Springfield, IL—There were some 6,000 gun owners that took over the State Capitol grounds to show their support for concealed weapon carry rights and to stop more gun control schemes by Chicago's Loony Left Wing Democrats.
Observers here had never seen such a large group participating in government in many decades. The group was friendly, well behaved and sincere in their effort to insure the right to defend self and family.
The message was clear, 48 other states respect the rights of the law-abiding to protect themselves in and outside of the home. Guns do save many more lives than those taken by violent criminals.
Enjoy the photographs taken by my dear friend Raj Singh, President of Eagle Grips located in Carol Stream, IL. Visit the Eagle Grips websire here.
Winnenden, Germany—A 17 year-old former pupil of the Albertville School returned wearing black combat gear, was armed with a weapon, opened fire and has murdered 12 students and three teachers. Responding police killed the young gunman after two cops were wounded by gufire.
The school is not far from Stuttgart and in an area where violent crime is rare. Germany has some really restrictive gun laws that preclude most citizens from using firearms for self-defense. As always the gun laws do nothing but facilitate cowardly criminals who are assured by misguided laws that nobody can resist being victimized.
It is essential that there are trained and well armed people protecting vulnerable children. Guns are always used to protect money, why don’t the even more valuable children deserve the same meaningful protection?
Of course like politicians everywhere you can expect many in Germany to demand even more gun laws that will facilitate even more violent acts by criminals protected by bad laws.
Bolingbrook, IL— Thomas Morphey's story is worthless to police and prosecutors. Morphey told his tale before and is getting the celebrity treatment again today.
This interloper’s claim is to have helped retired police sergeant, Drew Peterson dispose of a blue barrel that was “warm to the Touch” he says contained the body of the missing Stacy Peterson.
Had Morphey anything helpful or credible to say prosecutors would have not let the sun set before they would force him to tell his story to the empanelled Grand Jury.
Morphy has well documented issues with mental illness and drug addiction. It’s more than a little obvious that there were problems with Morphy’s unsubstantiated, tall tales. The biggest problem of all was an exhaustive search for the “blue Barrel” he claimed may have contained a body was fruitless.
Morphey has again fanned the flames of wild gossip and media speculation. There is no change. There’s no credible evidence of Drew Peterson’s involvement in any crime. There’s no fire here just more of the same old smoke.
Washington, DC—He is never without his teleprompter and that leads me to ask, who’s pulling the strings on this puppet? We know that many millions of dollars contributed to his campaign came from foreign lands.
Barack Obama’s citizenship has never been vetted and strong evidence including a statement from his own grandmother shows he was born in Kenya, Africa. There are several lawsuits and a military Court’s Martial pending to learn the truth of Obama’s qualification or lack thereof to be President.
There are too many questions many Americans have about just whose running this country right now. Those pulling the strings are obviously on a fast track to destroy our economy, system of government and way of life. These people can’t really be that dumb or reckless. There has to be a Communist conspiracy behind the destruction of America. They know just what they are doing and the results are only too predictable.
When Obama’s checks bounce and they will we will have huge civil unrest to deal with. When will Obama summon help from UN troops and multi-national Communist troops for our safety?
Will we survive the two years it will take to clean the Communists from our House of Representatives during the 2010 election? Will they use disturbances as an excuse to cancel the election?
Chicago, IL—Chicago police Superintendent Jody Weis was take to the US District Court woodshed by Judge Robert Gettleman for his initial failure to turn over records kept by the department concerning past citizen’s allegations of misconduct against cops.
This was avoidable had the Chicago Police Department done what’s reasonable and fair to officers cleared by investigations.
The cleared officers have a right to see bogus complaints thrown out with the garbage instead of collected and stored for future litigant's and media fishing expeditions.
The department refuses to prosecute criminals who waste investigator’s valuable time by making false reports against officers. The law dictates that people be prosecuted for making false police reports but command officers have always obstructed justice by failure to do their sworn duty in that regard.
The records then should be inventoried as evidence in the criminal actions against the people making false police reports, where they belong instead of personnel files.
