half of this nation to serve the unproductive and ungrateful other half, along with a massive police state.

On this earth there is no place ever inhabited by humans that has not suffered holocaust and war. That’s because some want to impose their will on others by force.

The British learned the hard way that you can only tax and punish, until people go to war. Then there was the time that the North imposed their will over the South. Of course by the time that war was over there was nothing to celebrate over a Union victory. The undertakers were the only ones that won that war.

History shows that the side with the most guns wins. It has not been the Leftists buying up every gun and round of ammunition produced for the last 18 months. Were they buying these weapons in anticipation of new restrictions or preparing for a Second Civil War?

Imposing your will on others by force is always a dangerous idea. History has redundantly demonstrated that fact. Yes folks, I smell war.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A House Divided Against itself Cannot Stand

It was in Springfield, IL on June 16, 1858 when Abraham Lincoln made that famous campaign speech while running for the US Senate. Lincoln foolisly seemed to believe that things would somehow work out without a Civil War.

Lincoln let out that iconic line, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." He followed that up with, “I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free.”

We are again at this same crossroad with one half of the nation enslaved to the other half and an out-of-control government. Now yet another Illinois politician may be foolishly optimistic we will avoid a second Civil War.

I don’t think our present government can endure half slave and half free but that’s exactly what Barack Obama has arranged. Obama is The Great Divider.

Most Americans are beginning to realize that the Red Menace we long thought dead is here. Our freedom and liberty is on the ropes as we plunge into an abyss of failed Marxist ideas.

Instead of our economy growing it will be the body count as this Communist revolution has only begun. It is time to purge or be purged folks. We are in for a very rough ride if we can’t politically derail that despot and his henchmen.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Adolph Hitler Hurt Germany The Most.

Berlin, Germany—At the end of World War I, Germany signed on to the Treaty of Versailles that saddled the nation with an impossible war debt to pay. This was during the time they were simply printing money as the economy tanked and Germans were actually starving.

Two opposing Socialist political parties fought for control of Germany. The Communists and Nazis battled it out. The winners were the National Socialists led by a charismatic man, Adolph Hitler who expertly used the new media of radio to lead a nation of obedient sheep.

Hitler’s PR manager, Josef Goebbels was a genius that knew to never let a good crisis go to waste. They contrived a crisis and that was the arson blaze of Germany’s Reichstag. Outraged politicians quickly voted to give the Nazis absolute power to crack down on their opposition.

Hitler delivered on his promises to feed Germany and redistribute the wealth. The Jews were targeted since they were both unpopular and wealthy. Jewish property and businesses were confiscated and distributed to Nazi Party faithful. The German people allowed themselves to be totally dependent on the National Socialist government for absolutely everything.

Jews were outlawed and those that did not flee were rounded up and sent off for "resettlement" in Eastern Europe without their assets. The dirty secret was Hitler’s Final Solution to the Jewish Problem along with extermination of the medically unfit. This was also an economical move since you need not care for or feed the dead.

Germans were very desperate for peace, prosperity and security. Hitler and his henchmen seemed to provide even better than expected and that boosted his popularity. Soon Hitler was running out of Jewish money and began the occupation of his European neighboring countries. That of course eventually brought World War II.

Still the German people were overly fond of the National Socialist messiah who filled their food pantries and stomachs with food. Those who knew the real story were tried and executed for High Treason if they made any effort to expose the Nazi atrocities.

We are at a crossroads with crisis after crisis and now we have a overly large, government dependent population that follows Barack Obama like starving puppies. Obama leads them as any other effective cult leader. Obama’s followers are just as giddy as Hitler’s were to be in his presence. The similarities between these two Socialists, is indeed downright spooky.

Germany saw 9 million of its own citizens perish because of Hitler. That does not include the Holocaust, nor the loss of all the Allied soldiers. Socialism was and is nothing more than a killing machine everywhere it has been tried.

For everyone killed or murdered in the name of National Socialism there were nearly two killed in the name of the Communist USSR under Stalin.

