Saturday, May 23, 2009

California Unleashing Tens Of Thousands Of Prisoners Early

Sacramento, CA—Even the Liberal California voters have had enough tax extortion from their public officials and voted down a load of new tax increases. Of Course these same official’s priorities will defy common sense as they fight to end important programs and save the crap most don’t need or want.

Soon they will release over 60,000 prison inmates to the streets early at a time when unemployment is sky high. They will renew their drug habits and get money the only way they can. Violent crimes will soon be off the charts. That as California diligently enforces their laws against concealed weapons on law-abiding citizens.

There is only one solution here and that’s massive civil disobedience. The concealed weapons prohibition violates the Second Amendment and is unenforceable anyway. The lower courts may convict but appeals will be successful.

There is a valid legal defense with respect to violating certain laws like gun laws. That is the necessity defense. That defense kicks in when conditions make violating the law necessary to preserve life, in this case your own. With all the prisoners on the loose fear is a rational response. Of course there will be fiscal curbs on law enforcement resources too. That indeed makes necessity a viable defense.

We can count on fools within state government to proclaim the prisoner exodus will not endanger the public. Anyone believing that is a bigger fool. The actual threat of these criminals dumped on the streets is very real and very dangerous. Carjackings and other robberies will spike along with related murders.

If you choose to carry a firearm do so discreetly. Exercise conflict avoidance and avoid alcohol while you are armed. If stopped by police don’t volunteer to be frisked and if your gun is discovered do not say anything other than to ask for a lawyer. Be polite and non-threatening at all times.

The good news here is they can’t afford the jail space to keep you locked up if you have no criminal history or outstanding warrants. You may find yourself released without posting bail. Be sure to show up for court dates and tell your lawyer that you want to use the necessity defense along with your Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Drew Peterson To Remain In Jail For The Time Being.

JOLIET, Il-Desperate Will County prosecutors now claim retired Bolingbrook police sergeant Drew Peterson tried to hire a hitman to murder his third wife, Kathleen Savio.

Solicitation to commit murder is always a crime and Peterson’s never been charged with that kind of an offense. Since Peterson has not been charged with solicitation it’s a meaningless accusation.

The lack of credibility for such a claim screams as prosecutors successfully headed off a defense effort to reduce the staggering $20 million dollar bail bond keeping Peterson behind bars.

The claim is Peterson offered to pay $25,000 for the murder os Savio who was later found dead in her bathtub. Prosecutors also say Peterson told a fellow officer that he’d be better off if Savio was dead because he’d be financially destroyed by his pending divorce.

Will County Circuit Court Judge Carla J. Alessio-Policandriotesow refused to lower Peterson's bail. Now it’s off to the Illinois Court of Appeals for lawyer Joel Brodsky where he will seek a review of the judge’s action. Stay tuned for further developments.

Obama, A friendly New Face On Ancient Government Tyranny

Washington, DC—Make no mistake about it we and our country is under attack. The enemy is dismantling free enterprise, our economy and our way of life is being destroyed. That enemy is Barack Obama.

Slavery was allegedly ended by the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. It’s now back with a vengeance as Americans are delegated to being extortion victims by an all powerful despot. We are already slaves but it will be so much worse for our children.

Barack Obama’s only solution will bring Martial Law and Waco style brute force everywhere. Americans are beginning to waken and show resistance to Obama’s attack on freedom. Is it already too late? It is time to provide Obama with a strong ultimatum follow the Constitution or face removal, whatever that takes.

America, its way of life and the freedom we fought for is under the most serious attack ever. Obama must be stopped and his machine dismantled at once or we may never recover.

Americans must do whatever is necessary to remove this Communist Traitor from the Whitehouse while sending a solid message to his minions in Congress that a hangman’s noose may await them.

The ignorance of Americans must end. Tell your friends that freedom is not free, it’s only earned with the blood of patriots.

Highlights from The NRA Convention In Phoenix, AZ

Phoenix, AZ—For those that missed this great event I have brought you some highlights!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Autopsy Results Are In Sans Sex, Race, Age Or Cause Of Death

Channahon, IL—The partial body found adjacent to the Des Plaines River, near Interstate 55 in Channahon has been examined. The two prominent women who are missing from that area, Lisa Stebic and Stacy Peterson are still missing.

There will be more information forthcoming to at least officially rule out any possibility of any connection to Peterson or Stebic.

