Chicago, IL—Barack Obama and Richard M. Daley gambled with the lives of Chicagoans by inviting an unprecedented one million people to celebrate at an event where only 60,000 could be accomadated.
Thankfully less than a quarter of the invitees actually showed up for the event. It became a much smaller and manageable crowd for the men and women of the Chicago Police Department to handle. It was simple mathematics of a substantially less overwhelmed police department and luck aided by a very speedy vote count with the results that pleased the attendees that ruled the night.
There were however a substantial number of reports of gunshots having been fired; one police car I know about had its windows shot out. The classy Drake Hotel on Michigan Avenue also had some windows shot out.
Still my hat goes off to the greatest law enforcement agency anywhere for their courage and efforts Last night.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Welcome to the United Socialist Republic Of America
The voters have spoken. They’ve rejected the government our founding fathers gave us. Instead they have embraced Karl Marx and his followers Obama, Reid and Pelosi to lead us straight to Hell.
The cornerstone of Marxism is the redistribution of the wealth. The productive are punished and the unproductive are rewarded. That system has never worked and won’t work now.
John McCain was no prize and could not and did not rally the Conservatives. McCain disappointed us on everything from dealing with illegal immigration, the massive Socialist bailouts and even gun control. His campaign was beyond weak because his position was too similar to Obama’s.
Had it not been for the refreshing Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, McCain’s support would have been minimal at best. Palin brought the only significant votes he got.
The American experiment seems to have run its course. We will have change all right beginning with the erosion of the freedom and liberty so many American’s cherished.
I don’t know what incentive people will have to invest in American businesses but after the bailouts nationalization of every major industry is next. Our Constitution may be offered up to a Constitutional Convention where the only rights that remain are collective tights.
Talk radio and the Internet are the next targets to control the information through the Fairness Doctrine’s next evolution. Free speech is very bad for political incumbent protection.
By the time four years of total domination by the Bolsheviks we just elected ends we may never be able to recapture what we once had.
Governments run in cycles as they embrace the concepts they once fought wars to protect their citizens from. I don’t really think McCain was going to take us in the right direction anyway.
For me George W Bush was an eight year disappointment along with the unnecessary Iraq War he brought us. Had we not gone to Iraq that country along with their rogue neighbor, Iran would have probably neutralized each other by now. Think of the savings to taxpayers.
Hope seems elusive right now but I can start to imagine the day Americans begin to flee to Mexico as we become the economic fugitive wetbacks of the future.
Nov 4 2008 Voting In Westwood Los Angeles Next To The UCLA Campus.
Los Angeles--No fistfights or emotion here just polite and friendly young Americans out to make democracy work. Being that this is a very Left Wing community I suspect in this precinct Obama has a landslide. That's too bad.
I don’t know what tomorrow brings, but troubled times are ahead for all Americans. The Bolsheviks will be minding the store for a while…
I don’t know what tomorrow brings, but troubled times are ahead for all Americans. The Bolsheviks will be minding the store for a while…
Why Violence From Chicago’s African-Americans Is Easily Predicted at The Obama Fest.
Chicago, IL—Chicago’s African-Americans have a difficult time controlling their emotions. A racist statement you say? Then why is the population of prisons in the entire state of Illinois loaded with over 70 percent with Chicago’s African-Americans? You can argue how poverty breeds violent crime but that does not change reality of just who is generating the violence.
I have vivid memories of my hundreds or perhaps thousands of visits to the Cook County jail and Morgue. The numerous bodies being posted on the autopsy tables were overwhelmingly African-Americans. The jail was a sea of dark faces. Both facilities handle the populations of the city and all its suburbs. Violence and crime is a huge part of Chicago’s African-American culture.
Putting an overwhelming crowd of jubilant, frustrated or angry young Chicago African-Americans in one place like they are doing at the Grant Park Obama celebration is both dangerous and reckless. Any and all deaths resulting and property damage from the very predictable violence should rest directly on the shoulders of Mayor Richard M. Daley and Senator Barack Obama. As for those emotional triggers, I know before the night is over we will experience all of them.
Since the crowed will vastly outnumber police, the temptation to engage in violent misbehavior will be answered in a very tragic way. This disaster will detract from what should be a grand celebration of our democracy.