Getting rid of Hitler was politically impossible and those that saw the horrible direction Germany was headed had no choice but to plan his assassination. By the time the German resistance got serious, it was too little too late.

We have no choice but to rid our government of every last Socialist and Communist.

The Real Reason Health Care Is Broken In The USA

This is really simple to understand. We have many millions of poor illegal immigrants in our country. They simply don’t have insurance and don’t pay their medical bills as as we are forced to pay their tab of hundreds of billions of dollars per year.

This impoverished and uneducated alien group is also involved in all manner of criminal enterprises and suffer many more drug overdoses, stabbing and gunshot wounds than citizens or documented resident aliens. The same is true for their accelerated and astronomical birth rate.

The strain on our medical providers and the medical insurance companies is beyond enormous. Lastly, nothing prevents people who can’t or won’t pay medical bills or illegal aliens from making medical malpractice claims or filing lawsuits against care providers.

If we removed the trespassing aliens. Americans and legal aliens could well afford insurance.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Natalee Holloway's Corpse Scam

Rapho Township, PA—Fame nearly always brings hard cold cash so there are never ending attempts to garner fame such as the infamous Balloon Boy Caper. For every publicity stunt that backfires, there are many more that succeed.

Natalee Holloway disappeared some five years ago after leaving a nightclub with young strangers while drunk on a vacation in Aruba. Today we still don’t know if she was the victim of an accident, foul play or even if she found a new life somewhere by her own volition.

The Holloway case has captured the imaginations of those Americans that don’t have a life and hang on every word of the former prosecutor and now tabloid TV, crime harpy, Nancy Grace. These folks want the young men who were last seen with Holloway hanging from a gallows. Thankfully there is a decent form of Due Process on this Dutch governed island.

Now John and Patti Muldowney have produced a photograph of a shape on the ocean floor taken while snorkel diving. Now they have generated a major speculative media frenzy that has little basis whatsoever. I’m sure they got a hefty price for their photo.

Is the shape human remains? I can’t see a basis to draw any conclusion whatsoever.

If it is somehow a real human corpse, what are the odds that it’s Holloway? I’d ventured to say that millions of corpses have been dumped into our oceans. Some were murdered and others simply buried at sea. Then there are those that drowned or had fatal encounters with sea life.

We all need to learn from this that anyone can dupe the media and make money too.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Black Book, My All Time Favorite Film

Los Angeles, CA—I first wrote about this great 2006 film only last August in a review. I caught the film by accident on the Encore Network one night. What a treat it was!

If there is a God of all film directors I’d have to call him, Paul Verhoven(Basic Instinct, Robo Cop,Total Recall and Independence Day). His other films are pretty good to say the least but he hit a Grand-slam Homerun with Black Book.

I have a serious problem. I can’t stop watching this film, over and over.

If you’ve not heard of this film that perhaps because it’s filmed in Dutch, German and only a bit of English. Don’t worry it’s subtitled in your language. The acting is so superb you will become part of it.

This film is based on a true story of a sexy and beautiful Jewish cabaret singer, played by Carice Van Houten, hiding out in Holland for the duration of the war and Nazi occupation. Van Houten’s character, Rachel Stein aka, Ellis de Vries is drafted into the Dutch Underground and spends the last year of the war, 1944 as a spy. The dangers Stein faces are unimaginable as she proves to be the ultimate survivor. This film is a non-stop thriller.

Verhoven’s entire cast is terrific. Sebastian Koch plays a kinder, gentler, head of the local Gestapo who understandably falls in love with the beautiful espionage agent. The love scenes are real, since these two actors were smitten both on and off screen. Sadly the distance between Amsterdam and Berlin ended their relationship, according to my very own beautiful spy, Andrea, living in Berlin.

You will need a score card to separate the villains from the good guys as every thrilling scene unfolds. The script written by Gerard Soeteman and Paul Verhoeven is as good as it gets.

