Monday, December 21, 2009

Breaking News! Film Director Roman Polanski’s Appeal Denied

Los Angeles, CA--The California 2nd District Court of Appeal announced today it had denied the petition to dismiss the case against fugitive film Director Roman Polanski.

Polanski will now have to litigate these matters in Los Angeles when and if he is extradited from Geneva, Switzerland. Polanski is currently fighting extradition while under home arrest in his Geneva Chalet.

Here is their opinion:
Polanski Appeal Denied

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Did Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun Escape Berlin?

Berlin, Germany—When I was visiting Berlin last month the realization of Hitler’s escape seemed more logical and believable than that old suicide story.

Adolph Hitler back then was 56 years-old and had access to untold wealth. He could easily have placed funds, gold and or diamonds in different places just in case of his forced exile.

There can be little doubt that Hitler knew all about the allied forces exact movements and the inevitable fall of Berlin.

Hitler’s self-preservation instincts and understandable desire to protect Eva Braun must have been a priority for him and those around him, who all swore an oath to their Fuhrer. I can’t possibly imagine that there were no plans for escape.

Hitler reportedly married Eva and dictated his last will and testament. The news came to Hitler that crowds had beaten Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and his sixteen year-old mistress to death and hanged their bodies by the heels.

The claim was that on April 30, 1945 as the Russians were assaulting the Reich Chancellery that Hitler and Eva committed suicide using both a pistol and a cyanide capsule. SS Sturmbannführer Otto Günsche and other Führerbunker occupants told of putting Germany’s First Couple in a bomb crater and cremated their bodies.

This story is just too convenient and back then there was no scientific way to prove the charred remains were that of Hitler and Braun.

The Russians collected the remains of the dead bunker inhabitants. Somewhat recently the skull believed to be that of Hitler, with a bullet hole was found to be that of young woman not of a man Hitler’s age. Remember, at the time there were plenty of corpses littering a war-torn Berlin that could have enabled this scenario.

Hitler could have shaven off that silly little mustache. Eva could have turned herself into a brunette and they could have left the Führerbunker far in advance of the Red Army’s final Berlin assault.

Hitler had absolute control of all the passports he wanted from Germany as well the nations he once occupied. He certainly had control of any and all fingerprint identification files in existence too.

I have little doubt that Hitler survived and escaped. Perhaps he and Eva lived out their lives somewhere in a Swiss Villa as a wealthy, young retired couple. I doubt that anyone had the actual fingerprints of Hitler or Braun to compare.

Hitler was well photographed and his face was well known worldwide but a simple change in hair style and perhaps a goatee beard would have rendered him unrecognizable.

Has Joseph Wambaugh’s Art Been Lost Forever?

Los Angeles, CA—Former LAPD cop turned author, Joseph Wambaugh captured police work on paper like few other authors. Wambaugh’s work gave millions a realistic view inside the crime scene tape that shuts out prying eyes.

Many of Wambaugh's works were made into feature films or episodes of his hit TV series, Police Story. When I met Wambugh a couple of years ago I asked him a question he could not answer. Where are the DVD’s of his best stories that made the large and small screens?

These days almost anything is in print and available at Netflix. Absent are copies of my two favorite Wambaugh films, THE ONION FIELD and ECHOES IN THE DARKNESS.

Also missing are any episodes of Police story. Some of the actors that rocked on Police Story included Tony LoBianco, Don Meredith, Vic Morrow, Chuck Connors, James Farentino, Jan-Michael Vincent, Danny Bonaducci, Ralph Meeker, Diane Baker and Hugh O’Brian.

There has to be film and master tapes somewhere. It can’t be that difficult to let Wambaugh and those wonderful players to collect a little extra cash for their unforgettable work?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Socialism Kills!

When the word holocaust is used most Americans think only of the six million murdered under National Socialism by Adolph Hitler’s Third Reich. Yes, that was a monstrous event of extreme hatred and cruelty.

At the same time Americans simply fail or refuse to recognize the hundreds of millions of people murdered under all the other Socialist flags.

It was the Socialists and Communists in our own country and government that enabled and facilitated the Killing Fields of Pol Pot. The real war criminals were those Americans that wanted the Communists to control South Viet Nam.

Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Pot, have led the way in mass murders. They were followed by so many other lesser publicized Socialist nations. Socialists know only one way to deal with dissent and those that want out of their utopia. That is to murder those who they can’t convince to accept this failure of a government plan.

It’s apparently alright to simply not recognize the killing fields of Pol Pot, the endless purges of Stalin, Mao and Castro like they don’t exist.

If you find the photograph above disturbing that may well be you and your family under Socialism.

Socialism Kills.