If J-Fed really wanted to protect the officers he and the city could have established a policy to shred records where officers have been cleared. Certainly they need not keep those records longer than the statue of limitations for filing claims and lawsuits.
Had the city adopted a fair policy for the officers this would not have been the embarrassment it became. It’s time to change the policy
Springfield, IL—Wednesday, March 11, 2009 will see lots of gun owners demanding their rights at the doors of the legislature.
Gun owners from all over the state are expected to meet their elected officials face to face. Our legislature will see their fellow citizens in business attire along with their friendly demeanor and commitment to support the Constitution.
Be seen and heard by the people who control your lives. Take a day off and attend. It should be a fun day for all. There is a strong push for legalized concealed weapons for the law abiding citizens of Illinois.
Washington, DC—They’re both are cut from the same cloth and it’s only natural that Barack Obama would extend his friendship and allegiance to a reprehensible rogue Communist nation like Cuba.
The Obama Administration has announced their intent to lift sanctions and travel restrictions to Cuba. This is a country run by a Communist dictator that seized property of American citizens and corporations at gunpoint. Thousands of Cubans were murdered by that ruthless dictator Fidel Castro.
The human rights record of this island prison is abysmal. What Cuba needs if freedom from Marxism. America has let the Cuban people down by not protecting them.
I fully expect Obama and his Marxist pals in our Congress to shower the Communist thugs with taxpayer money before too long. This is when we should be showering these killers with napalm.
I’m sure that we will have many more outrages like this before Obama is removed from the Whitehouse by ballots or a mob of patriots.
Simi Valley, CA—In the Bolshevik Collective of Caliornia there is a real monument to freedom and liberty. It is the Reagan Presidential Library and Museum.
Saturday night this wonderful place was filled with 43 surviving recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Along with these heroes was a large contingent of patriotic entertainers. Many I recognized instantly by face and name and many more that that I’ve seen in so many films and TV shows.
There were theatrical agents, producers and directors from the Right thinking side of entertainment. An in the mix excitingly beautiful women were everywhere.
The hosts, presenters and those honored included former First Lady, Nancy Reagan, General David Petraeus, WWII hero and actor, Charles Durning, CNN combat reporter, the lovely Alex Quade, Gary Sinise, Tom Sellak, David j. McIntyre, Jr. and Bruce Brereton.
I reflected on my two years as an Army medical corpsman in Germany holding off the Russians during the Viet Nam War. I was indeed humbled by my fellow Americans that gave so much more to preserve our freedom and way of life.
This was indeed a Celebration of Freedom at a time when our country faces the greatest crisis in my lifetime.
USA-The Republican Party has become the party of pretend Conservatives like John McCain, and both Bush Presidents. Today’s Republican Party supports too much control, taxation and pushes an ever-expanding government over Americans.
The last election saw Conservatives staying away from the polls because McCain was a Republican Senator who voted more often with Obama, Clinton and Kennedy. McCain refused to protect America from illegal immigration allowing for the invasion of crime, poverty and narcotics. McCain never deserved nor did he get the support of Conservatives.
The present Republican Party leadership is that of longtime members of the House and senate entrenched in a system of corruption and pork politics. They have little in common with Conservatives anymore.
Either the Republican Party will clean its own house and return to Conservative values and principals or Conservatives must unite under another brand name.
Washington, DC—Since Barack Obama and his merry band of Bolsheviks want to destroy the economy with a trillion dollar giveaway to special interests as they raise taxes two things will happen. Any improvement in the economy will be halted and reversed as our currency becomes worthless through hyperinflation.
The only sure way to stabilize our economy and protect our way of life is to suspend all tax collection from Americans and the companies that employ them. That will never happen under this bunch of traitors.
These elected Marxists want nothing less than total Armageddon for our economy and way of life. Their direction and efforts can only be a deliberate effort. They know exactly what they are trying to accomplish. The proof of their ambitions is in their actions to date.
Obama’s minions are creating the Perfect Storm that will enable them to suspend our Constitution, impose martial law and bring on their Communist revolution. I wish I was wrong but history is the model here.
