Monday, May 04, 2009

Gitmo Detainees Released On American Soil And Homicide

Washington, DC—Barack Obama’s latest wet dream is to release the Muslim enemy combatants onto American soil. I suspect that I’m not alone in my concerns for the safety of Americans if this insane policy is ever enacted. So far even the Democrats in Congress are smart enough to know that approving this policy would end their political careers.

Imagine if Obama told the public of his plans to do this during the campaign. He would be anywhere at all other than in the Whitehouse.

During conventional wars soldiers are usually conscripted and are normally peace loving productive people. Had we released Japanese and German POWs because they had nowhere to live it would have had minimal risk. They were after all somewhat civilized.

This case is very different, the Gitmo detainees are willing suicidal warriors fighting a religious war and view killing Americans as a sure way to Heaven. The danger of releasing these fanatical killers would be more menacing than letting out every inhabitant of every death row in every American prison. Even Charles Manson would in fact be far less dangerous to release on America's streets.

Personally I’d feel a duty to take prophylactic measures and simply assonate any Gitmo detainees released near me. To not take such extreme measures would all but guarantee a jihad fueled bloodbath against my fellow Americans.

Any American politicians involved in this deserve to be hanged for treason.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Carmen Trutanich For Los Angeles City Attorney

Los Angeles, CA-- Carmen Trutanich is running for the Los Angeles City Attorney. He is opposed by city councilman and career gun-rights hater Jack Weiss. Weiss is out of touch and does not want to see law-abiding people stopping murder, rape or armed robbery with lawfully possessed firearms. He’d rather see victimization.

Trutanich is a law and order kind og guy that wants to do whatever he can to insure public safety in this city. As the California Department of Corrections is set to release tens of thousands of convicted felons on our streets early because of budget problems the law abiding need all the help they can get.

Weiss has been running countless ads smearing Trutanich with blatantly false allegations suggesting he’s soft on crime for defending gun owners as a defense attorney.

There is a lot more to being a prosecutor than making prosecutorial war on middle-aged gun owners for having gun collections. The US Supreme court and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has made it clear in recent times that owning firearms is a valid individual, Constitutional right. Jack Weiss hates the Constitution and wants to violate those rights as City Attorney.

Weiss can be counted to rack up millions in legal bills and damage awards after wrongfully charged gun owners sue the city over his unlawful gun crusade against them.

Vote early and often for Carmen Trutanich as your City Prosecutor.

Having Lunch With A Celebrity Murder Suspect

Chicago, IL—This week I took Chicago lawyer Joel Brodsky up on his offer for a lunch. We went to the swank GAGE restaurant on Michigan Avenue. Also there was retired Bolingbrook police sergeant and so called murder suspect Drew Peterson.

Prosecutors and Illinois State Police investigating the death of one of Peterson’s former wives and the strange disappearance of another have called Peterson a suspect. I take exception to that moniker that’s usually reserved only for people who are arrested and prosecuted. Peterson has not been charged or even arrested.

Unfortunately there are so many people who believe that Peterson is a double murderer without the presence of so much as minimal evidence required to bring that matter to a criminal court.

Is Peterson a killer? If anyone really knows they’re not telling and I’m not clairvoyant. What’s wrong with giving Peterson the presumption of innocence any accused American deserves? In this case Peterson has not even been accused by authorities.

I found that Peterson himself has charm and is very personable. He’s bright and just does not strike me as the type of person that would murder anyone.

Peterson’s life right now is a really bad movie. Strangers recognize him, approach and introduce themselves to him like they do with Hollywood celebrities. That while acquaintances try and make money through Peterson’s new found celebrity.

The investigation of Peterson has been ongoing and relentless. I have no problem with that at all. When the evidence is not there Peterson and his children deserve the right to move on without people pointing fingers at them.

Some people have accused me for being on Drew Peterson’s side. They’re dead wrong; I’m on the side of Due Process. How soon we forget how many American soldiers gave their lives to insure we have a Bill of Rights that protects all of us.

Let me not forget to say the food and service at the Gage was first rate.

Doing The Overnight With Geoff Pinkus In Chicago

Chicago, IL—Geoff Pinkus is a Chicago radio personality with two talk shows. One is on Sunday, Livin’ Large With Geoff Pinkus and the other is Overnight With Geoff Pinkus. He's on 560 WIND.

The Pinker as his pals call him is Conservatism with fun. He’s much more than politics as he celebrates women, cigars, sports, cars, gun rights, human rights and more importantly the right to have fun is what his shows are all about. This may seem like a show geared for men but his audience demographics and callers prove otherwise.