The Official Press release:

Joliet, IL---The human remains found yesterday
Coroner of Will County, Illinois
Date: 5/21/2009 For Immediate Release

The Office of Will County Coroner Patrick K. O’Neil is reporting the forensic examination results of partial skeletal remains that were discovered on Wednesday, May 20, 2009. The preliminary forensic examination performed today, May 21, 2009, did not reveal any significant information in reference to the identity, race or sex of the skeletal remains. The partial skeletal remains consisted of a rib cage, spinal column and partial left and right femur bones. The head, arms and below the knee extremities were disarticulated. The search continues for the missing remains. A forensic investigation continues as to whether the disarticulation is a result of a postmortem (after death) artifact or antemortem injury. O’Neil said, “Positive identification may hinge on forensic DNA analysis which is being expedited through the Illinois State Police Forensic Crime Laboratory. “ The Will County Coroner’s Office was given a conservative time frame in receiving forensic DNA and forensic anthropology results of approximately two (2) weeks. A preliminary estimation of how long the unidentified person has been deceased is approximately several months or more.

Additional information: Some other items that were discovered include shreds of blue jeans that contained a small amount of U. S. currency.

The Illinois State Police is investigating the incident. The cause and manner of death remain under investigation. Anyone with any information is asked to contact the Illinois State Police. No further information is available at this time. Updates will be provided when received.
Office: (815) 727-8455 Fax: (815) 727-8816 57 N. Ottawa Street, Suite 412 Joliet, Illinois 60432

This Woman Is Exactly Why California is A Total Mess

Sacramento, CA--California Speaker of the State Assembly Karen Bass (D-Los Angeles) says the budget is “too complicated” for the voters to understand.

Bass actively campaigned for the tax extortion programs soundly defeated by California’s exceptionally Liberal voters. If it was too radical for even California voters, it shows just how far out of step Bass is with the people whose pockets she’s picking. The real problem for Bass is that the voters understood this tax and budget mess only too well.

Karen Bass, please do us a favor and drop dead.

Want to Save Billions? Eliminate The Death Penalty.

Hate murderers? Want to see them punished severely? You need to know a well kept secret. Death penalty cases are litigated, literally to death. The lawyers battle each case for no less than 20 or even 30 years on the average.

The court time, prosecution and defense with gaggles of expert witnesses are all paid by guess who? We are talking about millions of dollars per each condemned inmate.

If the killers are executed they are spared a miserable life of crappy living conditions and food to living with violent scummy fellow inmates. Many people chose suicide over a prison stay anyway.

Depending on the state of confinement it only costs $30 to $65 thousand a year to provide what it takes to keep killers in prison. It would save billions to end the death penalty. Then there are the multitudes of cases where cops and prosecutors get it wrong. Inmates freed after years of confinement because of solid new evidence sue and collect millions more from the taxpayers.

Aside from government getting it wrong and executing and innocent no government should have the power to execute their own citizens. Do we trust Barack Obama and his band of Marxists with that kind of raw power? Think about how Communist governments have killed endless millions of their own citizens.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

BREAKING NEWS! Woman’s Body Found in South Suburban Chicago

Channahon, IL--Illinois State Police have reportedly pulled a body from the Des Plaines River, near Interstate 55 in Channahon. There are two prominent women who are missing from that area, Lisa Stebic and of course Stacy Peterson.

Details are difficult to obtain right now other than that the body was severely decomposed. Identification is almost certain but determination of the cause of death will prove to be a major challenge.

Some local media reports have claimed the remains were perhaps 30 pounds of bones with underwear. The underwear may be a clue to the corpse’s sex but finding the manner and cause of death will be nearly impossible considering the conditions involved. They will be able to determine the approximate height of the person involved by the bones left behind.

The earlier reports suggesting this was a White woman are probably beyond anyone’s ability. Ruling these remains out as Stebic or Peterson will be easier and quicker than making a positive identification.

Illinois State Police are on the scene processing it. In a large metropolitan area bodies are found on a regular basis.

A few details can be found here.

California Downsize Government? Never!

The Bolshevik Republic of California—They’ve literally taxed and spent themselves to death. This nanny state that educates and provides free medical care for much of Mexico and Central America never let a lack of their own money slow them dowm.

This state has every convoluted gun control law they could possibly invent and spend billions nitpicking and aggravating law–abiding gun owners.

They invent boards and commissions to over-regulate every profession. There you need a special license to do anything beyond clipping your own toenails. California layers government everywhere they can.

California does not have a public building that’s not staffed by security guards that frisk ever visitor like a criminal. The entire country went through two centuries and a Civil War without that kind of intrusion.

Should California really have to make budget cuts they will start by releasing tens of thousands repetitive criminals from their prisons. California is very lenient on all but gun owners anyway.

The last cuts they will make are the never ending benefits to criminal aliens.

Voters have rejected additional tax schemes and now they are trying to get fiscally responsible states to pay for their outrageous folly. This is happening as taxpayers have fled this bankrupt, Socialist failure.

