Saturday, August 29, 2009

For The Thought Police--Senate bill 773, The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 Is Here

Washington, DC--Chairman Barack Obama has learned that his missteps, misdeeds and treason have been exposed by the Internet. His approval ratings have fallen faster than any American President’s since accurate polling has been in existence.

In true Marxist style, Obama feels the absolute need to control our speech, thought and the flow of information. The authority for him to do just that will be granted in Senate Bill 773 also known as the Cybersecurity act of 2009.

Obama and his Communist cabal are the greatest threat to Freedom and Liberty this country has ever faced. They must be stopped at all cost.

Read this incredible document for yourself!
SB 773- Cybersecurity Internet Tyranny

Dr. Khalid Muhammad And His Flock

I guess this man and his congregation pray to a different God. I’m wondering just how many of people of his mindset are roaming our streets?

Like Dr. Martin Luther King, Dr. Khalid Muhammad too has a dream. Or in this case a nightmare for the rest of us.

My question is where are the Southern Poverty Law Center hate watchers?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Germany Under Siege—The Days of Baader-Meinhof 1968-1998

Frankfurt, Germany—When I was serving as a medical corpsman in Germany I was relatively safe from combat injuries or death. There were a few GIs that were not so lucky. They were killed or wounded by a diabolical group of Marxist revolutionaries led by a young couple, Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof.

This group later became the infamous, Rote Armee Fraktion or in English, Red Army Faction. They were responsible for nearly 300 bombings during their existence.

I knew some radical kids my age in this country I’m so fond of even today. The kids were wrapped up in the politics of the day but thankfully they were more moved by music, romance, persuing education and their wonderful youth. I never once feared the radical kids because they were indeed my friends.

Baader-Meinhof was very active while I was there 1968-1970. They blew up an ammo dump near my barracks and one young soldier was killed. I would have been required to perform guard duty there but was exempted because of my duty status as a medic.

Baader-Meinhof was nothing more than a bunch of boys and girls caught up in a totally bankrupt political ideology. They should have stayed in school, married and had kids of their own.

There were some horrible things that happened including the destruction of so many of their own lives. The whole Baader-Meinhof story was violent and troubling but none the less historical. Now they have released a film that I can’t wait to see.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Obama Popularity in a Steady Freefall

Washington, DC—Americans are discovering that Barack Obama is not working in the best interest of this country’s taxpayers and voters.

Since February of this year his approval rating fell by 20 points. On the other side his disapproval ratings soared 33 points. Voters now know that Obama’s platform and claim that all Americans making less than $250,000.00 would not see their taxes increased by a penny was a huge lie.

Americans wanted to believe the promises despite warnings from the Conservatives that Obama was pure poison for our ailing economy. Instead of tax breaks to stimulate the economy Obama gave trillions to the very thieves and scoundrels responsible for our problems.

Shoving every play in Karl’s Marx’s, Das Kapital along with GITMO terror detainees down our throats has educated Americans of the threat to liberty Obama represents.

I suspect that a real showdown will surface in a very short while forcing this traitor from our Whitehouse perhaps even to a gallows. Treason is a Capital Offense.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cops And Robbers IS Gun Art At It’s Best…

Click on photos to enlarge!

Gun as art had seemed to have had its heyday in the 1970s. A lot of historic guns were engraved and are priceless today. There are engraved guns that are not so special, and there are the Rembrandts and DiVincis that belong in a well guarded museum.

In the 1970’s a private collector had two unfired and perfect early manufactured blue Smith & Wesson, Model 27s in .357 Magnum caliber. These were chosen for this art project of a wild imagination. That was the gun chosen by J. Edgar Hoover’s G-Men of the FBI. A large frame gun that could handle the increased pressures of the Magnum cartridges used to penetrate the vehicles of the infamous motor bandits of the Great Depression.

John Dillinger and a short list of bold bank bandits were hunted by the FBI. The crimes were indeed notorious and they inspired an endless stream of books and movies.

They also inspired the Leonardo DiVinci of gun artists, Leonard Francolini to create one of the finest masterpieces ever made. Francolini is undisputed as the best engraver ever to work at the Colt Firearms factory in Hartford Connecticut.

Francolini was on his own being commissioned by the wealthiest gun collectors in the world to do his magic. In that era, Cops and Robbers was born.

The pair of exquisitely engraved revolves represent both sides of this story. One revolver is dedicated to the Robbers and the other to the cops hunting them.

