Friday, August 07, 2009

Why The Death Penalty Needs To be Abolished

Los Angeles, CA—As most of my readers know I loathe the Marxist agenda of the Obama Administration. For those who suggest this is related to the color of his skin, I freely admit I despise Barack Obama, but only over the Red color of his politics. As for skin color, it has no significance to me.

Conservatives blast Liberals over the Death Penalty. Hard corps Socialist and Communists like Hitler, Castro and Stalin has a solid history of branding their political enemies as criminals and executing them by the millions.

Barack Obama has never taken a public stand against the death penalty. Is Obama capable of using that awesome power to kill his political enemies? Why must we wait and find out? This power needs to be taken away from our government. Sooner or later all governments abuse the death penalty and history teaches this reality redundantly.

During my early years in law enforcement murders were routinely cleared at the 85 percent level. Nearly 40 years later the murder clearance rate has stalled at 35 percent.

That seems crazy since today we have the refined investigative tools of DNA, high resolution surveillance cameras and nearly every American leaves a constant data trail with every purchase or trip on a toll road. Add to that that data can be cross checked with the surveillance video and absolute alibi evidence can often easily be established.

Notoriously unreliable eye-witness identification has been all but phased out by modern technology. The inescapable conclusion is that we have imprisoned and killed thousands of innocent people in America because of a flawed criminal justice system we love to boast about.

We can get along fine without the death penalty and save billions for the legal appeals our justice system demands. It’s far cheaper to keep people locked up for life or until they're too old and infirmed to cause harm.

If Barack Obama was really a simple Liberal he’d have condemned the death penalty long ago. Obama is not what he has been advertised and should not have the ultimate tool of tyranny.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Living In A Socialist Country? Wear The Right T-Shirt!

Los Angeles, CA—The latest rage or in some cases outrage is the artistic rendering of the Chairman, Barack Obama.

You can have this shipped to your door for a mere $28.00. All you have to do is send a money order (no checks, pay-pal or credit cards) to:

Paul Huebl
PO BOX 24055
Los Angeles, CA 90024.

Be the first Obamanomics protester on your block to pay proper homage to this total Bolshevik that occupies our Whitehouse. Fight tyranny!

LAPD Police Chief William Bratton Suddenly Walks Off The Job.

Los Angeles, CA—William Bratton announced his resignation just one year into a three-year term as LAPD’s top cop. The move is said to enable Bratton to take a post in private security.

Bratton seems to have avoided scandal, labor problems or out-of-control crime during his reign. The ride of peace and prosperity is rapidly coming to a close in the land of free money for slackers. Leaving now makes perfect sense for the 61 year-old in light of a bleak future for Los Angeles.

As California releases many tens of thousands of criminals from its prisons crime can be expected to rise off the charts. The convicts will be released into a bankrupt state that has chased far too many employers away through extortionate taxation. That’s a recipe for a total catastrophe. Bratton knows this and that he’s be better off anywhere away from the once Golden State.

This move has caught Los Angeles public officials by surprise. He also recently put his home up for sale. They will now have to scramble to find a replacement.

With California’s gun laws that protect criminals, law abiding citizens better rethink their following the unconstitutional gun prohibitions. Police will never be able to contain crime or provide reasonable protection for the public. Angelinos will have little choice but judicious use of self-help. It may be time to take one of the training programs offered by the NRA.

Bratton is expected to hold a press conference at noon today (PST). I don’t expect much light to be shed on his stunning departure.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

On Meeting Clint Eastwood Today In Westwood…

Los Angeles, CA--Shopping with his wife is one of my all time favorite actors, Clint Eastwood. They were shopping at the Whole Foods in Westwood Village. I quietly complimented him on his achievements and let him shop in peace.

Eastwood extended his hand for a handshake and flashed a broad smile. As much as I wanted to have his wife take a picture of him and me it would have made a spectacle of his shopping so I ruled that out.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Obama In Popularity Free Fall

Washington, DC—As Americans begin to see past the smiling façade of Barack Obama his sinister goals are becoming obvious.

