Monday, October 13, 2008

Phil Berg’s Lawsuit Is Destined For Conspiracy Hell With The Grassy Knoll

Conspiracies are everywhere in our world, real and imagined. Like Barack Obama, I don’t have a clue where he was born. Obama can’t possibly remember. I claim no relations with his mother or parentage so I wasn’t there. If only Roe vs. Wade been decided a decade earlier, perhaps Barack Obama would have been discarded with the rest of the medical waste.

PA lawyer, Philip Berg says Obama’s birth certificate is a phony and used some intriguing evidence to justify his lawsuit seeking to have Obama’s name tossed from the ballot. Rather than prove citizenship Obama’s legal legions are seeking to avoid proving anything at all. We will all wait and see if this was just wishful thinking.

Okay, there is one additional piece of evidence and that’s the local newspaper’s printed birth announcement. That is somewhat convincing to me that Obama was born consistent with the offered certificate and meets that qualification.

As for Berg’s lawsuit he should get an order for discovery and if the birth certificate is real Berg will be owned by the Obama camp.

Hot Air has caused me to back off and wish Berg well. I guess it was just too good to be true…

Criminal Arrests, Convictions And Employers

Would you hire this well educated, good looking young man with that infectious smile? If you thought he looked “safe” you’re dead wrong. That’s the convicted and executed serial killer Ted Bundy.

Since the creation of data warehouses and companies collecting and selling criminal record data there has been an explosion of shoddy background investigations.

Our government under federal law closes the most accurate source of criminal records, the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) administered by our FBI to all but government agencies. Many politicians want to protect ex-convicts and sex offenders from exposure of any kind. Real criminals never confess their crimes on employment applications. Of course that allows thieves to be placed into positions of trust by unknowing employers.

Private employers have to resort to private sources in their attempts to avoid hiring criminals. The lowest bidder always gets the job. Unfortunately employers are getting what they pay for and lots of opportunities to be named in expensive lawsuits.

For the most part court records are the second most reliable way to find out about the criminals walking among us. Court records are based on the names and dates of birth provided by the criminals themselves. Often they use the names of friends, enemies or simply make something up. Often the real or legal names of arrestees are never reconciled in the court records.

On the other hand no matter what name someone uses they are given FBI numbers and numbers by the state police agencies based on their fingerprint classifications. Simply put the government can figure out just who is who among criminals.

In the civilian world we have private investigators that know how to use data and the actual court records to avoid making costly and regrettable mistakes. These mistakes land employers in courts every day.

The biggest problems come from the proliferation of unqualified and unregulated background investigators selling court data over the Internet. These Internet organizations are ignorant of the tools used by professional private detectives use to avoid mistakes that destroy reputations and careers. When the Internet outfits aren’t destroying careers they clear some of the worst criminals for dangerously sensitive positions.

Identity theft will get someone more than use of the victim's credit, it will get them a high paying job they are unqualified to hold. The Internet data resellers cannot stop that kind of activity where a licensed private detective can.

An interesting issue with the raw data obtained from courts is that it is a snapshot frozen in time. In many states the laws forgive convicted offenders and seal or expunge their convictions. Since the data snapshot does not change the convictions are still discoverable. A forgiven conviction is not a valid predictor of the offender’s future conduct.

Congress passed the Fair Credit Reporting Act that is supposed to regulate employer background investigations. The FCRA is just another government disaster.

If you want to find out about that person you want to hire, marry or trust with your assets, only hire a qualified licensed private detective to conduct that important background investigation.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

America’s Enemies Are Stealing Our Elections.

We can only guess how many millions of bogus votes will be cast on November 4th. We have all heard about the mere thousands of phony registrations caught by the few beleaguered election departments inclined to ferret out vote fraud.

The Left Wing Fringe Democrats have fought voter verification or identification tooth and nail blocking every bit of anti-fraud legislation or enforcement.

ACORN is an organization created to destroy America has been funded by America’s enemies foreign, domestic and our own Congress. ACORN’s efforts to hijack our elections has not gone unnoticed.