When I saw that Chicago press conference with that group of older African-American clergy members urging people to stay home and celebrate there it was obvious they knew just what to expect. Those men were as serious about their message as a heart attack. Don’t listen to me; instead listen to those members of the African-American clergy because they know!
I have vivid memories of my hundreds or perhaps thousands of visits to the Cook County jail and Morgue. The numerous bodies being posted on the autopsy tables were overwhelmingly African-Americans. The jail was a sea of dark faces. Both facilities handle the populations of the city and all its suburbs. Violence and crime is a huge part of Chicago’s African-American culture.
Putting an overwhelming crowd of jubilant, frustrated or angry young Chicago African-Americans in one place like they are doing at the Grant Park Obama celebration is both dangerous and reckless. Any and all deaths resulting and property damage from the very predictable violence should rest directly on the shoulders of Mayor Richard M. Daley and Senator Barack Obama. As for those emotional triggers, I know before the night is over we will experience all of them.
Since the crowed will vastly outnumber police, the temptation to engage in violent misbehavior will be answered in a very tragic way. This disaster will detract from what should be a grand celebration of our democracy.
When I saw that Chicago press conference with that group of older African-American clergy members urging people to stay home and celebrate there it was obvious they knew just what to expect. Those men were as serious about their message as a heart attack. Don’t listen to me; instead listen to those members of the African-American clergy because they know!
Monday, November 03, 2008
Why The Returns Of This Presidential Election Will Be Really Slow
Trust me, I know my way around a precinct polling place especially in Chicago. As most voters know polling places are geographically located within walking distance inside areas containing less than 1000 voters.
Within the precinct there are precinct captains. Any political party has a right to their own captains. Within the inner-city the rarest precinct captain is a Republican. Because they just don’t exist. The captain’s job is to convince the voters to vote for party endorsed candidates and make sure the precinct voters vote right.
Next are the election judges. They are the ones in charge of the precinct election. There are three or sometimes more of them. One of them must be a registered to an opposite party. In heavily Democratic precincts the Republicans are Republicans on paper only for sheer convenience.
The judges are poorly paid and minimally trained people that are supposed to supervise the process protecting the integrity of the vote and privacy of the voters. Often the judges are very elderly. When the polls close their real work begins for the judges and the Precinct Captains keep a watchful eye open everything.
The sad reality is the precinct captains are the only ones that really know the procedures. They are not supposed to handle the election materials but the judges always give in begging for the precinct captain’s help.
When you have a big election with a turnout of 60% or more of the voters the election judges get overwhelmed and dysfunctional. The captains far too often take over the judge’s duties. If you believe that people don’t vote early and often the dead are incapable of casting a ballot you live in a dream world.
The horrific realty is that valid ballots are very often invalidated by chicanery such as defacing the ballot by making it show falsely that the voter voted for more than one candidate for the same office. Those voters that failed to show up have their ballots cast for them along with the dead. The truth is the ballot manipulation and ghost voting takes time. That’s why the inner-city returns are always last to be counted. Don’t complain now because this is the democracy we created. The Democrats fight all reform or voter fraud control efforts at every stage.
Thing are not always what they seem.
Within the precinct there are precinct captains. Any political party has a right to their own captains. Within the inner-city the rarest precinct captain is a Republican. Because they just don’t exist. The captain’s job is to convince the voters to vote for party endorsed candidates and make sure the precinct voters vote right.
Next are the election judges. They are the ones in charge of the precinct election. There are three or sometimes more of them. One of them must be a registered to an opposite party. In heavily Democratic precincts the Republicans are Republicans on paper only for sheer convenience.
The judges are poorly paid and minimally trained people that are supposed to supervise the process protecting the integrity of the vote and privacy of the voters. Often the judges are very elderly. When the polls close their real work begins for the judges and the Precinct Captains keep a watchful eye open everything.
The sad reality is the precinct captains are the only ones that really know the procedures. They are not supposed to handle the election materials but the judges always give in begging for the precinct captain’s help.
When you have a big election with a turnout of 60% or more of the voters the election judges get overwhelmed and dysfunctional. The captains far too often take over the judge’s duties. If you believe that people don’t vote early and often the dead are incapable of casting a ballot you live in a dream world.
