NBC, ABC and CBS are all in trouble without Barack Obama’s hundreds of millions for campaign ads. Their future is dim. American advertisers are stingy with their money and have gone to the Internet with the customer base leaving TV in the dirt. I somehow have little pity for these media giants. They have been poor trustees of the information as they broadcast Liberal propaganda they have disguised as news for decades.
The wonderful mini-series and movies of the week of days gone by were replaced by cheaper reality trash. Perhaps it’s time for their bankruptcies but the new Marxist American government will never let new media companies develop replacement products. The Marxists know they can keep editorial control with bailouts so you can count on that with lots of new public service announcements to set the tone of political correctness under the controlling Bolsheviks.
Evolution and the American way would suggest that new media companies rise from the ashes of losers.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Cameras In The Courtroom-Good Or Evil?
Chicago, IL—This is the first of three regional areas where I had exposure to criminal trials. I have worked in state and federal courts in Illinois, Arizona and California for 40 years. At lot of that time was while working for TV news organization clients. Illinois prohibits cameras. Arizona and California allow for fairly liberal camera coverage. All federal courts are closed to cameras.
Yes, I was a cop, but when I moved on to a second career and opened my private investigation practice I was soon recruited to do freelance investigative TV news producing. Cameras are forbidden in all of Illinois local courts. I wondered why for a long time but now I understand the reality.
It’s not the cameras that create the problems since they are objective and have a perfect memory. All things considered equal what could be fairer than a live video camera? Just what’s the problem then I asked myself?
When cameras are allowed in the courtrooms they come with news reporters. The nature of the news business is to report the most salacious and shocking news of the day. Criminal trials are loaded with witnesses giving testimony and it’s the most outrageous and damning witnesses that provide the best TV. Witnesses with less than explosive testimony are usually ignored.
Witnesses broadcast on TV take on an air of authority and truthfulness just because their testimony was worthy making the air. It’s no different than how politicians like Hitler and Roosevelt used radio to sell the masses on really bad public policy. If people heard it on the radio they always believed it.
I have learned over the decades how nearly every trial has people testifying everyway but truthfully. The more outrageous the witness the more newsworthy he or she becomes. The reporters gathering and broadcasting those sound bites wind up affecting public opinion and that pollutes and influences the jury. If the jury is not watching the news, and they do, their family and friends put their own feelings into the mix.
The sensational sound bites of the trials are replayed and reinforce the position of whoever put the witness on the stand. Nearly always it the prosecution witnesses that are the ones deemed newsworthy.
Next are the failed lawyers who have become news commentators like Nancy Grace. The trial commentators fire up their loyal audience members like lynch mobs. Has anyone ever seen Grace suggest a person of interest or a suspect may be innocent? The venom and hate she and others like her direct at criminal defendants, interfere with fundamental fairness trials are supposed to provide.
Of course news media outlets want more than access to the courts. They want and need pictures and video. As a result a huge number of newsworthy trials get no coverage other than simple reports that trials have begun or ended with any verdicts. Is that really so bad? Remember the public is always invited to sit in the courtrooms during trials. Today my take on this is that when cameras are forbidden in the courts justice wins.
Yes, I was a cop, but when I moved on to a second career and opened my private investigation practice I was soon recruited to do freelance investigative TV news producing. Cameras are forbidden in all of Illinois local courts. I wondered why for a long time but now I understand the reality.
It’s not the cameras that create the problems since they are objective and have a perfect memory. All things considered equal what could be fairer than a live video camera? Just what’s the problem then I asked myself?
When cameras are allowed in the courtrooms they come with news reporters. The nature of the news business is to report the most salacious and shocking news of the day. Criminal trials are loaded with witnesses giving testimony and it’s the most outrageous and damning witnesses that provide the best TV. Witnesses with less than explosive testimony are usually ignored.
Witnesses broadcast on TV take on an air of authority and truthfulness just because their testimony was worthy making the air. It’s no different than how politicians like Hitler and Roosevelt used radio to sell the masses on really bad public policy. If people heard it on the radio they always believed it.
I have learned over the decades how nearly every trial has people testifying everyway but truthfully. The more outrageous the witness the more newsworthy he or she becomes. The reporters gathering and broadcasting those sound bites wind up affecting public opinion and that pollutes and influences the jury. If the jury is not watching the news, and they do, their family and friends put their own feelings into the mix.
The sensational sound bites of the trials are replayed and reinforce the position of whoever put the witness on the stand. Nearly always it the prosecution witnesses that are the ones deemed newsworthy.
Next are the failed lawyers who have become news commentators like Nancy Grace. The trial commentators fire up their loyal audience members like lynch mobs. Has anyone ever seen Grace suggest a person of interest or a suspect may be innocent? The venom and hate she and others like her direct at criminal defendants, interfere with fundamental fairness trials are supposed to provide.
Of course news media outlets want more than access to the courts. They want and need pictures and video. As a result a huge number of newsworthy trials get no coverage other than simple reports that trials have begun or ended with any verdicts. Is that really so bad? Remember the public is always invited to sit in the courtrooms during trials. Today my take on this is that when cameras are forbidden in the courts justice wins.
GPS Technology For Sex Offenders And You!
Los Angeles, CA.—Every month thousands of offenders are let out of California’s jails and prisons. For the sex offenders they are fitted with GPS tracking gizmos that allow parole agents to track them if they’re wearing them as they are supposed to do. If the devices are tampered with the agents get and alarm so they know their parolee is on the loose.
It’s a system also used by courts to keep track of certain people accused of but not yet convicted of crimes under bail agreements. The equipment gets better and cheaper every day. When will it become simple enough to use on every American? Like it or not that day is coming along with other technology advances we many not enjoy.
Government will find ways to expand the use of this material to other classifications of people. I’m sure there are those that want government to track every gun owner. Personally I’d like to see these devices used on elected officials and high level bureaucrats before they are used on all of us.