The fact that Barack Obama won’t condemn ACORN is strong evidence that he approves of their fraud on his behalf. That alone should swing any undecided voters that Obama is unfit to hold any American office. The Obama campaign has also been openly funding ACORN and their fraudulent efforts.

ACORN has been at the forefront of voter fraud for decades. Acorn is a cancer that must be stopped at all cost. This is a criminal organization with the goal of destroying our economy, form of government and way of life. Acorn is as dangerous as any terrorist that ever threatened America in its history.

In the case of Acorn and their workers I hope that American patriots use the same violent tactics employed by Barack Obama’s friends at The Weather Underground to combat this terrorist organization.

There has been a breakdown of basic protections for Americans with unchecked illegal immigration and this massive destruction of our electoral process. The enemy is here and must be destroyed. Perhaps it’s time for a militia to do what our government won’t, and that’s to protect America.

The goal of ACORN is to steal this election for that Bolshevik, Barack Obama. We cannot allow that to happen.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Lawyer Explains His Lawsuit Over Obama’s Lack Of Citizenship

Phillip J. Berg explains the reasons and evidence behind his lawsuit seeking to have Barack Obama removed from the ballot.

The video is longer than it should be because of the beginning gives us too much self-promotion from the producer of the video. Once you hear Philip Berg you’ll see he has raised a valid issue that needs exploration.

The video is eleven minutes in length. Be patient and see just what Berg has to say. Above all Bergs allegations deserve an answer before the election. Pass this on to your friends and neighbors.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Chicago Plan To Build A High School For Gays

Chicago, IL—To combat bullying Chicago plans to create a high school for the Gay, Lesbian and Transgender students. The goal is legitimize the long held unlawful “separate but equal” segregation inside a public school system.

I applaud the idea of a place where they kids can focus on their education without fear. Unfortunately what this really says is Chicago has surrendered to the fact that they can’t control violence in their schools.

That tells me that other kids will continue to be targets for juvenile criminals Chicago refuses to deal with. I can imagine the Gay school will also attract a number of straight students pretending to be gay just to escape extortion and sexual predators in problem schools.

This is another example of an ineffective government band aid being used to fix a hemorrhage.

Another Dangerous Pal of Obama With His Flock!

This racist psycho will have a direct line to an Obama Whitehouse…

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Drew Peterson Exposed BY Witchcraft!

Los Angeles, CA—I received a FED-X package from Chicago. The package contained a book, “Drew Peterson Exposed”.

I had written about the sensational case of the retired 30 year veteran of the Bolingbrook, IL police department and his young wives on this blog.

Author Derek Armstrong tackled the whole story, trying to get to the truth of the missing person case of Stacy Peterson that has captured the imagination of those true crime buffs from coast to coast.

I’m told that Peterson and his lawyers have not collected a dime for their cooperation with the author or publisher. Drew Peterson’s life was opened for close examination. Peterson agreed to and took polygraph examinations after signing liability releases for examiner Lee McCord. The releases are common in the industry protecting the examiner from any claim of negligence or even intentional misrepresentations.

I learned that Drew Peterson submitted to the polygraph examinations against his lawyer, Joel Brodsky’s advice. Peterson obviously wants his life back and agreed to apparently unlimited interviews with Derek Armstrong.

Nobody asked me but I think granting interviews and submitting to polygraph examinations by a person named as a suspect in a presumed homicide is insane.

The book gives us a biography of a somewhat ordinary guy you’d find in any police department. Cops are known to be party animals, lousy husbands and too often philanderers. Peterson seems to fit in this mold. Along the way Peterson has managed to raise his children in a loving and responsible manner.

Once Stacy Peterson went missing, the media dropped by and have yet to leave. Tabloids, bloggers, regular newspaper and TV news organizations made this mystery famous. Peterson’s street like his life has turned in to a circus of the absurd.