Gold inlay is profusely used to recreate faces and places involved in this rich historical period. The artisans of Eagle Grips of Carol Stream, IL partnered with Francolini creating the elephant ivory grips, accessories and the hand carved, rosewood case that houses this one of a kind pair.

They are for sale if you have the money. The price today is a cool $100,000. Send me an e-mail or leave a comment that won’t be disclosed here if you dare.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What’s Ahead For Barack Obama

Martha’s Vineyard, MA—As Chairman Barack Obama hides from the press on vacation his young Presidency is melting. His ratings are in a free fall as the failing economy and hyperinflation is on the way.

The anger of Americans is swelling by the day after Obama has relentlessly seized control of banks, private businesses and is publicly conspiring for the hostile takeover of the medical and insurance industries.

Free enterprise has been destroyed since competition with the government is nearly impossible. Slavery is here and has been imposed on Americans not yet born by our dedicated Marxist leader.

It is unlikely that Obama can continue without a Constitutional crisis as Americans begin to find more than just words to vent their rage.

Every effort is being made to silence those who loathe the trashing of our form of government and way of life. Hopefully there are enough Americans that will defend and protect the Constitution of The United States and overcome these Bolsheviks and their pernicious plans.

Members of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies along with our military will remember their oaths of office. They have sworn to defend our Constitution rather than Obama’s subversive agenda.

All traitors must be arrested and tried for their crimes. What’s ahead for Barack Obama? The days ahead appear to be very dark and dangerous. It will be Obama’s call.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Freedom For Terrorists That Testify Against CIA Interrogators!

Washington, DC—In perhaps the biggest blunder yet, the Barack Obama Administration announced the appointment of a special prosecutor to bring prosecutions against CIA interrogators. This of course involves the tactics used against those terrorists believed connected to the September 11, 2001 Attack On America.

CIA operatives and their superiors have an absolute right to confront their accusers in court. That means the so-called victims must be brought into American courtrooms to testify against the accused CIA people.

Without the so-called victim’s testimony Obama's prosecutors will never win a conviction.

Here’s the rub. The terrorists will only testify if they get freedom as a quid pro quo. Like any other criminal brought into courtrooms their testimony must be paid for at an astronomically high price.

What concessions will they make to the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks? Will it be freedom and a bundle of cash?

The action also will destroy the effectiveness of any future attempts by our CIA at interrogating captured terrorists. I can see no other agenda by Obama aside from treason.

Obama Needs To Rethink Closing The GITMO Detention Camp

Washington, DC—An inexperienced rookie President, Barack Obama made a silly campaign promise to close our detention facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

I guess he was trying to curry favor with the Bush hating anti-war folks. Obviously not much thought went into this dumb idea.

The risk is that the very people that have made a religious commitment to destroy America could gain nearly every right of Americans under the Constitution along with every entitlement.

Putting these terrorists on our own soil is dangerous and totally unnecessary. They can be humanly treated where they are without endangering Americans.

There is no real alternative except to release these combatants to their own countries. Of course that would simply reinforce the terrorist forces we are trying to defeat.

I’m not a fan of the wars of either George Bush. They are being fought Viet Nam style where winning is not the goal. We should have eradicated Afghanistan and perhaps Iraq from the map with nuclear weapons or not bothered at all.

I don’t think that keeping GITMO open for lack of a reasonable alternative would be held against Obama by voters.

I won’t hide the fact that I loathe Obama and his Marxist agenda. Is the real purpose of bringing the GITMO prisoners here to recruit them as soldiers to kill Americans that oppose Obama? I can’t seem to think of another logical explanation for bringing these killers to our soil.

If this theory is wrong and this was just a dumb idea why not simply vacate the order to close GITMO?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Visiting Dead Celebrities Again

Los Angeles, CA—In Westwood Village there is a very small cemetery that has more celebrity remains per square foot than anywhere. A prime piece of this real estate can set you back by a half-million bucks.

If you’re buried here the star gazing tourists will be walking on your grave trying to figure out what made you so important to be buried here. Actors, comedians, musicians, singers, composers, writers, directors, producers, talent agents from the A list can all be found here.

If there is something strange about this cemetery, it's the sheer diversity of the people buried here. Jews, Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, atheists, and members of every race or sexual orientation can be found side by side. The souls here live in peace that they never enjoyed while they were alive.

People here died very young like Poltergeist actress Heather O’Rourke or were murdered like Dorothy Stratton and Bob Crane. Some died from accidents like Natalie Wood and Beach Boy, Dennis Wilson. Cancer got a gang of these folks taking them at disturbingly young ages. Other managed to live rich and full lives but their age caught up with them finally.