California’s politicians won’t learn downsizing until the citizen’s start hanging them as the common criminals they’ve proven to be.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Drew Peterson’s Bail Reduction Motion was filed

Joliet, IL—Drew Peterson’s lead lawyer, Joel Brodsky filed a motion to Reduce Bail on his behalf. This motion is routine where the bail amount is not.

This motion reveals volumes of information that has never been released by the regular media about Drew Peterson's background.

Before this motion can be argued or heard the prosecution motion to oust the trial judge must be ruled on. I fully expect to see a change in the trial judge as I fully expect Peterson’s bail to be reduced.

The reasons for why the bail reduction is indicated are in the following actual motion before the court.
Bond Motion Filed[1]

Surprise! There Was No Bloodbath In Phoenix!

Phoenix, AZ—The annual convention and gun show of the National Rifle Association ended and despite 65,000 plus gun-packing gun enthusiast there were no shootings, gun accidents or for that matter any violent crimes committed in downtown Phoenix during the convention.

Instead, this group expressed displeasure with the Obama Administration and their un-American agenda that goes far beyond gun rights. Speakers included Wayne La Pierre, Motor City Madman, Ted Nugent, Ollie North, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and many others. Plans were mapped out for protecting gun rights under the very real Obama threat to our way of life and national defense.

Many of my blog readers managed to find me and say hi. I have lots of video that I must still edit and post. I have also included many of the photos taken below that included a trip to Sedona where we took a Pink Jeep tour.

You will see my long time pal, Raj Singh and his lovely wife Daman. They own Eagle Grips that was founded by Harbans Singh nearly 40 years ago in Chicago.

Click on the picture below and see 140 pictures from this show and Sedona.


Fugitive Soccer Mom Released From Michigan Prison

Pittsfield Township, MI—Marie Walsh enjoyed her life in San Diego decades after escaping from a Michigan prison where she was serving hard time under an unusually harsh sentence for selling drugs as a teen.

Walsh lefts her past and her old habits behind as she entered a new respectable life as a mother of three. All went well until that dreaded day when someone informed on Marie and there was a visit from the US Marshall’s fugitive chasers at her upscale home.

Walsh was jailed, extradited, shackled and driven on a seemingly endless ride on a prison bus back to the very place she had fled from so long ago.

What greeted Walsh was a prison occupied by 90%, violent African-American low-life women who would abuse the White socialite for the next thirteen months. I’ve not talked to Walsh just yet but have heard the story so many times before about how White inmates are extorted from, beaten and vilified by the African-Americans from prison workers of both races.

I know Walsh went through absolute Hell as Michigan Governor Granholm did nothing. It figures that that Granholm who is an Obama supporter did not want to show mercy to an obviously rehabilitated White woman. Granholm did not want to lose a single vote from the heavy African-American voting-block.

The racist Detroit, MI-Wayne County Michigan Prosecutor, Kym L. Worthy could not wait to compound Walsh’s troubles by going after her for a decades old escape charge trying to add additional years to Walsh’s incarceration. Instead of more jail Walsh received probation.

Michigan taxpayers wasted a bundle on this lady and neither Michigan nor America is one bit safer as a result. Of course the money spent on lawyers by Walsh and her family for lawyers did not help this lady’s retirement package.

Marie Walsh paid for her sins well beyond what she owed. Now at least she will never fear a knock at her door as long as America stays a free country. What will never go away are the nightmares and horrible memories associated with her ordeal. Tonight Walsh will sleep in her own bed.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Dolla Be Dead

Los Angeles, CA—The Chicago born rapper known as Dolla was shot in the head in broad daylight at the entrance of the Upscale Beverly Center today. He was all of 21 years-old.

Rappin’ is hazardous to the health as The Notorious BIG, and Tupac also learned the hard way in recent times.

No, I won’t be sending flowers or attending the funeral. I’m just wondering which one of these dopes will be next.

Ya know, I'm begining to enjoy rappers after all!

More Good News!
The genius believed responsible for this killing is in custody.

23-year-old Aubrey Louis Berry of Georgia was arrested at Los Angeles International Airport on Monday night. His bail is set at $1 million.

Barry was arrested with a loaded 9MM handgun at Terminal1. We can only guess if he intended to board the plane with the weapon or not.

Berry was found at the ticket counter at Terminal 1. The silver Mercedes believed to be the getaway car was found in an airport parking facility. The great news is now there are two less jerks to worry about.

Drew Peterson Has A New Lawyer

Joliet, IL—Retired Bolingbrook police sergeant Drew Peterson is due in court this morning for his Arraignment. A motion for a bail reduction will be presented by the defense as a first order of business once a formal plea of Not Guilty is entered on the record.

The charges came as a result of a reinvestigation into the death of Peterson's third wife who was found dead in her bathtub.