Americans are too ignorant to fight privacy invasions. A trip to any airport or courthouse will show Americans lined up like sheep to forfeit their privacy in the name of, pretend security.
We once had a Fourth Amendment that prevented unreasonable searches absent Probable Cause of wrongdoing. Americans will accept anything politicians call necessary for public safety. Hitler is a fine example of a politician who led a government to monitor the citizens. Imagine Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin or Barack Obama and the mischief they could get into with the tools of today and tomorrow.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Something Old Is Something New For Chicago Crime Fighting
Chicago, IL—The names of the units have changed over the decades. The heavy duty cops sent to combat street gangs are always offered as sacrificial lambs for slaughter. The cops in these units do their jobs and politicians, the African--American reverends and the media come down on them like a lead balloon. The unit members get punished and the units get disbanded. It’s the Chicago police merry-go-round going and coming around again.
Superintendent Jody "J-Fed" Weis has announced how his new 400 officer gang unit will bring peace to Chicago’s streets. It’s that old broken record playing again. It's another phony PR move to fool the public that always seems to work so why bother with something new?
If Chicago wants to end the gang’s constant robbery, extortion, kidnapping and murder they need more than another new gang unit. They need help from law-abiding citizens with the right to protect themselves and their families. Yes folks, that means lawfully keeping and carrying firearms.
The media has to end its practice of putting anyone and everyone on TV before there is even an investigation of a police shooting. They should get and hold those interviews until there is at least a shred of credibility to brutality allegations. The current kind of journalism is incendiary and just invites more grandstanding for those media gadflies that manipulate reporters into giving them more TV face time.
The politicians need to decide if they want peace and prosperity on their streets or gang rule. They have to change their ways.
Today’s cops have been getting smarter and better organized through Internet communication to stay in the bunkers as they de-police. That beats being run through the ringer of police hate, getting humiliated and striped of their stars, powers and guns. Police officers fear their city’s administration much more than armed and dangerous criminals. Cops have families to worry about and taking risks to do their job endangers the very food on their tables.
Being the crime clean-up crew after the fact is much safer than what we used to call aggressive and preventive patrol. A cop can manage to stay busy for his entire shift avoiding all confrontation with criminals. Officers can go to the service calls and write reports that can be sold later as novels. Cops can go out of their way to help seniors crossing streets.
It’s time to hear more radio traffic like this:
1224- to CC: “Hold me down with a senior who seems to be having a little difficulty. I’m going to check his welfare.” CC to 1224: “10-4.”
Twenty minutes later… 1224 to CC: “Squad put me back up the poor guy was just a little confused.”
CC to 1224: “10-4.”
At the end of the day our good officer at check off roll call turns in a half-dozen contact cards on nobody under 75 years-old.
There has to be a new approach. Repackaged old failures with new faces are an insult to the men and women of the Chicago Police Department that once vowed to put their very lives on the line for public safety.
Here’s a seven step plan!
1. Prosecute any and all people who make false complaints against cops.
2. Bring gun-rights back to Chicago with concealed carry for the law abiding.
3. Create a new plan for media relations to avoid spreading inflammatory misinformation.
4. Provide cops with a proper employment contract and honor it.
5. Return to civil Service testing for promotions of officers.
6. Only strip officers after hearings and sustained violations unless there is probable cause to arrest or indict them.
7. The officers of the department need to keep a sharp appearance to command respect.
Okay those things will never fly with Chicago’s miserable politicians so let’s just give Chicago's taxpayers, oops I mean residents more of the same. Daley and his wrecking crew drove out most of the taxpayers.
Superintendent Jody "J-Fed" Weis has announced how his new 400 officer gang unit will bring peace to Chicago’s streets. It’s that old broken record playing again. It's another phony PR move to fool the public that always seems to work so why bother with something new?
If Chicago wants to end the gang’s constant robbery, extortion, kidnapping and murder they need more than another new gang unit. They need help from law-abiding citizens with the right to protect themselves and their families. Yes folks, that means lawfully keeping and carrying firearms.
The media has to end its practice of putting anyone and everyone on TV before there is even an investigation of a police shooting. They should get and hold those interviews until there is at least a shred of credibility to brutality allegations. The current kind of journalism is incendiary and just invites more grandstanding for those media gadflies that manipulate reporters into giving them more TV face time.
The politicians need to decide if they want peace and prosperity on their streets or gang rule. They have to change their ways.
Today’s cops have been getting smarter and better organized through Internet communication to stay in the bunkers as they de-police. That beats being run through the ringer of police hate, getting humiliated and striped of their stars, powers and guns. Police officers fear their city’s administration much more than armed and dangerous criminals. Cops have families to worry about and taking risks to do their job endangers the very food on their tables.
Being the crime clean-up crew after the fact is much safer than what we used to call aggressive and preventive patrol. A cop can manage to stay busy for his entire shift avoiding all confrontation with criminals. Officers can go to the service calls and write reports that can be sold later as novels. Cops can go out of their way to help seniors crossing streets.
It’s time to hear more radio traffic like this:
1224- to CC: “Hold me down with a senior who seems to be having a little difficulty. I’m going to check his welfare.” CC to 1224: “10-4.”
Twenty minutes later… 1224 to CC: “Squad put me back up the poor guy was just a little confused.”
CC to 1224: “10-4.”
At the end of the day our good officer at check off roll call turns in a half-dozen contact cards on nobody under 75 years-old.
There has to be a new approach. Repackaged old failures with new faces are an insult to the men and women of the Chicago Police Department that once vowed to put their very lives on the line for public safety.
Here’s a seven step plan!
