Friday, March 20, 2009

Prosecutors Hope For A Compromise Verdict On Spector Murder Trial.

Los Angeles, CA—Prosecutor’s know they have a paper thin case against music legend, Phil Spector in connection with the death of Lana Clarkson. The facts in the way of a conviction are that the woman was a drug addicted, alcoholic with the weight of the world on her despondent shoulders and the fact that the science of this case exonerates Spector.

The trial has been a non-stop hate campaign and character assassination of the producer by a lifetime's collection former jilted girlfriends. Then there’s the illegal alien limo driver who got a free Green Card for telling the cops what they wanted to hear. He claimed to have heard a “confession quote” from a distraught mumbling Phil Spector.

Prosecutors fought tooth and nail for a lesser charge because they know a lesser conviction is easier to obtain. That’s a disingenuous reason to say the least. Judge Larry Paul Fidler has done all he could do to help prosecutors convict Spector. Now the judge included an uncharged Involuntary Manslaughter count to allow the jury to compromise rather than acquit. A compromise by jury members is wrong. Either Spector is a murderer or he’s not.

Under our system of law it is better that ten guilty men go free than one innocent man be convicted, except in the court of Judge Larry Paul Fidler.

The jury will struggle with a guess as to what they think really happened and arrive at a verdict. A guess is wrong since there must be proof beyond a reasonable doubt. I stand convinced that the filing of charges in this case was a travesty.

If Spector is convicted of either charge he will die in prison. That fate should be based on more than a guess.

Rent-A-Cops Proposed To Patrol Chicago Streets

Chicago, IL—Some members of Chicago’s City Council are obviously hooked on crack. They want to give poorly screened, trained and armed security guard special police powers and let them loose in high crime neighborhoods replacing cops.

I can see armed street gang members in guard uniforms legitimizing their extortion, intimidation and control over the neighborhoods.

The real police will come in on invitation only. The security guards will be given limited arrest powers and will be engaged in revenue generating activities like writing various court citations.

I’m not sure just how the city plans on skirting laws that require proper selection and training of people enforcing laws. They need to learn about P.O.S.T. and what that’s all about. Cops are sworn to their oaths of office, security guards are not. It is permissible to resist the arrest of a private person but not the police.

There are too many problems to mention here. That’s not to say private guards cannot be hired to handle limited security functions for courthouses and government buildings. Enforcing laws on our streets is no job for amateurs.

Generally the people who become security guards do so because they can't qualify to be police officers. There are simple reasons such as age but more often their disqualifications involve background troubles, low intelligence, competency, or physical incapacitations.

As for the Aldermen proposing this idea there is help available for them at Cocaine Anonymous.

A TV News Photographer Shoots The President!

Los Angeles, CA—Never let it be said that I’m a fan of Barack Obama’s. However because I serve the news business as a freelance producer and have a blog, Barack Obama is a newsmaker and must be accurately covered.

No, I don’t want Obama to succeed in his Marxist quest. However, I would love nothing more for this fellow to, save our economy; protect all our freedom and liberty while maintaining respect for the producers and taxpayers.

KCBS-KCAL TV photojournalist Bryan Frank had that duty and related his experience and posted several photos he took along the way on his blog, BeFrank.

I got a chuckle from something this straight shooter wrote:

“Ooh, here's a little tip. The Secret Service and everyone in charge of the President's media access is much friendlier if you word your request correctly. Always be specific in your phrasing. I'd like to record video or I'd like to photograph the President is always, always, always, always, always, always better than saying, I want to shoot the President. Trust me on that one, brother..”

Pay a visit to this BEFrank story and pictorial…

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Obama Administration Pollutes The Environment and Wastes Money

Washington DC—The Obama Gun Seizure Machine is gearing up for real War On Gun Owners. They’ve now banned government contractors from recycling spent ammunition brass for the civilian market. This is just another hateful display of, “we won the election and will do whatever we want”.

Not only are these Communist whack-jobs wasting millions they are causing the wasting of energy and unnecessary pollution of the environment as manufactures now have to create new casings from raw brass. Sooner or later this foolishness will weaken our national defense, not that these enemies of America care.

