Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Internet And The Phil Spector Trial

Los Angeles, CA—Celebrity justice is a strange animal. Either the accused is or because of a sensational crime becomes a celebrity. When that happens it’s dangerous to the very core of our American justice system.

Too often I’ve seen celebrities prosecuted simply because some cops and prosecutors know only too well they may hang on to the coattails of celebrities they too will gain fame and fortune.

The issue of fame and fortune too often taints criminal and civil trials. Indictments are sought just to raise the political profile of prosecutors and other government bureaucrats. Often judges change their personal behavior and make rulings designed to prolong their time in the spotlight. No high profile can begin without a press release boasting of an arrest or indictment

In our society the celebrity phenomenon brings bizarre results. Celebrities are created by the press for talent or some innocent or nefarious involvement in a monumental event.

The O.J. Simpson murder trial made numerous careers of lawyers, writers, broadcasters, a dishonest LAPD homicide detective and a freeloading Simpson house guest. Many went from government salaries to serious financial rewards. Simpson’s prosecutors did not fair too well from publicity simply because they lost the case.

Unfortunately infamy makes people rich as quickly as fame for admirable deeds. Disgraced detective Mark Fuhrman was the only person convicted of a crime in the Simpson case. He used his perjury conviction like a sword to become a multi-millionaire as an author and broadcast crime commentator for Fox News. He also is a talk show host. Today most people have forgotten Fuhrman is a convicted felon. Many people admire this criminal because of his infamous crime!

Judges get in on the act too. Sometimes it’s a career killer like it was for Simpson judge, Lance Ito. Who could forget the dancing Itos from The Tonight Show?

Now we have a new player in celebrity trials, the Internet. Jurors are admonished to avoid the media, Internet or conversations connected to the cases they are asked to judge. It’s nearly impossible to police jury conduct. In low profile cases this particular kind of jury misconduct does not happen.

People selected for jury duty too often love this duty for all the wrong reasons. They lie about their prejudices and personal baggage. Like Juror Number Nine in the first Phil Spector trial admitted recently, many of them enter the jury room with their mind already made up. This kind of misconduct eliminates discussion and deliberation as a way to a verdict.

In a low profile case several years ago I wrote about a justifiable shooting case in Hollywood. I wrote about the extensive criminal record and dubious immigration status of the so-called victim. That information was kept out of the trial and not transmitted to the jury.

More than a year had passed since that shooting and I noticed my web counter got 14 Los Angeles area hits on that forgotten story. I guessed why the sudden interest. The trial of the accused began and members of the jury were all doing Google searches on the defendant’s name! They had full access to the information the court ordered withheld and my opinion on just why this was a justifiable use of force.

That trial ended and I got an e-mail and phone call from the foreman of the jury telling me they acquitted the defendant! The IP address of that jury foreman matched that of a visitor to my site numerous times throughout the trial.

The first Phil Spector trial was covered by all manner of media complete with gavel to gavel TV coverage. I had suffered an injury and my movement was very limited as a result. I used that free time to watch the coverage and fully blog the trial.

I discovered an anti-Phil Spector hate campaign develop on the Court TV website and a Sherman Oaks woman’s blog that provided a true hatemonger’s view of the Spector case.

Juror Number Nine from the first Spector trial contacted this woman blogger the very day the trial ended in a mistrial. I remain convinced that this fellow who sought conviction was reading the Sherman Oaks based hate blog every night after the trial recessed.

As for the Spector re-trial only the Sherman Oak's based hate blog is publishing information about this case on a daily basis.

Should Spector be convicted I intend to suggest to the defense lawyers that subpoenas be issued for the ISP information of the juror’s. The website address viewing of the jurors is kept by the ISP and getting that information is simple. I see a mistrial for jury misconduct and perhaps we will see jury members get some unwanted fame.

I think the only right answer in high profile cases is to sequester the jury. That will keep them away from outside influence.

A side note: As some people try to castigate Phil Spector as a hater and abuser of women, that it was Spector who made millionaires out of so many women he promoted as a record producer. Spector brought out some of the most wonderful voices we’ve ever heard.

In case you’ve forgotten, sit back and enjoy the Dancing Itos!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Gift Of Music For A Child

Chicago—I remember when I was a little guy growing up, being raised by my part-time mother. Part-time because she found places and people to do the job she was incapable of, raising a child. I was on my own from age 14 on.