The Pinker’s shows are guest driven and he’s got no shortage of entertaining guests. TV news reporter turned radio personality, Amy Jacobson connected Pinkus to me and this blog and I’ve been a Pinker guest a few times by telephone.

This week I was invited to do the Overnight show and was in studio doing the fun eye to eye. I learned that Pinkus is afraid of no callers except for the rare boring ones. He’ll take the conversation in almost any direction that moves examination of the show’s themes.

The Pinker’s shows are streamed on the Internet right here.

If you haven’t heard the Pinker’s show give him a listen while you Live Large!

The Pinker's website is right here!

Chicago’s Most Notorious Criminal History Site

Click on pictirues to enlarge.

Chicago, IL—I went to my home town to assist a good cop in need of my help to clear his name. This effort required a trip to 26th and California where I spent so much time working in my younger days.

The Southwest corner of this intersection is home to the Criminal Court Buildings and what they today call the Cook County Department of Corrections. Over the years I’ve witnessed a lot of history being made inside those buildings

The old Criminal Court building, Cook County Jail, Chicago House of Correction and Cermak Memorial Hospital sit here with a lot of newly added buildings. This was and is the epicenter of where Chicago’s most infamous criminals were incarcerated, tried, convicted and in many cases executed in the electric chair.

Mob boss, Al Capone, killers Richard Speck, John Wayne Gacy, Nathan Leopold, Jr., Richard Loeb along with Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa, and former Chicago Mayor Harold Washington had all spent time in the notorious old Cook County Jail.

When the feature film I’m making, Come Friday get’s financed, I fully intend to film portions of it in the historic locations here where a lot of that remarkable story actually unfolded.

I’d love to gather photos both inside and out of the sprawling complex. I’d want to capture photographs and document the history before it’s too late. Creating one of those large coffee table picture books of this place and providing the salacious details of its rich history would be so cool.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Lawsuit Dropped Against Convicted Killer Scott Peterson

San Quentin, CA—Death row inmate, Scott Peterson got bad news today. His dead wife’s parents Sharon and Dennis Rocha dropped their lawsuit against him.

Normally for a defendant that would be a good thing. But in this case Scott Peterson could use the litigation to bring to light new evidence needed to destroy the conviction that got him condemned to die. Peterson was free to examine witnesses, test, re-test and review all the additional evidence he wanted as long as the civil case was ongoing.

I predicted that this lawsuit could do just that on this blog when it was filed long ago.

Peterson’s conviction was a result of disgraceful excuse or a trial. Not a shred of evidence was presented as to how Laci Peterson and her unborn child died. Peterson was a world class cad, womanizer and jerk. There was never a case or murder without the corpus delecti.

I was hoping the greed of the Rochas was going to be their undoing but they finally figured out Peterson would greatly benefit from the lawsuit and dismissed it.

I suspect that the last entries in the civil court file are clues that would tell us just what Scott Peterson’s lawyer was uncovering that led to the Rochas backing out of the civil action.

Now, Peterson will have to wait for his appeal to slowly grind through the system and rely on other tools to force disclosure of new evidence.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Geoff Pinkus Examines Chicago Policewoman’s Life And Film Making

Chicago, IL—Tonight at midnight (Chicago time) I will be live in Studio at WIND 560 radio with Goeff Pinkus talking about the life of Chicago policewoman Ann Leybourne Erwin Biebel.

As many of my readers know I’m working on making a feature film on this great lady’s early career and amazing brush with death. The Film is called, Come Friday and you can learn more about it here.

You’re invited to listen in by actual broadcast or though live streaming audio right here!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hijacking At The L.A. Festival of Books

Click on pictures to enlarge them

Westwood Village, Los Angeles, CA—Unfortunately, this event has a small but rather goofy dark side. Some people want to push their own political agendas down the throats of others. I have no problem with political discussion provided it’s germane to the place, time and targeted people.

I met one author who came in with his lovely wife to sell his books and set up a booth to do just that. The author, Neville W. Cramer wrote, Immigration Chaos. Cramer is a retired INS special agent. His premise is a simple one, American politicians will support any immigration enforcement efforts as long as they don’t work.

Okay, opinions are divided between those that do and don’t want laws regulating immigration. Apparently free speech is only welcome by some if they agree with the message. At least one fist fight broke out at the booth stared by an open border supporter.

I can’t wait to read Cramer’s book and can be counted on to review it here. You can learn more about Immigration Chaos right here.