We Are In Deep Trouble…

If you thought American school teachers were infusing our children with knowledge considering the amount of taxpayer’s money the government spends you are delusional. The teachers unions have sold us a bill of goods.

Meet three people we allow to vote in America. I’m amazed these folks can even find polling places or the bathrooms of their own homes.

These are stars of a popular reality TV show being quizzed on really basic things in our world. I’m beginning to believe in euthanasia. These people are too stupid to live. They’re beyond any help or even hope.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Another Treat From Berlin…

Berlin, Germany—I was delighted to be in Berlin for the 20th Anniversary of the collapse of the infamous Wall and Communism. Getting to the celebration involved taking the subway because of street closures and a lack of parking facilities.

My dear friend Andrea was kind enough to show me around Berlin. Her brother Klaus is a history buff who met us later giving me the rundown on the historical sites.

All the video I captured in Germany and Switzerland was on the Flip HD camera.

Enjoy the highlights of the subway ride.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is Confession Really Good For the Soul?

Phoenix, AZ—It was 21 years ago when an elderly man was robbed and murdered by a drug addicted neighbor. The case went cold and unsolvable.

The killer fled to California, got clean, sober and employed. Kenneth Jackson joined the world of the hard working and taxpaying folks. He was finally living the American dream. I think every religion allows sinners salvation and redemption without surrendering to earthly authority.

Jackson could not live with his deeds and more than two decades later he returned to Phoenix and gave a full confession of First Degree Murder to police. His shocking confession included unpublished facts and that has created a seemingly air-tight noose around Jackson’s neck.

The minimum amount of time Jackson can get will be 25 years with no parole. That will be served in one of Arizona’s miserable prisons. Jackson deserves man’s punishment but under the circumstances taxpayers will now have to support and keep Jackson secure for perhaps more time than he has left on earth.

Most killers never face the music since most murders remain unsolved. American prisons are the ultimate Dens of Inequity. Jackson will soon realize his insane mistake but by then he will be beyond hope or help. Mitigation will be strong in this case but Arizona Justice will be unable to lessen the damage to an otherwise redeemed life. Jackson should have exclusively made his confession with his minister. Perhaps Jackson could have paid for his crimes some other way?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Chicago Judge Steals Christmas From A Little Girl!

Chicago, IL—This is one of those stories you just can’t make up. Cook County Circuit Court Judge Edward Jordan has ordered Christmas taken away from a three year-old girl!

Despite our Constitution’s First Amendment Judge Jordan has stepped into a religious dispute between parents and ordered the Catholic father not to expose the child to any non-Jewish religious activities.

The child’s mother Rebecca Reyes an apparent devout Jew, petitioned for and won the restraining order From Judge Jordan. That order in effect steals Christmas from her daughter.

The dispute between Rebecca and Joseph Reyes is not really a trivial issue. Both parents are divided on their daughter’s religious education. Who should mediate this case? No American court has jurisdiction over religion. Is there an acceptable compromise when both the Jewish and Catholic religions claim their supremacy?

Judge Jordan is playing the Part of Dr. Suess’ Grinch and the little Reyes girl is none other than Cindy Lou Who from Whoville in this sad but true story where life imitates art.

Amazingly WBBM-TV’s Mike Puccinelli did this story and deliberately declined to identify the judge that restrained Christmas with an official court edict. To say that redaction was lame is an understatement. Since when does any journalist protect a public official from their undisputed actions under color of law?

I called Puccinelli who told me that editorial decision came from station management.

Judge Jordan is a former President of the Decalogue Society, which is the Jewish Bar Association in Chicago. Perhaps Jordan’s own faith may have influenced his decision that has now established Jewish religious superiority within Cook County, Illinois.

Joel Brodsky, himself a Jew and his law partner, Reem Odeah, a Palestinian-American lawyer represent the Catholic father, Joseph Reyes. He declined to discuss Judge Jordan or his motives. Brodsky wasted no time he has already filed an appeal of Judge Jordan’s order.

Brodsky and Odeh

I doubt that the appeal will be heard before Christmas in this seemingly landmark case and that’s too bad. I’m taking sides on this case and that is the side of our Constitution and its promise not to establish religion.

Here is a link to Mike Puccinelli’s story on WBBM-TV.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Associated Press Reports On Secret Illinois Prisoners Releases.

Chicago, IL—In this city rich with draconian and unconstitutional gun laws the public is at more risk of deadly criminal attack and monetary loss than ever.

The newly appointed Democratic governor, Pat Quinn has secretly opened the floodgates releasing career criminals back on the streets.