Someone please tell me how this Obama policy helps do anything constructive or enhances public safety at all. Maybe all Americans should follow Obama's lead and stop recycling altogether. Will these Communists learn what, “From my dead Cold hands” means? It means that any politicians, bureaucrats or government agents involved in taking guns from Americans better get their personal affairs in order.

An update: A reader sent me this from another blogger. It seems this news item was spun out-of-control and has been reversed. We will be watching all futher devlopments.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Huge Phoenix Arizona “Straw Man” Gun Case Tossed Out Of Court

Phoenix, AZ—Attorney General Terry Goddard has always been a gun rights hater. It was no surprise when he indicted Phoenix gun store owner, George Iknadosian, of X-Caliber Guns on 21 counts ranging from fraud, to money laundering.

The root of the case involved the sale of some alleged 700 weapons Goddard’s office claimed found their way to a Mexican drug cartel. Apparently Arizona citizens who were lawfully entitled to purchase firearms and had no trouble passing the federal background check required of all gun purchasers and bought guns from this dealer.

The "Straw Man" gun buyers had apparently not revealed that their intent was to export the guns to others either unqualified to purchase or export the guns to Mexico.

All of the buyers involved had previously pled guilty to various charges in connection with this case.

Today Judge Robert Gottsfield issued rare directed Not Guilty verdicts before the case ever got to the jury. My long time lawyer friend and client Tom Baker representing Iknadosian simply made a routine rule 20 motion that ended the case on the spot. Judge Gottsfield is known as a fair but tough judge whose been on the Arizona bench for decades.

During the prosecutions presentation there was not a single case where it could be proven that the guns went to anyone unqualified to purchase firearms.

This case resulted from a joint investigation conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, firearms and explosives, Phoenix Police Department and the Mexican government.

As for Phoenix attorney Tom Baker, he’s been a great gun owner’s advocate and lawyer for a a long time. I’m proud to have worked with him and his late father and law partner, Wallace, J. “Wally” Baker, Jr. for many years.

Why News Reporters Fail On Gun Control Stories.

It’s always the same. Some politician or media attention whore and whack job like Chicago’s Father Michael Pfleger sounds the alarm for some new gun ban. The news organizations come running to cover the carefully crafted media event complete with parents of young people killed usually while engaged in risky behavior.

The reporters grab video, interviews and then never go to the other side for opposing views. Instead they head to the nearest gun store where businessmen freely talk to reporters while enjoying free advertising. Gun dealers but for a select few exceptions are neither educated spokesmen nor experts on gun control. They are nothing more than ordinary men on the street with varied opinions.

If reporters want to get both sides they can always get interviews from the NRA leadership or any of the state gun rights organizations. Gun dealers don’t represent or speak for gun owners or their advocacy organizations.

Getting half the story on gun control or any story is always dead wrong.

Tax Money for Media Bailouts And My Personal Blog

Newspapers are in serious danger of extinction and it’s the same for Television news and news magazines. Cutbacks because of declining readership and viewers are everywhere. It looks like the fickle American public is no longer satisfied with the same old Liberal propaganda machines.

Waiting in the wings to take over for these, has been outfits that are unable or unwilling to give the public what it needs and wants is your favorite Crimefile News offering, Crimes, Guns and Videotape. I’m poised to bring something new to the face and scope of news. Yes folks, there is hope and change in the cards for the delivery of news and commentary but for government interference.

I will be enjoined by government from expanding into a commercial news provider as our politicians give your money to these organizations that Americans have already rejected as their news providers. I will never be able to compete for my piece of the American dream. As a journalist with a publication I have a right to the same amount of taxpayer money to fund my news business as the New York, Times, Chicago Tribune or NBC News. We all know that will never happen because under Obama's Marxist agenda some people will always be more equal than others.

Go ahead I dare someone tell me how I’m wrong about this?

AIG Bonus Mess Stems From Simple Government Interference.

Washington, DC—Our politician’s pretend outrage is laughable when under our free market system of government AIG should have collapsed except for un-American government free market tampering.

There would have been no sky high bonuses or golden parachute severance packages for any of the architects of that failed company, just well-deserved unemployment. Other healthier American companies would have rushed and filled the void created by AIG’s demise.