Like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives. Oh, William Bell who created that soap opera is buried here too.

UPDATE: The bidding for the spot above Marilyn Monroe is at $4.6 and is still climbing! Yikes! Read more here.

Annie Leibovitz Tortured By Creditors Or Drugs?

It’s been widely reported that the incredibly talented photographer, Annie Leibovitz has had monumental financial problems despite her ability to generate wealth.

Leibovitz defaulted on a $24 million loan that’s been collateralized by her famous photographs. She’s about to lose everything.

The problem here is simple drug addiction. In the 1980’s the late reporter Tom Fitzpatrick wrote about her selling her own prized cameras and lenses so she could obtain cocaine.

I don’t wish more hardship on Leibovitz even if it’s self-imposed. She is just a microcosm of the bigger problem in our country that has not nor will ever be solved by the Drug War.

Legalization of all drugs and free treatment is needed for those who have found a window to free themselves of that dreaded disease.

Afghanistan Is Unwinnable

Kabul, Afghanistan—The Soviets learned it after years of fighting and thousands of their young men were sent home in rubber bags. We’ve been there since 2001 and have our own dead and dismembered to show for that struggle.

To enter a country in an effort to separate the good people from the bad that mission is doomed to failure. It has not and can never be done.

George W. Bush was not smart enough to realize this and neither is Barack Obama.

It is the job of a country’s own citizenry to control government. It’s not our job. If a government becomes a danger to the rest of the world that country must be bombed into submission and that does not require ground troops. We have the technology to do this.

Fighting Crime Through Property Serial Numbers But For Government Folly

The vast void of common sense in government policy can’t be over-estimated. Imagine you are operating a gun store, pawn shop or car dealership and you have no ability to learn if the items you are buying to sell at retail are stolen. Why’s that you ask?

Because the vast list of serial numbers of stolen items is secret! The government’s National Crime Information Center or NCIC has deemed this vital information as protected criminal data. Only the police who are investigating a suspected crime can access the information.

Some officials will decry this idea because thieves will be able to access the data and find out the property they have is in fact stolen. Okay, I guess crooks are too dumb to realize they have stolen the property in the first place.

Assuming the serial number data could be misused what could cause greater harm? I say having thousands of people buying merchandise checking the list would empower the government to make arrests and recover property at a much faster rate. Perhaps they may be able to jail some really predatory criminals with stolen guns.

If all Americans could access the data, crimes might actually be solved and the stolen property returned to its rightful owners. I guess that’s just too easy.

Ask your local, state and federal politicians about this policy and see if they are smarter than they appear. Maybe they will surprise us? Not!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Are Chicago Police Vehicles Bugged?

Chicago, IL—In a state with unusually harsh eavesdropping laws The City of Chicago is apparently surreptitiously recording the in car conversations of their own police officers.

The Second City Cop Blog has just posted some information about the privacy invasion of Chicago police officers. There are suggestions that it’s all being done for the officer’s own safety. I find that impossible to accept since they never informed the officers of this departmental spying.

This should be investigated and if found to be true the people responsible should be arrested and prosecuted.

For more information visit SCC right here.

Obama Can And Should Be prosecuted And Removed From Office

Washington, DC—Fox News exposed this criminal activity and they have continued to uncover a serious theft of public funds. It all began with a massive spam e-mail from the Whitehouse authored by Barack Obama’s Propaganda Minister, David Axelrod. Obama was campaigning for support of his Socialist health program.

Fox News reporter, Major Garrett asked about the spam e-mail messages sent out by Axelrod to campaign for Obamacare at a Whitehouse news briefing. Garret was treated like a skunk at a picnic over his persistent questioning and now we know why.

The problem was and is that taxpayer funds were diverted from use in legitimate government functions to a political campaign pushing the hostile takeover of the health care and insurance industries in America. That was theft pure and simple.

The Whitehouse paid our tax money to a private firm, Govdelivery to spam the nation with unsolicited junk e-mails promoting Obama’s political agenda. In addition to the Obamacare fiasco they used public funds to push Supreme Court Candidate Sonia Sotomayor’s Senate confirmation efforts. This was nothing short of a major theft and an impeachable offense.

The Obama Administration has adopted the idea that since they won the election they can do whatever they want with reckless abandon. It’s time to put the brakes on this lawless bunch of traitors and send them off to prison.

Read the Fox News exclusive Story here.