The move is said to cut costs but all of our politicians know that experience says this move will end up costing hundreds of millions more when the criminals reoffend. It will cost lives as insurances companies are bankrupted paying out claims related to crime.

Of course that will keep the courts, prosecutors and public defenders very busy. This will cause state and local government’s treasuries to hemorrhage.

Of course by creating a crime crisis this government will take advantage and eliminate freedom in the same way the Nazis did when somebody set fire to the German Reichstag. That act ultimately gave Adolph Hitler absolute power and the legal authority to kill millions. Hitler never let a good crisis go to waste.

One thing for sure taxpaying residents of Illinois better take gun rights, gun training and self-defense seriously or face the expected results. Get your Illinois Firearm Owner’s Identification card and stop worrying about the bogus laws that attempt to ban you from carrying them.

If you must use your weapon for self-defense do not talk to police under any circumstance without a lawyer at your side. You are not required by law to stay at the scene or report the shooting to police. Leave the area for your own safety and save your story for a courtroom should you be arrested.

Read more about the secret prisoner releases here.

"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

Mao Zedong made this famous quote in a 1938 publication. This was part of a larger statement that discussed public gun ownership as a hindrance to the world’s Communist Revolutions.

One thing for sure Communist and Socialist governments all love to use their guns liberally on their own citizens. Everywhere there has ever been a Communist or Socialist flag waiving there’s been a holocaust.

For some reason world history only seems to recognize the Nazi Holocaust and nearly ignores the hundreds of millions murdered in places like China, Cambodia, Cuba, Russia, East Germany, Romania and every Eastern European country. Communists uniformly slaughter civilians for political or trivial reasons.

Socialism, National Socialism, and Communism all share the same concepts of wealth redistribution, the need for absolute power within the government and the violent elimination of those citizens that dare demand freedom.

The Barack Obama Administration is rampant with proud Marxists. The other administration members are either too shy to admit their leanings other than to be openly sympathetic to Communist teachings.

Obama himself must be judged by his continuing Leftist actions. Obama’s obvious concerted effort is to collapse our economy and destroy our currency to weaken America for the Communist Revolution that he’s started.

The photograph at the top is from a recent mass execution of counter-revolutionaries and some who’s defied Communist tax laws. If Americans can’t recognize the danger and take immediate prophylactic action it may well be you or someone you love murdered by the government. We can’t allow Barack Obama or any politician to destroy our freedoms and way of life.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Chicago’s Parking Meter Extortion Can Be stopped!

Chicago, IL—The brand new parking meter kiosks are everywhere now. They accept cash and credit cards. Your failure to feed these monsters will get you in a world of hurt. It’s pure and simple extortion. Chicago’s weather has not been agreeable with these machines. They have been freezing over.

I have an idea! Perhaps we can help these devices with simple spray bottles. That will melt the ice for sure. Insert the nozzles into any and all openings and simply spray the ice away! I’m sure this will be helpful to the sensitive electronics inside!

Do this for your city!

$340 Million Phoenix Court Building Deserves Serious Scrutiny

Phoenix, AZ—Are some judges, politicians, lawyers and vendors involved in criminal conspiracies to loot taxpayers?

Maricopa County’s presiding judge, Barbara Rodriguez Mundell has refused to turn over e-mails and other records. She has taken the unheard of step by seeking and getting a temporary court order preventing a search warrant from being served on her home and judicial chambers.

Two members of the County Board Mary Rose Wilcox and Don Stapley along with Judge Gary Donahue are under indictment. It looks like there are going to be more indictments on the way.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and County Prosecutor Andrew Thomas have pulled out all the stops in learning what’s been going on with the deal making and glad-handing surrounding the over-priced court project.

It is inconceivable that in a state drowning in red ink that such a fantasy court palace could win voter's approval. The project was approved by the County Board and for some connected folks there are no hard times like there is for the rest Arizona’s residents.

The new court building’s real need is a hard sell on some breadwinner for a family of five who must pay an extortionate fine for a photo speeding ticket received on an abundantly safe stretch of highway with an unnecessarily low speed limit. Adding to that, that lion’s share of the fine goes to the private contractor rather than the government. The final insult being that the contractor donates hefty campaign contributions to the very politicians that have approved the extortion program.

Are the new courtrooms needed to enable the extraction of more money from Arizona’s population for petty violations?

The politicians under investigation are all screaming that this is some kind of political payback vendetta. Should that be a viable reason not to follow the money trail see just where hardworking taxpayer’s money is going?

Should bribery of public officials be off limits for law enforcement to investigate?

I say let the investigations continue. If it gets too hot for some politicians or judges they should seek employment as Wal-Mart greeters and get off the public’s payroll.