You will see and recognize Van Houten, Christian Berkel, Waldemar Kobus and that stunning redhead, Halina Reijn from Black Book in the Film, Operation Valkerie that also stared Tom Cruise as Col. Claus Von Stauffenberg. Reijn shows up, this time as a brunette playing Stauffenberg's secratary.

I think the greatest thrill I’d have in my life would be to work with the incredible cast and crew of Black Book in another great European film. Mr. Verhoven, I’m available! Just have your casting director call my agent! Of course there is my screenplay, Come Friday waiting for someone like you to direct!

Carice Van Houten is very busy making more films right now. She has what it takes to be the greatest leading lady ever.

Don’t rent this film, buy it and see if you can stop watching it.

The cast and crew of Black Book.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Chicago Police Commander Arrested On Misdemeanor Count

Chicago, IL—Yes, I’ve see Chicago police bosses in handcuffs before. In the 1970’s Clarence E. Braasch and Mark Thanasouras made the perp walk and took an extended vacation at Club Fed. That of course involved serious corruption and violations of public trust.

I can’t recall a boss getting pinched for a misdemeanor offense, ever. That all changed last night, with the arrest of Fillmore District Commander, Penelope Trahanas over an allegation of, telephone harassment.

Trahanas is accused of making a threatening call to her former boyfriend, Matthew Jackson, a policeman currently assigned to headquarters. The basis for the arrest surround voicemails left by Trahanas that allegedly threatened Jackson’s career.

Jackson ran to a judge, sought and obtained an Order of Protection against his former lover. Jackson also instigated a departmental investigation of the allegations. Now, Trahanas has made the perp walk, got stripped of her gun, star and police powers.

Of course this mess will be reviewed by the courts that are notoriously slow in Chicago. If there is a guilty plea or a trial ending in conviction the once promising career will end in disgrace.

Capitol Police And That Degrading Visitor Frisking

Washington, DC—Americans seem to be too willing to put up with nearly any kind of abuse in the name of security. Despite solid Fourth Amendment protections Americans entering the buildings their taxes pay for, they submit like sheep to invasive, intrusive and degrading searches of their persons and belongings.

This idea caught on like wildfire in the 1980’s after cowardly judges and bureaucrats wanted special protection from unhappy litigants and taxpayers. Metal detectors and X-Ray machines are everywhere as government agents or government contractors simply violate the rights of visitors conducting government business.

Of course our cab drivers, 7-11 clerks or people that face real danger get no special protection from government. This is about protecting the powerful, not the public.

In America we only frisked prisoners or criminal suspects upon Probable Cause or by a Search Warrant. To do otherwise is only the routine of a Police State.

Of course the screening is never used on those who demand others be searched. That is at a minimum a denial of equal protection under law. If one American must submit every American should have to suffer the undignified frisking.

At the Capitol there are members of Congress and their staffers that insist they are above being searched. They bitterly complain when asked to submit to the screening. The result is a plethora of internal police investigations alleging racial profiling, assault and abuse against the hapless Capitol cops. Congress has the power to rid its chambers of the vile practice but they are too timid to do the right thing.

We need to establish once and for all that all Americans are equal. Either everyone or no one should ever lose their right to privacy when entering a public building or airport. This should begin at the U.S. Supreme Court with the screening of those Justices that don’t seem to have a problem with this practice.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Order Of Protection Issued Against Chicago Police Commander

Chicago, IL—I have been a long time critic of the three decade-old popular court process used for disputes, and domestic discord.

Our politicians found a way to sidestep establishing proof beyond a reasonable doubt to punish people accused of threatening behavior. One party visits a courthouse and makes whatever accusations they wish. If that party simply alleges assault, battery, criminal damage to property or some kind of threat the judge issues an Order of Protection that can have dire consequences.

The judge can order an accused person out of his home, to surrender all lawfully owned firearms and make the accused avoid going to his or her place of employment. The accused does have a right to a future civil hearing where the burden of proof is only minimal. The courts will only error on the side of, keeping the order in place. No judge wants to be blamed should something later happen to the complainant.