The sad part of too many high profile cases is that they draw profiteers and publicity hounds. Wannabe heroes are everywhere. They want to inject themselves into the story as a way to gain new found fame in their otherwise dull lives. Such is the case here where the help provided by these gadflies created serious conflicts in the obvious misinformation about the investigative timeline they provided police.

Not surprising Drew Peterson has gained new “friends” and people who threaten him in the form of a strange assortment of letters from crackpots who obviously don’t have a life. Some of those were reprinted in the book and give insight into what this kind of infamy brings.

Polygraph Testing Is Witchcraft!

In 1947, this form of truth detection was brought to us in Chicago by the pioneers of the ultimate truth detection machine, Leonarde Keeler and a lawyer named John E Reid. It was a simple play on centuries of investigator’s tricks, such as making a suspect hold his finger still in a bowl of water during questioning. If the water moved the suspect was telling a lie.

Using blood pressure, respiration and skin conductivity monitoring the examiner convinces the suspect that he cannot hide the truth. The reality is that if the suspect believes the examiner’s claim he will confess in hopes of leniency in court. The ploy works well to this day as the ignorant spill their guts. The testing or results are never admissible in court but the confessions gained by examiners have put many a man on Death Row.

There is no way a modern police officer with 30 year experience would fear a polygraph. I blow off Peterson’s testing as nothing more than an age old effort to gain a confession. I won’t blame Lee McCord for calling Peterson a liar. That is the accepted technique and he’s got a signed release from Peterson.

As for the book, it’s interesting and those crime buffs and armchair detectives will eat it up. The book was well researched and pulls no punches and at the same time was fair.

By the way I did not escape scrutiny here in that I’m mentioned several times and there is a least one screenshot of this blog.

Drew Peterson Exposed is distributed by Independent Publishers Group.

• Hardcover: 320 pages
• 140 photographs and documents reproduced
• Publisher:, Kunati Inc., (October 1, 2008) Embargoed Title.
• ISBN-13: 978-1601641878

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Where Are We Headed?

Anarchy is an ugly word but it may come to pass here in America. Imagine another four or five weeks of continued stock market sliding and a 50% plus unemployment rate.

Government would be at a standstill with most operations shut down. Welfare checks would be suspended. Section Eight landlords would lose their properties. People would be hungry. Millions of drug addicts could no longer afford drugs to satisfy their habits.

Banks and cash run businesses have gotten by with no armed security and only cameras to deal with robbers. They'd be unable to cope with what's ahead for them. The proliferation of takeover armed robberies would make our 1929 Great Depression spawned gangster robberies seem like child’s play.

Our cell phone and Internet services would be interrupted in a huge way.

Police resources could not handle the reactionary breakdown of law and order. The crime wave would be staggering and prisoners everywhere would be released. The bloodletting in our streets would top that of Baghdad at its worst.

We could expect unparalleled property damage, overflowing morgues that would be unable to cope with the post mortem examinations would end follow-up police investigations. Our criminal justice system would be suspended. Our medical care facilities would be only able to deal with trauma cases. Millions of people would die for lack of treatment for cancer or high blood pressure related illnesses. Darwin's law would be the only law in our streets.

We are a much different America today with people who have been made totally dependent on government for support. A huge percentage of our population have been led to believe that government entitlements are an absolute right.

The lucky folks in the rural areas of our country will have much better access to food and be able to keep order with the heavy percentage of civilian gun ownership. They also are much more self-reliant than our inner city folks.

The political fight would be to install full blown Communism in America. That never worked anywhere else and it won’t work here either.

I have no faith in our politicians to be able to deal with that kind of a mess. We may be in for a really rough ride folks.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Iowa Will Not Appeal Mike Mette’s Case, He’s to be freed by the weekend.

Iowa—A sad chapter in Mike Mette’s life is over. Iowa authorities are processing and shuffling papers from the Iowa Appellate Court to the County Court and The Iowa Department of Corrections that will free Mette sometime before this weekend.

Mette was wrongfully convicted and given a five-year prison sentence in Iowa. A three judge panel cleared him of the conviction and ordered Mette's release after he had served an entire year behind bars.