Instead of lifting the tax burdens of Americans to stimulate the economy Obama lined the pockets of crooked bankers, brokers and auto industry executives. This paralyzed the honest business competitors ending fair competition and our coveted free market.

With the increase of impoverished immigrants along with the success of our teachers unions, our electorate has become increasingly ignorant. The majority of voters can’t name the three branches of the American government. They can’t begin to understand government.

American’s collective ignorance made is easy for the former community organizer to emerge from the most corrupt political organization in America to be President. All it took was plenty of money from Communist nations and American media shills in lockstep with a Socialist agenda.

The nebulous Hope & Change agenda was only a mask for a new Marxist model. Failed political ideas with a new face, does not somehow make for a good way of life.

The cornerstone for Obama’s Socialist agenda is the hostile government takeover of the medical, pharmaceutical and insurance industries. Americans are now learning how destructive and expensive Obama’s plans are and are making themselves heard.

As Obama’s ratings deteriorate the stock market shows signs of hope. The only way to save America is to get rid of Obama, Pelosi and Reid, whatever that takes. These Communists want to enslave America under the yoke of their Marxist dream.

Communism breeds poverty and poverty breeds Communism. The middle class must be eliminated to achieve their enemy-alien goals. Remember Germany overwhelmingly supported the Hope & Change promise of Adolf Hitler. History is repeating itself

A Lonely Walk In Westwood By UCLA

Los Angeles, CA—Westwood Village is the neighborhood where UCLA is located. I took a walk there the other day with my little $200.00 Flip HD camera. The music reflects my unusual demeanor that day.

Westwood has been hit hard by the economy’s troubles as two of its many grand and historic theaters will be closing. Please enjoy the sights and sounds.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Chicago’s Local News Outlets Protect Criminals And Endanger The Public

Chicago, IL—A woman is raped, robbed and left for dead in a Chicago alley. A reliable witness comes forward and gives police a solid description of the criminal they need to capture. Police give the full description to the local news reporters.

The reporters in their zeal refuse to provide the simplest identifying characteristic of the assailant, his race. In Chicago race alone can eliminate perhaps a million potential suspects. Political correctness and the criminal are protected so others may be victimized.

Political correctness and racial sensitivity is much more important to Chicago’s journalists than public safety and the truth.

If the suspect is a White man much less attention needs to be given to local Black men.

Filtering of news is what they do under Nazi or Communist governments. Perhaps if the criminals are apprehended and the crimes cease there will be less news to be report.

Each identifier eliminates droves potential suspects, sex, race, height, weight or build, eye and hair colors are important. Clothing descriptions are also helpful.

Please give the entire description so the public will know who to report or watch so they are not victims.

I have never heard of a single valid journalistic reason to withhold this important information from viewers and reader. This has just been a pathetic practice that needs to end.

Paul Kersey, You’re Needed In Chicago’s Lincoln Park Neighborhood

Chicago, IL—In this lawless town trying to win Olympic games, roving bands of Ghetto Rats are preying upon White people. There have been numerous incidents where the cowardly Black and Hispanic predators have ambushed, severely beaten and robbed White people out walking at night.

I’m calling on that icon from those Charles Bronson Death Wish films, to come and exterminate these rats. Okay Kersey is a fictional character, but we need a real one right now with an unregistered .45 semi-automatic handgun and the skills to use it effectively. Don’t ever attempt this with a small caliber gun!

To our new hero, dress nicely while you walk and act intimidated so you can be proper bait. As they approach don’t give them the slightest chance to move before you fire no less than two shots into each offender. If they are not motionless give them some more hot lead. Simply leave the area and avoid the police after you’ve completed you assignment.

You not need be a male to fill this role and couples are encouraged to make the hood rats uncomfortable as possible. Perhaps they will return to their own neighborhoods if any survive.