When our politicians used taxpayer funds to bail out this mismanaged train wreck they also had to accept their existing contracts including golden parachutes for retirees and those bonuses.

Those who voted for the bailout deserve a severe beating from the American public not the bailed out executives of a company that should have been unceremoniously laid to rest.

It’s my fervent hope that every American politician that voted for the bailout and that phony stimulus package be tried for treason.

Why J-Fed Failed As Chicago’s Police Superintendant

Chicago, IL—Twice in my lifetime rank and file Chicago cops have handed down a no-confidence vote on a police superintendent. That last time that happened was to former superintendent Matt Rodriquez, who was paling around with a notorious convicted felon.

The Fraternal Order of Police just took a vote and Jody Weis was invited to leave the department by the working cops of Chicago. This vote came after little more than a year on the job.

Jody Weis was a square peg in a round hole since the day the mayor appointed him. Weis was never a street cop and could not relate to them. His wearing a uniform he never earned was a big mistake as was his effort to model the department after weightlifting steroid using muscle heads.

The biggest problem Weiss had was the direction from City Hall. The mayor and influential members of the City Council wanted to give the more vocal local African-American reverends the ability to create police policy. Police work is difficult enough to do without creating a climate of fear causing officers to shirk their sworn duty rather than become whipping boys for police haters.

If Weis had any potential to be a good leader for the department City Hall obstructed any positive efforts. Weis is in a no-win situation. The people pulling Weis’ strings simply don’t want an effective police department.

Every cop knows if they avoid conflict with criminals they will never get fired, indicted or suspended over false allegations. There is little reason for cops to do more than to avoid all conflicts and actual law enforcement.

This no-confidence vote is really more about Mayor Richard M. Daley and Uber-Alderman, Edward M. Burke. Chicago’s ignorant voters keep reelecting these fellows and the voters got what they wanted and deserved.

These politicians relentlessly demand and promote unconstitutional gun bans that do nothing but reinforce the authority of Chicago’s armed criminals over the disarmed and defenseless, law-abiding citizens. They have managed to turn good cops into unresponsive props. The City Hall crime control program keeps the thugs, thieves and extortionists in power by design.

Chicago does not deserve the few taxpayers they have left. Many thousands of productive people just like me voted with our feet and left this once great city. Soon there will be nobody left in Chicago but a parasitic population feeding on itself.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Obama Is On A Deadly Collision Course With Americans

Washington, DC—Just two months into his Administration Barack Obama is headed for a huge conflict with the people of this country.

So far we have four major outrages:

1. The ongoing destruction of free enterprise.
2. A proposal that wounded veterans pay for their own medical care.
3. The ending of the Armed Pilots Program.
4. An announced War on Gun Owner's Constitutional rights.

Whose side is this Communist bastatrd on? Can Obama be stopped? Can a Civil War be far behind? Will American soldiers fire on fellow Americans? Will Obama see the error of his ways? Will our Congress follow Obama straight to Hell?

Monday, March 16, 2009

California’s New Effort To Reform Its Concealed Weapons Law.

Sacramento, CA—Excuse me for being a pessimist in this solid Land of Bolsheviks but I don’t think this bill has a snowball’s chance in Hell. California’s gun haters will spend millions to protect the state’s muggers, rapists and killers.

With the pending release of tens of thousands of felons from California’s prisons California’s politicians would rather provide safer working conditions for carjackers, kidnappers and serial killers than allow for the meaningful self-defense of the law-abiding people.

None the less, contact those assembly members in your district as well as the following members and tell them to pass this important measure for public safety:

Jose Solorio

2400 E. Katella Avenue

Suite 640

Anaheim, CA 92806

Curt Hagman

23355 E. Golden Springs Dr.

Diamond Bar, CA 91765

Warren Furutani

4201 Long Beach Blvd.

Suite 327

Long Beach, CA 90807

Danny Gilmore

1489 W. Lacey Blvd., Suite 103

Hanford, CA 93230

Jerry Hill

1528 South El Camino Real

Suite 302

San Mateo, CA 94402

Fiona Ma

455 Golden Gate Ave.,

Suite 14600

San Francisco, CA 94102

Nancy Skinner

Elihu Harris State Building

1515 Clay Street

Suite 2201

Oakland, CA 94612

The Bill:
Bill Number CA Ab 357

Drew Peterson Grilled by Amy Jacobson, Geoff Pinkus and The Public

Chicago, ILAmy Jacobson once again proved her mettle as an investigative reporter when she went face to face with Drew Peterson last night. It was on Geoff Pinkus’ Livin’ Large Radio Show that Derw Peterson and his lawyer, Joel Brodsky answered those biting questions so many inquiring minds wanted answered.