Next I attended a discussion panel called, “Memoir: The KaBoom Generation” . That title was a little spin on baby boomers.

This panel was moderated by writer and TV producer, Sara Davidson and the other panelist were long time music writer, Danny Goldberg and writer, producer and actor Mike Farrell. Farrell is also an anti-death penalty and human rights activist. The discussion was about book writing, entertainment and the trials and tribulations of the panelist while writing their books.

This was an enjoyable panel discussion until the audience was invited to ask questions. The panel was hijacked by five total morons fighting both sides of Mideast political matters. When this began audience members by the scores began racing for the exits. Finally order was restored. If these clowns are so passionate about this matter they should go there and detonate suicide bombs on each other and leave the rest of us alone.

I have to say the panelist handled the troublemakers with absolute grace.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Your Guided Tour of The Festival of Books at UCLA

Westwood Village, Los Angeles, CA—There are few thing to do that are as much fun as meeting lots of celebrity authors. Nearly every publishing company around sends their writers to this two-day event.

The price for this adventure is right, it’s free! However at $3.00 per bottle they will charge you here it’s best to bring your own water!

There are loads of booths and exhibits for the children. I guess we all want to keep the brats away from TV and those nasty video video games these days.

I put up a video so you can see what’s going on.

Here is a little treat from The Festival of Books hosted by UCLA Today

Westwood Village, Los Angeles, CA—Today was the first of the two day Festival of Books sponsored by the L.A. Times and many other organizations. Every author around of any significance is here. They're there pressing the flesh as they sell and sign their books.

I have lots of video and will edit and post it later but wanted to give you a little treat from singer/actress Kristen Chenoweth. She starred in the Broadway smash, Wicked and had a starring role in the West Wing. I’m hoping to figure a way for her to tuck me into bed every night and sing for me! Somehow I don’t think that will happen except in my dreams.

Lame Apologies Are Like No Apologies Janet!

Washington, DC-- Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano met with officials of the American Legion. Napolitano blamed the distribution of insulting and provoking report about veterans on her staffers. The report suggested our veterans were potential domestic terrorists sent out to law enforcement agencies throughout the country.

The fact is the report went out and was never recalled. The damage was not repaired and Napolitano passed the buck with lightening speed. Napolitano believes what was in that report or it would have never been published as a warning to every law enforcement agency in America.

The report was in every way consistent with the philosophy the former Arizona Governor.

The report backfired because too many of the cops that received and read it are themselves now branded as terrorists since they honorably served in the Armed Forces of The United States.

The Regime of Barack Obama has shown over the last 100 days that they hate the American form of government and has an obvious Marxist Agenda.

I don’t have a clue why Napolitano even bothered to talk to the American Legion since she and the Whitehouse are at a bloodless war against Americans and our Constitution. I expect that war will turn bloody very soon if the arrogant Obama Regime and their Congressional minions does not back off of their agenda.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Drew Peterson Has A Right To Own A Gun

Bolingbrook, Il,-- For over a year now retired police sergeant, Drew Peterson has been called a lot of names including, suspect but never charged in connection with any mishaps involving his former wives.

The Illinois State Police have either revoked or cancelled Peterson’s Firearms Owner’s Identification Card without cause and so far, has refused to provide a hearing.

Since the action by the ISP two court decisions have come down, one from the US Supreme Court, District of Columbia v. Heller that held the right to keep and bear arms was an individual right. The question left open was whether the Second Amendment was only a protection against federal not state gun prohibitions.

The other case was decided just this week by the Uber-Liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. This court ruled in Nordyke v. King that the states must honor Second Amendment rights under incorporation provided by the 14th Amendment. Now there is little doubt that many state gun laws and prohibitions will fall. The Nordyke case will never be appealed to the Supreme Court by either side.

In addition the FOID card is considered property and can’t be taken without due process of law under the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution.

It’s pure and simple that the Illinois State Police have violated Drew Peterson’s Civil Rights under color of law.

Today Peterson’s lawyer Joel Brodsky sent a strong letter to the Illinois State Police demanding a hearing on the matter. Unless they either hold a hearing and show just cause or reinstate Peterson’s FOID card The next step will be the filing of an indefensible civil rights lawsuit against the Illinois State Police.

L.A. Gun Buy-Back Is Good For Gun Lovers!

Los Angeles, CA—Once again, taxpayers will get bitten with another gun buy-back, feel good, wastefest.

Los Angeles and the already financially distressed TV stations, CBS 2/ KCAL 9 have teamed up to buy handguns for $100.00 and so called assault weapons for $200.00. Instead of cash they will be handing out Ralph’s grocery store gift certificates or Visa gift cards. I see no difficulty with their form of payment. As usual the nitwits have promised that no questions will be asked.

Now is the time to gather your non-collectable, cheap, rusty junk and use the financial reward to offset the cost of better guns and ammunition.

If you have a nice gun and know for sure it’s not stolen any gun dealer in the country will pay you cash so why bring anything valuable or nice to the dopes running the buy-back program.

If the taxpayers of Los Angeles want the politicians to pay premium prices for rusty scrap they deserve that city’s bankruptcy.

To my friends in Arizona gather all the crap handguns or rusty, broken SKS carbines you can and bring them to L.A. on May 9th to the drop off points and help Los Angeles folks learn that the inmates are running the asylum there.

The rest of the details of this silliness can be found here.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Let Holder's Witch Hunt Begin!

Washington, DC—The Barack Obama Regime’s Chief Inquisitor Eric H. Holder Jr. will begin their Star Chamber proceedings. The intent is to punish those former officials and lawyers that advised or directed CIA and military folks that responded to safety concerns of every American after the September 11 Attack on America.

After that attack and murder of thousands of Americans, Americans demanded Dirty Harry style efforts to bring those responsible to justice. We got what we asked for but now the Marxists in lockstep with Barack Obama think our intelligence efforts should have been kind and gentle. Holder will persecute anyone he can.

I hope the people involved are smart enough to recite four simple words to Holder’s Gestapo agents, “I want a lawyer!”

Agents of the FBI and lawyers employed by the Justice Department need to follow their oaths and reject any aspect of this nefarious duty. Each and every officer or government agent conducting this witch hunt deserves to be treated like traitors that they may face punishment for Treason for conduct under Holder’s command.

Any American selected for a Grand Jury,Petit or Trial Jury will remember their duty to protect fellow Americans from rogue government agents. Any juror that supports convicting Americans for protecting fellow Americans deserves a beating or worse from their neighbors.

Yes folks, this is yet another step taken by the Obama Administration to ignite a Civil War. Death to Communists and Traitors!

Suicide Or More? Freddie Mac CFO Found Dead

Vienna, VA—41 year-old David Kellerman was found dead hanging in the basement of his home. He was the acting CFO of this troubled and now bailed out lender, Freddie Mac.

Kellerman had worked for the troubled corporation for 16 years. He was found dead inside his Hunter Mill Estates home. Was it really suicide? I can’t help but to smell a bunch of two legged rats and a conspiracy to misdirect some of the staggering amounts of money this company mismanaged.

Was he murdered over a cover-up? If he really committed suicide I can’t help but suspect it was over the funny business that helped financially destroy that business and brought on the nefarious bailout.

This event deserves a solid investigation by anyone but government. The mainstream news media should step in and do this but that will never happen. I hope some bloggers close to the scene will take this on.

Fairfax, County police and medical examiner personnel are the lead agency for this investigation.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Extortion Camera Operator Shot Dead In Phoenix

Phoenix, AZ—As a parting shot to the people of the State of Arizona, former Governor Janet Napolitano arranged to install scores of photo radar traps in a scheme to enrich campaign contributors and extort money from drivers. This despot then went off to join her pals in the Marxist Obama Regime.

This was not about reducing accidents. They have been declining every year. This is about funding a runaway government. This was political extortion, pure and simple.

Many people of Arizona hate the cameras as much as i do. There have been grass-roots efforts to shut them down. The politicians have not responded and have hired thugs to carry out the program. Throughout history only extreme violence seems to curb rogue governments.

No I’m not weeping for the dead man, former golf pro, Doug Georgianni. The 51-year-old had worked for the extortion camera outfit called RedFlex for about three months.

Truthfully I’d rather see a company official or politician responsible for the scheme in a casket instead of this foot soldier. Racketeering and extortion is a risky game to play. Extortion is a horrible business.

People engaged in the business of excessive taxation got a lot worse from our founding fathers who set the example. George Washington, Ben Franklin, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson and thousands of others were the terrorists of their day. We celebrate their victory over extortion and the new nation that resulted.

It’s very simple government must go on a diet or serious population control will begin in America.

To the politicians of Arizona and elsewhere, please take a not so subtle hint and get your hands out of the people’s pockets.

If you want to save hundreds of billions? Get rid of the illegal aliens and stop educating them and providing free medical care with our money. Perhaps it’s time to stop wasting untold billions on a failed and way too violent Drug War. Doing these two things alone would reduce crime and reduce the thoughts of taking American’s gun rights.