The horrific realty is that valid ballots are very often invalidated by chicanery such as defacing the ballot by making it show falsely that the voter voted for more than one candidate for the same office. Those voters that failed to show up have their ballots cast for them along with the dead. The truth is the ballot manipulation and ghost voting takes time. That’s why the inner-city returns are always last to be counted. Don’t complain now because this is the democracy we created. The Democrats fight all reform or voter fraud control efforts at every stage.
Thing are not always what they seem.
Crimefile Does Mancow In The Morning
Chicago, IL—I will be on the Mancow show at 10:30 Chicago time on Election Day. The popular Mancow has been resurrected at WLS-Radio 890.
If you’re outside Chicago you can listen here.
If you’re outside Chicago you can listen here.
I’ve Been Avoiding Another Chicago Policeman’s Blog…
Chicago, IL-There is a growing list of bloggers everywhere. They come and they go. Some are boring and others are informative and entertaining.
There is this blog run by a knowledgeable fellow. I assume it’s a fellow, but who really knows? He’s funny, disrespectful, and vulgar however most often right on point. I suspect he fits the image of one of those oddball characters from Reno 911.
I have problems with his language not because I’m a prude but because I don’t want to offend those of my readers with sensitivities or religious concerns. I will send my readers with a harsh language warning. His blog title is a little over the top so I will only use a portion of it. I don’t understand why he picked that blog name since this is not a porn site.
You have been warned! Without further ado meet Shaved-------K.
There is this blog run by a knowledgeable fellow. I assume it’s a fellow, but who really knows? He’s funny, disrespectful, and vulgar however most often right on point. I suspect he fits the image of one of those oddball characters from Reno 911.
I have problems with his language not because I’m a prude but because I don’t want to offend those of my readers with sensitivities or religious concerns. I will send my readers with a harsh language warning. His blog title is a little over the top so I will only use a portion of it. I don’t understand why he picked that blog name since this is not a porn site.
You have been warned! Without further ado meet Shaved-------K.
More On The Planed Grant Park Obama Insurrection
This is one disturbance in the gentle American community of Lincoln, Nebraska that demonstrates the high emotions of the African-American Barack Obama supporters when it comes to tomorrow’s election. This is a small group of troublemakers. Just what will happen if Daley’s wish comes true and he get’s a million Obama supporters roaming downtown?
Please someone, anyone tell me how 5000 Chicago cops will be able to handle only 100,000 angry celebrants? Next tell me how they will handle a million? Please send body bags to the Windy City, they may need lots of them in the next 48 hours.
Please someone, anyone tell me how 5000 Chicago cops will be able to handle only 100,000 angry celebrants? Next tell me how they will handle a million? Please send body bags to the Windy City, they may need lots of them in the next 48 hours.
You Say You Hate The Patriot Act?
In countries ruled by Communists and National Socialists or Nazis they always put together a civilian security force. These are professional informers and stooges. The most notorious was Adolph Hitler’s SA. The SA was composed of unemployable Social outcasts that were encouraged to torment Jews and destroy their property.
Finally even the higher ups of the Third Reich wound up hating this group like everyone else. After they outlived their purpose and became a threat the infamous Night of The Long Knives took out the leadership of this bunch of brown-shirted SA rats.
Barack Obama thinks we need they same kind of “civilian security force” and you thought the Patriot Act was bad!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Obama’s Words Keep Haunting Him
At the eleventh hour Barack Obama’s words again have alienated a vast segment of voters in key states he was depending on for his election to the Whitehouse.
Obama threatened the very people who are employed by or invest in America’s coal industry. Obama vowed to help bankrupt them as President!
In January Obama told a San Francisco Chronicle reporter, "If somebody wants to build a coal power plant they can, it's just that it will bankrupt them because they are going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted."
Pennsylvania, Virginia and Ohio are, must win states where a substantial number of people of people would find themselves financially ruined if Obama got his way. Voters in coal producing regions are quickly learning they really don’t have a choice but to reject Obama.
Christmas is coming boys and girls! What do you think Obama will find in his stocking hung over the fireplace this time? If Obama wins the poor kids living in these states won’t have a Christmas...