For a while my mother had an older sometime boyfriend who made a modest living as a singer in Chicago nightclubs. He played a guitar and attempted to impress my mother telling her in front of me that when I turned 12 he’d give me a guitar and teach me how to play it. I really wanted that to happen and it never did. I never learned how to play any musical instruments and feel deprived to this day.

As an adult, I could have bought something on my own but that would never have been the same. I’d have enjoyed the gift and more importantly the instruction and attention from a caring adult.

If you play something well and can afford it, find a needy kid that wants the gift of music and help him or her out. I wonder how many legendary entertainers got their boost in life from a musician.

Armed Home Invaders Caught On Tape!

Tucson, AZ—Imagine that you are one of those folks who are not self-reliant and four heavily armed invade your home. Even if you could somehow call 911 the response time is around six or ten minutes before help arrives.

The picture is not pretty. You, along with members of your family would be killed. If the thugs are still there when the police arrive there will be a shoot-out for sure. Perhaps a cop or two will die in a major bloodbath.

This incident turned out much better. A homeowner installed security cameras, and was well armed. When the unthinkable happened the homeowner sprang into action fighting off the attack.

Sit back, have some popcorn and learn how self-defense and self-reliance can make a difference. Now imagine if this incident took place where gun bans are strictly enforced against the law-abiding as they are in Chicago.

more views here:

License Plate Bait For Conservative Cops

Illinois—As Illinois bureaucrats gush and swoon over their new Messiah they took the unprecedented action making a special license plate for those willing to pay an extra fee.

When cops make traffic stops they must decide whether give warnings or write citations. I think seeing this plate will help the good officers make the correct choice.

As for those Conservative cops out there, I’d tell them, happy hunting! Illinois coffers needs all the fines they can collect from people with all that extra cash to pay the higher fee for silliness like an Obama plate.

Update: Someone suggested these plates will be targeted for racial profiling purposes by police. You must be kidding! Black folks are smarter than to waste money on those plates! The Obama plates will only show up on the cars that belong to rich White Liberals!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Why Liberal Radio Fails In America And The Fairness Doctrine

Washington, DC—The Loony Left politicians desperately want to bring back a major impediment to free speech called, The Fairness Doctrine. This idea was born when television and radio broadcast licenses and band space was greatly limited. Technology cured the problem with nearly unlimited and inexpensive ways to publish ideas. The Fairness Doctrine was no longer needed and discarded with the trash.

Prior to the 1980s Liberal radio talk shows ruled. That was not because of their popularity but the rather station owners preferences. Soon the marketplace determined that a new breed of Conservative political commentary broadcasters drew much larger audiences and made stations more profitable. That changed the landscape and the Liberal talk show hosts became endangered species.

This somehow terrified the Loony Left that their propaganda machine, Air America could not turn a profit. Let’s face it the Loony Left has an ideology that they subscribe to. On the other hand most Democratic voters don’t necessarily believe in anything but free money they get from Left Wing politicians. Of course that free money is proceeds of taxation extortion schemes. The vast majority Democratic voter are incredibly uneducated, ignorant and unmotivated.

Conservative voters are both educated and want to stay informed so they are much more inclined to consume all forms of publishing.

With Conservative talk radio programs being heard in all manner of places the fear is the Democratic voter may learn something that may motivate them into becoming educated and successful taxpayers. When taxpayers outnumber those on the dole, Democrats suddenly become the minority. That’s exactly why the loony Left wants to silence any Conservative message.

Letting the poor and uneducated learn there is a path to self-reliance and financial success is just what the Marxists fear. Communism only flourishes when the elite can keep the masses ignorant, poor, and dependent.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Crimefile’s Message To President Obama

...and then there is this travesty.

and this

Rookie Mistakes Or, I Won And I Am In Charge!

Washington DC—With less than a month in office Barack Obama has generated some messy blunders. That "change you can believe in" involved Obama’s trolling to find and appoint the Clinton Administration’s same old, tired bureaucrats.

Like a who’s who of usual political suspects, Obama’s top choices for Cabinet found their way to the top of the list. The tax cheats, and of course those professional Capitol Hill influence peddlers are everywhere. This is anything but change.