The defense will also make a routine motion for production and discovery asking for all documents generated by police during the entire investigation.

The judge will begin a schedule for the disclosure of documents.

Should the judge not reduce the bail to something similar to other local cases Peterson’s Defense team will run straight to the Court of Appeals to have the lower court’s bail reviewed further.

In addition to Peterson’s lawyers Joel Brodsky, Reem Odeh and Andrew Abood a new heavy hitter has climbed aboard. That’s a former Chicago police homicide detective turned lawyer, turned prosecutor and now major crime defense attorney, John Paul Carroll. In addition to being a lawyer, Carroll is also a licensed private investigator.

Brodsky will be heading up this venerable team that has the difficult challenge of getting Peterson a fair trial.

Note: In response to some unpublished comments, John Carroll has been previously consulted for Drew Peterson’s various legal issues. There has not been an official defense team for the instant case because it had not yet been filed. Now as of the Arraignment the defense team is in place.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Helping Your Gun Hating Next Door Neighbor!

For those who have outspoken neighbors who don’t like self-defense, guns or gun rights here’s a sign for your own front yard!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sharing Artistic Video!

A very dear friend sent me a video this morning from Berlin, Germany. I thought I’d share it with my readers! Thank you Andrea!
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Monday, May 11, 2009

One More Blast From The Past

Jim Croce was only 30 years-old when he died in a place crash on June 30, 1973. He was another singer-song writer that made this e world a better place to live. Of course he had a whole catalog of great material out but never lived long enough to spend any of the money. It’s hard for me to pick a favorite but this one was so mellow.

A Blast from the Past

Harry Chapin was quite a musician and singer. His life was ended at 38 years of age when he had a heart attack and accident while driving in 1981.

Of all his works he’s known best for this masterpiece:

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Drew Peterson, Innocence or Arrogance?

Joliet, IL—As retired Bolingbrook polce sergeant and now murder suspect Drew Peterson sits in a jail cell waiting for his day in court the court of public opinion has already weighed in and found him guilty.

No special damning evidence has surfaced. The state has a paper thin case that more about third party hearsay and letters than evidence. This is more about trial by police and prosecution press release.

Forget the dispute over the cause of death associated with Peterson’s third wife for a moment and let’s concentrate on her alleged letters to police and prosecutors claiming she was predicting her own murder. I’ve seen those letters so many times before and always under the same circumstances of a crumbling marriage where considerable assets and children are involved.

In the old days before no fault divorces were the American norm every wife had to accuse every husband of beatings and death threats or they could not get a divorce. Go to any courthouse in the country and look at those divorce papers from the 1940’s 50’s and 60’s they all list those allegations, every one. It became a game that everyone including the attorneys and judges simply had to play.

In recent times the allegations or beatings, threats and drug use are in every divorce complaint where child custody is an issue. Is it about child custody or money? Child custody seems to take a back seat to cool hard cash. The spouse married to the significant wage earner of the house can’t get that ten grand a month child support without gaining full custody of the children.

Allegations become extortion levers as some women put pictures of themselves in safety deposit boxes and make a record for later use in court. It’s an ugly business, but as a private investigator it’s played out in case after case that I've seen with my own eyes.

The sad part is when the allegations are actually true. That’s the realty in less than five percent of custody battles.

As to the original question I posed is Drew Peterson, innocent, arrogant or perhaps both? I’ve been around thousands of people accused of crimes and found that there is no standard conduct of the actually innocent suspect. Some become withdrawn and depressed, some scream bloody murder and many are just like Drew Peterson.

The Drew Peterson types are outraged that they’re even a suspect at all. As their neighbors and former friends begin attacking them, the reaction is to come out swinging. They begin to ridicule their detractors like that fat, and obnoxious woman next door with the dyed blond hair or Peterson’s wive's relatives with the tattoos and piercings.

Peterson fell into an ugly fight with some repulsive people and is going to need an image makeover in order to get a fair trial. Peterson will have to be in the capable hands of a great defense time. I predict Peterson will post a lower more reasonable bail and put up a fierce fight for his life now.

I’d like to think most Americans don’t want Peterson convicted unless he’s guilty.

As for the family members of wives, number three and four they know a Guilty Verdict will get them free money that belongs to Peterson’s children. Under those circumstances we’d all be arrogant.

Visit Eagle Grips At The NRA Convention

Phoenix, AZ—Should you make it here to voice your concerns about gun rights and the Obama Factor, stop by exhibit booth number 2406 where Eagle Grips will be selling products at the show.

The finest grips from all materials are here that will fit your fine handguns. From the concealable, Secret Service model grips I designed, to the most elegant Gunfighter grips for those cowboy revolvers will be there just for you. .

Sooner or later you may even see me stop by that booth!

The Eagle Grips Website is right here!