Mette will be coming back to the Chicago police Department trading a prison jumpsuit for his old police uniform. He will be getting his star, shield and a new ID card as he makes a short stop to the Training Division where he will pick up new departmental orders and training materials. They have a short program for what are called “retreads” that left the department on leaves of absence and such so their training is current. That will include a trip to the firing range with his old service weapon.

I hope it’s off to the Fillmore District for Mette where he can once again have his life back. This is a good ending but for the loss of over a year of Mette’s life to an injustice. Welcome home Mike!

Update: It was a little after 3:30 PM, Wednesday when the prison’s doors swung open and Mike Mette was able to hug his parents and girlfriend on his way to a log awaited freedom. Mette appeared subdued but joyful as he carried out a box of his possessions.

The reports are that Mette will stay with friends tonight in Iowa and drive home in the morning. Another casualty of this sordid affair was the Mette family privacy. I’ve heard rumors about an FOP party in Chicago for Mette. I hope that the financial burden of this mess is retired for good as a result.

Is Barack Obama an Illegal Alien? Constitutional Crisis Ahead!

Lafayette Hill, PA—The U.S. District Court lawsuit seeking to force Barack Obama’s name off the ballot over his failure to meet the basic citizenship requirement is heating up.

Rather than producing a certified copy of his birth certificate and citizenship documents Obama’s lawyers are doing everything to sidestep normal court discovery procedures. They have called producing the birth certificate “burdensome”. I guess it would very burdensome if Obama is in fact an illegal alien.

If Obama was a real citizen his lawyers would not be going through a charade of legalese, smoke and mirrors. Instead they’d produce the records, have the case dismissed and own the plaintiff who filed the case.

With this desperate legal maneuver by Obama may place our entire country into a horrible mess. This must be resolved quickly. Obama should be forced to immediately prove the most basic qualification our Constitution demands of Presidential candidates or get tossed out of the race.

If the court won’t act promptly loyal Americans must demand answers.

You can read all the information and documents posted on the website of Plaintiff Phillip J. Berg.

The Banned SNL Skit About The Bailout

I Cannot give you the usual embedded screen for this but I can give you a link. It’s funny, sad and also too true.

Here is the link!

After you watch the vidio hit your back button and read the about the reason the video was pulled right here.

House Of Blues And The Culture Of African-American Violence

West Hollywood, CA—It’s a tourist magnet. It’s a place to hear musical giants and up and comers. Its part of the franchise set up after the wildly successful and really fun move, The Blues Brothers. The House of Blues is under attack by their residential and commercial neighbors over African-American Hip-Hop music related violence.

The neighbors are tired of the noise created by sirens of police, fire department vehicles and helicopters responding to crimes and injuries.

In a 12-month period there were 44 arrests and over 100 calls for police service to the trendy Sunset Blvd. club. The problem is the brawling both inside and outside the club exclusivly on Hip-Hop music nights.

Normally the House of Blues is an enjoyable place for great entertainment. That all changes when the music and its audience becomes nearly 100% African-American.

The racially charged violence has become the subject of public hearing filled with angry neighbors that want the House of Blues out of West Hollywood.

It’s great to promote tolerance and racial harmony but no one should be asked to accept the crime, drugs, damage, homicide and injuries the African-American culture embraces. This is not cute or cool, it’s criminal and deadly.

Hip-Hop stars gain popularity through their criminal conduct and prison stays. This is simply insane.

If refusing to accept the criminal culture of a racial group is racist then feel free to call me a racist too.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Hey Blagojevich, Daley, Burke and Obama, Are your Ears Burning?

Chicago, IL—Federal prosecutors have asked for an indefinite postponement of the sentencing of Syrian born, convicted political moneyman Tony Rezko. Rezko is famous for his fundraising for Governor Rod Blagojevich, Barack Obama and others.

Rezko knows where then bones are buried and has been drawing maps for federal prosecutors and investigators that are planning to use the information to help some important Chicago politicians get extended stays at Club Fed.