1. Prosecute any and all people who make false complaints against cops.
2. Bring gun-rights back to Chicago with concealed carry for the law abiding.
3. Create a new plan for media relations to avoid spreading inflammatory misinformation.
4. Provide cops with a proper employment contract and honor it.
5. Return to civil Service testing for promotions of officers.
6. Only strip officers after hearings and sustained violations unless there is probable cause to arrest or indict them.
7. The officers of the department need to keep a sharp appearance to command respect.
Okay those things will never fly with Chicago’s miserable politicians so let’s just give Chicago's taxpayers, oops I mean residents more of the same. Daley and his wrecking crew drove out most of the taxpayers.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Confession in '91 Arizona Buddhist Temple Massacre Thrown Out
On one hot August night a bunch of young would be adventurers raided the living quarters of the Wat Promkunaram temple of Waddell just West of Phoenix.
The temple exists because so many of the Viet Nam Era servicemen at nearby Luke Air Force Base brought home wives from Thailand that were Buddhists and needed a place to worship.
The Temple and attached living quarters became a bloody scene of a seemingly senseless mass murder and robbery. Nine people were found slaughtered including six monks, a nun and two helpers by a temple housekeeper.
I was dispatched there by the news director of the local CBS affiliate to investigate as a field producer. I was with reporter Bart Graves and photographer George Schram.
Graves noticed strange behavior exhibited by two Amerasian older teens. Jerry Hastings and Matthew Miller who were alone but near perhaps 50 onlookers from the area. The lads were trying hard to find out what Sheriff’s investigators were saying. Their own brother Michael Miller was one of the murdered temple helpers.
There were nearly 100 press people, live trucks, satellite trucks and cameras were rolling. Schram somewhat surreptitiously, shot video of the two and I intently watched the tape of two nervous and fidgeting boys whispering to each other inside the live truck.
I took that observation football and ran with it. Later that night I went to the home of those two teens in search of interviews. It was dark as I quietly approached the home of a retired Air Force serviceman and his wife.
I could hear a man’s voice. He was yelling at someone. I could hear, “What were you guys thinking?! Don’t you know they will put you in the gas chamber for that?!” That got my attention and I continued to eavesdrop. I heard the words, “Dad, it just happened!” Soon the voices were lowered and I could no longer hear what they were saying.
I knocked on the door and I told a very angry, Steve Miller that I was hoping to talk to him and perhaps his family members. Miller said, ”We’re all grieving here and have no comment!” He slammed the door in my face.
I suddenly knew who was involved in the killings right then and there. I did not know nearly enough but I Knew more than any other law enforcement investigator.
Sheriff Tom Agnos had no idea the investigation handled by his officers would become a major train wreck. His men went out like wild Indians kidnapping and abusing anyone and everyone except the killers.
Through my own investigation I soon learned that there was reliable information that some monks were believed to be dealing in large amounts of heroin imported from their homeland. The killers were for the most part insiders who expected to find suitcases of cash and drugs. I verified the information from DEA sources, court records and many interviews.
Before it was over taxpayers paid millions for the horrible investigation and many millions more to settle the lawsuits. Four innocent lads from Tucson were arrested and later confessed but were freed after many months of sheer Hell. Eventually Sheriff Agnos put a gun to his head and took his own life. I can’t be sure but the massive mess that brought about his political defeat may have been part of the depression he was suffering.
Eventually the only major break came from Air Force Security police that stopped a couple of boys with the murder weapons in their car. This was no resolution by a long-shot. The weapons languished in storage and went untested for months. Finally firearms examiner Bill Morris determined the guns picked up on the base were the murder weapons.
That took police to their second set of suspects Rolando Caratachea, Alessandro Garcia and Jonathan Doody. Garcia not only confessed to the massacre he offered himself up in an unrelated earlier murder he committed of a legal secretary who went camping alone.
17 year-old, Jonathan Doody was relentlessly sweated by police until he gave them what they wanted to hear. Personally I never believed Doody’s confession. Doody was not “cool” enough to be accepted by the others.
Since the Sheriff's department was so incredibly effective in getting phony confessions in that particular case any confession was nearly meaningless. Doody was convicted at a trial based on the confession and given 281 years beating the death penalty only because of his age.
Famed lawyer, Alan Dershowitz took up the appeal of Doody. Doody or his stepfather had little in the way of funds for a big gun like Dershowitz so I have to assume it was done pro-bono.
When Dershowitz and his lower profile brother and law partner came to town I had lunch with them, temple officials and Doody’s stepfather. I knew Dershowitz had an uphill battle that would take a years or even decades.
The decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals involving Doody’s confession has overturned the murder convictions of Johnathan Doody. He will be freed unless he is retried or the government successfully appeals. Without the confession there’s just no case.
I remain convinced that at least three others involved in this horrible crime escaped justice. I’ve always been satisfied with Garcia’s arrest and guilty plea was just and proper.
As for Jonathan Doody, I have always doubted his part in this since the others involved did not like him. Doody should be freed and somehow salvage the rest of his life. I don’t anticipate prosecutors having success in keeping this product of one of the worst police investigations in American history validated.
Jonathan Doody
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Thursday, November 20, 2008
Drew Peterson’s Felony Gun Charge Evaporates…
Joliet, IL—For the Will County State’s Attorney it was a failure to hand over simple discovery material to the defense. As a result today Judge Richard Schoenstedt dismissed the case against retired Bolingbrook police sergeant Drew Peterson.
Refusal to turn over discovery material for either side of a criminal case brings sanctions. For the defense, a failure to disclose would bar witnesses and evidence from being presented. For the prosecution, the extreme sanction of dismissal is rare and only applied in the most egregious of circumstances.
It’s obvious at least to me that the discovery material prosecutors had to turn over is a major embarrassment. The involvement of unreliable and untrustworthy Police informants Len Wawczak and his wife Paula Stark in the mix along with neighbor Sharon Bychowski has created a strange sort of circus. Never ending antics and truckloads of phony information and red herrings by this group got way out-of-control. The taxpayer funds handed over to that bunch would be published everywhere.
In the Peterson saga there is no magic, nor was there ever a weapons violation or murder case. There was only a try anything and everything effort to get Drew Peterson.