The media is not doing their job of investigating these sweetheart deals. Why complain if the law enforcement community actually takes a peek into the underbelly of government corruption? An investigation into Maricopa County’s corrupt practices is long overdue. If Maricopa County public officials are guilty of corruption, I say, “Take them to the tower!”

Friday, December 11, 2009

Maricopa County Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox Indicted For 36 Felony Crimes

Phoenix, AZ—Maricopa County, Arizona has always been a hotbed for corruption. The legendary land fraud exploits of Ned Warren and later massive savings and loan fraud of Charles Keating could have never happened without the total cooperation of corrupt public officials.

Arizona has long been for sale to the highest bidder. The AZSCAM indictments only snared some low level members of the Legislature because the late Director of Public Safety and former Phoenix police boss, Ralph Milstead tipped of the real legislative power brokers. Law enforcement bosses sans the elected Sheriff must cooperate with the crooked politicians or be unemployed.

As always, the lion’s share of political corruption comes from the Left wing of American politics. The free-spending Liberals throw around the most tax money and that invites the deal makers, lobbyists and criminal underbelly to feed like sharks.

Corruption investigations always go nowhere and local and every level of government wallows in a sea of red ink. The crooked politicians turn their taxpayers into their own personal ATM machines. The only solution they can find is to raise taxes a extort money from working families with photo traffic enforcement revenue schemes.

Arizona’s media is like most American media, deeply rooted in Leftist politics. The large metropolitan areas of Arizona are under a tight Liberal grip. The media protects the political corruption.

Along came a wild Card, Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Joe has his own baggage connected to his ego. Arpaio, stays awake nights dreaming up publicity stunts to endear himself to his voters. He is a master politician who gives the voters what they want. Since Maricopa County is a huge territory his voters are working class Conservatives. Liberals just don’t get elected in countywide races.

Needless to say in Phoenix there is a clash of political culture and ways to deal with things like Illegal Immigration. The Liberals run Phoenix, the Superior Court, the County Board and they control where money is spent. The Left Wing politicians always throw tax money away on unneeded projects that generate huge campaign contributions from government vendors. That’s the only way they can stay in power.

In the thick of this mess is the Wilcox Crime Family. Mary Rose Wilcox and her family have never missed a chance at personal profit and now according to a stunning and breathtaking 36 count indictment Wilcox will have to answer for her actions.

In the meantime the media has come to the defense of Wilcox and another indicted Supervisor, Don Stapley in an unprecedented manner. They are screaming that the indictment is political payback. My question is who cares if it is political payback? If they have committed these felonies why not simply let them hang!

Read the Indictment and tell me why Mary Rose Wilcox should not answer to a jury of her peers for the allegations made?
Wilcox Indictment

I’m always looking For Work In Germany

I had a marvelous time in Germany last month. I enjoy the people, their lifestyle and the wonderful food. I can’t wait to return!

Investigation, film making or covering news is what I love best. Doing that in Germany really rocks.

Getting drafted into the Army was made really sweet when I was sent to Germany and worked as an Army medical corpsman.

I’m looking for any excuse at all to return!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

We are Not All Equal In The Eyes Of The TSA

Washington, DC—The Internet posting of the TSA 93 page, airline passenger screening playbook was a real eye opener. Not only have TSA’s screeners made up their own rules, politicians get special treatment!

No American should be searched in the absence of a search warrant signed by a judge or at least probable cause. That was supposed to be a Constitutional guarantee. Without a Constitutional Amendment our cowardly courts have allowed this vile practice. Americans are frisked like criminals to enter a train, plane or government building. That’s wrong and un-American.

The politicians that have allowed this travesty have apparently provided themselves and families freedom from this indignity. Members of Congress, governors and lieutenant governors, the mayor of Washington, D.C., and their immediate families all get special treatment. These people must be required to live under the same conditions as every taxpayer.

No American should get special treatment. If the TSA assault on the Fourth Amendment is acceptable to use against me, than it must be acceptable for our politicians as well. If our politicians don’t like the screening they should abolish the practice.

Let’s demand an end to special treatment for politicians and their families!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Maricopa County Arizona Is At War, With Itself

Phoenix, AZ—Local politicians and judges in this town have always worked, played and engaged in corruption so well together. They have always protected each other but things are different now.

Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas and Sheriff Joe Arpaio have taken on the rest of the county government like attack dogs. The lawyers, private investigators and bail bondsmen are in for a Christmas bonanza.

If Sheriff Joe has his way most local politicians and even some judges will be wearing pink underwear and living in his Durango tents.

County Supervisors Mary Rose Wilcox and Don Stapley have been scratching each other’s backs for years. Now they are both facing prison for corruption charges. Perhaps they can rat out some of the others enabling taxpayers to get a break!