Fort Knox is being opened for every crooked, Loony Left political creature in America. Real help to Main Street Americans is not part of Obama’s program. If that was really the case Obama’s administration would suspend tax withholdings from American’s paychecks. Obama and his crew could suspend tax payments for companies that don’t demote or lay off workers.

Instead of helping Americans Obama’s orchestrating the biggest bribe package to political campaign contributors in world history.

The new “transparent government” promises have just not materialized.

The latest public slaps in the new President’s face came from the Caterpillar Tractor CEO that shot down Obama’s puffed claims that the so-called Stimulus Bill would put this company’s laid off employees to work.

Another slap came with an attempt to legitimize Obama-nomics by abusing respected New Hampshire Senator, Judd Gregg’s appointment as Secretary of Commerce. Clearly this was done to suggest Gregg somehow endorsed that Marxist trash legislation.

Considering the new paint in the Oval Office has not yet dried this sputtering start shows Obama will lead us straight to Hell.

Gun Control Gets a $10 Million Boost Under The So Called Stimulus Bill

Washington DC—The Bolshevik authored Stimulus Bill is a crooked politician’s wet dream. They have funded every possible program to destroy America rather than create or save real jobs.

Never let it be said the Loony Left would miss a chance to harass gun owners. They did this with an additional $10 million dollar gift to BATFE. Please, anyone tell how stepped up gun law enforcement will stimulate the economy? Page 720 outlines the scheme:

$10,000,000 shall be transferred to ‘‘Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Salaries and Expenses’’ for the ATF Project Gunrunner.

Only the Lord knows how many middle-aged gun collectors will have their lives destroyed in the name of economy stimulation.

Mass Prisoner Release, Reduced Law Enforcement Budgets And Gun Bans

Bolshevik Union of California—As this bankrupt state releases brigades of felons from the prisons to the street, law enforcement resources are being drastically cut. That’s a deadly combination.

Officials in the most populous and crime prone areas of this state offer only prosecution and lifetime criminal records for anyone who dares carry a gun for self protection. Police chiefs and Sheriffs have ability to issue concealed weapons permits but steadfastly refuse to enable more violent crime.

As our criminals go wild in the streets disrespect for law with be universal. The normally law-abiding people will begin to selectively obey laws as the cops get overwhelmed. Nobody in their right mind should submit to victimization over violating some well intentioned gun law. Choosing to risk getting criminal record over being made a paraplegic by a criminal is not really a difficult alternative.

It’s time for the Loony Left politicians to re-think their position on the human right of self-defense. Not everyone can afford to hire armed bodyguards in this failing economy. Not everyone lives in safe neighborhood or works in guarded ivory towers like our politicians.

Get Ready For The Bloodbath.

Bolshevik Union of California—We know a judge has ruled that Loony Left Wing California must release tens of thousands of felons from their prisons. This is beyond horrible when you consider they don’t believe in incarceration punishment anyway. Criminals must prove they are really bad before they get a significant prison term there.

Now Orange County is eliminating a significant percentage of probation officers. Without supervision we can count on seeing the first installment of Felons Gone Wild.

Whatever you do don’t carry a concealed weapon for the defense of yourselves, or family because Orange County’s appointed Sheriff, Sandra Hutchens will be gunning for you!

Read more right here.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Obama-nomics Plan In Action

Washington, DC—As the Loony Left leads us forward into this inevitable Socialist train wreck we will have to draw on the inspiration of the ultimate survivor. Learn from this dear man the art of dealing with hard times.

The Very Best Example Of Why We Have This Economic Nightmare

Here Senator Charles Schumer clearly demonstrates just how absolute power corrupts absolutely. With a smirk Schumer proclaims Americans don’t care about pork spending. There must be a warm place in Hell for this traitor!

Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens Needs To Resign Now.

Orange County, CA—The Board of Supervisors meeting was filled with an over capacity crowd as the newly appointed Sheriff, Sandra Hutchens explained her position revoking and not issuing concealed weapons permits to qualified citizens.

Hutchens demonstrated an attitude that made light of the rights and needs of people requesting the ability to protect themselves and families. Strong evidence of that disrespect was revealed with the release of numerous insulting text messages sent between the hand-picked, high ranking deputies she sent to fight attempts to get Hutchens to take a more measured approach to the permit policy at the last board meeting.