Prosecutors blamed their failure to even win an indictment against Peterson on the failure of the law to allow hearsay evidence to be used against Peterson. The likelihood of getting that kind of un-American law through the Illinois legislative process was deemed impossible. Now they have the new law subject to a Constitutional test and it’s not really going to change one basic and persistent problem, no evidence of a crime.
The only thing left for the Illinois State Police and the Will County State’s Attorney is to wait for credible evidence to surface. Until then the harassment of Drew Peterson and his children should end.
Dismissal Court Order[1]
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Was It Really A Suspect Interrogation?
St. Johns, AZ—We now know that the two inquisitors of that eight year-old boy Were Apache County Sheriff's Commander, Matrese Avila and St. Johns Police Detective Debbie Neckel.
Did they follow their police training and have concern for the child’s rights? It does seem to show that they took no steps to see that the boy’s rights were protected. Maybe I along with a pile of experts am dead wrong!
It is unheard of to see an eight year old prosecuted as an adult or juvenile for murder. If an investigation reveals that a small child does in fact kill someone that case is cleared. In law enforcement and crime reporting circles it’s “Cleared Exceptionally.” That means, there is nobody to prosecute such as when a suspect is killed before he can be arrested.
The most likely scenario was that the two investigators began the interview with the young witness they soon knew he became their potential suspect but went on with the interview with no concerns about self-incrimination. They continued because of the reality that nobody would file a murder case on him in a million years. What was happening was a simple inquiry to learn what actually happened. I cannot condemn the investigators under those circumstances.
Soon, between the St. Johns Police Chief and the Apache County Attorney’s office a juvenile case was filed for murder anyway. One thing for sure is that so called confession will never see a courtroom. In addition if the case ever went to a juvenile courtroom there would never be a jury so releasing the video has no effect on pre-trial publicity. This case will never survive without evidence and that is already gone
Did they follow their police training and have concern for the child’s rights? It does seem to show that they took no steps to see that the boy’s rights were protected. Maybe I along with a pile of experts am dead wrong!
It is unheard of to see an eight year old prosecuted as an adult or juvenile for murder. If an investigation reveals that a small child does in fact kill someone that case is cleared. In law enforcement and crime reporting circles it’s “Cleared Exceptionally.” That means, there is nobody to prosecute such as when a suspect is killed before he can be arrested.
The most likely scenario was that the two investigators began the interview with the young witness they soon knew he became their potential suspect but went on with the interview with no concerns about self-incrimination. They continued because of the reality that nobody would file a murder case on him in a million years. What was happening was a simple inquiry to learn what actually happened. I cannot condemn the investigators under those circumstances.
Soon, between the St. Johns Police Chief and the Apache County Attorney’s office a juvenile case was filed for murder anyway. One thing for sure is that so called confession will never see a courtroom. In addition if the case ever went to a juvenile courtroom there would never be a jury so releasing the video has no effect on pre-trial publicity. This case will never survive without evidence and that is already gone
Goldfinger Killer Exposed By Surveillance Video
Los Angeles, CA—The LAPD today released a video and composite drawing of the man they believe stabbed Pamela Fayed to death in a Century City parking structure on September 15, 2008. The victim’s husband James Michael Fayed is awaiting trial for his roll of arranging for this killing.
As you can see in the video there is an additional suspect sitting in the car's passenger seat that was rented with James Fayed's credit card.
Here is the information LAPD released this morning:
Los Angeles: Detectives are asking for the public’s help in identifying an individual depicted in a surveillance video and composite drawing.
On July 28, 2008, at 6:30 p.m., Pamela Fayed, a resident of Ventura County, was murdered in a parking structure at 1875 Century Park East. On September 15, 2008, Robbery Homicide Division detectives obtained a warrant and criminal filing for James Fayed for the murder of Pamela Fayed. James Fayed appeared in court on a Federal matter where he was arrested.
The detectives believe that the person depicted on the surveillance tape may be an additional suspect involved in the murder. It is believed the individual may frequent the Cities of Oxnard and Ventura in Ventura County.
Anyone who has information is urged to contact Robbery-Homicide Detectives Salaam Abdul or Louis Zorrilla at 213-485-2135. After hours or on weekends, calls may be directed to a 24-hour, toll-free number at 1-877-LAPD-24-7 or by texting CRIMES (274637) and beginning the message with the letters LAPD. Tipsters may also submit information on the LAPD website www.lapdonline.org. Tipsters may remain anonymous.
Note: The LAPD posted the security camera video that I placed right here from the parking garage and later the LAPD yanked it. I suspect they don't like the fact that we noticed another passenger in the car indicating there are additional suspects.
Our Lady Of Angels Fire 50 Years Ago.
Chicago, IL—On December 1, 1958 I was a fifth grader at Hyde Park’s St. Thomas Apostle. One of my mother’s boyfriends was buying me a bicycle as an early Christmas present. The old black & white TV was on at the Ace Bicycle Shop on 55th Street. At the time we lived in an apartment on Hyde Park Blvd just East of Dorchester.
The gray haired shop owner was really upset. There had been an inferno at Our Lady Of Angles School. The police and firemen being interviewed were all crying and the pictures were graphic and awful. An army of first responders were all carrying dead children in their arms. Before it was over 92 children and three Catholic nuns were dead. Scores of other were injured.
I think I really learned that I was only a mortal that day. Even kids my age could die. Before then this notion was unthinkable. I think every kid in Chicago got extra hugs that day.
The horrible fire was not unnoticed at St. Thomas. The nuns began working with firemen holding fire drills and steps were taken so this would never happen at my school.
Fire and police officials investigated that fire for years after. Arson was suspected in the beginning and later all but ruled out as the cause.
I don’t think those Chicagoans alive back then would ever forget that terrible day. If there is a good side it’s that extraordinary steps were taken with building codes and such. Perhaps as a result all children are safer today.
I know Chicago still grieves over the day Chicago lost so many angels.