1993 U.S. Coal Production, by State
(Thousand Short Tons)
State Total State Total
Wyoming 210,129 Utah 21,847
Kentucky 156,299 Arizona 12,173
West Virginia 130,525 Washington 4,748
Pennsylvania 59,700 Maryland 3,355
Texas 54,567 Tennessee 3,047
Illinois 41,098 Louisiana 3,134
Virginia 39,317 Oklahoma 1,758
Montana 35,197 Alaska 1,601
North Dakota 31,973 Missouri 653
Indiana 29,295 Kansas 341
Ohio 28,186 Iowa 175
Alabama 24,768 Arkansas 44
Colorado 21,886
Listen to Obama's Own words folks!
Will An Obama Election Loss Spark A Hollywood Kool-Aid Party?
Hollywood, CA—The Leftist major media has already declared a victory for their hero, Barack Obama. Hollywood’s leading Lefties like Robert Redford , Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand and Susan Sarandon have all reneged on their vows to leave the USA if George Bush was either elected or re-elected.
I suspect there may still be some surprises on Tuesday. There’s talk of the Bradley Effect where the polls don’t accurately reflect what voter will do in the privacy of the voting booth. Tom Bradley, an African-American former Los Angeles mayor was predicted as a sure winner in the California Governoer's race. Loads of voter’s deceived pollsters later voting against Bradley. White voters did not want to be perceived as bigoted so they feigned allegiance to Bradley who lost the election.
Increasingly White Americans are realizing that Barack Obama with his Marxist admiration and leanings will enslave them through wealth redistribution. That reality may cause the Bradley Effect to get a brand new moniker for Obama.
Hollywood has sent hundreds of millions to the Obama campaign. These wealthy Liberals will not be able to cope with another Republican as President, even an established Liberal one like John McCain.
That leads me to ask what’s next for the Hollywood Elite if McCain wins the election?
Perhaps these disaffected Hollywood idealists can hold another Obama fundraiser at the Beverly Hills Hilton and donate the proceeds and their entire estates to charity. They could cap off the gala night with a toast with People’s Temple, Jim Jones’ special recipe Kool-Aid.
I suspect there may still be some surprises on Tuesday. There’s talk of the Bradley Effect where the polls don’t accurately reflect what voter will do in the privacy of the voting booth. Tom Bradley, an African-American former Los Angeles mayor was predicted as a sure winner in the California Governoer's race. Loads of voter’s deceived pollsters later voting against Bradley. White voters did not want to be perceived as bigoted so they feigned allegiance to Bradley who lost the election.
Increasingly White Americans are realizing that Barack Obama with his Marxist admiration and leanings will enslave them through wealth redistribution. That reality may cause the Bradley Effect to get a brand new moniker for Obama.
Hollywood has sent hundreds of millions to the Obama campaign. These wealthy Liberals will not be able to cope with another Republican as President, even an established Liberal one like John McCain.
That leads me to ask what’s next for the Hollywood Elite if McCain wins the election?
Perhaps these disaffected Hollywood idealists can hold another Obama fundraiser at the Beverly Hills Hilton and donate the proceeds and their entire estates to charity. They could cap off the gala night with a toast with People’s Temple, Jim Jones’ special recipe Kool-Aid.
No Safety Helmets Allowed For Chicago Police At City Planed Insurrection
Chicago, IL—The insanity of City officials and the Barack Obama campaign continues. That’s even after serious concerns were raised by many wise, African-American religious leaders that urged people to celebrate in the safety of their own neighborhoods and homes.
The planed Grant Park Obama celebration/insurrection/violence orgy will put the entire city at risk. City officials and the Obama campaign are gambling with the very lives of everyone in this narcissistic, self- indulgent display. The planning of this event was irresponsible, reckless and dangerous.
Police were told to report for their 12-hour shifts wearing dress uniforms with the trademark checkerboard caps. They were told to bring their helmets but they must be locked up in car trunks kept miles away and inaccessible. Helmets have been proven prevent deaths and injuries. Why is Superintendent Jody Weis putting cops under his command at this additional risk?