Hutchens informed 423, out of 999 concealed weapon permit holders of her intent to revoke their permits unless they could prove their need for protection would satisfy new demands by the Sheriff. Board members, Chris Norby and Janet Nguyen suggested that sending the notices was a form coercion designed to cause permit holder to abandon their rights and needs for the permits.

Hutches sent a heavy handed force of deputies to intimidate and humiliate people who came to monitor board action at the last meeting. Additionaly it was learned that deputies took control of surveillance cameras to spy on board member’s personal notes.

Hutchens’ gun-rights hatred may be appreciated in San Francisco or Los Angeles but is not welcome in Conservative Orange County. She’d never be elected as Sheriff now and her short tenure should come to an unceremonious and quick end.

Numerous speakers called for a no-confidence vote of Hutchens by board members and called for the Sheriff’s resignation.

Hutchens apologized for the” unprofessional text messages.” That is much too little, too late to resurrect the embattled Sheriff’s image. It’s time for Hutchens to enjoy her retirement and to quit enabling violent criminals by disarming trained and vetted civilians who have the right to self-defense.

Sheriff Sandra Hutchens is dead wrong for Orange County, California. Trying to hang on to her job will not avoid the inevitable. Orange County’s Conservative voters that never voted for the appointed Sheriff in the first place will oust her at first opportunity.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Celebrating The 200th Birthday of A Maniacal Tyrant

USA-Make no mistake the losers of wars are not the ones that write the history books. The winners of our incredibly destructive Civil War elevated a world class brutal tyrant to sainthood.

The Civil War should never have happened the North should have recognized the simple rights of the Southern states. Instead more young Americans had to die in an unnecessary war than in all other wars we’ve ever been involved with combined. We would have had a United States with local control.

Instead we have Washington, DC dictating every aspect of life to every state. Contrary to popular misconceptions the Civil War was not about slavery.

As for Abraham Lincoln the tyrant, he suspended the Constitution, shut down newspapers and jailed Americans without trial. Anyone speaking against that despot wound up in jail. Government thugs were sent to search homes, and businesses without warrants under this “great American leader'.

If there was a misdeed of John Wilkes Booth it was that he did too little, too late.

The Lincoln Sainthood PR Machine has brainwashed millions for nearly 150 years. Calling this un-American dictator one of the greatest presidents does a giant disservice to the scores of other men who lived up to their oaths of office.

With tough times ahead and a bogus stimulus plan that can only destroy our free market system we are about to repeat history.

As the narcotics addicts can’t afford their drugs, our prisons begin the wholesale release inmates they can’t afford to hold and the free money folks can’t get food stamps or cash life will be unbearable.

Crime will go wild as public anger spills over to the conditions of post World War I Europe. Freedom, prosperity and safety will be a thing of the past.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Prison Inmates Gone Wild! Thugs, Thieves And Killers To Roam Free!

Sacramento, CA—A panel of federal judges have ordered the release of tens of thousands of California felons from prison confinement. The court’s intentions are clear but the details have yet to be worked out. California just happens to be the state with the most liberal sentencing schemes in the country must release these bums.

The get out of jail free policy is perfect for a state that bars the law-abiding from concealed weapons permits for reasonable self-defense. I guess they want more population control, the problem is they’re controlling that portion of the population consisted of these predator’s future victims.

I foresee the Loony Left in charge of our government reducing spending on prisons rather than their pork projects. The body count will be staggering.

It really makes no sense to unload thousands of thieves and thugs who can be counted upon to commit more crimes than ever during our financial crisis. The goal is to reduce the prison population be half within three years. If there is any doubt that the inmates are in charge of the asylum. Just wait for the fireworks.

Anyone Can Sue Anyone In America For Anything

Douglas, AZRoger Barnett, 64 owns a ranch here. Barnett’s property has become a haven for criminal aliens trespassing, burglarizing, killing cattle and running drugs. Barnett had no choice but to abandon his property or use the law of citizen’s arrest. In the last decade he’s turned over 12,000 criminal aliens to law enforcement authorities.

Barnett has spent tens of thousands of dollars reinforcing his property with signage, sensors, fencing and every possible method of crime prevention. Anyone who can detain so may criminals without killing any has used genuine restraint.

Now 16 criminal aliens are claiming Barnett violated their civil rights and are demanding millions. The trial judge should never let this travesty get to a jury in the first place.

