Saturday, February 07, 2009

Communists Are Now Running Our Government

Washington, DC—It’s a sad day for America as the dedicated Communists have the majority and are able to destroy our free market system. They had the opportunity to stop the runaway corruption in our banking system but these same politicians were a big part of the problem creating the bank failures and monetary crisis.

The Communists have figured out a way to make things much worse if that was possible. This action will soon bring about unrest, Martial Law and Armageddon before it’s over. They have gotten what they wanted a clear path to the end of freedom, liberty and our way of life.

Every politician that supported this so-called, “Stimulus Package” is now an enemy of The United States of America. The same is true for any President that would dare sign this garbage into law. They should be arrested and tried for treason. They violated their oaths to protect our Constitution.

Friday, February 06, 2009

When A Flip-Off Becomes A Felony

Portsmouth, NH—With our new Communist leadership we are becoming more like Cuba and North Korea every day. We’ve made a huge issue of dispute resolution through various types of court restraining orders. Sooner or later the Bolshevik style make work projects will be to construct enough prisons to hold most Americans.

In rare situations the orders serve their purpose. Orders are merely pieces of paper. If you really need protection get training and carry a gun!

One silly case got a man charged with a felony crime for flipping off someone under the protection of one of those orders. Was that overkill? You bet. Welcome to the Socialist Republic of Amerika, Comrade!
Read more about this sordid story here.

The Ultimate Empty Suit Is Showing His Lack Of Leadership

Washington, DC—The world’s Communist/Socialist elite put record sums of cash behind a man of little experience or substance. They subverted the election process with the help of willing media by creating a celebrity. If they wanted a celebrity Paris Hilton had more to offer.

Barack Obama has been faltering as he’s allowed the Loony Left in our Congress to load the so-called “Stimulus Bill” with billions of tax dollars for crap that can only destroy the free market as we know it. There is nothing for Americans that have paid taxes except a promise of ruin.

We have an economy that is depressed. The only avenue for remedy is less government and taxes. Instead they are manufacturing a full blown Catastrophe that will ultimately create a human holocaust.

As we make our currency worthless by over-printing and distributing it we will find ourselves bartering food, fuel and possessions.

Crime will rise off the charts as the millions of drug addicted people in this country will no longer be able to support their habits. City governments will no longer be able to cope as we begin a deadly orgy of population control.

Anger and frustration is never good for any country’s population. History has shown us that the only way governments seem to deal with that kind of unrest is by suspending rights and killing civilians.

I don’t have the confidence that our current government officials will avoid creating the conditions for a Civil War that will prove to be the most destructive and war this world has ever seen.

Chaos, Anarchy and deprivation are on the horizon because of Communists in our own government. Anyone that does not recognize that Obama, Reid and Pelosi are in fact Communists are total fools. Freedom cannot last as we travel into this new direction.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

I have A Better Answer Than The Obama Team To Fix Our Economy

Washington, DC—As Barack Obama and the other Communists in our government order endless amounts of money printed and given away for crap we don’t need, I have a better idea. They don’t have enough people or presses to print all the money they want to throw around.

There is a solution! Let everyone with a copy machine duplicate all the money they need! No checks to write or send around and the paper won’t be any more worthless than government printed money is about to become.

God help us all.

Unemployed and Underemployed Americans Need Jobs, Not More Government.

Washington, DC-Rewarding corrupt and failing businesses with taxpayer money in the form of bailouts is both un-American and insane. If anyone deserves rewards it’s profitable well-run companies that employ people! The reward should be to stop taxing these companies and to encourage them to reinvest into hiring more people.

The idea of the non-stop printing of money backed by nothing will do nothing except destroy our economy and way of life. Putting out another trillion dollars to those special interests who contribute to political campaigns to provide garbage we don’t want or need is beyond baffling. That’s just what they’re doing.

Instead of giving money away let’s let Americans keep and spend their own money on things and services they need. Why do we need bureaucrats to take our money and then return it subject to complicated accounting schemes? Of course along the way crooks are there to siphon off vast amounts of money through fraud.

