Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Favorite Arizona Firearm Retailer Is Legendary Guns

Phoenix, AZ—On19th Avenue just North of Camelback Rd sits Arizona’s premier gun shop, Legendary Guns. They’ve been here since 1988 serving cowboy collectors, shooters, hunters, cops and people seeking to maintain meaningful self defense tools.

The staff of this shop is knowledgeable, helpful and diligent as they serve customers. The prices are competitive and most importantly they have the most difficult to obtain and stock firearms anywhere.

Dave LaRue is the driving force along with co-owner Joe Forbregd behind this business. I noticed years ago when I first patronized this shop how LaRue and his workers suggested training to their customers and nitpicked the legal details of gun sales requirements.

For those lucky enough to live in Arizona gun purchases can be completed in less than ten minutes. They can pay cash and carry their firearms on the spot provided they successful pass the mandated background checks.

There is a staff gunsmith on the premises to make repairs and install those accessories for the customers. Dealing with these boys has always been an enjoyable experience for me.

Despite the recent Obama factor run on firearms and ammunition Legendary’s Gun’s suppliers have favored this dealer and there seems to be no shortage here.

For those traveling to Phoenix to attend the NRA convention a visit to Legendary Guns is a good idea. Legendary can always ship purchases to any customer’s licensed dealers anywhere in the country.

Visit their website right here!

I recently interviewed Dave LaRue at the Winter Range gathering so you can meet the legend himself.

This Time The Boogeyman Is A Woman!

Tracy, CA-Little, eight year-old Sandra Cantu was missing. The usual suspect sought by police is nearly always some twisted male pedophile. Cops are out checking every creep in or passing through the neighborhood. As always police hope they’d somehow find the child alive somewhere but as time passes. That kind of luck was not happening with this case.

Ten days later on April 6, farm workers draining a nearby irrigation pond found a suitcase that contained the murdered child’s remains. There is little in the way of mayhem that can disturb a veteran cop. I know of no cop than can stomach dealing with the abused or murdered children he many encounter during his career. These cases are indeed the tough ones to deal with.

Right now the information is being guarded by police and prosecutors but their investigation caused them to ask 28 year-old Melissa Huckaby if she’d stop by the station and help police reconstruct the dead child’s last days of life.

Police already knew that Huckaby a Sunday school teacher at Clover Road Baptist Church, where her grandfather is the pastor, received a visit from the murdered girl who came to play with the suspect’s own five year-old daughter.

Whatever happened during that interview ended with Huckaby’s arrest for murdering the little girl. Police using warrants searched the Huckaby family home and vehicles. Huckaby told police her suitcase was left in her driveway and later turned up missing.

Investigators confronted their suspect with inconsistencies in her statements. During the interview police believe they developed probable cause to arrest Huckaby for murdering the girl.

Now Huckaby is facing charges for kidnapping and murder. What remains to be revealed is the motive for the crime. As the case is presented to a preliminary hearing court or a Grand Jury those details will probably not be released by police or prosecutors. The grisly details will be saved for a public courtroom presentation.

Huckaby has been chatty with reporters from jail since her arrest as this video shows.

Huckaby Booking Information

Friday, April 10, 2009

They’re Killing John Demjanjuk Once Again!

Cleveland, OH—It was nearly 20 years ago when I got a call from this man’s son-in-law asking for my help. The story was that John Demjanjuk was in an Israeli prison cell, under a death by hanging sentence for war crimes as the notorious Ivan The Terrible.

The great document detective Bill Flynn of Arizona’s Department of Public Safety made a startling discovery. The Nazi identity card that contained John Demjanjuk’s photograph was a forgery. It was a paste-up job created from different documents as a prosecution tool to murder the accused. When it became evident Israel freed Demjanjuk.

The United States Office of Special Investigation was charged with finding, investigating and seeking punishment for Nazi war criminals. This agency was ineffective, inexperienced and had no problem falsifying evidence to Kill John Demjanjuk.