Jacobson never missed a chance to hit Peterson with a skillfully crafted questions and great follow-ups. On the other side was an experienced professional cop/witness/suspect with 30 years of police work on his resume. I don’t know if Jacobson exposed any information that would solve the mystery but she followed the first rule of every investigator, she kept the suspect talking.

As for the interview in general it was timely, interesting and informative. It was great radio that showcased an obvious resurrection of news reporter, Amy Jacobson.

It was the strikingly similar case of Lisa Stebic, the wife of a private investigator, Craig Stebic in another Chicago area probe by Jacobson that sidelined her career. Jacobson caught some unjustified flack for her courageous effort to solve that case.

…And as for the, Will County State's Attorney… When Drew Peterson is answering questions, their investigators are always listening. A few wrong words and a criminal court jury may hear a recording of this and other interviews. Peterson is either very crazy or very innocent.

WIND Radio and Geoff Pinkus deserve a salute for giving their listeners a great show.

Podcast recordings of this “pinker’s” show of 3/15/09 show can be found here.

Outrage Over Marketing Of Fried Chicken

Germany—Some overly sensitive people are calling this racist. Others simply understand that nearly all African-Americans have a diet of choice that goes with the culture and has no race agenda. Watermelon and chicken have always been associated with African-Americans and to make that somehow an insult is both sick and twisted.

Is this unfair use of a name that just happens to be the current American President's? Since they only use "Obama" without the Presidents first name or likeness the association can only be in the mind of the observer.

A German company has drawn major criticism for marketing their tasty new “Obama-Fingers”. Because of the rhubarb, this company is now getting great free worldwide advertising. We know they will make more money than ever. Tyson foods should have dreamed this up here.

It’s okay to like fried, chicken, watermelon or any other food your physician will let you consume. Let me say that being a well-feed White guy I can attest to my share of consumption of fried chicken and watermelon.

I’m wondering now what I could market that would get this kind of free advertising since I need the money. This Obama-Fingers thing is just not that important. Excuse me while I put some leftover KFC in the microwave for a treat.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

On The Hunt for Lindsey Lohan, Fugitive from Justice

Hollywood, CA-As the cops are on the lookout for fugitive Lindsey Lohan. Lohan's new lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley is trying to get that arrest warrant quashed. That’s difficult to accomplish on a Sunday. Holley can be counted upon to plead her client’s case first thing in the morning in the Beverley Hills courthouse.

Let’s keep this story in its rightful perspective. Lohan was free on misdemeanor probation for a DUI offense. This is not armed robbery. She has a history of showing up for court but has been snagged for some technical violation of the conditions of her probation.

Lohan should be given the benefit of the doubt, her warrant quashed and instead she should be ordered to appear and show cause why her probation should not be violated. Should Lohan fail to appear an arrest warrant is the proper and legal remedy. I suspect that Lohan can find her way to court without guns and handcuffs.

That last thing that should happen is a repeat of that ugly and unforgivable incident where Paris Hilton was sent home by the Sheriff and ordered arrested by a rogue now former judge in the most humiliating display of unnecessary government force I’ve ever seen. Had they simply called Hilton or her lawyer and ordered Hilton to return to jail she’d have done that without that horrible circus.

I fully expect to see the warrant quashed tomorrow, a short court date set for Lohan and if the court finds Lohan violated her probation it will punish her. If there was a misunderstanding then Lohan will be directed to fulfill the requirements of probation or face the consequences.

Lohan’s life has been a soap opera for sure. Too many parties and an excess of bad judgment with displays of less than dignified behavior has clouded her career. Lohan is still growing up and just because she’s now famous does not mean she can’t succeed.

I don’t care about her sexual preference but Lohan needs to get into a stable relationship that does not involve legendary fights with broken windows. I think Sam is proving to be a career killer.