When the accused is a law enforcement officer or security professional they automatically lose their ability to work if their job requires they be armed.

The Orders of Protection are un-American and the real problem is that only law-abiding people can be counted on to obey them! Criminals violate the orders and kill or injure victims with or without the orders in the normal course of events. The orders just don’t work to protect anyone at all. This well-intentioned crime prevention concept has only been a massive failure.

The place for punishment is after conviction for a crime not upon some unsupported allegation. Far too often the orders are sought for malicious reasons only. Society is no better off with the Orders of Protection than without them to curb domestic violence. Society would be far better off to rid itself of this entire vile concept.

If there exists probable cause of a crime and the suspect is deemed a danger to society judges have the ability to raise the bail beyond the suspect’s ability to gain release.

Now Fillmore District Commander, Penelope Trahanas is on the receiving end of such an order. So far they have not stripped her of her star and gun, however not to do so would give her special treatment. Trahanas’ former boyfriend, Matthew Jackson, also an officer obtained the order complaining of telephone threats. I somehow don’t think this was necessary or that the sworn and armed boyfriend can’t take care of himself without the Order of Protection.

To me it looks like Penelope and Matthew need to move on with their lives without involving the courts or their employer. We need to change the law to keep this crap out of our courts and to quit ruining lives.

The ultimate Taxpayer Protection

U.S. Constitution: Thirteenth Amendment - Slavery And Involuntary Servitude

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Our politicians seem to have forgotten that slavery was outlawed long ago. Our taxation and national debt has made slaves of all taxpaying Americans. Will they establish debtor’s prisons for those who won’t or can’t pay? Every day we are closer to a second Civil War.

Congress and Obama vs. We The People

Washington, DC—Our out-of-Control Congress and President care not what Americans want anymore. They are a bunch or rogue, unresponsive renegades on a Socialist mission.

A large group of these Socialists and Communists inside our own government will do whatever they can, legal or not to strangle freedom in America. Our calls, E-mails and letters are insufficient to get their attention. Stronger messages are the only answer now.

It’s time for, we the people to exercise every option to maintain freedom and liberty. Failure to act will be catastrophic to the American way of life.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sarah Palin To Address The NRA Faithful in Charlotte, NC

Charlotte, NC—Former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin will be the keynote speaker at the NRA’s annual meeting, May 14-16, 2110.

As usual there will be a grand exhibit hall full of the latest and greatest firearms. There will be loads of seminars and events tailored for men, women and children.

For lawyers there is also a really useful firearms law seminar that qualifies for CLE credit. This will enable lawyer to defend people accused under unconstitutional gun laws as well as dealing with frivolous civil litigation.

This a great opportunity to be seen with thousands of defenders of our Second Amendment!

Be sure to stop by the Eagle Grips booth for the finest accessories for your handguns.

Yes, Crimefile News will be reporting from the Charlotte Convention Center.

Get all the information about this event right here!

The Benefits Of Ignoring Census Inquiries

Millions of people thoroughly dependant on government need your participation. A high count will bring us the things we really need like more taxes and more career criminal, Congressmen.

The count gives government guidance for where to waste more of your tax money.

By all means cooperate fully so we can a much bigger and powerful government to run every aspect of your life.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Real Freedom Means Less Government

Imagine having speed limits eliminated on major highways? Envision having no vice police for adult prostitution or gambling? Visualize no more drug profits, theft or violence related to drugs that cost no more money to produce than coffee or sugar. More importantly, how many hundreds of billions of dollars would be saved if government ended its over-regulation of human behavior?

Germany has not had speed limits on their highways in our lifetime. The Autobahn is safe and reliable anyway. Prostitution is legal in Europe and the sky never fell. Gamblers gamble despite all laws. Drug addicts consume tons of illicit drugs despite outrageous consequences both legal and life threatening.