Preparation and tactics for resistance:
To control Americans these Communists can be counted on to:
1. Shut down or control access to the Internet, commercial radio and television airwaves. 2. Make an effort to seize arms and ammunition from civilians. 3. Tightly control who receives food, medicine, water and fuel through identification and data. 4. Create a paid snitch network to expose members of the resistance. 5. Kill thousands if not millions of civilians like every other Marxist regime before them on this earth.
To resist Americans must:
1. Learn who you can trust in your own neighborhood. 2. Create neighborhood organizations with a command structure. Using the words of our founders, “A well regulated Militia.” 3. Create your own currency with gold, diamonds, fuel, food and ammunition. 4. Stockpile non-perishable food and look for alternative sources of food like hunting and fishing. 5. Know where your drinking water will come from. 6. Obtain cheap and easy family service radios. Find and befriend your local ham radio operators. 7. Expect in extreme weather conditions to be without fuel or power for heating and cooling. 8. Stockpile batteries, medicine and first aid supplies. 9. Be ready to engage in fierce combat with those supporting the Communists and other criminals. 10. Never ever fire any shots from the vicinity of your own home unless you want to see it blown up by the Communists forces. 11. Obtain some survival reading materials. 12. Learn how to make and deploy effective improvised explosive devices from fuel, fertilizer and household items.
A side note. When Fidel Castro seized power in Cuba, our liberal media was speculating and suggesting Castro would be a great friend to America. We all know just what a great friend to democracy and freedom Castro was. The same is true now while we wait for this despot Barack Obama to show his true red color.
Los Angeles, CA—I must admit this old private eye never heard of Chris Brown or Rihanna Fenty until the big rhubarb and publicity along with the leaked photo showing injuries to the young lady’s face.
I don’t understand why anyone needs to hear about the inside of some relationship explosion between these kids. I don’t approve of domestic violence under any circumstance. As that old song goes, “you only hurt the one you love.” These nasty things happen all too often in our society.
The cops were called and they made a felony case for assault that the prosecutor has now filed in court. The rub here is their victim, Rihanna Fenty apparently wants the prosecution ended.
The DA intends to move the prosecution forward using a hearsay exception that allows “excited utterances” to be used as evidence. So even if the victim refuses to testify or becomes unavailable, statements recorded such as 911 calls or things told to police will be presented to a court and jury.
I say the government should back off and let the now reconciled kids work out their own difficulties. Frankly I think if the assault happened and Chris Brown committed a crime Rihanna Fenty is nuts for ever seeing the big jerk again.
Please vote in the poll at the top of the page and tell me what you think and or leave a comment.
Washington, DC—As Barack Obama and the usual suspects plan their tyranny against gun owners I suspect they don’t have a clue just what the consequences are for a war on armed Americans.
American gun owners feel that the Second Amendment questions were settled by the Heller decision last summer. They are not about to let some group of lawless despots infringe on their rights to keep and bear arms.
It’s one thing to say, “From my dead cold hands!” But there is so much more to this. The offending politicians, bureaucrats along with the gun confiscators and their families will be paying with their lives too.
As I write this the home addresses of prominent folks in the movement are being collected and distributed. As the raids begin against gun owners there will be an equally heavy price for those that dare conspire, facilitate or in any way violate gun owners rights will have to pay.
Gun owners remember only too well the men, women and children murdered by federal agents and military members at Waco, Texas. They also remember the government terrorism unleashed on Randy Weaver and his family. I don’t think it would be wise for the Obama Administration to disturb the sleeping giant.
Guns and ammunition has been hoarded now for many months. The media has it wrong. The hoarding is not to obtain the firepower before a big ban. The hoarding is more about stopping the spread of Communism and expected violent gun confiscation.
Wholesale gun confiscation in America will bring Armageddon. Those that think that gun confiscation would be peaceful and need to think again. How many people must die to pursue an un-America agenda?
New York, NY—So many fine men and women went to war protecting our freedom only to return to an ungrateful nation. Some of the old vets outlive the important people in their lives and are all alone. 68th Precinct Officer, Susan Porcello responded to a 911 call only to meet someone that would change both of their lives, an elderly marine.
Susan, you did not risk your life or take a bullet but you are every bit a hero. Your story made my day and I think many of my readers.