Update: 3/16/09 It was in the words of William Shakespeare, "much ado about nothing." The warrant was recalled today. Lrt's hope Lindsey can overcome this part of her life.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Beating The Bail Bondsman

Looking at Lindsey Lohan’s latest arrest warrant legal troubles I decided to inform the less affluent working man or woman living in a failing economy a way to beat overblown and impossible bail settings on arrest warrants.

I hope you, or a family member or friend will never have to resort to this method but if you find yourself in a jam this will help. I see lots of arrests for various new Obama inspired gun bans on the horizon.

First determine what court, judge, and case number is involved with the warrant. That may require a phone call to the prosecutor’s office or the court clerk. Prepare a written, “Emergency Motion for Release on Own Recognizance or reduced Bail.” The motion should state how long you lived in the community and you’ve never failed to appear in any court. Further you should state that you are anxious to prove your innocence without going into any facts surrounding the case.

Bring your motion and two copies to the courtroom of the judge that issued the warrant early in the morning. Waiting until late in the day may give the court time problems and little choice but to allow your incarceration.

The clerk will call your case and you tell the judge you will use whatever bail money you saved to hire a lawyer. You can always ask for a public defender at your next court date.

By doing this you will have proven to the court that you’re not a flight risk and can be trusted to appear in court. You probably will beat the expenditure of thousands of dollars and some very nasty pre-trial jail confinement.

Here is a sample motion for you:
Bail Motion

On The Lam With Lindsey Lohan

Hollywood, CA—She’s frantically looking for a lawyer and bail bond arrangements at this hour. This legendary lass would much rather bed with her “Daddy DJ” Sam Samantha Ronson then bunk with the ladies in the L.A. County Jail. The problem is a pesky $50,000.00 arrest warrant over a probation issue stemming from a 2007 DUI conviction.

Where does a more recognizable face duck the law? Will one of her paparazzi pals rat her out so he can snap that big money picture of this lovely lesbian in handcuffs? We all know the answer to that one. Fame has its price.

Where’s legal legend, Blair Berk when you need her? I bet she’s working overtime and already making nice for Lohan. Cold hard cash beats the Public Defender any day.

I hope Lohan takes a little effort to make that new booking photo look like her latest promotional headshot

A special request to Lindsey and Blair: Let this old PI in on the place and time of surrender so I can get that hot photo, I can really use the $$$!

Yikes! TMZ.Com has an update: "3:49 PM ET Three LAPD cops were knocking at the door, trying to get Lindsay and Sam to open it but they would not. One of the cops was pacing the property. The cops have left the front door but they're still in the area. One of the cars left the house but is parked up the street. Word is they may arrest Lindsay and take her to jail.

The cops now tell us they were called for a disturbance and not there to arrest Lindsay.

Sam and Lindsay have gotten into a nuclear fight at Sam's house. The police are trying at their front door to talk to Lindsay and Sam but they will not open the door. The two are definitely still in the house

We're told the police are trying to serve Lindsay her warrant"

TMZ,Com has more! "UPDATE: "4:20 PM ET Here's the latest. The cops have left the house. We're told the LAPD will not arrest Lindsay for the warrant, at least not now. Sources say Lindsay will not surface until the court hearing on Monday. If she does go out in public and cops see her she risks getting arrested. So it's unlikely she will show her face -- if she's smart -- until Monday AM."

Friday, March 13, 2009

The NRA Membership Has Ignored Minorities For Too Long

Pictured above, Freedom Fighter, Frederic Douglass and modern Civil Rights Leader and NRA Director Roy Innis. Innis marched with Dr. King for civil rights. Innis is also a founder of the Congress of Racial Equality

Chicago, IL--Fairfax, VA, is Ground Zero for the fight for our fundamental rights for survival. This is where our Second Amendment rights are guarded by the vigilance of several million members of the National Rifle Association. Something is missing and demands attention. The recruitment of minorities especially African Americans has been overlooked.

The history of American gun control began during post Civil War reconstruction to further victimize and control the newly freed slaves. The idea spread up the Northeast Seaboard to New York City. It was later used to oppress each new ethnic group entering the land of the not so free.