I hope that a jury of Barnett’s peers laughs the criminal aliens and their lawyers out of court. Likewise I hope Barnett gets attorney’s fees awarded and they bankrupt the scumbag lawyers that brought the action.

It’s just because of our worthless Congress that refused to require enforcement of the law of the land the criminal aliens are so emboldened. Laws only apply against Americans in America.

Perhaps the trespassers need to fall into a few pungi-stick filled holes. Perhaps ranchers quit calling the cops and feed the aliens to the local coyotes and buzzards. Mexico has only exported drugs, crime and poverty to America. The Mexican government needs to be overthrown.

Read more about this stinking story here.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Best Evidence That The Kennedy Assassination Was Not A Conspiracy.

Click on pictures to enlarge.
Dallas, TX—On November 22, 1963 the act of a dysfunctional creep took the life of an American President, John F. Kennedy. Killing a president is a pointless act because he is followed by a Vice President that shares the same views.

I have been convinced that Lee Oswald wanted to be a big man in Fidel Castro’s eyes and get a hero’s welcome in Cuba. Oswald had no financing or resources to further his deed.

Oswald bought the rifle used for a mere $20.00. It was an unpopular, bolt-action 6.5MM Italian war surplus rife barely adequate for the job.

On the same Klein’s Sporting Goods ad was the venerable US Army, 30.06, M-1 Grand, semi-automatic rifle. The Garand has much more power, accuracy and the ability of firing more than twice the number of shots in the same time limitations. The Garand cost $90.00 and was listed in the same advertisement.

Additionally there were a number of powerful, accurate hunting style rifles that could have been purchased with fine optical scopes that would have produced shot groups no bigger than a quarter at that distance.

Had there been a conspiracy the people involved would have insisted a much better rifle was used. Oswald had little money from a low paying job and could not afford something better. As a former Marine he had his training with the Garand. Oswald would have stuck to what he was most familiar with but simply did not have the money.

IWA Is Europe’s Best Arms Show

Nuremberg, Germany—They still have firearms in Europe. In fact, cowboy action shooting hobbyists have taken over by storm. Hunting and conservation is still important to thousands across the Atlantic. Not every country has joined the extreme gun banning of the UK. March 13 through 16 this will be the place to be.

Of course there are lots of law enforcement products and agencies with their checkbooks needing the latest and greatest equipment.

This is the place to see the newest firearms and accessories anywhere on the continent. Of course buyers and exhibitors from more than 100 countries attend this annual event. It’s that time again even though this grand old city’s weather is still a little nippy. But there is a lot to see and do here for the over 30,000 people expected to attend.

The American manufacturers exhibiting here find this show as a great place to do business. Like the American SHOT SHOW this is only open to members of the trade and journalists.

Now if I can only figure out how I can participate in this event…

Here is the official IWA website in English.

Obama Assassination Facts

Washington, DC—The United States Secret Service had better keep the new president, Barack Obama in a bunker for his own safety. There is more than a little chatter about killing our elected leader on the Internet. Out of curiosity I put Obama and assassination into the Google search engine. This was the staggering and shocking result: “Results 1 - 10 of about 3,320,000 for Obama assassination. (0.28 seconds)”

Then I took the term’s Bush and assassination and got this result: “Results 301,000 for bush assassination. (0.33 seconds)” George W. Bush was the most unpopular President of my lifetime and he held office for eight years! Also in that same figure you must include George H.W. Bush who served four years.

There are people who hate Obama for the color of his skin and a lot more that hate the Red color of his politics. Those were the motivations for this chatter for the most part of the tiny percentage of sites I read.

The so called, Trillion Dollar Stimulus Package is considered anti-American by many millions including myself. Many millions also feel Obama is a threat to our form of government and way of life.

Based on the chatter I suspect that there will be competing teams of assassins unaware that others have given themselves that kind of a mission. Aside from foreign governments, mental defectives the Secret Service will be finding more mainstream Americans that are convinced Obama must be stopped at all cost.

Only time will tell us about Obama’s mortality, but with 3,320,000 Internet conversations dedicated to that subject, I’d say things look pretty grim after less than one month in office.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

What Form Of Government Do We Have Now?

Most Americans are confused. They don’t know the Right from the Left. Here is a short but informative political science lesson. You will see clearly where we are headed.