The Obama Administration is threatening to make war on gun owners with some of the most draconian gun and ammunition bans ever in the United State of America.
On May 14 through 17 the NRA is holding our annual meeting and convention in Phoenix, Arizona. This is a great time and place for a show of our determination to preserve our Liberty and Freedom.
Please make a point of attending the convention and bring your families and friends. We have never before needed to show we are united in our demands. This is the place to tell Obama and his Attorney General that we will not stand for another Waco assault in America.
Chicago, IL—It was a cold 1973 New Year’s incident where a young woman survived a kidnapping by a prolific sadistic rapist on the fashionable Near North Side. It became an amazing and much larger story of a broken criminal justice system, a terrorized neighborhood along with the self-reliance and bravery of a beautiful recruit policewoman, Ann Leybourne.
This true story, Come Friday needs to be seen in a theater near you and it may happen as some investor sees an opportunity to place his or her money in an industry that thrived during our Great depression. Entertainment somehow managed to survive while other industries drowned in a sea of red ink.
Normally feature films are a riskier investment but the payoff can be quite handsome. Now is a better time than ever to evade the stock market or even more dangerous places for your money.
Any investor can take the project to a talent agency and get the film made. directors, actors and other needed talent will be made available and the film will get made for sure. The investor/s in fact become film producers.
The investor safety net is an experienced entertainment lawyer and accountant with malpractice insurance. Come Friday needs no special effects and is driven by actors rather than expensive gimmicks and that puts this film the low budget category.
My rough guess is somewhere between $5 and 7 million. The true cost to make this film can be determined easily enough.
I’d love to hear from anyone who is looking to escape the stock market or other investment schemes that are all tanking. I can be contacted by clicking on my profile picture on the right side.
Washington, DC—As it was with Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Castro and so many others the excuse to end Liberty will be for public safety. Lately the Barack Obama Administration has been hearing anger and some rage from Americans opposed to adopting our government policy from Karl Marx’s playbook, Das Kapatal.
We have seen this kind of oppression play out before in places like Cuba and post World War One Europe. Yes Abraham Lincoln did that here too and fueled a Civil War that cost more American lives than any other conflict to date.
They are also hearing anger from freedom loving gun owners about the slew of gun and ammunition bans Obama’s minions intend to force on Americans. Yes, despite the recent Supreme Court Heller case that defined the right to bear arms as an individual right rather than a right of government Obama’s tyranny is moving forward.
Guns and ammunition are being hoarded by Americans like never before, not in fear of new laws, but instead for use against anyone the government sends to confiscate guns and endanger liberty.
How soon will we have all our Constitution suspended by our new President? All out civil war is the proper response rather than submitting to some lawless dictator. One only need remember the holocausts of Europe, China and Cambodia to know life, liberty and property must be protected no matter the cost in blood.
Obama better read that portion of our Constitution that gives Americans the right and duty to protect our form of government from many of his Communist ideals.
What will the next presidential assassin’s criminal defense be? The rights of revolution, preserving the Constitution from despotism or simple necessity are all possibilities.
It was my country and its government that drafted me into the Army and taught me how to kill Communists that threaten democracy. I still believe that was and is necessary for our freedom.
Politicians and bureaucrats with designs on our Freedom and Liberty must be stopped where they stand.
Wilmette, IL—In the Land of Obama justice is strange. A man defending his home with a gun is put through Hell. A man who murders his wife and after conviction and a short prison stretch gets another chance to marry and murder yet another wife.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry learning about this case. Of course we must remember that Illinois has some of the most restrictive and miserable gun laws in America. As always, those laws only affect law-abiding people.
In this well-heeled community police discovered that a convicted wife killer, 54-year-old Richard Wiley murdered his second wife, 50-year-old Kathy Wiley-Motes and his stepson 17-year-old Christopher Motes before turning the working Civil War replica gun on himself.
WLS-TV’s enterprising reporter and various Wilmette neighbors can’t seem to figure out why this crime occurred are they really all that stupid?
The picture is of a Spy Pen Camcorder available for sale.