Why So-Called Tort Reform Is Justice Denied

You hear the medical community and insurance industry incessantly carping and whining for Tort Reform. The title itself is incredibly misleading. It should be called what it is, The Insurance Company Protection Act.

A tort is an act that injures someone. There are accidental torts and intentional torts. An automobile accident involving simple negligence is a tort. So is an act of libel, assault, or even murder. In this mix are dog bites, construction accidents and the surgeon who amputates the wrong leg.

Most people cannot afford lawyers to force those responsible to pay for the damages they have caused. Usually there is a liability insurance policy involved and insurance companies are in the business of collecting premiums and doing whatever they can to avoid paying claims.

For the average working American the legal community invented the contingent fee arrangement. The lawyers front the sometimes huge expenses related to bringing your claim to court and charge you nothing unless or until they prevail on your behalf. A working man who was injured through a tort may be unable to work and have zero income can pursue his claim even though he has no money.

When and if you prevail in court, the contingent fee lawyer charges one third or more of the final award and the lawyer is entitled to recover the costs they advanced on your behalf.

The alternative is to pay a lawyer’s hourly rate and all of the costs for experts, court reporters or whatever else it may take to prove your case to a jury.

The Insurance companies want absolute caps on jury verdicts and awards. The real effort here is to destroy the contingent fee system altogether. The people who can’t afford to pay $50,000.00 up front to a lawyer will be denied their day in court. Insurance companies will rarely ever be forced to pay claims. That is the real goal of those pushing Tort Reform.

The fun part of Tort Reform is when your own insurance company does not pay up for your valid claim. There will be no contingent fee lawyers to go after them on your behalf.

Will We Pay To Obtain News Content On The Internet?

Hell No I say! We bought newspapers and magazines because we knew the cost of printing and paper required this.

As for news content on the Internet advertisers will pay or the readers will evaporate.

Bloggers like me get nothing for putting up content until we get enough visitors to make advertising worthwhile. Many put up donation boxes but to little benefit.

Rupert Murdock’s News Corp has announced intent to eventually charge visitors. I can live without access unless or until they have something that I really need that I can’t get anywhere else.

Murdock must get real since even quality porn can be viewed for free in Cyberspace!

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Latest In TV Broadcasting Gizmos

Los Angeles, CA—Yes, I’m a camera and gadget junkie. I’ve just got to have anything new and exceptional.

Bryan Frank is a gifted photojournalist and blogger who works for KCBS/KCAL here. His blog shows you the news behind the news.

He just profiled the latest remote broadcast item that’s changing broadcasting and electronic news gathering as we knew it.

He is using a JVC Camera with a backpack that can stream high quality live video over a cell phone. That means there’s no need for a satellite transmitter, or even a short range microwave transmitter to get a video signal live on TV or over the internet.

This talented photographer has shared his photos with his blog readers.

Here is a link to BeFrank and the story!

Mexico Takes Smartest Step Yet In Drug War!

Mexico City—Lawmakers here finally figured out just how to hurt the drug traffickers. They legalized the possession of user amounts of drugs including Heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine.

This will deal a devastating blow to the drug cartels and price of these drugs to the end users. A major portion of the profits has just evaporated there.

Now the drug lords have no choice but to export their poisons to the USA and Canada where the Drug War keeps the prices and crime sky high.

We need to monitor Mexico’s new experience for crime, violence and overdose rates.

American drug addicts can be counted upon to heavily visit or even relocate to Mexico. Hopefully that will make a dent in our own crime rate and rid us of thousands of troublesome people.

Our own lawmakers need to follow suit.

Read more here.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Missing Woman Believed Murdered Found Alive!

Boulder, CO--People love to assume murder in the case of a missing woman. That goes double if the perception of the missing woman’s significant other appears to be a womanizer or jerk.

I never understood why so many people anxiously wring their hands and become angry when a police investigation does not lead to an arrest when there’s no body or corpus delicti.

If no dead body can be located or if there is one but the cause of death cannot be determined you can’t assume there was a murder. You can’t then take the next giant step and accuse someone of the most serious crime we have on the books.

Bolder County Sheriff’s investigators assumed murder in a 1954 case. Amazingly enough, the woman, Katharine E. Farrand Dyer was located alive and positively identified today in Australia. She’s now 84 years old. Thankfully nobody was charged or convicted of killing this woman!

Read more about this strange Colorado case here.

Was Obama’s Hope And Change Less Than Some Wanted?

Barack Obama was elected on his redistribute the wealth platform. Not everyone is that thrilled about what’s happening.

The lesson here is to be careful what you wish for…