Once Demjanjuk was in the clear the Embarrassed OSI set out to frame him again this time claiming he was a lower level death camp guard. To achieve deportation the OSI need not prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt because the standard of proof is much lower.

The ailing, accused Nazi is 88 years old now. He's spent the last 30 years successfully fighting off false and unproven allegations. The money spent on his defense over the decades has been astronomical.

The OSI has convinced German officials that there is a basis to hold yet another War Crimes Trial. The German courts have issued a warrant for Demjanjuk’s arrest. The United States Government has revoked Demjanjuk’s citizenship and it seems that the accused Nazi will be forced onto an airplane for a trip to a German jail cell.

This case has taught me something over the decades. The criminal justice system of Israel can teach a thing or two to American Justice. Somehow I think that Demjanjuk will find much more fairness in a German court than he ever got in an American court.

I only wish that I could assist Demjanjuk’s German lawyers as a defense investigator. I know John Demjanjuk’s family is flat broke and needs all the help they can get. I remain convinced John Demjanjuk is innocent. My question will all these trials kill him before a verdict is rendered?

The very latest news about new pending appeal.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Venice Beach Awash With Homeless, Needs A Break

Venice, CA—In this strange area of Los Angeles’ West side, the rich, poor and homeless exist in very close proximity to each other. This is an artsy beach community that has been undergoing a decade of gentrification.

Historically Venice has been awash with violent Black and Hispanic street gangs that are currently in somewhat of a truce. The violence seems to be tentatively under control.

The violence has been replaced by an overload of idle, unwashed homeless people. The blight is everywhere now and there is not a solution in sight.

Roving bands of homeless illegal aliens “borrow” the grocery carts from the supermarkets and fill them with recyclables taken from the blue recycle bins on private property and the alleyways. The end result is every cart in every Venice store is covered with disgusting sticky paper and goo.

There is a mechanized battalion of homeless living in poorly maintained camper, vans and cars. They take up residence in the parking places in front of expensive homes. These homeless people use the local business restrooms to bathe and make an incredible mess. It’s beyond ugly and out-of –control.

The LAPD does not enforce theft, parking or trespassing laws involving the smelly unwashed homeless population. It is less about sympathy and more about having to deal with the smell of these small time lawbreakers. Imagine arresting a couple of these hobos. Officers would have to frisk them and inspect their belongings. Then they must transport, and book them. It’s a contact the police will avoid at all cost.

The churches, charities, government and local politicians need to give relief to the taxpaying residents of Venice. They need to move these lost souls to an industrial area of Los Angeles. Toilets, hot showers and a place to wash clothes is every bit as important as food to these people. Services designed to help the homeless find jobs and training need to be nearby. The illegal aliens need to be bussed over to immigration officials for deportation.

With our current economy disaster this type of living will become more prevalent than ever. Letting these people lower the property values of Venice is no answer at all. The proper and charitable thing is to deal with this mess before it gets worse.

Spector Jury on another misconduct opportunity Holiday!

Los Angeles, CA—The jury in the retrial of music legend Phil Spector must need more time to catch up on their Internet surfing of Spector related websites. This time it’s a woman juror who reportedly complained of illness and the jury was sent home.

Reportedly the ill juror will call in the morning and provide an update on her condition. Depending on the report the jury may return to deliberate only for a half day because of Good Friday.

In any event the jury deliberations will continue on Monday. I know they found the Clarkson family hate blogger’s site, now perhaps they can find mine, for another point of view.

Update: As of 8:35 AM Friday, the ill juror is on the mend and deliberations will resume at least for a half-day.

Caught On Tape, This is Just Too Rich!

Boynton Beach, FL- Homeowner Jeanne Thomas, 43 was at work and decided to check on her home via her new covert camera hooked up streaming live video over the Internet.

After she was burglarized in October Thomas installed the video surveillance system.

To Thomas’ surprise she saw two burglars in the act of looting her possessions yet again. The cops responded to Thomas’ call and no less than four dangerous criminals were removed from the streets. On the video you can see the cops enter and clear the intended victim’s house after they rounded up the rats.