Barack Obama and his band of Bolsheviks are set to destroy this country. We are on our way to our darkest chapter in history. The fallout will also jeopardize the lives of every inhabitant of every other non-Communist free country in the world.

Get ready for shortages of food, fuel, energy, water, medical care and of course peace and security. Watch as the Internet is shut down for “our safety” as they suspend our Constitution as a, “necessary way to combat domestic terrorism.”

Warrantless searches of people, vehicles and homes will become commonplace. Well-paid government snitches will be everywhere. Was this the “CHANGE” people voted for? How many millions of lives will this “Change” cost?

Folks we are better off dead than being Red.

The Tylenol Terrorist Case Is Heating Up Again

Chicago, IL—It was in September of 1982. I had recently left the bitter cold, Windy City to enjoy the next chapter of my life in Phoenix, Arizona. There was no Internet to keep up with friends and news like there is today.

There was a National news story that was shocking to say the least. People in the Chicago area were randomly murdered by some terrorist placing cyanide into Tylenol capsules and putting them on store shelves for purchase. People were dropping dead and Tylenol its maker, Johnson & Johnson suddenly had a public relations nightmare.

The motive has never been clear but I subscribed to the two most popular theories. Someone murdered a victim they lived with who was a regular Tylenol user by this method. At the same time the offender spread the deadly booby-trapped pain medication around to confuse investigators. The other motive seemed to be simple extortion.

When I mustered out of the Army in 1970 I returned to live in the Old Town area of Chicago. Back then, I kept company with some delightful and pretty young women who shared the same employer, United Airlines. Back then flight attendants jobs required that they be bright, beautiful, young and female.

That was back in time when air travel was fun. These girls were well-paid back then bringing home as much as $37,000.00 with travel benefits.

A high-rise building was built in the neighborhood at 1540 N. LaSalle Street. I soon met one more delightful United gal, Jean Regula who had moved in this yuppie occupied building. Soon Jean got a new slightly older but strikingly beautiful roommate from the ranks of her charming co-workers. Her name was Paula Prince.

One fateful night Paula returned home from a flight with a headache and took a short walk to the Walgreens Drug Store at North Avenue and Wells Street. Surveillance video showed Paula purchasing a bottle of Tylenol. I can’t imagine the horror Jean went through when she came home later finding Paula dead.

It would take a day or two before Jean would learn about the shocking deed that caused Paula’s death.

Now the investigation is heating up again nearly 27 years later. The target apparently is the same man, James W. Lewis, who served 12 years in prison for his attempted extortion of Tylenol maker, Johnson & Johnson.

I’m not sure what they have but it would be great if the killer was caught and removed from society forever.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Why We Need To End The Death Penalty Now

Washington, DC--As the Ultra Left Wing gained total control over all Americans we absolutely need to eliminate the death penalty.

Many of us are expecting the worst as our economy is tanking and out free market system is under a massive Socialist attack. Martial Law can’t be far behind.

As they begin efforts to seize firearms and other property it will be Conservatives and gun owners they will try and execute through the courts. Why entrust the dark forces with this kind of power? The life you save may be your own or someone important to you.

As for criminals they can rot in prison. We may however soon see political prisoners in our own country.

Drew Peterson’s Publicity Stunt That Wasn’t

Bolingbrook, IL—The entire world knows all about retired police sergeant, Drew Peterson’s love life. This tabloid driven mystery story surrounds two young women, one dead and one missing. Both women were married to Peterson and suspicious minds have zeroed in on Peterson as an evil creator of the mystery. The truth is that we just don’t know what’s behind the circumstances.

It’s no secret that Peterson has a fascination with supple, pretty and much younger women. I’m not sure what people think about this issue but we all know younger women are energetic, fun and better looking than most middle aged women.

Middle aged men still enjoy the attributes of younger women. We all know too many middle aged women who no longer know how to laugh and have fun. Ageing is equally unkind to most women as it is to flowers.

Recently I had a chat with Peterson’s lawyer, Joel Brodsky. Brodsky gave me a little insight into the latest chapter of Drew Peterson’s current world.

Brodsky told me how Peterson recently hooked up with yet another young gal, fell in love and proposed marriage. Peterson’s primary concern was to keep her away from the media hype that has surrounded him. The glare of the spotlights and non-stop gossip apparently took its toll on the new relationship which ended.

The girl’s face-saving explanation for the breakup was to suggest that a publicity stunt was behind the relationship. At least for Peterson nothing could be further from the truth.

Guilty or innocent Peterson’s got a major challenge to finding new and sustainable relationships. Separating the real man from the media legendary suspect will be an uphill battle for Peterson.

Private Business Salary Caps Are A Pure Product Of Oz.

Washington, DCBarack Obama is either dumb, a fool or thinks the Constitution is his to amend on a whim. The bailouts given to the business and banks can’t interfere with private contracts. These failing and rogue outfits can pay their executives whatever they want despite bailouts.

The Bolsheviks may be in power now but they are still running a country subject to our Constitution. When they break the Constitution the shooting and bombing will begin here as it should.

The bailouts were the beginning of the destruction of our way of life. Bailouts are grossly unfair to the properly run and profitable banks and business of America. American style private enterprise demands that the crappy business fail and better run outfits take their place in a free market. I guess Obama thinks he’s been elected to be, The Bolshevik Wizard of Oz.

Obama is heading down a dangerous path. Lives will be ruined and extinguished with the reckless Socialist changes in this country that has soundly rejected the teachings of Karl Marx long ago. Marshal Law can’t be far behind with chaos and destruction.

God help us all.

Glen Beck Speaks on this subject:

Orange County, CA Sheriff At War Against Gun Rights

When Sheriff Michael Carona was accused of among other things selling permits to carry guns, he resigned and was replaced by a political appointee, Sandra Hutchens. Hutchens apparently has a strong distaste for the Second Amendment and anyone who supports gun rights.

Hutchens wasted no time pandering to her own gun rights hatred and began revoking existing permits and rejecting new applications. This is a sensitive issue in Orange County and a November 2008 hearing was held to study the permit policy of Sheriff Hutchens.

When the matter of concealed weapon permits and issuance policies came up before the Orange County Board, sheriff’s officials acting under Hutchens brought a gauntlet of intimidating cops to provide extra security at the meeting.

This sent an ugly message that Sheriff Hutchens feels the citizens coming to participate in their own government’s business are somehow dangerous.

Hutchens hand-picked political hacks like Assistant Sheriff Mike Hillmann, sheriff's spokesman Damon Micalizzi and Undersheriff John Scott spent eight hours at the meeting texting each other on their BlackBerrys while in the audience.

After a public records request by members of, Ordinary California Citizens Concerned with Safety recently brought about the release of 400 pages of the text messages made during the meeting and a firestorm of controversy began. The messages included a lot of insulting remarks aimed at gun rights activists and various members of the county board.

Other revelations that since came to light included the Sheriff’s officials use of installed security cameras used to zoom in on and spy on the personal notes of board members during the meeting.

The normally Conservative Orange County voters have long demonstrated their political views to preserve gun rights. Now Hutchens will never survive any election in this jurisdiction in light of her political views against gun rights.

Orange County supervisors and voters have learned that Sheriff Hutchens and many of her top deputies need to be shown the door. The blatant disrespect for members of their own community who simply want the right to protect themselves and families is absolutely shameful. These people need to be booted out and replaced by officials that will protect the rights and interests of the voters they have sworn to serve.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

States Rights Will Become An Issue Once Again Under Obama

Washington, DC—The most far reaching gun confiscation enabling law ever, has hit the Congressional hopper. Despite Obama’s pledges to support the Second Amendment the new President and his merry band of traitors have have big plans for those people who dare cling to guns and religion.

Our currency faces the prospect of becoming worthless with the planned unchecked printing and spending. The Far Left now has absolute power. We are facing the same problems Europe suffered after World War I. Political power shifted from a democracy to a dictatorship.

Unrest in the United States due to millions being idle, homeless and hungry will lead to Martial Law and government efforts to control people angry with their government. If American police and military troops won’t control the population help will be sought from UN and foreign military troops offered by Communist Countries. It will be done for "our safety".

New York, California and Illinois Bolsheviks think the rest of the country will just roll over and accept whatever is dished out. That kind of control did not work in this country nearly 150 years ago and it won’t work today. The result back then was a war that killed more Americans than all other American wars combined.

There are millions of well-armed Americans that will still fight and die for freedom even against the United States Capitol. The Obama administration better slow down their grand plans to take guns and property from Americans. They had better stock up on body bags if history is a teacher. As always we are on a collision course with the past that we are destined to repeat. The winners will write the history books as always.

Here is that gem of a Gun Grab Bill:

The Day The Music Died Was 50 Years ago Today

Clear Lake, IA—It was 1959 and three wonderful, young, music making pioneers, Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and J.P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson were on a light plane that crashed killing all aboard. Holley was only 22 and has influenced music ever since. The other boys were also in the beginnings of skyrocketing careers. We are all poorer being deprived of music they all might still be making today had fate not intervened.

I met another great entertainer who lost a coin toss for that very plane ride but won his life and career instead. That was the late, great Waylon Jennings who was a pal of KTVK-TV’s former owner Del Lewis in Phoenix. Jennings would stop by from time to time to perform for Good Morning Arizona.

If Holly lived he’d be 72 years old today. I hope there is a Rock and Roll Heaven with one Hell of a band. They’ve been gone so long bet left us all music we still listen to today along with bittersweet memories. Don McClain and his hit song got it wrong, thankfully the music still lives!

Reporters Covering Cops, Courts And Crime Need Some Basic Information.

Reporters never seem to understand police work. Media reporting nearly always fails somewhere when the reports are about crime, courts and cops. Journalists never get an important basic education that would help them better understand police work.

Interviews and interrogations are as important for journalists as they are for seasoned police detectives. Reporters overrate themselves in this area because they do lots of interviews. Experience is just not enough.

In 1956 the bible for criminal investigation was written by two heavyweights. The book, Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation by Charles E. O'Hara and Gregory L. O'Hara is as relevant today as it was over a half-century ago. Of course new editions are issued regularly to keep the information up to date.

There is no better guide for grilling suspects and getting to the truth than what’s contained in this book.

Reporters, private investigators and lawyers would gain by getting a current copy to read and use as a reference.

You can get your copy here.

The Future of Television News Field Reporting--An Example For You

San Diego, CA-- KGTV's Joe Little is on the beat as a VJ or backpack journalist. As it rains pink slips in newsrooms all over America the only thing left standing will be the VJ when it comes to bringing stories to television in your community.

The reporter is sent out alone with a camera and must produce, write, shoot edit and make a presentable story for broadcast. That’s a challenge to say the least.

Technology has provided great tools, lightweight equipment and the editing is usually done on a laptop computer. There are cool some tricks that can make your video entertaining but over-use will make them old fast. You can’t trade tricky video for substance.

Of course the reporter will shoot B-roll of the scene and interview those with firsthand accounts of whatever story is involved. The most difficult part is where the reporter faces his own camera and does his standup. He cannot monitor the audio or control the camera while he’s in front of it.

This concept works for TV as well as the Internet for delivering content.

Bloggers or vloggers can generate these video reports, subject of course to the available time they have to do this. The rub is that if your blog pays as well as mine does you must keep your day job. I'd love nothing more than to have the funding to go to the stories my readers like and put them up right here. Maybe someday I will find a wealthy widow to sponsor Crimefile News!

Here Little shows of many of his creative tricks. Yes folks, you CAN try this at home!

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Is A Master Of Extortion

Phoenix, AZ—Never let it be said that Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio isn’t clever. He has an uncanny ability to solve some problems usually in front of rolling TV news cameras.

The problem the good sheriff had was that his deputies were paying parking fees or getting citations on county cars at the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. The deputies need to pick up many freshly extradited prisoners there wanted for felony matters to deposit in Sheriff Joe’s jail.

The problem was that the City of Phoenix refused to cooperate by ending their parking fee extortion against the county cops.

Fighting Extortion With Extortion

The City of Phoenix just unveiled their new light rail mass transportation system with service to Sky Harbor Airport. City officials are feverishly trying to get the public to use the new system. Sheriff Joe could not wait to oblige and help them with their public relations campaign. I don’t think Sheriff Joe’s publicity idea was what the city politicians were looking for to increase ridership.

Sheriff Joe announced he had a way to save $75,000.00 per year in airport parking costs. He pulled off yet another media stunt announcing his deputies would begin using the light rail to transport felons. With TV news cameras in tow the resourceful Sheriff went along as his well armed deputies picked up a hapless wanted felon from Sky Harbor Airport transporting her by light rail to his jail.

The thought of Sheriff Joe expanding the program to include jailed chain-gangs being sent to work sites worked incredibly well to get city official’s minds right. They agreed to let deputies park their vehicles at the airport without charge while there on official business.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Here is A Real Bailout for The American Economy!

Washington, DC—The Bolsheviks have now gotten absolute power to destroy our form of government and way of life. Barack Obama and his merry band of Chicago Democratic Machine thieves are feverishly working to make us part of a new Global Communist government. The evidence is clear as they are nationalizing private enterprise wherever they can.

Government officials are bailing out every failing or crooked large business in sight. This is simply paying good money after bad.

The so-called stimulus program is nothing more than giveaways to their political contributors. They are simply printing money backed by nothing. That will never work and only create an inflation nightmare as the dollar becomes nonnegotiable and worthless.

My plan is simple. Since our jobs are vanishing at an alarming rate and these now idle people may not be absorbed back into the workplace we can give them real relief. The unemployed don’t need help from welfare and nanny programs. They do need help in starting their own new businesses instead.

America needs to offer any small businesses that employ 30 or fewer employees an end to paying any income tax. Instead of business sending their money to Washington they can reinvest it in equipment, supplies and wages for employees. This will create jobs and the kind of opportunities that made America great. This will generate jobs, consumer spending and fiscal health in America.

The Communists will hate this idea because it eliminates the nanny and lessens the need for more government control.

Small business has always been the backbone of America. Small business can rescue America if the government will let that happen.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Blago’s Legacy Need Not Be Disgrace When He Can Be A Taxpayer’s Hero

Chicago, IL.Rod Blagojevich is now suffering under the tyranny he imposed on others.

Blagojevich has supported every gun control ban, restriction or other roadblock to the rights to keep and bear arms. When imposing the bans, he did so from the well protected Ivory Towers of political office. Of course there was his small army of state police bodyguards. Now all his protections are gone but for a one-year extention on the bodyguards and the state owned SUV.

Convicted of nothing the exiled leader had any rights to possess firearms taken because he was arrested. That’s even more egregious since he’s not even been indicted.

Everyone including enemies and those fearing the former governor’s future revelations on political corruption know where he lives. My guess is this man now has a big target on his back and is rightfully worried. That is not a good position for anyone.

In short Blagojevich will soon enough personally know exactly what he imposed on others.

When Blagojevich cited the Golden Rule during his impeachment remarks, I took that as a real threat made to return the full favors to his former friends and colleagues. This man knows just where the bones are buried and can bring down the entire Chicago Democratic Machine. Blagojevich has the goods on Barack Obama and his merry band of thieves who have seized control of the Whitehouse.

Under the circumstances Blagojevich is in serious danger of being silenced very soon. When that happens the Chicago Democratic Mob will make it look like suicide, an accident or blame some disturbed person for the crime.

The best thing the former Governor can do is come clean with all the corruption information while he is still breathing. Blagojevich can be remembered as the man that really made a difference. Blagojevich can have a legacy of disgrace or that of a taxpayer’s hero

Update: The security detail was removed and Blago’s butt is now the target. It’s more difficult to hit a moving target so he needs to keep up the talk show tour.