At the heart of the matter are two law enforcement officials going after their critics with raids and SWAT teams. Investigations are being opened everyday against judges and politicians who have gotten on the wrong side of Thomas and Arpaio.

The good news here is that it’s no longer business as usual as every contract and every shady deal is getting close examination. These deals are the real reason Arizona is broke. The unneeded light rail project and every kind of government building contract have funded political campaigns like never before.

I’m loving this war, if for no other reason it will slow down the corruption. Perhaps this will help limit the time politicians hold office.

It’s also time to end these lifetime judicial appointments too. Six years as a judge is enough for any lawyer. The judges would be a lot more reasonable if they knew they’d be back practicing law soon.

I only hope this war escalates spreading everywhere cleaning up government.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Sadly, Today’s Joke is Homeland Security And The TSA

Washington, D.C.—In an exercise on total stupidity the TSA made public their entire manual for protective measures on their own public accessible web site!

The rules they operate under should have never been kept secret.

The procedures that reveal failings of the system and the screening details of law enforcement personnel should never have been released.

The cat’s out of the bag, all 93 pages of it. This breach of security is amazing to say the least. I’m sure it’s already in the hands of all the wrong people!

There is good news however and that is the revelation that desspite what the TSA jerks tell you, you can photograph or videotape the TSA people without their permission and use the tape to expose their discourtesy or abuse.

Since the exact rules are posted here you can remind them when they exceed their authority over you, your bags or their content. By reading their rules you will see that they have a solid history of inventing their own rules that are not supported in their own bureaucracy.

This is what happens when you place law enforcement duties in the hands of untrained and unqualified civilians. Marginable folks with marginable skills, training and abilities enable terrorists. At the same time they aggravate the public with invented petty procedures.

I suggest you make a digital copy in case the ones already posted to the internet disappear.
I only wish the TSA would likewise disappear.
Ht Tsa Screening 2 091208

Tiger Woods Has Serious Image Problems.

Orlando, FL—This morning Tiger Woods' mother-in-law left the house in an ambulance. The whole world is wtching this fallen sports icon.

So far Tiger Woods have been linked to at least eleven women (the is growing fast) as his bed mates. It is interesting to see that Tiger Woods rejects African-American Women. Is Woods a racist? Aren’t African-American worthy of a roll in the hay with the legendary golfer?

Perhaps Woods would be more suitable as a pitchman for condoms, stripper bars or sex toys. I suspect that one by one Woods will be rejected by the current manufacturers that liked his former squeaky-clean image.

Woods has enough money at his young age to survive that horrible economy, the destruction of the American dollar and Barack Obama’s Communist revolution. So getting dumped from his current product endorsements won’t hurt him a bit.

Woods never has to touch another golf club either. I suspect in the old days Woods would have been expelled from every golfing organization and match over his personal conduct. We live in different times today and I see a Nobel Peace Prize in Woods’ future.

Want Jobs? Suspend Taxes For Small Businesses!

Washington, DC—Barack Obama has bailed out crooked banks, businesses and campaign contributors. That has done nothing for Americans in need of jobs.

Small businesses are the backbone of America’s jobs. Obama has made it as difficult as possible for small business. Simply suspending quarterly tax payments as long as these businesses don’t lay off workers will save and create jobs. Unfortunately that’s not in Karl Marx’s playbook, Das Kapital.

That kind of a tax break would provide real hope, but Obama and his cronies won’t stand for that because it would interfere with their mission to destroy Capitalism and the American dollar.

Obama’s Communist revolution can only succeed on the backs of miserable needy Americans. We must stop Obama before he does more.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Republican Party Must Become Conservative again or Get Out of The Way

The GOP has lost its way. They have become a tool for Democrats to have a wider chance at winning races by turning general elections into primary elections. If a liberal can’t win a primary election simply wear a Republican label and get a second shot in the General election.

The result is that in Liberal areas of the country the GOP becomes a shell for Democrats or worse for their Leftist power struggles.

The problem is that these infiltrating “party members” are later allowed to pick the GOP’s major candidates for party support. That’s precisely why the GOP has such terrible candidates as John McCain and both Presidents named George Bush.

The GOP must expel these so called moderates or the entire party must be abandoned by Conservatives.

Why must the GOP leadership be under Leftist control? No GOP endorsement should ever go to anyone that does not share the party principals on limited government, low taxes and gun rights.

We have a Communist in the Whitehouse today because Conservatives rejected that pretender, John McCain.

The GOP must be cleansed of the Leftist and Liberals or we will continue to have what has become a one party system.