Blagojevich will join Kerner, Walker, and Ryan as Illinois governors gone wrong.

My Chicago friends inside the Dirkson federal building are telling me the political landscape will be changing. They say that Blagojevich, Barack and Michelle Obama are at the top of the list. They’re gunning for Michelle Obama too. I’ve been told there is more to that sweet deal on a Hyde Park Obama palace then we could ever imagine.

Is this wishful thinking or the real deal? I’ve been told the justice department has brought in extra folks from the FBI, and IRS to handle forensic accounting along with a small army of forensic computer experts. There is even some connection to at least one violent Chicago street gang.

Why should Rezko spill his guts since the conventional wisdom is Obama would issue a pardon to Rezko for his silence if he became President? I guess that old proverb about a bird in the hand is true.

For whatever reason they are moving in a hurry, perhaps for one of those October surprises.

Obama Shock Troops Video Was a Product of a Public School

Kansas City, MO-- Kansas City charter school Urban Community Leadership Academy has gained fame. Fame came in the form its entry into the New Media of YouTube.

The display was shocking as a drill team comprised of Black, middle-school males wearing military uniforms pledged their allegiance to Democratic Presidential candidate, Barack Obama. The scene is right out of Third Reich Hitler Youth Movement.

Indoctrination, brainwashing and child abuse was the real product orchestrated by a now allegedly suspended teacher. The school refused to identify the teacher or answer any media questions about this video that has been reproduced in various websites totaling nearly one-million hits.

I guess this is what we will call publicly financed advertising for the Obama Campaign.

Read more here.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Meet Barack Obama's Close Friends!

This video will explain everything for those too young to remember terrorists bombing Americans on our own soil.

Federal Lawsuit May Yet Undo Obama’s Presidential Bid Over A Basic Citizenship Requirement.

Philadelphia, PA—It was August 21, 2008 when a lawyer, Phillip J. Berg, a registered Democrat no less filed suit in the U.S. District Court to have Barack Obama declared ineligible to be the President of The United States. Berg and others claim Obama’s birth certificate from a Hawaiian hospital as a forgery.

The claim is simple enough, Obama must produce evidence he’s a natural born American citizen or he’s gone. The Obama loving media would not touch this story with a ten mile-long pole. The website, Snope’s called the claim false. All kinds of responses were made except for the actual production of evidence that the Plaintiff, Phillip Berg is wrong about his claim.

In the eleventh-hour before the Presidential Election the judge hearing the case has ordered Barack Obama to produce his birth and citizenship records. The judge has also ordered Obama to appear at a sworn deposition and answer questions.

If this lawsuit had no merit the logical response of the lawyers defending Obama’s position as a candidate would have filed a Motion for Summary Judgment and submitted certified copies of the documents as exhibits ending the lawsuit. That has just not happened. It is looking like Berg is correct in his assertions.

Should the case be dismissed because it lacked merit, Philip J. Berg would personally be on the hook for all the legal fees and costs incurred by Obama and the other defendants. Instead the case is moving forward perhaps in a defense direction to claim the citizenship requirement is in itself unconstitutional. I don’t think that defense would fly in a court even with all Democratic Party appointees.

Barrack Obama, I wish you well in you new endeavors outside of this or any future Presidential Election.

Update: I spoke with the Plaintiff, Phil Berg this morning (10-6-08). He said the reports that the Judge signed the order for the records turn over and deposition was erroneous and the order has not yet been signed. Berg said he expects it to be signed quickly.

There are two documents below, the complaint and below that is the actual current court docket.

The Complaint:

The Court Docket:

Questioning The Loyalty Of Barack Obama

Change is Brack Obama’s platform. Change to what I ask? That’s a reasonable question for the man who would be elected as a supposed guardian to our freedom and liberty.

Obama needs to be judged by the company he keeps and has kept throughout his life. Unfortunately they are not patriots but people dedicated to the destruction of America as we know it. Obama’s circle of close friends includes radical Leftist terrorists and traitors like William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Opinions are one thing but their actual bombing of American buildings is yet another.