Our jury system is far from perfect since people called to jury duty seem to have little problem with committing perjury. Far too often the people sitting on juries are having too much fun at the expense of justice.
There are those people who are addicted to trial watching who think the job of a juror is to aid the prosecution in convicting the accused. Some actually believe that the cops have secret evidence that can’t bring into a courtroom for technical reasons that are solid proof of guilt. It’s nearly impossible to uncover this kind of bias before a juror is seated.
The jury pool is always made up of retired people or simple civil servants with jobs that reward them for jury service with civic duty pay. Idle people are very prone to misconduct.
It would be far better to randomly draft jurors who come from the ranks of sought after professionals. They very people who always escape jury duty because their jobs are too demanding like physicians and corporation executives.
The last juror I’d ever want on my panel is the one wanting to be there. Nobody in their right mind should enjoy the inconvenience and role of a juror.
I’ve learned that on at least one jury hearing an attempted murder trial the majority on the panel had Google the defendant’s and so called, victim’s name. The jury continued to seek information outside the court on the Internet for the length of the trial. The defendant was acquitted perhaps because the disobedient jurors learned some information about the alleged victim that was held back from them. You see the star prosecution had an extensive criminal record and was an illegal alien. That information was published right here on my blog,
This story is just too good. A convicted defendant’s mother set out on her own to investigate juror misconduct and exposed a total scumbag with surreptitious tape recordings.
There are many states that allow for, one-party consent to that type of taping. In Michigan and California it’s a serious crime. Perhaps because the politicians in those states are afraid to be caught on tape committing extortion like a certain Illinois Governor was recently.
I’ve been convinced that the first and second jury in the Phil Spector Murder Trial has been surfing the internet trying to find out what gossip they may be missing about the people involved.
This pen hidden camera plus audio is a super small camera with a mini DVR to record all the action. It even writes like a normal pen. No drivers or outside power source needed. It will charge plugged into the wall and when it is plugged into the computer.
Perfect camera for "body worn" application. Just click it like you would any ball point pen to start recording. Can record for a full two hours on a single charge. Recordings can be later downloaded via high speed USB 2.0 to your PC for viewing and storing.
You can even use it as a thumb drive to move files from one computer to another. Will hold 4 Gigs of files.
Spy Camera Pen operates as a 4GB USB drive Spy Pen Dimensions: 15cm x 1.5cm x 1.5cm (L x W x Diameter) Spy Pen Camcorder supports USB 2.0 and 1.0 Real time recording in AVI video format The 4GB Spy Pen will capture a total of about 4 hours of video USB Plug & Play CompatibleVideo file size: >500KB per min Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery Adaptor type: USB adaptor charging cable You can use the Spy Camera Pen as a voice recorder The Spy Pen contains the smallest pin-hole camera made especially for covert use Spy Camera Pen has an easy to use "one touch record" button allowing you to record any evidence instantaneously
Phoenix, AZ—I spent some time with some interesting folks last week. They were members of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s 3,200, member Posse. This was during the same time while several thousand Latino demonstrators protested this sheriff’s efforts to slow down the invasion of narcotics, crime and poverty from Mexico.
Even with Arpaio’s efforts the number of kidnapping of illegal aliens by others is staggering. Not only are these immigrants trespassing the damage from their blight is irreversible. You can't resurrect innocent victims of illegal aliens’ crimes from the dead. American schools and medical providers along with state and local governments have all been crushed under the huge financial burden resulting from the unlawful incursion.
The real reason Liberal politicians don’t want to block these folks unlawful entry is that they will insure an end to the form of government our founding fathers gave us. Marxist governments can only thrive where there is massive poverty and freedom along with prosperity don’t exist.
As for the posse, my home town Chicago can learn a lot from Sheriff Joe. American Sheriff’s posses have always been a way for Sheriffs to obtain manpower needed to confront crime. The concept is a simple one every community has a supply of reliable, honest and dedicated citizens. It’s from this valuable human resource that the posses are assembled.
Maricopa County, Arizona is larger than the State of Rhode Island and a challenge to police. Thankfully the posse here has been created and staffed with unpaid volunteers giving taxpayers a big break. The posse was here long before America’s toughest Sheriff, Joe Arpaio was elected.