Too bad these burglars did not find an armed homeowner that might have sent them away in rubber body bags.

You can see a copy of a portion of the police reports and more right here!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

More Americans Rejecting Gun Control Than Ever!

Atlanta, GA-In 2001 54% of polled Americans supported more restrictive gun laws and bans. The number has been dropping steadily ever since. More recently the percentage of gun control supporters is at only 39%. This is according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll.

I’d like to think I know the reason for the changing attitude. The public has witnessed laws against carrying concealed weapons relaxing across the country. As hundreds of thousands of right to carry permits have been issued the permit holders have not been misusing their guns. Of course the criminals who are barred from possessing guns at all are still doing what they do, using guns in crimes.

The second area is the unfiltered Internet that has unlocked the information and given gun rights advocates a voice they have effectively used to educate others about the facts and politics of gun bans that only work well against the law-abiding.

Law enforcement officer’s attitudes on gun rights have also significantly improved. In recent years the cops on the street that have learned that right to carry permit holders are trustworthy.

Meet Lance Thomas, He’s A Watchmaker Who Knows About Gun Rights

Los Angeles, CA—Like any large metropolitan area in America criminal violence is all too familiar. Lance Thomas must have looked like a patsy to the local thugs. I guess some people have to learn the hard way. Thomas is a great teacher.

Will The Tax Day Tea Parties Slow Down The Communist Takeover Of America?

Washington, DC—Angry Americans are planning nationwide peaceful demonstrations that are being called Tea Parties. They're designed to send a message to the new administration that brought us more than hope and change. They really brought us their giant Bolshevik wet dream instead.

The real Boston Tea Party was anything but a peaceful demonstration. It involved the forceful boarding of Royal Ships and the destruction of a great deal of the King’s property. That tea party got more than the King’s attention it was the beginning of a horrible war that ultimately established this once great and free country.

The government takeover of private industry is in now full swing along with the re-distribution of wealth.

Our new government is allowing enemy nations to arm and test their weapons of mass destruction while our new President vows to disarm America.

Americans are about to see a massive effort to bring unprecedented, unconstitutional gun laws and persecutions of gun owners refusing to follow the government dictate.

I fully expect the April 15 Tea Parties to end with not a single concession and nothing but the continued forced march to Communism over our backs.

Americans must get ready to destroy this un-American cancer that’s spreading across our land. A good Communist is a dead Communist. Freedom has never been free; we will once again be forced to earn it with our blood.

We can only head of a holocaust if we can convince the administration that we are serious about our freedom and American way of life.

Gun Control Sensationalism And Myth As A Propaganda Tool

Los Angeles, CA—In the movie making capitol of the world there are few if any films that don’t include the use or misuse of a firearm. In addition to the fantasy creations are the magical powers the special effects can provide to the effectiveness of movie guns.

We’ve all see the shootings where the victim (usually a bad guy) is shot by some cop. The victim flies backwards over a parked car and through a plate glass store window. No modern handgun, rifle or shotgun is capable of doing that.

In that early James Bond film, From Russia with Love the hero used the pictured Armalite AR-7 rifle with a small scope to bring town an enemy helicopter with two crew members in a spectacular explosion. I guess an impossible shot like that is what makes him and not me, James Bond. That little AR-7 rifle he used fires the tiny .22 long rifle bullets picture above. Yes, a .22 can cause a fatal wound to a human being or game animal. No, it won’t blow up a helicopter!

Next are the wildly popular war carbines, the M-16, M-4 and Ak-47 weapons copies. Unlike their military lookalikes, these legal these carbines are not machine guns. They only fire one round for each pull of the trigger.

These weapons are much lower powered that your grandfathers shotgun! The lightweight ammunition allows for more of it to be carried by soldiers. The war where their value was established was in the jungles of Viet Nam. Little cover but lots of concealing vegetation made the penetrating rifle rounds from the venerable M-1 Garand and the later M-14 too big and too heavy for soldiers.

The soldiers could carry and shoot twice as many rounds with a big trade off in power and penetration. Outside of the jungle the 5.56 or .30 Russian round is too underpowered for combat.