The vastly outnumbered Chicago police officers will have no back up from the National Guard. Roving mobs will take full advantage of that fact and its expectable more deadly force will have to be used against emboldened and violent revelers.
We know full well what happens when uncontrollably large crowds of Chicago’s population gather. In 1968 several thousand unwelcomed Communists and hippies came to Chicago. Many were dressed for street combat complete with helmets and gas masks. Despite the presence of the National Guard hundreds of cops and incredibly stupid kids were hurt.
In 1970 the Group, Sly and The Family Stone simply failed to show up at a Grant Park concert. The destruction and injuries to police and civilians was unforgettable to all but Mayor Richard M. Daley.
More recently we know what happens when the Chicago Bulls win a championship. People and cops got hurt, lots of them. None of Chicago’s events will evoke the kind of emotion as an Obama loss or even a cliffhanger election will bring. Never before has any elected official urged a million people to attend any event.
I’d urge everyone to avoid the Grant Park Death Trap and watch the election returns on television in the safety and comfort in your own home.
The planed Grant Park Obama celebration/insurrection/violence orgy will put the entire city at risk. City officials and the Obama campaign are gambling with the very lives of everyone in this narcissistic, self- indulgent display. The planning of this event was irresponsible, reckless and dangerous.
Police were told to report for their 12-hour shifts wearing dress uniforms with the trademark checkerboard caps. They were told to bring their helmets but they must be locked up in car trunks kept miles away and inaccessible. Helmets have been proven prevent deaths and injuries. Why is Superintendent Jody Weis putting cops under his command at this additional risk?
The vastly outnumbered Chicago police officers will have no back up from the National Guard. Roving mobs will take full advantage of that fact and its expectable more deadly force will have to be used against emboldened and violent revelers.
We know full well what happens when uncontrollably large crowds of Chicago’s population gather. In 1968 several thousand unwelcomed Communists and hippies came to Chicago. Many were dressed for street combat complete with helmets and gas masks. Despite the presence of the National Guard hundreds of cops and incredibly stupid kids were hurt.
In 1970 the Group, Sly and The Family Stone simply failed to show up at a Grant Park concert. The destruction and injuries to police and civilians was unforgettable to all but Mayor Richard M. Daley.
More recently we know what happens when the Chicago Bulls win a championship. People and cops got hurt, lots of them. None of Chicago’s events will evoke the kind of emotion as an Obama loss or even a cliffhanger election will bring. Never before has any elected official urged a million people to attend any event.
I’d urge everyone to avoid the Grant Park Death Trap and watch the election returns on television in the safety and comfort in your own home.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Hey Daley! How Can This Be?
The Galco International “Miami Classic” Shoulder rig
Miami, FL—Despite being the land of the free when it comes handing out concealed weapons permits This South Florida metropolis has gone an entire month without a any homicides.
Yes it’s true! October 2008 went without a single murder in the land of CSI and Miami Vice. No wait! Today it’s 35 days and counting! Soon those kinds of TV shows will have to relocate to Chicago where there's never a shortage of active murder scenes.
According to “experts” like Barack Obama, Richard M. Daley and Michael Bloomberg that’s impossible! Could these fellows been somehow wrong? Their favored gun bans have only protected the criminals rather than the law abiding public. The criminals are enabled and get bolder by the week in places like New York and Chicago.
Could it be that Miami’s criminals are finding themselves too often at the wrong end of guns held by potential robbery and rape victims? Could it mean that armed law abiding citizens exercise their absolute right to carry firearms in a responsible and safe manner?
I guess Americans need to ask experts like Obama, Daley and Bloomberg to explain this phenomenon.
Miami, FL—Despite being the land of the free when it comes handing out concealed weapons permits This South Florida metropolis has gone an entire month without a any homicides.
Yes it’s true! October 2008 went without a single murder in the land of CSI and Miami Vice. No wait! Today it’s 35 days and counting! Soon those kinds of TV shows will have to relocate to Chicago where there's never a shortage of active murder scenes.
According to “experts” like Barack Obama, Richard M. Daley and Michael Bloomberg that’s impossible! Could these fellows been somehow wrong? Their favored gun bans have only protected the criminals rather than the law abiding public. The criminals are enabled and get bolder by the week in places like New York and Chicago.
