Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ghetto Rat Violence Threatens Chicago’s Blood Supplies

Chicago, IL—Despite some of the most miserable gun rights restrictions in America, Chicago is always at or near the most deadly city in America. Of course the gun laws only work against the Law abiding and provides predators with lots of helpless unarmed victims.

When temperatures rise in Chicago, the natives get restless. The Windy City's African-Americans engage in their own form of genocide by killing each other along with any cops that dare obstruct their intrigue.

Recent Ghetto Rat shootings have depleted the blood supply endangering the lives of real people needing blood.

Here is just another routine ghetto event...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yippies Vs. Chicago Cops, A 1968 Democratic Convention Rematch Is Brewing

Chicago, IL—There is a planned reunion of Chicago cops at the FOP Hall this Friday. They are celebrating the 1968 Democratic National Convention. With a mandatory retirement age of 63 and a minimum age for appointment as police officers, any currently employed cops attending would have to be at least 61 years old.The majority by now are well into their 70's.

There are plenty of retired guys equipped with canes, walkers, diapers and oxygen bottles proudly wearing their “Medic Alert” bracelets that will show up.

I love the smell of tear gas on a balmy Chicago night!

1968 was a banner year for a country divided between traditional Americans and young Bolsheviks engaged in a failed Communist revolution. The hippie, Yippies and all of Chicago’s unwashed took on the cops and National Guard. It was no match since the cops beat back the freaks. Reporters, Mike Wallace and Dan Rather never looked better than they did with their skulls cracked by police batons!

The political fallout and litigation went on for years. For a lot of cops this was no party but a fight for survival. Many cops were hurt but the media ignored their injuries instead broadcasting images of Yippies with creatively enhanced with fake bandages and catsup. Sure there were plenty of well deserved hippies whose front teeth left deep impressions in those wooden police batons.

Now with the planned reunion the losers of this historical event want a rematch. There are plans by a bunch of old freeks to disrupt the reunion. I hope to see canes, crutches and other elder equipment breaking heads on Washington Blvd. The old coppers will win this one too!

Here is the real scoop from the real police!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Obama Wants to Move this Guy to Your Neighborhood!

Washington, DC--Chairman Barack Obama ordered Gitmo closed and has planned releasing the Muslim terrorists inside the United States. The plan was to set these killers up with welfare benefits and let them live happily ever after as our new next door neighbors.

The twisted religious route these killers have set for them to get to Heaven is by killing innocent American men, women and children.

This former Gitmo guest, Said Ali al-Shihri, who was released from the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay, believed to have senselessly slaughtered nine people including student nurses and children in Yemen.

The nine foreigners — four German adults, three small German children, a British man and a South Korean woman — were abducted on June 12 after they ventured outside the city of Saada without their required police escorts, according to a spokesman from the Yemeni Embassy in Washington. Days later the bodies of Rita Stumpp and Anita Gruenwald, German nurses in training, and Eom Young-sun of South Korea were found shot execution style in the Noshour Valley in the province of Saada, an area known to be a hotbed of Al Qaeda activity.

I suggest that Obama should let his Gitmo friends stay in the Whitehouse or better yet we lock up Obama at Gitmo too.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Obama’s Medical Plan Is A Real Killer

Washington, DC—Not since Hillary Clinton’s failed Health Care fiasco have we see such an attempt to seize control of an entire industry by government anywhere.

This Marxist plan is bankrupt before it begins and can only make already intolerable things worse.

Tax relief for Americans and businesses is the only way to help pay for insurance and medical costs.

ABC News will be the PR agent for this Obama Health Care Train Wreck. Get ready for the onslaught of infomercials. If they want experts to sell this garbage they need to call Billy Mays and that Sham Wow guy. I’m sure for the right price they can bombard us all with the most obnoxious ad campaign ever.

I have only three words, Obama should resign.

The UK is Obsessed With Weapons

United Kingdom—This country has every conceivable law banning the possession of anything capable of self-defense. This is truly a place where only the criminals have weapons. The result has been a skyrocketing crime rate and a bonanza for undertakers.

They have it backwards here since these kinds of laws work so well on the law-abiding. The government holds the victims down so that the criminals are unimpeded. What a wonderful idea!

They want to extend the weapons bans into every home kitchen. The result is a newly designed knife that can’t be used as a weapon. I’m sure that the knife maker’s lobbyists are out selling politicians on making this the only approved knife allowed anywhere.

Okay, there are some twisted souls in the UK.

More on this insanity right here.

Schools, Dropouts, Crime and Failure

Schools, Dropouts, Crime and Failure

Chicago, IL—This story begins and ends here for me because the Windy City is Where I went to school.