I have to laugh at the ignorant gun haters that love to say, “you don’t hunt deer with an AK-47.” The suggestion is that the poor deer would be turned into a well-done burger with a single shot from some weapon with massive power. The problem with using those modern small underpowered war rounds is that wounding rather than a clean painless killing of the deer would happen. That’s not to say a skilled hunter could not accomplish a quick kill of a deer with these weapons. The question is why risk having an innocent deer suffer before it gets consumed at a dinner table?

Gun rights advocates have always demanded their liberty to use firearms for defense of country, family and self. The Second Amendment was not promulgated to protect the right to hunt.

Americans are guaranteed the right to meaningful self-defense with small arms that include those demonized, Saturday Night Specials and Assault Weapons loaded with those dreaded, Cop Killer Bullets!

The legislative and congressional lawmakers who dream up and vote on those unconstitutional gun laws have zero experience with firearms other than what they saw in the movies. They are ignorant, fearful and only work from the emotional side of the gun control debate. Their lack of knowledge makes them unqualified to begin to regulate firearms.

Of course why go after the criminals that misuse weapons, when you can attack everyone who owns a gun? Gun laws work really well. Just ask the murder victims who were denied by law the right to possess, carry or use a gun for self-defense.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

This Is A Great Country!

Laguna Niguel, CA—It all began 30 years ago as a silly prank that was a product of a wager. People lined up by the Amtrack train and mooned the train passengers.

Every second Saturday in July, thousands show up for a chance to display their bare butts to hapless train passengers passing by. With the introduction of alcohol some of the celebrants have been known to get carried away and display more their buns.

Reports of flagrant displays of sex acts and drunken excess have caused the city fathers to find ways to ban the event. I guess they don’t want people having too much fun. I’d like to think the city fathers worry about some real problems like their budget and let the silly cavorting clowns have their fun.

Perhaps the members of the City Council need to take a little field trip and participate this July before they destroy a tradition.

Spector Case Suicide and blood spray.

Los Angeles, CA—Nobody could recreate the shooting death of Lana Clarkson under controlled and observed conditions without using a living victim. We don’t really know for sure about blood spray. The jury has to take the guess of experts all of which never once witnessed such a shooting.

Then there are those who spread a myth that woman would never put a gun in their mouth to commit suicide. Now there exists a gun range video of a woman, Marie Moore, 44 who first murdered her son and put the gun in her mouth and killed herself Lana Clarkson style.

It’s too bad the video can’t be reviewed by the Spector jury so they can see firsthand that these things happen and the behavior of the human mouth during the explosion. The spray from that woman’s mouth must have been quite a sight.

Read an see the local news video here!

Monday, April 06, 2009

If you Live In Chicago’s 5th Congressional District Please Vote Tuesday!

Chicago, IL--Rosanna Pulido deserves your vote for this seat. Please get to the polls and bring your friends and neighbors. This lady is a solid Conservative and voting for her the only way Chicago folks can send a message that will be heard in the Whitehouse. The polls open and 6:00 AM Intil 7:00 PM.

Phil Spector Jury Back to Deliberations

Los Angeles, CA—The jury returned to a few lame questions from Judge Fidler about media exposure this morning. Fidler sent the jury back into deliberations and now (12:20 PM)they are on their lunch break.

The media has far more interest in the Rihanna/Chris bitch-slapping case than the four year-old murder inquiry involving the death of Lana Clarkson by her own hand.

It’s a sad day when misdemeanor possible plea agreement overshadows a case where a man is on trial for his life.

Update: 4:00 PM--The jury paused long enough to submit a yet to be made public question and went home for the day. The question will be read and addressed in the morning with both prosecution and defense lawyers present.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Will Barack Obama’s Lofty Goals End In A Treason Prosecution?

Washington, DC—Will Barack Obama be the first American President to be executed or flee to exile over acts of treason?

Right now Obama’s minions either have or are drafting legislation enabling the President to shut down the Internet, violate gun rights, take over private companies and banks, destroy free enterprise, and dump the dollar for Red Chinese controlled currency.