America’s African American politicians are lock step with the Ku Klux Klan. Overwhelmingly they support every kind of gun ban. They do that as the very people they claim to represent are at the mercy of thugs, the street gang culture and violent failed Drug War.

In my home town the ghetto schools are staffed by the most pathetic excuse for teachers. They inspire nobody and exist solely because of society’s mandate and a regular paycheck. They are supposed to inspire and set the standard for culture. Instead the African American’s are kept ignorant and under the thumb of government control either inside or outside the prison system.

In Chicago it’s not the Black man that runs the household but the single Black mother with too many children. Yes, it’s an untold scandal and under these conditions African Americans will always come in last for the gifts of a great society, good, education, jobs and wealth. They will continue to overload the courts and corrections system.

Buried in this sea of disenfranchised humanity are law-abiding men and women who are suffering. They must live in fear for their very lives and are frightened for their children they are forbidden by law to protect. This is wrong and this is un-American.

If the law-abiding African Americans understood they have the right to keep and carry guns for self-defense along with the information that government has violated their rights we’d never have to worry about gun bans again.

There is a solution. I’d love to make a documentary film about Gun rights and African Americans. This would cover the history of gun control, and also name the names of the African American politicians that are keeping their own Negroes in their place. Instruction of obtaining training and safe firearms would be included.

After the film is finished, I’d want to see NRA members distribute the DVD’s with a warm handshake and white carnation to every adult as they leave churches in those troubled neighborhoods. They’d also provide the names and phone numbers of their own elected officials so they could demand real hope and change.

Delivering books or putting information on the Internet won’t do much for African-Americans in Chicago. Unfortunately reading is not fundamental in Chicago’s ghettos and handing out DVDs is a must.

There is no better way to protect freedom. African Americans have also filled veteran’s cemeteries giving their lives for our freedom. Let that not have been in vain.

An important side note:
US Supreme Court--Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 19 How. 393 393 (1856)

"It would give to persons of the negro race, ...the right to enter every other State whenever they pleased, ...the full liberty of speech in public and in private upon all subjects upon which its own citizens might speak; to hold public meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms wherever they went."

This was the court's racist reasoning the cited as to why Dred Scott was returned to his former owner.

Even The Lawyers Need Food Stamps Now

Chicago, IL-Powerhouse law firm, Sidley Austin LLP has had to jettison 89 associates and 140 staff members. The law firms are obviously not immune to our economic fee fall.

Many other silk stockings law firms have dumped hundreds of lawyers and other staff members worldwide.

This kind of meltdown was always unthinkable in a society that has been litigating and fighting more contract and property battles than ever. I guess too many companies can no longer afford lawyers.

It looks like we will be seeing some well dressed folks in the breadlines. Hang on folks this is only the beginning.

Anna Nicole Smith, Son’s Grim Reapers Arrested

Los Angeles, CA—Lawyer and sometime paramour Howard K. Stern faces drug allegation in connection with drugs that may have lead to the deaths of Anna Nicole Smith and her son.

The allegations and evidence surfaced after search warrants were served on the offices of two physicians who were also charged with felonies, Sandeep Kapoor, 40, and Khristine Eroshevich, 61, who allegedly prescribed medication unlawfully to Smith, according to the L.A. County District Attorney's Office.

The conspiracy counts allege the three defendants conspired to provide controlled substances to Smith from between June 2004 and January 2007. They also were charged with "prescribing, administering or dispensing a controlled substance to an addict," among other charges.

It will be interesting to see how Stern can be part of a crime that involves medical prescriptions from doctors to a patient.

Stern was released on $20,000.00 bail.
Stern Booking

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Obama VA: Let’s charge vets for care on service-related injuries

Washington, DC—The fact that the Obama Administration is actually suggesting this shows above all this scum-sucking rat is nothing less than a stinking traitor.

What soldier would ever serve a country that would demand payment for treatment of service related injuries? Is this happening in the same country that established a workman’s compensation program for people injured on the job?

It can't be made more clear that Obama wants to weaken and destroy America. This is Tyrnnay!

Obama is a total abomination who is in need of Impeachment for High Treason. At this point I look forward to Obama’s quick removal anyway it can happen.

Read about this outrage right here.