Could it be that Miami’s criminals are finding themselves too often at the wrong end of guns held by potential robbery and rape victims? Could it mean that armed law abiding citizens exercise their absolute right to carry firearms in a responsible and safe manner?
I guess Americans need to ask experts like Obama, Daley and Bloomberg to explain this phenomenon.
Charlton Heston’s Warning About Barack Obama
Los Angeles—Before he died that great American Charlton Heston left a warning about Barack Obama’s plan to end world hunger. Heston said it was a total lie.
Here is the warning he left for all of us!
Here is the warning he left for all of us!
Bank Robber A Respected Retired Police Sergeant?
Santa Anna, CA—The FBI called their prey the Grandpa Bandit. He robbed at least four banks located in Southern California cities as in Rancho Cucamonga, Glendora and Escondido.
The usual evidence is surveillance photographs and eye witness identifications. After a fourth stick-up in Rancho Cucamonga a suspect was caught up in the dragnet. The suspect in custody was none other than 61 year-old Frank Holder, a well respected, retired Pomona police sergeant of 30 years honorable service.
Holder, a Phelan, CA resident has had his home, vehicles and property searched. The FBI folks are examining every bit of his financial records looking for anything at all to tie him into these crimes.
Holder is currently being held without bond until an appearance before a federal Magistrate in Santa Anna.
We can only hope this is a case of mistaken identity.
A sad update 8/20/09:
A retired police sergeant has pleaded guilty to robbing two banks in holdups that earned him the nickname "The Grandpa Bandit."
Sixty-two-year-old Frank Holder of Phelan entered pleas to federal charges in Riverside and is free on bond.
A federal prosecutor said Wednesday Holder is expected to get a three-year sentence and must repay about $4,000.
Holder worked for the Pomona Police Department for 30 years and retired in 2004. He had no prior criminal record.
He pleaded guilty to robbing the banks in Southern California last October. Authorities say he had a gun during the holdups but never displayed it.
Information from: Inland Valley Daily Bulletin,
A Young Girl with A voice from Heaven
Here is a much needed break from our intense political and economic stress. Take a few minutes for some pure pleasure.
Germany—The American Idol TV show concept has landed all over the world and Germany has their own version too. Das Super Talent 2008 has yielded a young gal that will knock your socks off. Her name is Vanessa Krasniqi and she’s only 13 years old. There is a short interview here before she brings the house down with, Because Of You. I have a special fondness for Germany and their people after my days as a lucky Army nedical corpsman there during the height of the Viet Nam War.
If you liked that one wait until you here her one more time!
Germany—The American Idol TV show concept has landed all over the world and Germany has their own version too. Das Super Talent 2008 has yielded a young gal that will knock your socks off. Her name is Vanessa Krasniqi and she’s only 13 years old. There is a short interview here before she brings the house down with, Because Of You. I have a special fondness for Germany and their people after my days as a lucky Army nedical corpsman there during the height of the Viet Nam War.
If you liked that one wait until you here her one more time!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Obama Insurrection At Grant Park A Certainty
Click on photos to enlarge. Grant Park is at the lower right.
Chicago, IL.—At least some city officials have grave concerns about the plans for a huge celebration for Barack Obama at Chicago’s Grant Park. All the tickets for the event have been given out and Mayor Richard M. Daley gleefully invited "a million people" to come down and celebrate.
The biggest problem is a mathematical one. The 5000 or so police officers will be gravely outnumbered and placed in danger. There is no way to keep out thousands of armed street gang members or protect the thousands of businesses. The cops will be way out manned and outgunned. Police cannot use deadly force against looters because of a 1967 Illinois law.
Some officers I talked with are expecting to become targets of the unprecedented mob that will descend into the area. Once the mob gets control of the outdoor lighting any hope of security will be lost for sure.
There would be no way to protect the Loop. How much priceless art will be lost at the Art Institute? Will the brand New CBS broadcast Center be destroyed? I know a lot of cops that would look the other way as that place is looted and trashed.
The numerous buildings of every government level that house sensitive records will be in jeopardy. Imagine gang members getting into Daley Center court offices and destroying the records associated with pending trials.
The only good idea officials seem to have is to open the bridges along the Chicago River keeping mobs from spreading to the Gold Coast. The Chicago River is a great barrier and that will control mobs moving Northbound.
It’s too late to stop what Barack Obama and his energetic supporter Richard M. Daley has set in motion. The Genie is out of the bottle.
William Balfour Infamous Criminal Activities
Chicago Il. --William “Flex” Balfour is indeed a very dangerous criminal. His past is further exposed by the following documents that include a pre-sentence report prepared by a Cook County Adult Probation officer. That report was used by the sentencing judge to determine his punishment after the carjacking where he nearly murdered the victim. Balfour is a consummate ghetto rat, tough guy, gang member and fool.
Police are still trying to unravel the true motive for the carnage with the help of an inside snitch. Julia Hudson, her dead brother, Jason along with her son Julian’s Father Gregory King and William Balfour were heavily involved with the Gangster Disciples street gang and drug dealing. Julia Hudson has been misleading the cops about the motive for the killings to sanitize her own conduct.
Both Julia Hudson and Jennifer Husdon are skipping the public service. I guess they have no interest in answering any questions about drugs and gangs in the family members of the media may ask.
Singer and actress Jennifer Hudson is incredibly lucky her talents took her away from her siblings and their risky lifestyle or she too may have been another murder victim.
The recovery and matching of that Sig-Saur, two-tone, P220, nine shot .45 ACP semi-automatic pistol to the crime is the clearest demonstration of the snitch’s credibility. The police had already searched the area but the snitch sent police back to the scene giving them a precise location and the weapon was recovered.
The sad part of the story was an innocent little boy surrounded with gangs, drugs and violence. Had he lived he may well have been just another Englewood hood rat.
Here are the records…
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mayor Richard M. Daley’s Role In The Chicago Police Torture Allegations
Chicago, IL—Over a period of time during the 1970s and 1980’s there was a firestorm of torture allegations by Chicago police Detectives under the Command of the retired and recently indicted, Jon Burge.
I’m not privy to what went on in those South Chicago interrogation rooms where the most violent cop killers and other notorious criminals confessed their deeds. As the defense attorneys began to compare the stories of their clients a pattern of similar allegations emerged.
Police were accused of beating, suffocating and shocking suspects until they confessed. I am convinced these criminals were not treated like guests at Chicago’s posh Ambassador East Hotel. But I also seriously doubt the claims of the accusers. No police agencies had or used video back then during interrogations so only the people in those rooms know what really happened.
You can believe the killers or you can believe the officers. I don’t care who is right or wrong here but both sides deserved a solid investigation. Torture by police is wrong and so is making false allegations against cops. Suspects make such allegations because often it’s their only defense that may keep them out of a lethal injection room at the Menard Prison.
It was in February of 1982 when John Raba, MD was treating cop killer Andrew Wilson at the Cermack Memorial Hospital located at the Cook County Jail. Dr. Raba found some superficial injuries on Wilson that seemed to back up his tale of police brutality. DR. Raba did the right thing and sent a report to the then Superintendent of Chicago Police, Richard J. Brzeczek.
Brzeczek had a peculiar dilemma since Wilson was on the fast track to death row for murdering two cops and a McDonald’s security guard. Brzeczek needed to follow the lead of the man who had investigative and prosecutorial jurisdiction over both Wilson and the allegations made against the cops. The man who had the duty, power and Independent resources to handle that was none other than the current Chicago Mayor, Richard M. Daley who was the Cook County State's Attorney at the time.
Brzeczek dutifully notified Daley in writing including a copy of Dr. Raba’s report. Daley chose to take no action whatsoever beyond winning a conviction and death sentence against Wilson.
Jon Burge and his men were entitled to a full and complete investigation and review by Daley’s Office of Special Prosecutions that handle police brutality and official corruption matters. The officers may well have been cleared or if guilty prosecuted. Instead these allegations have been hanging over the detectives for three decades.
Now the US Attorney is pursuing a perjury and obstruction of justice case against Jon Burge. To prove that case they will have to prove that the ancient allegations of torture are true and that Burge lied about it decades later in a deposition.
To say this case involving White police officers and African-American suspects/convicted criminals has been a divisive burning issue in Chicago is an understatement.
It’s Chicago’s African American community that has elected Daley to his positions as State’s Attorney and Mayor. They keep electing him despite irrefutable evidence that it was Mayor Daley that covered up the allegations. The available evidence shows that Daley is even more culpable than Jon Burge.
To absolve himself of misconduct Daley, through The Cook County Board handed two long time political pals a king’s ransom ($7.2 million) for what became a Cook County Special Prosecutor's 292 page whitewash.
I’m trying to understand why the media and the so called community leaders have given Daley a free pass on this outrage. It seems to be very corrupt to me on its face.
Recently U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) resurrected Daley’s Cover-up and malfeasance as State’s Attorney. Gutierrez is considering a run against Daley for Mayor in February 2011.
Read Superintendent Richard J. Brzeczek’s letter to Daley and Raba Report.
Here is a copy of the Cook County Special Prosecutor'e Daley whitewash trying to make a scapegoat out of Richard J. Brzeczek:
I’m not privy to what went on in those South Chicago interrogation rooms where the most violent cop killers and other notorious criminals confessed their deeds. As the defense attorneys began to compare the stories of their clients a pattern of similar allegations emerged.
Police were accused of beating, suffocating and shocking suspects until they confessed. I am convinced these criminals were not treated like guests at Chicago’s posh Ambassador East Hotel. But I also seriously doubt the claims of the accusers. No police agencies had or used video back then during interrogations so only the people in those rooms know what really happened.
You can believe the killers or you can believe the officers. I don’t care who is right or wrong here but both sides deserved a solid investigation. Torture by police is wrong and so is making false allegations against cops. Suspects make such allegations because often it’s their only defense that may keep them out of a lethal injection room at the Menard Prison.
It was in February of 1982 when John Raba, MD was treating cop killer Andrew Wilson at the Cermack Memorial Hospital located at the Cook County Jail. Dr. Raba found some superficial injuries on Wilson that seemed to back up his tale of police brutality. DR. Raba did the right thing and sent a report to the then Superintendent of Chicago Police, Richard J. Brzeczek.
Brzeczek had a peculiar dilemma since Wilson was on the fast track to death row for murdering two cops and a McDonald’s security guard. Brzeczek needed to follow the lead of the man who had investigative and prosecutorial jurisdiction over both Wilson and the allegations made against the cops. The man who had the duty, power and Independent resources to handle that was none other than the current Chicago Mayor, Richard M. Daley who was the Cook County State's Attorney at the time.
Brzeczek dutifully notified Daley in writing including a copy of Dr. Raba’s report. Daley chose to take no action whatsoever beyond winning a conviction and death sentence against Wilson.
Jon Burge and his men were entitled to a full and complete investigation and review by Daley’s Office of Special Prosecutions that handle police brutality and official corruption matters. The officers may well have been cleared or if guilty prosecuted. Instead these allegations have been hanging over the detectives for three decades.
Now the US Attorney is pursuing a perjury and obstruction of justice case against Jon Burge. To prove that case they will have to prove that the ancient allegations of torture are true and that Burge lied about it decades later in a deposition.
To say this case involving White police officers and African-American suspects/convicted criminals has been a divisive burning issue in Chicago is an understatement.
It’s Chicago’s African American community that has elected Daley to his positions as State’s Attorney and Mayor. They keep electing him despite irrefutable evidence that it was Mayor Daley that covered up the allegations. The available evidence shows that Daley is even more culpable than Jon Burge.
To absolve himself of misconduct Daley, through The Cook County Board handed two long time political pals a king’s ransom ($7.2 million) for what became a Cook County Special Prosecutor's 292 page whitewash.
I’m trying to understand why the media and the so called community leaders have given Daley a free pass on this outrage. It seems to be very corrupt to me on its face.
Recently U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) resurrected Daley’s Cover-up and malfeasance as State’s Attorney. Gutierrez is considering a run against Daley for Mayor in February 2011.
Read Superintendent Richard J. Brzeczek’s letter to Daley and Raba Report.
Here is a copy of the Cook County Special Prosecutor'e Daley whitewash trying to make a scapegoat out of Richard J. Brzeczek:
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