Can an American President destroy the atomic national defense weapons secretly without the consent of Congress or the American people? Unfortunately I believe the answer to that is yes. All it takes is a disloyal President like that Marxist Obama to order it under the label of Top Secret.

Folks I see rough times ahead.

Pittsburgh Cop Killer Delusional About His Own Gun Rights

Pittdburgh, PA—Friends of accused cop killer Richard Poplawski are saying that he feared the Barack Obama administration was poised to ban guns. It was apparently not his own gun rights he was worried about. He had already lost those rights because of criminal activity.

Poplawski served a short stint in the U.S. Marine Corps and over an assault he was convicted in a Court-Martial proceeding. He received a Dishonorable Discharge. That is a military felony penalty that barred him for life from purchasing or possessing any firearms.

Is Richard Poplawski a new poster boy for gun control zealots? On the contrary, the dangerous Richard Poplawski was exactly why law-abiding Americans need the right to keep and bear Arms.

As for the murdered policemen, Crimefile News conveys our deepest condolences to the family, friends and fellow officers of these brave men.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Video: Muslims beat girl, 17, in Islamic stronghold of Swat, Pakistan

Swat, Pakistan--I watched this sickening and horrible video of a vicious beating of this girl. Her screams are bone chilling. Her crime or the justification, evidence for this punishment will evade anyone but a cruel sadist.

I can’t imagine what these scumbags would do to Western women if they had a chance. Islam demands this kind of horror and is still considered a religion. Of course the so-called honor killings of women are a way of life. Islam needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

When you watch this video you will want to bomb or burn every Islamic mosque on earth to the ground. It is easy to understand the need for the Crusades.

Watch this if you can stomach the brutality.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Getting’ Ready For A Special Chicago Summer

Chicago, IL—As our economy is destroyed by Barack Obama’s Band of Bolsheviks the natives will be restless. Obama’s checks will bounce and gangs of thugs will be on the prowl. The obvious targets will be banks, jewelry stores; any cash based business along with expensive homes. Carjackers will be everywhere.

Chicago’s gun ban will leave the law-abiding citizens at the mercy of well-armed criminal gangs. The undermanned and outgunned Chicago Police Department will never be up to the task because mismanagement by Chicago’s politicians.

Another Gunman kills innocents

Binghamton, NY-Today an angry Vietnamese, armed predator trapped people in a public building and opened fire on them killing at least 12, and wounded numerous others.

As usual the shooter picked a soft target. It was in The Gun Free Zone of New York.

In the days to follow police will investigate and try to learn and tell us the motive for this mass killing. What they won’t dare say is the sad truth, that any armed and trained citizen could have stopped this event cold and saved lives.

As usual all the gun bans in New York only disarmed the law-abiding. The police were minutes away and did too little, too late. The gunman stopped himself with a self-inflicted gunshot wound before the police mustered the courage to approach him.

It’s not the duty of government to protect you and your family. That’s your job. Handing over your personal safety to a government agents via a 911 call is suicidal. That concept defies common sense. The police always arrive in time to remove the bodies and clean the mess. That’s just not good enough.

Americans have got to accept their duty for a common defense. The keeping and bearing of arms is our right. Training and quality firearms are available.

In our society there are criminals and unfortunate people who just can’t cope and are beyond the reach of help. No American need sacrifice family members or themselves to victimization. Gun bans are the problem, not a lack of them.

Obama Administration Uses Lies And Scare Tactics To Take American Gun Rights.

Washington, DCThe Barack Obama Socialist Propaganda Machine is in full swing. They are assigning blame for the guns used in Mexican crime to American gun owners and dealers. The lie is being spread with the help of eager media outlets that 90% of the weapons used by Mexican criminals are from the USA.

The obvious effort is to obtain public support to planned efforts to ban gun ownership by the lawless Obama minions. The outrageous lie was uncovered by FOX NEWS.

My long time friend, William La Jeunesse reports on the story below: