The police have already invested themselves into a theory accusing the girl’s young mother Casey Anthony of murder. Police will not change course now no matter what evidence they must deal with. That’s a huge failing in our entire criminal justice system.
The police and prosecutors have allowed this tragic case to become a world class circus.
Police can be counted on to avoid giving the meter reader polygraph tests or putting him through the repeated search warrants and other tools used against their already targeted suspect.
Any jury will be looking at this new evidence with a jaundiced eye as they become disenchanted with the police investigation. This will raise a huge specter of reasonable doubt.
This rush to judgment came as a result of a scared young girl’s inconsistent statements to police about the disappearance. Perhaps there was a period where the mother failed to supervise her child and was negligent. The mother understandably would be afraid that cops would arrest her and steps would be taken to take the child away.
There are many reasons for people’s lies and omissions to police. Not talking to police is a right we all enjoy but instead most people tell the cops what they think they want to hear. That's alway the rub. Once someone is caught in even an insignificant lie it may lead to an arrest, indictment and conviction.
The rush to judgment convicting and condemning Casey Anthony has been beyond sickening. This garbage has been echoed by the likes of emotionally challenged bloggers and infotainment personalities like Nancy Grace that can’t wait for the completion of an investigation before they lynch the suspect in the court of public opinion.
It was far too early to caLL this case solved. First investigators must find the body, determine cause of death and eliminate or implicate suspects. That's the only proper way to a solid investigation.
I too want cases like Caylee Anthony, Stacy Peterson and Lisa Stebic solved, but never at the expense of the presumption of innocence, due process or a fair trial.