If this sounds drastic, it is. This is about survival of the fittest and the Ghetto Rats are too nasty and stupid to be allowed to live.

By the way this would be justifiable homicide.

Be smart, carry a handgun, the life you save may be your own!

Black Book (2006), A Belated Crimefile Film Review

Los Angeles, CA—I don’t know how this film escaped my notice until I caught it on the Cable channel, Encore.

Perhaps distribution and marketing was limited because most of the film is in Dutch and German with English subtitles.

Black Book (2006), is based on a true adventure during World War Two. Director Paul Verhoeven (Basic Instinct, Robo Cop and Total Recall) directed this film with a superb ensemble cast led by the stunning Carice Van Houten.

This is a spy thriller about a beautiful young Jewish singer, played by Van Houten that is trapped in Nazi occupied Holland who joins the Dutch underground out of sheer necessity to survive.

Van Houten’s character suffers every unimaginable threat as she becomes tangled in a plot of Nazi criminals even worse than Hitler’s closest henchmen if that was somehow possible. The actors playing the bad guys were as good as they get.

The acting, costumes and historical detail were impeckable and second to none. The script was a masterpiece.

I have to say Black Book was on the top the best seven films I have ever seen. Don’t rent it, buy it for your personal film library.

Carice Van Houten is very busy making more films right now. She has what it takes to be the greatest leading lady ever.

More on Carice Van Houten here.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Chicago’s Negroes Are Dying To Die.

Chicago, IL--After one of the coldest July's ever, Chicago’s lawless negroes did not let the enjoyment of record low temperatures deter them from their form of self-genocide. Total gun bans notwithstanding Chicago, is an overactive war zone this summer.

The latest example involves the critical wounding of six people celebrating the “life” of a local gang icon and hood rat who died due to obesity and heart problems.

The Gospel Truth Life Church at 5301 W. Madison was overloaded with admirers of the dead troll as a rival gang gunslinger opened fire.

Now the taxpayers get to eat millions of dollars of medical bills for the wounded boyz of the hood.

Will someone please teach these lads marksmanship? Pauper’s funerals are a lot cheaper than hospital life support and neurosurgery.

By the way, someone tell Mayor Daley his gun laws are only obeyed by the law abiding.

Perhaps if we hold the Olympics in Chicago there should be a new sport added. Perhaps it could be the Ghetto Shoot, Loot And Scoot Event.


Marina City, A City within A City

Chicago, IL--Shortly after returning home from Germany and the Army as a lad in the 1970’s, I had several friends who lived at this world class landmark. Two twin 60-story towers majestically rose in the skyline at State Street and Wacker Drive.

This awesome home was part of 900 apartments above a 900 boat marina, three movie theaters, restaurants, drug and grocery stores, dry cleaners, barber shop, health club, ice skating rink and a bowling alley.

During the summer I was lucky enough to have two pals with powerboats and we’d take some hot gals out for great weekends on the lake. We’d either stay in St. Joe/Benton harbor, MI or Madison and Milwaukee, WI. We really partied on those trips.

In Chicago’s notorious winters you never needed to leave home unless you had to commute to a job somewhere. Of course most of my neighbors never had to walk more than a few blocks to work since so many employers were located were also located downtown. Snow removal downtown was always the number one priority for Chicago.

The best kept secret was the rent control program that made Marina City an incredible bargain over other less grand high rises in Chicago. My one-bedroom apartment only cost me $245.00 per month when I moved in. Tenants came from a long waiting list of well screened people. Yes, it took some clout to get inside.

Later it became a condominium development and I bought my apartment for a mere $44,100.00. Today that’s just the price of a good car!

Things have changed over the years and public corruption caused difficulties for the owners that had no control over the commercial portion of the property. It seems things finally got resolved and improved there.

I dated some really beautiful young women I met while living there and even got married there on one particularly cold night when the entire Lake Michigan froze over.

St. Patrick’s Day, and the boat parades with grand fireworks insured that we had the best parties anywhere.

Like the dozen or so other cops that lived in the building I got free parking the entire time I lived there. We coppers were able to park and retrieve our own cars rather than rely on the overworked car hikers. That was no small perk.

An Arizona business opportunity came as I opened my detective agency in Phoenix. Yes, I still look back and want to somehow recapture my youth.

Who could ever forget the spectacular scene from Steve McQueen’s last movie, The Hunter. Watch that scene right here.

I want to thank Steven Dahlman for the use of his picture. Dahlman has put together a great website with the history of Marina City in words, great photographs and videos.

Pay a visit to Marina City Online right here.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Obama Administration Follies, The Cash For Clunkers Disaster

Los Angeles—As I gathered titles, other needed documents and money to participle in the government’s new free money program it was shut down.

On its face the program seemed to be beyond fiscally irresponsible. I saw this as a way to regain a tiny percentage so much of my money that went into the tax collector’s toilet of government waste.

The government made a contract with Americans and with lightening speed breached it. Now we can expect a flood of litigation from disenfranchised clunker owners.

What about the car dealers that spent huge amounts of money on their marketing programs to move those cars that previously were not selling because of the stalled economy?

The insanity here is that the potential for litigation and payouts will cost the taxpayers a lot more money than the ill conceived giveaway program. By the way you can count me in as a plaintiff.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Felonious Mischief From The Internet

There are loads of videos on the Internet that will help you operate just like the CIA. Court orders for wiretaps are never granted to those who need them the most. You need not be in the dark about the things going on around you. Of course placing your device could get you a day in both civil and criminal court, if you’re caught.

Here is a cute weekend project.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Chicago Police Authorized To Shoot At Fleeing Automobiles?

Chicago, IL—I guess the city fathers are more than just crooked, they’ve lost their freaking minds!

Starting Monday cops will be “allowed” to fire shots at fleeing automobiles that contain certain suspected felons.

Since the cops can’t see inside the vehicles imagine if they hit a small child killing him of turning him into a quadriplegic? Lamont Gangbanger just happened to have brought his four year-old brother, Termaine Gangbanger along for that drive by shooting.

I seriously doubt that this whacko policy comes with an offer of immunity from prosecution from state and federal prosecutors.

Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985)[1] is the law of the land since 1985, however the court never spoke to the issue of the accidental shooting of innocent third parties including hostages concealed in vehicles.

Is this order some kind of empty threat aimed to deter the hood rats or do they just want to see their cops to go to prison and experience non-stop Buga-Buga from fellow prisoners?

I would advise every cop in Chicago to remember that Mayor Daley and his puppet J-Fed have never had your back. It won’t be them getting indicted by that Federal Grand Jury, it will be you. Whatever you do, don’t pick up that bar of soap!

Update: After the new policy was reported in the Chicago Sun Times it suddenly became unpopular with members of the City Council and the Mayor. I suspect that J-Fed has fallen into quicksand as a result.

I have to ask just what was the rationale for changing this use of force policy? If anyone knows, please pass it on to me.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We Have A 10-1, An Officer Needs Help!

Chicago, IL--Imagine you’re a young cop responding to a hot call of a robbery in progress. You know you’ll soon be in danger as you flip on the lights and siren. At any moment you may be in some desperate criminal’s gun sights. You’re driving fast because you may be able to stop a serious crime and perhaps even save a life.

Suddenly, fate takes over as you’re broadsided by an out-of-control vehicle. You’re pinned in the seat of your overturned police Chevrolet Tahoe and helpless as the predatory ghetto rats descend on you, groping at you while grabbing at your gun and wallet.

Modern police holsters are designed to make it difficult for all but the owner to remove your gun. Your spine is wildly manipulated by the anxious robber who seizes you sidearm.

That’s precisely what happened to 32 year-old Chicago police officer, Densey Cole, II. Cole survived the accident, robbery but is now a quadriplegic. He is unlikely ever to do the job he loved and held for 6 years again. His only hope is for modern medicine and rehabilitation to give him at least some of the life he once had.

There are some benefits for officers with catastrophic injuries but it’s never enough. Cole needs all the love and support of his fellow officers and those that can plainly see the need and are able to help.

Local WFLD TV FOX News reporter, Jeff Goldblatt gives all the details of Cole’s experience and just how you can help this fine officer.

Please take the time to read Goldbatt’s story right here.

California Has Money to Burn!

Los Angeles, CA-As this state sends out IOU instead of tax refunds or payments to vendors they have plenty of money to waste.

The taxpayers bought most of these guns through the morons they’ve elected to rule them. Mixed in with the junk guns were one of a kind museum pieces that collectors would have paid serious money to own.

With glee KTLA’s freelance reporter Wendy Burch tells us how safe we are now. Wendy forgot to mention California officials have announced intentions to release some 60,000 convicts from California prisons early.

I wonder how many criminals could serve their entire sentences with the destroyed revenue from the lawful sale of serviceable firearms to law-abiding citizens?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

For Sarah Palin, Now The Fun Begins

Fairbanks, Alaska—Firebrand Conservative Sarah Palin is now free to begin a real campaign.

With a never ending onslaught of phony ethics allegation by loyal Obama Communists, Sarah Palin was silenced and nearly forced into hiding. The allegations all had to be fought with expensive lawyers and of course all complaints were utterly without merit.

Conservatives know that the far Left loonies are terrified of Pailen’s ideas, motivational ways and her downright glamorous appearance. Palin brought the only excitement to a really lame Presidential race. The problem was she’d have only been Vice President.

Conservatives rightly rejected John McCain since his Senate votes were most often in lockstep with Obama and Clinton. McCain was no more a Conservative than Colin Powell.

Palin was and is a real breath of fresh air in American politics. She knows what it is like to actually struggle in our economy, and is a proven champion of liberty and freedom.

With Palin now out of the Governor’s office she has regained her rights to speak to all Americans yearning to be free from the yoke of extortionate taxation and ridiculously over-bloated government.

Palin can now concentrate on exposing the false promises of the Obama Communists of a free ride on the backs of the so-called rich and working class taxpayers.

Sarah Palin understands what made America great and seems unyielding in her zeal and energy to secure this nation from our enemies without and within America. Palin can bring out the voters who sat out the last election.

Palin will continue to loved by Conservatives and hated of those who despise truth, justice and the American way.

UK’s Surveillance Camera Love and Gun Hatred Don’t Curb Crime

United Kingdom—They hate privacy and self-defense here and have never slowed down the zeal eliminate all freedom and liberty.

As I write this article their politicians are crafting more ways for police to search citizens, their vehicles and homes. It won’t be long before every UK bedroom will have high resolution government cameras.

The same British liberty haters have disarmed the boy scouts of their pocket knives and want to eliminate by law the points on kitchen knives. Soon every citizen of this country will be frisked and fondled as they leave their own homes.

Of course these cowardly measures only enable violence rather than reducing bloodshed.

George Orwell’s vision of 1984 has visited the UK like the plague. The UK Socialists are also in America. Before we submit to the onslaught perhaps it’s time to visit violence on the thieves of liberty who have infiltrated government?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Dillinger, The Story You Never heard.

Crown Point IN— Lillian Holley was a 42 year-old attractive mother of twin daughters. She was a recent widow after her husband, the local Sheriff was killed in the line of duty. This feisty gal found herself appointed to fill her late husband’s shoes as the top law enforcement officer of Lake County.

Popular celebrity bank robber John Dillinger was creating a legend for himself as he victimized America’s most hated businesses during the Great Depression, the banks. Handsome and glib Dillinger had a special way with the women.

In one particularly regrettable bank heist an East Chicago, Indiana cop was murdered by the Dillinger gang. They were now gunning for, Public Enemy Number One.