I was raised by a single mother who had little interest in being a mother. My mother was trying to make it in a world that stole her sprit and dreams with government handouts.

In the 1950’s and 1960’s women were poorly paid, subjected to unchecked sexual harassment and were barred from many jobs that were male dominated. A single woman with a child was target ripe for exploitation.

My mother quickly learned that a Catholic education was superior for three reasons; they kept children for more hours, had a longer school year and a Catholic education was superior to the public system.

I was the original home alone kid making my own meals while being babysat for by a television set. I rarely saw my mother for more than a few minutes before I’d go to school. My mother never once helped me with my homework.

There was another problem and that was catholic schools required tuition. My mother figured out how to time our evictions from various apartments with the school payment due dates. Mom figured out how to beat the Catholic schools. I’d simply transfer to another wherever we wound up, usually on Chicago’s North side.

That all ended when I was expelled from St. Michael’s High School over non-payment. Then it was off to public high school and a full-time clandestine job (I was too young by law) at a hot dog stand in Uptown. .

I went to 13 different schools not including Loop Junior College and University of Illinois.

I feel that I’m qualified to rate teachers since I’ve seen far more than most. There is a saying that’s all too relevant, “Those who can’t, teach.” I believe too often it’s really true. Teaching seems to be easier for too many than competing in the real world.

Okay, here is my beef: We all can count the teachers who inspired us on our fingers. Only ten percent of the teachers in our schools are worthy of that important job. Just showing up for work does not end a teacher’s sacred responsibilities. There is so much more required than dryly going through lesson plans.

Children’s attention spans are quite limited. The same is true of adults so a teacher has to learn how to be a performance artist, showman and an educator. Most shun this concept. Is it a lack of talent or do they simply not care? I believe it’s a combination of both failings.

If a teacher is not excited and inspired about what they’re teaching how can they possibly inspire or excite our children? That is after all their job. All educational subjects are exciting as are the prospects of wealth through education. That wealth word was never used by any of my teachers.

If there was a single failure by every one of my teachers it was their failure or refusal to teach us that academic excellence leads to wealth in this land of opportunity.

Too much emphasis is placed on cultural diversity. No effort is made to shed light on the failure of some cultures that enable, crime, dependence and poor communication skills.

America’s Teachers unions have celebrated mediocrity and Socialism. Too many teachers seem to strive for a world where everyone is equal despite a refusal or inability to learn. How the Hell can we repair this problem with that kind of mindset?

Home schooling is an answer if parents can achieve this and have sufficient talent to do that job themselves. Our public schools have been a scandal for decades. As a society we will never have an educated electorate until we repair our educational system.

Here is a cute commercial for a school that shows exactly what I have been talking about. Again, thank you, Ben Stein…

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Obama Will Go To War To Boost Image And Power

Washington, DC—The honeymoon between Congress and Chairman Barack Obama seems to be ending as those up for re-election understand their days are numbered. Supporting this Marxist regime is proving to be a political liability.

The seizure of the health care industry by our Communist leader seems to be getting some resistance from even many Democrats. Obama seems to be on a slow downward spiral.

The only way for Obama to succeed now is to make a new pretend war and hope the population unites to support him in that effort. Perhaps he will go after North Korea and as in Harry Truman’s day the Chinese Communists joined in and we were unable to win.

Today a significantly weakened America may not survive that fight and become occupied territory of Communist China. Obama would be so pleased to have a role in the new government where he need not stand for re-election.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Government Needs To Shut Down Of Cell Phones And Internet To Maintain Control.

The Internet and cell phones provide information to Americans at lightning speed. It would be impossible for government to control a major uprising of angry Americans should we have a real Tea Party demanding an end to the Marxist moves of the Obama Administration.

Whoever controls the information controls the world. For today’s dictators total control will never happen with a free Internet and working cell phone technology. It’s safe to say that the Obama Administration wants absolute control of the on, off switch to our communications means.

Americans have a real gift to halt tyranny and that’s heavy gun ownership and the Second Amendment. Every day it seems like we are getting closer to the day Americans put an end to government extortion, attempts to confiscate private property and a possible holocaust.

More difficult to control are the elderly, mostly White males that man Ham radios. Should there be a serious rash of civil disobedience in America these will be the guys who will deliver our news from the outside world and other regions of our country.

For you and your neighborhood family service radios are available at K-Mart, Wal-Mart along with the penlight batteries you will need to run them. The radios are cheap and have an average of 1.5 mile range and are perfect for your local militia or watch group. The little radios have numerous channels that can be used. These radios are much more difficult for government to shut down.

LAPD Victimizing Retired Officers For Sport

Los Angeles, CA—The film industry here has enjoyed a good deal with retired LAPD cops. Film makers need serious traffic control and a visible show of force to protect their stars as they make films in public places.

This is not something that should be funded by taxpayers and ordinary security guards lack training and the ability to provide a sufficient deterrent to potential terrorist acts. The solution that’s worked well for decades has been destroyed by the LAPD.

That time honored solution was to allow trained, certified and honorably retired officers to wear police uniforms along with their hard earned retired shields. They have been able to use motor cycles that have the appearance of being genuine LAPD bikes to perform the duties. They don’t make traffic stops or issue citations. They certainly have the power to make routine citizen’s arrests.

There were no problems other than a silly turf war between Chief Bratton and the retired cops. Bratton won and has forced the cops into t-shirts, reflective vests that have the deterrent effect of minimum wage security workers.

The retired cops deserve to be treated better and so do the film makers. Film makers have enough reasons to film outside Los Angeles and for that matter California. Aside from being taxed to death now they lose their safety too.

This is a horrible idea that’s not justified. Why is Bratton targeting retired cops?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Two Most Divisive Presidents

Washington, DC—The losers of wars don’t write the history books. For 150 years Americans have swallowed the crap about Abe Lincoln being one of the greatest Presidents ever.

Lincoln was the greatest divider as he brought the plague of Civil War to our nation. Brother against brother the slaughter of Americans was beyond staggering. At least 618,000 Americans died in the Civil War, and some experts say the toll reached 700,000. The number that is most often quoted is 620,000. At any rate, these casualties exceed the nation's loss in all its other wars, from the Revolution through Vietnam.

Lincoln was a world class tyrant that forced his ideology down the throats of Americans who were then conscripted into slavery through the new income tax created just to fund the celebration of carnage. Lincoln’s assassination was much too little, and far too late. History was quickly revised to make thas monster seem like a hero.

Now we have a ruthless Communist in power seizing businesses, ending competition and excellence in business. Barack Obama is placing a heavy yoke of slavery around the necks of every man, woman and child in America to achieve his Marxist dreams.

I have never heard so many Americans dare say out loud they wanted to see this President dead like I’ve heard in the last five months. I won’t weep after hearing a news bulletin that Obama was struck down by assassins.

If Obama is allowed to continue on with his un-American campaign it’s only a matter of time before we have another Civil War as a result. Obama shares Lincoln’s reputation as a divider.

Chicago Cops Having too Much Fun?

Chicago, IL--The big story at the local Fox TV station is cops engaging in solid public relations efforts. You cannot gain the cooperation of the public until they trust and like you. Cops are not made of stone and need to socialize too while working the mean streets.

Unless the cops have failed to respond to some service call I see nothing wrong with having their pictures taken with friendly citizens. It seems here the real issue is the citizens just happen to also be attractive ladies. Had they been less attractive those photos would not have made news.

The same cops would have been considered wonderful had they posed with children that were being shown the patrol vehicles and equipment. How’s this different?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Watch The Mock Trial of Drew Peterson

Chicago, IL—They’ve Indicted retired Bolingbrook police sergeant, Drew Peterson for the murder of his third wife, Kathleen Savio. That death was investigated years ago and determined to be an accidental drowning involving a slip and fall in her bathtub. Recently FOX NEWS paid $100 grand for Dr. Michael Baden to conduct a second autopsy.

The case was reinvestigated and reclassified as a homicide. Peterson’s abnormally high profile and seemingly cavalier attitude brought a great deal of hate out of the woodwork resulting in what I consider a malicious prosecution.

WGN Radio's Legally Speaking held a mock trial of Drew Peterson on May 28, 2009 at Chicago’s Kent College of Law. The “evidence” was publicly available information brought forward in the form of closing arguments and jury instructions.

I sat in on this show and watched lawyer, Karen Conti, prosecute Peterson who was defended by Joe Lopez. The case is presided over by retired Judge Richard E. Neville. The jury was picked by members of the audience.

The case ended with a 6-6 split hung jury. Most interesting was they admitted the untested hearsay evidence from the recently enacted “Drew’s Law”. That so-called evidence is unlikely to ever make it before a real jury.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Iranian’s Demonstrate Over Rigged Elections

Los Angeles, CA—Angry Iranians assembled at the Westwood Federal Building to protect the rigged election in Iran. My question is why bother since Chairman Obama and his administration are on the side of that warmonger who rigged the election.

My question is, did Obama send ACORN over to help the incumbent? They know how to throw a good election.

Enjoy the video of this event I captured with my $200.00 Flip Mino HD camera.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sorting Through Lies While Saving Careers With A New Tool

Today being a cop is tougher than ever. With GPS Big Brother gizmos on your patrol car checking on and reporting your driving habits there are surveillance video and other devices spying on your every move.