Friday, January 30, 2009

At 14 He’s The Youngest Chicago Police Recruit, Ever

Chicago, Il—As officers of the Third District were in the middle of a shift change a young imposter made himself at home, signed out a radio and got himself a citation book. He was assigned to a two officer car and hit the streets out on patrol. Since it is winter and his holster area is covered by a jacket nobody notices he has no gun.

In recent years Chicago police have begun dressing down, abandoning strict uniform requirements. Often no two officers are wearing the same uniforms. The trademark checkerboard field cap with the official and numbered shield has been sidelined for cheap baseball caps. It has been difficult to define just who the real police are anymore.

The imposter’s partner fails to notice he’s too young to be shaving yet or that anything is unusual. The lad was living out an adventure that could soon be a major motion picture!

The big question is how many other imposters could gain inside access to facilities, records and prisoners in lockups? When the ruse was discovered it became a national embarrassment for the Chicago Police Department.

The lapse here is a sign of a much bigger problem rule changes and new security measures will not cure. Political hacks and pretenders fill today’s command ranks. Returning to promotions by civil service testing with the elimination of affirmative action, clout or other contrived hiring criteria would be a great start.

You simply can’t hire and promote people who are unable to do that important job. Clout promotions of unworthy candidates are behind most of the difficulties that are making this department infamous.

Don’t expect real change here because Alderman Ed Burke and Mayor Daley have absolute power and absolute power-- well you know the rest.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fugitive Soccer Mom To Be Freed from Prison

Lansing, MI-- Susan Lefevrere now known as Marie Walsh escaped from a Michigan prison more than three decades ago. She was a first time offending teenager who got a 10 to 20 year prison sentence for selling a small amount of heroin to an undercover cop. That prison term was off the charts in harshness considering she pled guilty and was expecting probation.

Since her 1976 breakout Walsh turned her life around, moved to the San Diego area and raised a photogenic family with her husband. She lived in an upper-class Carmel Valley neighborhood and enjoyed the American dream. She became a solid member of the community and never looked back or reoffended.

That all changed when there was a rude knock at the door on April 24, 2008. It was a deputy United States Marshall and Walsh’s blessed world came crashing down. Someone had informed on Walsh.

Despite pleas from hundreds of friends and supporters Michigan officials wanted their pound of flesh from this now middle-aged woman who was no threat to anyone. They bagged her and put her on a prison bus back to Michigan.

An utterly worthless and vindictive Wayne County Prosecutor wanted even more and prosecuted Walsh for that ancient escape. That brought an additional five-year probation term along with lots of legal fees.

Finally there is light at the end of a very dark and ugly tunnel. Today the Michigan parole board voted 10-0 to release Walsh on May 19, 2009.

That action has shaved years off of Walsh’s original sentence but the subsequent punishment was wasted on the woman who long ago chose the right path of honorable behavior.

Walsh should have been forgiven or pardoned but instead suffered unnecessary humiliation and excessive additional punishment. The process has been nothing short of a continuing emotional nightmare

When she is released in May she will have lost 13 months of her life she or her family will never see again. That was a meaningless exercise that was unnecessarily cruel.

If there is something good here it’s that Walsh will never have to look over her shoulder or fear a knock at her door again. I hope to welcome Marie back to freedom on a nice spring day.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Illinois Impeachment Proceedings Are Medieval An Un-American

Springfield, IL—I don’t agree with much any Illinois Democrat thinks about the way government should be run. That certainly includes Governor Rod Blagojevich. The Illinois Senate is conducting an impeachment farce under color of law.

The Senate is weighing select snippets of hearsay testimony. I guess if these ate truths they are by definition half or quarter truths.

Calling this a sham is an understatement. Are they using this as a stall tactic to protect members of the Obama Administration? That seems to be the only viable reason. I refuse to accept they’re acting out of ignorance of the law since there are so many lawyers involved in the proceeding.