A great start would be to eliminate the extortion cameras at once.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Gun Penalty Enhancements On Prison Sentences Are Misdirected

In most states if a firearm is used in a crime laws require serious additional punishment. So if instead a criminal uses gasoline, knives, bats or a 3,000 pound car to injure or kill someone that somehow deserves lesser punishment.

The real key is injury or death. If a criminal in the course of a crime injures, kills or threatens anyone with any dangerous item the enhancement should be uniform.

Violent criminals will use whatever they get their hands on at the moment. It’s the violence itself and not the instrument used that causes harm.

Keeping all violent all offenders off our streets is a much better answer than gun penalty enhancements.

Remember America’s most prolific serial killers Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy or Jeffrey Dahmer had no history of using firearms. The two largest mass murders in American history were accomplished with fertilizer and gasoline. The Oklahoma bombing and the Happyland Social Club in New York arson holocaust did not involve the use of firearms.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Gary Sinise Is A True Patriot and Great American!

Gary Sinise is better known as an accomplished and extraordinary actor. He’s a Chicago area lad who followed his dream after being inspired and mentored by his Highland Park high school drama teacher, Barbara Patterson.

Sinise was an original member of Chicago’s world class, Steppenwolf Theatre Company. So many notable stars grew in this celebrity incubator it’s difficult to name them all.

I meet Sinise recently at the Reagan Presidential Library and museum where he and so many of his Hollywood friends honored 43 living Medal of Honor winners at a wonderful black tie dinner underneath Air Force One.

These days Sinise has gone out of his way to thank every veteran he comes into contact with. When Bob Hope died I wondered what A-lister would fill his shoes. Sinise with his, Lt. Dan Band has stepped up to the plate in a big way. I don’t know how this fine man finds the thousands of hours he devotes to veterans.

The Band

For the soft-spoken Sinise this is no act of self-promotion to keep his name viral. Sinise is the real deal who is really helping vets every way he can. Gary Sinise has proven himself to be an American hero.

Here is the website for the Lt. Dan Band.

Twin Despots separated at Birth

On the Presidential Apology Tour--Here are a couple of Marxists who need to go into exile somewhere together.

Barack Obama has a love in with Hugo Chavez.

Phil Spector’s Future

Los Angeles, CA—The chances of legendary record producer Phil Spector getting a new trial are really high. The primary reason is Judge Larry Paul Fidler’s prosecution favoring rulings allowing unprecedented use of ancient and uncharged prior bad acts. These interlopers into the Spector inquiry tainted the jury.

Rather than evidence a successful hate campaign brought a conviction that was not supported by the physical evidence.

I see a solid conspiracy to frame Phil Spector because of the efforts made by officials to evade normal objective investigation efforts by police, prosecutors and the Medical Examiner. Lana Clarkson’s mental state was suspected in playing a role in her death. Documented problems included:

1. Alcoholism
2. Drug addiction.
3. Financial problems
4. Despondency based on writings and other communications
5. Intervention by medical professionals for these problems.

The normal procedures are to conduct a psychological autopsy where these kinds of issues are involved with any case where there is any possibility of suicide. They avoided doing this simple procedure for only one reason, to hide the truth.

What can be done now? The pursuit of motions for mistrial, new trial and other yet to be seen avenues is already underway. The first stop must begin with Judge Fidler. Nobody realistically expects Fidler to do the right thing now but the efforts are necessary to preserve appeal rights.

An investigation into jury misconduct is underway. Motions based on these findings can be introduced with motions at any time to the trial court. There is a Wild Card in this mix and that’s the wrongful death lawsuit pending against Phil Spector by Donna Clarkson.

Spector has the right to defend himself in this civil action too. Spector has the power to bring witnesses forth into forced depositions and court testimony. Additional evidence helpful to Spector will surface here and could affect the conviction if strong enough.

The only public officials that could intercede and bring about a reversal right now is the judge, District attorney or the Governor. That’s not going to happen unless something serious surfaces that proves Spector’s innocence.

A notice of appeal will be filed with the trial court and the lengthy process of appeals will begin. No action will be taken by the Court of Appeals until between one and three years. That’s the normal course of business. I expect at the first stage a new trial will be ordered or the court may even find that the damage was so severe that a new trial would in itself be unfair because of prior defective rulings at the trial court level.

The question is will Spector survive incarceration in a California prison during this process? I think the prognosis is very poor for the 69 year-old Spector whose health has already been severely compromised by this entire ordeal.

Justice ultimately may be denied because once a defendant passes away all litigation will end.