The issues for Sheriff Arpario are funding, training and of course equipment. When a posse member signs on they are responsible for purchasing their own uniforms, and other expensive police equipment including firearms. The typical two days per month service will cost a posse member a cool $2,500.00 investment.
Things like patrol vehicles, police radios and items needed by the posse are provided not by taxpayers but the posse through various fundraising efforts. This has been nothing short of amazing as the posse police vehicles are always newer and better than what the taxpayers provides the full time professional force.
The posse members undergo various levels of training depending on the responsibilities they are willing to accept.
In places like Chicago with gun bans being a member of a posse or its equivalent allows for the ability to carry a gun even while off duty. People sign up simply because they want to carry a gun for self-protection father than provide a needed public service. That’s just not a good reason for anyone to join a posse.
In Arizona anyone other than a felon or mental defective can carry a gun throughout the state and cities unimpeded. Through a simple permit process weapons can be concealed. You need not join a posse to have full gun rights in Arizona. The posse is there for nothing more than public service.
The posse works under the supervision of the regular sworn officers given traffic duties and anything at all that would free up the regular officers for more serious assignments.
The posse members look and act like cops and have all the real police powers while under the direction of the regular sworn officers. Nobody can recall a scandal or negative news making incident of any posse members. The same can’t be said for the regular sworn force.
In Sun City Arizona there are Sheriff’s patrol cars everywhere. You can’t tell the posse from the regular cops unless you’re close enough to read the fine print on their Sheriff’s stars. Criminals have been intimidated by the presence of the posse for decades making Sun City one of the safest retirement communities anywhere.
Under Sheriff Arpaio funding for the posse has never been better. That’s because Sheriff Joe is the biggest ham and publicity hound anywhere in law enforcement. Sheriff Joe is the master of publicity stunts. Sheriff Joe is a genuine celebrity who can attract crowd wherever he goes.
Sheriff Joe has brought not only chain gang prison stripes to jail inmates but, embarrassing pink underwear and food that costs less than what is fed to most dogs. Sheriff Joe forbids, tobacco products, girly magazines as he has forced inmates to live in outdoor tents in the blazing Arizona sun.
The celebrity of Sheriff Joe has a huge side benefits for taxpayers. The needed posse funds are raised these days through the sale of Sheriff Joe’s pink jail underwear along with an assortment of novelties at various civic venues.
I don’t want to discount another force here and that’s the other volunteer force of unpaid but fully trained reserve officers that work for the local sheriffs as well as nearly every Arizona police department.
I have always found volunteers superior to the hard corps unemployed brought in to work for government under various jobs programs created by some of our politicians.
Could Chicago benefit from having a self-supporting Sheriff’s Posse? The answer is obvious.
Washington, DC—President Barack Obama lied to America about supporting the Second Amendment. The Obama gun and ammunition banning agenda has been officially announced today by Obama’s top Nazi, Eric Holder who was the architect of the Waco Massacre.
Banning what they deceptively claim, are assault weapons and cop Killer bullets is at the very top of the Obama agenda.
What bullet can’t kill a cop? What arm can’t be used for an assault? Those terms have always been incredibly incendiary and intentionally misleading.
When the founding fathers gave us the right to keep and bear arms they knew war was waged with the deadly arms American’s were given the right to own.
Our emancipators never suggested that the people should have a lower grade of weapon technology than the government.
Currently our Marxists in Congress have the votes to pass whatever they want and will do this in violation of the Constitution knowing that it will take decades or longer to get another decision from our Supreme Court. Obama will do as he always has done and support any effort to ban guns.
These days our gun stores can’t keep firearms or ammunition in stock. The press apparently believes these are people trying to own these items before the Obama administration can ban them. That’s simply wishful thinking.
Guns and ammunition are being hoarded by millions for an all out civil war over hard won American freedom and Obama’s anticipated Marxist tyranny.
The anticipation of tyranny is over now as the War on American’s Liberty and Freedom has begun. It’s too bad that Americans will be fighting and dying on our own soil once again. There is a lot more at stake here than political differences of reasonable men about gun rights.