Here is another video...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A Child Needs Your Help!
St. Johns, AZ—Two men, 29-year-old Vincent Romero, and 39-year-old Timothy Romans were shot dead.
An unnamed 8 year-old boy who happens to be the son of Romero was named as the killer and is now a respondent in a juvenile court delinquency petition after an extraordinary and unlawful police interrogation.
The moment that a police investigation focuses on a suspect police must begin the process of informing the suspect of his or her rights against self-incrimination. Juveniles are given even more protection than adults.
Between a couple of incredibly inept and incompetent police investigators a videotaped confession was extracted from the child after he initially denied the killings. The fact of life with tender-aged children is they will tell adults anything they want to hear under minimal pressure. The so called confession and any recordings of it will never be admitted as evidence in any legal proceeding against the boy. Police will now have to look for witnesses or evidence that will prove their case some other way. That just won’t happen here.
It was another famous Arizona case, that of Gerald Gault that brought attention on this state’s deficiencies at the U.S. Supreme Court in 1966. A tireless public lawyer, the late and great Amelia Lewis won Constitutional rights for juveniles. I can’t imagine this kind of shoddy police work happening in America more than four decades after, In Re Gault.
I don’t know what happened or who shot the dead men. That’s not really important anyway. What’s important is this child needs to put the horrible event far behind and have a normal opportunity at a life.
Soon the scenario will quickly change to that of case of a, dependent child. The child will be a ward of the State of Arizona. He will be put into foster care and that system rarely helps children older than infants. This kid may wind up with other troubled kids and they will single him out as important because he will be an infamous killer.
I understand that the boy’s own mother is drug dependent and incapable of providing for her son’s needs. She lost custody to the boy’s father as a result. This woman may be well beyond rehabilitation.
What this child needs is a solid family that will adopt him as one of their own. This is a life and death emergency. Somehow I envision some hard working cop stepping up to the plate. Potential adoptive parents need not live in Arizona.
If you know of anyone with the courage and ability to take on this grave responsibility please contact the judge handling this case.
The Honorable Michael Rocha, Judge ProTem
Apache County Superior Court
PO Box 667
70 West 3rd South
St. Johns, AZ 85936-0667
Phone: (928) 337-7555
Fax: (928) 337-7586
An unnamed 8 year-old boy who happens to be the son of Romero was named as the killer and is now a respondent in a juvenile court delinquency petition after an extraordinary and unlawful police interrogation.
The moment that a police investigation focuses on a suspect police must begin the process of informing the suspect of his or her rights against self-incrimination. Juveniles are given even more protection than adults.
Between a couple of incredibly inept and incompetent police investigators a videotaped confession was extracted from the child after he initially denied the killings. The fact of life with tender-aged children is they will tell adults anything they want to hear under minimal pressure. The so called confession and any recordings of it will never be admitted as evidence in any legal proceeding against the boy. Police will now have to look for witnesses or evidence that will prove their case some other way. That just won’t happen here.
It was another famous Arizona case, that of Gerald Gault that brought attention on this state’s deficiencies at the U.S. Supreme Court in 1966. A tireless public lawyer, the late and great Amelia Lewis won Constitutional rights for juveniles. I can’t imagine this kind of shoddy police work happening in America more than four decades after, In Re Gault.
I don’t know what happened or who shot the dead men. That’s not really important anyway. What’s important is this child needs to put the horrible event far behind and have a normal opportunity at a life.
Soon the scenario will quickly change to that of case of a, dependent child. The child will be a ward of the State of Arizona. He will be put into foster care and that system rarely helps children older than infants. This kid may wind up with other troubled kids and they will single him out as important because he will be an infamous killer.
I understand that the boy’s own mother is drug dependent and incapable of providing for her son’s needs. She lost custody to the boy’s father as a result. This woman may be well beyond rehabilitation.
What this child needs is a solid family that will adopt him as one of their own. This is a life and death emergency. Somehow I envision some hard working cop stepping up to the plate. Potential adoptive parents need not live in Arizona.
If you know of anyone with the courage and ability to take on this grave responsibility please contact the judge handling this case.
The Honorable Michael Rocha, Judge ProTem
Apache County Superior Court
PO Box 667
70 West 3rd South
St. Johns, AZ 85936-0667
Phone: (928) 337-7555
Fax: (928) 337-7586
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Jonestown 30 Years Later---
Northwestern Guyana—In 1974 the Peoples Temple Agricultural Project led by a political hero of the Left Wing Fringe was born. This group of what became a pathetic bunch of, Kool-Aid Zombies turned over all their personal wealth for the chance to live in a new Marxist Utopia.
Jim Jones was revered by Bolshevik politicians that still govern Sodom and Gomorrah by The Sea, better known as San Francisco and Oakland, California. Jones loved the local Leftist politicians and they loved him.
On November 18, 1978 Congressman Leo Ryan, with family members and network news crews went there on a fact finding mission. There were reports that members wanted to defect and return to their families but were being held against their will, subjected to beatings and sexual abuse.
The airport scene was described to me in 1991 over dinner by a network news producer, Pat Lynch who escaped that day with her life. She described in detail how the gunmen rolled up in a trailer hauled by a farm tractor and opened fire on her and the others with 3.08 caliber, FNFAL battle rifles. Lynch was still very angry over the needless murders of her peers.
Soon the aftermath of a mass suicide was discovered with tales of members being forced to murder their children and kill themselves. Of course there were the true believers that must have thought they were saved and in route to Heaven.
Jonestown was just another failed Marxist mess. I feel for nobody but the children and news people murdered who were simply doing their jobs. As for the adult followers of Jim Jones they are where they belong with him in Hell. Good riddance to them.
A side note: It was the cheaper brand of grape Flavor-aid and not Kool-Aid that was mixed with potassium cyanide that became the People’s Punch.
Meet Some Voters That Supported Barack Obama
I am considering supporting measures for revoking some American’s citizenship and banishing them to North Korea, Iraq and Iran. Perhaps we should consider retroactive abortion.
There is a documentary film in production that explores extreme voter ignorance in America. Here is a clip from what we will soon see.
You will see how at least $600 million dollars can “educate” voters like this group before an election. Add the big three television networks that were running an Obama political campaign disguised as news and we get exactly what we have. We can only begin to wonder if these pathetic people should even be allowed to live and bear children.
I don’t care what side of the political spectrum you come from these incredibly stupid people are an embarrassment to the human race.
There is a documentary film in production that explores extreme voter ignorance in America. Here is a clip from what we will soon see.
You will see how at least $600 million dollars can “educate” voters like this group before an election. Add the big three television networks that were running an Obama political campaign disguised as news and we get exactly what we have. We can only begin to wonder if these pathetic people should even be allowed to live and bear children.
I don’t care what side of the political spectrum you come from these incredibly stupid people are an embarrassment to the human race.
Actors handling Guns As Props
Here is gun-rights hater Sly Stallone in Action…
Los Angeles, CA—I have heard the horror stories of actors handling firearms. I have seen it first hand in projects I’ve been involved with.
It begins as an actor sees a gun on a prop table with a "Do Not Touch" sign. You hear the actor say how he or she hates guns and the next thing you see is the actor with the gun in hand with a finger on the trigger!
In too many cases the unnecessary gun handling escalates to horseplay and someone gets hurt. Such a case unfolded as a young Utah stage actor shot and killed himself with a blank round designed for theatrical use. At close range blanks firing simple gun powder without bullets can be deadly. Deaths, burns and eye injuries are very rare but do happen on movie sets
For unknown reasons, putting, “Do Not Touch” signs of gun props don’t help. Of course there are actors that know firearms and safety rules. The movie companies generally provide so called gun wranglers to manage set gun safety. The slightest lapse of vigilance by a gun wrangler can bring an accident.
Some really dumb actors have a habit of treating expensive firearms like cheap toys. A percentage of actors love to throw them onto concrete or gravel during rehearsals. They aren’t smart enough to wait for the gun wrangler to set up a pad to capture a fallen or thrown weapon.
There are two major prop houses that supply firearms to film producers of every description. The collections of these suppliers are as good as it gets. I’ve been in these places and have found them run by real pros that are constantly fighting inane gun laws.
As the prop houses fight for the continued ability to make realistic movies as the writers, producers, actors and directors are supporting every possible restriction on firearms. These anti-gun rights, entertainment activists all consider themselves experts because they’ve handled a few guns under the watchful eyes of gun wranglers.
Obama Citizenship Issue Will Not Go Away!
Sacramento, CA—Conservative African-American politician, Alan Keyes has gone to court in California seeking to have that state’s considerable electoral votes for Barack Obama withheld from the official count. If successful the suit would derail the election and bring about a Constitutional crisis.
It boils down to forcing Obama to provide his actual birth certificate or a certified copy signed by the physician. Obama’s own grandmother says she was present in the Kenya, African hospital delivery room when Obama was born.
There are additional issues with his being schooled as a child in Indonesia which requires citizenship there.
Obama claims he was born in Hawaii in 1961. Someone has produced a newspaper birth announcement that seems to support Obama’s claim.
Frankly I don’t see a problem. Obama simply needs to put this matter to bed by producing the documents or stepping aside as President –elect. Instead Obama has run from the allegations and the media giants have refused to even talk about the
various lawsuits in the courts litigating this question.
Page two of the attached is a full page ad placed in the Washington times.
Obama Citizenship Question
It boils down to forcing Obama to provide his actual birth certificate or a certified copy signed by the physician. Obama’s own grandmother says she was present in the Kenya, African hospital delivery room when Obama was born.
There are additional issues with his being schooled as a child in Indonesia which requires citizenship there.
Obama claims he was born in Hawaii in 1961. Someone has produced a newspaper birth announcement that seems to support Obama’s claim.
Frankly I don’t see a problem. Obama simply needs to put this matter to bed by producing the documents or stepping aside as President –elect. Instead Obama has run from the allegations and the media giants have refused to even talk about the
various lawsuits in the courts litigating this question.
Page two of the attached is a full page ad placed in the Washington times.
Obama Citizenship Question
Monday, November 17, 2008
Dr. Phil Does Drew Peterson
Los Angeles, CA—I can’t imagine a logical reason for a person under criminal investigation who is a so called “Person of Interest” in connection with a potential criminal case talking to anyone from the media. Most criminal lawyers would be absolutely horrified at the idea of their client submitting to total grilling by a book author and Dr. Phil. Both of those things have recently happened.
Dr. Phil exists because of sensationalism and an audience with an insatiable and salacious apatite. Dr. Phil plays to these people giving them what they want. Today Dr. Phil served up Drew Peterson unplugged.
Retired Bolingbrook police sergeant Drew Peterson is unflappable and solidly direct in his assertion of innocence. This is despite the year-long hate campaign fueled by busybodies, goofy neighbors and aggressive news reporters. Drew Peterson has never wavered or cracked.
Along with the highly visible circus is a non-stop investigation being conducted by the Illinois State Police and The Will County State’s Attorney. They obviously lack a case for murder, at least against Drew Peterson.
Most people can’t tolerate any unsolved mystery. The criminal justice system is not supposed to be manipulated by gut feelings or beliefs of people. It’s really time to leave Peterson alone unless or until real evidence surfaces. There is no statute of limitations for murder. Indicting and trying someone on a really thin case will end any future prosecutions after an acquittal no matter how compelling newly discovered evidence may be.
Peterson needs to move on with his life and raise his children. It’s time to get out of Peterson’s way and help give those kids a normal life they need and deserve.
A Lesson In Winning The Hearts Minds And Purses Of Young Girls…
Westwood, Los Angeles, CA--Over 17 million books are in print chronicling a teen love story between a girl and her vampire object of affection. It’s called Twilight, I can only call this another Harry Potter kind of a blockbuster but with romance that stole millions of teen girl’s hearts.
Author, Stephenie Meyer is well on her way to be the next J.K. Rowling by penning things straight from her vivid imagination. I see this franchise as a giant entertainment cash cow as we face difficult economic times.
I’m pleased to be able to give my blog visitors the first hand reactions of some delightful girls. Many have flown in from far away just for a chance to get a fleeting glimpse of the young star, Robert Pattinson who has absolutely mesmerized his fans.
Tonight’s Premier of Twilight is for the cast, crew and Hollywood elite with passes. The girls who have slept in the streets of Westwood for as long as two nights will not even get a chance to see the film until it opens for the general public on Nov. 21.
I hope you enjoy visiting with the die-hard fans like I did.
Author, Stephenie Meyer is well on her way to be the next J.K. Rowling by penning things straight from her vivid imagination. I see this franchise as a giant entertainment cash cow as we face difficult economic times.
I’m pleased to be able to give my blog visitors the first hand reactions of some delightful girls. Many have flown in from far away just for a chance to get a fleeting glimpse of the young star, Robert Pattinson who has absolutely mesmerized his fans.
Tonight’s Premier of Twilight is for the cast, crew and Hollywood elite with passes. The girls who have slept in the streets of Westwood for as long as two nights will not even get a chance to see the film until it opens for the general public on Nov. 21.
I hope you enjoy visiting with the die-hard fans like I did.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Crimefile Reviews “Whisper Of Fear”
Los Angeles—A lovely publisher’s publicist, Melissa Broder sent me a book to read and review. I read it, loved it and also hated it. I could not put the book down. Yes, I’m going to tell you to get a copy, fasten your seatbelt and take a trip into the fascinating and dark world of stalking.
Whisper of Fear, The True Story Of The Prosecutor Who Stalks The Stalkers is riveting and factual as it takes you inside the frightening stories of victims from different walks of life. A number of celebrity cases are profiled along with others. The authors are Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Rhonda B. Saunders and best selling crime author, Stephen G. Michaud. I must say I envy the literary skills that created this book.
As a cop and private investigator I’ve been involved in hundreds of stalking cases. Stalking cases are as old as time but the legal definition and laws involving this behavior are relatively new. At the forefront of the battle to direct laws and law enforcement to combat stalking was and is prosecutor and author Rhonda Saunders.
Los Angeles is a unique place for stalking because so many victims turn out to be A-list celebrities who are annoyed, stalked or even murdered by fans with various pathologies. Too many of these deranged folks want to become a part of their favorite celebrity’s history. Two such stalkers that come immediately to mind were Mark David Chapman and John Warnock Hinckley, Jr. Their horrible crimes were the only way these infamous losers could accomplish their twisted missions.
Saunders and Michaud provide a probing; close up tour of the offices of psychiatrists, behavioral profilers, investigators, prosecutors and judges as they deal with this criminal specialty.
You will learn how a majority of these stalking cases begin with ill-advised or improper relationships. The victims are too often closeted homosexuals or married people wandering on the wild side. The stalkers soon gain exceptional control by threatening their victim’s with exposure along with career and marriage ending consequences. From there these things usually go downhill fast.
Now for what I hate about this book!
Particularly in Los Angeles there is a mindset that’s Liberal hogwash and illogical at best. The problem that stalking victims, cops and prosecutors really had was not a lack of stalking laws or getting restraining orders issued. The Liberal judges refused to hand down meaningful jail terms for the stalking related crimes of trespassing, threatening and disorderly conduct. Those crimes universally carry up to a solid year behind bars if that’s what’s needed. The L.A. judges just refused to protect the public.
Instead of standing up to the worthless judiciary Saunders instead went to the California State Assembly and had them make yet more laws that would only add another layer of, too many laws.
The thing I find most egregious is the way Saunders has reinforced a world of victimization and dependency on government for the victims. Nowhere does Saunders offer significant self-reliance or an effective way for these victims to get their lives returned.
Our creator handed all of us instincts that are true gifts, fear and the simplest desire to survive. The founding fathers of this country gave us the right to keep and bear arms. Americans need never cower and hope a call to 911 or Rhonda Saunders’ office will get help faster than they can bleed to death.
I on the other hand will always suggest a quality handgun and training to any sane, sober and rational client of mine with a stalking problem. I tell them to ignore California’s bogus law against carrying concealed weapons. Paying a fine is always better then death or injury at the hands of a stalker. Government has always proven itself to be an unreliable nanny.
The Liberal gun-rights hating California politicians enjoy a brainwashed public that believes that a little training and gun ownership are somehow evil. The only realistic avenue for meaningful self-defense is denied in California’s largest cities. Failure by a stalking victim to obey the un-American and un-Constitutional laws against carrying a handgun for self-defense will always get California prosecutors and judges to act in a hurry to insure injustice.
Get your copy of Whisper Of Fear right here.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Cop Killing Weathermen Enjoying New Notoriety
Chicago, Il—I remember the Days of Rage and the enemies of freedom, The Weather Underground who were using force and violence to overthrow our government and way of life.
I remember the murdered and severely injured cops. I remember the bombings and the hate for liberty and self-reliance spread like a vile disease by Weather Underground founding members and unrepentant terrorists, William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.
I remember only too well how the so called anti-war movement under Communist influence pressured spineless American politicians to abandon the people of South Viet Nam. More importantly I remember how the Communists exterminated two-million men women and children in the killing fields as an expected direct result.
William Ayers is about to go on a book signing tour with his republished memoirs.
I can’t imagine there are any book stores that would dare place their employees and customers in real jeopardy of being targeted by revenge seeking relatives and partners of those murdered or injured by Ayers, Dohrn and their comrades. Somebody may well use the same kind of weapons favored by Ayers and Dohrn on them.
Anyone seeking revenge should not resort to injuring innocent people in public places.
Well wishers should send their greetings, cards and letters where they live:
1329 East 50TH ST CHICAGO, IL 60615 (773) 924-8058
Meet William Ayers In Person!
Mr Ayers is doing a book signing at
Busboys & Poets Bookstore and Resturant
2021 14th St, Washington, DC
(202) 387-7638
Mon, November 17
6.30pmAuthor Event, William Ayers
6:30 PM - 8PM - Author Event, William Ayers will sign and discuss his two books - City Kids, City Schools: More Reports from the Front Row - and it's companion- City Kids, City Teachers: Reports from the Front Row. Free and open to all. In these inspiring resources, William Ayers explores the surprising realities of city classrooms from kindergarten through high school. With its upbeat mix of ready-to-share city kids’ memoirs and classroom strategies, William Ayers reflects on how improving urban education is more essential than ever. It is a useful guide as well as a call to action for anyone who teaches or has taught in the city, for those considering teaching in urban schools, and for every parent with children in our schools today.Arlington, VA
Another News Media Trend!
Los Angeles, CA--It’s beginning all over the country. Financially strapped TV news organizations are sharing video and gathered news. This dramatically reduces the number of reporters and producers asking potentially embarrassing questions at news conferences.
What a great way to cut costs and help crooked politicians hide their activities! News competition is really hard on politicians and bureaucrats because journalists are always looking for stories to break. Not anymore!
I guess I’m behind the times and not like the majority of my fellow Americans and only care about who our favorite celebrities are sleeping with.
Perhaps we don’t need journalists at all. The government agencies and news makers can simply put up whatever they want us to know on YouTube!
In case you were wondering who the hot babe in the picture is, it's former, long time KPNX-TV Phoenix television reporter, Mary Kim Titla. She's an award winning journalist and a great lady who happens to be an American indian and member of the San Carlos Apache Indian Tribe.
What a great way to cut costs and help crooked politicians hide their activities! News competition is really hard on politicians and bureaucrats because journalists are always looking for stories to break. Not anymore!
I guess I’m behind the times and not like the majority of my fellow Americans and only care about who our favorite celebrities are sleeping with.
Perhaps we don’t need journalists at all. The government agencies and news makers can simply put up whatever they want us to know on YouTube!
In case you were wondering who the hot babe in the picture is, it's former, long time KPNX-TV Phoenix television reporter, Mary Kim Titla. She's an award winning journalist and a great lady who happens to be an American indian and member of the San Carlos Apache Indian Tribe.
Disarming Off Duty Police Officers
Los Angeles, CA—Sheriff Lee Baca has taken steps to disarm by regulation off duty officers who use alcohol, medication or controlled substances to the point where they are "unable to exercise reasonable care and control of the firearm."
It sounds just fine except for the fact existing laws and department regulations cover reckless and criminal conduct involving firearms. If cops can’t obey simple laws how is a new departmental regulation going to help?
Is this another feel good regulation? Will this lead to total disarmament of off duty officers? Will it lead to attempts to disarm on duty officers? I can see the day when politicians claim on duty officers don’t need firearms except during special circumstances and demand they be disarmed.
Is this new regulation just part of Lee Baca’s personal gun-rights hating agenda he’s been forcing on the law-abiding citizens he’s denied needed concealed weapons permits?
The Office of Special Investigations of the Arizona Department of Motor Vehicles has disarmed all their sworn officers long ago. In that case the policy maker was Republican career bureaucrat and soon to be outgoing head of the US Department of Transportation, Mary Peters who is a confirmed gun-rights hater.
Can our politicians get cops to begin arresting each other for carrying firearms?
For decades the certified, trained and sworn officers working for the Glenview Illinois police department have been prohibited by regulation from carrying weapons while off duty. The only remarkable result of the policy was the lack of off duty arrests of criminals for felonies. As a general rule despite departmental policies sworn law enforcement officers cannot be arrested or criminally charged for carrying firearms even in Glenview. Many Glenview officers simply ignored the bogus regulation.
Police officers under the influence of drugs and alcohol very occasionally wind up on the wrong side of the law. Cops are like any other citizen and have the responsibility to control their own behavior. They don’t need one more regulation or law to deal with Lee Baca’s personal nightmares.
It’s simple enough to just encourage cops to not mix intoxicants with firearms.
It sounds just fine except for the fact existing laws and department regulations cover reckless and criminal conduct involving firearms. If cops can’t obey simple laws how is a new departmental regulation going to help?
Is this another feel good regulation? Will this lead to total disarmament of off duty officers? Will it lead to attempts to disarm on duty officers? I can see the day when politicians claim on duty officers don’t need firearms except during special circumstances and demand they be disarmed.
Is this new regulation just part of Lee Baca’s personal gun-rights hating agenda he’s been forcing on the law-abiding citizens he’s denied needed concealed weapons permits?
The Office of Special Investigations of the Arizona Department of Motor Vehicles has disarmed all their sworn officers long ago. In that case the policy maker was Republican career bureaucrat and soon to be outgoing head of the US Department of Transportation, Mary Peters who is a confirmed gun-rights hater.
Can our politicians get cops to begin arresting each other for carrying firearms?
For decades the certified, trained and sworn officers working for the Glenview Illinois police department have been prohibited by regulation from carrying weapons while off duty. The only remarkable result of the policy was the lack of off duty arrests of criminals for felonies. As a general rule despite departmental policies sworn law enforcement officers cannot be arrested or criminally charged for carrying firearms even in Glenview. Many Glenview officers simply ignored the bogus regulation.
Police officers under the influence of drugs and alcohol very occasionally wind up on the wrong side of the law. Cops are like any other citizen and have the responsibility to control their own behavior. They don’t need one more regulation or law to deal with Lee Baca’s personal nightmares.
It’s simple enough to just encourage cops to not mix intoxicants with firearms.
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