In the swank Congress Hotel of Tucson, Arizona Dillinger was captured and extradited back to Lake County, Indiana to face trial for capital murder.

The Crown Point, Indiana reception committee included the Lake County Prosecutor and Sheriff Holley. They were not camera shy as they shared the media spotlight with the dashing murder suspect.

While waiting for his trial Dillinger escaped. There is the official story of that event and then there is the truth. The fake wooden gun covered with shoe polish was manufactured after the escape as part of a cover-up.

The reality was that Sheriff Holley was smitten by the cunning killer. As Sheriff she could and did visit him in the jail she ran under her own terms. The Sheriff’s home was the actual front of the Lake County Jail. The two were alone and soon nature took its course. Holley was in love!

Holley arranged for the jail staff to be in the most favorable position and delivered a loaded Colt 1911 .45 ACP semi-automatic to her new lover. Holly also gave Dillinger the keys to her very nice 1933 Essex automobile. Holley’s lover would never face the gallows.

Of course there is that story that Dillinger’s lawyer was the mastermind of the break out. Don’t believe it. Holley was well liked and they covered up the lonely Sheriff’s indiscretion.

The girlfriend Dillinger was dating at the time of his killing was Polly Holliday. At the same time Holliday was married to a Gary, Indiana cop! The famous “woman in red”, Anna Sage had accompanied both Dillinger and Holliday as an FBI informant before the FBI and East Chicago, Indiana cops gunned the famous fugitive down.

There are more pictures and misinformation right here.

IL Appellate Court Opinion Makes All Internal Police Investigations Records Public

Springfield, IL—Illinois is one of those states that hide government actions under a solid wall of confidentiality. Corrupt dealing of politicians is covered up under pretend concept of individual privacy.

A glaring example of such a law is the one that makes it a felony to record a conversation in person or by phone without the consent of all parties. The law was created and is designed to keep evidence of politicians and bureaucrat’s extortion crimes out of courtrooms. Aldermen, commissioners and even judges would be a lot easier to prosecute without this law that protects their misdeeds from exposure.

Over the decades I have learned that police discipline is anything but fair or even handed. Some cops are fired simply because someone important dislikes them and at the same time others get away with murder because someone important likes them.

Because the records have been shielded police commissions and boards have enjoyed the ability to do whatever they felt like doing to police officers.

That seems to have changed when the 4th District Illinois Appellate Court deemed all internal investigation records regardless of disposition are pure public records.

The case is Gekas vs. Williamson and is now the law. The case was decided away from the control of the Burke-Daley Crime Families of Chicago. Should Williamson appeal to the Illinois Supreme Court I suspect that Ed Burkes’ wife who sits on that court to use her influence to keep these kinds of activities far away from sunshine. They have 35 days to file their notice of appeal.

Read the case here:
IA Cases Ct Opinion

With the brand new IL Appellate Court decision opening police internal investigation records some cops are raising valid issues and concerns.

The downside issues raised by some cops include:
1. Police are forced to undergo questioning despite Fifth Amendment rights. The fruit of these nefarious probes would be public record.

The fix is to end the unconstitutional grilling of cops. If there were no unlawful interrogations of cops this would not be a problem.

2. Frequently internal investigators investigate allegations of officers living outside the City of Chicago or the department routinely checks up on cops on the medical roles. Their home addresses, phone numbes, family member’s names and other very personal information would be available to criminals making public records requests.

The police unions and departments need to find a way avoid putting the sensitive information in the various reports. Perhaps they can reclassify and reassign these duties to personnel workers.

3. Government keeps too much information on everyone.

If there are completed investigations and they have been adjudicated favorably for the officer the records should be purged and destroyed forever unless there is pending litigation involved. Government keeps far too much private information on everyone and that must be discouraged in any free society. Invading privacy and using privacy as a shield to hide government action is the real problem.