The days of quietly slipping out of your district to enjoy lunch elsewhere are over. Now every traffic stop you make provides opportunities for the malicious neighborhood wildlife to make you a YouTube star.

Police dash cams are a pain since you have to choose between picking your position for tactical safety advantages or a better camera angle.

No more, the Flip Mino HD camcorder is here! No you can turn the tables on violators since you can have crisp, clean, clear video and audio of those you suspect may be the source of trouble.

The camcorder gives you one hour of high quality .mpg video you can quickly preserve on DVD’s with most laptop computers.

When things start to happen, you can deploy the Flip and actually be recording within three seconds.

Aside from using this camera for my investigations, I’m using the flip to capture great video for this blog. Being as small as a cell phone the Flip is hardly noticed. The quality of the video far exceeds today’s cell phones.

The cost of the Flip Mino HD camera is around $200.00

Some departments prohibit personal cameras and this should be addressed by the various police unions.

Troubling Investigation Leaks Endanger LAPD Officer’s Chances For A Fair Trial

Los Angeles, CAThe L.A. Times, reporting anonymous police sources claim that Sherri Ray Rasmussen was found beaten, had been bound and executed. She suffered three .38 gunshot wounds to the chest and that a bathrobe was used to muffle the sounds of the gunfire.

The 1986 killer or killers apparently stacked up stereo equipment on the floor and also removed Rasmussen’s car creating the appearance of a burglary.

Some weeks later, Lazarus reported to Santa Monica police that her .38 snub-nosed revolver was stolen from her automobile.

These leaked reports may negate any possible self-defense claims by career police detective Stephanie Lazarus who is accused of murder and is being held without bond.

It’s beyond ugly when death investigations are made the subject gossip being leaked to reporters by cops acting well outside the integrity parameters in place to prevent these types of nefarious disclosures.

You can read the full L.A. Times report here.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Gas Prices Skyrocket As Drilling For Oil Ends Under Obama’s Tyranny

Cruel Teen Girls Arrested after Recorded Cell-Phone Video Beating

Sauk Village Park, IL—This quiet South Suburban town was the scene of a vile and brutal attack on a teen girl. The attackers also teen girls ganged up on the victim, Mercedes Michaels, 17, of South Chicago Heights beating her as she lay restrained on the ground while they used scissors to cut off her pretty and long hair.

Michaels seen on the Today Show is wearing hair extensions in the photo above to cover the scalping she received from the young thugs.

The crimes charged should also include armed robbery since they used a weapon to forcibly rob the victim of her hair. They also burned the victim with a cigarette lighter.

Four girls were arrested for this crime including, Sarah Kraft, 17, of Park Forest, and Marcelena Castillo, 17, of Steger. Two of the girls were not identified by authorities since they are juveniles 15 and 16 years-old.

As for the offenders here I’d hope to see them tried as adults and locked away from society for a minimum of five calendar years. Lower animals are never this cruel and we euthanize them for far less egregious conduct.

Squirrel Gun Used In Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting

Washington, DC—That 88 year-old, hate filled, convicted felon and ex-convict, James Von Brunn killed that security guard with a simple .22 rifle. Of course the killer found himself gunned down by another armed civilian guard at the scene.

Getting information about the involved weapon was difficult because it was one that’s nearly below the gun-hater’s radar screen.

Laws that were broken by gunmen.
1. DC is a Gun Free Zone barring carrying or mere possession of firearms.
2. The ex-con Gunman was prohibited from possession of any firearm.
3. Laws against assault and murder were also firmly in place.
4. Hate crimes Laws.

This is yet another example of how gun laws have zero impact on criminals. The crime was interrupted by armed civilian security guards in a land where armed guards are very rare.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

It’s Time For Another Chicago Gun Rights Rally!

It’s Time For Another Chicago Gun Rights Rally!
Chicago. IL—Last year it was a success but this year we need to remind our state local politicians they work for us instead of the other way around.

On Friday June 26th enjoy this festive event at your Thompson Plaza.
Chicago Rally

Negroes And Guns An Eye Opener

Most Americans don’t know that gun control laws were invented during Post Civil War Reconstruction as the way to control African-Americans and later various European immigrants.

The very root of gun control has nothing to do with public safety but everything to do with violating the civil rights of unpopular or minority group members.

America’s African-American politicians are a huge part of keeping that racist conspiracy alive. They’ve turned their backs on the safety and lives of their own constituents.

No matter your race the more people that can recognize that genocide can’t happen without severe gun control the better. Gun rights insure that all people will have the ability to protect themselves and families. If the African-American voters of demand their rights to defend themselves gun rights would be here to stay.

This film is a real eye-opener.