If all drugs were legalized would we begin putting needles in our arms just because we could? The answer is no! Drugs are in reality more attractive to young people just because they’re illegal!

Laws against driving under the influence can still be enforced and vice activities can be zoned away from residential areas and schools.

Some would say we should tax these things, but then we’d simply create an extortion programs and make criminal enterprises to evade the taxes.

We are embarking on the greatest depression of all times as we spend ourselves deeper with optimism and bravado. Too many want to believe our anointed Messiah, Barack Obama will save us all through epic government growth and taxation. That Socialist idea has failed absolutely everywhere. Freedom has never failed anywhere.

We were free after the American Revolution but where did all that precious freedom go? We need to take it back.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Phil Spector’s Murder Trial Was An Absolute Sham

Los Angeles, CA—I wrote extensively about legendary record producer, Phil Spector’s first murder trial that ended in a mistrial when jurors could not reach a unanimous verdict. . I was not able to do much with the retrial because of other commitments, but it was even worse that the first trial.

Both trials were as unfair, and as outrageous as I’ve ever seen in my 40 years of experience inside the criminal justice system. During the trials I compared L.A. Superior Court Judge Larry Paul Fidler to Roland Freisler, the President of The People’s Court of Germany’s Third Reich. I don’t think that was an exaggeration because of nearly every ruling made by Fidler.

It was obvious to me that Judge Fidler had an agenda to convict Spector at any cost after numerous embarrassing high profile acquittals of other celebrity defendants. Fidler was drunk with power as he satisfied the harpy-pundits of that failed TV network, Court TV. It just so happened that I met Judge Fidler when he was invited to San Francisco to attend an Investigative Reporter’s and Editor’s conference in San Francisco with that very pretty, former Court TV correspondent, Beth Karas.

Spector’s trial was not about evidence but was an exercise of pure hatred. The trial manifested hatred for Spector’s wealth, flamboyant hair, manner of dress and lifestyle.

Spector had a lifetime’s worth of gold-digging women satisfying his libido and then angered when Spector did not give them the wealth and fame they sought. The very worst of this group were allowed to testify against Spector about decades old affairs.

Spector’s real crime was his sometimes horrible taste and judgment in the women he allowed in his bed. In that mix were thieves, extortionists and drug addicts. Some would return to haunt Spector for a slim chance at fame and of course the cash they could get from the tabloids for their tall tales.

The dead woman, Lana Clarkson fit Spector’s bedmates well. Clarkson was a failed and now too old actress with habit for ingesting Vicodin nearly a dozen times a day. The poor woman was an alcoholic suffering from depression and was nearly destitute. It was clear that Clarkson was under the influence of both drugs and alcohol when she died.

None the less Clarkson was a sympathetic figure that Hollywood used and spit out. Clarkson was beautiful and there was evidence she tried very hard to gain fame and fortune that sadly never materialized. Clarkson was really just another tragic story from The Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

Clarkson did not go home with Phil Spector who she just met for anything more than an act of commerce. Spector had money and Clarkson needed some.

A violent death occurred but the evidence of murder just was not there. On the contrary there was a lot of evidence suggesting suicide or a self-inflicted accidental shooting by a drunken woman.

We don’t have a video, instant replay of this tragedy. We and the jury had to guess how Clarkson died. It’s a human trait to want to assign blame for a needless death. The blame went to Phil Spector.

In Judge Fidler’s court Clarkson’s problems were sanitized while any and everyone who wanted was encouraged by the jurist to throw mud on Spector.

Phil Spector was railroaded to a prison cell for more years than the 70 year-old has left on earth. Spector very well may never live long enough to win his appeal. This is wrong.

With The People’s Court of Germany, the public did not see much of anything wrong with Judge Freisler’s show trials either. “Justice” was always administered there, swift and sure. What happened in this Los Angeles courtroom can happen to you or someone you love.

Read now the appeal brief filed on behalf of Phil Spector:
28176613 People vs Phil Spector Appellant s Opening Brief