There is nothing American about Obama’s spiritual mentor and leader for 20 years, Jeremiah Wright. There is nothing American about Obama’s Syrian born pal, now convicted felon, Tony Rezko who made a career of bribing Democratic public officials and raising money for their campaigns.

Obama wants the same revolution that his friends want either by his stealth political campaign or by force. Barack Obama wants to create government elite that taxes citizens into slavery. Barack Obama represents a very real danger to our democracy because of the friends he keeps. Obama is an obvious threat to democracy and freedom.

Do You Want To Serve On The Phil Spector Murder Trial Jury?

Los Angeles, CA—The retrial of legendary record producer Phil Spector is in the jury selection phase. Lawyers for both sides only want a jury that will accept their version of how the tragic death of 40 year-old Lana Clarkson went down.

I have avoided jury duty for my entire life. Because of my occupations and attitudes lawyers from both sides of criminal and civil cases run like Hell from me. It’s not that I want to shirk my civic duty, I just don’t want to spend a week of my time getting shuffled around from court to court only to get redundantly rejected.

To avoid the entire process I have taken to filling out jury questionnaires with crayons complete with illustrations of hangman’s nooses. I always get polite notifications excusing me from serving. I think I’d be a great juror but it will never happen in this lifetime.

If you are called for jury duty at any courthouse you will be sent to various courtrooms. You probably will be rejected during the juror audition process until lawyers for both sides don’t view you as a threat to the verdict they are seeking. When you get put into a prospective pool for a specific trial you are going to be given a questionnaire drafted just for that case.

These questionnaires have changed in recent days to include questions about you Internet habits. You may view this as an outrageous 32 page privacy invasion and you wouldn’t be wrong. Take a look at what they want to know about you if you’re in the Spector jury pool.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

A Look AT L.A. TV News Behind The Cameras

Los Angeles, CA—The combined forces of KCBS-TV and KCAL-TV provide a lot of local news, sports and weather. Television news is in big trouble everywhere for their failure to change with the times and give their audience what they really want. Perhaps this combined L.A. news operation should follow the lead of one of their own photographers to gain viewers and turn a profit.

On the side, Photojournalist Bryan Frank runs a hot blog called, beFrank that promotes his employer’s product. Frank provides thousands of images and a look behind the creative forces of the news. The beFrank blog tops the multimillion dollar effort of Frank’s employer. beFrank provides an informative and visual treat for its visitors.

I never could figure out why TV news nearly always hides what’s behind the cameras. Viewers should also see the magnitude and importance of a story by showing the people and resources covering the event.

TV photojournalists fill all kinds of roles. They are the ones that get the pictures and sound on the air. They lug around heavy equipment, light, shoot, edit and make sure the audio stays acceptable under the most hostile of conditions.

The Satellite and Live trucks are the TV studios of the field. Shooting, writing and producing news on the fly is the way it’s done. It’s the photojournalists that make sure all that equipment is working and the efforts make air.

Along the way photojournalists train new reporters how to look and act natural during their stand ups. That is a learned behavior and most of the award winning big time reporters got their reporting chops from these lesser known photojournalists.

The photojournalists are always where the action is as they compete to bring us the news. These artists are too often overlooked as they follow the marching orders of far less talented producers.

Bryan Frank and bloggers like him are the next generation of news delivery in America. Some wealthy media investor should fund Bryan Frank and let him run wild and create the largest Southern California news giant on the Internet. The perfect mix of print, photos, audio and video just can’t be achieved on television. I’d love to be a field producer for anything Bryan Frank is involved with.

Take a peek at Brian Frank’s TV blog and you’ll be impressed.

Barack Obama’s Community Organizing Results!

We can only wonder how much of our tax dollars went into to this militaristic display by brainwashed Barack Obama Supporters. Why am I convinved the shock troop uniforms were taxpayer provided? No America flags are displayed or pledges of allegiance recited to anyone but Obama.

When do these young terrorists in training get their guns?